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Academic year: 2018



Teks penuh



Sekolah : SDN Wedarijaksa 02 Pati

Kelas : V (Lima)

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Semester : 1 (Satu)

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan

5. Memahami instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan dalam konteks sekolah

Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk


Contoh Instrumen

5.1 Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan secara berterima dalam konteks sekolah


Kaset/CD: Listen and describe.

Siswa: (menulis deskripsi orang yang

Siswa berterima

Merespon dengan melakukan tindakan secara berterima



Kaset/CD: Listen and complete.

engkapi sebuah family tree)

orang yang didengar) Teknik Bentuk


Contoh Instrumen

5.2 Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana secara verbal

Contoh: Kaset/CD: Listen and repeat the dialogues.

 Siswa bersama-sama mengulang dengan suara lantang apa yang didengar dari kaset/CD


Siswa: (mengulang dialog)

 Masing-masing siswa mengulang dengan suara lantang apa yang didengar dari kaset/CD

dengan suara lantang  Meres pon dengan mengulang apa yang didengar dari kaset/CD dengan pengucapan bahasa Inggris yang benar

How many brothers and sisters do you have? Siswa: (mengulan g)

Script percak ap-an

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )



Sekolah : SDN Wedarijaksa 02 Pati

Kelas : V (Lima)

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Semester : 1 (Satu)

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara

6. Mengungkapkan instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah

Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk

Instrumen cakap untuk menyertai tindak tutur:

Contoh: jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi  Meniru

pertanyaan-pertanyaan dan respon

pertanyaan  Membahas

kosakata dan


memberi contoh melakukan sesuatu, memberi aba-aba, dan memberi petunjuk

struktur percakapan sesuai materi  Latihan

percakapan dalam bentuk dialog

 Mengguna kan ungkapan-ungkapan percakapan sesuai materi dalam situasi nyata



Penilaian Alokas

i cakap untuk meminta/member i jasa/barang secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta bantuan, memberi bantuan, meminta barang, dan memberi barang yang berkaitan dengan materi  Meniru pertanyaan-pertanyaan dan respon pertanyaan  Membahas kosakata dan struktur

percakapan sesuai materi

 Latihan percakapan dalam bentuk dialog  Menggunaka n ungkapan-ungkapan

percakapan sesuai materi dalam situasi nyata

Mengungkapka n berbagai tindak tutur:



Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Penilaian Alokasi

Waktu cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: memberi informasi, memberi pendapat, dan meminta kejelasan


berbagai tindak tutur:


Kompetensi n kesantunan secara

berterima yang melibatkan ungkapan: Do you mind... dan Shall we...

Contoh: A: Do you mind giving me some food? B: Sure. A: We cannot enter this door. Shall we find another one? B: Ok.

 Tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi  Meniru pertanyaan-pertanyaan dan respon

pertanyaan  Membaha s kosakata dan struktur percakapan sesuai materi  Latihan percakapan dalam bentuk dialog

 Menggun akan

Mengungkapka n kesantunan secara


ungkapan-ungkapan percakapan sesuai materi dalam situasi nyata

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )



Sekolah : SDN Wedarijaksa 02 Pati

Kelas : V (Lima)

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Semester : 1 (Satu)

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

7. Memahami tulisan bahasa Inggris dan teks deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah

Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk

Instrumen tekanan, dan intonasi secara tepat dan

berterima yang melibatkan: kata, frasa,

Ucapan, tekanan, dan intonasi kata, frasa, kalimat, dan teks yang dipelajari

 Mendengar kan dan

merespon hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam kegiatan membaca nyaring: ucapan, tekanan, dan intonasi

 Mendengar kan contoh


kata, frasa, dan

kalimat dengan

 Tes unjuk kerja


kalimat sangat sederhana, dan teks sangat sederhana

membaca nyaring yang dilakukan guru  Menirukan membaca nyaring dengan intonasi dan jeda sesuai model  Membaca nyaring sendiri dengan lafal, intonasi, dan jeda yang baik dan benar

tekanan dan intonasi yang benar Membaca tertulis, dan teks

dekriptif bergambar sangat sederhana secara tepat dan


Kalimat-fikasi informasi dalam kalimat-kalimat sangat sederhana

 Mengidentifikasi informasi yang terdapat dalam pesan tertulis sangat sederhana  Mengidentifikasi

teks deskriptif


sederhana bergambar sangat sederhana

 Tanya jawab

yang terkait dengan materi

dalam pesan tertulis sangat sederhana

 Mengident

ifikasi teks deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )



