• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan



Academic year: 2021



Teks penuh





Dim Ymouse, Xmouse, dy(30), dx(30), Da(30), Mo(30)

Dim Split1, Day1, Year1, Todaysdate, h, m, D, S, Face, Speed, n, scrll Dim Dsplit, HandHeight, Handwidth, HandX, HandY, Step, currStep

Dim Test, ClockHeight, ClockWidth, ClockFromMouseY, ClockFromMouseX Dim Fcol, Mcol, Scol, Hcol, Dcol

Private Type FL T(30) As Long Le(30) As Long End Type Dim FL As FL Private Type HL T(30) As Long Le(30) As Long End Type Dim HL As HL Private Type SL T(30) As Long Le(30) As Long End Type Dim SL As SL Private Type ML T(30) As Long Le(30) As Long End Type Dim ML As ML Private Type DL T(30) As Long Le(30) As Long End Type Dim DL As DL Const PI = 3.1415

Private Declare Function GetActiveWindow Lib "user32" () As Long

Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long



Private Sub Sub_Menu_Cari_Bilangan_Prima_Click() Form_Bilangan_Prima.Show vbModal

End Sub

Private Sub Sub_Menu_Pembentukan_Kunci_Click() Form_Pembentukan_Kunci.Show vbModal

End Sub

Private Sub Sub_Menu_Proses_Enkripsi_Click() Form_Enkripsi.Show vbModal

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

dy(0) = dy(0) + (Ymouse - dy(0)) * Speed dy(0) = Fix(dy(0))

dx(0) = dx(0) + (Xmouse - dx(0)) * Speed dx(0) = Fix(dx(0))

For i = 1 To Len(D) - 1

dy(i) = dy(i) + (dy(i - 1) - dy(i)) * Speed dy(i) = Fix(dy(i))

dx(i) = dx(i) + (dx(i - 1) - dx(i)) * Speed dx(i) = Fix(dx(i)) Next i secs = Second(Now) sec = -1.57 + PI * secs / 30 Mins = Minute(Now) Min = -1.57 + PI * Mins / 30 hr = Hour(Now) hrs = -1.575 + PI * hr / 6 + PI * Int(Minute(Now)) / 360 For i = 0 To n - 2

FL.T(i) = dy(i) + ClockHeight * Sin(-1.0471 + i * Split1 * PI / 180) + scrll FL.Le(i) = dx(i) + ClockWidth * Cos(-1.0471 + i * Split1 * PI / 180) Next i

For i = 0 To Len(h) - 1

HL.T(i) = dy(i) + HandY + (i * HandHeight) * Sin(hrs) + scrll HL.Le(i) = dx(i) + HandX + (i * Handwidth) * Cos(hrs) Next i

For i = 0 To Len(m) - 1

ML.T(i) = dy(i) + HandY + (i * HandHeight) * Sin(Min) + scrll ML.Le(i) = dx(i) + HandX + (i * Handwidth) * Cos(Min)


Next i

For i = 0 To Len(S) - 1

SL.T(i) = dy(i) + HandY + (i * HandHeight) * Sin(sec) + scrll SL.Le(i) = dx(i) + HandX + (i * Handwidth) * Cos(sec) Next i

For i = 0 To Len(D) - 1

DL.T(i) = dy(i) + ClockHeight * 1.5 * Sin(currStep + i * Dsplit * PI / 180) + scrll DL.Le(i) = dx(i) + ClockWidth * 1.5 * Cos(currStep + i * Dsplit * PI / 180) Next i

currStep = currStep - Step P

End Sub

Private Function SP(ByVal ST As String, ByVal Nu As Integer, Optional K As Byte = 1) As String SP = Mid(ST, Nu + 1, K) End Function Private Sub P() Cls With Form_Menu_Utama .FontBold = False .ForeColor = Dcol For i = 0 To Len(D) - 1 .CurrentY = DL.T(i) .CurrentX = DL.Le(i) Print SP(D, i) Next i .ForeColor = Fcol For i = 0 To n - 1 .CurrentY = FL.T(i) .CurrentX = FL.Le(i) If (i = 18 Or i = 20 Or i = 22) Then Print SP(Face, i, 2) i = i + 1 Else Print SP(Face, i, 1) End If Next i .FontBold = True .ForeColor = Scol For i = 0 To Len(S) - 1 .CurrentY = SL.T(i) .CurrentX = SL.Le(i)


