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Submitted to the board of Examiners as a Partial

Fulfillmentof the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English Department of Education Faculty








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In the name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.

Hereby the writer fully declares that this thesis is made by the writer herself, and it is not containing materials written or has been published by other people, and

other people‟s ideas except the information from the references. The writer

capable account for this thesis if in the future this thesis can be proved of

containing others‟ ideas or in fact the writer imitates the others‟ thesis. Likewise,

the declaration is made by the writer and the writer hopes that this declaration can be understood.

Salatiga, Agustus 2010 Researcher

Wahyu Amanah 11306040



Only The Man Who Is In the Truth Is Free Man



I truly dedicate this research paper to :

1. My family in Boyolali, especially for beloved mother

2. My beloved sister and brother

3. My Soul mate ….



Alhamdulillahirobbil‟alamin….. firstly, the writer said as praise and

thanks to Allah SWT, The Amighty, The Lord of the universe, whose blessings have made it possible for the writer to realize this graduating paper entitled “THE USE OF STILL PICTURE TO VOCABULARY MASTERY OF THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF TK PERMATASARI IN THE SCHOL YEAR OF 2009 –

2010”. There are many kinds of helps received appreciatively from many persons.

The writer cannot realize this thesis without the help of theirs. In this occasion, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude and appreciation to :

1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag, the Rector of state Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga (STAIN Salatiga).

2. Mashlihatul Umami, M.Ag, the Head of English Department Faculty of STAIN Salatiga.

3. Ruwandi, S.Pd, MA, as consultants who give the writer support, guidance and useful advice.

4. All lecturers of State Islamic Studies Institute.

5. Siti Musripah, as the Head of Islamic Kindergarten of Permatasari Boyolali, teaches, staffs and students, especially the second year students. Thanks for helping.

6. My beloved family, Nur Hidayah and Nurhadi, my sister Afidatul Miskiyah, my brother Ahmadi Cahyono Putro.

7. My beloved grandmother, thanks for all.


8. My admirer, my love, my close friend, thanks for your kindness, suggestion,

motivation … (Bring me to life….).

9. The big family of HMI (Ganesa Walisongo).

10. All my friends especially Yuli, Yunita, Arini, Atin, Mba Hasnah, Indah, Mba Uma, Ana, thanks for all.

11. All my friend of TBI ‟06.

Finally, the writer realized that this is imperfect and gladly accepts constructive critics and evaluation to make this thesis better,

Salatiga, Agustus 2010




Keyword :



TITLE ... i




MOTTO... v




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. Statement of the problems ... 3

C. The Objective of the Study ... 4

D. The Benefit of the Study ... 4

E. The Review of Related Literature ... 5

F. The Review of Underlying Theories ... 6

G. Hypothesis ... 11

H. Research Methodology ... 11

I. The Outline of The study ... 16



A. Picture ... 17

1. Definition of the Picture ... 17

2. Characteristic of the Picture Media ... 17

3. Sources of Picture ... 18

4. Picture Media as Teaching Aids ... 20

5. The Advantages of Using Picture Media ... 21

6. The Limitation of Using Picture Media ... 22

B. Vocabulary ... 22

1. Definition of Vocabulary ... 22

2. Kinds of Vocabulary ... 22

3. The Components of Vocabulary ... 26

4. Vocabulary Mastery... 29

CHAPTER III RESEARCH REPORT A.The General Description ... 49

B. Research Methodoloy ... 50

C.The Type of Research ... 54

D.Subject of the Study ... 55

E. Object of The Study ... 55

F. The Implementation of Experimental ... 56

G.Teaching Material ... 56

H.Classroom Management ... 56


I. Procedures ... 57 J. Research Cycle ... 58 K.Data Presentation ... 62 CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION

A. Data Analysis... 64 B. Research Summary ... 71 CHAPTER V CLOSURE

A.Conclusion ... 73 B. Suggestion ... 73 BIBLIOGRAPHY




A. The Background of the Study

Indonesia, as a member of the nations in the world, has realized the importance of the fact that English is international language. The Ministry of Education has been unceasingly enhancing all of the efforts to widen scope and the quality of English teaching in school. Not like ten years before, now English has been introduced in kindergarten schools to give children preliminary appreciation to this foreign language. English laboratory equipment, VCD player, full set of computers equipped with ICD projectors have been installed in many state schools in towns to support the language teaching. Studies, Seminars, Workshops and up grading of English teachers have been widely held to improve the quality of learning teaching methods for the best quality of the outputs.

When English is introduced to students of kindergarten schools, the main purpose should be giving a chance to them to appreciate English as a second language. The correct perception of English will lead the students to enjoy learning English. Learning the language with joy is the initial key of learning English, as the result of learning will much depend on whether students like of dislike the subject.

Now, children learn English since kindergarten. The main language element studied is vocabulary. It will help the students to know the spelling


and the meaning of the words, for example: parts of body, animals, stationaries, kinds of fruits etc.

Teaching vocabulary for the kindergarten students should be attractive. As language teachers we use a variety of teaching aids to explain language meaning and constructions. To make easy, the teachers always use pictures or graphics whether drawn, taken from books, magazines or photographs to facilitate learning.

There are several difficulties when we teach English in kindergarten schools. It is caused by the children are still confused and do not understand about the meaning. So, choosing the good Media and technique in teaching – learning process are very important. As language teachers we should use a variety of teaching aids to explain language meaning and construction, engage students in a topic or as the basic of whole activity. Teachers always should use good methods to teach them, and they will help the students easier

to English study. As ones of the media is “picture”. Pictures can be

facilitating of learning. Pictures can be the form of flash cards (smallish card which we can hold up for our students to see), large wall pictures (big enough for every one to see details), cards (small card which students use in pair of a group work), photograph or illustration (typically in a text book).


has character for conveying message and stimulating thinking, feeling and audience want, so it can support learning process in their minds.

Teaching basic skills for kindergarten and preschool students includes worksheets. Lesson plan, lessons for teaching, learning basic skills and life skills are focused on students from preschool and kindergarten through 3rd grade and also for students with special needs.