Sekolah : SDN Wedarijaksa 02 Pati

Kelas : V (Lima)

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Semester : 1 (Satu)

Standar Kompetensi : Menulis

8. Mengeja dan menyalin kalimat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah

Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk


Contoh Instrumen

8.1Mengeja kalimat sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima

Kalimat bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana

Mengeja kalimat bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana


8.2Menyalin dan menulis kalimat sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima seperti: ucapan selamat, ucapan terima kasih, dan ucapan simpati

Kalimat bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana

Menyalin dan menulis kalimat bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana

Menyalin dan menulis kalimat expressions.

t Buku

teks Alat peraga

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )



School : SDN Wedarijaksa 02 Subject : English

Class/semester : V/2

Time allocation : 2x35minutes Aspect/Skill : Vocabulary Topic/Theme : Transportation

Meeting : 1-2

A.Standard Competence

Understanding English text and very simple pictorial descriptive text in the school context .

B.Basic Competence

Understanding the sentences , written message, and the simple pictorial descriptive text properly and acceptable .


1. Identifying various information in the simple sentences

2. Identifying various information in the simple written message 3. Identifying the simple pictorial descriptive text

D. Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students are supposed to be able to: 1. Identifying various information in the simple sentences


E.Learning Materials

1. Look at these pictures:

Have you ever went to other city? How did you go there?


A noun is the word that refers to a person, thing or abstract idea. A noun can tell you who or what.

There are kinds of Noun:

a. Common noun : A common noun names a class of similar things (chair, box), and not an individual member of a specified group of people or things. Example :Car, student, book, teacher,pen,father,girl.

b. Proper Noun : A proper noun is a special name of a person, place, organization, etc. We spell a proper noun with a capital letter.

Example :Zuma,Java,Sunday,January.

c. Abstract noun : An abstract noun is a quality or something that we can only think of rather than as something that we can see or touch.

Example : beauty, courage, friendship, intelligence, truth.

d. Collective noun: A collective noun is a name used for a number of people, animals or things that we group together and speak of as a whole.


e. Countable and Uncountable Nouns: Countable nouns (also called count nouns) are nouns that can be counted (e.g. oranges). Uncountable nouns (also known as non-count or mass nouns) are amounts of something which we cannot count (e.g. sand).

f. Singular and Plural Noun: a singular noun refers to just one person, animal, thing or place while plural noun represents more than one person, animal, thing or place.

Example : Daughter – daughters , Class-classes, Box-boxes, Baby-babies.

Read the text below in front of your class.

Holiday in Mekarsari

Last month my family went to Bogor for holiday. We went to Mekarsari by car. Mekarsari is a green park, there are many kinds of plants. We visited fruit park, I saw so many kinds of fruit like banana,apple,melon,orange,watermelon and many more. I got some fruit for free there. I really enjoyed my holiday. Vocabulary: the use of noun (memorizing and pronouncing).

There are many kinds of noun around you everywhere, for the example see the table below

Place Noun

Example of use

House Door,window,room,bathroom,,table,chair,sof a,television,radio,glass,bowl,plate,spoon,bed, pillow,clock,blanket,lamp and etc

Every morning I open the window in my room. Garden Tree, flower, rose, jasmine, grass, hoe ,broom

and etc


the garden. School Teacher, students, blackboard, book, chalk,

eraser, rules, table, chair, calender and etc

Mrs. Reni is my English teacher Stationary


Books,drawing books, pencils, rules, pencil sharpener, eraser, pen, stick glue, crayon, pencil case, shoes, bag and etc .

I buy 2 pencils and 6 books in the Stationary store.

Zoo Lion, giraffe, bird, monkey, crocodile, chiken, wolf, goat, bear, tiger,snake ,chicken, duck and etc pedicab, cart etc

Next week I will go to Kalimantan by plane.