Print SP(S, i) Next i .ForeColor = Mcol For i = 0 To Len(m) - 1 .CurrentY = ML.T(i) .CurrentX = ML.Le(i) Print SP(m, i) Next i .ForeColor = Hcol For i = 0 To Len(h) - 1 .CurrentY = HL.T(i) .CurrentX = HL.Le(i) Print SP(h, i) Next i End With End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

Ymouse = y + ClockFromMouseY ':event.y+ClockFromMouseY; Xmouse = x + ClockFromMouseX ':event.x+ClockFromMouseX; End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() Timer1.Interval = 15 Me.BackColor = &H808080 Dcol = vbBlue Fcol = vbRed Scol = vbGreen Mcol = vbYellow Hcol = vbBlack ClockHeight = 750 ClockWidth = 750 ClockFromMouseY = 1200 ClockFromMouseX = 600

Da(1) = " SUNDAY": Da(2) = " MONDAY": Da(3) = " TUESDAY": Da(4) = "WEDNESDAY"

Da(5) = "THURSDAY": Da(6) = " FRIDAY": Da(7) = " SATURDAY" Mo(1) = "JANUARY": Mo(2) = "FEBRUARY": Mo(3) = "MARCH" Mo(4) = "APRIL": Mo(5) = "MAY": Mo(6) = "JUNE": Mo(7) = "JULY" Mo(8) = "AUGUST": Mo(9) = "SEPTEMBER": Mo(10) = "OCTOBER" Mo(11) = "NOVEMBER": Mo(12) = "DECEMBER"

Day1 = Day(Now) Year1 = Year(Now)

If (Year1 < 2000) Then Year1 = Year1 + 1900

Todaysdate = " " + Da(Weekday(Now)) + " " + Str(Day1) + " " + Mo(Month(Now)) + " " + Str(Year1)


h = "****" m = "*****" S = "******"

Face = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011122 "

Form_Menu_Utama.Font = "Bernard MT Condensed" Form_Menu_Utama.FontSize = 11 Speed = 0.6 n = Len(Face) - 2 Ymouse = 0 Xmouse = 0 scrll = 0 Split1 = 360 / n Dsplit = 360 / Len(D) HandHeight = ClockHeight / 6 Handwidth = ClockWidth / 6 HandY = -7 HandX = -2.5 scrll = 1 * ClockHeight Step = 0.06 currStep = 0 End Sub

Private Sub Menu_Keluar_Click() Dim Pesan As String

Pesan = MsgBox(" Anda yakin untuk keluar dari aplikasi ini? ", vbInformation + vbOKCancel, "Keluar")

If Pesan = vbOK Then End

End If End Sub

Private Sub Sub_Menu_Kalkulator_Click() On Error Resume Next

Shell ("calc"), vbMinimizedFocus Exit Sub

End Sub

Private Sub Sub_Menu_Windows_Explorer_Click() On Error Resume Next

Shell ("explorer"), vbMaximizedFocus Exit Sub End Sub Form Enkripsi Dim PH As Integer Dim HP As Integer Dim Pemberitahuan Dim n As Byte


Private Sub Form_Activate() Text2.Text = 2

Text61.Text = 1 Text62.Text = 1 End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Pemberitahuan = " Untuk melakukan proses enkripsi pesan, terlebih dahulu tentukan nilai-nilai kunci untuk proses enkripsi, dan selanjutnya isikan pesan pribadi anda pada kotak isian plaintext dibawah.! "

txt_kunci_p.Text = 0 txt_kunci_q.Text = 0 txt_nilai_n.Text = 0 txt_totient.Text = 0 txt_nilai_e.Text = 0 txt_nilai_d.Text = 0 txt_plain1.Text = "" txt_chiper1.Text = "" End Sub

Private Function GenNumber() As Integer Dim P As Integer

P = 2 * CInt(Int((50 * Rnd))) + 1 If IsPrima(P) = True Then GenNumber = P Else Dim A As Integer A = GenNumber() GenNumber = A End If End Function

Private Function IsPrima(x As Integer) As Integer Dim i, j As Integer Dim T As Boolean i = x T = True For j = 2 To (i - 1) If i Mod j = 0 Then T = False Exit For


End If Next j IsPrima = T End Function

Private Sub pb_kunci_p_Click()

