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Academic year: 2021



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(A Pre-Experimental Research At SMA Negeri 1 Mambi)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Makassar University in Partial Fullfillment of requirement for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan in English Departemnet

MASITA 105351117616





Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :

Nama : Masita

Stambuk : 105351117616

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Use Of Reciprocal Teaching Technique To

Improve Reading Comprehension

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Makassar, 07 Desember 2020

Yang Membuat Pernyataan



Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :

Nama : Masita

Stambuk : 105351117616

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Dengan ini menyatakan perjanjian sebagai berikut :

1. Mulai menyusun proposal sampai selesainya skripsi ini, saya yang menyusunnya sendiri ( tidak dibuat oleh siapapun)

2. Dalam penyusunan skripsi ini, saya akan selalu melakukan konsultasi dengan pembimbing yang telah ditetapkan oleh pimpinan fakultas.

3. Saya tidak akan melakukan penjiplakan ( plagiat) dalam penyusunan skripsi ini.

4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian pada butir 1.2. dan 3 maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi sesuai aturan yang berlaku.

Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, 07 Desember 2020 Yang Membuat Perjanjian



“ Jadikanlah sabar dan shalat sebagai penolongmu, dan sesungguhnya yang demikian itu berat, kecuali bagi orang-orang yang khusyu”.

(Q.S Al-Baqarah : 45)

“Allah tidak pernah salah memilih waktu”


In the name of Allah, this thesis dedicated to :

1. My beloved parents, my father and mother ( Najamuddin and Darmawati) love and respect are always for them. Thank you for all of you support, pray, and love in finishing my study.

2. My lovely brother and sister ( Asrandy, Titin Indrani and Dian Ekawati). 3. My best friends that I can not mention one bye one.



MASITA. 2020. “ The Use Of Reciprocal Teaching Technique To Improve Reading Comprehension” (A Pre-Experimental Research) Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar (supervised by Saiful and Awalia Azis).

This research aimed to improve reading comprehension at the first grade of SMA Negeri 1 Mambi using reciprocal teaching technique. The instrument of this research used reading text consist of 20 questions multiple choices. This research used Pre-Experimental research. Consisted of pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The population of this research was 65 students and the subject of this research was class X Mipa 1 which consisted of 20 students.

The result of this research showed that the score of pre-test was 48.5 and post-test was 87.75. This research also showed the value of t-post-test was higher than the value of t-table (T-test > T-table). For main idea t-test was 4.185 and t-table was 2.093 (4.185 > 2.093), for supporting idea t-test was 4.175 and t-table was 2.093 (4.175 > 2.093). It means that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. Based on the research result, the researcher concluded that the use of reciprocal teaching tachnique can improve reading comprehension.



MASITA. 2020. “Penggunaan Teknik Pengajaran Timbal Balik Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Membaca Siswa” (A Pre-Experimental Research) Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar ( dibimbing oleh Saiful dan Awalia Azis).

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman membaca siswa pada kelas satu SMA Negeri 1 Mambi dengan menggunakan teknik pengajaran timbal balik. Instrument dari penelitian ini menggunakan test reading yang terdiri dari 20 soal pilihan ganda. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian Pre-Experimental. Terdiri dari pre-test, treatment, and post-test. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah 65 siswa dan subjek dari penelitian ini adalah kelas X Mipa 1 yang mana terdiri dari 20 siswa.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa skor dari pre-test adalah 48.5 dan post-test adalah 87.75. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan nilai dari t-test lebih tinggi dari pada nilai t-table (T-test>T-table). Untuk main idea t-test adalah 4.185 dan t-table 2.093 (4.185>2.093), untuk supporting idea t-test adalah 4.175 dan t-table adalah 2.093 (4.175>2.093). Itu artinya bahwa null hypothesis (H0) ditolak dan alternative hypothesis(H1) diterima. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa penggunaan teknik pengajaran timbal balik bisa meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa.



In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, all praises to Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala, the Lord of the Universe, master of the day of judgment, who has given guidance, mercy, good health so the researcher was able to finish this thesis. Shalawat and salam only addressed to Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam, the great leader and good inspiration in this world.

The researcher realized that this thesis would not be completed without the helps, supports, and suggestions from several sides. And researcher thanks for the researcher beloved parents Najamuddin, S.Ag and Darmawati, S.Pd.I who always be the researcher best parents and my brother Asrandi, SE.,MM and my sisters Titin Inrani, S.Tr.Keb and Dian Ekawati for the attention, support, and their love. Therefore , the researcher would like to expressis her deepest thanks to all of them helped, supported, and suggested her during the process of writing this thesis.

1. Prof. Dr. H. Ambo Asse, M.Ag. The Rector of the Muhammadiyah University Of Makassar for his advices during the researcher studied at the University.

2. Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd,PhD. The Dean of the FKIP UNISMUH Makassar. 3. Ummi Khaerati Syam S.Pd., M.Pd. the Head of English education


4. Dr. Saiful, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the first consultant and Awalia Azis, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the second consultand who had given their valuable time and guidence to finish this thesis.

