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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities

State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya



Reg. Number A83212158






Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities

State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya



Reg. Number A83212158






Rahma, Eriska Novita. 2016. Grammatical Cohesion in The Short Story “Tanya’s Reunion” by Valarie Flournoy. English Department, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor : Endratno Pilih Swasono, M.Pd

Key Terms : Language, grammatical cohesion, short story

Language is a tool for communication. Almost every day human has communication to other. The function of language itself are to give information, to pour the idea, to make suggestion and many else. Language is not only in spoken, but also in the written. We can see in many media. Like: magazine, newspaper, novel, short story, and in daily conversation. This thesis discusses the types of grammatical cohesion and find the most grammatical cohesion occurred in the short story “Tanya’s Reunion”. The aims to this study are to identity the types of grammatical cohesion and to determine how often grammatical cohesion occur in the short story “Tanya’s Reunion”. The researcher limits the study in the one of short story by Valery Flournoy –“Tanya’s Reunion”.

This study is using Hasan and Halliday theory. It is discourse field and there is grammatical cohesion that explained in this theory. This study also used descriptive qualitative method. The researcher wants to get detailed understanding about grammatical cohesion and the most to determine how often grammatical cohesion occur in the short story. The researcher read the book, sort all the short story, decided to choose the short story entitled “Tanya Reunion” by Valery Flournoy, collect the data, classifying the data to the types of grammatical cohesion, analyzed the data, explained and interpret all the grammatical cohesion used in the short story “Tanya Reunion” and make the conclusion.




Rahma, Eriska Novita. 2016. Grammatical Cohesion in The Short Story “Tanya’s Reunion” by Valarie Flournoy. English Department, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor : Endratno Pilih Swasono, M.Pd

Key Terms : Language, grammatical cohesion, short story

Bahasa merupakan suatu alat komunikasi. Hampir setiap hari manusia berkomunikasi dengan yang lainnya. Fungsi dari Bahasa itu sendiri adalah untuk memberikan informasi, menuangkan ide, membuat saran, dan banyak lainnya. Bahasa tidak hanya dengan ucapan tetapi juga secara tertulis. Kita dapat melihat diberbagai media seperti :majalah, koran, novel, cerita pendek, dan percakapan sehari – hari. Skripsi ini mendiskusikan tentang macam – macam dari grammatical cohesion dan mencari grammatical cohesion yang sering digunakan dalam cerita pendek “Tanya’s Reunion”. Tujuan dari pembelajaran ini adalah untuk menyebutkan macam – macam grammatical cohesion dan menentukan bagian grammatical cohesion mana yang sering digunakan dalam cerita pendek “Tanya’s Reunion”. Peneliti membatasi lingkup studinya pada satu cerita pendek dari Valery Flournoy yaitu “Tanya’s Reunion”.

Pada studi ini menggunakan teori dari Hasan dan Haliday. Teori ini merupakan ranah pembelajaran discourse dan grammatical cohesion dijelaskan di dalamnya. Pada studi ini juga menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Peneliti ingin mendapatkan pengertian yang lebih jelas atau detil dalam grammatical cohesion dan mendapatkan hasil dari grammatical cohesion mana yang lebih serng digunakan dalam cerita pendek tersebut. Peneliti membaca bukunya, menyortir semua cerita pendek yang ada dalam buku tersebut, memutuskan untuk memilih judul cerita pendek yakni “Tanya Reunion” oleh Valery Flournoy, mengumpulkan data, mengklasifikasikan data kedalam beberapa tipe grammatical cohesion, menganalisis data, menjelaskan dan menginterpretasikan semua kedalam grammatical cohesion yang digunakan dalam cerita pendek “Tanya’s Reunion” dan membuat kesimpulan.


xii Personal Reference ... 10 Demonstrative Reference ... 11 Comparative Reference ... 12 Substitution ... 13 Adversative Conjunction ... 19 Causal Conjunction ... 19



4.2 Discussion ... 158


5.2 Suggestion ... 164


APPENDIX ... 167




1.1. Background of the study

In our daily life, language is used to communicate each other. Language is not only in spoken, but also in the written. We can see in many media. Like: novel, short story, and in daily conversation. According to Halliday and Hasan (1976:1) in Tanskanen (2006:3) “a text is a unit of language in use”, and “the analysis of discourse is, necessarily, the analysis of language in use”. It means that

discourse studies especially in grammatical cohesion is influence the words or the sentences in a text itself. We will understand what is a text talking about.

In the text, we can find related sentence in one sentence to another. Related sentence can be called as cohesion. Hasan and Halliday (1976:5) also said that Cohesion is part of the system of a language. The potential of cohesion lies in the synthetic resources of reference, ellipsis, and so on that built into the language itself. Cohesion is expressed through the strata organization of language. Language can be explained as multiple coding system comprising three levels of coding or strata; the semantic “meaning”, lexicogrammatical “forms” and the phonological orthographic “expression”. It means that cohesion will make the

reader or the listener easily to understand the text in spoken or written.


element. Millward (in Muslimah, 2007:13) in Setyowati (2008:20) said that Cohesive devices are certain words or phrases and their location within the discourse will activate a set of assumptions as to the meaning of what has gone beforehand or will generate a set of expectations to what may follow. So that, word or phrases can create links across the boundaries of mere fragments or can chain related items together.

One of the texts that contain cohesion device is short story. In cliffsnotes, a short story is fictional work of prose that is shorter in length than a novel. In this research, the researcher will analyze the short story “Tanya’s Reunion” by Valerie Flournoy. In this short story tell about Tanya as the main character. In her house, completely her parents, her grandmother and her brothers was sitting down together in the dining room. They were discussing about Tanya’s plan. Hopefully Tanya can go to her reunion with her family and finally she can go to her reunion with grandmother. They were taking busses and it is about eight up to nine hours. Because they have long journey, Tanya was sleeping in the bus. After that, they arrived in the place but Tanya shocked, it is not like her expectation and she really disappointed. She said to grandmother to go home. At the morning grandmother told her reason why she left her house and gave short explanation to her.

