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MAGELANG 2012/2013

(A Classroom Action Research of the Second Grade Students of

MTs N Ngablak in the Academic Year of 2012/2013)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education


State Intitute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga








ميحرلا نمحرلا الله مسب

“In The Name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful”

Hereby the writer declares that this graduating paper is made by the writer

herself, and it does not contain materials which has been written and published by other people and other people‟s ideas except the information from the references.

The writer is capable to be responsible for her graduating paper if in the future, it can be proved of containing others‟ idea or in fact, the writer imitates the

others‟ graduating paper.

Thus, the declaration is made by the writer and she hopes that this

declaration can be understood well.

Salatiga, February 25th , 2015

The Writer,



Salatiga, February 25th , 2015 Mashlihatul Umami, M. A

The Lecturer of English Education Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTE Case : Solechah’s Graduating Paper


Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Assalamu’alaikum, Wr.Wb.

After reading and correcting Solechah‟s graduating paper entitled “Increasing

Students’ Reading Skill Using SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review)

Method At the Second Year Students of MTs N Ngablak, Magelang 2012/2013 (A Classroom Action Research of the Second Grade Students of MTs N Ngablak in the Academic Year of 2012/2013).” I would like to propose that this paper can be accepted by the Teacher Training and Education Faculty. I hope this graduating paper can be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr.Wb.


Mashlihatul Umami, M. A NIP. 19800513 200312 2 003







Ngablak in the Academic Year of 2012/2013)




Has been brought to the board of examiners of English and Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga on April 15th, 2015 and hereby considered to completely fulfill the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English and Education.

Boards of examiners,

Head : Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd.

Secretary : Mashlihatul Umami, M.A

1st Examiner : Setia Rini, M. Pd.

2nd Examiner : Ari Setiawan, S.Pd.,M.M.

Salatiga, 15th April 2015

Dean of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty



The worlds are full of jewelries; but the most

beautiful jewelries are





This research paper is wholly dedicated to:

The Greatest Ones Allah SWT

My beloved father and mother

My beloved son and daughter

My beloved brother and sister



Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Alhamdulillahirobbil‟alamin, praised be to Allah SWT, the owner of this universe, the most merciful who gives a million blessings, miracles and uncountables gifts to the writer, so she can accomplish her research paper entitled “Increasing Student‟s Reading Skill Using SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review) Method At The Second Year Students Of MTs N Ngablak, Magelang 2012/2013 (A Classroom Action Research of the Second Grade Students of MTs N Ngablak in the Academic Year of 2012/2013)” as the requirement for getting bachelor degree of education in English Department of Educational Faculty State Institute of Islamic Studies.

Peace is upon Muhammad, the last Massager of Allah SWT, who will be hero for all his followers in the life after. The writer reliazes that this research paper would never been possible without other people‟s help, so that the writer would like to thank to the people who have supported her personally and professionally over the years and during the making of this research paper, they are:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd., as the Rector of IAIN Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M.Pd., as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of

IAIN Salatiga.

3. Noor Malihah, P.Hd., as the Head of English Education Department of IAIN


4. Mashlihatul Umami, M. A, as the Counselor who has given a valuable guidance and suggestion during the completion of this research paper. She prays that Allah will repay all his kindnesses,

5. All of the lecturers of English Department thank for precious knowledge given to her.

6. Her dearest father H. S Suyat and mother Sri Siyem. Who gives unconditional love to the writer. She thanks for all sacrificing, praying, motivation, inspiration, and everything given to the writer.


8. Her beloved friends Fitri Ariyani, Fitri Fauziah (Jemz), Ulfa, Mr. Hendi Susanto. Thank for giving her support. Thank for laugh and the days we have shared together, for love and special moment that we have,

9. Drs. H. Ahmad Zaeni RB, M.Pd., as Head master of MTs N Ngablak. 10.Mr. Pamardi, M.Pd., as English Teacher in MTs N Ngablak, thanks for

your help and support in teaching learning process,

11.The students in VII A , thanks for your participant in the classroom. 12.All person, who can not be mentioned one by one, thank for everything.

Deep down on the writer‟s heart, she realized that this research paper is so far from being perfect. The writer invites comments and suggestion from the readers for the betterment of this research paper. Hopefully, this research paper will be useful for those who are interested in investigating the conjunction.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.




Solechah. 2013. “INCREASING STUDENTS’ READING SKILL USING SQ3R (SURVEY QUESTION READ RECITE REVIEW) METHOD AT THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF MTs N NGABLAK, MAGELANG 2012/2013 (A Classroom Action Research of the Second Grade Students of MTs N Ngablak in the Academic Year of 2012/2013)”. A Graduaring Paper. Educational Faculty. English Department. State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN).

Consultant: Mashlihatul Umami, S. Pd. I, M. A.

Keywords: SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review) method and reading skill.

This research is aimed to improve the students‟ reading skill through SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review) method. This research analyze how is the procedures of the SQ3R (Survey Question Read recite Review) method improving the students‟ reading skill, whether the use of SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review) method can improve the students‟ reading skill or not, and how far is the implementation of the students‟ reading skill of students of the second grade of MTs N NGABLAK 2012 through SQ3R (Survey Question read Recite Review) method. Thirty four students of the second grade of MTs N NGABLAK 2012/2013 were taught by using SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review) method to improve their reading skill. The methodology of this research used Classroom Action Research (CAR). There were three cycles to give the students more opportunities to improve their understanding about how to reconstruct and comprehend the passage well and effectively in reads. The results show that the students‟ reading skill improves significantly. The T-calculation results shows that the T-calculation of cycle I is 2,80, cycle II is 3, 80, and cycle III is 4, 33.