5. For all of lecturers of FKIP UNISMUH Makassar especially to the lecturers of English Depatement for their guidence during the researcher studied in this University

6. For the headmaster of SMAN 1 Mambi Nasmawati, S.Pd., M.Pd, and English teacher at SMAN 1 Mambi Yusbriantri, SS.

7. My best friends Fitrah, Sindy, and Rahmia thank you for your support to finish this study.

Mambi, 07 December 2020 The Researcher




C. Objective Of The Research...4

D. Significant Of The Research...4

E. Scope Of The Research...5

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. The Previous Related Research Findings...6

B. Some Pertinent Ideas...8


a. Defenition Of Reading...8

b. Defenition Of Comprehension...10

c. Defenition Of Reading Comprehension...11

d. The Process Of Reading Comprehension…...11

e. Types Of Reading...11

f. Purposes Of Reading...14

g. Aspects Of Reading...15

2. Reciprocal Teaching...16

a. Definition Of Reciprocal Teaching...16

b. Purpose Of Reciprocal Teaching...17

c. Strategy...17

d. Advantages Using Reciprocal Teaching...19

e. Implementation Of Reciprocal Teaching...20

C. Conceptual Framwork...22

D. Hypotesis...23


B. Population And Sample...24

1. Population...25

2. Sample...25

C. Research Instrument...26

D. Research Variables And Indikator...26

1. Variables...26


E. Technique Of Collecting Data...27

1. Pre-Test...27

2. Treatment...27

3. Post-Test...27

F. Technique Analyzing Data...28


B. Discussions...38


B. Suggestion ...41 BIBLIOGRAPHY




Chart 4.1 : The Students Score Of Pre-Test...32

Chart 4.2 : The Students Score Of Post-Test...33

Chart 4.3 : The Improvement Of The Students...35

Chart 4.4: The Mean Score Main Idea...36

Chart 4.5: The Mean Score Of Supporting Idea...37




Table 3.1 : The Rubric Of Students...28

Table 3.2 : The Qualifications Score...28

Table 4.1 : The Students Score Of Pre-Test...32

Table 4.2 : The Students Score Of Post-Test...33

Table 4.3 : The Improvement Students...35

Table 4.4 : The Mean Score Of Students...36




Appendix A : Lessons Plan...45

Appendix B : Research Instrument...63

Appendix C : Data Analysis...78

Appendix D : The Mean Score Of Students...84

Appendix E : The Improvement Of Students Score...85

Appendix F : The Significant Different...86

Appendix G : The Distribution Of T-Table...87

Appendix H : Pre-Test and Post-Test...89

Appendix I : Attandance List...121



A. Background

English is an international language which common used to communicate by people of all countries. Language is used for communication. People need language as a communication to express their feeling, thought and desires. In Indonesia, English became an obligatory subject for all Indonesian and became a foreign language . Based on the Indonesian Curriculum, the focus of English teaching are four English skills. Those are reading, listening, speaking and writing. All of those skills should be learned by students as the basis of communication. Among the four key language skiils, Reading is an important part of the four necessary language skills for acquiring knowledge and gathering information besides listening, speaking, and writing. Lone (2011, p.1) says that reading as the ability to recognize, and examine words or sentences and understand the information within. . Palani (2012, p.92) continues that reading is a process of thinking, evaluating, judging, imagining, reasoning, and problem solving. In short, reading is an active process which involves making sense and deriving meaning from printed or written word as a means of understanding what has been read.

Reading skill is an important aspect in learning a language, especially in learning English as a second or foreign language. The reading skill is an


important subject of study, because reading is one of the factors that can make students success of their study depending on their greatest part of reading ability. Reading is needed by the students to get information and knowledge. Patel and Jain (2008, p.13) states that reading is most useful and important skill for people. This skill is more important than speaking and writing.

The sudents usually have different level of reading skill in English. Therefore, the teacher should think about how to make students pay attention to the teacher and choosed an interesting strategy to teach reading. Hoein & Lundberg (2000), Grabe and Stoller ( 2002), and Pressley (2002) stating that

when students learn to read they need to be taught how to use specific strategies to understand the text. To make interesting teaching and learning process there are a lot of alternative. Same with reading, to improve reading comprehension of the students there are many strategies

The aims of teaching reading was comprehension. According to Aist (20

08 : 18) says that is not enough if someone is able to read but not able to understand. In english lesson, reading comprehension takes most part of their lesson. Reading becomes something very important for students because their learning success is very much depends on their reading ability.

The researcher found some problems to students related in reading comprehension ability when the researcher conducting Magang 2. First, the student did not have motivation and not intersting in reading activity. In this case, the student felt difficult to indentifying main idea and supporting idea of


the text. Second, some of students were more busy with other activities than paying attention to the lesson. Therefore, the teaching and learning process cannot run effectively.

To improve the English skill and to make Reading is successful in teaching. One of the strategies used in the teaching context is reciprocal strategy. It was introduced by Palinscar and Brown in 1984. Scoot (2001) said

that reciplocal teaching had a significant effect on learners reading proficiently. It is a strategy in which the teacher explains and teach four reading strategies explicitly namely prediction, clarification, questioning and summarizing. The teacher explains explicitly how to implement the four reading strategies and supports students with prompts and reminders as they practice the strategies (Klingner, Vaughn & Boardman, 2007).

Based on the above theory, it is clear that reading is one of the good strategies used by students to solve problems when they study. Reading comprehension is an attempt to understand, evaluate and also recognize the outhor idea of reading text. Reading comprehension meanss the ability to understand the material given by othor and to catch the content of message or information of the text.

Based on the problem above, the researcher decides to conduct a pre-experimental research under the title "The Use Of Reciplocal Teaching Technique To Improve Reading Comprehension In The First Grade At SMA Negeri 1 Mambi"


B. Problem Statement

Based on the background of the research, the problem statement of this research are formulated as:

1. How is the implementation of reciprocal teaching tecnique to improve reading comprehension in term of main idea?

2. How is the implementation of reciprocal teaching technique to improve reading comprehension in term of supporting idea?

