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Academic year: 2019



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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements To Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in

English Language Education



Student Number

: 961214083

Student Reg. Number

: 960051120402120080







this thesis successfully. I would like also to thank all of those who have supported me in

finishing this thesis, especially to Mr. P. Kuswandono, S.Pd., M.Ed., my first sponsor,

and Ms. Ch. Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., my second sponsor because they have spent a

lot of time accompanying me in doing this thesis. Then, I also thank all of the PBI’s

lectures who have taught me in the previous semesters.

I would also like to thank all the respondents who have helped me. They

answered the questionnaire and gave it back to me on time so that I could write this

thesis successfully.

On this occasion, I would like to thank my father who had encouraged me a lot to

finish my study before he passed away and my mother who also supported me spiritually

and financially. “Father and Mother, finally I can make it.” Also, I would like to thank

all of those whom I cannot mention here by names.

I also thank to all of my classmates who encouraged me to finish this thesis.

They have supported me to finish my study.

At last, I would like to thank all my friends in ELTI who have encouraged me to

finish this thesis and the Branch Manager and Academic Manager of ELTI, who have



1.1Background of the Problem………. 1

1.2Identification of the Problem………4

1.3Limitation of the Problem……… 5

1.4Problem Formulation……… 6

1.5Objectives of the Study………. 7

1.6Operational Definition of Important Terms……….. 7


2.1 Review of Related Literature………..9

2.1.3 The second-year students of Junior High Schools………..15

2.1.4 English Teaching at Junior High School……….16

a. Reading……… 17

b. Listening……….17

c. Speaking……….17

d. Writing………17

2.1.5 The 1994 English Curriculum for Junior High Schools Students………...18

e. English Training for Job Seekers……….21



2.1.10 English Materials for SLTP Students at ELTI………….34

2.2 Theoretical Framework……….. 38

4.1 The English Learning Achievement of Student Who Took an English Course for More Than One Year……….52

4.2 The English Learning Achievement of Students Who Took an English Course for Less Than One Year ……….53

4.3 The Difference Between the English Learning Achievement of Student Who Took an English Course for More Than One Year and Those Who Took an English Course for Less Than One Year………. 55

4.4 The Discussion of the Research Findings……… 56

4.4.1 The English Learning Achievement of Student Who Took an English Course for More Than One Year ………..………. 56

4.4.2 The English Learning Achievement of Students Who Took an English Course for Less Than One Year ……….58

4.4.3 The Difference Between the English Learning Achievement of Student Who Took an English Course for More Than One Year and Those Who Took an English Course for Less Than One Year………58


5.1 Conclusion………..61

5.2 Suggestion………..62


Took an English Course for Less Than One Year………..68 Appendix 3 The Computation of the Ideal Mean and Standard Deviation

of English Learning Achievement of Student Who Took

an English Course for More Than One Year………...69 Appendix 4 The Computation of the Ideal Mean and Standard Deviation

of English Learning Achievement of Student Who Took

an English Course for Less Than One Year……….70 Appendix 5 The Calculation of the t-test for the Significance of the


2. The English Learning Achievement of Second Year Students of Junior High Schools in Yogyakarta who Took An English Course at ELTI for

more than one year by Mean and Standard Deviation………50

3. Distribution of Scores of Students who Took An English Course for

More Than One Year by Scale, Frequency, and Percentage………...50

4. The English Learning Achievement of Second Year Students of Junior High Schools in Yogyakarta who Took An English Course at

ELTI for less than one year……… ………. 51

5. The English Learning Achievement of Second Year Students of Junior High Schools who Took An English Course at ELTI for less than one

year by Mean and Standard Deviation………52

6. Distribution of Scores of Students who Took An English Course for

Less Than One Year by Scale, Frequency, and Percentage………52

7. The Results of the Analysis of Both Means of the Research by t-obtained

And t-table……… 54


Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta : Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Department of Language and Arts Education, English Education Study Program.

English is a foreign language which is a very important language to learn because a lot of scientific books are written in English.due to the importance of English ,it becomes a subject which must be taught at school starting from junior high schools. Because English is an important subject, there are a lot of institutions which after English lessons .one of them is English Language Training international Which is located at Sabirin street number 6 Kotabaru Yogyakarta This institution offers English for any levels, they are English for kids and junior high school students ,general English course for senior high school, English for active communication for university student and employees who need English to support their English mastery which is needed at their places of work.

In relation to this research paper, English for junior high school students was presented .this study tried to see the contribution of English courses towards the achievements of the student at school, especially the second year students who took an English course at ELTI. in this study ,two kinds of research methods were employed. They were library research and survey research .library research was done to obtain any necessary data related to this study.

This study dealt whit the difference between the English learning achievements of second-year junior high school students who took an English course at ELTI for more than one year and those for less than one year. In order to see the difference ,score data of both groups of second-year students who took an English course for more and less than one year at ELTI were gathered .after gathering the data ,calculation using t-test was conducted to see the whether the difference of both achievements were significant ,or in doubt.

The result of the calculation of the means of both group indicated that there was a difference .the means of the student who took an English course at ELTI for more than one year .to see whether the mean of the students who took an English course at ELTI for less than one year. To see whether the mean of the student who took an English course at ELTI for more than one year was significantly higher, t-test was conducted.