TITLE ... i




MOTTO ... v


ABSTRACT ………... vii



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... …………..………. 1

B. Problem of the Research ... ……….. 5

C. Objective of the Study ... ……….. 6

D. Benefit of the Study... ……… 6

E. Definition of the Key Terms ……… 7

F. Review of Preview Research ... ……….. 8

G. Organization of Graduating Paper ... 9

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Reading Skill ... ………... 11

1. Definition of Reading Skill ………... 11

2. Reading Aspect to Improve Reading Skill …………... 13

3. Acquisition and Use of Reading Skill ... ...….. 16 4. Reading s a Language Skill ... 17

5. Types of Reading Skill ... ……… 18

6. Strategies to Read ... 19

7. Extensive Reading and Intensive Reading ... 21

8. Indicators of Student‟s Reading Skill ... 22


1. Definition of SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review)

... 24

2. Development of SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review) ………... 26

3. Step in the SQ3R (Survey question Read Recite Review) ………... 27

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. General Description of MTs N Ngablak ...………... 30

1. The History of School MTs N Ngablak ……… 30

2. The Profile of MTs N Ngablak ……….. 30

B. Situation of Educational Facilities and Tools …………... 31

C. Profile of The Teacher ... 32

D. Description of Students in Mts N Ngablak ... 35

E. Organization Chart ... 36

F. Students Activity ... 37

G. Research Method ... 37

1. Method of the Research ... 37

2. Steps of the Reseacrh ... 39

3. Method of Collecting Data ... 41

4. Technique of Data Analysis ... 41


B. Cycle II ... ………. 49

C. Cycle III ... ………. 55

D. Discussion ... 66


A. Conclusion ………. 64

B. Suggestion ……… ……. 65

References Appendixes


Table 3. 1 Educational Facilities and Tools in MTs N Ngablak 31

Table 3.2 List Of Teachers in MTs N Ngablak 32

Table 3. 3 The Name of Sample 22

Table 4.1 The result of pre test and post test cycle I 46

Table 4.2 The result of pre test and post test cycle II 53

Table 4.3 The result of pre test and post test cycle III 58

Table. 4.4 The Mean of Students’ Scores 61

Chart. 4.1 The Mean and T-calculation of Students’ Score 62



A. Background of Problem

Reading is a physical and mental activity. By reading, the information

and knowledge useful for life can be obtained. That is the main motivation to

encourage the growth of interest in reading. If the interest in reading has

grown and evolved, then the habit of reading will develop too (Iskandar, 2008:

17). It should be applied to all learners, especially in language learning to

develop their ability in other language competence. For example the university

students of English department that should develop their academic knowledge

and language skills, both written and spoken; one of the efforts by reading

articles or academic books in English.

Reading is a language process. People interact with one another

through speech and writing, through listening and reading. Listening is the

other half of talking, and reading is the other half of writing (Detchant, 1982:

39). According to Dalmann, the interrelationship between reading and the

other language arts is so close and significant that learning to read is greatly

affected by other facets of the language arts (1960: 14).

Language is one of the subjects taught at school. People learn many

Languages to communicate with people from other countries. It is a vital area

of study for a better understanding of us. Learning language especially English

is a window outside the world. It has an important role in all aspects of human

life such as in science, technology, education and economics. From this


language to put in the school curriculum. English as a subject matter in school

covers the four basic language skill namely speaking, listening, reading and


Reading, one of the language skills, is a complex language skill. It is

such kind of activity to comprehend the writer's ideas or the way the writer

communicates with the readers by way of the written or printed words.

Reading is important for everybody in order to cope with new knowledge in

the changing world of technological age. The existence of the importance of

reading will hopefully continue to increase in the years to come. Nevertheless,

there are still some people who never have much initial interest or lasting

interest in book and readings, so they cannot access reading activities and

reading programs.

Because mastering reading is important, English teacher should

prepare her or his students to be competent in reading. To do this in teaching

reading, teachers have to be able to make interesting materials for the students

in the process of teaching and they have to know how to apply it. The teacher

should reach the students attention and make them creative and active. To

reach a good achievement in reading comprehension, the students need more

time to practice it. A good achievement in reading helps the students achieve

the ability of other aspects of English language such as good speaking, enriching students‟ vocabulary and ideas. A good reading will improve the

student‟s ability in gathering ideas to communicate. However, sometimes the


the same problems in learning English especially in reading comprehension.

The problems may arise from the learners, teacher and the facilities.

The problems faced by the students in reading skill are caused by the

language, the facilities, the reading strategies, and the students motivate.

Learners problem is usually in mastering vocabularies. English and Indonesian

language are different. There is no guarantee that the students who have good

understanding of Indonesian text will have good understanding of English

text. The other reason is students can not increase their knowledge in reading

skill if they have limited facilities. It is also the problem usually faced by the

student, the facilities do not support them to increase their skill in reading

achievement. The last is the mastery reading strategies. It is an important

aspect which influences the skill of the students in comprehending the reading

text . The strategies that should be mastered are, (1) previewing: reviewing

titles, section headings, and photo captions to get a sense of the structure and

content of a reading selection, (2) predicting: using knowledge of the subject

matter to make predictions about content and vocabulary and check

comprehension, (3) skimming and scanning, (4) guessing from context using

prior knowledge of the subject and the ideas in the text as clues to the

meanings of unknown words, instead of stopping to look them up, (5)

paraphrasing: stopping the end of a section to check comprehension by

restating the information and ideas in the text.

Mastering the skills is quite difficult. As a matter of fact the student‟s

ability in applying the skills helps them understand the English reading text


the second year students of MTs N Ngablak, in which sometimes the

students get difficulty in understanding the text. However, the teacher does not know that the skill is the source of the student‟s problems. To know the

student‟s problems, in reading skill, the writer uses test as her instrument. So,

the student‟s difficulties becomes the reason of the writer‟s interests.

