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CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION A. INTRODUCTION - Translation Analysis Of Interjections Found In Bilingual Comics Of The Very Best Of Donald Duck Comics 15th Edition


Academic year: 2018

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This chapter presents the research finding of the study and the answers to the

problem statements that are mentioned in the first chapter. This chapter consists of

three parts, they are: (1) Part one which deals with the translation techniques used

by the translator to translate interjections found in the bilingual comic of The Very

Best of Donald Duck Comics 15th Edition, (2) Part two which assessess the

accuracy of the translation of interjection found in bilingual comic of The Very

Best of Donald Duck Comics 15th Edition, and (3) Part three which assessess the

naturalness of the translation of interjection found in bilingual comic of The Very

Best of Donald Duck Comics 15th Edition.


1. Techniques of Interjections

This part describes the translation techniques used by the translator to

translate interjections found in the bilingual comic of The Very Best of Donald

Duck Comics 15th edition. To analyze them, the researcher adopted Maria Josep

Cuenca‟s strategies in translating interjections. Moreover, the researcher adopted

Fernandez‟s procedures (2006: 50) to analyse interjection in the comic, especially

in analyzing noun interjection identified as a name. Lastly, the researcher also

applied explicitation procedure by Vinay and Darbelnet (as cited in Molina and


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Albir 2002: 500). Unlike the term used by both experts in defining how the

translator solves the problem in translating interjections mentioned above, the

researcher prefers to use the term “technique” because this research analyses the

result of a translation product in the bilingual comic. As stated by Molina and

Albir in their journal entitled “Translation Techniques Revisited: A Dynamic and

Functionalist Approach (2002) “a technique is the result of a choice made by a

translator, its validity will depend on various questions related to the context, the

purpose of the translation, audience expectations, etc.” All explanations about

interjections techniques found in this research are as follows:

Tabel 4.1. Translation techniques found in the comic

Translation Technique Total data Percentage (%)

Literal 87 17.33

Translation by using an interjection with similar meaning and form

117 23.30

Translation by using an interjection with dissimilar form but the same meaning

41 8.17


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1.1. Literal translation

This technique uses an interjection in the target language

conveying the same meaning as that the source interjection and consists of

equivalent lexical items. In the comic, the researcher finds 87 data

translated into Indonesia by using literal technique. The use of this

technique is exemplified as follows:

Example 1

ST: Help! Help!

TT: Tolong! Tolong!

(Datum 004-S1)

Based on Cambridge Dictionary “help” means “to give something to

someone or to take something for yourself.” Donald feels afraid when he

sees that a dog becomes a monster having a long tongue and sharp nails.

He is ready to eat him. Feeling in danger, he screams to get attention from

other people to help him. Moreover, he said it repeatedly to show that he is

very afraid in this situation. The word “help” is translated into tolong

which means of “minta bantuan” in Indonesia. It can be concluded that


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ST: Run! We gotta make it to the wall!

TT: Lari! Kita harus mencapai tembok itu!

(Datum 113-S2)

Run” is a secondary interjection using imperative as basis. It is used by

Donald‟s nephews when they are chasing away from a wolf. They scream

and run quickly to hide behind the wall. This interjection also has function

to express their anxiety over the wolf wanting to catch them. The

translator translates this interjection of “run” by using literal translation

into lari”.

Table 4.2. Data of Literal Technique

Literal Translation Data


Source Text Target Text Total


001-S1 Look! Look at that…thing! Lihat!Lihat…benda itu! 87

004-S1 Help! Help!It‟s another


Tolong! Tolong! Ada monster lagi!

015-S1 Thanks, Doc! Terima kasih, Dok!

026-S1 Me! Aku!

029-S1 Careful, Dude! That snake

is poisonous!


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037-S1 Help! Heeeelp! Tolong! Toooolong!

046-S1 Thanks, mister! You are


Terima kasih, Pak! Bapak hebat sekali!

048-S1 Sure, Unca Donald!But


Tentu, Paman Donal! Tapi kenapa?

051-S1 Sayonara, boys! Selamat tinggal,


059-S1 My last pill! Pil terakhirku!

070-S1 The answer‟s on this pill

bottle! Listen!