Me.txt_kunci_p.Text = GenNumber() If txt_kunci_p.Text = 1 Then

txt_kunci_p.Text = 3 End If

If Val(txt_kunci_p.Text) = Val(txt_kunci_q.Text) Then pb_kunci_p_Click

pb_kunci_p_Click End If

End Sub

Private Sub pb_kunci_q_Click() Dim Q As Integer Q = 2 * CInt(Int((50 * Rnd))) + 1 Me.txt_kunci_q.Text = Q If txt_kunci_q.Text = 1 Then txt_kunci_q.Text = 2 End If

If Val(txt_kunci_q.Text) = Val(txt_kunci_p.Text) Then pb_kunci_q_Click

pb_kunci_q_Click End If

End Sub

Private Sub pb_hitung_n_Click() If txt_kunci_p.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai kunci (P) = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai kunci (P) untuk dapat menghitung nilai (n)!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

pb_kunci_p.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If

If txt_kunci_q.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai kunci (Q) = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai kunci (Q) untuk dapat menghitung nilai (n)!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"


pb_kunci_q.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Dim n As Integer n = Val(txt_kunci_p) * Val(txt_kunci_q) Me.txt_nilai_n.Text = n End Sub

Private Sub pb_hitung_totient_Click() If txt_kunci_p.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai kunci (P) = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai kunci (P) untuk dapat menghitung nilai (n)!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

pb_kunci_p.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If

If txt_kunci_q.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai kunci (Q) = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai kunci (Q) untuk dapat menghitung nilai (n)!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

pb_kunci_q.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If

If txt_nilai_n.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai (n) = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai (n) terlebih dahulu untuk melakukan proses enkripsi dengan benar!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

pb_hitung_n.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If

Dim Totient As Integer

Totient = (Val(txt_kunci_p - 1)) * (Val(txt_kunci_q - 1)) Me.txt_totient.Text = Totient

End Sub

Private Sub pb_kunci_e_Click() Clear

If txt_kunci_p.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai kunci (P) = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai kunci (P) untuk dapat menghitung nilai (e)!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

pb_kunci_p.SetFocus Exit Sub


If txt_kunci_q.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai kunci (Q) = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai kunci (Q) untuk dapat menghitung nilai (e)!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

pb_kunci_q.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If

If txt_nilai_n.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai (n) = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai (n) terlebih dahulu untuk melakukan proses enkripsi dengan benar!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

pb_hitung_n.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If

If txt_totient.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai (totient n) = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai (totient n) terlebih dahulu untuk melakukan proses enkripsi dengan benar!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

txt_totient.Text = 0 Text1.Text = 0 Text2.Text = 2 pb_hitung_totient.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Call Hitung If Text300 <> 1 Then Text2.Text = Val(Text2) + 1 Hitung pb_kunci_e_Click Else txt_nilai_e.Text = Text200.Text End If End Sub

Private Sub pb_kunci_d_Click() If txt_kunci_p.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai kunci (P) = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai kunci (P) untuk dapat menghitung nilai (d)!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

pb_kunci_p.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If


MsgBox "Nilai kunci (Q) = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai kunci (Q) untuk dapat menghitung nilai (d)!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

pb_kunci_q.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If

If txt_nilai_n.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai (n) = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai (n) terlebih dahulu untuk melakukan proses enkripsi dengan benar!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

pb_hitung_n.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If

If txt_totient.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai totient(n) belum diketahui," & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai totient(n) terlebih dahulu dalam proses pembentukan kunci enkripsi, dan selanjutnya lakukan proses nilai kunci dekripsi (d)!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

pb_hitung_totient.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If

If txt_nilai_e.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai (e) = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai (e) terlebih dahulu untuk dapat menghitung nilai (d)!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

pb_kunci_e.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If

Dim Normal As Double Dim Test As Double Dim Totient As Double Dim Per As Double Dim Kali As Double Dim Tambah As Double Dim Dapat As Double Normal = Val(Text61.Text) Test = Val(Text62.Text) Totient = Val(Text63.Text) Per = Val(Text64.Text) Kali = Val(Test * Totient) Tambah = Val(Normal + Kali) Dapat = Val(Tambah Mod Per)


If Val(Dapat) <> 0 Then

Text62.Text = Val(Text62) + 1 Dim Lagi As Double

Lagi = Val(Tambah) / Val(Per) Me.txt_nilai_d.Text = Lagi pb_kunci_d_Click


Dim Jadi As Double

Jadi = Val(Tambah) / Val(Per) Me.txt_nilai_d.Text = Jadi End If

txt_chiper1.Text = "" txt_plain1.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub pb_kirim_Click() If txt_chiper1.Text = "" Then