The result of the teaching and learning process in the second year of

MTs N Ngablak is still not as good as it is expected. It can be seen from their

grade. It happens because they face several problems when learning reading.

The students usually face unfamiliar words, grammar, lacks of vocabulary

(they often open the dictionary), they are unable to translate meaning in phrase

instead of word by word, students have poor concentration on English subject

and most of them have lack of prior knowledge so they hardly understand the

topic of the subject.

All the problems mentioned above happens because the students think

that English subject is difficult, hard to study and some of them are still

unfamiliar with the language. The problems can be solved with SQ3R (Survey

Question Read Recite Review) method. Students learn more effectively when

they already know something about a content area and when conceps in that

area mean something to them and to their particular background or culture,

therefore, teacher needs to activate students prior knowledge by asking them

several questions related to the topic, and they are to teach to cultivate their

vocabulary by making word web. Furthermore,teaching for comprehension, is

done by reading together and discussing how they understand what is written.


last, verify reding strategies and evaluate progress are considering the role of

motivation and select appropriate materials.

Based on the background above, the writer wants to know the student‟s

ability in reading achievement and the problems faced by the second year

students in reading skill for the best result of the teaching. Reading test is used

to be a base together with the knowledge about the technique, theory, and

evaluation of the teaching. The result of research can be used as an input in

teaching learning process especially in teaching reading. Therefore, the writer is interested in conducting a research entitled “ Increasing Students‟ Reading

Skill Using SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review) Method At the

Second Year Students of MTs N Ngablak, Magelang 2012/2013.

B. Problem of Research

Based on the above phenomenon, this research is aimed at giving

answers on the following problems:

1. How is the implementation of “SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review)” to improve students‟ reading skill?

2. Does “SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review) ” improve the students‟ reading skill?

3. How far is the improvement of SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite

Review) method in improving student reading skill?


1. To describe the implementation of SQ3R(Survey Question Read Recite

Review) to the second year student of MTs N Ngablak.

2. To see whether SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review) can improve

students reading skill or not..

3. To find out how far the improvement of student reading skill after using

SQ3R(Survey Question Read Recite Review) method.

D. Benefits of the Research

The significant of the reseacher are:

1. To the teacher

The possitive result of this research will support the teacher to

motivate the students in reading, which is useful for their future like.

2. To the students

The students will be fully aware that reading achievement ability is

very important to improve their knowledge.

E. Definition of Key Terms

1. Reading

Reading is one of the four language skills which have the main

roles in learning language. There are many definitions of reading that are


cognitive process of interesting with print and monitoring comprehension

to establish meaning.

Reading is the culminating act of the communicative process,

initiated by the thoughts of the writer and expressed through the signs or

symbols on the printed page (Detchant, 1982:36). English is an international

language that usually is used by people around the world as union

language. Intensity is state or quality being intense strength and depth (

Hornby, 1942: 444).

2. The SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review) method

SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review) is the teaching

technique which is used to help students to become an active reader. SQ3R

actually is an abbreviation that stand for S:Survey, Q: Question, R: Read,

R: Recite, R: Review. It is proposed by Francis P. Robinson.

F. Review of Preview Research

The writer takes review of related literature from other thesis as principle or

comparative in this research.

The first one has been done by Susiani (1230400) entitled “THE USE OF



PABELAN IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2008/200.” In this thesis, he

analyzed the teaching learning process at class, the students, motivation, and

interest after using mind mapping method, and the result of the students

achievement after using that method.

The second is done by Westi Arlini (11306020) entitled “THE USE


STUDENT OF MTsN 2 BANJARNEGARA IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2009/2010.” He analyzed teaching learning process using puzzle to

vocabulary mastery.

The third, previous research is done by Ahmad Muntaha Al Hasan, a

student of State Institute of Islamic Studies in the academic year 2009, entitle “The Use of Internet to Reading Mastery of the second year of SLTP

Alternatif Qoryah Toyyibah Kalibening Salatiga in the academic year of 2008/ 2009”. In this thesis, he analyzed the improvement of students‟ reading

mastery using internet.

G. Organization of Graduating Paper

In this section, the writer would like to discuss some terms in chapter I

into chapter V as follows:

Chapter I : Introduction consists of background of the problem,

limitation of the problem, problem of the research, objective of the research,

benefit of the research, definition of the key terms, review of preview


Chapter II: Therotrical Framework consists of the definition of

SQ3R, development of SQ3R method, step in the SQ3R method, definition of

reading, the important aspects to improve reading skill, acquisition and use of

reading skill, reading as language skill, strategies to read, extensive reading

and intensive reading.

Chapter III Data of Research consists of the general description of

MTs N Ngablak, the situation of educational facilities and tools, the profile

of the teacher, the profile of the student.

Chapter IV: Research Methodology consists of method of research,

data analysis, arithmatical calculation, result of the research.

Chapter V: Closure consists of conclusion and suggestion. The last part




A. Reading Skill

1. Definition of Reading

The definition of reading according to some specially to some

specialist as follows: reading is defined as a language process of

bringing and getting from printed or writing material (Marry, 1994:19).

Reading is defined as a language process requiring the understanding of

written languange (Arthur, 1981:50)

Reading is no a simple mechanical skill, nor is it a narrow

scholastic tool. Property cultivated, it is essentially a throughful process.

It should be developed as a complex organization of patterns of higher

mental processes (Artur, 1949:3).

Reading is an act of communication in which information is

transferred from a transmitter to a receiver (Smith, 1971:12).

Reading is a verbal process interrelated with thinking and with all

other communication abilities listening, speaking, and writing.