.Yogyakarta :Fakultas keguruan dan ilmu keguruan jurusan pendidikan Bahasa dan seni ,program studi Pendidikan bahasa inggris

Bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa yang sangat penting untuk dipelajari sebab banyak buku ilmiah ditulis dalam bahasa inggris mengigat pentingnya Bahasa Inggris ,Bahasa inggris menjadi mata pelejaran yang harus diajarkan di sekolah-sekolah mulai dari sekolah tingkat lanjutan pertama.karena Bahasa Inggris merupakan mata pelajaran yang penting maka banyak institusi yang menawarkan Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.salah satunya adalah English Language Training International (ELTI)yang terletak di jalan Sabirin 6 kotabaru Yogyakarta.ELTI menawarkan Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Untuk semua kelas yaitu Bahasa Inggris untuk Sekolah Dasar dan Sekolah Menengah Tingkat Pertama,General English Course untuk sekolah menengah atas,English for activeCommunication untuk pera maha siswa dan para karyawan yang membutuhkan Bahasa Inggris untuk mendukung penguasaan Bahasa Inggris Yang diperlukan di tempat mereka bekerja

Sehubungan dengan skripsi ini, Bahas Inggris untuk siswa-siswa Sekolah lanjutan menengah tingkat pertama dibahas.studi ini mencoba melihat kontribusi lembaga bahasa inggris terhadap nilai yang diperoleh siswa disekolah,terutama sekolah menengah lanjutan pertama kelas dua. Dalam studi ini,dua macam metode penelitian yang dipakai yaitu studi pustaka dan surfei. Study pustaka dimaksudkan untuk mendapat informasi yang penting berkenaan dengan skripsi ini.sedangkan surfei dimaksudkan unuk memperoleh data data penting yang berhubungan dengan studi ini

Studi ini membahas perbedaan tentang antara kemampuan bahasa inggris siswa sekolah lanjutan tingkat pertama kelas Dua yang telah belajar di ELTI selama lebih dari Satu tahun dan yang kurang dari satu tahun.untuk melihat perbedaan tersebut,data nilai di ambil dari dua kelompok tersebut di atas.setelah memperoleh data penghitungan menggunakan t-test dilakukan untuk melihat apakah perbedaan antara keduanya itu signifikan,tidak signifikan atau meragukan.

Hasil perhitungan nilai rata-rata dari kedua kelompok menunjukan adanya perbedaan.nilai rata-rata dari siswa yang belajar di ELTI lebih dari satu tahun ternyata lebih tinggi dari pada nilai rata-rata siswa yang belajar kurang dari satu tahun.untuk melihat apakah nilai rata-rata siswa yang balajar di ELTI secare signifikanlebih tinggi atau tidak, t-test dilakukan.




1.1. Background of the problem

English is an important language because English is an international language

and it is the most-widely-use language (Quirk,1985:3).People in the world use English

not only as a mans to communicate and interact with one another but also as a man to

follow the development of science and technology since most science books are written

in English.

In Indonesia, English is formally taught at junior high schools. in conjunction

with the development of science and technology, there are many elementary schools

which provide English as their subjects. Muslich (1994:62 ) says that English teaching

at elementary high school is known as a local content ( muatan lokal ).this is an

additional subject which school provide in order to give certain knowledge or skills to

their students. at junior high school and senior high schools, English is a compulsory

subject which must be taught .at the university level ,English is also taught to students to

support their English mastery.

At school, English learning may have limited time of meetings so many students

find it difficult to learn English . To over come this situation, many people or institutions

develop English courses in order to help students to increase their English skills and

ability .By the development of English institutions, there is a question on whether


Learning English can be carried out on many ways. People can learn in a formal

education or in a non-formal education. Husain (1995:19)says that the realization of

education uses two ways, they are formal education and non-formal education. A formal

education is one which is managed at school through teaching learning activities which

are not done continuously and gradually. The types of a formal education are elementary

schools, junior high schools, and vocational schools. The types of a non-formal

education are courses, private courses, study groups, workshops, seminar, and so on.

Recently, there are many kinds of a non-formal education. One of them is

English institution. Those institutions offer programs to increase the English ability of

learners, for example, English for children, English for job interview, English for

banking, English for businesswomen, English for secretaries and so on.

In teaching learning processes, a lot of students still have difficult to speak, to

write, to pronounce, of to understand words and sentences so they sometimes receive

low marks on their English subject .this fact can be seen in their English scores which

they receive from their insertive tests. Due to this fact many students take English course

to overcome their weaknesses in English because the allocated time for English lesson at

school is limited. Thus, they need more time to study English outside school. Event

some students, who are already good at English, also take English courses because they

wont to improve their English mastery and they also realize that English will be useful

for their future education and life.

Baradja (1990:61) adds that the failure of teaching foreign languages may be


languages. He also explains that the principles of successful foreign languages teaching

are small classes, professional and experienced teachers, high frequency of meetings,

suitable learning resources, environmental support, and students’ motivation

From the explanation above, there are two questions which motivate the

researcher to write this thesis. First, can English courses support the English learning

achievement of students? Second, how do English learning achievements of the students

who took English course for more than one year differ from those who only took English

course for lees than one year?

Starting from those two question, the researcher writes this thesis which is

related to the contribution of English language training international Yogyakarta Branch

towards the English learning achievement of second-year students of junior high schools

in Yogyakarta in the academic year 2001/2002 who took an English courses at English

Language Training International (ELTI) Yogyakarta Branch

1.2. Identification of the Problem

According to educational Basic Course Outline (Depdikbud 1994 :1) English is

the first foreign language which is taught at school. It is important for the development

of the science, technology, art and culture and the development of the relationship with

order nations. It develops students’ understanding in science technology, art and culture,

so students will grow and develop into educated and skillful citizens and be ready to


At the junior high schools, English covers reading, writing, speaking and

listening skills. Those skills are presented integratively although the emphasis is on

reading skill. Language elements, such as structure, vocabulary, pronunciation, and

spelling are taught to support the development of the four language skills state above.

Language skills are presented in a scope which is called the theme in educational Basic

course outline.

There are some factors which influence teaching learning processes. Slameto

(1995:54) states that there are two general factors which influence teaching learning

processes and learning achievement. They are internal and external factors. The internal

factors consist of physiological and psychological factor includes IQ (intelligence),

attention, interest, aptitude, motivation, readiness,and maturity.

The external factors consist of family, school and society ones . the family

factors consist of parents education, relationship between members of family, family

situation, Family‘s finances ,parents’ cultural background the school factors consist of

methods ,curriculum, relationship between teachers and students, relation ship among

students, school discipline, lesson instruments school schedule, home assignments and

building of the school. the society factors include students’ activities in the society, such

as taking course joining group discussions, making use of mass media available in the


1.3. Limitation of the Problem

From the identification of the problem above, the researcher will limit to one of

the students’ activities in the society as one of the external factors which influence

teaching learning processes and learning achievement, that is, talking an English course.