C. Objective Of The Research

Based on the background of the research, the objective of this research are to find out by the students:

1. The implementation of reciprocal teaching technique to improve reading comprehension in term of main idea

2. The implementation of reciprocal teaching technique to improve reading comprehension in term of supporting idea

D. Significant Of The Research

The result of this research will be expected to be useful informarion for many poeple such as:

1. Theoretical

The result of this research hopefully can be used to improve reading skill, especially in reading comprehension.


2. Practical

a. For Students

- The result of this research hopefully can be used as a starting point to develop students understanding with used Reciprocal Teaching Technique to improve reading comprehension .

- The result of this research hopefully can be used to improve students reading comprehension in English material

- Students hopefully will have a greater habit to read English text. b. For Teachers

- The result of this research hopefully can be used by teachers as a starting point to improve reading comprehension

- The result of this research hopefully can be used by the teacher as a starting point to improve students reading performance.

c. For Other Researchers

The result of this research can be a reference for another researchers in conducting further research about the use of Reciprocal Teaching Technique to improve reading comprehension.

E. Scope Of The Research

The scope of the research is The Use Of Reciplocal Teaching Technique To Improve Reading Comprehension and the text that researcher gave was narrative text In The First Grade At SMAN 1 Mambi. Reading covers two




A. The Previous Related Research Findings

In this research, there are some previous research which related to this research, they are as follows:

1. Umi (2014) conducted a research in The Effectiveness Of Reciprocal Teaching Technique In Teaching Reading Narrative Text To The Eight Grade Students

Applying reciprocal teaching technique had changed the achivement students in reading narrative text. Students scores between pre-test and post-test have increased. Reciprocal teaching can be recomended as a solution for teachers to a new concept based on the value of increasing points and this technique can help students to used their abilities in reading skill of narrative text

2. Atika (2013) conducted a research in Using Reciprocal Teaching Teacnique In Improve Reading Comprehension.

There were several conclusion form the result of this research after treatment. The first, used reciprocal technique in teaching reading can make the class enjoyeble, interesting and challeging. The second, reciprocal teaching technique was an effective way to improve the students reading comprehension.


3. Cintia, Huzairin, Kadaryanto (2013) conducted a research in The Implementation Of Reciprocal Teaching Technique To Improve Students Reading Comprehension Achievement.

According to the result of pre-test and post-test, it is found that the student get improvement in each aspects of reading. And it can be seen from the students interst and participation in teaching learning proses throught reciprocal teaching technique. Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that, using reciprocal teaching technique in teaching reading, make the students active.

The similarity of the three researcher above and the title of my research are to used the same technique that is reciprocal teaching technique and also in the same skill that was reading. And the differences of the three researcher above and the title of my research were the school and class that will be the object of the reaserch.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas 1. Reading

a). Defenition Of Reading

Reading is one of the imprtant aspect of language skills to get a lot of information by learners .

Reading is used to get the main point or the most important information. It is an effort to understand the content of the text, and also

to know the massage from the writer. In addition reading is used to get an idea, pleasure or feeling that is expressed by the writer. From some


over views by the experts above, the writer thinks that reading is an active and interactive activit to produce the word and tries to understand

the content of reading text. Grabe (2009: 14) define reading as the process of receiving and interpreting information encoded in language via the medium of print. By reading, the students can enlarge on enrich their knowledge and experience because the information they need is serve in written form. Based on those defenitions, it can be concluded that reading comprehension is the process of reveiving information between the readers and the text..

Reading is an activity or cognitive process which is tries to make serious effort to find out some information in a text. This is means that reading is process of thinking to understand the content of text. Reading is not only the activities look up the group of letters, groups of word, sentence, paragraph and discourse, but more than it reading is the process interpreting the meaning sign/symbols/written language with the result that the information can conveyed by the writer in which expected to be able to acquire by readers. According to Nunan (2003: 68), “reading is a fluent process of readers combines information from text and their own background knowledge to build meaning”.

According to Dalman (2014:7), “reading is the transition process by symbol/sign/written language to be meaningful sound”. For those reason, reading activities influences by physical and mental activities in which based on someone to interpreting symbols of the written language


actively and critically as a kind of communication to themself, to make reader acquire information and meaning of the text. It can be concluded that the defenition of reading it depends on the reader’s aim in reading a text.

b). Defenition Of Comprehension

Comprehension is the prosess of understanding the meaning of the text. (Bos and Vaugh, 2009:312) state that comprehension is the main of reading activity. Ablity to comprehend text is influenced by reader skills and their ability to process information. Poeple read for many reasons but understanding is always a part of their purpose.

Grabe (2009:14) state that comprehension is the process when the readers relate information and dig of the text with what they already have knows.

c). Defenition Of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is an attempt to understand, evaluate, and also recognize the outhor idea of the text. For each reader requires comprehensionto catch the content of message or information of the text. Reading comprehension is important because without reading does not provide the reader with any information.

By reading comprehension, the people can get the more information that they have read. Klingner et al (2007:8) explained that reading


comprehension is a complex process that involves interaction between the reader and the text.

Based on the explanation above, it can be conclude that reading comprehension is understand a text that is read. Raeding comprehension is basically about determine main idea and supporting idea.

d). The Process Of Reading Comprehension

As stated previously, reading ia a process which a reader receives information from the author. Reading activity involves in more than one process. The reading process itselt still involves other language process like speaking, listening and writing (Johnson, 2008:7). According to Grabe (2009:14) process of reading includes of comprehending process, learning process and linguistic process. Those processes occur during reading activity.