Basic skills are organized by category. Each of the categories includes multiple lessons and worksheets that are customizable depending on the abilities of the students. There are some techniques, which can help teacher to contract a strategy for teaching. When the objective is proposed, the teacher has considered and decided which techniques will be the most efficient and effective. In a teaching learning process, the teacher plays an important role. He or she is the conductor who has to lead the students, to achieve the goal of the study.

Based on the explanation above, the writer is interacted to conduct a

research the second grade of TK Permatasari Boyolali under the title “The

Use of Still Picture to Vocabulary Mastery of The Second Year Students of

TK Permatasari, in the School Years of 2009 / 2010.”

B. Statement of the Problems


2. How far is the significant difference of teaching by picture or teaching without picture?

C. The Objective of the Study

The objectives of research can be specified as follows:

1. To find out the difference of vocabulary mastery through the teaching by pictures and without pictures.

2. To know the significant differences of vocabulary mastery through the teaching by pictures and without pictures.

D. The Benefit of the Study 1. Theoretically

The results of the study can be used as reference for others. Based on the book, written by Jeremy Harmer (2007:8) “English Language Teaching”. We know that teaching by picture as one of media to deliver

English materials have a big role. Teachers may use the pictures as equipment of teaching through games; pictures can apply to understand the meanings, or expression.

2. Methodologically a. For Teachers


b. For Student

For students by using pictures, learners are able to master and increase their vocabulary better.


a. For The Teacher

The result of the research can be used by English teachers in teaching learning process, to motivate the students to improve their vocabularies especially for kindergarten students. The teachers should be attractive to teach them.

b. For the Researcher

For the researcher, it can add experience and knowledge about using media in teaching learning process.

E. The Review of Related Literature

In this study, the writer takes literature review from previous research. Rahma Linajati did the first, with her research paper entitled “Comparative Study on Teaching Vocabulary and The Significant to English Achievement Between Elementary School and Islamic Elementary School in The Academic Year of 2007/2008”. There is significant difference of the students vocabulary mastery between elementary school and Islamic elementary school.


research she analyzed that pictures help the teacher in teaching learning process are more interesting.

Presently, the writer tries to make different research with the title “The Use of Still Picture to Vocabulary Mastery of The Second Year Student of TK Permatasari in Academic Year of 2009/2010.”

In this research, the writer uses picture as a medium in teaching English, especially in introducing vocabularies to children of Permatasari

Kid‟s School Boyolali.

The vocabulary acquisition for children focuses on two items. They are parts of body and communication.

In this study, however, the writer learns about languages acquisition as well, but this one constitutes different perspective. This study focuses on the vocabulary mastering by using teaching method, which gives emphasis of picture as media.

F. The Review of Underlying Theories 1. Picture

a. The Meaning of Picture


drawing, engraving, or photography. It wiil be same with Verman says that:

- Picture is to represent (something abstract or impercep tible) invisible or symbolic form.

b. Kind of Picture

These are many sources of picture media 1) Newspaper

The picture in newspaper are usually small and too distinct for use with whole class, but they are usually topical.

2) Magazines 3) Advertisement

Such as poster and advertisement magazines. 4) Holiday brochure.

These Brochures are usually rich and illustrated most of the picture are of hotels, places of great beauty.

5) Catalogue. 6) Calendars. 7) Greeting Cards. 8) Post card.

9) Reproduction of art. 10) Poster and wall chart.

c. The Advantage of Using Pictures


1) Picture can stimulate and motivate students to become more observant and express those shelves.

2) It is in expensive, may even be free, and fairly easy to locate. 3) It can be used by an individual or groups.

4) It can be displayed for as long as necessary so pupils can work at their own role.

5) It is up to date and can bring reality into the classroom.

6) It can be used to introduced, supplement or summarize a unit. 7) It enriches reading and can help clarify misunderstanding

(Sharon K Zenger, 1982:9) 2. Vocabulary

a. The Meaning of Vocabulary

Accroding to oxford Advance learner Dictionary (1995:1331), Here are three definition of vocabulary. Those definition are in the Followings.

1) Vocabulary is total number of words that make up of Language. 2) Vocabulary is a body of words known to a person or used in

particular book, subject, etc.

3) Vocabulary is a list of words with their meaning, especially one which accompanies a text book of foreign language.

b. Kind of Vocabulary


Receptive vocabulary is the words that we know when we listen, read of the words that we know when we receive thoughts from others. There are many words that we are recognize when heard or read but do not use when speak or write. It we have a receptive vocabulary or 14.000 word, the chances are that in 80 percent of what we write we rely on a vocabulary of fewer than 3.000 words and that in 95 percent of what you say you use a vocabulary of fever than 1.000 words.

Receptive vocabulary is our basic vocabulary the total storehouse of words we can use to understand the thoughts of others when we speak and write the words we use in speaking and writing are all words you know when we hear or read them. Therefore our first gold of vocabulary development should be to increase the size of our receptive vocabulary.

2) Expressive Vocabulary


3.The Theoritical Framework

Choosing a good media is very important in teaching learning process. It is better from the teacher to be creative in preparing and applying it. One characteristic of good media is that can be enjoyed when we learn, for example Picture. Picture is a flat visual representation of an object, person, or view and it is main purpose is to draw attention to or emphasize a certain thing (Sharon K. Zenger, 1982:78).

Language is a system used to express meaning:

a. The primary function of language is for interaction and communication.

b. The structure of language are not merely its grammatical and structural features out of categories of functional and communicative meaning as exemplited in discourse.

c. Regarding the statement above the writer tries to conclude that language is fundamental is mean to communication and interaction.

Language is important for student to be master in English

vocabulary, because it will support the students‟ ability to master the four

language skills: reading, speaking, writing, and listening (David P. Haris, 1969:9). The problem which commonly appears in teaching vocabulary is that the students easily forget the new words that they have just

learned. So, the teacher must attend the students‟ understanding the


solutions to present the material. According to M. Basyiruddin Usman, media is something which has character for conveying message and stimulating thinking, feeling, and audiences want, so it can support learning process in their minds. The use of creativity media probably for students to learn better and can increase their ability that appropriate with learning objective.

Picture is visual representation. This media can be used effectively in language teaching learning process. By using picture in teaching vocabulary, the researcher expects that the lesson will be interesting, so the problem in teaching vocabulary can besolved.