There are some researchers who have conduct research about cohesion. First is coming from Primasia Kusuma Nariswari (2010) – Cohesive Devices Used In “Indonesia This Morning”, A Metro TV English News Program. The purpose of


qualitative and quantitative approach. A qualitative approach is mostly used as a research design, but it also uses a simple quantitative method to get a better view of visualization of the problem and to support the conclusion. From the result of analysis data, the writer gets that the occurrence of grammatical cohesive devices occur 623 times which include references 595 times, substitution 6 times and ellipsis 2 times. The logical cohesive devices occur 211 times which include additive 128 times, adversative 34 times, causal 46 times, and temporal 12 times. The cohesive devices occurs 376 times which include reiteration 234 times and collocation 142 times.

The second research were done by Marshalita Siri Valentine. (2013) – The Cohesion of Reading Text “English in Focus” For The year Seven Junior High

School Published By Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. It is about the realization of grammatical cohesion in seventeen texts that are analyzed and the realization of lexical cohesion in the same text. The result in this research are the writer found reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction as grammatical cohesion devices, while repetition and collocation as lexical cohesion devices. The dominant device of grammatical cohesion is reference 57,1%. Meanwhile the dominant device of lexical cohesion is repetition, its percentage reaches 13,2%.


Strike Back. The researcher interest to conduct this research because the story is interesting to be read and the researcher feels that it is very important to be analyzed. The writer feels that grammatical cohesion is important especially in the short story.

Grammatical cohesion is important because it can build the relation of word by word or sentence by sentence. Example: in paragraph one, page: 189. Tanya had just pooped the last spoonful of bread pudding made that morning into her mouth when Grandma announced,” Got a card from Aunt Kay and Uncle John

today. From that example there is a personal reference. It is possessive determiner – Tanya –> her, that refer to speaker. There is a demonstrative reference – that. It

is refers to bread pudding. There is conjunction especially in additive type – and. It shows us that there are two people – not one. So, it has meaning that can make the reader understand the sequence of the story. In addition, there is no one doing this research by using this short story “Tanya’s Reunion”by Valerie Flournoy”

This study is focused only on grammatical cohesion on the short story “Tanya’s Reunion” by Valerie Flournoy. Actually, this short story is related with

children learning. Because it has many goals. Such as use the reading process – figure out how to pronounce new words, figure out the meaning of new word, read aloud accurately and expressively; understand what they read – know how to learn from pictures, graphs and maps, figure out the purpose of a text, figure out the main idea and find details that support the main idea and also retell an author’s


communicate well with others. In this study, the researcher wants to find the types of grammatical cohesion and to find which grammatical cohesion often used in the “Tanya’s Reunion” by Valerie Flournoy.

1.2. Statement of the problems

The problems of the study are stated in the following questions:

(1.) What are the types of grammatical cohesion in the short story “Tanya’s Reunion”?

(2.) What is the most grammatical cohesion occurred in the short story “Tanya’s Reunion”?

1.3. Objectives of the study

This study is conducted to achieve the following objectives:

(1.) To identity the types of grammatical cohesion in the short story “Tanya’s Reunion”.

(2.) To determine how often grammatical cohesion occur in the short story “Tanya’s Reunion”

1.4. Significance of the study


next research in linguistic major. Especially is in grammatical cohesion as the part of discourse and in the different media. Examples: novel and magazine.

1.5. Scope and Limitation

The scope in this research is grammatical cohesion of discourse field and the limitation in this research is in the one of short story by Valery Flournoy – “Tanya’s Reunion”. The researcher chooses this short story because these

sentences in the paragraph contain some organization in cohesion. It will specialized by references, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction.

1.6. Definition of Key Term

To have the same interpretation in understanding this study, definition of key terms is provided as follows:

(1.) Cohesion : the connection between grammar and vocabulary then it can make the reader understand text clearly.

(2.) Grammatical cohesion : a group of reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction.

(3.) Short story : fictional work of prose that is shorter in length than a novel.

(4.)Tanya : the main character in the short story “Tanya’s Reunion”




In this chapter, the researcher will analyze about the cohesion in the short story “Tanya’s Reunion”. This analysis focused on the text of this short story. In this case, the writer would highlighting the cohesion and its organizations and also looking for the most grammatical cohesion occurred in the short story “Tanya’s Reunion”

2.1 Discourse Analysis

According to Paltridge (2008:2) Discourse analysis focus on knowledge about language beyond the world, clause, phrase, and sentence that is needed for successful communication. It looks at patterns of language across texts and considers the relationship between language and the social and cultural context that is used. It considers what people mean by what they say, how they work out what people mean, and the way language presents different view the world and different understanding.

2.2 Cohesion


2.2.1. Grammatical Cohesion

There are four grammatical cohesions:

(20) Reference

According to Hasan and Halliday (1976:31), Reference is the specific nature of the information that is signaled for retrieval. In the case of reference the information to be retrieved is the referential meaning. Identity of the particular thing or class of thing that is being referred to; and the cohesion lies in the continuity of reference, whereby the same thing enters into the discourse a second time.

Reference is divided into two parts, exophora (situational) and endophora (textual). Setyowati (2008:24) exophora is the interpretation of an element in a text by referring to a thing as identified in the context of situation (outside the text or the knowledge of the world). An example of exophoric reference is like in the personal reference such as I, you, we, my, etc. Endophoric reference (textual reference) is the interpretation of an element in a text by referring to a thing as identified in the surrounding text. Endophoric reference is divided into two parts; they are anaphoric (to preceding text) and cataphoric (to following text) reference. Anaphoric is when a relation presupposes something that has gone before, while cataphoric is happened when a relation presupposed by something in the following part.

(21) Personal Reference

According to Hasan and Halliday (1976:37) Personal reference is reference by means of function in the speech situation, through the category of person. The category of personal consists of three classes of personal pronouns, possessive determiners (usually called ’possessive adjectives’), and possessive


Table 2.1 Personal Reference


a. John loves Mary. He loves her very much


(Azzar and Hagen, 2006 :164)

b. This is my book. This book is mine.

A possessive adjective is used in front of a noun my book. A possessive pronoun is used alone, without a noun following it.

(Azzar and Hagen, 2006 :442) Demonstrative References

According to Hasan and Halliday (1976:37) Demonstrative reference is reference by means of location, on a scale of proximity (near, far, neutral, time).

Figure 1.2. Demonstrative Reference Neutral the


Near: Far: Far (not near)

Singular: this that Selective Participant

Plural: these those Place: here there Circumstance

Time: now then (Hasan and Halliday, 1976:57)



Tanya found Grandma, Aunt Kay, and cousin Celeste in the kitchen surrounded by boxes and lists about sleeping arrangements and who would cook what for the big reunion.