. The process of reading comprehension which is based on the order

which the reading comprehension process. Process of reading comprehension which are practised by readers are bottom up, top-down

and intearctive reading (Brown, 2011:298).

1. Bottom-Up

This model suggest that the reader makes a piece-by-piece translation of the information in the text. To understand the text, the readers must be able to decode the text first.


2. Top – Down

In top-down process, the reader must to understand about the text with used their background knowledge. For example, the readers looked the title of the text, and then they guess what the text about with they relate to their knowledge. Top-down strategy that use background knowledge to help understand specific texts, scanning the

text, skimming the text, difference between more important information and less important information.

3. Interactive

This model shows that fluent reading comprehension depens on

mastery of grammar and vocabulay. Interactive reading combine between bottom-up and top-down process. This models are proposed for secon laguange learners to give balanced emphasis on top-down and bottom-up process.

Some readers do not realize that those process happen while they are reading, but some of them realized and know that the theory of reading process happen while they are reading.

e). Types Of Reading

According to Patel and Jain (2008: 117-123) the types of reading: 1. Intensive Reading

Intensive reading is related to further in language learning under the teacher’s guidance. The goal of this reading is to read


shorted text. Intensive reading will provide a basic for extending knowledge. Intensive reading material will be the basis for classroom activity. In this reading the learner read the text to get knowledge or analysis. This reading is done to carry out to get specific information.

2. Extensive Reading

Extensive reading is used to obtain a general understanding of a

subject and includes reading longer texts for pleasure. The reader wants to know about something. The reader doesn’t care about specific or important information after reading. Usually people read for to keep them update.

3. Aloud Reading

Aloud reading is basic form of classroom organization and disciplines. In reading aloud, the students are confronted with written

sentences which haven’t spoken before. The aim of reading aloud is the achievement or better speaking ability and the pronunciation of the

students. Reading aloud by the teacher can help the students in the improvement of their listening ability.

4. Silent Reading

Silent reading is a very important skill in teaching of English. This reading should be employed to increase reading ability among learners. Silent reading is done to acquire a lot of information. Silent


students to read without making sounds and moving his lips. It helps

him read with speed, ease and fluency. It aids comprehension and expands the student’s vocabulary

f). Purposes of Reading

According to William Grabe (2009:5) said that the purpose of reading were:

1. Reading to search information (scanning and skimming)

Skimming and scanning reading used to looking for information that can be practiced in by training in high speed reading.

2. Reading to learn from text

Reading to learn is often consist in academic and professional are

as. In which, a person needs to learn a considerable amount of information from a text. The readers hopes to remember the main idea

and supporting idea to remember this information as needed.

3. Reading to integrate information

Reading is integrated information needs so that readers learn to information from text or put together information from different parts

of a long text. Read to get additional complemetary, mutual supporting, conflicting information from various sources. Efforts to build a strong organization frame inreading for learners increase significantly when there are many texts that refer to information from


4. Reading to evaluate, critique, and use information

Sometimes the readers asked to eveluate and critique information from many texts, or from one lengthy text in academic

and professional settings. They also have to make decisions about which aspects of the text are most important or most controversial.

5. Reading for general information

Reading for general information is the most basic purpose, underlying, and also supporting purposes of reading. Reading for general information it also more complex than the people assumed.

When accomplished by a skilled fluent reader, requires very rapid and automatic processing of words, strong skill in forming a general meaning representation of main ideas, and efficient coordination of many processed under very limited time constraints.

g). Aspects of Reading

Some of aspects of reading which deserve both specific attention in isolated learning situation and at other time, more balanced attention in more normal reading situation are word recognition, comprehension, and reflection . The aspects are:

1. Word recognition

The degree excellence in reading is determined by the ability to recognize the words and pronounce the words. Especially the word recognition aspects of reading continue to enjoy support in respectable


and influential quarters. Every readers must recognize fluent words and words form on the page very quickly.

2. Comprehension

According to William Grabe (quoted in Kendeou et al., 2007: 28 -29) said that the core of comprehension is our ability to mentally int erconnet different events in the text and form a coherent representati on of what text is about.

3. Reflection

Reading as the reflectin form is an additional dimension in reading which can be relate.

2. Reciprocal Teaching Technique

a). Defenition of reciprocal teaching technique

There are several definitions of reciprocal teaching technique. According to Foster and Ratoloni (2008:2) also define reciprocal teaching as a method where the students can share their learning experince and encourage students in thingking process.

Based on those defenitions above, reciprocal teaching is a technique or model in teaching reading comprehension which allows students to share their experience and idea relate to thier thingking about the text they had read.


b). Purpose of Reciprocal Teaching Technique

According to Mc.Allum (2014:28) reciprocal teaching has developed three main purposes.

1. It is a framework for explicit instruction and the practice of four specific comprehension fostering strategies to develop the self- monitoring central to effective comprehension.

2. It uses a clearly-defined process for interactive engagement. This process has been shown to ensure that learning is maintained over time, is generalized across settings, and is transferable within conceptual domains.

3. It is a vehicle for inclusive practice. c). Strategy

According to Mc.Allum (2014:26) Reciprocal Teaching contains four strategies :

1. Predicting

Predicting is a strategy for finding clues about what will happen next in the text. Student who have a background knowledge of the text, when they reading the title of the text will find it easier to guess what the text contains. And then the students shared and discuss their predictions with their group.


2. Clarifying

In this step, the students learn how they can understand a text. For example, when they were find a word which they do not know the meaning, they define the word by reading the sentence or relate it to topic.