The reason for the limitation is that the students’ activities in the society take longer time

than their activities in the society are assumed to have greater effect on their learning

achievement. Slameto (1995: 70) writes that students’ activities in their society can

support their personal development and their learning. For example, an English course

they take can support their English mastery.

Starting from the statement above, junior high school students who took an

English course both for more than one year are and less than one year are treated as

independent variables of the study. This independent variable is supposed to have an

effect to the dependent variable, that is the students’ English learning achievement at

junior high schools. Student who took an English course for less than one year are

treated as a control group and students who took an English course for more than one

year are treated as an experimental group

The phrase “English learning achievement” here refers to the English learning

achievement of second-year students of junior high schools in Yogyakarta in the

academic year 2001/2002. The reason for choosing second year students of junior high

schools is that they are assumed to have learned English at their schools for at least one


any psychological burden in their learning processes which might affect their learning


1.4. Problem formulation

To make the study more operational, three problems are stated below

1. What grades are achieved by second-year students of junior high schools who

took an English course at ELTI for more than one-year?

2. What grades are achieved by second –year students of junior high schools who

took an English course at ELTI for less than one-year?

3. How do the English learning achievements of the second-year students of junior

high school who took an English course at ELTI more than year differ from

those who took an English course at ELTI for less than one year?

1.5. Objectives of the Study

Three objectives are proposed. These there objectives are related to the first ,the

second and the third problems stated above in the formulation of the problems .those

there objectives of the study are stated below.

1. To describe the English learning achievement of the second-year study of junior

high schools who took an English course at ELTI for more than one-year

2. To describe the English learning achievement of the second-year study of junior


3. To fine out the difference between the English learning achievement of

second-year students of junior high schools who took an English course at ELTI for

more than one-year and those who took an English course at ELTI for less than

one year

1.6. Operational Definition of Important Terms

In order to have the same frame of reference of terms used in this thesis, it is

necessary that the same understanding of the terms be established. in this thesis, there

are seven important terms, namely courses, English courses, learning achievement,

English learning achievement, and English Language Training International .

1. A course is a kind of non-formal education which is managed by people or

institutions and which offer a certain subject in order to help learners to develop their

ability (Husain, 1995:155).

2. English courses are the types of non-formal education which are managed by people

or institutions and offer English program as their subject (Husain,1995:155).

3. Learning is the change of behavior as a result of experience and practice.

4. Achievement is the progress a learner makes in learning, often measured by either

standardized or teacher-made tests (Atkinson, 1964:870). In this study, achievement

is the result of learning of the students which is measured with a test.

5. Learning achievement is the progress of learners’ behavior of how much learners


study , learning achievement is the progress of students’ learning which the score


6. English learning achievement is the score of the progress of learners’ behavior of

how well and how much learners have learned English by experience and practice.

7. English language training international Yogyakarta Branch is one of the institution in

Yogyakarta which offers English training for its customers. It is located at Jalan

Sabirin 6 Kotabaru ,Yogyakarta .In the following chapters, English Language




In this chapter, two topical issues will be discussed. The first topic is the review

of related literature which consists of theorist of learning achievement, the second year

students of junior high school, the 1994 English teaching at junior high schools, English

courses, language testing , the English materials taught in ELTI ’s contribution to junior

high school students, and theories of learning . The second topic is theoretical frame

work to note the difference between English learning achievement of second-year

students of junior high schools who took an English course at ELTI for more than one

year and those who took an English course at ELTI for less one year .At the end this

chapter ,hypothesis will be formulated.

2.1. Review of related literature

In this section, the researcher presents the theorist of learning ,achievement, the

English learning achievement , learning theorist, the second year student of junior high

schools, English teaching at junior high schools, the English curriculum for junior high

school students, English course, English teaching at ELTI for junior high school

students, the English materials for junior high schools, and materials for junior high


2.1.1 English learning achievement

The world ‘learning’ has some definitions. According to Silverman (in Masyhuri,

1990:130 ), learning is a process in which past experiences or results of practice change

the individual repertory of response. Similarly, Suryabrata (1983: 181) defines that

learning is shown by a change in behavior as a result of experience. In edition, Travers

(1977: 28) states that learning involves a relatively permanent change in behavior as

result of exposure to conditions in the environment. Wood worth ( 1955:491) adds that

’a learned act is something newly added to the individual and reappears in his or her


Cronbach, ( 1957:47) defines that if a person makes a different response this

month from the one he or she made a month ago, it is said that he or she has learned

some thing. Or more precisely, learning is shown by a change in behavior as a result of

experience. In other words, Mouly (1968:298) defines that “learning” is the

improvement in behavior in the sense that a person becomes more proficient at whatever

he or she is learning”.

While Chaplin ( 1995: 89) states that “learning is acquisition of any relatively

permanent change in behavior as a result of practice and experience” while Hinzman

(1995:89) defines that “learning is a change in organizing due to experience which can

affect organism’s behavior”. Reber (1995:90) adds that “ learning is a permanently

change is response which occurs as a result of reinforced practice”

Page and Thomas ( 1977:203) Devine that “learning is a relatively permanent


trough institutional learning like teaching“. Similarly good (1945:237) explains that

“learning is a change in responses or behavior (such as innovation , elimination, or

modification or response which involve some degree of permanence caused partly or

wholly by experience”.)

From those theories above, it can be concluded that the meaning of the word

“learning” is a change of behavior which is caused by experience and practice and it is

an act to add the individuals repertory. This means that there is a different response a

letter made in the past and a letter makes today.

The following section includes some definition of the world “achievement is

Performance in schools or collages in a standardized series of educational tests”. The

term is used more generally to describe one performance in the subjects of the

curriculum. They also say that an achievement test is a test designed to measure the

effects of specific teaching or training in the area curriculum.

From the definition of learning and achievement can be explained and

achievement can be explained as the progress of learner’s behavior of how well and how

much learners have learned English which are caused by experience and practice.


