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Having An 8-Year-Old Boy Who Lacks Concentration in Pre-Introduction 3 Level at New Concept English Education Centre.


Academic year: 2017

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i Maranatha Christian University


Tujuan penulisan Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk menganalisa masalah yang saya hadapi ketika magang sebagai guru di New Concept English Education Centre. Masalah tersebut adalah adanya seorang anak laki-laki berusia delapan tahun, yang kurang mampu berkonsentrasi pada saat belajar di kelas.

Penyebab anak tersebut kurang mampu berkonsentrasi yaitu, anak tersebut merasa kelelahan dan merasa bosan. Kemudian, karena anak tersebut kurang mampu berkonsentrasi, akibatnya anak tersebut tidak pernah mengerjakan latihan di kelas sampai selesai, dan anak tersebut juga menjadi ketinggalan dalam pelajaran, dan saya menjadi kesulitan dalam mengatur waktu pada saat memberikan pelajaran. Untuk

menghadapi masalah tersebut ada tiga solusi yang dapat diterapkan dengan melihat beberapa dampak positif dan dampak negatif dari tiap solusi. Solusi-solusi yang dapat diterapkan tersebut yang pertama adalah saya mengubah beberapa metode dengan beberapa aktivitas di kelas yang membuat anak-anak melakukan pergerakan tubuh. Kedua, saya memberikan perhatian lebih kepada anak tesebut pada saat belajar di kelas. Ketiga, saya membuat catatan untuk anak tersebut untuk dipelajari di rumah.

Saya juga menentukan satu solusi yang paling tepat dalam


Maranatha Christian University A. Background of the Study

B. Identification of the Problem

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution

E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study

G. Organization of the Term Paper




A. Appendix

- The student felt bored.


- The student never finished doing the exercises.

- The student was behind in his lessons.

- It was difficult for me to manage the time in giving the lessons.

Potential Solution I

I change some methods with some activities in class which make the students do body movements

Potential Negative effects

- The student will feel more tired than before.

- Some materials from students’ textbook will be left unfinished.

Potential Positive effects

- The student will not feel bored.

- The student will be able to learn better.

Potential Solution II

I give more attention to the student during the lessons

Potential Negative effect

- It is possible that the student will feel that there is no need to listen to the

I make notes for the student to study at home

Potential Positive effects

- The student will try to focus on the lesson.

- The student will try his best because he knows that I care about him.

Potential Negative effects

-The other students will be jealous.

- The student will depend on my attention in his learning process.

Chosen Solution


B. Appendix


Name of respondent : Bramasta (Rama)

Day/date of interview : Monday/19 September 2011

Place of interview : NCEEC at Sarijadi, Blok 14 no. 25

Time : 05.10 to 05.30 pm

Rinda : Ms mau nanya, Rama di kelas kelihatannya ko lesu aja, kaya

ga semangat belajar Bahasa Inggrisnya, kenapa?

Bramasta : Iya ms, sayanya udah cape soalnya seharian aktivitas, trus

langsung berangkat les kadang juga udah malas karna udah

pengen istirahat.

Rinda : Tapi Rama suka ga belajar Bahasa Inggris, soalnya Rama

kalau nulis sama ngerjain latihan gitu, ms lihat kaya ga senang


Bramasta : Suka ko ms, tapi ga suka kalau nulis gitu bosan, bikin

ngantuk kalau lama gitu nulisnya.

Rinda : Memangnya kamu ga tidur siang dulu sebelum berangkat les?

Bramasta: Saya ga pernah tidur siang ms, soalnya setiap habis pulang

sekolah setengah tigaan, soalnya ikut ekstrakurikuler, trus

setelah pulang sekolah ada les matematika sama les gambar


Rinda : Kamu biasanya bangun pagi, berangkat sekolah gitu jam


Bramasta : Bangunnya setengah lima, trus berangkat jam enam.

Rinda : Jadi kalau belajar sama mengerjakan PR jam berapa?

Bramasta : Malam-malam ms, kalau sudah beres makan, udah gitu tidur


1 Maranatha Christian University



A. Background of the Study

In learning, concentration is important because concentration can help

learners to get the point of what they listen, read, and watch easily.