Specifically, reading is the process of reconstructing from the printed

patterns on the page the ideas and information intended by the author

(Hittleman, 1978:5).

Reading is a complex process, so intricate that in spite of many

scholarly efforts it has defied total analysis. However, recognition of


reading. For example, it is of value to break down general

comprehension into specific skills that constitude it. It is necessary to

inquire how well the child is able to grasp the general meaning of a

passage, how well learner can follow directions, how well learner can

interpret maps, graphs, and tables; how well learner can organize what

learner reads and classify ideas, how well learner can visualize what

learner reads, and how well learner can locateinformation.

A single reading skill, although a very important one, well

ilustrates the complexcity of reading. Any teacher when under stakes to cultivates, for example, childern‟s critical discrimination in reading finds

that learner is dealing with a whole cluster of abilities that often need

special attention. Among these are classifying idea, distinguishing

between fact and fancy, establishing cause and effect relationship,

making generalizations, interpreting idiomatic and figurative language,

making inferences, recognizing emotional reactions and motives,

judging relevancy, and drawing general conclusions.

Recognizing that reading is a complex of many specific abilities

should not, however, keep the teacher from an answernes of a holistic

nature of reading. While specific attention may often need to be directed

to specific skills, as a rule, the procedure to be emphasized is not

practice on isolated skills but acquisition of the skills concurrently in the


1. The Important Aspects to Improve Reading Skill

To reach the reading comprehension, there are elements that are

important to growth in reading comprehension physical as health, mental

health, and intelligence, maturity background of experience, role of the

learner, and role of the teacher (Dallman, 1982: 27).

a. Physical Health

The physical health is essential in the learning process nervous

tension and even can reduce enjoyment and interest in reading.

To provide the health of healthful physical environment, it must be takeover of rest and exercise, the function part of body it‟s

foundation necessary, sight receive of an images of an object. The

learner who has low sight they will get difficulties in reading the low sight they will get the target in the reading. Teacher‟s focus to the

students that has problem with eye and focus on how is the way to read


b. Hearing

Learner who suffers from hearing is at a district disadvantage of

losing the oral explanation from the teacher‟s oral explanation. The

sharp of auditory is necessary in the process of learning to read.

Hearing loss may be no more common among poor readers than

among good readers. Generally, the method of learning, in the early

phase depends on the oral explanation by teacher. So that, the learner

who has low hearing will reduce than those hearing.


Normal speech development is an advantage in early reading

instruction. The learner with a speech obstacle the teacher of reading

has to identify the difficulties and realize that students with a speech

obstacle may not be able to produce correctly the sound products. Informal speech development, it‟s the answer to reduce that obtacles.

Learner who has speech obstacle will get difficulties and will be

distressed when reading loud voice and he may get stress usually when

the learner will read will load voice even do not when to read.

d. Mental health

Safe feeling is the basic development in the growth in reading

self confidence is basic to perform better in any actifity. An feeling of

successful performance and a strong desire to achieve this may

cannot, learn up to capacity, in reading or in anything else. May case

used by anxietes, frustation and the sense of failure. To create students

be accepted and respected effort is help it.

To get successful in the process of learning to read, teachers

must know the learner capabilities, teachers need to set reading

program to improve the capacity of reading of the learner to

comprehend better what they read, to read more advanced materials.

e. Intelligence

Intelligences and reading ability have the close relation. The

cultural background and environment are likely to effect between


The students‟ intelligence may be unclear in early stage of

learning, to read than later. There are many students who are slow to

find the target of reading. Teachers must support them to reach their

aims in reading.

f. Maturity

Age should be taken into consideration in the planning reading

of program for the students. It is a matter of dispute, that physical

maturity is necessary and usually a characteristic that does not

influence the learning process in reading.

g. Background of experience

Acquiring meaning is related to previous experience of the

students. The experience related to other words and ideals in the


h. Attitude the students

It is conncted with students‟ interest in reading and motivation

in reading. The factor of good motivation is a principal importance and

should be the teachet‟s duty to provide or help the students reach their


Activities will show new experience in the capabilities of

reading interest and reading comprehension.

i. Attitude of The Teacher

Teacher is the most important role in reading program. Such


must be considered to achieve the effective ways of teaching reading

and his teaching accordingly.

2. Acquisition and Use of Reading Skill

The omission thus far of much attention to the specific skills

involved in the act of reading itself has been intentional. We believe

that because so much of formal reading instruction has stressed the

mechanical skills of word recognition and comprehension, a heavy

emphasis on the background factors in reading growth in necessary.

Nevertheles, no consideration of the development of reading

competence would be complete without careful attention to the matter

of specific reading skills.

Some childern acquire the necessary skills without formal

instruction. Given the various condition described earlier in this chapter

and environment that is in every respect conduvtive to reading growth.,

they learn from the beginning to get meaning from the printed page and

almost unconsciously develope the habits of word recognition and

comprehension of sentences and lorger units. For such childern drills

can be more harmful than helpful.

Most childern, however, can be materially aided by specific

instruction in reading skills. They can make more rapid improvement if

they can be shown how to recognize letters; how to discover familiar

structural elements in the longer unfamiliar words; how to use contexc


message; how to lacate and utilize needed information; how to follow

printed directions; how to adapt rates of reading both to the nature of

the material read and to the purpose of the reader. These skills can be

learned through guided practice. In no case must there be neglect of

either the factor of interest or the factor of skill in reading. Fortunately

the two can go hand in hand since skill development is effected

favorably by motivation. The child who recognizes the need for

acquiring skill is more likely to attain his goal than the one who lacks

purpose for learning it (Dallman, 1982:38).