Jawabannya ada di botol

pil ini! Dengar!

071-S1 Okay, Unca Donald! We‟ll

tell them you‟re too scared! Baiklah Kami akan bilang ke Paman Donald! mereka kalau Paman terlalu takut!

083-S2 Look!We‟re nearly at

grandma‟s farm! Lihat!di peternakan Nenek! Kita hampir sampai

085-S2 Look, Grandma‟s waiting

for us!

Lihat, Nenek sudah menunggu!

088-S2 Sure, kids! Tentu, anak-anak!

091-S2 Look!There‟s a big apple

tree on the other side of the gorge!

Lihat! Ada pohon apel besar di seberang lembah!

092-S2 Of course, kids! But let me

just tell you…. Tentumari kuberitahu…, anak-anak! Tapi

100-S2 Sure!But it‟s much easier

if… Tentu!mudah kalau.. Tapi akan lebih

113-S2 Run! We gotta make it to

the wall!

Lari! Kita harus mencapai tembok itu!

115-S2 Save at last! Akhirnya selamat!

117-S2 Help! Tolong!

118-S2 Quick! Cepat!

119-S2 Shut the gate! Tutup gerbangnya!

125-S2 Of course! I have all the

apples I need! That‟s what I

tried to tell you earlier!

Tentu saja! Aku punya apel yang aku butuhkan! Itulah yang aku coba bilang pada kalian tadi!

126-S2 Okay, kids! Time to leave! Baiklah, anak-anak!

Waktunya pulang!

127-S2 Sure, Unca Donald!

Whatever you say!

Tentu, Paman Donald! Terserah paman!

130-S3 Hello, my dear Donald! Just

the fellow I want to see!

Halo, Donal sayang! Aku

memang ingin menemuimu!

138-S3 Besides, I‟ll pay you for it! Lagipula, aku akan


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148-S3 Look!There‟s that dumb

duck! He‟s got the precious


a letter for you today!

Maaf, Miki! Aku hanya

punya satu surat untukmu hari ini!

205-S4 Here! Ini!

210-S4 But, Com! Tapi, Kom!

221-S4 Quick! They snuck out this

exit and … Cepat!melalui pintu keluar ini Mereka kabur


234-S4 Hurry!If we don‟t stop

them… Cepat!menghentikan mereka… Kalau kita tidak

260-S5 Yes, yes! Leave that to me!

Time is money in this business!

Ya, ya! Serahkan saja padaku! Waktu adalah uang dalam bisnis ini!

264-S5 Strange!He didn‟t even

want to look at my diploma!

Aneh! Dia bahkan tidak ingin melihat ijazahku!

263-S5 Excuse me! Did you apply

for the job as Spulding‟s


Permisi! Apakah kamu melamar menjadi juru kamera untuk Spaulding?

268-S5 Yes, captain Spaulding! Ya, Kapten Spaulding!

270-S5 Sure! We have sighted a

lone rhinobull only this morning!

Tentu! Kami melihat ada seekor badak jantan sedang sendirian tadi pagi!

275-S5 No! Save the film for the

really exciting stuff!

Tidak! Simpan filmnya untuk hal yang benar-benar menarik!

278-S5 Quick! Get your equipment


with the canoe instead!


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bangun dari mimpi buruk ini, Pak!

335-S5 Not long!They‟ll soon tire

of waiting!

Tidak lama! Segera mereka akan capek menunggu!

337-S5 Right, Duck! Hurry up and

process the film! I‟ll wait

you in the cinema theater!

Benar, bebek! Cepat proses film itu! Aku akan menunggumu di bioskop!

338-S5 Yes, Sir! Ya, Pak!

357-S6 Sorry, Spitfire! Maaf, Buluapi!

364-S6 The vole! Tikus tanah itu!

365-S6 Sorry, but I prefer to deal

with you above ground!

Maaf, tapi aku lebih suka berurusan denganmu di atas tanah!

367-S6 My wand! Tongkatku!

376-S6 My hero! Pahlawanku!

385-S7 Good! Bagus!