2.1.2 Theories of Learning

According to Fraenkel ( 1980:107) a learning theory is a carefully worked out set

of interrelated prepositions that attempt to explain how people learn. He describes the

learning process based on some theories of learning as follows:

a. Mental Discipline

This theory believes that individual’s mind contains a number of basic capacities

such as imagining, reasoning, and remembering which grow and remembering which

grow and develop in a learning process, those capacities a stated above are developed

trough knowledge acquisition. The more difficult the knowledge is to acquire, the better,

because the mind will be trained more effectively. Thus, practice and drill are the

appropriate ways which will develop someone mind.

b. Conditioning Theory

This theory sees learning as a change in behavior. The easiest way to explain the

change in behavior is by seeing the connection between stimuli and responses

( Bohannon and Leubecker, 1965: 177). Meanwhile, the Russian psychologist, Ivan

Pavlov, says that a learning process consist of the information of association between

stimuli and reflexive responses. These associations can be viewed from the ideas or

things which are associated in someone’s minds because they were related in some ways


c. Gestalt – field Psychology

It views learning as the discovery of meaning or insight within a given situation.

Some theorists assume that insight, intelligence, and other cognitive process are the

fundamental characteristics which are involved in the responses of human beings to

know the connection. For instance, the connection between two things on how they work

and how they are related to each other. Thus, a person will come to a certain action, that

is to understand or get knowledge by himself or herself and not by being told by

someone else. In this case, he or she discovers meaning or knowledge.

Skinner ( 1957: 87) and Richards and Rodgers ( 1986: 50 ) explain another way

of learning process, that is , behaviorism or usually known as stimulus-response (S-R)

theory. In this learning theory, he describes the relations among stimulus, organism,

response/ behavior and also reinforcement.

The stimulus is used to elicit behavior, whereas the human beings are the

organism. The response is elicited from the stimulus, and the reinforcement used to mark

the response as being appropriate or inappropriate and to encourage repetition of the

responses in the future. The relationship between the stimulus and the response above is

connected by reinforcement.

According to Skinner (1957: 87), if a particular response is reinforced, it will

become a habit. Therefore, teachers must select stimuli and the responses until they get

the desired behavior from the students which is called a habit. After becoming the habit,


In ELTI, teaching learning processes are conducted in such a way that students

will maintain the response as expected by teachers. For example, a student must answer

the teacher’s question with a complete sentence and not merely with a single word or

some words only. When a teacher asks “What time do you get up?”, the expected answer

from the student is “I get up at 5 o’clock” and not merely “At 5 o’clock”. If a student

answer with only a single word or some words only as the example above, the teacher

should reinforce him/her to answer in a complete sentence become a habit.

Thus, the theory of behaviorism is controlled by reinforcement. If the

reinforcement are rewarding (positive reinforcements), the behavior may be maintained

or even increased. Yet, if the reinforcements are punishments, mockery, and any other

negative reinforcements or if there is lack of reinforcements, the habit may be weakened

or even disappeared.

At school, mental discipline and behaviorism learning theories are applied. The

students, according to mental discipline, need a lot of practices in order to face semester

tests and national final examination when they are in the third grade. In the learning

process, the students are motivated to get good marks in doing exercises or tests. As a

result, they are accustomed to doing exercise or test with great efforts in order to achieve

their best. In behaviorism learning theory, the students, as the organism, are given the

stimulus. The student’s reaction toward the stimulus is called response, in which they

regularly practice many exercises and answer question in order to get accustomed,

especially, in doing tests. A lot of practices will relatively make them better.


2.1.3 The Second -Year Students of Junior High School

Educational system in Indonesia includes three stages or levels. There are three

levels of education in Indonesia. The first is primary education which involves

elementary schools (Sekolah Dasar or SD). The second is secondary education which

involves junior high schools (Sekolah Menengah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama or SLTP)

and senior high schools (Sekolah Menengah Umum). The third is tertiary education

which involves universities, academies and other tertiary educational institutes (Tanlain,


The second- year students of junior high schools belong to students of secondary

education. They are at the ages of twelve until fourteen years old. Junior High School

students receive four sessions of English teaching a week over a period of three years

with the duration of 45 minutes in each meeting. Thus. The total number of teaching

sessions which students get in each grade is 136 sessions. (GBPP 1994: 10)

2.1.4 English Teaching at Junior High School

As stated in the previous sub-unit, the allocation time of English subject is one

hundred and thirty six teaching hours with forty five minutes each teaching hour during

the second-year study. Within that time the students are expected to be able to master

English with about two hundred and fifty new words at the level of about one thousand


a. Reading

Students are able to read text in narration, description and conversation such as

in leaflets, personal letters of about two hundred words in order to find certain

information, to get general description of the content of the texts, to find the main ideas,

to find the hidden messages, to find detailed information, to get the implied information,

to interpret the meaning of words, phrases, sentences of the texts and to get pleasure

from reading.

b. Listening

Students are able to answer oral question, to ask for information from texts

presented orally (conversation, narration, description) which are suitable with themes

and topics, to get information, to complete forms, diagrams or maps and to find implied

information of simple and short conversations.

c. Speaking

Students are able to ask and answer questions, to make short conversations, to

give information and explanation of things, people, places or events, to express simple

feelings, ideas and opinion.

d. Writing

Students are able to arrange random sentences into a good paragraph, to


sentences) in narration and description of simpler topics and to write message and

simple letters.

2.1.5 The1994 English Curriculum for Junior High School Students

English is the first foreign language which is taught formally as a subject in

junior high schools. English is considered a very important language because it used for

understanding and developing knowledge, arts, technology, and relationship with other

countries. Based on this consideration, English lesson is a compulsory subject which

must be given to every junior high school student as the first foreign language.

The curriculum used in Indonesia have experienced four successive changes,

beginning from the 1968 curriculum, the 1975 curriculum, the 1984 curriculum, and

newest one, which is used up to now, the 1994 curriculum. A.M. Shaw (1977) in Yalden

(1971:569) quotes Robertson that

… the curriculum includes goals, objectives, contents, processes, resources, and means of evaluation of all the learning experience planned for pupils both in and out of school and community through classroom instructions related programs…(Yalden, 1971:569).

Curriculum, therefore, is generally explained as the planned guidance to teach

certain subject or programs of teaching- learning processes which are supposed to be

conducted in the classroom.


the analysis on education, the teaching -learning evaluation and the input of the society

about the quality of the graduate students.