Market Fish,meat,beef,apple,orange,watermelon,man go, avocado melon, grape, cucumber, carrot, potato, tomato, chili, onion, rice and etc

My mother buys some vegetable like carrot, cucumber,spinach in the market. Goverment President, Minister, Susilo Bambang

Yudhoyono, Ani Yudhoyono, Jusuf Kalla, Dahlan Iskan, Joko Widodo

Jusuf Kalla was the 10th vice President of Indonesia

Family Father, mother, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, cousin, mother in law, father in law and etc


Question for each kind of noun

Kind of Noun Question Answer

Common noun Where did you go last holiday?

What does your father do?

What did you buy yesterday on stationary?

I went to the zoo.

He is a teacher.

I buy a book and pencil. Proper noun What is your favourite


Where do you live?

What day is it today?

My favourite singer is Raisa.

I live in Winong Pati.

Today is Wednesday. Singular and plural noun How many siblings do

you have?

How many pets do you have?

I have an elder sister and 2 young brothers.

I have 3puppies and 2chikens.


G. Teaching and Learning Activity

2. No 3. Teacher Activity 4. Students Activity 5. Character Building

6. Time Allotment

7. 1 8. Pre- Activities

9. The teacher Greet to the students

The teacher Check the attendance list

The teacher Introduce herself

The teahcer Check the students’ readiness

10.-The students answer the greeting

11.-The students give the response.

12.-Listen to the teacher 13.

14.-The students respond the teacher

15.-Politeness 16.

2 20.Main Activities/meeting 1 21. 22.-Exploration

Teacher asks students about material last meeting

The teacher gives an example noun vocabulary in the sentences and the asks the students to read in front of the class. The teacher asks the students to analyze the kind of noun

vocabulary together 23.Elaboration


- The students give response to the teacher

- The students read the text in front of the class

-The students

analyze the kind of noun vocabulary together


20 min


The teacher gives a text with small colored pictures and asks the students to read the text and and analyze the noun vocabulary in the text

The teacher asks some students to read the text loudly and mention the noun vocabulary and the kind of noun vocabulary they find in the text.

The teacher asks the students to make a group and then asks the group to make some sentences based on the colored pictured they got.

The teacher asks one of the group to write their sentences in the white board and asks other group to give a comment. 24.Confirmation

Teacher gives correction to the

- The students read the text and make a note noun

vocabulary they find in the text together.

-The students read the text loudly and mention the noun vocabulary and kind of vocabulary they find in the text.

-The students make a group and make some sentences based on the colored pictures.

-The students write their sentences in the with board and others group give a comment.


students’ work and gives feedback to the students

26. 27.Main Activities/meeting 2

28. 29.-Exploration

The teacher asks the students about the material which was discuss before .

The teacher asks some students to read some sentences and asks to mention the noun vocabulary in the sentences.


The teacher gives some small Colored Pictures about Transportation and asks the students to make sentences.

The teacher asks some students to read their sentences loudly. The teacher asks the students to make a group and asks them discussed their sentences.


- The students answer the questions

32.-The students read the text and mention the noun vocabulary in the sentences. 33.

-The students make some sentences about Transportation based on Colored Pictures.

-The students read the text loudly

-The students join with their group and discussed or shared the sentences.

-The group read


20 min


The teacher asks the group to read their sentences and

mentioned the kind of noun vocabulary they use in the sentences. Confirmation

The teacher checked the students’ work and gives feedback

their sentences and mentioned the noun vocabulary they use in the sentences.

-The teacher checked the

students’ work and gives feedback

Responsible 10 min

3 Post Activities

The teacher Conclude the material

The teacher greeted the students by saying good bye and thank you.

- The students respond the teacher’s conclusion

- The students respond the teacher




H. Learning Resources - Text book


- Oxford Dictionary - Internet

I. Aids

Paper containing text of topic, papers for students to record the process of learning, and colored pictures

J. Evaluation

a. Technique : Test b. Form of instrument : Writen test


Pilih jawaban yang benar dengan memberi tanda silang (x) pada salah satu huruf a,b,c atau d.