388-S7 Look!He‟s going in there! Lihat, dia masuk ke


389-S7 Yes, but highly illegal! Ya, tapi sangat melanggar


390-S7 Right! And when we

explain to the authorities what drove him to do it,

they‟re bound to be lenient!

Benar! Dan ketika kita menjelaskan kepada pihak berwajib apa yang

menyebabkan Paman berbuat itu, mereka akan sedikit berbaik hati!

391-S7 Me either! Aku juga!

394-S7 Right! Benar!

396-S7 Finish! Selesai!

403-S7 Help! Tolong!

404-S7 Police!I‟m being mugged! Polisi! Aku dirampok!

414-S7 Wait! Tunggu!

439-S8 Stupendous! Menakjubkan!

443-S8 Sorry, but you had your

change! We‟ve had second


Maaf, tapi kalian sudah

mempunyai kesempatan sebelumnya! Sekarang kami mempunyai perjanjian denga PSS!


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it… untuk melemparnya…

449-S8 …too hard! …terlalu keras!

453-S8 Yes! They seem a little bit

overconfident to me!

Ya! Bagiku mereka

kelihatannya sedikit terlalu percaya diri!

468-S8 My disguise! Penyamaranku!

473-S8 Liar!You haven‟t really

come up with any uses for gliquid either, have you?

Pembohong! Kamu juga belum mengetahu apa guna

gliquid, „kan?

474-S8 Quick, Doc! While they‟re


Cepat, Dok! Sementara perhatian mereka beralih!

489-S9 Passed! With flying colors! Lulus! Dengan nilai sangat


020-S1 Relax, kids! I‟ll take care of


Tenang, anak-anak! Aku urus dia!

050-S1 Breakneck hill??? Bukit Patahleher???

038-S1 Hark! Do I hear a cry for


Dengar! Sepertinya ada suara minta tolong?

276-S5 Great! Look at the size of

that rhino!

Hebat! Lihat ukuran badak itu!

469-S8 Security! We‟ve been

reached! These two are imposters!


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“Arf! Arf!” is onomatopoeia sound of a dog chasing after the boys. The

translator translates it into Guk! Guk!”. “Guk! Guk!” is imitating sound

of dog when the dog sees a strange thing and he wants to bite it in

Indonesia. Phonologically, both languages produce the sound differently,

but they refer to the same meaning that is an angry dog‟s sound. It happens

because the sound received by each person and how it imitated is different.

One of the factors influencing the meaning of interjection is phonological

system of each language. It means that the translator translates this

interjection by using the same form of primary interjection of

onomatopoeic word, and they have the same meaning in both languages.

Example 2:

ST: Whoa, sounds extreme! Who‟s the daredevil?

TT: Wuah, kedengarannya ekstrim! Siapa si pemberani itu?

(Datum 065-S1)

A reporter expresses this interjection when he is hearing Donald Duck‟s


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extreme Donald action is. Donald will do a jump from a bridge by making

the cord a little longer. It is a dangerous choice because his head can hit

the land. Hearing the expression of the reporter, Donald‟s nephew stops

his conversation and looks at the reporter. “whoa” is an expression “used

when telling a person to stop what they are doing or to do it more slowly”

(Cambridge Dictionary). Here, the translator translates primary

interjection of “whoa” into “wuah including primary interjection in

Indonesia. Wuah is an expression used to express amazement about

something uncommon in positive way. It is usually expressed with a loud

voice to get attention from other people. In conclusion, the technique

applied in this example is translation by using similar meaning and similar


Table 4.3. Data of Translation by Using An Interjection with similar meaning and


Translation by using an interjection with similar meaning and form

Data Number

Source Text Target Text Total


007-S1 Eeeek! Hiiiii! 117


commit to user tidak kenal takut sama sekali!

032-S1 Come back! Come back!

You forgot your pet!

Kembali! Kembali! Kau melupakan peliharaanmu!

Wah! Dia bahkan menelan

pil tanpa rasa takut!

062-S1 Cool! Keren!

065-S1 Whoa, sounds extreme!

Who‟s the daredevil? Wuahekstrim! Siapa si pemberani , kedengarannya itu?

067-S1 Deal, Mister Duck! You are

one fearless duck!