(Chard, 2009:202)

The demonstrative reference in example above is here which has function of near proximity. It refers to kitchen that is located near from the speaker now. Comparative References

According to Hasan and Halliday (1976:37) Comparative reference is indirect reference by means of identity or similarity.

Figure 1.3 Comparative Reference

Identity same equal identical, identically general Similarity such similar, so similarly likewise (deictic) Difference other different else, differently

Otherwise Comparison

Numerative more fewer less further Additional; so- as- equally- Particular +quantifier, eg: so many

(non-deictic) Epithet comparative adjectives and adverbs, eg: better; so- as- more- less– equally- +comparative adjective and adverbs, eg: equally good



Grandma looked out over the land, remembering. “It was after the Second

World War. My Isaac – your grandpa Franklin – and many other people thought we’d find better opportunities, better jobs closer to the cities up north.

(Chard, 2009:207)

From that example we get other as the example from comparative reference. It is focused in difference. It means there are additional though from many people. Substitution

According to Hasan and Halliday (1976:88-89), Substitution is a relation in the wording rather than in the meaning. It is between linguistic items, such as words, phrases, and clauses. There are three types of substitution, they are: nominal (one, ones, same), verbal (do), and clausal (so, not) substitution. Nominal Substitution

According to Hasan and Halliday (1976:91) The substitute one / ones in nominal always functions as a Head of a nominal group. The verbal substitute is ‘do’, and it functions as head of a verbal group. Example:


(Hasan and Halliday, 1976:94)

From the example above the word “ones” is refer back to the picture –

previous sentence. Here are the forms of one and related items:

Table 2.2 Nominal Substitution

Item Class

1. One, ones Nominal substitute

2. One (they, you, we) Personal pronouns 3. One (two, three, . . . ) Cardinal number 4. One, some (both, other) Cardinal numeral

5. a/an, some (any) Determiner (‘indefinite article’) 6. one / some (any) Determiner (‘indefinite article’)

7. one, ones (thing) Pronoun

8. thing, person, creature, etc General noun

(Hasan and Halliday, 1976:106)

Actually, there are six tables related from those two tables, but the researcher only took two tables from those. Because the researcher felt only those two tables related with her research. Verbal Substitution

According to Hasan and Halliday (1976:113) In verbal group, the lexical ‘Thing’ is substitutable by an empty substitution counter that always function of


He never really succeeded in his ambitions. He might have done, one felt, had it not been for the restlessness of his nature.

(Hasan and Halliday, 1976:113)

Here done substitutes for succeeded in his ambitions.

Here are the forms of do

Table 2.3. Verbal Substitution

Item Class

1. do Verbal substitute

2. do so Verbal substitute

3. do Lexical verb

4. do (make, take, etc) General verb

5. do (happen) Pro – verb

6. do Verbal operator (auxiliary)

(Hasan and Halliday, 1976:129)

Actually, there are six tables related from those two tables, but the writer only took two tables from those. Because the writer felt only those two tables related with her research. Clausal Substitution

According to Hasan and Halliday (1976:130) in clausal substitution the entire clause is presupposed, and the contrasting element is outside the clause. For example:


(Hasan and Halliday, 1976:130)

Here the word “so” is substitute there’s going to be an earthquake. Ellipsis

According to Hasan and Halliday (1976:144) ellipsis is a relation within the text, and in the great majority of instances the presupposed item is in the preceding text. Ellipsis occurs when something that is structurally necessary is left unsaid. There are three kinds of ellipsis, they are: Nominal, Clausal, and Verbal. Nominal Ellipsis

According to Hasan and Halliday (1976:147) by nominal ellipsis we mean ellipsis within the nominal group. On the logical dimension the structure is that of a head with optional modification; the modifying elements include some which precede the head and some which follow it, referred to here as Premodifier and Postmodifier respectively.


the function referred to as the Thing. Most elements may occure more than once, and the tendency for this to happen increased as one moves towards the later elements of the structure. Example:

Four other Oysters followed them, And yet another four.

(Hasan and Halliday, 1976:148)

In the second line four, which is a Numerative and therefore normally acts as modifier, is upgraded to function as Head. Verbal Ellipsis

According to Hasan and Halliday (1976:192) the final element in verbal group, the lexical verb, is omitted, and preceding elements may be omitted. Example:

a. Have you been swimming? – Yes, I have. b. What have you been doing? – Swimming (Hasan and Halliday, 1976:167)

From those example, in a It should be Yes, I have been swim, and in b it should be I have been swimming. Clausal Ellipsis

According Nariswari in her thesis (2010:19) Clausal ellipsis is the omission of an item within clausal. Example:


b. Can you read the print without your glasses? – No, but I can look at the picture.

(Hasan and Halliday, 1976:205)

Where the second sentence in (a) also refers to ‘yesterday’ and the response in (b) refers to “without my glasses” Conjunction

According to Hasan and Halliday (1976:303) Is on the border-line of the grammatical and the lexical. There are five categories: additive, adversative, causal, temporal, and other conjunction. Additive Conjunction

Expressed by the words and, and also, nor, and…not, or, or else, furthermore, in addition, besides, alternatively, incidentally, by the way, that is, I mean, in other words, for instance, thus, likewise, similarly, in the same way, on the other hand, by contrast, etc. Example:

“To be able to see Nobody! And at that distance, too!”

(Hasan and Halliday, 1976:246)

(30) Adversative Conjunction

Relation which means contrary to expectation covers some words include yet, though, only, but, however, nevertheless, despite this, in fact, actually, as a mater of fact, at the same time, instead, rather, on the contrary, at least, rather, I mean, in any case, in either case, which ever way it is, anyhow, at any rate, however it is, etc. Example: An external adversative relation is expressed in its simple Form by the word yet occurring initially in this sentence:

All the figures were correct; they’d been checked. Yet the total came out


(Hasan and Halliday, 1976:250)

From the example above the word “yet” is connect between two sentences.

It show us about the result but it does not suitable with the real. Causal Conjunction


The next morning she was glad and proud that she had not yielded to a scare. For he was most strangely and obviously better.