1. The farmer rides on his ..

a. Cart b. Oxcart c. Pedicab d. Raft

2. My mother goes to market by ....

a. Motorcycle b. Bus

c. Car d. Pedicab

3. Soekarno-Hatta is the name of a/an..

a. Airport b. Bus station c. Harbour

d. Railway station

4. Lebak bulus, Rawamangun are the name of a/an ..

a. Airport b. Bus station c. Harbour

d. Railway station

5. My father goes to office by ..

a. Bus b. Car c. Bicycle d. Taxi

6. My uncle is a driver. He drives...


d. Plane

7. A train stops at the ... a. Airport

b. Harbour c. Rail station d. Railway

8. A: “How will you go to Bali?”

B: “I will go to Bali by ...”

a. Plan b. Bus c. Ship d. Train

9. A:” How will you go to Semarang?”

B: “I will go by ...?”

a. Bus b. Train c. Car

d. Motorcycle

10.My brother drawing on his ....

a. Drawing book b. Paper

c. Newpaper d. Texbook

11.I use ... for measure the length .

a. Pencil b. Ruler c. Eraser d. Pen

12.I need ... to write my homework.

a. Pencil b. Book c. Eraser d. Ruler


a. Bag Luwes Pati yesterday?”

B: “ I bought ...” a. Book b. Pencil

c. Drawing book d. Pencil sharpener

Text for number 16-18

16.The text above is about ... transportation.

a. Modern b. New c. Traditional d. Advanced

17.What are the transportation mentioned in the text above? a. Carts, canoes, horses,

cows and camels. b. Car, bus, train, taxi. transportation mentioned in the text above.

a. Three


a. Car

b. Motorcycle c. Bus

d. Pedicab

20.My brother goes to campus by ...everyday.


2. Look at the pictures. Please mention the name of each kind of fruit and make 3 sentences based on the pictures below and underline for each noun vocabulary in your sentences.

K. Assessment

Students’ Noun Vocabulary Mastery Category





65-61 POOR



Final Score = Score Achieved X 80

Score Maximum

Pati, Agustus 2014




School : SDN Wedarijaksa 02 Subject : English

Class/semester : VB/2

Time allocation : 2x35minutes Aspect/Skill : Reading Topic/Theme : Transportation

Meeting : 3-4

1. Standard Competence

Understanding English text and very simple pictorial descriptive text in the school context .

2. Basic Competence

Understanding the sentences , written message, and the simple pictorial descriptive text properly and acceptable .

3. Indicators

1. Identifying various information in the simple sentences

2. Identifying various information in the simple written message 3. Identifying the simple pictorial descriptive text

4. Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students are supposed to be able to: 1. Identifying various information in the simple sentences


5. Learning Materials Look at these pictures:

Do you know where the bus stops? Do you know what lebak bulus is?


A noun is the word that refers to a person, thing or abstract idea. A noun can tell you who or what.

There are kinds of Noun:

a. Common noun : A common noun names a class of similar things (chair, box), and not an individual member of a specified group of people or things.

Example :Car, student, book, teacher,pen,father,girl.

b. Proper Noun : A proper noun is a special name of a person, place, organization, etc. We spell a proper noun with a capital letter.

Example :Zuma,Java,Sunday,January.

c. Abstract noun : An abstract noun is a quality or something that we can only think of rather than as something that we can see or touch.

Example : beauty, courage, friendship, intelligence, truth.

d. Collective noun: A collective noun is a name used for a number of people, animals or things that we group together and speak of as a whole.


e. Countable and Uncountable Nouns: Countable nouns (also called count nouns) are nouns that can be counted (e.g. oranges). Uncountable nouns (also known as non-count or mass nouns) are amounts of something which we cannot count (e.g. sand).

f. Singular and Plural Noun: a singular noun refers to just one person, animal, thing or place while plural noun represents more than one person, animal, thing or place.

Example : Daughter – daughters , Class-classes, Box-boxes, Baby-babies.

Read the text below in front of your class. Visited Jakarta

Last holiday my family and I went to Jakarta. We went there by bus, the bus was stop at Rawamangun bus station . In Jakarta we visited many place, we went to Monas, Ancol, TMII, Dufan and also Ragunan zoo. I was really happy when we visited Ragunan zoo, because I saw many animals there likes monkey, giraffe, elephant, lion, deer, camel and many more. I really enjoyed my holiday and I hope can visit Jakarta once more .