3. Reading as a Language Skill

English are consist of four basic skills. One of the are reading

skill. Reading is a skill which must be developed by means of extensive

and continual practice. Students lear to read and to read better by


Reading is useful for other purposes too: any exposure to

English (provide students understand it more or less) is a good thing for

language students. At the very least, some of the language sticks in their

minds as part of the process of language acquisition, and if the reading

text is especially interesting and engaginng, acquisition is likely to be

even more succesful (http://en.Wikipedia.Org/Wiki/Web_2.0).

4. Types of Reading Skill

Reading skill can be devided into four types namely:

a. Perspective. In keeping with the set of categories specified for


except with some differing technology to capture the uniquenes of

reading. Perspective reading tasks involve attending to the

components of larger streches of discourse: letters, words,

punctuation, and other graphemic symbols. Bottom-up processing is


b. Selective. This category is largery an artifact of assesment formats.

In order to as certain one‟s reading recognition of lexical,

grammatical, ordiscourse of language within a very short strech of

language, certain typical tasks are used: picture-cued tasks,

matching, true/false, multiple choice, essay, etc. Stimuli include

sentences, brief paragraphs, and simple charts ang graphs. Brief

responses are intended as well. A combination of bottom-up and

top-down processing many be used.

c. Interactive. Included among interactive reading types are streches

of language of several paragraps to one page or more in which the

reader must, in a psycholinguistic science, interact with the text.

That is, reading a process of negotiating meaning; the reader brings

to the text a set of schemata for understanding it, an in-take is the

product of that interaction. Typical genres that lend themselves to

interactive read (Brown, 2003:189-190).

5. Strategies to Read

The students need to read effective by get ease so that they can


because will help learners to reach the aims of far instance skimming or

scanning (Djiwandono, 2002:76).

There are three activities in reading, before reading, while

reading and after reading. In the first step or before reading, learner

should arrange the question about the main idea and the answer in the

while reading. Activities after reading is use to know, what that

questions are answered well. This way is suitable to the learner who is

studying to big knowledge.

Effective‟s ways to read vastly to get the new information in the

target vastly in reading, skimming and scanning is solution. Skimming

is the act to take essance from the object. Skimming in reading is look

for the essence in the texts such as main idea and the essence from the

text with.

Skimming and scanning is really a measure of the child‟s ability

to preview. It is not a skill that is normally taught so early in the school

career, since it is one of the many study skills. Furthermore, skimming

and scanning is a speed reading skill which must be preceded by

previewing, finding main ideas and details at least before most students

(of any age and level) are ready to handle it. They are more useful in

most nonfictional reading, aspecially in the intermediate grades and

above. Also the material for this subtest (on whaling) is written in small

type, long sentences, and at a high reading level, at least sixth or even

seventh grade level. But this test is for intermediate (elementary)


most students will read some of it, since most of them do not know how

to read with speed, nor do they know how to skim and scan. In fact,

they do not need to know this skills until they have mastered other of

the study skills. This subtest is totally inappropriate for all of these

reasons. If you use this test, I would urge you to ignore this subtest.

Most students below the top 5 or 10% will do poorly


6. Extensive Reading and Intensive Reading

Students need to be involved both extensive and intensive

reading to get maximum on their reading.

1. Extensive reading program

Extensive reading program for development of learner

word recognitions such appropriate materials, guidance, task and


a. Extensive reading material

Extensive reading material should be in the

fundamental condition because students should read the

reading material which they can mastery. There are struggle to

understand every word; they can hardly be reading for

pleasure. For the case teacher should be provides books which

improve their reading.


Library with suitable book is necessary; library will not

have been wasted if the students take part in extensive reading


c. The role of teacher

Teacher roles are crucial because most of learner will

not do a lot of extensive reading by themselves. May the

teacher need to promote reading, persuade students of its


d. Extensive reading task

To rich the goal of reading the students should be report

task on their reading in a number ways so that teacher should

be prompt students to keep in reading.

e. Intensive reading and the role of teacher

The teacher needs to tell exactly what the reading

purpose is giving the learner instruction how to achieve it.

Teacher observes learner progress in reading, Give learner the

task. Teacher may lead a feedback session to check that they

have complete the task successfully and always ask to say where in the text founded in learner‟s answer (Harmer,


7. The Kinds of Reading Technique

According to Franchoise Grellet (1992), there are four kinds of

readings techniques are:


Skimming is quickly running one‟s eyes over a text to get the

gist of it.

b. Scanning

Scanning is quickly going through a text to find a particular

piece of information.

c. Extensive reading

Extensive reading is reading longer text, usually for one‟s own

pleasure. This is a fluent activity, mainly involving global


d. Intensive reading

Intensive reading is reading shorter to extract specific

information. This is more an accuracy activity involving reading for


8. Indicators of Student’s Reading Skill

This thesis wants to measures the student‟s Reading Skill. In

purpose to get the correct measurement, reseacher takes some

indicators below:

a. The student seriousness on following the lessons

1. Students involve in the teaching-learning process actively.

2. Students always meet the classroom activity.

3. Students pay attention to the teacher explanation in the


4. Students motivate on learning English.

b. The student readiness in face of test

1. Students meet the minimum learning completion.

2. Students is ready to face of test.

c. The students habit in repeating lesson.

1. Students repeat the lesson on every day.

2. Students always read the material the teacher give at least twice

a day.

d. The students habit in doing homework.

1. Students always do their homework.

2. Students always be exited if there will be homework in the end

of lesson.

e. The students learning facilities

1. Students have the English book as guidance book as main book

to learn.