(Hasan and Halliday, 1976 : 258)

From the example above, the word “for” is categories as one of other words that consist in the causal conjunction. The word “for” is a result of the

strangely man who make the woman feel scare but the real now is the woman feel glad and proud to him. Temporal conjunction

It is include then, next, after that, just then, at the same time, previously, before that, finally, at last, first…then, at first…in the end, at once, thereupon,

soon, after a time, next time, on other occasion, next day, an hour later, meanwhile, until then, at this moment, up to now. Examples:

Finally we should record that the influence of the humanist contributed a good deal towards the final decay of the plainsong tradition.

(Hasan and Halliday, 1976 : 264)

From the example above, there is a word “finally” in this sentence. The word “finally” is one of temporal conjunction’s word. The word “finally” means


of the humanist contributed a good deal towards the final decay of the plainsong tradition.

2.3. Previous Study

There are some researchers who have conduct research about cohesion. First is coming from Primasia Kusuma Nariswari (2010) – Cohesive Devices Used In “Indonesia This Morning”, A Metro TV English News Program. The purpose of

the study is to determine the use of cohesive devices which are used in Indonesian This Morning, a Metro TV English News Program. This study uses mixed qualitative and quantitative approach. A qualitative approach is mostly used as a research design, but it also uses a simple quantitative method to get a better view of visualization of the problem and to support the conclusion. From the result of analysis data, the writer gets that the occurrence of grammatical cohesive devices occur 623 times which include references 595 times, substitution 6 times and ellipsis 2 times. The logical cohesive devices occur 211 times which include additive 128 times, adversative 34 times, causal 46 times, and temporal 12 times. The cohesive devices occurs 376 times which include reiteration 234 times and collocation 142 times.


following text can flow smoothly, be harmonious and the reader can understand clearly what the writer intended meanings. Moreover, the use of reference also to give the reader further information about the identity of some one.

Then, related to the second rank of occurrence, the writer explains that lexical cohesion is often used in a text for the reason that a word is in some way associated with another word in the preceding text, because of a direct repetition of it, or synonymous with it, or tends to occur in the same lexical environment, coheres with that words.

Moreover, conjunction is also often used in a text because in written text, one text and another must relate to each other. For that reason, it needs a tool to link part of a text to another in order to make a good relationship and coherence in a text. In this case, the additive conjunction has the function as the formal markers which relate what is said to what has been said before.


From the seventeen texts above that have been analyzed by the writer, there are differences of cohesiveness degree of grammatical and lexical cohesion. Grammatical cohesion has very high level while lexical cohesion has low level. Grammatical cohesion through it’s own tools gives contribution to connect one

sentence to the other sentences. The impacts of grammatical cohesion that have high level of cohesiveness degree are to each the reader to understand the context, and the sentences are arranged well. On the other hand, lexical cohesion is still in low grade of cohesiveness degree. It builds the text become monotonous. Without development of words by some variation words can make the readers unexciting and feel bored.


Based on the findings and discussions from the previous chapter, the researcher draws conclusions as follows: the first is in the 16 narrative texts presented in the electronic textbook for senior high school grade X entitled “Developing English Competence”, reiteration appears as the first rank among all

subcategories of lexical and grammatical cohesion. There are 404 instances, or 40, 64% of the total occurrences. The second rank is reference with 359 instances, or 36, 12% of the total occurrences. Conjunction appears as the third rank with 209 instances or 21, 03% of the total occurrences. Then, it is followed by collocation with 18 instances or 1, 81% and substitution and ellipsis in the last rank. Each of them appears 2 times or 0, 20 % of the total occurrences. It means that the narrative texts in the textbook mostly use vocabulary rather than structure to carry semantic relation; and the second is 16 narrative texts analyzed in this research are considered as highly cohesive texts because they contain dense lexical cohesion that make coherent discourse and facilitate comprehension. Finally, the narrative texts presented in the textbook are compatible as language inputs.


combines top down and bottom up processing. Besides giving scaffolding about the difficult words, the teachers should be able to facilitate the students‟

comprehension by telling the socio-cultural background of the stories and the purposes of having the texts if it is necessary, in order to make students easily relate to their prior knowledge.

The fourth is Himmatur Rofi’ah. (2015) Grammatical Cohesion in “ The Miracle Worker” movie. This study is to investigate the frequent of grammatical

cohesion in movie script and the function. The methodology of this research is descriptive method. The result is all types of grammatical cohesion used by four main characters in this movie except nominal ellipsis. In 38 scenes are found 848 cohesive devices from grammatical cohesion. From 848 cohesion, 83% is personal references. It appears 703 times. It other word, personal reference is the mostly type used within the movie. The most frequent reference is personal reference. Additive conjunction gets a second by 7% (55) times. Followed by demonstrative reference which appears 32 times (4%). Adversative conjunction follows by 11time appearance or (3%). Comparative reference is (11), causal conjunction is (8), and temporal conjunction is (11) or 1% of appearance. The last verbal substitution and verbal ellipsis, and clausal substitution appears twice, whereas nominal substitution and clausal ellipsis appear a time. The entire cohesive element that mention above has contributed to clarify the overall meaning of the text.


avoid repeating the same word, to point out a scale proximity, and to compare something or situation. Second, substitution and ellipsis simplify and accurate the utterance. The last is conjunction, it has six functions are to relate the similar or identical words, to coordinate sentences which have the same context, to support previous sentence, to opposite the preceding statement, to connect between cause and effect in a sentence, and to connect chronology. Beside the function are mentioned above, the general and the basic function of grammatical cohesion is to relate words, clauses, phrases, or sentence in order to make the sentence meaningful.

Those researches have differences with the researcher’s research. It is about





3.1. Research Design

In conducting this research, the researcher will use descriptive qualitative method. Furthermore, this study uses qualitative method because the researcher wants to get detailed understanding about grammatical cohesion and the most to determine how often grammatical cohesion occur in the short story. Litosseliti (2010: 52) said that qualitative research is concerned with structures and patterrns and how something is, it also the theory was derived from textual (data).

Using descriptive because it describes more about what kind of grammatical cohesion and to determine how often grammatical cohesion occur in the short story. As the statement from Lambert (2012) said that a descriptive qualitative approach need to be the design of choice when a straight forward description of a phenomenon is desired.

3.2. Data and Data Source

The source of data was taken from the short story entitled “Tanya Reunion” by Valery Flournoy was taken from the text of book entitled “Reading Florida” by David J Chard and team. The data of this study is the whole text of the



3.3. Instrument

Research instrument is important to obtain the data of this study for it is a set of method which is used to collect the data. The main instrument of this research will be the researcher itself to interpret the data.