Today, the 1994 curriculum is the curriculum which every schools refers to. This

curriculum is used today because of a new regulation about educational system in

Indonesia, that is Indonesian Regulation no.2 year 1989 on National Educational

System. Because of this new regulation, the decision of Minister of Education and

Culture was set on February 25th, 1993. (Kurikulum Pendidikan Dasar Lamp. I, GBPP


2.1.5 English Course

Husain (1995:115) says that a non-formal education is education manage by

people or institutions. People who study in a non-formal education are called learning

people. The purposes of a non-formal education are to serve learning people so they get

knowledge and skills from the education that they take, to increase their educational

quality, to continue to the text education, and so on.

An English Curse is one kind of a non-formal education. It serves learning

people to develop their English language proficiency. In an English course, there are a

lot of programs which they offer. For example, ELTI offers programs as follows:

a. General English Course

General English Course is one of the programs which is offered by ELTI. This


language elements are taught equally. In this program, students will study for twenty

sessions, including two sessions for written overall revision, which is administered on

the 17th meeting and verbal overall revision which is administered on the 18th meeting.

The last two meetings, that is the 19th and 20th meetings are used to administer final

tests. There are two kinds of final tests. They are final written test and final verbal test.

The final written test covers grammar (20 items), reading (10 items) and writing. The

final verbal test covers all the materials taught in level students belong to. The final

written test is administered on the 19th meeting and the final verbal test is administered

on the 20th meeting. The passing score for final written test is 60 and the final verbal test

is C.

b. English for Active Communication

English for Active Communication is the other program which is offered by

ELTI. This program helps learning people to communicate in English. Thus, the

emphasis of this program is on conversation, although grammar, vocabulary,

pronunciation and skills like reading, writing and listening are not neglected. In this

program, there are three kinds of final tests, they are written test, verbal final test, and

listening final test. Written final test is administered on the 19th meeting while final

listening and verbal test are administered on the 20th meeting. In English for active


students have the change to get feedback on what they have learned and achieved from

the teacher during their study at ELTI. The 21st meeting is called the graduation day.

c. TOEFL Preparation Course

TOEFL Preparation Course is a program which is offered to answer the social

needs. People need to learn TOEFL for many purposes, for example to continue their

education to master’s degree, to get a job in a foreign company or increase their English

language knowledge.

d. English for Specific Purposes

This program is held to answer the social needs for this program. This program

offers English for Banking, English for Hotels, English for Secretary, English for Taxi

drivers, in – company training and soon.

e. English Training for Job Seekers

This new program is held to answer the social needs towards this program. In

this program, people will learn how to face job interviews, how to answer questions in

job interview, and how to write a good application letter. There are twenty sessions in

this program with ninety minutes each meeting.


This program is held to help elementary students and junior high school students

to learn English. In this program, students will study grammar, writing, listening and

speaking. Those four things are taught integratively. In this program, students will have

twenty five meetings, including three meetings for written, oral and second test, with

one hour each meeting. For elementary students, they are six levels which they have to

pass, they are Kids level 1, Kids level 2, Kids level 3, Kids level 4, Kids level 4, Kids

level 5, Kids level 6 and one Kids Maintenance Class (KMC). For junior high school

students, they are six levels they have to pass, they are English for SLTP level 1, English

for SLTP level 2, English for SLTP level 3, English for SLTP level 4,English for SLTP

level 5, English for SLTP level 6 and three more levels of SLTP- maintenance Class

level 1, SLTP-Maintenance Class level 2 and SLTP-Maintenance Class level 3.

In this program, the students will study for 25 meetings. Including 3 meetings for

the final tests, with one hour duration in each meeting.

Supporting the description of English for Kids and SLTP program which is

related to this paper, the writer presents basic course outline for English for SLTP

materials which students learn in class in the section 2.1.9. The explanation about how

the English for SLTP materials at school will be presented after the discussion of the

English materials for junior high school students used in ELTI, that is in section 2.1.10.


ELTI is an English language institution which has a purpose of helping people

learn and understand English. ELTI also helps junior high school students master

English. In the teaching-learning processes in the classroom, teaching media is often

used. The purpose of using teaching media is to motivate students and to make them

interested in the lesson being taught. The teaching media available in ELTI are cards ,

toys, board game and soon.

In ELTI the focus of learning is on speaking. Speaking in considered very

important since the students do not practice speaking much at schools. So, it is expected

that students who have passed SLTP-Maintenance class level three can understand

English and express their ideas orally.

2.1.7. Language Testing

Heaton asserts that (1975:1) learning cannot be separated from testing. Testing is

important since it can reinforce learning and motivate students, or primarily it can

measure students’ performance in the languages he or she learns.

In teaching and learning, the effect of teaching is known as ‘backwash’.

Backwash can be harmful or beneficial. The effect of testing is harmful if it fails to

measure what is intended to measure and it is beneficial if the result of the test is not at

variance with what is intended to measure.


1. To measure languages proficiency regardless of any language courses that candidates

may have followed. Such a test is called a proficiency test.

2. To discover how far students have achieved the objectives of the courses of a study.

This kind of test is called achievement test.

3. To diagnose students’ strengths and weaknesses, to identify what they know and what

they do not know. This is called a diagnostic test.

4. To assist placement of students by identifying the stage or part of a teaching program

most appropriate to their ability. It is called a placement test.

People use tests to obtain information. Thus information will, of course, vary

from situation to situation. It is possible to categorize tests according to a small number

of kinds of information being sought. This categorization will be useful in deciding

whether a test is suitable for particular purpose or not.

In relation to the problem of this research, the kind of test which is suitable to

measure the competence of students is that of an achievement test. The result of the test,

as would be expected, can give information about their language ability. He term

‘ability’ used here simply refers to what people can do in, or with, a language. It could,

for example, include the ability to converse fluency in a language, as well as the ability

to recite grammatical errors.