G. Hypothesis

Based on the problem statements presented by the writer, the research

hypothesis is stated as follows : “There is an Significant Effect of Using

Picture in Teaching English Vocabulary Mastery for Kindergarten students of

Permatasari Kid‟s School Boyolali.”

H. Research Methodology 1. Research approach


development of generalization, principle on theories resulting in prediction possibly to the ultimate control of even ( John W. Best, 1977:8 ).

2. Population

Population or source of data is all numbers of the research subject (Suharsimi Arikunto, 1998, 115).

Population is all individual from whom the data are collected. And the population of the research all students of the second year students of

Permatasari Kid‟s School in the academic year 2009/2010.

3. Sample

Sample is a part of the accesible population to be investigated.

(Ibnu Hadjar, 1996:134). TK permatasari Kid‟s School Boyolali has seven

class, and in this research the writer takes one class group consisting of 25 students as sample, because this sample is homogen.

4. Type of research

a. Design of collecting data

In this research, the writer uses a design one group pre test – post test. This experimental design the writer uses twice evaluating. The first evaluation is, the students who are thought in english teaching vocabulary without picture, and the second evaluation is the students who are thought in english teaching vocabulary.

The design can be draw :

No. Experiment Group Control Group


No. Experiment Group Control Group

present. present.

2. Teacher gave the topic of the lessons.

Teacher gave the topic of the lessons.

3. The teacher showed some pleasure those were related to the topic.

The teacher gave the name and meaning some

vocabularies related to the topic.

4. The students gave attention to pleasure, followed teacher to say, pronoun, and recognize to the picture and then wrote the name of picture in books.

The students followed teacher to read and then wrote on their book what the teacher written.

5. The teacher showed the pictures to the students and then asked them. Example : What picture this is?

Examples : What is the meaning of book?

6. Then the students answered. Example : That is book.

Students answered. Example : Buku 7. Teacher gave the students


Teacher gave the students exerciser.

8. Researcher gave the students post test.


b. The instrument of research

There are many techniques of collecting data such as by interviewing, giving questionnaire and giving a test. What will be used for collecting data in this research is by giving essay test.

The test given to the students is about vocabulary. There are vocabularies about something that arround of them.

c. Step of research 1) Observation

In this step, the writer observer the kindergarten of

Pematasari Kid‟s School Boyolali especially the second years

students (B2 Class) which is used as the sample to know their

background, situation, condition and english learning especialy in vocabulary.

2) Schedule

The research is conducted on May until June 2010 in

Permatasari kid‟s school Boyolali, will take one class from the

second year. The writer makes and prepares to observe with schedule:

a) Studying english lesson especially in vocabulary without picture it will be arranged in one meeting.


3) Material

The material of this research is taken from the most suitable of the kindergarten e.g: studying about Parts of body,Kinds of fruit,Stationary.

5. Method of Data Analysis

The type of research used in this thesis is experimetal. In this experiment, the writers teaches vocabulary by using picture as the media and the techniques of data analysis used in this research istest.

The test is first conducted before getting data, the writer uses pre and post test. Pre test is used to know the student prior ability by using the same test material and same level of dificulting and post test is given after they were given different treatment to know the significant of the final results.

6. Technique of data analysis

To analyze the data of the research, the writer uses t-test. Formula :

Explanation :

t : The result of t-test calculation



d : The sum of squared deviation

N : The number of subject (Suharsimi Arikunto: 300)

I. The Outline of The study

Chapter one is introduction. in this chapter the writer presents the bacground of the study, review of related literature, statement of the problem, definition of term, the objective of the study, benefit of the study, theroritical framework, hypotesis, method and technique collecting data and outline of the research.

Chapter two consist of the underlying theory, which consist of the characteristic of the young teacher, development of language of young learners, general concept of teaching vocabulary and media picture of teaching vocabulary.

Chapter three is data presentation which consist of type of research, subject of the study, object of the study, implementation of experimental, teaching material and testing techniques.

Chapter four is data analysis which consist of the result of pre test and result of post test.




J. Picture

1. Definition of Picture

According to Sharon K. Zenger (1982:78) picture is a flat visual representation of an object or view, and the main purpose is to draw attention to or emphasize to a certain thing. Picture is presentation (as of a person, landscape, and building) on canvas, paper, or other surfaces produced through painting, drawing, engraving, or photography.

2. Characteristic of Picture

Picture is a visual representation of person, or thing, photograph prints are more common, but sketcher, cartoon, murals, counts, graphs and maps are used. (Verman S. Gerloch, 198282). This medium has characteristics, i.e.

a. Picture may be drawn, printed or photographically processed. b. Picture are various in size and color.

c. Picture maybe highly representation or abstract.

d. If picture for classrooms used, it probably would be the most efficient to ask everyone to turn to the some page and sometimes to look at the pictures.

e. Picture maybe displayed on a classroom bulletin board or flamer bord for individual or small group observation.


f. A picture can be mounted for preservation. g. Photocopying

Picture can be photocopied. However, the photocopying machine may be used by the teacher to make picture, for instance, by photocopying object. ( Andrew Wright, 1989:187)

3. Sources of Picture

These are many sources of picture, they are as the following : a. Neswpaper

The pictures in newspaper are usually small and too distinct for use with the whale class, but they are usually topical and linked with text, which can lead to particular activities.

b. Magazines

This is the major source of useful picture material of high quality. Full pages are big enough for class use, while others are move appropriate for individual work.

c. Advertisement

This includes direct mail leaf lets, poster and advertisement in magazines and newspaper.

d. Holiday Brochures


e. Catalogues

In some countries catalogues are rich of picture material. f. Calendars

Commonly, Indonesia calendars are illustrated with written text and picture to make it more interesting but sometimes, picture is for advertisement media.

g. Greeting Cards

Most greeting cards are illustrated. The range of subject is very wide,

in every case the illustration has been chosen to “say” something to

the receiver. It is often worth keeping the text on the picture together. h. Post Cards

Every possible subject is illustrated on post cards. Post cards are associated with writing.

i. Reproduction of Art

Painting, drawing and art photography represent an immense range of subject scenes and abstract concept. Reproduction of art can be used for creative work.

j. Posters


k. Wall Charts

Wall charts are produced by some illustration to explain what is done in or by the illustration. Wall charts can be used in identifying activities, matching activities and memorizing.

l. Comic and Cartoon Strip

These are heavy illustrated. They are sequence of pictures with are closely related to a narrative text. The stories in some publication are illustrated by hundreds of photographs.

m. Playing Card

Many playing card have illustration. The card can be used for the original purpose and the students ask to play the game in the target language.

n. The teacher and students own drawing

Teacher and students own drawing can be used as teaching learning media. Picture can be drawn on the board, large paper, flash card, the over head projector, etc.