3.4. Techniques of Collecting Data

To collect the data, the following steps are process. The first step is the researcher was going to the Region Library of Sidoarjo to get a new reading book. The researcher was doing like this because she wants to get new reading book that has interesting to read and analyze. The second, the researcher sort all the short story in each new reading book. Then, the researcher decided to choose the short story entitled “Tanya Reunion” by Valery Flournoy was taken from the text of book entitled “Reading Florida” by David J Chard and team.

The short story is getting on August, 2013 at 12 PM. After that the researcher read carefully or by close reading in the short story of “Tanya Reunion” to get the main data related with grammatical cohesion. The next step was the researcher classifying into four aspects in the grammatical cohesion - references, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. Beside that the researcher also made highlighting and made coding from each aspect in the grammatical cohesion such as draw circle for reference, draw triangle for ellipsis, draw square for substitution, and draw line for conjunction that found in the sentence.



manually all the data and take it in a table. How many references got in the short story “Tanya Reunion”, continue by counted substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction in this short story. Then the researcher will continue to make a statistical table.

No Paragraph Grammatical Cohesion

Reference Substitution Ellipsis Conjunction


After that the researcher continue to count the percentage through Scinto formula by following this concept.

The number of cohesion devices X 100%

The number of topic units

After doing the techniques, the researcher would to know which aspect that is mostly used in this short story.

3.5 Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, firstly the researcher read all the text in the short story “Tanya Reunion” to get the meaning from each sentence and a whole text itself.





4.1 Finding


Type of Grammatical Cohesion REFERENCE

According to Hasan and Halliday (1976:31), Reference is the specific nature of the information that is signalled for retrieval. In the case of reference the information to be retrieved is the referential meaning. Identity of the particular thing or class of thing that is being referred to; and the cohesion lies in the continuity of reference, whereby the same thing enters into the discourse a second time. There are three kinds of references: the first is personal references, the second is demonstrative reference, and the last is comparative reference. Personal References

According to Hasan and Halliday (1976:37) Personal reference is reference by means of function in the speech situation, through the category of person. The category of personal consists of three classes of personal pronouns, possessive determiners (usually called ’possessive adjectives’), and possessive pronouns. The examples of


ours, they, their, theirs, them, it, its, she, her, hers, he, him, his, one, one’s.


My husband and I are leaving. We have seen quite enough of this unpleasantness.

(Hasan and Halliday, 1976 : 50)

From That example, there are three personal references. The words are “My, I, We”. The word “My” is as possessive adjective. It means The speaker’s husband. Then the words“I” and

“We” are categories as personal pronouns. The word “I” is refer to

the speaker and the word “We” is refer to the speaker and her husband. It means They were not at home.

The data analysis are: Paragraph 1, page 189

It was Saturday. Baking Day. One of Grandma’s special days. Tanya had just popped the last spoonful of bread pudding made that morning into her mouth when Grandma announced, “Got a card from Aunt Kay and Uncle John today. They’ve invited me to the farm before all the family arrives for the big reunion. And I’ve decided to go.”


There are four personal references. The first is the word “It” in the beginning sentence, mean today. Today is Saturday. The word “It” also as a form of baking to celebrate the one of special days of Grandma. The second is the word “her mouth” is refer to Tanya. It means that Tanya eats bread pudding. The third is the word “They” it is refer to Aunt Kay and Uncle John who send a card to Grandma. The fourth is the words “me” and “I”. It is refer to the speaker – Grandma. It means grandma wants to go the reunion.

Paragraph 2, page 189 – 190

A silence fell across the dinner table. Neither Tanya nor her brothers, Ted and Jim, could remember their grandmother going anywhere without the rest of the family. “Aren’t we going to the farm and reunion too?” Tanya asked. She had been looking forward to the big family event and her first trip to a farm ever since the announcement had arrived. “Yes, Tanya. We’re still going,” papa reassured her. “We can all go to the farm together after the boy’s football summer camp is over,’’ Mama suggested, glancing toward Papa.


There are eight personal references. The first word “her” is refer to Tanya. It means that Tanya’s brothers - Ted and Jim. The

second word “their” is refer to Tanya, Ted and Jim’s Grandma. The third word “we” is refer to the speaker – Tanya and also her family such as Papa, Mama and two Tanya’s brothers. The forth and the fifth

words “She” and “her” are having the same refer that is Tanya as the speaker. The sixth word “We” is refer to the speaker that is Papa, Tanya and all people who sat down in the dinner table. Tanya try to ask and make sure that her family will go to the big reunion. The seventh word “her” is refer to Tanya. The eighth word “We” is refer to all the people who sat down together in the dinner table include the speaker itself – Mama, Papa, Tanya, Ted and Jim and also Grandma. Papa try to give clear planning and reason to go to the big reunion with all the family after the summer camp is over.

Paragraph 3, page 190

Grandma sucked her teeth and sighed.” Now, what’s all the fuss? My baby Sister asked me to come home early. I suspect she needs help working out all the sleeping arrangement and finding just the right spot for all history people will be bringing with them.”


There are five personal references. The first and second words

“her” and “my” are having the same refer. It is refer to Grandma. It is categories as possessive adjective. It means Grandma’s teeth and

Grandma’s relative. The third and forth words “me” and “I” are refer

to Grandma as the speaker. The different here is “me” is as the object and “I” is as the subject. The fifth word is “she” refer to Grandma’s baby sister. The last is the word “them” is refer to the family that will come at the reunion.

Paragraph 5, page 190

“But, Mother,” said Mama, “You were sick not to long ago. Do you really think this trip is wise?” “That was then, honey, and this is now, and I’m just fine. So I’m gonna go while I’m able,” the old woman said firmly. “Besides, if you’re so worried about me, you can always send Tanya along to see I stay out of trouble.”

From the paragraph above, In this paragraph the author tells to the reader that Mama feel worried about the condition of Grandma. Because she was sick not long ago but Grandma ask to take Tanya also for the trip to go the big reunion if Mama still worried about the condition of Grandma.