Vocabulary: the use of noun (memorizing and pronouncing).

There are many kinds of noun around you everywhere, for the example see the table below

Place Noun

Example of use

House Door,window,room,bathroom,,table,chair,sof a,television,radio,glass,bowl,plate,spoon,bed,


pillow,clock,blanket,lamp and etc in my room. Garden Tree, flower, rose, jasmine, grass, hoe ,broom

and etc

I read the book under the tree in the garden. School Teacher, students, blackboard, book, chalk,

eraser, rules, table, chair, calender and etc

Mrs. Reni is my English teacher Stationary


Books,drawing books, pencils, rules, pencil sharpener, eraser, pen, stick glue, crayon, pencil case, shoes, bag and etc .

I buy 2 pencils and 6 books in the Stationary store.

Zoo Lion, giraffe, bird, monkey, crocodile,

chiken, wolf, goat, bear, tiger,snake ,chicken, duck and etc pedicab, cart etc

Next week I will go to Kalimantan by plane.

Market Fish,meat,beef,apple,orange,watermelon,man go, avocado melon, grape, cucumber, carrot, potato, tomato, chili, onion, rice and etc

My mother buys some vegetable like carrot, cucumber,spinach in the market. Goverment President, Minister, Susilo Bambang

Yudhoyono, Ani Yudhoyono, Jusuf Kalla, Dahlan Iskan, Joko Widodo

Jusuf Kalla was the 10th vice President of Indonesia


grandfather, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, cousin, mother in law, father in law and etc

has a son and 4 daughter.

Question for each kind of noun

Kind of Noun Question Answer

Common noun Where did you go last holiday?

What does your father do?

What did you buy yesterday on stationary?

I went to the zoo.

He is a teacher.

I buy a book and pencil. Proper noun What is your favourite


Where do you live?

What day is it today?

My favourite singer is Raisa.

I live in Winong Pati.

Today is Wednesday. Singular and plural noun How many siblings do

you have?

How many pets do you have?

I have an elder sister and 2 young brothers.


6. Teaching Method/Techniques: EEC 7. Teaching and Learning Activity

34.No 35.Teacher Activity 36.Students Activity 37.Character Building

38.Time Allotment

39.1 40.Pre- Activities

41. Greeting the students

Checking the attendance list

Introducing herself

Checking the students’ readiness

42.-The students answer the greeting

43.-The students give the response. 44.

45.-Listen to the teacher

46.-The students respond the teacher

47.-Politeness 48.

2 52.Main Activities/meeting 1

53. 54.-Exploration

Teacher asks students about their stuff they brings to the school Teacher explains the material about noun Teacher gives an example related to the material.


The teacher gives set of pictures to students and asks them to make simple sentence related to the picture.


- The students answer the questions

- The students pay attention to the teacher

- Give attention to the teacher

-In this activity the - The students make simple sentence related to the picture


20 min


The teacher read the text and show the colored pictured to the student.After read the text the teacher ask the students the noun vocabulary they find in the text.And then the teacher divides students of 2, and asks the group to re-read the text in front of the class with the colored picture. 56.Confirmation

Teacher gives correction to the students’ work and gives feedback to the students

-The students give attention to the teacher, they also mention the noun vocabulary they find in the text .Then each group practice in the front of class to read the text with colored pictured.

10 min

58. 59.Main Activities/meeting 2

60. 61.-Exploration

Teacher asks students about the previous material

Teacher review the material about Noun vocabulary


- The students answer the questions

- The students pay attention to the teacher


Teacher gives an example related to the material.