4. Picture Media as Teaching Aids


a. Picture can motivate student and make them want to pay attention and want to take a part.

b. Picture contributes to the context in which the language is being used. They bring the word in to the classroom.

c. The picture can be describe in an objective way or interpreted or responded to subjectively.

d. The picture can cue response to question or cue substitution through controlled practice.

e. Picture can stimulate and provide information to be referred in to conversation, discussion and story telling.

5. The Advantages of Using Picture Media

These following are advantage of picture media :

a. Picture can stimulate and motivate students to become more observant and express those shelves.

b. It is in expensive, may even be free, and fairly easy to locate. c. It can be used by an individual or groups.

d. It can be displayed for as long as necessary so pupils can work at their own role.

e. It is up to date and can bring reality into the classroom.


g. It enriches reading and can help clarify misunderstanding (Sharon K Zenger, 1982:79)

6. The Limitationof Using Picture Media

Pictures as teaching media also has many limitation these are : a. Sizes an distance are often distorted.

b. Lock of color in some picture limits proper interpretations.

c. Students do not always known how to “read” picture. (Vernan. S. Gerloch: 1980:92).

K. Vocabulary

1. Definition of Vocabulary

There are some definition about vocabulary. Homby (1995:1331) defines as a total number of words which (with rule for complying them) make up the language. Hatch and Brown (1995:1) say that the term of vocabulary refers to the list of set of words for particularly language or list of words there individual speakers of language. We can say that vocabulary is a group or sources kind of word that mastered to deliver our mind or idea to other people and to understand peoples mind.

Vocabulary is powerfull carrier of meaning. Beginners often manage to communicate in English by using the accumulative effect of individual words.


You may think of yourself as having one vocabulary, but you actually have two vocabularies: a receptive vocabulary and on expressive vocabulary.

a. Receptive Vocabulary

Receptive vocabulary is the words that know when we listen or read or the words that know when we receive thoughts from others. These are many words that recognize when hear or read them but do not use when speak or write (Hammam, 2003:1). If we have a receptive vocabulary of 14.000 words, the chances are that in 80 percent of what we write. We rely on a vocabulary of fewer than 3.000 words and that in 95 percent of what you say you use a vocabulary of fewer than 1.000 words.

Receptive vocabulary is our basic vocabulary: the total storehouse of words we can use to understand the thoughts of others when we listen and read (Hammam, 2003:1). It is also all the words on which we can draw when we speak and write : the words we use in speaking and writing are all words you know when we hear or read them. Therefore our first goal of vocabulary development should be to increase the size of our receptive vocabulary.


the meanings of words, how to analyze the parts of words to determine their meaning and how to use a standard desk dictionary to locate definition. This is explain how to learn words to that we will have less need to figure out meaning on the locate meanings dictionary.

1) Using college course and other source, collect words that you will learn.

2) Make notes of the words and of the information that you want to learn about them.

3) Organize your notes for efficient learning.

4) Learn about the words by receiving the information in your notes. 5) Review your notes often.

b. Expressive Vocabulary

Expressive vocabulary is the words that use when we speak or write – that is, when you express our thoughts to other (Hammam, 2003:2). Expressive vocabulary almost certainly contains many words that we do not use when we speak and write. Therefore, our second goal of vocabulary improvement should be to increase the percentage of words in our expressive vocabulary that we use in speaking and writing.


we use when we write and speak are that know when we read or hear them.

However, the most efficient way to increase our expressive vocabulary is to become more expert at recalling words in our receptive vocabulary.

1) Recollecting words we know

There are two procedures you can use to recollect words we know. First, we can consult a dictionary or thesaurus to locate words we know but do not recall readily. A thesaurus is a book that list synonyms. If we want to recall alternate words or teach, by consulting a dictionary or thesaurus we will locate such words as instruct, train, tutor, drill, advise, educate, and tell. Although we probably know these words, we may not recollect them when we are thinking of synonyms for teach. Second, we can ask ourselves questions that will cause our to recall words we know. For instance, if we write a paper about people swimming to share because than boat has overturned, we might ask ourselves the following question.


a result, you may not recall capsize, its means “to turn over”,

especially a boat in water.

2) Scoring receptive vocabulary exercise

It is use since we cannot recollect a word that we don,t know, we score for the qui or far an exercise is 100 when we recollect and write all the words we know that are correct answers.

Sometimes we can define kinds of vocabulary to become passive vocabulary and active vocabulary (Micheal McCarthy, 1990:12).

a) Passive Vocabulary

Passive vocabulary means that the words they needed merely to comprehend especially, in their reading. The speaker in this situation will not reproduce some sentence but they are asked to be receiver of the message by comprehending the passage or listening to some broadcast. Students can avoid the weakness of mastering vocabulary by using words that they have mastered in conducting communication.

b) Active Vocabulary


communication. For example: in discussion, teaching process and other meeting, we have to respond the speech of the person who speaks with us.

3. The Components of Vocabulary

Vocabulary involves two components, namely vocabulary as a words and vocabulary as word in their meaning (Jeremy Harmer, 2002:2). a. Vocabulary as a word

Words are often defined as minimum free form (Jeremy Harmer, 2002:2). Lade says it is form that can occur independently and cannot be divided into smaller parts without changing or destroying the meaning. For example: window, pillow, mirror are words because each of them cannot be divided into smaller part without changing of meaning. In a fact each of them can stand alone. This definition, however fails to cover the forms like redress, black board, text book, in fact, each of them consists of two free forms they are: red and dress, black and board, text and book respectively.

Now, the writer can conclude that a word is not always a minimum free form, either. It is a unit that may consists of single formulative such as chair, useful, and happiness or it may also consists of a combination of two or more free formative such as red dress, textbook, etc.