2. Students have English work book.

3. Students have English Dictionary for learning English.

f. Learning environment

1. The class is enjoyable for studying.

2. Students have comfortable place for doing homework.


1. Definition of SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review)

The SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review) method is

used to teach children how to be systematically study a chapter of

information. It is more efficient way than reading and rereading a

chapter several times. Students will be utilizing SQ3R (Survey Question

Read Recite Review) and other learning methods at Great Bridge

Intermediate School. It would be helpful for parents to get familiar

with the methods and encourage their children to use them as they study

throughout the school year


SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review) is the teaching

technique which is used to help students to become an active reader.

SQ3R actually is an abbreviation that stand for S: Survey, Q: Question,

R: Read, R: Recite, R: Review (Robinson,1970:41).

SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review) is an active

reading exercise that is designed to help learner to get a fuller

understanding of their reading materials. They will need to keep a pen

and some paper on hand to use this method.

In using the SQ3R method for reading collateral assignments,

the survey step consists of thinking why the book has been assigned and

it has been looked over the preface and chapter headings for an over-all

orientation. In the question stage, instead of taking one question at a

time as he reads, the students have to keep these several questions in


from time to time to help keep them in his mind. Furthermore, if these

questions are widely spaced on a sheet of paper, he can jot down major

ideas that seem to pertain to the questions as he finishes particular

sections or chapters. As indicated above, the reading step is carried out

by reading along to answer the various questions listed. Since the major

ideas are most interest, and since we are trying to increase speed, the

unit of reading before stopping for recitation may be larger than a

headed section. The ends of long sections from chapters generally

represent good places to stop for evaluation. The recitation step then

consists of recalling the material that seems relevant to each of the

questions listed. Since their will read more than the usual amount of

material before stopping to recite, the reader may occasionally need to

glance back to get a particular point correctly in mind and jot it down.

However, when the readers glance back, should not take very long.

Finally, ther review step consists of looking over the notes when

finished reading the book to be sure that the answer to each question in

clear and the of spending some time of reciting the answer to each

question without looking at the notes (Robinson,1970:45).

2. Development of SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review)


Many books have been written on specific skills useful in

reading books. Some have emphasized increased speed of reading;


ideas. Students, however, want a skill that will be particularly effective

when reading school textbooks.

A new technique must be devised, since the methods of good

students are too often inefficient and no one of the experiments,

however, did contribute scientific foundation from which a higher level

reading skill could be devised. They showed that a quick survey of

heading and summaries before starting, it gave an orientation that

speeded up reading and aided retention. They showed that asking a

question before starting each section also helped reading. Other

experiments showed when the best timing of this self-recitation would

be during the study period. Various studies emphasized the importance

of understanding the larger meanings in the selection and of seeing their pattern of relationship. Outlining, relating the material to one‟s interest,

and brief review at the end of reading session were shown to help with

this understanding. Still other experiment showed the value of

distribution of effort in studying.

The creation of reading skill that uses these findings, that

satisfies the demands of school study, and that pleases the student with

its efficiency is a challenge to the reading specialist. The students want

any suggested method to help him (1) select what he is expected to

know, (2) comprehend these ideas rapidly, (3) fix them in memory, and

laterm (4) review efficiently for examinations. The method not be

difficult to learn (Robinson, 1970:31-32).


The title for this new higher level reading skill is abbreviated to

make it easier to remember. The abbreviation of SQ3R (Survey

Question Read Recite Review) stands for the steps that the student

follow in using the method. A description of each of these steps is given


1. Survey

- Survey the text before you start reading it from the first to the

last page.

- Consider its title, and headings and subheadings of chapter.

What do they tell you about the content of the text?

- Read introductory paragraphs and summaries of chapters.

- Look for pictures, maps, graphs, charts illustrating meaning.

- Check if the text has a subject index/ glossary which may help

you find specific information.

2. Question

-Do not try to cram into your head everything. Focus attention and

what seems relevant or important.

- Ask yourself: “What do I already know about this topic?”

-Ask yourself: “Why do I read this text and what is my task in the seminar paper I am preparing?”

- Ask yourself: “What is important information for me?”

- Ask: “What is the context in which the author puts the text?”


-When reading, focus first on what you do understand, do not first

pick out and be taken aback by passages which you do not


-Reread passages which are not clear; use contextual clues and

inference procedures for understanding them.

-Look up words which you do not know in a dictionary but do so

only for words which you feel are essential for understanding the


-Read for meaning, relate what you read to what you know and ask

yourself if it makes sense.

4. Recite

-At the end of a chapter, summarize in your own words, what you

have just read.

-Take notes from the text and underline/ highlight important points

you have just read.

-Ask yourself how the content of one chapter relates to that of

another and why the author arranged them in that sequence.

-Make notes of what seem to you open or controversial issues.

5. Review

-Learning is not possible without reviewing. Repetition is essential.

Go over the notes you made or re-read a book or article after some

time has elapsed.


A reading strategy called SQ3R give more information about a

method for studying, asking, and answering questions, and reviewing

material. Efficient readers have learned to use different strategies for




A. The General Description of MTs N Ngablak

1. The History of School MTs N Ngablak

MTs N Ngablak was Islamic Junior High School which had

founded in Juny 1st 1955. The school has two building, which located at

different place, the first and main building was located at Ngablak. The

second building is located at Pagergunung village. The distance both of

them was arround 3km.

Basically, the school was founded not only to increase the islamic

teaching at Ngablak, but also to accomodate job for who had graduated

from MI. Suprisingly until today MTs N Ngablak able to survive in

preparing the best students.

2. The Profile of MTs N Ngablak

MTs N Ngablak has a permanent building for teaching learning

process. The teaching learning process begins at 07.00 a.m and ends at

13.00 p.m on Monday until Thursday, on Friday at 07.00 a.m and ends at 11.00 p.m, but for male students must bring about praying jum‟at together

with male teacher in Baittul Muttaqin Mosque. On Saturday at 07.00 a.m

and ends 12.00 p.m. each lesson covers arround 40 minutes.