Setuju, Pak Bebek! Anda memang bebek yang tak mengenal rasa takut!

074-S1 Yippee! Fearless Unca

Donald is back!

Horeee! Paman Donal si Pemberani telah kembali! Hiccup! Now hand me that glass of water…

Ergh! Tidak mau! Ergh!

Mulai sekarang… Ergh! Aku

menyembuhkan diriku sendiri! Berikan padaku air minum itu!

084-S2 Hurray! We can play all

day long!

Hore! Kita bisa bermain sepanjang hari!

087-S2 Hiya, grandma! Can we

play with the goat? And swim with the brook?

Halo, Nek! Kami boleh

bermain dengan kambing ? Dan berenang di kali?

089-S2 Yeah! It is! Ya! Masih ada!

096-S2 Uh-oh!It‟s steeper than I


Aduh! Lebih curam dari yang kukira!


commit to user ladder? We need it to get to

the apples!

memakai tangga? Kami perlu tangga untuk menjangkau

Eh, sayangnya, masih ada

kabar buruk! pelajaran berharga hari ini!

133-S3 Oh, no!I‟ve just seen the

beagle boys prowlingabout outsides!

Oh, tidak! Aku baru saja melihat Gerombolan Siberat berkeliaran di luar!

137-S3 Yeah, old and sly! Ya, tua dan licik!

139-S3 Oh, very well, then Oh, kalau begitu baiklah!

143-S3 Shhh!You pesky cat! Don‟t

want the beagleboys to hear me!

Ssst! Kucing menyebalkan! Aku tidak ingin Gerombolan Siberat mendengarku!

Sial, di membuat kita frustasi


161-S3 Phew, at least I‟ve still got

the stamp!

Fiuh, paling tidak

perangkonya masih ada padaku!

172-S3 Yippe!I‟ve got it! Follow

me, boys!

Horeee! Dapat! Ayo ikuti aku!

Eh… kucing manis! Tolong

tinggalkan aku sendiri, ya!

178-S3 Ha!I‟ll just take this while

you boys enjoy your little game with the kitty-cats!

Ha! Aku akan mengambil ini

sementara kalian menikmati permainan bersama dengan kucing kecil kalian!

185-S3 Don‟t ask me! Hee, hee! Jangan Tanya aku! Hi hi!

186-S3 Ha!I‟ve got it! Ha! Aku dapat!


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fallen off the envelop! lepas dari amplop!

190-S3 Oh, dear! Ya, ampun!

199-S4 Huh?It‟s post-marked

kokonia! But I don‟t know

anybody there!

Hah? Cap posnya dari

Kokonia! Tapi aku tidak kenal seorangpun disana!

206-S4 Junk mail, bill, junk,junk…

oh, well!Let‟s see what‟s

on the news!

Surat sampah, tagihan,

sampah, sampah… Ya

sudahlah! Aku menonton berita saja!

208-S4 Holy cow!It‟s just like… Ya ampun!Ini seperti…

209-S4 Gasp!I should‟ve known

mousey was up to no good!

Huah! Aku seharusnya tahu bahwa Tikus tidak berniat baik!

214-S4 Oh yeah? Well, I might

find more crooks if you‟d

give me better cases!

O, ya? Aku akan menangkap penjahat labih banyak lagi kalau kamu memberiku kasus yang lebih baik!

216-S4 C’mon, Mouse! Ayo, Tikus!

218-S4 Makes sense! Masuk akal!

224-S4 Ngggh!Can‟t move this


Ngggh! Aku tidak bisa menggerakkan benda ini!

225-S4 No wonder!That guy‟s

scraf is jamming these wheels!

Tak heran! Selendang pria itu membuat macet roda kereta!

227-S4 #$%&# scofflaws!They‟ll

pay for their crimes!

#$%&# begundal! Mereka akan kena batunya nanti!

237-S4 Huh? Hah?

246-S4 Oh, yeah? O, ya?

247-S4 Your Majesty, the meeting! Yang Mulia, pertemuan itu!

249-S4 Arrest? Nonsense! Ditangkap? Omong kosong!

254-S5 Ha! With this diploma in

my hand, I‟ll have the

studio bosses kissing my feet!