There are eight personal references in this paragraph. The first and second word have the same word and refer. Both of them is

“You”. It is refer to Grandma. Mama just try to make sure Grandma


make sure Mama as her daughter to not feel worried about her physical health. The sixth word “you” is refer to Mama who felt worried to Grandma. The last word “me” is also refer to Grandma as the speaker. The position word “me” is as the object.

Paragraph 6, page 190

A trip with Grandma! Just the two of them. Tanya couldn’t believe her ears. “May I go with Grandma to the firm?” she pleaded excitedly. Mama looked from Tanya to Papa to Grandma. “Ted and Jim are going to the football camp, “Papa gently reminded Mama. “And we will be joining them shortly.”

In this paragraph the author tells to the reader that Tanya feel surprised that she will have a trip with Grandma and Tanya ask a permitted to her parent. But Papa disagree. Papa remind again if all the family will be joining football camp with Ted and Jim.

There are five personal references in this paragraph. The first is the words “two of them”. Two here means Tanya and her Grandma and “them” here is mean all the family who will attend the reunion. So

all in all Tanya and Grandma will be the part in the reunion with other families. The second word “her”. It is refer to Tanya. It means Tanya’s ears. The third and fourth words are “I” and “she”. It has the


Paragraph 7, page 190

Grandma pulled a letter from her apron pocket, “I think Kay mentioned some of her grandchildren would be visiting early too. So Tanya will have someone to play with.” Mama looked from Grandma to Papa to Tanya again. “All right,” she finally agreed. “You can go.”

From the paragraph above, the author tells to the reader that Grandma remain something. She pulled a letter from her apron pocket and tell that Kay and her grandchildren will visit early. So Tanya will have friends to play with. She will not feel lonely and Mama let them go to the big reunion.

There are five words of personal references. The first and the third words are same but different refer. The first word “her” is refer to Grandma. It means Grandma’s apron pocket. The second word

“her” is refer to Kay. It means Kay’s grandchildren. Then the second

word “I” is refer to the speaker that is Grandma. The fourth word

“she” is refer to Mama who give an agreement to Grandma and Tanya

to go to the reunion. The last word “You” is refer to Grandma and Tanya.

Paragraph 8, page 190


From the paragraph above, the author tells to the reader that Tanya’s brother surprised about it. Grandma tell that there are some

special days on the farm and Tanya will get it.

There are four personal references in this paragraph. The first and the second word have the same word and refer that is “she”. It is refer to Tanya. Tanya express her happy feeling that she will go to the reunion. The third word “We” is refer to Grandma and Tanya who will come at the reunion. The last word “You” is refer to Tanya. Grandma give description to Tanya that they will happy and enjoying the big reunion completely by other families.

Paragraph 9, page 193

The sun rose slowly in the morning sky as Tanya watched all her familiar places vanish behind her. Past her schoolyard and the park. Past row after row of houses and traffic lights. And still they travelled on and on. They stopped only to switch from one bus to another. Tanya listened while Grandma spoke about “going home” to great land of Virginia that “borned four of the first five Presidents of these United States.”


There are five personal references. The first, second and third are having the same word and refer - “her”. It is refer to Tanya. The difference here is about the position of the word “her”. The first and

the third word “her” is as the possessive adjective. It means that Tanya usually pass or play in that familiar place and schoolyard and also the park. The position of the second word “her” is as object. The fourth and fifth words are also having the same word and refer -“they”. It is refer to Tanya and Grandma who had a long trip to the reunion.

Paragraph 10, page 193

And still they travelled on and on. Until the bright sunny sky grew cloudy and gray and the highway turned into never-ending dirt roads that seemed to disappear into the fields and trees, down into the “hollers” the valleys below. Tanya could barely keep her eyes open. And still they travelled on and on . . . until finally the bus crawled to a stop. Grandma shook Tanya gently. “We’re here, Tanya honey, wake up.” Tanya rubbed her eyes awake. “We‘re home.”

In this paragraph the author tells to the reader that Tanya and Grandma still continue their trip by bus until they were at home and Grandma shook Tanya that they arrived at home.


word are also having the same word and refer - “We”. It is refer to Tanya and Grandma. It means that Tanya and Grandma arrived at home.

Paragraph 11, page 193

Standing on the last step of the bus, Tanya spied a car, trailing clouds of dust, coming toward them. In the distance were a farm- house and barn. “I’ve been sitting for the past eight . . . nine hours . . .,” Grandma told uncle John, who’d come to get them, “so I think I’ll just let these old limbs take me the rest of the way.” Tanya watched Grandma walk slowly but steadily up the familiar roadway.

From the paragraph above, the author tells to the reader that they go down from the bus and Uncle John welcoming them.

The researcher found sixth personal references. The first word

“them” is refer to the Grandma’s family who receive the arrival of

Tanya and Grandma. The second, the third, the forth have the same refer and meaning - “I”. It is refer to Grandma. It means that Grandma told about her trip. The third word “them” is refer to Uncle John who come together with Tanya and Grandma. The last word “me” is refer to the speaker that is Grandma. It means Grandma wants to take rest because she feels tired because her long trip.

Paragraph 12, page 193


Grandma was going to walk, she would walk too. And she raced to the old woman’s side

From the paragraph above, the author tells to the reader that Grandma try to remember the condition of the house like the first time she lived in. uncle john whisper to Tanya that her Grandmother try to remember all.

There are four personal references that the researcher found. The first word “her” is refer to Tanya’s thought. She is not really understood what her uncle talking about. The second, third, and forth are having the same words and same refer - “she” refer to Tanya. It means that Tanya wants to close with Grandma because she feels very strange with the new place that she come in.

Paragraph 13, page 193

“Take care, honey,” Grandma said. “August weather down here’s meant to be eased on through, not run through. Tanya looked up at Grandma as she stared off into the distance, a faraway look in her eyes. What Tanya saw didn’t look like the pictures in her schoolbooks or magazines or the pictures in her head.

In this paragraph the author tells to the reader that Grandma remind Tanya that it was August weather and she do does not let Tanya to run. In Tanya’s mind, all the condition does not suitable with


There are four personal references that the researcher found in this paragraph. For all words – “she”, “her”, “her”, “her” are having the same refer that is Tanya, but the different here is the word “she” as an subject. The words “her” as the possessive adjective. It means Tanya’s eyes, Tanya’s schoolbooks or magazines or the pictures and

all the pictures in her thought or we can say as Tanya’s imagination.