Facilities are all building, things, needed by teacher, students, and

other educators in which provide by school to support successful in teaching

learning process in school environment. Good educational facilities can be the factors to be succesful in teaching learning process because all of students‟

need can provide. The educational facilities could be seen in the tablen3.1


Table 3.1

Educational Facilities and Tools in MTs N Ngablak In Academic Year of 2012/2013

No Facilities Total Condition

1 Classroom 19 Good

2 Administration Room 02 Good

3 Head Master Room 01 Good

4 Teacher Room 01 Good

5 Library 01 Good

6 Computer Lab 01 Good

7 Mosque 01 Good

8 Health Room 02 Good

9 Skill Space 01 Good

10 Teacher Bathroom 02 Good

11 Students Bathroom 03 Good

12 Concelling Room 01 Good

13 Laboratory 02 Good


Teachers are people who teach the students in certain place and at

certain time. The education is transfering new knowledge, and trying to

change the behaviour of students. Teachers have the big role in teaching

learning process at school; they have challenge to bring students in positive

side, not only in knowledge but also in moral value. The list of teachers of

MTs N Ngablak could be drawn in the table 3.2 bellow;

Table 3.2

The list of teachers in MTs N Ngablak

In Academic Year of 2012/2013


20 Hartono, S Ag

D. Description of Students in MTs N Ngablak

Students in Junior High School are childern who want to get

something new, not only leaning new knowledge, but also another aspects in

life such; social relation, moral, and culture. They learn in school at certain

time. The condition of students in MTs N Ngablak could be seen in the table


3 Anisa Farah Diba 

Organization Chart of MTs N Ngablak


F. Students Activity

To complete students achievement, MTs N Ngablak provides the

extracurricular activities, as follows:

1. Social action and devotion activities

a. Teaching and learning process

b. Jama‟ah

c. Reciting the Holy Qur‟an before the teaching learning process

2. Extracurricular activities

a. Reciting the Islamic teaching



Curriculum Affairs

Infrastructure Affairs

Students Affairs

Public Relation

Class Pation

Concelling Librarian



b. Scouting

c. Speech

d. Drum Band

e. Music

f. Sport

g. Computer

G. The Subject of The Research

In this research, the writer choose MTs N Ngablak as object of the

study especially the second grade students. The second grades consist of

seven class groups, but the writer took one class group, VII A. The number

of the participants are 29 students. They are 17 girls and 12 boys. Their

native language is Bahasa Indonesia. The average age of the participants is

13 years old. They have been taught English since the first year of school.

They have English lesson at least two meetings in a week which are each

meeting along with two hours lesson; one hour lesson is 35 minutes.

a. Population

The population is all members of the research subject.

According to Arikunto the popilations of this research are the second

year students of MTs N Ngablak in academic year of 2012/2013. The

total numbers the population are 176 students. They are deviding into

six classes. Those are A, B, C, D, E, and F.


Sample is part of population that represents the whole

population. According to Suharsimi Arikunto if the number of subject

is less than 100 subjects, the reseacher can take entire subjects.

However, if the number of subject in reseach is more than 100

persons, we take 10-15% or 20-25% of the population. (Arikunto;

1992: 120) The sample of the study is the second year students of

MTs N Ngablak. The writer takes the sample 25% from the total of

population. Therefore, the writer takes 29 students as the subject in

this reseacrh.

H. Reseacrh Method

1. Method of the Research

The writer uses classroom action research (CAR) in this research. The

definition of CAR can be inferred by the notions of CAR; this kind of

research constitutes action research which is conducted in a class to solve

the problem class that arises. Suharsimi (2007: 3) explains that CAR is an

analysis of learning process along with an action in a class. In this case, the researcher analyzes the problem of the student‟s reading

comprehension occurred in the learning process and found it which was

then solved by SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review) method.

The definition of classroom action research according to Carr and

Kemmis (1986) is the reflective research by the participants in the social

condition to improve the reality. He explains that the action research is as


of research is not only to solve the problems occurs but to develop the

value or to increase the quality of the conditions faced (qtd. in Suharsimi:

2006: 91).

This research is focused on the teaching reading in the EFL process.

The technique of the research is regarded as the appropriate method for the students. The aim of this research is to enhance the students‟ reading


The research is action research. According Elliot (1991:24) action

research is concerned with social practice, aimed toward improvement,

cycical process, pursued by systematic enquiry, a reflective process,

determined by the practitioners. Kemmis and MC Taggart (in Aqib,

2006:22) stated that action research is series of reflective spirals consisting

of four components, there are, planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

The cycle is then moved to new and revised plan with action, observation,

two further reflections.

2. Steps of the Research

The steps of the research are presented below:

a. Planning

Before the teacher starts to teach, she/he has to plan the activity

to teach the students. The activities in the planning session will be

presented below:

1) Preparing materials; making lesson plan, and design the steps in

doing the action


3) Preparing teaching-aids

4) Preparing sheets for calssroom observation (to know the situation

of teaching-learning process when the method or technique or

mode in apllied)

5) Preparing a test (to know whether students‟ reading improve or


b. Action

In action activities, as an implementation of the planning, the

writer presents them in the following:

1) Giving pre-test

2) Teaching reading by interaction

3) Giving occasion to the students to ask any difficulties or problems

4) Asking the students some questions orally and students have to

answer orally about the theme

5) Giving post test

c. Observation

Observation is instrument used in collecting the data.

Observation is a scientific method that can be systematically used to

observe and note the phenomenon investigated like the students

feeling, thinking, and something they do in teaching learning process.

