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Using Various Teaching Aids To Teach English To Children At Runner Class In Creative Learning.


Academic year: 2017

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i Maranatha Christian University


Tugas Akhir ini membahas masalah yang saya hadapi saat magang di Creative Learning. Masalahnya adalah guru-guru yang mengajar di Creative Learning tidak menggunakan alat bantu pengajaran yang bervariasi saat mengajar Bahasa Inggris untuk anak-anak. Penyebabnya adalah guru kurang memiliki inisiatif, Creative Learning tidak menyediakan bahan-bahan untuk membuat alat bantu pengajaran dan menyediakan berbagai macam alat bantu pengajaran, dan Creative Learning tidak memantau kinerja guru. Masalah ini menyebabkan beberapa dampak yaitu anak-anak tidak tertarik untuk mendengarkan penjelasan guru, guru sulit untuk menjelaskan pelajaran dengan baik, dan anak-anak sulit untuk berkonsentrasi pada saat

mendengarkan penjelasan dari guru.

Untuk menangani masalah ini ada beberapa solusi. Solusinya adalah guru di Creative Learning harus menggunakan alat bantu pengajaran yang

bervariasi dan membuat alat bantu pengajaran tambahan, Creative learning harus menyediakan beberapa alat bantu pengajaran dan bahan-bahan untuk membuat alat bantu pengajaran, dan Creative Learning harus menetapkan sistem pemantauan untuk guru.

Sebagai kesimpulan, jika ketiga solusi di atas diterapkan saya percaya bahwa guru akan menjadi kreatif dan mereka akan mengajar secara efektif. Selanjutnya, alat bantu pengajaran membuat anak-anak tertarik untuk







A. Background of the Study B. Identification of the Problem

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution

E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study

G. Organization of the Term Paper






1. The teachers lackinitiative. 2. Creative Learning is not

providing various teaching aids and also the supplies of making teaching aids. 3. Creative Learning does not

monitor the teachers’ performance.

The teachers do not use various teaching aids to teach English to children at grade one to two in

Creative Learning

1. The children are not interested in listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2. Usually it is hard for the

teachers to explain the lesson well.

3. The children cannot concentrate on listening to the teacher’s explanation.

1. Creative Learning will know the development of teaching quality of every teacher.

2. The teachers will be more serious and motivated to teach the children. 3. The teachers will get

feedback to develope their teaching skill.

Potential Solution I The teachers in Creative Learning

should use various teaching aids and make additional teaching


1. The teachers can use the supplies to make teaching aids.

2. The teachers will take the initiative to make the teaching aids or use directly the taching aids.

Potential Solution II Creative Learning should provide

some teaching supplies for making teaching aids and various

teaching aids.

Potential Solution III Creative Learning should establish a monitoring system for

the teachers.

1. Creative Learning should spend some money to buy some teaching supplies and teaching aids.

2. Not all the supplies that have been bought will be used.

3. There should be a teacher who in charge of buying and checking the supplies regularly.

1. The teachers should spend time to make the teaching aids.

2. The teachers should adjust the time allocation in the class.

1. The supervisor should spend time to monitor the teachers.

2. The teachers will be not confortable when the supervisor is monitoring them.

1. The teachers will become more creative to teach English to children.

2. The children like to listen to the teachers’ explanation. 3. The teachers can explain

the lesson effectively with teaching aids.

Positive Effects Negative Effects

Causes Effects

Chosen Solutions The combination of potential




A. Background of the Study

The use of teaching aids is necessary. Many teachers use teaching aids to teach children. Klaus states that, “Teaching aids are tools that classroom teachers use to help their students learn quickly and


2 Maranatha Christian University Furthermore, the use of teaching aids also has some benefits. Grill explains that:

“Teaching aids has some benefits and these teaching aids are really

useful for preschool and elementary school. The teaching aids helps them to learn everything easily. The words and sentence are too much confusable for the little children and educating them with teaching aids make the teacher’s job easy” (par 1).

Thus, teaching aids are very useful for the teachers to teach the children and make the teachers teach the lesson effectively.

There are various types of teaching aids. Scott and Ytreberg point out that, “types of teaching aids are puppets, class mascot, paper dolls, English corner, cardboard boxes, pictures cards, card games, board games, word sentence cards, transparencies, calendar, and clock” (112). Therefore, the teachers can use many varieties of teaching aids to teach children so that children will be excited to learn.


paying attention to me, asking things which were not related to the lesson, and becoming noisy. Therefore, in this term paper I would like to analyze the problem of not using various teaching aids to teach English to the children in Runner class and to find the best solution to solve the problem.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on my experience during my internship program as a teacher

assistant at C.L I would like to analyze:

1. Why did the teachers in C.L not use various teaching aids to teach English to the children in Runner class?

2. How could the use of various teaching aids be implemented at C.L to teach English to the children in Runner class?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

The objectives of the study are first, to analyze why the teachers in C.L did not use various teaching aids to teach English. Second, the objective is to find out some possible solutions to implement the use of various teaching aids to teach English in C.L. Additionally, I will also find the best solution to this problem.


4 Maranatha Christian University Moreover, I expect this study can make the readers know the importance of teaching aids, the variety of teaching aids, the ways to prepare teaching aids, and how to make and use teaching aids. Furthermore, by writing this term paper, I can share my experience to the readers and in the future if I work as a teacher I can apply the solutions and use various teaching aids to teach English to children.