Paragraph 14, page 194

There wasn’t a horse in sight and the farmhouse was just a faded memory of its original color. Tanya noticed clouds of dust floating about her ankles, turning her white socks and sneakers a grayish – brown color. “Just open your heart to it,” Grandma said. “Can’t you feel the place welcomin’ ya?”

From the paragraph above, the author tells to the reader that Tanya still unbelievable with the condition around the house but Grandma ask to Tanya receive with all the condition.

The researcher found five personal references related with this paragraph. The first word “its” is refer to farmhouse. The writer try to give explanation how place it is. The second and the third are having same words and refer. The word “her” is refer to Tanya. It means Tanya’s ankles and Tanya’s white socks. Then, the fourth and fifth


the place that used for big reunion. Then the word “You” as the subject in this sentence.

Paragraph 15, page 196

Tanya didn’t feel anything but hot and tired and disappointed. The farm wasn’t what she expected at all. A dog’s bark drew Tanya’s gaze back to the farmhouse. Stepping off the porch, a large dog at her side, was Grandma’s baby sister, Kay.

From the paragraph above, the author tells to the reader that Tanya feel disappointed with all the condition because it does not same with her though. She also feels tired because this long trip.

There are two personal references in this paragraph. The first and the second word have the same refer. The word “she” and the word “her” are refer to Tanya. the difference here is if the first word “she” is as the subject. It means that Tanya unbelievable with all the

condition in the place for big reunion because it is not like with her expectation before. Then the second word “her” is as the possessive

adjective. It means Tanya near with the dog.

Paragraph 16, page 196


In this paragraph the author tells to the reader that Aunt Kay began give welcoming to Tanya and Grandma.

There are four personal references in this paragraph. The first word “you” is refer to Grandma. Grandma’s name is Rose Buchanan. It means aunt Kay receive the welcoming of Grandma and her niece. The second word “it” is refer to today. Today is the summer day. The third and fourth word are having the same word but different refer -

“her”. The first word “her” is refer to Aunt Kay. It means Aunt Kay’s niece that is Tanya. Aunt Kay receive Tanya also. The fifth

word “her” is as the object. It is refer to Tanya. Tanya is given a hug full of warmth and softness from Aunt Kay.

Paragraph 17, page 196

A summer breeze suddenly blew across the land, pushing the scattered gray clouds together. Tanya felt raindrops. “Looks like it’s comin’ up a cloud,” Uncle John said, hurrying the women onto the back porch and into the house. “I think it’s finally gonna rain!”


There are three personal references in this paragraph. The first and the third word are having the same word, refer and meaning. The word “it” is refer to today. It means today is cloudy. Today will rainy. The second word “I” is refer to the speaker that is Uncle John. Uncle John give an opinion that today will rain.

Paragraph 18, page 196

Tanya was swept into the house by laughing, talking grown – ups. Inside the kitchen Tanya met her cousin Celeste and her children, baby Adam and seven-year-old Keisha. The room was filled with wonderful aromas that made Tanya’s mouth water – until she noticed the fly strip hanging above the kitchen table.

From the paragraph above, the author tells to the reader that Tanya swept the house and met cousin Celeste and her children and the condition of the house is full of delicious aromas.

There are three personal references in this paragraph. The first and the second word are having the same word, refer and meaning. The word “her” as the possessive adjective. It is refer to Tanya. It means Tanya’s cousin and Tanya’s family – Adam and Keisha. The

second is the word “she” is refer to Tanya.

Paragraph 19, page 199


But he was too small to really play with, and Keisha refused to leaved her mother’s side all night.

In this paragraph the author tells to the reader that in the night, Tanya remember all the members in the family such as Papa, Mama, Ted, and Jim. She felt unpleasant because there is no one can play with Tanya include Keisha and baby Adam that cannot leave their mom.

There are seven personal references. The first, the second, the forth, and the fifth have the same word “she” and same refer that is Tanya. In this situation Tanya did not enjoy her supper. She missed her family. Then the third and the seventh word “her” are having the same words but it is different refer. The third “her” refer to Tanya. it means Tanya’s supper and the seventh “her” is refer is Keisha. It means Keisha’s mother. The last is the word “he” refer to Baby Adam.

Paragraph 20, page 199

Grandma helped Aunt Kay tuck the children in. “What happened to our special days, Grandma?” whispered Tanya. “Seems to me our first one went just fine,” said Grandma. “The land needed the rain and it’s finally gettin’ it. Makes today kinda special, don’t you think?” Tanya sighed. “I wanna go home,” she murmured into her pillow.


There are nine personal references in this paragraph. The first and the third word “our” is refer to Tanya and Grandma’s special day. The second word “me” is refer to Grandma as the speaker. Grandma

told her feeling also to Tanya. The forth word “it” is refer to the land that Grandma told at that time. Then the next “it” is refer to rain. The

fifth word “you” is refer to Tanya. Grandma has a short dialogue. After that the last words “I”, “She”, and “her” are refer to Tanya but it has different position. The word “I” and “She” is as the subject. Then the word “her” is as possessive adjective. It means Tanya’s pillow.

Paragraph 21, page 199

Cockle-doodle-do! The rooster’s morning wake-up call startled cousin Keisha out of her sound sleep, and she cried until her mother came to take her into her room with the baby. From the bed by the window, Tanya leaned against the window – sill looking over the empty farmyard. The sky was slate gray, but the air was fresh and clean and a gentle breeze swept through the window. It was also Saturday. Baking day, Tanya remembered before drifting back to sleep.

From the paragraph above, the author tells to the reader about the condition in the morning when the rooster crow and wake up all the people until Keisha wake up and cry. Tanya look at the window that the sky was grey. It means it will rain.


her” is refer to cousin Keisha’s mother. The different among those

personal reference are from the position and meaning. The first word “her” is as the possessive adjective. It means cousin Keisha’s sound

sleep. The forth word “her” is as the object. The fifth word “her” is as possessive adjective. It means cousin Keisha’s room and the word

“she” is as the subject. Then the last word “it” is refer to that day that

is Saturday. It means the last Saturday is a Baking day. The word it also as cover as the condition that draws at that time.

Paragraph 22, page 199

A single raindrop plopped on Tanya’s face . . . then another . . . and another, until she awoke and closed the window. By the time she finished dressing, the rain sounded like a thunderous drumroll along the rooftop.

From the paragraph above, the author tells to the reader the rain was fall down then Tanya close the window and getting dress.