The observation is distinct what the needed to know and writes

something that occurs in the classroom. The function of this


reading. By so doing, the teacher will be able to improve the students‟

reading skill.

d. Reflection

The result of the observation is analyzed in order to remember

what occurs that has been written during observation. Reflection seeks

to memories sense of the process, problems and real issues in strategic

action that it is take account of the comprehend the issues and cycle.

The reseacher appears reflection has an evaluation aspect, it

asks the teacher to expand the experience, to judge whether effects

were desirable, and suggest ways as performing. Then the next cycle

can designed to be bette

3. Method of Collecting Data

In this study, several procedurs would be used in order to get the

emprical data required. The research would be conducted in two ways are

as follow:

a. Observation: this method be used to observe the teaching learning process and the students‟ activities. It is using the observation sheet.

b. Test: First conducted before getting data, the writer uses pre-test and

post-test. Pre-test is given to students before the teacher uses her

method in teaching and learning process, then post-test is given after

students receiving the method from teacher. Pre and post-test are to

knowing the differences of the students ability before and after the


4. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the next step of this study is analyzing the

data. There are two ways to analyze data, they are:

1. Descriptive qualitative technique

A descriptive tecnique is used to know the students behavior

during the teaching learning process. In descriptive technique, the

writer analyzes the observation sheet which has been made by her

partner (collaborator).

2. Statistical technique (quantitative)

A statistical technique is used to know the extent to using

SQ3R (Survey Question Read Recite Review) method toward the

students reading comprehension, the result of pre-test and post-test.

This research is calculated by t-test analysis:

a. Mean


: Mean of students‟ score

: The sum of students‟ score

: The total number of students


t : the result of t-test calculation

Md : the average differences of pre-test and post-test

Xd : the sum of subject deviation (d-Md)

Xd2 : the sum of square deviation

N : the number of subject



In this implementation, the researcher has arranged three cycles. The steps

are: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting.

A. Cycle 1

1. Planning

The teacher prepared:

a. Material, lesson plan, and the step in doing action

b. List of student‟ name

c. Teaching aid

d. Sheet for classroom observation

e. Test (pre-test and post-test)

2. Implementing

On Wednesday, 05 September 2012 the teacher and partner entered

to English class. The teacher opened the lesson by introducing herself and checked the students‟ presents. In the first meeting, it was followed by 29

students in the class.

Teacher : Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

Students : Waalaikumsalam Wr.Wb

Teacher : Good morning students!

Students : Good morning Mom

Teacher : How are you today?


Teacher : I am fine too, thank you. Ok class, before start

our study we say basmallah together.

Students : Bismillahirrohmanirrohim

Teacher : Ok, class, in this nice beautiful morning. Let me

introduce my self, my name is solechah, you can

call me miss solechah. And this is Heni Suryani.

We are new English teacher for temporary being

in this class. Hopefully I get a good time being


Pre-test was given before the lesson. The researcher gave pre-test for

students in 10 minutes about descriptive text without SQ3R (Survey

Question Read Recite Review) method. After that, she gave the sheets and

asked the students to do a pre-test. While they were doing the test, she

walked around the class in order to check them. Some of them asked to

their friends and others asked to the teacher. Finally, they were asked to

submit the sheets which have been finished to the teacher.

The teaching learning process was conducted after the pre-test

given. In the beginning, the teacher told the students about the topic on

that day.

Teacher : Today, we are going to discuss about descriptive

text. Do you know about descriptive text?

Students : Yes...

Teacher : Okay, what is descriptive text? What is the


Students : To describe thing, Mom?

Teacher : Yes, good. Descriptive text is a text used to

describe a particular thing. It can be in a form of

person, animal, place, or thing. Any question?

Students : What are the generic structure, mom?

Teacher : Good question. Then, who wants to explain it


When they were asked to give the explanation, the class became noisy;

some of them tried to answer as they have known and the others were just

silent. Lastly, the teacher gave the detailed explanation about the text.

Teacher : Do you understand?

Students : Yes, Mom

After the detailed explanation given, the teacher gave a post-test

deals with descriptive text. It was used to know the students‟ skill in the

text. She gave 10 minutes as the time to finish the test. In this process, she

implemented SQ3R (Survey question Read Recite Rreview) method. As a

result, some of the students were very enthusiastic to answer the teacher‟s

questions. However, there were several students who were shy when she

asked them to answer a question. After they carried out the test, they

submitted the answer sheet to her. Eventually, the teacher closed the

meeting on that day.

3. Observing

In the next step, the teacher and her partner observed the teaching


descriptive text; before and after using SQ3R (Survey Question Read

Recite Review) method. It was carried out by monitoring the students‟ activity and attention. Specifically, it was focused on the students‟ reading

skill in descriptive text.

The result of observation, the teacher was able to see the students‟

readiness in learning descriptive text. It was concluded that most of them

had not been ready yet in the learning process. Almost of them were

looked confused in doing the pre test. Consequently, they asked to other

friends and the teacher about the answer. Moreover, there were some

students who chatted during the lesson and didn't pay attention to the


Besides measuring the students‟ readiness, the teacher also

observed their activeness in asking, answering questions, and giving

feedback. Most of them were active in answering the teacher‟s questions.

However, some students were afraid in sharing their difficulties to the


Table 4.1

The result of pre test and post test cycle I


Pre Test I (X)

Post Test I (Y)

Post-Pre (D) D



b. Mean of post test I

 T-table < t-calculation = 2,75 < 2,80

The score of the result above shows that the students‟

score increases from the pre test to the post test. The mean of


Table 3.1 Educational Facilities and Tools in MTs N Ngablak
Table 3.2
Table 3.3 The name of sample
Figure 3.1


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