They are consist of five components :

a) Homonyms : Words that share the same form but have unrelated meaning (Jeremy Harmer, 2002:8). For historical reasons, English is rich in homonyms: well, bat, shed, left, fair etc. Thus, while fair in the sense of beautiful or pleasing comes from an Old English word, it is homonym fair as in skip ton fair, comes from Latin feria by way Freinch Foire. Another potential source of confusion are the many words in English that sound the same but are spelt differently These

are called “Homophones”.

b) Polysemis : Having multiple but related meanings (Jeremy Harmer, 2002:8). We use this term to describe a single word form with several different bat closely related meaning. For

example we can talk about “the head” of a person, “head” of

an organization.


d) Antonyms : Are words with opposite meanings. Such as old and young (Jeremy Harmer, 2002:9).

e) Hyponims is another word is useful when talking about the way word meaning are related. A hyponymous relationship is a kind of relationship (Jeremy Harmer, 2002:9). For example:

Hammer, saw, screwdriver are all to hyponyms, tool is the super ordinate term.

2) Affective meaning

We are using this term to cover the attitudinal and emotional factors, which can be expressed in on item of vocabulary.

4. Vocabulary Mastery

There are some vocabulary skills that must be developed in mastering vocabulary. Students must recognize about the kind of meaning and the words.

a. Kind of meaning

There are two kinds of meaning: they are called connotation and denotation. Connotation meaning is one that has power to do that


Hammer Screwdriver Saw


designates to make emotional, and interpretive suggestion, and sometimes its meaning can be found in analysis. Denotation meaning can be stated an in dictionary and meaning of word communication of thought in some references (Jeremy Harmer, 2002:11-12).

From connotation and denotation meaning above students cannot merely translate word based on a dictionary. They have to think carefully the full sentence or those words in context. Before the

students look up their vocabulary, they have to try making “intelligent

guessing”. It is called as deducing meaning the context.

b. Kinds of words

Vocabulary mastery deals with words and meaning. Teacher should concern what words, which are suitable to be taught to the students. Teacher should select and grade the words according to the level of the students in a certain way. So that students will learn much easier. Actually there are many ways that will help students expands their vocabulary.

1) Word classification

A word can occur in certain place of sentence and server certain place of sentence and serves certain function. It is classified based on their functional categories and called the parts of speech.


A word which serves the name of things. It may be the name of a person, an object, places quality and quantity of something. For example: goodness, teacher, chair, table, etc. b) Verb

It is a word that express an action for instance: work write, go, put, read, get, make, etc.

c) Adjective

It is a word which is used to describe a noun or other substitute example: dark, night, beautiful girl, big match, strong man, lazy students, etc.

d) Adverb

It is a word that used to describe an adjective or a verb. Adverb has been gradually extending its function to those usually performed by other parts of speech. Example: unfortunately, recently, now, tomorrow, last night, etc.

e) Pronoun

It is a word that has function to substitute a noun or pronoun, example: they, we, you, he, she and it.

f) Preposisition

It is a particle of word, which is used with noun or pronoun, example: on, in, under, above, at, into, from, etc (Jeremy Harmer, 1998 : 89).


Functional words are to express grammatical functions. They include preposition, articles, conjunction, forms indicating numbers gender, or tense and pronouns (Jeremy Harmer, 1998:90). Look at the following sentence below:

a) My friend does not speak English b) The children went to the zoo happily

Words such as my, does, not, the, to, above are called functional words.

In English, just like in any other languages, the number of functional words is small and limited but these words are used both in spoken and written English much more often than the content words, however, form the bulk of the English vocabulary system. And there words especially nouns, keep on increasing in number every day.

3) Content Words

Content words are to express cultural contents they consist of noun, verbs, adjective and adverbs. They have more or less independent meaning, surprisingly, while a sentence may consist of several content words (can eat fish). It cannot build up a sentence with only several functional words (Jeremy Harmer, 1998: 92 ). Thus, “my does not the” is not a sentence. Example: a) Cat eat fish


Words such as cat, eat, fish, I, study and English are called by content words.

4) Derivational Affixes

Not all affixes have the same function when attached to the root or base. When the affixes change the class of a root or base then they are usually called derivational affixes

No. Root/base Affix New word

1 Happy (adjective) -ness Happiness (noun) 2 Quick (adjective) -ly Quickly (adverb) 3 Danger (noun) En- Endanger (verb) 4 Wide (adjective) -en Widen (verb)

The perfix /en-/ and the suffix /-ness/, /-ly/, and /-en/ in the example above are usually called derivational affixes because /-ness/ change on adjective /happy/ into noun /happiness/; /-ly/ changes and adjective (quick) into an adverb /quickly/; /en-/ changer a noun /danger/ into a verb /endanger/ and /-en/ changes an adjective /wide/ into a verb /widen/.

Among the characteristics of derivational affixes there are three that will be quite important to understand.


Yet the verb /employ/ may use three different suffixes /-ment/, /-er/, /-ee/ to make three nouns with different meanings /employment/, /employer/,/employee/.

b) In many cases, but not all, a derivational changer the part of speech of the word to which it is added. The noun /act/ becomes an adjective by the additional of /-ive/, and to the adjective /active/ could add /-ate/, making it a verb /activate/. c) Derivationalsuffixes usually do not close of a word, that is,

after a derivational suffix and next, if required. For example to the word /fertilize/ which already ends in a derivational suffix /-ize/, can add another suffix /-er/ to make /fertilizer/. (Jeremy Harmer, 1998 : 94)

5) Inflectional Affixes

Some affixes when attached to the root or base do not change the part of speech of the root and they do not create new words. They only have certain grammatical functions. These affixes are usually called inflectional affixes (Jeremy Harmer, 1998 : 95 ). In English have inflectional affixes to indicate the following.

a) Plural form, such as

 –s book → books

glass → glasses


child → children

 –Φ fish → fish

 a mouse ... mice a goose ... geesee a datum ... data

a phenomenon ... phenomena b) Possessions, such as :

John‟s book

John and Marry‟s house

A dog‟s tail

c) third singular verb marker, for example : mother always cooks rice.