The teacher read the text and show the colored pictured to the student.After read the text, the teacher ask the students to mention the noun vocabulary they find in the text. And then the teacher divides students of 2, and asks the group to re-read the text in front of the class by use the colored picture. The teacher asks the students to find the noun vocabulary they find in the text individually 63.Confirmation

Teacher gives correction to the students’ work and gives feedback to the students

- - The student give attention to the teacher

-The students make a group and already doing games, then each group practice in the front of class to read the text with the colored pictures


3 Post Activities

Concluding the material

Saying good bye

- The students respond the teacher’s conclusion - The students

respond the teacher




b. Learning Resources - Text book - LKS

- Oxford Dictionary - Internet

c. Aids

Paper containing text of topic, papers for students to record the process of learning, and colored pictures

d. Evaluation

a. Technique : Test b. Form of instrument : Writen test



1. Tristan goes to work by ....

a. Motorcycle b. Bus

c. Car d. Pedicab

2. Sepinggan is the name of a/an..

a. Airport b. Bus station c. Harbour

d. Railway station

3. Tirtonadi is the name of a/an ..

a. Airport b. Bus station c. Harbour

d. Railway station

4. Mr Andi goes to office by ..

a. Bus b. Car c. Bicycle d. Taxi

5. Mr Joko is a driver. He drives...

a. Bus b. Taxi c. Ship d. Plane

6. A Ship stops at the ... a. Airport

b. Harbour c. Rail station d. Bus Station

7. A: “How will you go to Maluku?”


a. Plan b. Bu c. Ship d. Train

8. The farmer rides on his ..

a. Cart b. Oxcart c. Pedicab d. Raft

9. A:” How will you go to Malang?”

B: “I will go by ...?”

a. Bus b. Train c. Car

d. Motorcycle

10.It has long neck , what is it? ....

a. Giraffe b. Cow c. Deer d. Lion

12.Monkey eats ...

a. Rice b. Banana c. Fish d. Candy


a. Deer 17.Buffalo 18.Rhinoceros

19.Cam-cam comes from Sahara desert, he is a/an ...

a. Lion b. Camel

c. Cow

d. Buffalo

20.It produces egg,what is it?

a. Cow b. Sheep c. Chiken d. Bird

Text for number 16-18

21.The text above is about ... transportation.

a. Modern b. New c. Traditional d. Advanced

22.What are the transportation mentioned in the text above?

a. Carts, canoes, horses, cows and camels.

b. Car, bus, train, taxi. c. Cart,pedicab,horses,



23.There are ... means of transportation

mentioned in the text above.

a. Three b. Four c. Two d. Five

24.I went to halte to stop the ...

a. Train

b. Bus c. Plane d. Ship

25. The train stops at ...

a. Airport b. Harbour c. Rail station d. Bus Station

2. Look at the pictures. Please make 3 sentences based on the pictures below and underline for each noun vocabulary in your sentences.

e. Assessment

Students’ Noun Vocabulary Mastery Category



75-71 GOOD


65-61 POOR



Final Score = Score Achieved X 80 Score Maximum

Pati, Agustus 2014 Teacher Merry Mahartika Putri


A. Pilih jawaban yang benar dengan memberi tanda

silang (x) pada salah satu huruf a,b,c atau d. 1. The farmer rides on his ..

a. Cart b. Oxcart c. Pedicab d. Raft

2. My mother goes to market by ....

a. Motorcycle b. Bus

b. Car c. Pedicab

3. Soekarno-Hatta is the name of a/an..

a. Airport b. Bus station c. Harbour

d. Railway station

4. Lebak bulus, Rawamangun are the name of ...

a. Airport b. Bus station c. Harbour

d. Railway station 5. My father goes to office by ..

a. Bus b. Car c. Bicycle d. Taxi

6. My uncle is a driver. He drives...

a. Bus b. Taxi c. Ship d. Plane


b. Harbour c. Rail station d. Railway

8. A: “How will you go to Bali?”

B: “ I will go to Bali by ...”

a. Plane b. Bus c. Ship d. Train

9. A:” How will you go to Malang?”

B: “I will go by ...?”

a. Bus b. Train c. Car

d. Motorcycle

10.My brother drawing on his ....

a. Drawing book b. Paper

c. Newpaper d. Texbook

11.I use ... for measure the length .

a. Pencil b. Ruler c. Eraser d. Pen

12.I need ... to write my homework.

a. Pencil b. Book c. Eraser d. Ruler


a. Bag Luwes Pati yesterday?”