Concentration is a process of focusing the mind on a particular object with

full attention (“Pengertian Konsentrasi Dalam Belajar” par.1). If learners lack of concentration, it will be hard for them to understand what they are


When I was doing my internship in New Concept English Education

Centre (henceforth, NCEEC), I found a student who has difficulty in

concentrating in every meeting. Therefore, the problem is there is an

8-year-old boy who lacks concentration. His name is Bramasta, and he was

in the Pre Introduction 3 level.He was one of five students whom I taught

twice a week in English class during my internship as a teacher in NCEEC


2 Maranatha Christian University Therefore, he did not catch the lessons that I explained which gave him

difficulty in doing the exercises. This is why I want to analyze this problem

in this term paper.

The solution of this problem is important to find, because this problem

can affect the future of Bramasta, especially in his education. Therefore, if

there is a solution, it will help Bramasta’s education better. For that reason,

I am going to analyze this problem in a systematic and critical way.

B. Identification of the Problem

The problem will be discussed in this term paper to answer the

following questions:

1. Why does the student lack concentration?

2. How does his lack of concentration affect his learning process?

3. How can I help the student to be able to concentrate on the


C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

There are three objectives of this term paper. The first is to know the

causes of the student’s lack of concentrationin learning. The second is to

know the effects of the student’s lack of concentration in learning. The last

is to understand the way to help the student who lacks concentration in


There are two benefits of this term paper for teachers in NCEEC. First,


3 Maranatha Christian University

the lesson which is interesting will get the students’ attention. Second, it

can help them on how to help the students especially those who lack


For the readers, this term paper is beneficial to get information about

students’ lack of concentration in learning. If the readers have difficulty in

dealing with their students or their children who lack concentration, they

can get information about the solution from this term paper.

This term paper also has benefits for me as the writer. This term paper

gives me some information about lack of concentration which can help me

whenever I face a similar problem in the future.

D. Description of the Institution

NCEEC is an English education institution under Yayasan Pendidikan

New Concept. NCEEC was founded in 1983. This institution has been

educating a lot of students and professionals. From 2002 NCEEC has

been extending their network to other cities outside Jabodetabek. Now

NCEEC has one hundred twenty two (122) branches in Bandung,

Semarang, Yogyakarta, Solo, Madiun, Surabaya, Demak, Kudus, and

Jepara. I did my internship at the branch in Bandung, which is located at

Sarijadi Blok 14 no. 25. It is led by Mr. Sutrisno, S. Kom.

There are two visions and four missions of NCEEC as stated in their

brochure. The first vision is willing to participate in making the life of the

nation being intellect especially in the area of the English language


4 Maranatha Christian University system, technology and science. The second vision is being a reliable and

trustworthy English educational institution. The first mission is creating

sophisticated teaching methodwhich is most up-to-date, and able to

accelerate in mastering English language. The second mission is creating

a management support which is professional, so that the teaching

activities can work effectively and efficiently. Then, the third mission is

creating a professional team of human resources in systematic and

efficient trainings and expansion. Forth, developing networks and

marketing in order to make the education service can be enjoyed by the

whole society.

E. Method of the Study

For getting the information that I need to complete this term paper, I

use some research methods. During my internship from January to

February 2011, I wrote my daily internship journal which recorded the

experiences in my teaching, and I got some data from that journal. I also

did an interview with the student to get the data about him. I read some

articles from the Internet and also read some books to find the theories


5 Maranatha Christian University

F. Limitation of the Study

The study focuses on an 8-year-old student in the Pre Introduction 3

level at NCEEC who lacks concentration. He was one of five students that

I taught in the class during my internship between January and February


G. Organization of the Term Paper

This term paper starts with an Abstract. The Abstract is a summary

about the whole content of the term paper in Bahasa Indonesia. Then,

there are four chapters of the contents.

The first chapter is Introduction which is divided into seven parts.

The first part is Background of the Study which explains the reason of

choosing the topic. Then, there is the Identification of the Problem which

has questions that will guide the research. The third part is Objectives and

Benefits of the Study which describe the aims and benefits of this term

paper for the institution, the readers, and for the writer. The fourth part is

Description of the Institution which is about the history, vision and mission

of NCEEC. Afterwards, there is Method of the Study which is about the

process of collecting data. The sixth part is Limitation of the Study which is

about the limit of the topic to discuss. The seventh part is Organization of

the term Paper which is the order and the short description of the parts of

the term paper.