To measure the students, competence in the English language, achievement test

is used both at school and at ELTI. However, there is one different, that is, at school


Information about people’s language ability is often very important and

sometimes necessary (Hughes,1989:4). This information is important since it can be

used to decide whether students from overseas, for example, are accepted to study in

British or American universities. Without some knowledge of their proficiency in

English, it is impossible to accept them. The same is also applicable for organization or

institutions who hire interpreters and translator. They certainly need dependable

measurement of languages ability.

Although the researcher did not test the students, the researcher included

languages testing in this thesis because the English learning achievement of the students

was taken from the result of how well they did the test, that is written test.

2.1.8. The English Materials for Junior High School

The materials which are started in the Education Basic Course Outline of the

1994 curriculum for junior high schools cover the materials for the first grade, second

grade and the third grade. The discussion of the English materials for junior high school

is important in order to see whether the English materials taught at ELTI are in line with

those taught at school or not. Those materials can be seen in the following sections.

2.1.9. The Materials for the First Grade

The following sections presents the themes and topics of the reading texts in the

GBPP, the functional skills taught for the first grade of junior high schools and


a. The Themes and Topics of the Reading texts in the GBPP (1994:11-12)

In the GBPP, the themes and topics of the reading texts for the first grade is

explained below.

1. Identify : Introduction, physical description, character description, in the canteen, in

the laboratory, the school garden, the school activities, scouting activities, and the rulers

of the school.

2. Jobs : At work, kind of jobs, and level of jobs.

3. Hobbies : Pet, gardening, collecting stamps, camping reading, cooking, sports and


4. Shopping : Going to the market, department store, and merchandise.

5. Family Life : Family members, house and furnishing, family activities, daily

activities, neighbors, and possession.

6. School Life : At school, I the classroom, and in the library.

7. Daily Needs : Food and Drink, clothes and recreation.

8. Games : Modern games, traditional games , and children’s games.

b. The Functional Skills (GBPP 1994 : 13-14)

In this part, the students are expected to be able to:

1. Understand and express self-introduction.

2. Understand and express how to introduce someone to some else.


5. Understand and express like and dislike.

6. Understand and express apologizing.

7. Understand and express commands.

8. Understand and express factual information.

9. Understand and express want

10.Understand and express abilities and disabilities.

11.Understand and express possession

12.Understand and express choices

13.Understand and express profession

14.Understand and express adverbial of places

15.Understand and express the existence of things or persons

16.Understand and express the quantifiers for uncountable nouns

17.Understand and express evens which are still in progress

18.Understand and express habit in doing something

19.Understand and express events that happened in the past

20.Understand and express events which will happen in the future

21.Understand and express a must.

c. Vocabulary

Vocabularies are listed according to the themes. Teachers may add vocabularies

from other sources for their students which are related to the themes, considered

(39) The Materials for the Second Grade

The themes and topics of the reading texts and the functional skills taught for the

second grade of junior high school are explained in the following sections.

a. The Themes and The Topics of Reading (GBPP:33-34)

. In GBPP, the themes and topics of the reading texts for the second grade of the

junior high school can be explained as follow:

1. Sports: Sports facilities, doctor and paramedic, kinds of sports, sport match, and


2. Health: Our body, doctor and paramedic, hospital, medicine, and sickness

3. Clothes: Kind of Clothes, making clothes, materials for clothes

4. The Live of Village/ City: Occupations, transportation, and society

5. General Services: Hotel, post office, bank, telecommunication office, entertainment

places, restaurant, clinics, and place of worship

6. Indonesian Geography: Ocean, Indonesian nature, national resources, land and space

7. Entertainment: Dance, music, film, and drama

8. Animals: Pet, wild animals, livestock animals, and protected animals

9. Recreations: at the beach, in the zoo, in the mountain

b. The Functional Skills

In this part, the students are expected to be able to:

1. Understand and express factual information


4. Understand and express request and the responses

5. Understand and express how to ask, give reject permissions

6. Understand and express hopes

7. Understand and express choices

8. Understand and express sympathy

9. Understand and express how to invite and respond

10. Understand and express a condition and feeling

11. Understand and express quantity

12. Understand and express the description of something or someone

13. Understand and express the information about the position of something

14. Understand and express comparison of two things or persons

15. Understand and express the frequency of an event or an activity

16. Understand and express how something is done

17. Understand and express plans or events in the future The Materials for the Third Grade

The following are and themes and topics of reading texts and the functional skills which

are taught for the third grade of junior high school students.

a. The Themes and The Topics of Reading (GBPP,1994:49-50)

In GBPP, the themes and topics of the reading texts for the third grade of junior

high school can be explained as follows:

1. Light Technology: Agricultural equipment, household equipment, health equipment,


2. Transportation; Land transportation, sea transportation, and air transportation.

3. Flora and Fauna: Parts of the plant, flower garden, nature preserves, botanical garden

and dense forest.

4. Culture: Traditional Houses, costumes and traditions, dance, folk songs, religion

industry, traditional clothes, traditional ceremonies, and folk tale.

5. Mass Media: Newspaper, magazines, radio and television.

6. Word Geography: Natural condition, natural resources, and demography.

7. Tourism: Planning/preparing, accommodation, equipment, and traveling.

8. International Sports: The national games, The Olympic games, and The SEA games.

b. The Functional Skills (GBPP, 1994: 51-57)

In this part, the students are expected to be able to:

1. Understand and express abilities/ disabilities.

2. Understand and express the feeling of like and dislike.

3. Understand and express possibilities and impossibilities.

4. Understand and express surprise.

5. Understand and express certainly or uncertainly.

6. Understand and express agreeing and disagreeing.

7. Understand and express denying.

8. Understand and express satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

9. Understand and express disappointed.


12.Understand and express the comparison of someone’s health.

13.Understand and express the comparison about the quantity of something.

14.Understand and express the quality which is exaggerated.

15.Understand and express the comparison about how to do something or how

something happens.

16.Understand and express contrary.

17.Understand and express confirmation.

18. Understand and express two positive things are the same.

19.Understand and express two negative things are the same.

20.Understand and express reasoning.

21.Understand and express two choices.

22.Understand and express admiration.

23.Understand and express habits. Examples of the Functional Skills Taught at Schools

The following is the examples of functional skills taught at junior high schools.