MsgBox "Chipertext (pesan yang akan dikirim) belum ada proses enkripsi" & vbCrLf & _

"Lakukan proses enkripsi terlebih dahulu untuk dapat mengirim pesan chipertext!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Chipertext Kosong"

txt_plain1.SetFocus Exit Sub


With Form_Dekripsi .Caption = "Form Dekripsi"

.txt_chiper2.Text = txt_chiper1.Text .txt_simpan.Text = txt_plain1.Text .nilai_n.Text = txt_nilai_n.Text .txt_nilai_d2.Text = txt_nilai_d End With Unload Me Form_Dekripsi.Show vbModal End If End Sub

Private Sub pb_enkripsi_Click() If txt_kunci_p.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai kunci (P) = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai kunci (P) terlebih dahulu untuk melakukan proses enkripsi dengan benar!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

pb_kunci_p.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If

If txt_kunci_q.Text = 0 Then


"Tentukan nilai kunci (Q) terlebih dahulu untuk melakukan proses enkripsi dengan benar!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

pb_kunci_q.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If

If txt_nilai_n.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai (n) = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai (n) terlebih dahulu untuk melakukan proses enkripsi dengan benar!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

pb_hitung_n.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If

If txt_totient.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai totient(n) belum diketahui," & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai totient(n) terlebih dahulu untuk melakukan proses enkripsi dengan benar!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

pb_hitung_totient.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If

If txt_nilai_e.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai (e) = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai (e) terlebih dahulu untuk melakukan proses enkripsi dengan benar!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

pb_kunci_e.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If

If txt_nilai_d.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai (d) = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai (d) terlebih dahulu untuk melakukan proses enkripsi dengan benar!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

pb_kunci_d.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If

Dim Inputan As String

Dim Panjang_Input As Variant Dim Konversi As String Dim Pangkat As String Dim Hasil As Long Dim i As Variant Dim c As Byte

Dim Output As String Inputan = txt_plain1.Text


For i = 1 To Panjang_Input Konversi = Mid(Inputan, i, 1) Konversi = Asc(Konversi) Pangkat = Val(txt_nilai_e) Hasil = 1 For c = 1 To Pangkat

Hasil = (Hasil * Konversi) Mod Val(txt_nilai_n) Next

Hasil1 = Hasil & Space(2) Output = Output & Hasil1 Next i

txt_chiper1.Text = Output End Sub

Private Sub pb_hapus_Click() txt_kunci_p.Text = 0 txt_kunci_q.Text = 0 txt_nilai_n.Text = 0 txt_nilai_e.Text = 0 txt_nilai_d.Text = 0 txt_totient.Text = 0 txt_plain1.Text = "" txt_chiper1.Text = "" End Sub Sub Hitung() Clear Text1.Text = Val(txt_totient.Text) If Text2.Text = 0 Then Text2.Text = Val(Text2.Text) + 1 End If

Text41.Text = Val(Text1) Mod Val(Text2) If Val(Text41) = 1 Then Text100 = Val(Text1) Text200 = Val(Text2) Text300 = Val(Text41) Else Text100 = 0 Text200 = 0 Text300 = 0 End If If Val(Text41.Text) <> 0 Then Text3.Text = Val(Text2) Text4.Text = Val(Text41)


Text42.Text = Val(Text3) Mod Val(Text4) End If If Val(Text42) = 1 Then Text100 = Val(Text1) Text200 = Val(Text2) Text300 = 1 Else End If If Val(Text42.Text) <> 0 Then Text5.Text = Val(Text4) Text6.Text = Val(Text42)

Text43.Text = Val(Text5) Mod Val(Text6) End If If Val(Text43) = 1 Then Text100 = Val(Text1) Text200 = Val(Text2) Text300 = 1 End If If Val(Text43.Text) <> 0 Then Text7.Text = Val(Text6) Text8.Text = Val(Text43)

Text44.Text = Val(Text7) Mod Val(Text8) End If If Val(Text44) = 1 Then Text100 = Val(Text1) Text200 = Val(Text2) Text300 = 1 End If If Val(Text44.Text) <> 0 Then Text9.Text = Val(Text8) Text10.Text = Val(Text44)

Text45.Text = Val(Text9) Mod Val(Text10) End If If Val(Text45) = 1 Then Text100 = Val(Text1) Text200 = Val(Text2) Text300 = 1 End If If Val(Text45.Text) <> 0 Then Text11.Text = Val(Text10) Text12.Text = Val(Text45)