3. Question Generating

Question generating is building important information. Students learn how to ask used words such us who, what, when, where,

why and how to get the more information. Students tried to understand the text by asked question about the main idea and supporting idea of the paragraph or the text.

4. Summarizing

Summarizing is identifying the most important information in the

text. Students are taught how to make one ot two sentences that tell important idea in a paragraph or text. Students were intructed to underline the main idea and supporting idea in each paragraph or text.

Then the students were taught how to summarize by combining the underlined sentences. Finally, students were instructed to make main idea

and supporting idea in their own words.

These four (predicting, questioning, claryfing, summarizing) activities were selected because they provide a dual function, that of


enhance comprehension and give the chance for the student to check students reading abilities whether it is occurring. Reciprocal teaching technique stage in the model is expected to improve students' ability to understand the content of reading. The model emphasizes the reciprocal teaching technique students to work in a group established in such a

way that each of its members can communicate comfortably in presenting their opinions or ask in order to exchange experience success

in learning from one another. Reciprocal teaching technique determine the students to work in group to make thestudent can share each other,so

the goal of learning can achieve together. So, reciprocal teaching technique is a learning model in which the students gave opportunity to learn about the material first, after that students reexplain the material to others. Teacher only take a role to be a facilitator and consultant in learni ng process that give a clear explanation to the difficult material.

d). Advantages Using Reciprocal Teaching Technique.

There are so many model of teaching that used in the learning process in which those model are expected appropriate to be applied in learning process.Some following advantages of Reciprocal Teaching Technique according to Pallinscar and brown (1984) are:

1. Reciprocal Teaching Technique boosting the students to think about the learning process during reading by their own way.


2. Reciprocal Teaching Technique make the students learn to be actively during the learning reading involved and monitor their comprehension as they read.

3. Reciprocal Teaching Technique encorages students to make question

during reading and it will helps students to create the text more comprehensible.

e). Implementation of reciprocal teaching Technique

Klinger, Vaughn, and Boardman (2007:135) said that there are five stages in the implmentation of reciprocal teaching technique. That is the teacher demonstration, guided practice, teacher students groups, students-led groups, and independent use of strategies

1. Teacher Demonstration

The teacher explain the strategy in reciprocal teaching technique. The first was predicting, the second was clarifying, the third was questioning, and the last was summarizing. Therefore the students find it easier and do not find difficult to apply stategies in reciprocal technique.

2. Guided Practice

The teacher explains how to carry out the reciprocal technique where the students were reading the text. The teacher also give the support to students with motivated and advice when they were implement staregy. The teacher and students did some small dialogue


3. Teacher-Student Groups

The teacher construct some group working, then the teacher leads discussion about the text, give advice to students to used to reciprocal

stategies and give feedback as needed. The teacher step to step let students work by themselves.

4. Students-led Group

The leader of each group instructs to their friend to used the four strategies. Students. Students give feedback to their friends about the implemetation the strategy. Meanwhile, the teacher give assistance as needed.

5. Students Independent Used The Strategies

Students read the text used the four strategies in reciprocal and set their own implemantation strategies. The students also learn how to respond to their friends understood in the group through discussion.


Main Idea C. Conceptual Framwork

Reading is an important part of the four skills of language for get knowledge and gathering information. It means that reading skill is an important aspect in learning a language, especially in learning English as a second or foreign language.The conceptual framework underlying in this research given below:

A Experimental Research

Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Reciprocal Teaching

The Improvement of Students’ Reading Comprehension Supporting Idea Teaching Reading Comprehension Main Idea Narrative Texts


The Conceptual Framework above show the process of research in teaching and learning process. In this research, the researcher used reciprocal teaching technique to improve reading comprehension for the students. The researcher using pre-test and post-test to mansure students reading comprehension.

Pre-test is a test that give to students before give treatment. Treatment is an action give to students to knows the effect of the method that will be tested. After give treatment to student, the researcher give post-test to mansure students reading comprehension. The reseracher focus on main idea and supporting idea to improve reading comprehension of students. From the test results, researchers can see whether students' reading comprehension increase after give the treatment or there is no improvement and focus.

D. Hypothesis

Based on the conceptual framwork above, the researcher proposed the following hypothesis:

H0 = There is no significant improvrmrnt of students reading comprehension after being taught by using reciprocal teaching technique.

H1 = There is significsnt improvement of students reading comprehension after being taught by using reciprocal teaching technique.




A. Research Design

The research method used pre-experimental research method. It’s means that the researcher investigated the improvement of reading comprehension by used reciprocal teaching technique. The purpose of this research to investi gated whether there was significant improvement of students reading compre hension after give treatment.

The deisgn of this study had used group pre-test and post-test design. The design of this research was:

Pre-test Treatment Post-test

O1 X O2

(Gay, 2006:252)

B. Population And Sample 1. Population

The population of this research at SMA Negeri 1 Mambi was the first grade (grade X). Threre are three class and total number of the students first grade were 65 students. The number of MIPA 1 was 20 students, MIPA 2 was 25 students, and IPS was 20 students.


2. Sample

Based on the information from the English teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Mambi, the researcher used random sampling to know the sample of this reseach. The researcher choose MIPA 1 consisted of 20 students in SMA Negeri 1 Mambi in academy year 2020/2021. The students of the class X were the weakest learners in terms of their reading comprehension.

The research conducted in eight meeting. The experiment do to the sample in eight times of meeting, two meetings for the pre-test and post- test. There were six meetings for the treatment. The reseacher taked six meetings in order to take the data briefly.