They are:

1. The students are able to understand and express:

a. Comparison of someone‘s health (e.g. Billy was ill this morning and he is

worse now.),

b. Comparison of the quantity of things (e.g. Can I have some more information


c. Superlative degree (e.g. Bali is the most interesting island in Indonesia),

d. Comparison of how something is done (e.g. She always dances gracefully but

yesterday she danced more gracefully.),

e. Comparison of quality of a person, thing or event (e.g. The air in small cities is

cleaner and fresher than that in big cities.),

2. The students are able to understand and express:

a. Ability and disability (e.g. “Is your daughter taking piano lessons?” The

answer: “No, but she can play violin.”),

b. Happiness and unhappiness (e.g. I am very pleased with it),

c. Possibility and impossibility (e.g. “ I cannot find my glasses”. The answer:

“Perhaps they are in the living room”.),

d. Wondering (e.g. Are you serious?”),

e. Certainty or uncertainty (e.g. I am sure he has forgotten to come.),

f. Agreeing or disagreeing (e.g. I agree.),

g. Denial (e.g. “You are telling me a lie”. The answer: “ I’m not”.),

h. Satisfaction or dissatisfaction (e.g. “What do you thing of the food?” The

answer: “ I like it very much”.),

i. Disappointment (e.g. That’s very bad.),

j. Warning ( e.g. Look out!)

3. The students are able to understand and express confirmation (e.g. Traveling by


4. The students are able to understand and express ellipsis using to, so, neither and

either. (e.g. Andi likes the story and so do I ; He doesn’t like it and neither do I)

5. The students are able to understand and express the answer of a Yes? No

question. (e.g. “Do you like it?” The answer: “ Yes, I do”.)

6. The students are able to understand and express qualitative statement. (e.g. I like

this hotel. It is quite nice.)

7. The students are able to understand and express an event relating to uncertain

persons, things or places (e.g. What happened to everybody in that village?)

8. The students are able to understand and express a statement which shows quantity

(e.g. All of road users should obey traffic regulations)

9. The students are able to understand and express a statement related to pressure

(e.g. I have a mistake. I am so sorry.)

10. The students are able to understand and express admiration (e.g. Marry’s work is

excellent. What a clever girl!)

Those examples about are some of the functional skills taught at junior high

schools. There are many other examples which are taught at junior high schools which

are not mentioned above.

2.1.10. English Materials for SLTP Students at ELTI

According to the syllabus of the English lessons for SLTP classes, in level 1

students will learn how to ask someone’s name and how to answer it, numbers, things in

the house, things in the classroom, phone numbers, greetings, fruits and vegetables, jobs,


Those are the materials which are taught in ELTI in level 1. In level 1, the grammar

which are taught to the students is only simple presents tense.

In level 2, students will learn, adverb of frequency, imperative, warning and

apologies, possessive adjective and possessive pronouns, likes and hates, ordinal and

cardinal numbers, dates, numbers (100-1,000,000,000), preposition, some and any,

countable and uncountable nouns, how much, how many, quantifiers, irregular plural

nouns, abilities, obligations and necessities, school ruler and traffic signs. The grammar

learnt in this level are simple present tense and presents continuous tense.

In level 3, the students will learn present progressive tense with future meaning,

how to ask permission , present future tense, how to make suggestions, simple past tense

of be, regular verbs, irregular verbs, future predictions based on presence evidence,

holidays, changes, how to make polite request, childhood, accidents, inventions, how to

say goodbye and farewell, shapes, indoor directions. In this level, simple past tense and

present future tense are introduced to the students. Some revisions about the materials

taught in the previous level are also given in order to remind the students on this things

they have learnt before. For example, revision on obligations and necessities, present

continuous tense and simple present tense and also the differences among the three


In level 4, students will learn the experience of visiting other countries or cities,

actions which were continuing in the past and were interrupted by another action,


form, how to make a polite enquiry, adverb of manners, expressing someone’s age,

height and weight, going shopping, and health. Some revisions about the materials in the

previous level are on simple past tense, simple present tense warning. The new grammar

points given in this level are present perfect tense and past continuous tense.

In level 5, students will learn future predictions using will, quantities of food,

how to apologize, collections and collectors, passive voice, ability and lack of ability in

past, agreement and disagreement, expressing advice using should and should not,

expressing satisfaction and dissatisfaction, future possibility, relative pronouns to

identify persons or things, medical equipment, and traveling. The new grammar points

discussed in this level are passive voice, the use of could and was/ were able to, the use

of might, should and should not, relative pronouns ( which and who).

In level 6, students will learn past form of must, expressing choices/preference,

the use of used to, entertainment, question tags, how to make polite refusal, probability

that something will or won’t happen, recipes, expressing deductions, conditional type 1,

and present perfect continuous tenses, and expressing thanks and surprise,. The new

grammar points discussed during this level are past form of must, the use of would

rather and would prefer for preferences, question tags, conditional type1, and present

perfect continuous tenses.

After students have passed level 6, it is expected that they continue their study in

to SLTP Maintenance Class Level 1, SLTP Maintenance Class level and SLTP

Maintenance Class Level 3. The purpose of taking SLTP Maintenance Classes is that


English Course which is meant for senior high schools students because usually after

they have passé level 6, they have not graduated from their junior high schools, yet.

In SLTP Maintenance Class level 1, students will learn a lot of materials which

they have learnt before in the previous levels. However, in this maintenance classes, the

students are expected to have more discussions and to be more confident when

expressing their ideas in speaking. The materials in SLTP Maintenance Class Level 1

are simple present tense to talk about general truths, routines and habit, imperatives used

for instructions, the use of will for prediction, the use of each other, the use of could for

potential choice, the use of should to make advise, relative clauses, conditional sentence

type 1, defining relative clause, conditional sentence type 2, and giving indoor direction.

It was stated in the previous paragraph that the materials in SLTP Maintenance

Classes have been learnt before. Thus , in one section (60 minutes), students will have

the explanation of the grammar points in a certain meeting from the teacher for about 15

minutes. Then, students will have discussion or practice on the grammar points given by

the teacher for about 15 minutes. The rest 30 minutes is used for student’s presentation,

that is, one of the students go to the front of the class to present his/her topics. The topics

are the simple ones, for example, my favorite food, my teacher, my hobby, my school,

my house and soon. After he/she has finished with his/her presentation, his/her

classmates ask questions to him/her related to his/her topic.