Jack goes to school. He never watches TV. d) Tense maekers, such as :

He worked hard yesterday. (past tense) I have repeated the lesson. (part participle) We are studying English. (present progressive) e) Pronouns have different forms in terms of function

As a subject :She is a teacher. As an object : I met her yesterday.


Compound words are formed by combining two or more words into one unit with a perceptible meaning (Jeremy Harmer, 1998:97). The two word words can be as follows :

a) N + N → classroom

b) Adj + N → green house

c) Prep + Prep → upon, into

d) V + Prepv → takeover, puton

e) N + V →sunbathe, earthquake

Study the following diagram

Words Part I Part II Meaning

Campfire Camp Fire Api unggun

Greenhouse Green House Bangunan dari kaca untuk tumbuh-tumbuhan

Catwalk Cat Walk Jalan sempit

Pigtail Pig Tail Rambut kucir

Earring Ear Ring Anting-anting

Eyeglass Eye Glass Kaca mata

Sunflower Sun Flower Bunga matahari

Grasshopper Grass Hopper Belalang


words (day labourer, filling cabinet, walking stick) and sometimes hyphenated (cigarette-case, egg-cup, clothes-basket).

Compound words which are written as one word, ordinarily take the /-s/ or /-es/ ending in the plural, for examples : Brother-in-law ... brothers-in-law

Passer-by ... passers-by

Commander-in-chief ... commanders-in-chief 7) Blends

Blending is the fusion of two words into one, susually the first part of one word with the last part of another, so that the resultant blend consists both of original meaning (Jeremy Harmer, 2002 : 95). People certainly familiar with the words motor and hotel also familiar with the words breakfast and lunch. In English there are various ways to form new words. One of the ways is by lending two original words, that is :

Motor + Hotel ... Motel Breakfast + lunch ... Brunch

Thus, motel is used to mean a hotel for motorist and brunch is used to mean a meal taken instead of both breakfast and lunch.

Radio + Telegram ... Radiogram Smoke + Fog ... Smog


Biological + Mechanic ... Bionic European + Asian ... Eurosian 8) Clipped forms

Cliping is aprocess in which a word is formed by shortening a langer one. Clipper occurs when the longer word has very commod use and form result because it is simple an as easily understood. Clipped for are usually more their way into standard usage in English (Jeremy Harmer, 1998 : 99 ). For examples : a) Zoo (zoology)

b) Vet (veterant) c) Pant (pantomim) d) Dorm (dormant) e) Auto (autograph) f) Photo (photograph) g) Bike (bicycle) h) Tend (tender) i) Vocab (vocabulary) j) Lab (laboratory)

Clipped forms can be made plural by adding the plural markers. For examples :


Clipping occur when longer words have very common use and their shorter forms become simpler and easly understood. Generally, clipped forms are used more often in an informal speech.

9) Coining

The rarest source of new words is coining, entirely original creation, utilizing neither words from another language nor morphemes and word already in use in English. Coineges or root creation of writters, inventors, scientists and other who are in need of a term to express a given meaning or to name an item or product (Jeremy Harmer, 1998 : 101). For examples :

a) Kodak b) Nylon c) Toyota d) Kleenex e) Tipp-ex 10) Acronyms


Acronyms often name political, industrial, and social organizations for the are colourful and easily remembered short cut words. Some are humorous and catchy such as ACCEPT

(Adult Child Caring for Elderly Parent), CARE (Cooperative for American Remittance to Everywhere), and WOMAN (World Organization of Mothers of All Nations).

Most acronyms are transitory of temporary lexical items, going out of use quickly as do the organizations of situations that they describe. Yet a few number of Acronyms have become permanent entries in the lexicon of English, such as : scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus), radar (radio detecting and ranging) or laser (light aplification by stimulated omission of readiation).

11) Multiple Meaning


involved in both oral and written communication people have less number of English words with only one meaning for each.

Study the following pairs :

Column A Column B

Can opener Spring

Violin Mark

Dentist Nice

Kilometer Good

Kilogram Air

Post-office Round

Algebra Rare

Writer can be sure that in column A each word has normally one meaning only. A can opener is a household which a hose wire usually keeps at home (in the kitchen) to open a can. A violin is a fourstringed musical instrument played with a bow. Idris Sardi plays it very beautifully. When you have a toothache you should go to the dentist, and not to the veterinarian. You can add more words with only one meaning in column A with the of your dictionary.


columb B will be decided by the context in which it is used. Take

the word “spring” for example :

a) I like spring better than summer. (musim semi) b) There are sulphuric hot spring around here. (mata air)

c) My watch doesn‟t work. I am afraid its spring is broken. (per) d) They always spring to their feet when they hear the bell for

dinner. (melompat)

It is necessary to have words with one meaning each. This is a great advantage in business and science because there is no change of misunderstanding. When the doctor asks for a thermometer, the nurse will not give him a stethoscope. However, can you imagine if each word in English has only one meaning? There will be a great many millions of words so that you will have problems to memorize them. In fact person extend the meanings of old words to cover new events or ideas or inventions foe the sake of easiness to remember. In other words, since something new is happening all the time, old words are constantly acquiring new meaning. Sometimes person invent new words.


people can tie their experience together and more easily make sense of them. For example, from the words have already know such a eye, neck, foot can guess the meaning of the eye of the needle, the bottleneck, and the foot of a mountain. First, aword loses meaning when it is used name a great many things (nice for example). Second, as a listener or reader have to stop and figure out which meaning of a word is instead.

12) Synonyms

A synonyms are a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word in the same language (Jeremy Harmer, 2002 : 9). In its passive communication, when person just to what other person is speaking or when person read what their have written, person are required to have more vocabulary power. For this reason, people will be studying synonyms. To know synonyms of certain words is quite important because writers of English are taught to synonyms to avoid beredom in the part of the readers. If person know synonyms of frequently used words, its marvellous, they want not have to open their dictionary too often when reasing English texts or novels.