Text46.Text = Val(Text11) Mod Val(Text12) End If If Val(Text46) = 1 Then Text100 = Val(Text1) Text200 = Val(Text2) Text300 = 1 End If If Val(Text46.Text) <> 0 Then Text13.Text = Val(Text12) Text14.Text = Val(Text46)

Text47.Text = Val(Text13) Mod Val(Text14) End If If Val(Text47) = 1 Then Text100 = Val(Text1) Text200 = Val(Text2) Text300 = 1 End If If Val(Text47.Text) <> 0 Then Text15.Text = Val(Text14) Text16.Text = Val(Text47)

Text48.Text = Val(Text15) Mod Val(Text16) End If If Val(Text48) = 1 Then Text100 = Val(Text1) Text200 = Val(Text2) Text300 = 1 End If If Val(Text48.Text) <> 0 Then Text17.Text = Val(Text16) Text18.Text = Val(Text48)

Text49.Text = Val(Text17) Mod Val(Text18) End If If Val(Text49) = 1 Then Text100 = Val(Text1) Text200 = Val(Text2) Text300 = 1 End If If Val(Text49.Text) <> 0 Then Text19.Text = Val(Text18) Text20.Text = Val(Text49)


End If If Val(Text50) = 1 Then Text100 = Val(Text1) Text200 = Val(Text2) Text300 = 1 End If If Val(Text50.Text) <> 0 Then Text21.Text = Val(Text20) Text22.Text = Val(Text50)

Text51.Text = Val(Text21) Mod Val(Text22) End If If Val(Text51) = 1 Then Text100 = Val(Text1) Text200 = Val(Text2) Text300 = 1 End If If Val(Text51.Text) <> 0 Then Text23.Text = Val(Text22) Text24.Text = Val(Text51)

Text52.Text = Val(Text23) Mod Val(Text24) End If If Val(Text52) = 1 Then Text100 = Val(Text1) Text200 = Val(Text2) Text300 = 1 End If If Val(Text52.Text) <> 0 Then Text25.Text = Val(Text24) Text26.Text = Val(Text52)

Text53.Text = Val(Text25) Mod Val(Text26) End If If Val(Text53) = 1 Then Text100 = Val(Text1) Text200 = Val(Text2) Text300 = 1 End If If Val(Text53.Text) <> 0 Then Text27.Text = Val(Text26) Text28.Text = Val(Text53)

Text54.Text = Val(Text27) Mod Val(Text28) End If


If Val(Text54) = 1 Then Text100 = Val(Text1) Text200 = Val(Text2) Text300 = 1 End If If Val(Text54.Text) <> 0 Then Text29.Text = Val(Text28) Text30.Text = Val(Text54)

Text55.Text = Val(Text29) Mod Val(Text30) End If If Val(Text55) = 1 Then Text100 = Val(Text1) Text200 = Val(Text2) Text300 = 1 End If If Val(Text55.Text) <> 0 Then Text31.Text = Val(Text30) Text32.Text = Val(Text55)

Text56.Text = Val(Text31) Mod Val(Text32) End If If Val(Text56) = 1 Then Text100 = Val(Text1) Text200 = Val(Text2) Text300 = 1 End If If Val(Text56.Text) <> 0 Then Text33.Text = Val(Text32) Text34.Text = Val(Text56)

Text57.Text = Val(Text33) Mod Val(Text34) End If If Val(Text57) = 1 Then Text100 = Val(Text1) Text200 = Val(Text2) Text300 = 1 End If End Sub Sub Clear() Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = ""


Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" Text12.Text = "" Text13.Text = "" Text14.Text = "" Text15.Text = "" Text16.Text = "" Text17.Text = "" Text18.Text = "" Text19.Text = "" Text20.Text = "" Text21.Text = "" Text22.Text = "" Text23.Text = "" Text24.Text = "" Text25.Text = "" Text26.Text = "" Text27.Text = "" Text28.Text = "" Text29.Text = "" Text30.Text = "" Text31.Text = "" Text32.Text = "" Text33.Text = "" Text34.Text = "" Text41.Text = "" Text42.Text = "" Text43.Text = "" Text44.Text = "" Text45.Text = "" Text46.Text = "" Text47.Text = "" Text48.Text = "" Text49.Text = "" Text50.Text = "" Text51.Text = "" Text52.Text = "" Text53.Text = "" Text54.Text = "" Text55.Text = "" Text56.Text = "" Text57.Text = "" Text100.Text = "" Text200.Text = ""