C. Research Intrument

A proper instrument was important for a researcher. In this research, the researcher had used one kind of instrument namely reading test. It’s means that a test was an instrument which given by the teacher which aims to identify the students score. This research instrument consisted of 20 question of multiple choice. The test given to students twice, namely were pre-test and post-test. Pre-test intend to know the reading comprehension before give treatment. Post-test intent to know the improvement of students reading comprehension after give treatment.

D. Research Variables And Indicator 1. Variables


a. The independent variable used of reciproal teaching technique. Refer to the implementation of reciprocal teaching which involves students into five groups. Each group choose one of the member as the group leader, and discuss the content of the text. Each students use four strategy in reciprocal teaching in understanding the content of the text. b. The dependent variable refer to the improvement reading comprehension of the students. The student know main idea and supporting idea of the students

2. Indicator

The indicator of this research had increase students reading comprehension in term of main idea and supporting idea. The main idea was the important point in the text, and supporting idea was the specific detail that support evidance such as reasons or examples that support the main idea.

E. Tecnique Of Collecting Data

The most important thing in this research was collecting the data that can determine the result of the research. Some technique used in collecting data in this research were :

1. Pre-test

The researcher given pre-test at the first meeting. The researcher given narrative text and then the students read the text for 30 minute. After that, the students answer the question of the text


2. Treatment

After given pre-test for students, the researcher given treatment used reciplocal teaching technique for six meetings and spent 90 minutes at each meeting. Step treatment are:

a. Orientation

1). Greeting and pray before learning 2). Check attendance list

b. Core Activities

1) The researcher devide five groups. And each groups consist four students

2) The researcher given each groups a narrative text 3) The students use four strategies of reciplocal technique

4) The students tried to found the main idea and supporting idea of the narrative text

5) The students made summary from the text

6) Every group choose one of the students in the group to collect their work to resescher

3. Post-test

The last step, the resesrcher given post-test after give trearment. The result of post-test compared with result of pre-test to found out the improvement from students and their progress.


F. Technique Analyzing Data.

The gathered data used in order to figure out whether or not the experiment research achieved a good result or not of students reading comprehension mastery of ten grade at SMAN 1 Mambi.

After collecting data, the next step was analyzing the data. The data are the result of test from pre test and post test. To collect the data the researcher use a rubric of reading comprehension assessment as follows:

Table 3.1 These are the rubric of students

No. Criteria Score

1. Clearly identified the main idea by providing strong evidance, detail relating to the main idea.


2. Identified the main idea and proviede adequate evidance, details relating to the main idea.


3. Limited main idea identification and limited evidance, details relating to the main idea.


4. Did not identify the main idea of the story or provide any evidance, details relating to the main idea.


Harmer (1995)

Table 3.2 These are qualification score

No. Qualification Score

1. 80-100 Good and Excellent

2. 60-79 Average To Good

3. 50-59 Poor To Average

4. 0-49 Poor


The researcher conducted the experiment research of teaching Reading in X of SMAN 1 Mambi. It describes the process and the result of students’ improvement in reading comprehension ability in using Reciprocal Teaching strategy.

While quantitative was used to know the influence in using Reciprocal Teaching strategy based on the students reading comprehension ability in the result of pre-test and post-test. The data that provide in quantitative approach was statistically, it means that the data using number and calculating process.

The student given pre-test and post-test, those steps do to gain a score of reading comprehension ability. The researcher scores the data using statistics technique which was Mean . The formulas of those techniques can be shows as follows:

Based on the scoring rubric, the researcher used the formula by Arikanto (2006:240) to find the mean score of the students as followes:



Explanation :

M = The Mean Score Σx = The sum of all score

N = The total number of students



To find the improvement of the students in reading comprehension, the researcher used formula:

%= %

Where : % = The students persentage

X1 = The mean score of pre-test

X2 = The mean score of post-test

To find the significant different between pre-test and post-test, the reseacher used formula :

𝑡 =

𝑀𝐷 √ ∑𝑥2𝑑 𝑁 (𝑁−1) Where: T = Test of significance

MD = The mean score difference

∑x2d = The sum of squares of deviation

1 = Constant number

N = The total of sample

(Ary, 2010: 117) 100 1 1 2   X X X




A. Findings

This chapter describe the data and the result of this study. The findings of this study are related of the result in analysis pre-test and post-test scores, mean scores, and t-test. The findings were described as follows:

1. The Classification Of Students Pre-Test And Post-Test Scores

This section described the result of the students reading comprehension in term of main idea and supporting idea. The students scores of pre-test and post-test was classified into several criteria and percentages as follows:

a). Pre-test Score

Table 4.1. The Students Score Of Pre-Test

No. Score Classification Frequency Percentage

1. 80-100 Good and Excellent 3 15%

2. 60-79 Average To Good 5 25%

3. 50-59 Poor To Average 1 5%

4. 0-49 Poor 11 55%


Chart 4.1. The Students Score Of Pre-Test

Based on table 1, it shows that the students score in pre-test there were 3 (15%) the students who got good and excellent, 5 (22%) the students who got average to good, 1 (5%) the students who got poor to average, and 11 (55%) the students who got poor.

From the table above, it can be concluded that the students reading comprehension achievement still less.

b). Post-test Score

Table 4.2. The Students Score Of Post-test

No. Score Classification Frequency Percentage

1. 80-100 Good and Excellent 16 80%

2. 60-79 Average To Good 3 15% 3. 50-59 Poor To Average 1 5% 4. 0-49 Poor - - Total 20 100% 15% 25% 5% 55%


Good and Excellent Average To Good Poor To Average Poor


Chart 4.2. The Students score of Post-Test

Based on table above, it shows the students score in post-test there were 16 (80%) the students who got good and excellent, 3 (15%) the students who got average to good, and 1 (5%) the students who got poor to average.