There are two personal references that have the same words and same refer. The word “she” is refer to Tanya. the rain was coming

at that time, so Tanya awoke and close the window. Then she finish dressing.

Paragraph 23, page 200


from the walls. Crocheted tablecloth and napkins, baptismal gowns and baby blankets, and a rocking chair and baby crib were also in place. There were various pots and pans, blacksmithing and gardening tools, candle molds and a few toys. Even a broom that couples jumped over when they married during slavery times. Even item was clearly and neatly labeled by its owner.

In this paragraph the author tells to the reader that Tanya go down the stairs and Aunt Kay called her and tell something.

There are four personal references in this paragraph. The first word “her” is refer to Tanya. Than the second word “she” is refer to

Aunt Kay. She told the condition the house before to Tanya. Then the forth words “they” is refer to Aunt Kay and her husband. Then the last is the word “its” refer to something that label clearly and neatly.

Paragraph 24, page 202

“Ahhh! Here’s my northern niece. Ready for breakfast?” asked Uncle John. It rained through breakfast. It rained through checkers with cousin Celeste and four games of dominoes with Uncle John and Keisha. It rained through Adam’s crying and Keisha’s temper tantrum when Tanya hid all too well while playing hide – and – seek. It rained all morning long.

From the paragraph above, the author tells to the reader that Uncle John welcome Tanya for breakfast. After that the children play in the house.

There are five personal references in this paragraph. The first word “my” is as the possessive adjective. It is refer to Uncle John. It


has same word and refer. The word “It” is refer to that day. It means

the condition of that day.

Paragraph 25, page 202

“Grandma,” Tanya finally called. “Grandma, where are you?” “In here,” Grandma answered. Tanya found Grandma, Aunt Kay, and cousin Celeste in the kitchen surrounded by boxes and lists about sleeping arrangements and who would cook what for the big reunion. “Grandma, aren’t we gonna bake today?” Tanya asked. Grandma looked up from her lists. “Oh my,” she murmured.

From the paragraph above, the author tells to the reader that Tanya looking for Grandma and she found her in the kitchen.

There are five words that shows as the personal references. The first word “you” is refer to Grandma. It means Tanya looking for the

position of Grandma. The second word “we” is refer to Tanya and Grandma. It means Tanya try to make sure that she and Grandma will bake that day. The third word “her” is as the possessive adjective. It is refer to Grandma. It means Granma’s list. Than the fourth word “my”

refer to the God and the last word “she” is refer to Grandma. It means Grandma expression.

Paragraph 26, page 204


From the paragraph above, In this the author tells to the reader Tanya looks like unhappily, then Grandma amuse her.

There are three personal references and it has the same word but different refer and meaning. The first and the second words “her” is refer to Grandma. The first “her” means Grandma’s arms and the

second “her” means Grandma’s granddaughter. The last “her” is as

the object and it refer to Tanya. Tanya did not enjoy with everything around her, so Grandma give her a hug to make her feel comfortable.

Paragraph 27, page 204

Grandma patted the place behind her on the swing and Tanya slid into a familiar spot under her grandmother’s arm. “I’m sorry, Tanya honey. I guess I just plump forgot what day this was.” The old woman sighed, then laughed. “And I guess no number of stories can make you see this place through these old eyes.”

From the paragraph above, the author tells to the reader that Grandma try to give explanation to Tanya about the day will have

There are seven personal references in this paragraph. The first and the second word has the similar word but it has different refer and meaning. The first “her” is as an object. It refers to Grandma. The second “her” is as possessive adjective. It refers to Tanya. It means Tanya’s Grandmother’s arm. Then the third word until the sixth word “I” is refer to the speaker that is Grandma. Grandma told the activity


Paragraph 28, page 204

“Did you really like living on this farm, Grandma?” Tanya asked. “Weren’t you ever lonely?” Grandma laugh again. “No, Tanya, I wasn’t lonely. Back then, this whole farmyard: the barn, the pasture, fields and orchard beyond” – she stretched out her arm – “this place was filled with activity. We had the land and the land had us. We worked over it, tilled and planted it. Then harvested it when it was ready. In turn the land gave us water, food, clothing, and a roof over our heads.”

From the paragraph above, the author tells to the reader that Tanya has a dialogue with Grandma. They talk about the history of this place.

There are fourteen personal references in this paragraph. The first and the second word has the same word and the same refer. The word “you” is refer to Grandma. Tanya asked to Grandma. The third word until the fifth word “I”, “she” and “her” is refer to Grandma. The word “I” shows in direct speaking but the word “she” is not in direct

speaking and the position of the word “I” and “she” is as subjects. Then the word “her” means Grandma’s arm. After that the sixth word

until the eighth word “We”, “us” “we” are having the same refer that

is Grandma and her family such as Uncle John and Aunt Kay. The different is only from the positions, if the word “we” as the subject but

the word “us” is as the object. Then the ninth until the twelveth words “it” are having the same refer but different meaning. If the ninth and

the tenth word “it” are refer to the land. It means the land that


twelveth is refer to the plant that Grandma and her family plant. The last words “us” and “our” have same refer that is Grandma and her

family but the different is from the position of the word itself. If the word “us” as the object but the word “our” is as the possessive


Paragraph 29, page 204 – 207

“If you weren’t lonely, Grandma, why did you leave?” Tanya persisted. Grandma looked out over the land, remembering. “It was after the Second World War. My Isaac – your grandpa Franklin – and many other people thought we’d find better opportunities, better jobs closer to the cities up north. And we did. But we still kept the land and paid taxes on it. Sometimes let other people pay to work it, ‘til Kay and John came back. But this will always be home.”

From the paragraph above, the author tells to the reader that They still continue to tell the past and also about Grandpa.

There are ten personal references in this paragraph. The first and the second word “you” has the same refer to Grandma. Tanya asked to Grandma. The third word “it” is refer to the activity at that time that is after the Second World War. The fourth word “My” is refer to Grandma as the speaker. It means Grandma’s husband that is Mr. Isaac. Then the fifth word “your” is refer to Tanya. It means

Tanya’s Grandfather. The sixth word until eighth words “we” are refer


Figure 1.1 Kinds of Grammatical Cohesion
Table 2.1 Personal Reference
Figure 1.2. Demonstrative Reference
Figure 1.3 Comparative Reference


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