Next is Chapter II. It is Problem Analysis which analyzes the causes


6 Maranatha Christian University

which discusses three Potential Solutions with their positive and negative


The last is Chapter IV. It is the Conclusion of the best solution that I

choose, with logical and responsible reasons. Then, there is Bibliography.

It contains the information about the publishing of all sources cited in

Chapter I to Chapter IV. After that, there are Appendices which contain the


17 Maranatha Christian University



Based on my analyses in the previous chapters, I sum up that having

an 8-year-old student who lacks concentration in English Course at

NCEEC is caused by the fact that the student felt tired, and the student felt

bored. Then the effects of this problem are, the student never finished

doing the exercises, and the student was behind in his lessons, and it was

difficult for me to manage the time in giving the lesson. I have three

potential solutions for this problem, which are I change some methods with

some activities in class which make the students do body movements, I

give more attention to the student during the lessons, and I make notes for

the student to study at home.

Now, I would like to present the best solution to the problem in dealing

with this student who lacks concentration. For this problem I choose to

give more attention to the student during the lessons. By giving attention


18 Maranatha Christian University

My reason for choosing this second potential solution as the best

solution is because of the consideration of the negative effects of each

potential solution. The first negative effect of the first potential solution is

the student will feel more tired. If I choose the first potential solution, it is

not effective because one of the causes of my difficulty is the tiredness of

the student. Being tired or having much to do causes lack of concentration

(Rosario par.1).Then, the other cause of the first potential solution which

is some materials from the students’ textbook will be left unfinished, this is

not also effective in the learning. Then, there is the third potential

solution's negative effect, which is it is possible that the student will feel

there is no need to listen to the teacher's explanation; therefore, he will not

pay attention while I explain the lesson. This means that I still cannot deal

with him. Thus, I choose the second potential solution because I think that

the negative effects of the second potential solution do not hinder him from


In conclusion, when I see the first and the third potential solutions,

there are still possibilities that can arouse the student’s lack of

concentration. However, the two effects of the second potential solution do

not hinder the student to concentrate. In addition, to handle the jealousy of

other students, I will explain the condition of Bramasta’s difficulty to them,

and tell them that he needs more attention in learning. I will also persuade

them to help Bramasta, too. Then the second negative effect of the


19 Maranatha Christian University

learning process. It is not disrupt as long as the attention that I give can


Maranatha Christian University


Printed Source

Killen, Roy. Effective Teaching Strategies. Katoomba: Social Science

Press, 1998.

Electronic Sources

“Attention.” CTERprogramUniersityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign. 10

January 2010. 29 October 2011.


Davies, Leah. “Movement Activities and Games for Elementary

Classrooms (Part 1).” January 2000. 16 December 2011.

<http://www.kellybear.com/TeacherArticles/TeacherTip69.html 11/06>.

“Difficulties with Attention.” WGBH Educational Foundation. 2002.

3 November 2011.


Judarwanto,Widodo. “Anakku Cerdas, Tapi Sulit Konsentrasi.”

Kompasiana.com. 2008. 13 October 2011.


Maranatha Christian University



“Motivating Learning in Young Children.” nasponline.org. 2003. 5 October

2011. <http://www.nasponline.org/resources/home_school/


“Pengertian Konsentrasi Dalam Belajar.” Shvoong.com. 11 Agust 2011.

5 October 2011. <http://id.shvoong.com/social-sciences/ education /


Rosario, MM Del. “Howto Improve Your Concentration.” HubPages

Inc/Lumosity. 2011. 11 March 2011.



Sasson, Remez. “Lack of Motivation and Enthusiasm.”

SuccessConsciousness.com. 2001. 10 Oktober 2011.



“Teachers and Students: Building the Best Relationship.” LittleStar

Magazine. September 2009. 17 November 2011.



“The Effect of Child Anxiety on Concentration and School Performance.”

Child Anxiety Forums. 2011. 28 October 2011.



Maranatha Christian University

to Them.” money-resources.net. 27 February 2009. 17 November





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