In SLTP Maintenance Classes , the students also learn how to make wall


In SLTP Maintenance Classes Level 2 and 3, the programs are similar to those

given in SLTP Maintenance Class Level 1. They have to give presentation and make

wall magazines. However, the topics of the presentation and wall magazines are not the

simple ones, for example , drugs, teenagers’ life , smoking and its effects and soon. In

SLTP Maintenance Classes Level 2 and 3 , they are not any new grammar points but

there are a lot of a new words introduced to the students can express those new words in

the grammar they have learnt before.

ELTI is said to contribute a lot to the development of junior high school students

in terms of their English mastery. The contribution can be seen from the examples of the

English materials for SLTP- students at ELTI which are in lines to those taught at


Beside ELTI’s contribution to the development of junior high school students,

ELTI also gives the students more chances to practice speaking in the classroom.

Practicing speaking can be carried out by many activities, like playing games using

cards, group discussions, mingling, and soon.

2.2. Theoretical Framework

From the theoretical review, it is known that English courses support students’

English mastery. The materials of English Courses are in line with those in English

teaching at school. One of the successful English teaching principles is frequency of

meeting( Baradja, 1990: 61). It is realized that English is foreign language and it cannot


must be learned from the base because it is not the same as a first language. Three or

four times or meeting with one-hour duration each meeting are not enough to master

English. It is expected that the higher the frequency of English learning, the better the

result which the might achieve. Theoretically, students who take an English course have

higher frequency of learning English than those who do not. They often have situations

in which they have to face English materials. If they do not understand a certain topic

explained by their teachers at school, they can get detailed information for English

courses that they take.

In this study, the word ‘achievement’ is very important because this study deals

with the English learning achievement of second-year students. The word achievement

here simply means the progress which the learner makes during his/her study and the

progress is usually measured by a test, either standardized or teacher-made test. Thus ,

the English learning achievement here means the progress which the learner makes in

English during his/her study.

2.3. Hypotheses

According to the explanation in the conceptual framework on dependent and

independent variables, the hypotheses of this research are formulated as follows:

1. The English Learning Achievement of students who took an English course for more

than one year at ELTI is higher than whose who took an English course for less than


2. There is a significant difference between the achievement of students who took an

English course at ELTI for more than one year and those who took an English




This study in intended to estimate the effect of independent variable on the

dependent variable. The independent variable is the second-year students of junior high

school in Yogyakarta in the academic year 2001/2002 who took an English course at

ELTI and the dependent variable is the English learning achievements. The dependent

variable is defined as the scores of the progress of how well and how much students

have learned English (Y). The independent variable is divided into two sub variables.

The first sub-variables (X1) is second year students of junior high schools in Yogyakarta

in academic year 2001/2002 who took an English course at ELTI more than one year.

The second sub-variable (X) is the second-year students of junior high schools in

Yogyakarta in academic year 2001/2002 who took an English course at ELTI for less

than one year.

In this chapter, the researcher will describe the kind of research, population and

sample of research, research design, research instrument, procedures of the research and

technique of data analysis.

3.1. Kind of Research

To answer the questions which are stated in problem formulation, two methods


Library research was done in order to obtain any necessary information related to

this study. Data analysis research was done to see the difference between the English

learning achievements of students who took an English course at ELTI for more than

one year and the English learning achievements of students who took an English course

at ELTI for less than one year.

According to Brown (1988: 3) a survey research is one which often takes the

form of a questionnaire that is sent to a group of people. The advantage of survey

research is that information can be collected in a relatively short time.

3.2. Population and sample Research

The population of this research was a group of second-year students of junior

high schools who took an English course at ELTI. There were some reasons why this

population was chosen as the sample. First, ELTI is a reputable English course in

Yogyakarta. Second, the second-year students of junior high schools were assumed to

have adapted themselves to the school atmospheres, so that they did not have any

psychological burden in their learning process which might affect their learning

achievements. Last, the location of ELTI was easy to reach, so that the researcher found

it easy to conduct this research. Samples are drawn from the population by random

sampling whish aims at creating accurate samples, that is, representative to the

populations. Thus, the researcher used random sampling by taking 110 respondents as

the samples of the research. All of the respondents returned the questionnaire to the


3.3. Research Design

Nachmias and Nachmias (1987:103) define a research as a program that guides

an investigation in the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting observations.

The design of this study is non-experimental study. The researcher only took the data

from the result of two kinds of learning achievements. They were the learning

achievements of students who took an English course at ELTI for more than one year

and the learning achievements of students who took an English course at ELTI for less

than one year. The scores of the two groups of achievement were used represent one of

the research variables, that is dependent variable.

The research design can be seen in figure 1




Figure 1 : The Illustration of Research Design


X1= the group of students who have taken an English course at ELTI more than

one year

X2= the group of students who taken an English course at ELTI less than one


3.4. Research Instrument

There were two kinds of research instruments which were used by the researcher

in conducting this research. They were questionnaire and English score data.

3.4.1. Questionnaire

According to Ary et.al. (1979: 24), questionnaire are classified into two types.

They are structured questionnaire is a questionnaire which contains some questions with

alternative answers for each item of question. An unstructured questionnaire is a

questionnaire which contains some questions without any suggested answers. In

conducting this research, the researcher used a structured questionnaire. The reason for

choosing this kind of questionnaire was that it would be much easier for the researcher

to classify the samples into groups needed for this research. The questionnaire can be

seen in Appendix 6

3.4.2. English Scores Data

Score data is data which described students’ performance at their school in a

trimester. This score data was classified into two groups. They were score data of the

students who took English course at ELTI for more than one year and score data of the

students who took an English course at ELTI for less than one year.

3.5. Research Procedures

There were four main activities in conducting this research. The first activity was


Table 1. The English Learning Achievement of Second-Year Students of junior high
Table 3. Distribution of scores of students who took an English course for more
Table 4. The English Learning Achievement of Second-Year Students of Junior


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