Study the following English synonyms below : A. Sadness : unhappiness


Chance : possibility Disturbance : confusion

B. Admit : confess

Bind : tie

Classify : arrange Declare : state

Gain : win

C. Sad : unhappy

Anxious : worried

Comfortable : pleasant Confidiental : secret Curious : strange

D. Sadly : unhappily

Absolutely : untirely Altogether : completely Decidedly : certainly Gratefully : thankfully

In colomn A have five nouns with their synonyms. In column B have five verbs with their synonyms. In column C have five adjectives also with their synonyms. Finally in the last column have five examples of adverbs with their synonyms.


must also be a verb and so on. Look at the following synonym below :

Sad = unhappy (both are adjectives) Sadness = unhappiness (both are nuns) Sadly = unhappily (both are adverbs)

It is really dificult to find two or more words having exactly the same meaning in English. Even if you do, these words with susually have different emphasis, suggestion, or usage. Look at the following synonyms below :

A. Rich, wealthy, opulent, moneyed, affluent, well-to-do,well off.

B. Big, large, tremendous, enormous, great, huge, immense, titanic, vast, gigantic, monstrous.


Writers of English are taught to use synonyms. Repeating the same word too often bores the readers. When you see a new word in your reading, therefore, do not look it up immediately in the dictionary. The writer may use the idea again but with a synonym that you already know. Synonyms give the language interest and colour. They help readers increase their vocabulary. To collect list of synonyms and to distinguish their meaning (emphasis, suggestion, usage) in one effective way to enlarge your vocabularies.

13) Antonyms

Antonyms are just the opposite of a synonym, namely an antony is a word expressing an idea opposite to that of another word in the same language (Jeremy Harmer, 2002 : 9).

A. Sadness x Happiness

Saint x Sinner

Birth x Death

Cowardice x Bravery

B. Come x Go

Arrive x Depart

Sell x Buy

Live x Die

Accept x Refuse


Artificial x Natural

Short x Tall

Complicated x Simple Curious x Uninterested

D. Sadly x Happily

Conveniently x Unsuitably Successfully x Unsuccefully Politely x Impolitely Intentionally x Accidentally

In A, B, C, and D you have four nouns, five verbs, five adjectives, and five verbs respectively each with its own antonym. Just like synonyms, antonyms should be related with the word of the same part of speech.

For examples :

Sadness x Happiness (both nuns) Success x Failure (both nouns) Acceptance x Refusal (both nouns) Succeed x Fail (both verbs)

Sad x Happy (both adjectives)


Sometimes it is easy to find out the exact antonym of a word such as : sad x happy, friend x enemy, good x bad, active x inactive. However, it is often rather dificult to find out the exact antonym of a word. The words „small‟ and „tiny‟ are

synonymous, so are the words „large‟ and „enermous‟.

Nevertheless it is not quite accurate to say that „small‟ is the

antonyms of „huge‟ or „enermous‟. Likewise it not accurate to say

that „tiny‟ is the antonyms of „large‟. The fact is that the more

accurate antonym of the word „small‟ is „large‟ and the word

„tiny‟ has „huge‟ or „enermous‟ as its antonym.


5. Theoretical Framework



This chapter discusses the general description of Islamic Kindergarten of Permatasari Kids School Boyolali, Type of Research Subject of the Study, Object of the Study. Implementation of experimental, teaching material, classroom management, procedures and testing technique. Those factors are very crucial for the writer in conducting her experimental study and obtaining the empirical as the result of the experiment.

A. The General Description of Islamic Kindergarten of Permatasari Kids School Boyolali

1. The Historical review

Permatasari Kids School Boyolali is under supervision of the Institution of Sahabat Muda. It is located on Jl Pandanaran 103, Boyolali. Based on the explanation of the headmaster of Islamic kindergarten of Permatasari Kids School Boyolali, Siti Mustifah, S.Pd, this school was built in 2003, based on the accreditation degree from Department of Education and culture affairs decree. The school is named Islamic Kindergarten of Permatasari Kids School Boyolali.

2. The Organization of Islamic Kindergarten of Permatasari Kids School Boyolali.

The cooperation among the people occupying in the organization or in the committee of accreditation influences very much to the success of the


institution in teaching .The aims which have been determined by the institution are follows.



INSTITUTE A1 Desriana Dwijayanti, S.Pd

A1 Nunik Sri Ernawati, S.Pd

A2 Natalia Tri Utaminingsih, S.Pd

A2 Sri Pudjiwati, S.Pd


3. The Condition of Teacher, Staff and Students a. The Teacher

In teaching learning process, teachers have important roles. Their existences are always needed in very school or educational institution. They will give material of subject. The number of Teacher in Islamic Kindergarten of Permatasari Kids School Boyolali is 11 persons. The condition of the teacher can be seen in this following table.





1 Siti Musifah Strata I Head Master

2 Yeni Arifah Diploma II Homeroom Teacher

3 Nunik Sri Ernawati Strata I Homeroom Teacher

4 Sri Pudjiwati Strata I Homeroom Teacher

5 Noor Shofa Strata I Homeroom Teacher

6 Natalia Tri Utaminingsih Strata I Homeroom Teacher

7 Maryati Strata I Homeroom Teacher


No NAME GRADUATION SUBJECT 9 Sri Lestari Utaminingsih Diploma II Homeroom Teacher

10 Nurhadiyaningsih Diploma II Homeroom Teacher

11 Herawati Kusumaningsih Diploma II Homeroom Teacher

b. The Staffs

To manage the education activities, every school needs employees it is expected that every activity can be performed effectively, so that the goal of teaching can be achieved.

The official status of them is institutional employees. The official can help the educational activities. The number of staff in Islamic kindergarten of Permatasari Kids School Boyolali are 2 person, they are: Wiyono and Delvita Prayuwati.

c. The Students

1) The Number of Students

There are 142 students of Islamic kindergarten of Permatasari Kids School Boyolali in the Academic year 2009 / 2010. They consist of 43 students of the first year, 50 students in the second year and 49 in play group. The Islamic kindergarten of Permatasari Boyolali have class groups,( They are: A1, A2,


The students of Islamic Kindergarten of Permatasari Kids School Boyolali must wear the Muslim Jewell. The color of their dresses is white and blue, green and orange, and red.