Text300.Text = "" txt_nilai_e.Text = "" End Sub

Private Sub txt_kunci_p_Change() txt_nilai_n.Text = 0 txt_totient.Text = 0 txt_nilai_e.Text = 0 txt_nilai_d.Text = 0 txt_chiper1.Text = "" pb_kunci_q.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txt_kunci_q_Change() txt_nilai_n.Text = 0 txt_totient.Text = 0 txt_nilai_e.Text = 0 txt_nilai_d.Text = 0 txt_chiper1.Text = "" pb_hitung_n.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txt_nilai_n_Change() txt_totient.Text = 0 txt_nilai_e.Text = 0 txt_nilai_d.Text = 0 txt_chiper1.Text = "" pb_hitung_totient.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txt_totient_Change() Clear Text100.Text = Val(txt_totient.Text) Text1.Text = Val(txt_totient.Text) Text2.Text = 2 Text61.Text = 1 Text62.Text = 1 Text63.Text = 0 Text64.Text = 0 txt_nilai_e.Text = 0 txt_nilai_d.Text = 0 txt_chiper1.Text = "" pb_kunci_e.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txt_nilai_e_Change() Text63.Text = Val(Text100) Text64.Text = Val(txt_nilai_e) txt_nilai_d.Text = 0


txt_chiper1.Text = "" pb_kunci_d.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txt_nilai_d_Change() txt_chiper1.Text = ""

txt_plain1.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txt_plain1_Change() txt_chiper1.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer() If HP = 0 Then lbl_header.Visible = True HP = 1 Else lbl_header.Visible = False HP = 0 End If End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Timer() n = n + 1

Me.lbl_group.Caption = Left(Pemberitahuan, n) If n > Len(Pemberitahuan) Then n = 0

End Sub

Private Sub Timer3_Timer() If HP = 0 Then l1.ForeColor = vbBlue l2.ForeColor = vbRed HP = 1 Else l1.ForeColor = vbRed l2.ForeColor = vbBlue HP = 0 End If End Sub

Private Sub pb_keluar_Click() Unload Me

End Sub

Public Sub HanyaAngka(ByRef KeyAscii As Integer)

If ((KeyAscii < 48 And KeyAscii <> 8) Or KeyAscii > 57) Then KeyAscii = 0


End Sub

Private Sub txt_kunci_p_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) HanyaAngka KeyAscii

End Sub

Private Sub txt_kunci_q_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) HanyaAngka KeyAscii End Sub Form Dekripsi Dim PH As Integer Dim HP As Integer Dim Pemberitahuan Dim n As Byte

Private Sub Form_Load()

Pemberitahuan = " Untuk melakukan proses dekripsi pesan, terlebih dahulu masukkan nilai-nilai kunci untuk proses dekripsi, dan selanjutnya klick button proses jika chipertextnya sudah dientry.! "

End Sub

Private Sub lbl_header_Click() End Sub

Private Sub pb_dekripsi_Click() If txt_nilai_d2.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai kunci (d) = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai kunci (d) untuk dapat melakukan proses dekripsi!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!"

txt_nilai_d2.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If

If nilai_n.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Nilai N = 0" & vbCrLf & _

"Tentukan nilai N untuk dapat melakukan proses dekripsi!", vbExclamation, "Nilai Kosong!" nilai_n.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If txt_nilai_d2.Text > 0 Then txt_plain2.Text = txt_simpan.Text End If If nilai_n.Text > 0 Then


txt_plain2.Text = txt_simpan.Text End If

End Sub

Private Sub pb_hapus_Click() txt_chiper2.Text = ""

txt_nilai_d2.Text = 0 txt_plain2.Text = "" nilai_n.Text = 0 End Sub

Private Sub pb_keluar_Click() Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer() If HP = 0 Then lbl_header.Visible = True HP = 1 Else lbl_header.Visible = False HP = 0 End If End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Timer() n = n + 1

Me.lbl_group.Caption = Left(Pemberitahuan, n) If n > Len(Pemberitahuan) Then n = 0

End Sub

Private Sub Timer3_Timer() If HP = 0 Then l1.ForeColor = vbBlue l2.ForeColor = vbRed HP = 1 Else l1.ForeColor = vbRed l2.ForeColor = vbBlue HP = 0 End If End Sub


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