From the pre-test and post-test scores and percentages above, it can be conclude that the post-test percentages scores is higher that the pre-test percentsge scores.

2. The Improvement Of Using Reciprocal Technique In Teaching Reading Comprehension In Term Of Main Idea and Supporting Idea

The improvement in reading comprehension in term of main idea and supporting idea presented in the table bellow:

80% 15%

5% 0%


Good and Excellent Average to Good Poor to Average Poor


Table 4.3. The Improvement Of Students In Reading Comprehension Type Mean Score Improvement Pre-test Post-test Main Idea 50 88.5 77% Supporting Idea 47 86.5 84.04%

Chart 4.3. The Improvement Of Students

The chart 4.3 shows that there was improvement of students achievement in term of main idea was 77% and in term of supporting idea was 84,04%. It can be conclude that the used of reciprocal teaching technique can improve the students reading comprehension in term of main idea and supporting idea.

3. The students mean score of main idea and supporting idea in pre-test and post-test

77% 84.04%

Main Idea Supporting Idea


Table 4.4. The Students Mean Score Type Mean Score Pre-test Post-test Main Idea 50 88.5 Supporting Idea 47 86.5

Chart 4.4. The Mean Score Of Main Idea

Chart 4.5. The Mean Score Of Supporting Idea 50 88.5

Main Idea

Pre-Test Post-Tes 47 86.5

Supporting Idea

Pre-Test Post-Test


There was a significant different in the mean score of students reading comprehension in term of main idea between the pre-test and post-test. The data analysis shows the students mean score improved from pre-test to post-test. Before applying the treatment in pre-test, the mean score of main idea was 50. After applyng the treatment, the mean score of main idea was 88.5. for the students reading comprehension in term of main idea.

In the mean score of students reading comprehension in term of supporting idea between pre-test and post-test there was a significant different. The data analysis shows the students mean score improved from pre-test to post-test. Before appilyng the treatment in pre-test, the mean score of supporting idea was 47. After applyng the treatmentm the mean score of supporting idea was 86.5. For the students reading comprehension in term of supporting idea.

4. The Significant Of The Students In Reading Comprehension

To determine the level of significance between the two variables (pre-test and post-test), the researcher used t-test analysis a significance level (p)= 0,05with degree of freedom (df) = N-1, where N= number of students (20 students).

Table 4.5. T-Test Of The Students In Reading Comprehension Reading


T-Test T-Table Comparison Classification

Main Idea 4,185 2,093 T-Test>T-Table Significantly Different Supporting Idea 4,175 2,093 T-Test>T-Table Significantly Different


Chart 4.6. T-Test Of The Students In Reading Comprehension Based on the result of the table above, the researcher can be concluded that the t-test value greater that t-table (T-Test > T-Table). This is shows that there is a significant different between the students reading comprehension before and after using reciprocal teaching technique. It indicate that the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected.

From the table above, this is means that the use of reciprocal teaching technique can effective to improve the students reading comprehension.

B. Discussion

From the result of this research, in aplication of reciprocal teaching technique had changed the achievement of the students in reading comprehension based on the persentation of pre-test and post-test for ten grade students at SMA Negeri 1 Mambi.


4.175 2.093

T-test (Main Idea) T-test (Supporting Idea) T-table


After giving treatment using reciprocal technique for students, the reseracher given post-test to mensure the improvement of reciprocal teaching technique in reading comprehension. The researcher found that the students understood about the text was better than before gave treatment.

The process of teaching learning in the classroom showed that the use of reciprocal teaching technique was effective for teaching in term of reading comprehension of students. During the process of teaching learning in the classroom, most of the students enjoyed and understand when they applied this technique.

In reciprocal teaching technique, there were four strategies (Predicting, Clarifying, Questioning, Summarizing). The students more active in doing activity in class discussion

The description of the data through test as explained in the previous section shows that the students reading comprehension improved considerably. It is supposted by the mean score rate of the pre-test and post-test.

The result of the students answers before treatment, the researcher noticed that students often did not understand the questions of the text. They copy something from the text because most of the students were lazy to read the text. However, the used of reciprocal teaching technique was successfully to the students reading comprehension.

From the result of the previous researchers by Cintia, Huzairin, Kadaryanto (2013), the mean score of pre-test was 52.74 and the mean score of post-test was 69.63. it show that the students reading comprehension


achieveemnt had improve after give treartment with used reciprocal teaching technique. And the other side. based on the analysis from the result of the researcher at SMA Negeri 1 Mambi, the mean score of students in pre-test is 48.5 and the post-test is 87.75. The score obtained from the result of main idea and supporting idea. So it can be concluded that the aplication of reciprocal teaching technique can improve reading comprehension of students.

After the application of reciprocal teaching technique in learning process at SMA Negeri 1 Mambi, the researcher found some several adventages. The first is the students feel more motivated because the students get more opportunities to share their idea or infomations. The second is the students not bored because the students can learn from one another and researcher give an interesting story of the text. The last is the procedure of reciprocal technique help the students comprehend the text easier.




A. Conclusion

Based on the result of research for ten grade students at SMA Negeri 1 Mambi, it can be concluded that:

1. Reciprocal teaching technique could improve the students reading comprehension in term of main idea based on the result of post-test was 88.5 higher than pre-test was 50.

2. Reciprocal teaching as technique could improve the students reading comprehension in term of supporting idea based on the result of post-test was 86.5 higher than pre-post-test was 47.

