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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Department, in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number: 209321068





Sri Ernita. 209321068. The Effect of Team Games Tournament Technique on the Teaching Writing Descriptive Text. A Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, Medan: 2014.



In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. All praises to Allah, the

lord of the worlds. Who has given the health, strength and his favor to the researcher in completing this “Thesis”. May Allah’s peace and blessing be upon His final Prophet and Messenger, Muhammad, his family and his companions.

This thesis is submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and

Arts, State University of Medan as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for

taking the degree of SarjanaPendidikan.

Alhamdulillah, the researcher has finished this thesis. Absolutely it is not

only an effort by her self alone, there are many hands help her. In this occasion,

she presents great honor to :

 Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si, the Rector of State University of Medan.  Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum, the Dean of Faculty Languages and Arts.

 Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd, the Head of English Department and also her

academic consultant,Rika, S.Pd. M.Hum, the Secretary of English Department.  Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed, the Head of English Education Study Program and

also her reviewer.

 Dra. Yunita Agnes Sianipar, M.Hum, her Academic Advisor, who has given support,

guidance and kindness for helping this thesis.

 Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum, her Advisor, who has given his time, support,

guidance, kindness, contributions, and patience in correcting and helping her in

finishing this thesis.

 All lecturers who have taught her in this English Department, for giving new

knowledge, advices in facing life, and for giving gorgeous study experiences.

 Drs. Djainuddin S Bono as the Headmaster of SMPN 38 Medan and also the English

Teacher, Ahmad Fauzi, S.Pd.

 All teachers and the students at SMPN 38 Medan for giving permission and helping

the writer to do this research.

 The most special persons in her life, her beloved parents “Boiman, and Supartik”,


your kindness, support, pray and love to Rahmat Rahayu Tanjung, S.E.I.You are so

patience and also her sisters and brothers.

 Special thanks are addressed to Naomi Lamtio Hutapea, David L Hutabarat,

Muhammad Ikhsan Harahap, Marhamah Melisda, Efriyanti Siregar, Iriyani and her

beloved friends, Nurhayati Ayanda, Linda Komariah, Rismawati, Rasta Elisa

Girsang and especially for all of class Extension ’09 C. Who has always been in the

researcher side in the facing all the laugher and tears during her studies. To any

others persons who can not be mentioned one by one to their any contribution to the

writer during finishing her thesis.

Medan, March 2014 The writer,

Sri Ernita



3. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Team Games Tournament ... 16

b. The Parts of Descriptive Writing... 23

B. Relevant Studies ... 24

C. The Instrument for Collecting Data ... 30

1. Source of Data ... 30

2. Data ... 30

D. The Procedure of Research ... 31

1. Pre-test ... 31


3. Post-test ... 33

E. Data Analysis ... 33

1. Scoring Sheet of Writing Test Data analysis ... 34

2. Data Analysis on Pre-test ... 37


A. The Data ... 39

B. The Data Analysis ... 39

1. Pre-test Score Analysis ... 39

2. The Post-test Score Analysis ... 42


A. Conclusions ... 46

B. Suggestions ... 46





Table 1.1. The Second Grade VIII Students’ Score of Writing Test ... 3

Table 2.1. Team Grouping Procedure ... 9

Table 2.2. The Point Calculation in Tournament for Three Players ... 14

Table 2.3. The Point Calculation in Tournament for Four Players ... 14

Table 2.4. Team Rewards... 16

Table 3.1. The Research Design ... 28

Table 3.2. Teaching Procedure... 31

Table 3.3. The Criteria of Content Scoring Test ... 34

Table 3.4. The Criteria of Organization Scoring Test ... 35

Table 3.5. The Criteria of Vocabulary Scoring Test ... 35

Table 3.6. The Criteria of Language Use Scoring Test... 36

Table 3.7. The Criteria of Mechanics Scoring Test ... 36

Table 4.1. Descriptive Statistics of Pre-test ... 40




Appendix A The Pre-test Score of Experimental and Control Groups ... 50

Appendix B The Post-test Score of Experimental and Control Groups... 51

Appendix C The Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental Group ... 52

Appendix D The Pre-test and Post-test of Control Group ... 53

Appendix E Descriptive Statistics of Pre-test ... 54

Appendix F Test of Normality Pre-test ... 56

Appendix G Test of Homogeneity of Variances Pre-test... 57

Appendix H Paired Sample T-Test of Pre-test ... 58

Appendix I Descriptive Variables of Post-test ... 59

Appendix J Test of Normality Post-test ... 61

Appendix K Test of Homogeneity of Variances Post-test ... 62

Appendix L Paired Sample T-Test of Post-test ... 64

Appendix M Observation Sheet ... 65

Appendix N Interview Sheet ... 67

Appendix O Lesson Plan (Control Group) ... 70

Appendix P Lesson plan (Experimental Group) ... 89




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The writer’s name is Sri Ernita, born on 6th February 1989 in Medan, North Sumatera. She is the seventh daughter of Boiman and Supartik. Her

brothers are Sugito, Ngatiwan, and Suhendrik. Her sisters are Ngatemi, Sutri

Ningsih, S.Pd, Purwanty and Wilya Ningrum.

She went to SD Negeri 066658 Medan (graduated in 2001), then entered

SMP Negeri 20 Medan (graduated in 2004) and SMA Al-Husna (graduated in

2008). She started undergraduate study at State University of Medan in 2009 at





A. The Background of the Study

Writing is one of the important skills in language learning from the other

language skills such as speaking, reading, and listening. Writing is activity of

writing something thinking, opinions, or ideas from our mind by choose the best

words, phrases, or sentences and put on the paper. It is aimed of training the

students to think logically and in doing writing. The function of writing is giving

ideas, feelings, thinking and purpose to other people about writing is very

important in daily life.