B: “ I bought ...” a. Book b. Pencil

c. Drawing book d. Pencil sharpener

Text for number 16-18

16.The text above is about ... transportation.

a. Modern b. New c. Traditional d. Advanced

17.What are the transportation mentioned in the text above?

a. Carts, canoes, horses, cows and camels. b. Car, bus, train, taxi. transportation mentioned in the text above.

a. Three


a. Car

b. Motorcycle c. Bus

d. Pedicab

20.My brother goes to campus by ...everyday.

a. Motorcyle b. Bicycle c. Train

d. Taxi



1. Pilih jawaban yang benar dengan memberi tanda silang (x) pada salah satu huruf a,b,c atau d.

2. Tristan goes to work by ....

a. Motorcycle b. Bus

c. Car d. Pedicab

3. Sepinggan is the name of a/an..

a. Airport b. Bus station c. Harbour

d. Railway station 4. Tirtonadi is the name of

a/an ..

a. Airport

b. Bus station c. Harbour

d. Railway station

5. Mr Andi goes to office by ..

a. Bus b. Car c. Bicycle d. Taxi

6. Mr Joko is a driver. He drives...

a. Bus b. Taxi c. Ship d. Plane

7. A Ship stops at the ... a. Airport


8. A: “How will you go to Maluku?”

B: “ I will go to Maluku by ...”

a. Plan b. Bu c. Ship d. Train

9. The farmer rides on his ..

a. Cart b. Oxcart c. Pedicab d. Raft

10. A:” How will you go to Malang?”

B: “I will go by ...?”

a. Bus

b. Train c. Car

d. Motorcycle

11.It has long neck , what is it? ....

a. Giraffe b. Cow c. Deer d. Lion

12.Monkey eats ...

a. Rice b. Banana c. Fish d. Candy


a. Deer d. Rhinoceros

15.Cam-cam comes from Sahara desert, he is a/an ...

a. Lion b. Camel c. Cow

d. Buffalo

16.It produces egg,what is it?

a. Cow b. Sheep c. Chiken d. Bird

Text for number 16-18

17.The text above is about ... transportation.

e. Modern a. New b. Traditional c. Advanced

18.What are the transportation mentioned in the text above? a. Carts, canoes, horses, cows

and camels.

b. Car, bus, train, taxi. c. Cart,pedicab,horses,



19.There are ... means of transportation mentioned in the text above.

a. Three b. Four c. Two d. Five

20.I went to halte to stop the ...

a. Train b. Bus c. Plane d. Ship

21. The train stops at ... a. Airport

b. Harbour c. Rail station d. Bus Station


The English test score of Noun vocabulary material



1. 60

2. 76

3. 66

4. 78

6. 56

7. 87

8. 75

9. 57

11. 59

12. 65

13. 73

14. 67

15. 62

16. 67

17. 76

18. 72

19. 62

20. 72

21. 62

22. 61

23. 60

24. 68

25. 64

26. 78

SUM 1623


The Test Score of English Noun Vocabulary Matery of the Fifth Grade Students of SDN Wedarijaksa 02 Pati in Academic Year 2013/2014 in Cycle 1



1. 71

2. 70

3. 68

4. 71

6. 67

7. 65

8. 70

9. 54

10. 65

11. 60

12. 61

13. 63

14. 65

15. 71

16. 66

17. 71

18. 73

19. 66

20. 64

21. 54

22. 66

23. 68

24. 67

25. 64

26. 63

SUM 1643


The Test Score of English Noun Vocabulary Matery of the Fifth Grade Students of SDN Wedarijaksa 02 Pati in Academic Year 2013/2014 in Cycle 2



1. 76

2. 76

3. 74

4. 80

6. 69

7. 72

8. 71

9. 72

11. 73

12. 72

13. 80

14. 71

15. 74

16. 67

17. 72

18. 76

19. 72

20. 69

21. 78

22. 73

23. 73

24. 80

25. 76

26. 78

SUM 1774


The Observation Sheet of The Use of Colored Pictures to Improve English Noun Vocabulary Mastery of Fifth Grade Students of SDN Wedarijaksa 02 Pati of Cycle 1

No. Step Teaching

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Note (Unexpected

Condition) Pre- Activity

1. Greeting -2. Introducing -3. Checking

students’ attendance list 4. Checking the

students’ readiness by asking some questions

-Main Activity 65.Exploration

1. 66.Asking the students about their stuff they brings to the school


2. 68.Explaining the material about noun

vocabulary. 3. 69.Giving an


Elaboration 1. 70.Giving set of

pictures to students and asks them to make simple sentence related to the picture.