B. Suggestion

After conducting research about the use of reciprocal teaching technique to improve reading comprehension, the researcher found that it needed evaluation in order to get the improvenet in future. As the result, there are several important things that can be suggested in the last report and it is hopefully can be useful for :

1. The English teacher should be creative in choose appropriate technique in teaching learning process

2. The English teacher who have the same problems in teaching reading to apply reciprocal teaching technique in reading class and should be give the explanation clearly to help the students understand the materials.




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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Sekolah : SMA Negeri 1 Mambi Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas /Semester : X/Ganjil Materi Pokok : Narrative Text Alokasi Waktu : 3 x 90 Menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

4. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar (KD) Indikator

3.9 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks narrative sesuai dengan penggunaanya.

3.9.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan dari teks naratif 3.9.2 Memahami contoh-contoh teks



naratif baik secara individu maupun diskusi dalam kelompok

4.15 Menangkap makna teks

narative lisan dan tulis secara sederhana.

4.15.1 Menentukan main idea dan supporting idea dari teks narrative

4.15.2 Membaca teks naratif dengan memperhatikan intonasi, dan pengucapannya

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran scientific approach dengan menggunakan metode Reciplocal Teaching yang menuntut agar:

1. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks naratif.

2. Siswa mampu memahami contoh teks narrative baik secara individu maupun berkelompok

3. Siswa mampu menentukan main idea dan supporting idea dari teks narrative

4. Siswa mampu membaca teks naratif dengan memperhatikan intonasi, dan pengucapannya

D. Materi Pembelajaran 1. Fungsi Sosial 2. Struktur Teks

- Orientation : Yang mengenalkan siapa (who), waktu (when), dan tempat (where)

- Compliction : Yang berisi tentang konflik atau pertentangan - Resolution : Bagian ini terjadi penyelesaian yang membuat jalan

cerita berakhir. 3. Unsur Kebahasaan

- Pola kalimat yang biasanya berupa Simple Past Tense

- Adverb of time : once upon a time, a long time ago, one day , etc - Conjuction : when, then, suddenly,before, after, etc


47 E. Metode Pembelajaran

1. Pendekatan : Scientific Approach 2. Metode : Reciplocal Teaching F. Media/alat, dan Sumber Belajar

1. Media : Gambar, Teks naratif 2. Alat/Bahan : Spidol, Papan Tulis

3. Sumber Belajar : Internet dan Buku siswa bahasa inggris kelas x kurikulum 2013

G. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Tahap Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran Alokasi

Waktu Pendahuluan Orientasi

 Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka, memanjatkan syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan berdoa untuk memulai pembelajaran

 Mengecek kehadiran peserta didik  Mengecek pemahaman peserta didik

tentang materi yang akan di ajarkan Apersepsi

 Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan

pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan dengan pengalaman peserta didik

dengan materi/tema/kegiatan


 Mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada kaitannya dengan pelajaran yang akan dilakukan


 Memberikan gambaran tentang apa yang dapat diperoleh (tujuan dan manfaat) dengan mempelajari materi narrative text

 Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan metode/model pembelajaran


48 Pertemuan Ke-1

Kegiatan Inti


 Peserta didik diberi rangsangan untuk memusatkan perhatian ke materi dengan mendengarkan pertanyaan guru.

 Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk melihat teks naratif tentang legenda.

 Peserta didik membaca teks naratif yang sudah diberikan.

Problem Statement

 Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk menuliskan hal-hal yang belum diketahui atau masalah-masalah yang berhubungan dengan teks naratif.

 Perwakilan peserta didik dari setiap kelompok menuliskan masalah-masalah yang ditemui dari hasil pengamatan teks naratif berbentuk legenda.

Data Collecting

 Peserta didik mencermati/membaca teks untuk mengumpulkan informasi yang berkaitan dengan main idea, supporting idea dan struktur teks naratif serta memahami metode reciplocal technique  Guru membimbing setiap kelompok

sesuai dengan permasalahannya. Data prosessing

 Setiap kelompok mendiskusika

kemudian menganalisa main idea dan supporting idea dari teks naratif dengan

meggunakan metode reciplocal


 Guru merespon peserta didik dalam

bentuk komentar, koreksi, dan



 Setiap peserta didik dalam kelompok

menggunakan empat strategy reciplocal

(predicting, clarifying, question


Table 3.1  These are the rubric of students
Table 4.1. The Students  Score Of Pre-Test
Table 4.2. The Students Score Of Post-test
Table 4.3. The Improvement Of Students In Reading  Comprehension  Type  Mean Score  Improvement Pre-test Post-test  Main Idea  50  88.5  77%  Supporting Idea  47  86.5  84.04%


Dokumen terkait

difference between students’ reading comprehension score before and after being taught through Reciprocal teaching technique at the second year of SMP Negeri 8 Metro and

The instructional strategies of Reciprocal Teaching Technique are based on teacher modeling and guiding pratice and students paraticing reading tasks by taking turns

And then, the students will be given post-test, this test is conducted to know whether students’ reading comprehension improves after the students are given reciprocal

R : Jadi reciprocal teaching technique salah satu teknik membaca untuk lebih memahami sebuah teks dengan 4 langkah yaitu, pertama Prediction, siswa pertama kali diminta

In this research, the researcher used reciprocal teaching in teaching reading comprehension of descriptive text. Referring to the findings, reciprocal teaching has

Based on the description of the problem above, the researcher conducted pre- experimental research to find out whether reciprocal teaching technique improves reading

CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Based on the research findings and discussion above, the researcher concluded that reciprocal teaching strategy was able to improve students’