No Class



Male Female

1 First Year 20 23 43

2 Second Year 26 24 50

3 Play Group 32 17 49

SUM 78 64 142

2) The Students Activities

The student‟s activities in general are divided into 2 items, those are:

a) Intra Curricular Activities


institution, all subjects are taken by the students without any exceptions. The intra curricular activities in Islamic Kindergarten of Permatasari Boyolali are done at school from 08.30 AM up to 12.00 PM, with the schedule determined by Islamic kindergarten or Permatasari kids school Boyolali.

b) Extra-Curricular Activities

The activities are done out of the school by students to enrich hours and learning the knowledge which is possessed by the students and to support the intra curricular activities. The activities are: English private course, drum band, dancing, drawing and sempoa.

B. Research Methodology

In this research the writer would like to present how to carry out the study. The way used in the investigation is, of course, stated in the research methodology. Research is defined as the systematic and objective analyses and recording of controlling observations that may lead to the development of generalization, principle on theories resulting in prediction possibly to the ultimate control of even ( John W. Best 1977, page 8 ).

C. The Type of Research


help teacher to make students interest in the materials given. Besides that, picture can make students active during the teaching – learning process. This observation comprises six meetings. The meetings are as follows:

1. The first meeting : pre – test and as warming up, the writer introduces herself and asks for the students to spell alphabets in correct pronunciation.

2. The second meeting : study about part of body. 3. The third meeting : study about stationary. 4. The Fourth meeting : study about fruits.

5. The fifth meeting : study about solar system. 6. The sixth meeting : post – test.

D. Subject of the Study

In this study, the subject of the study is limited to the students of Islamic kindergarten of Permatasari kids school Boyolali in the second years (B2 class), which has 25 students. The writer takes all students of Islamic

Kindergarten of Permatasari kids school Boyolali in the second years (B2

class), as a population.

E. Object of The Study


F. The Implementation of Experimental

The general purpose of the research is to increase an imagination about educational problem. While the special purpose of the research is to compose ability and competence which used statistic design of research, which is oriented to the solution of problem faced by the research. In this experimental research, the writer have some purpose, they are:

1. To get method or practice in teaching – learning process especially teaching vocabulary by picture as media.

2. To get exact data from subject, so it can be obtained foundation to change in plans.

3. To get comparison data from subject.

G. Teaching Material

The writer takes material from.

1. Enriching and Building Vocabulary, Ahman Furqon, Genesindo.

H. Classroom Management

The classroom management can be described as follows: 1. The students sit down in the classroom.

2. The students should be silent to the teachers direction.


I. Procedures

In this procedures, the writer discusses the teacher role, the learners role, and the classroom activity during teaching learning process. To make it clearer, the writer explains one by one.

1. The Teachers Role

In teaching Vocabulary by using picture, the teacher has several role, they are:

a. Teacher is as provider

It means that before teaching vocabulary, the teacher makes some preparation such as finding materials and choose a media. The materials are as subsequent:

1) Picture

The teacher use picture to explain the material such as picture of parts of Body, Stationary, animals, finest, etc. Which it was prepared to teach vocabulary.

2) Writing tools b. Teacher is a Monitor

It means that the teacher should repair both, pronunciation and committing order of the writer by students repeatedly.

c. Teacher as Model or Example


The teacher keeps interaction between the teacher and students, so the teaching learning process can be understood well. 2. The Learners Role

In teaching learning process, the learners have any roles. The roles are as subsequent:

a. The learners as the listens

It means that the learners are recommended to listen to the teacher direction.

b. The learners as performers

It concerns about instruction given by the teacher, for instance:

1. The teacher asks the learners to answer question.

2. The teacher asks the learners to write the word on the blackboard.

3. The teacher asks the learners to stimulate what the teacher said. 4. The teacher asks the learners to discuss the vocabulary with


J. Classroom Activities


1. Engage

In the first element of teaching sequence, teacher tries to rise the students interest and in value their emotion to the materials which will be taught by using picture. For example: the teacher bestows the question or story related to everything they are doing. In this season, the teacher descubes his / her activity as below.

Firstly, the teacher begins taking walk in to classroom and she

gives the greeting for the student for example, the teacher says “good

morning” to the students. It is the first time when she meets them so she

tells her name. She also asks to give materials. For example, in the first meeting the teacher use point one of them to mention the thing around in the school in Indonesia.

For example= - Teacher asks : Raffi, please mention the things around the school in Indonesia! - Raffi says : Buku, pensil, tas, penghapus,

meja, kursi, dll.

Beside this, the teacher also points the other students to complete the answer from Raffi.

2. In The Second Session


this element, the teacher describes her activity as follow around the school, such as book, pencil, bag, ruler, eraser, etc.

The teacher present the upper material by using picture. Them she asks the students to answer in Indonesia what the something is for example.

Teacher : “What is it?” please answer in Indonesia (The teacher show picture of a book)

Students : “Buku” (The students answer it in Indonesia)

After getting the right answer, the teacher show the subject that is drawn on the card in English and asks them to repeat it in several times until they can pronounce the word correctly. For example:

Teacher : “It is a book” (the teacher shows book and say it in English)

Students : “It is a book” (the students repeat what teacher says) Teacher : “please once again!!” (the students repeat again)

After repeating several times and getting the correct pronunciation, the teacher asks them to write it on the blackboard and directing them to be active. Further, the teacher gives two minutes with their friend to memorize, then they are asked to close their books and she chooses one of them to come forward to clean blackboard.

3. Activities


describes her activity as follows the teacher show all picture one by one in front of class and she chooses some students to answer the subject in English which shown by the teacher.

For example

Teacher : “What is this, Fara?” the teacher shows a ruler picture and asking Fara to answer it in correct pronunciation. Fara : “This is a ruler” ( Rara answer it)

In spite of this, the teacher also choose one of the students to come forward to write it, for example:

Teacher : “What is it, Rachel?” (The teacher shows a bag picture, and asking him to write on the whiteboard).

Rachel : “It is a bag” (Rachel write the object on the white, which is shown by the teacher)

To check the answer whether they can answer and write it correctly or incorrectly the teacher opens the teaching learning process by using picture that close the written words. After finishing all subject spoken / materials of the session, the teacher asks them to write and answer the teacher questions. The students were not allowed to open their books, they should make it without discussions with their friends.


K. Data Presentation 1. Respondents

Respondents is part of the accessible population who respon the test, and the researcher take 25 students or respondents of second year students of Permatasari kids school, Boyolali.







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