Whereas, Stott (2001: 1) argues that writing is a craft and a difficult one.

Writing of whatever kind is not just about having something to say (although you

cannot begin with nothing to say), it is also about struggling with words on paper.

Patience, strength of purpose, deliberation and skill are all essential qualities of a

writer working to perfect his or her craft. It means writing is not only a process of

giving the ideas shape and form in the symbol of written language. But it is also a

process of discovering the meaning of the word as you put it down.

According to Brown (2001: 337) describes that writing is a way to end up

thinking something, you could not have started out thinking. It can be concluded

that in writing someone needs to bring out what she or he in mind. The process of

how it is done is what makes writing ability unique from other language skill.

Writing is a process of communication that introduces graphic symbols



the message to the readers. When writing, students frequently have more time to

think than they do in oral activities. They can go through what they know in their

minds, and even consult dictionaries, grammar books, or other reference material

to help them. In modern life, writing is very important because it is known that all

knowledge is built on writing. In addition, Harmer (2004: 61) says that some

students are always happy to have got at writing in English, others can be less

keen. This unwillingness may derive from anxieties they have about their

handwriting, their spelling, or their ability to construct sentences and paragraphs.

Descriptive writing refers to the process of describing something with a

skill in words so that the readers may find a clear impression on the objects. It can

be stated that descriptive writing means a piece of writing, which refers to the

description about an object in details. The purpose of descriptive writing is to

describe about something. Descriptive is used in all forms of writing to create an

impression of a person, place or event.

In this study, the writer chooses writing as her topic because when she was

conducting teaching training program (PPL) in SMP N 2 Galang, she found that

students got difficulties in writing description and they also felt bored while

teaching learning process took place. Some problem such as their grammar is not

good, they do not have enough vocabulary, and their diction in writing is not

satisfied. The writer also has done an observation and interview at SMP N 38

Medan. Based on the writer’s observation, interviewed with the students and the

teacher in the school, the students’ ability in writing description was still low,



(KKM) of English lesson for Junior High School. The score of writing test from

the students can be seen in table 1.1.

Table 1.1 The Second Grade (VIII) Students’ Score of Writing Test

Semesters Score Students Percentage Mean 1st Semester 2012/2013 <68 10 27,03

The Minimal Completeness Criteria (KKM) applied for the second grade

(VIII) by school is 68. From the data above, it can be fulfilled that the students’

ability in writing in that class is still low. It can be seen from the mean of the

students’ score where the mean is still under the Minimal Completeness Criteria.

She found the same problem with students in SMP N 2 Galang. The

problems are students still feel strange and face some difficulties with English

lesson, especially in developing description writing. The problems faced in the

class are sometimes the students have difficulties to create and develop their ideas,

choose the right dictions, and use grammar. Writing individually does not work

optimally to improve the students’ writing ability.

Thus, to solve those problems, Team Games Tournament technique will be

used. According to Mahony (2006: 2), Teams-Games-Tournament is one of the

team learning strategies designed by Robert Slavin for review and mastery

learning of material. Slavin has found that TGT increased basic skills, students’

achievement, positive interactions between students, acceptance of mainstreamed



model in cooperative learning which the student will have opportunities to work

collaboratively, learn faster and more positive about the learning experience.

Besides, the students will work together on academic tasks in small groups to help

themselves and their team to learn together.

In Team Games Tournament technique, learning activities with the game

can make teaching learning process more interesting. Besides, this technique will

raise students' responsibility, being cooperative, healthy emulation, and learning


Team Games Tournament uses the teacher presentations, team work,

weekly tournaments, in which students play academic games with members with

other teams to contribute points to their team scores. The use of games makes

Team Games Tournament even more exciting and motivating to students.

Therefore, the writer hopes Team Games Tournament technique can help

the students to improve their quality of descriptive writing.

B. The Problem of the Study

In relation with the background of the study mentioned, the problem is

formulated in the form of questions as follows: "Is there any significant effect of

team games tournament technique on students’ achievement in writing descriptive



C. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to analyze the effect of team games

tournament technique on the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.

D. The Scope of the Study

The study is focused on the effect of team games tournament technique on

the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.

E. The Significance of the Study

Theoretically, the results of this study are expected to be useful for:

1. To enrich the literature of teaching writing through descriptive text by

applying Team Games Tournament technique

2. To give a better understanding and alternative strategy in teaching writing

English by applying Team Games Tournament technique

3. Give some valuable contribution to other researchers.

Practically, the findings are useful and relevant to:

1. This study is expected to give an input for teachers in teaching English to

enrich their knowledge about Team Games Tournament technique in

teaching writing.

2. The students can improve their knowledge in writing descriptive.

3. The readers, especially English teacher candidates will gain an input when





A. Conclusions

Based on the reason of the data analysis, it is found that the Team Games

Tournament technique significantly affect the students’ achievements in writing

descriptive text. The using of Team Games Tournament technique enables the

students to write a good paragraph. On the other hand, the application of Team

Games Tournament Technique in teaching descriptive writing is more effect

because the results show that students’ score is higher after the treatment.

Therefore, it is concluded that the hypothesis is accepted.

B. Suggestions

In line with the conclusions and the result of the research, some

suggestions are stages as the following:

1. The English teachers are suggested should be able to choose a teaching

technique to achieve a satisfying result and had be better apply Team

Games Tournament Technique in teaching writing to make the students’



2. The students are suggested to be more creative, confidence and enjoyable

in exploring their writing ability by applying Team Games Tournament

Technique. Since it help them to increase their writing quality.

3. The readers are suggested to read this research result to widen their

horizon about the benefit of doing research whenever they want to prove


Table 1.1 The Second Grade (VIII) Students’ Score of Writing Test


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