2. 71.Reading the text and show the colored pictures to the student infront of the class


3. 72.Asking the students about the noun vocabulary they find in the text.


Confirmation 1. Correcting the

students’ work and giving feedback.

Post- Activity 1. Concluding the

material 2. Asking the

students about the material whether the material is difficult or not 3. Parting


The Use of Colored Pictures to Improve English Noun Vocabulary Mastery of Fifth Grade Students of SDN Wedarijaksa 02 Pati of Cycle 2

No. Step Teaching Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

Note (Unexpected

Condition) Pre- Activity

1. Greeting -3. Checking

students’ attendance list 4. Checking the

students’ readiness

Main Activity Exploration

1. 73.Asking the students about the material last meeting.

2. Writing an example of noun vocabulary in the sentences and asks them to read in front of the class.

3. Analyzing the kind of noun vocabulary. Elaboration 1. Giving a text


vocabulary in the text .

2. Asking some students to read the text loudly and mention the noun vocabulary and the kind of noun vocabulary the find in the text.

3. Dividing students into several groups. One group consists of 4 students and giving some colored pictures to them, then asking the groups to make some sentences based on the colored pictures they get. 4. Asking one of the

group to write the sentences they made in the white board and asking other group to give a comment.

Confirmation 1. Correcting the

students’ work and giving feedback.

Post- Activity 1. Concluding the



Merry Mahartika Putri was born on February 26th ,1993 in Pati. She is the last child of Mr. Mardiatmo and Mrs.Sri Hartini. She has one older brother, Arif Setyo Utomo and one cute niece, Fasena Abellian Azza’airin. She lives with her parents at Sukoharjo village RT4 RW3, Wedarijaksa subdistrict, Pati regency, Central Java.

She began her formal education in SDN Sukoharjo 03 Pati in 1998. After six years, she continued her study in Junior High School level in SMPN 5 Pati and she graduated in 2007. In 2007, she graduated from Senior High School level in SMAN 1 Tayu.



2. Tristan goes to work by ....

e. Motorcycle f. Bus

g. Car h. Pedicab

3. Sepinggan is the name of a/an..

e. Airport f. Bus station g. Harbour

h. Railway station 4. Tirtonadi is the name of

a/an ..

e. Airport f. Bus station g. Harbour

h. Railway station

5. Mr Andi goes to office by ..

e. Bus f. Car g. Bicycle h. Taxi


e. Bus f. Taxi g. Ship h. Plane

7. A Ship stops at the ... e. Airport

f. Harbour g. Rail station h. Bus Station

8. A: “How will you go to Maluku?”

B: “ I will go to Maluku by ...”

e. Plan f. Bu g. Ship h. Train

9. The farmer rides on his ..

e. Cart f. Oxcart g. Pedicab h. Raft

10. A:” How will you go to Malang?”

B: “I will go by ...?”

e. Bus f. Train g. Car

h. Motorcycle

11.It has long neck , what is it? ....

e. Giraffe f. Cow g. Deer h. Lion

12.Monkey eats ...


f. Banana g. Fish h. Candy

13.It has horns. What is it?

e. Deer f. Dog g. Cat h. Sheep

14.Lido is king of forest. He is a/an...

e. Lion f. Cow g. Buffalo h. Rhinoceros

15.Cam-cam comes from Sahara desert, he is a/an ...

e. Lion f. Camel g. Cow h. Buffalo

16.It produces egg,what is it?

e. Cow f. Sheep g. Chiken h. Bird

Text for number 16-18

17.The text above is about ... transportation.

f. Modern d. New e. Traditional f. Advanced


18.What are the transportation mentioned in the text above? e. Carts, canoes, horses, cows

and camels.

f. Car, bus, train, taxi. g. Cart,pedicab,horses,


h. Plane, car, bus, ship, train. 19.There are ... means of

transportation mentioned in the text above.

e. Three f. Four

g. Two h. Five

20.I went to halte to stop the ... e. Train f. Bus

g. Plane h. Ship

21. The train stops at ... e. Airport

f. Harbour g. Rail station h. Bus Station


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