D. Description of the Institution

C.L is a non-formal educational institution whose program is to give English language education as a second language or foreign language to young learners. In C.L there are also other programs such as CalisMath, K-Math, and Pre-K.

In 2004, C.L was established in Setra Sari Plaza A/2. The owner is Mr Setiabudi and at the moment the English teachers are Ms. Leoni, Ms. Lean, and Mr. Nico. C.L is not only established to provide teaching programs but also to improve children’s intellectuals, emotion, and creativity. C.L is using a learning system which is comfortable, easy, interactive, and fun.

E. Method of the Study

For my term paper, I analyze a problem which I find during my


data in my internship journal. To find the solutions, I conduct a library research to obtain relevant books and online publications to solve the problem. Based on the analysis of several possible solutions, I would like to find solutions of the problem of not using various teaching aids to teach English to the children in Runner class.

F. Limitation of the Study

My term paper will focus on two teachers in C.L who did not use

various teaching aids to teach English to the children in Runner class. I have taught English to the children and observed two teachers of C.L. Additionally, I observed four children from two classes and each class has two children. The observation was done during my internship program from June 21, 2010 until July 16, 2010.

G. Organization of the Term Paper


17 Maranatha Christian University



In the previous chapters, I have analyzed the problem and several potential solutions. The problem is the teachers do not use various

teaching aids to teach English to children at runner class in C.L.. There are three causes of this problem. The causes are the teachers lacked

initiative, C.L. is not providing various teaching aids and the supplies of making teaching aids, and C.L. does not monitor the teachers’

performance. The effects of the problem are the children are not interested

in listening to the teacher’s explanation, usually it is hard for the teachers

to explain the lesson well, and the children cannot concentrate on listening

to the teacher’s explanation. To handle this problem there are some


Based on the analysis in the previous chapters, I decide to choose the combination of all the three potential solutions. The combination is first, C.L. should provide some teaching aids and teaching supplies for making teaching aids. Thus, the teachers can use the supplies whenever they need them and the teachers will be more creative. Second, C.L. should establish a monitoring system for the teachers. After C.L. provides some teaching aids and teaching supplies for making teaching aids, C.L. also has to monitor the teachers’ performance in the classroom when they teach the children by using teaching aids. Hence, with monitoring system the supervisor will know the teachers’ progress amd also develop teachers teaching skill by giving feedbacks. Third, the teachers in C.L. should use various teaching aids and make additional teaching aids. It is very

important to make children eager to listen to teachers’ explanation and memorize the lesson faster. Siders believes that, “A teaching aid is

something a classroom teacher uses in her class to help students improve reading and other skills, reinforce a skill, or to make learning fun” (par.1). Moreover, when C.L. already provides teaching aids and some teaching supplies and runs the monitoring system, the teachers will be motivated to make and use teaching aids to teach the children.


19 Maranatha Christian University teachers, it will not be effective because the supervisor does not control

the teachers’ performance and know the performance of the teachers. Consequently, it does not encourage teachers to use various teaching aids and make additional teaching aids.

In conclusion, the use of various teaching aids could be implemented at C.L. if C.L. provides some teaching supplies and various teaching aids, establishes a monitoring system for the teachers, and encourages

teachers to use various teachng aids. When the three solutions are carried out, I believe that the teachers will be creative and they will teach

effectively. Furthermore, teaching aids make children interested in

listening to the teachers’ explanation, and also make C.L. increase the



Printed Source

Scott, Wendy A, and Lisbeth H. Ytreberg. Teaching English to Children.

New York: Longman Group, 2000.

Electronic Source

Cory, Charlie. “How to Motivate and Keep Teachers Happy.” Helium 15 September 2010

<http://www.helium.com/items/164977-how-to-motivate-and-keep- teachers-happy>

Evans, Linda. “Developing Attention Skills and Memory.” Teaching Expertise October 2009.29 September 2010


Grill, Kauai BBQ. “Some benefits of teaching and learning aids.” Kauai

BBQ Grill 22 April 2008.6 September 2010

<http://www.kauaibbqgrill.com/144/some-benefits-of-teaching-and- learning-aids/>

Guillford, James. “How to Utilize Teaching Aids.” eHow 3 September 2010. 21 November 2010


Klaus, Julia. “A Definition of Teaching Aids.” eHow 15 April 2010. 6

September 2010

<http://www.ehow.com/about_6317487_definition-teaching-aids.html> Lade, Adeyanju. “Teachers Perception of the effects and use of learning aids in teaching.” Ultibase 15 November 2003.6 September 2010 <http://ultibase.rmit.edu.au/Articles/nov03/adeyanju1.htm>

Right, Jocelyn. “Performance Appraisal & Teacher Effectiveness.” eHow 22 July 2010.29 september 2010

<http://www.ehow.com/about_6754087_performance-appraisal- teacher-effectiveness.html>

Robert, Jenny. “Flash Card-A Great Help in Children Learning.” Article Alley 14 May 2010.15 September 2010


Siders, Kaye. “How To Work with Teaching Aids.” How to Do Things.com 25 November 2010


Wilke, Rebecca Lynn. “The first days of class: a practical guide for the beginning teacher.” Amazon.com 3 October 2010

<http://books.google.co.id/books?id=1QVuAyD8zjEC&pg=PA27&lpg=P A27&dq=school+should+provide+some+teaching+supplies+for+making +teaching+aids.&source=bl&ots=B5OSdLFUP1&sig=Ey0-


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