Ha! Dengan ijazah ini, para

bos di studio pasti memohon-mohon padaku!

255-S5 Hiya, toots! Got any

vacancies for an ace cameraman?

Halo, manis! Ada lowongan

pekerjaan untuk juru kamera hebat?

257-S5 Ah, comein, young man!

You‟re a cameraman, I take


Ah, masuklah, anak muda!

Kamu pasti seorang juru kamera!

259-S5 Very good! Bagus sekali!

265-S5 Pshaw! Huh!

267-S5 Professional jealously! Kecemburuan pekerjaan!

266-S5 Ah, good! The landrover‟s

ready to go!

Ah, bagus! Mobil landrover


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272-S5 Er… yes, Sir! Eh… ya, Pak!

288-S5 Phew! Fiuh!

300-S5 Marvelous! Get the camera


Luar biasa! Keluarkan kameranya!

301-S5 Oh, my goodness! What

have I got myself into?

Ya, ampun! Kekacauan apa yang aku hadapi kali ini?

308-S5 Ye…es! I…ya!

309-S5 Phew! That was close! Fiuh! Nyaris saja!

315-S5 Wonderful! Get the camera

ready, Duck!

Bagus sekali! Siapkan kamera, bebek!

318-S5 Ah!They‟re waking up! Ah! Mereka bangun!

319-S5 Yawn! Hoahm!

320-S5 Oh, good grief! Everyone

was right about you!

Ya ampun! Ternyata benar apa kata orang tentang Bapak!

321-S5 Oh, bother!They‟re not

waking up after all! We‟ll

have to creep up a bit closer!

Ya ampun! Mereka belum bangun juga! Kita harus merangkak lebih dekat!

342-S5 Oh, dear!I‟d better call an


Ya ampun! Sebaiknya aku memanggil ambulans!

343-S6 Shoo, spitfire, shoo!

You‟re ruining my rare

magical herbs!

Hus, Buluapi, Hus! Kamu merusak tanaman obat langkaku!

361-S6 Oh, you poor thing! That

nasty vole‟s bitten your


Oh, kasihan! Tikus tanah

jahat itu menggigit jarimu!

366-S6 Phew! Where I can get to

my regular size!

Fiuh! Di mana aku bisa kembali ke ukuran normalku!

372-S6 Hooray! My mandrake,

coming to my protection!

Hore! Mandrake-ku datang melindungiku!

375-S6 My baby plant! Tanamanku sayang!

378-S6 At least this should keep

him safe from voles in the

future. Hee-hee!

Paling tidak ini akan melindunginya dari tikus

tanah di masa depan! Hi hi!

379-S7 Yawn! Hoaaahmm….

384-S7 Fast asleep! Tidur pulas!

386-S7 Tsk! Not a very nice part of


Ck! Wilayah kota yang tidak

begitu baik!

395-S7 Poor Unca! Kasian Paman!

397-S7 Phew!Tonight‟s haul must

weigh a ton!

Fiuh! Rampokan malam ini pasti beratnya satu ton!


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408-S7 Yeah!And I‟m charging

you with an assault and battery and resisting arrest!

Ya! Dan aku mengenaimu

tuduhan penyerangan, kekerasan dan melawan penahanan!

412-S7 The scum!! Para berandal!

418-S7 Yeah! He may be hurt! Ya! Mungkin saja dia


419-S7 Drat!It won‟t anymore

open than this!

Sial! Tidak mau terbuka lebih daripada ini!

422-S7 Poor Unca! Kasihan Paman!

423-S7 Yeah! Nasty bump but

otherwise he‟s okay! Ya!juga tapi dia baik-baik saja! Benjolannya lumayan

432-S7 Cheer up! With all this

reward money you‟ll be

able to afford an expensive boat!

Bergembiralah! Dengan uang hadiah yang kamu terima kamu akan sanggup membeli kapal mewah!

433-S7 Yeah! Too bad the reward

money wasn‟t enough… Ya!itu tidak cukup… Sayangnya uang hadiah

435-S8 Ahem! For at least an


Ehem! Paling tidak untuk sore ini!

442-S8 Ahem! Our company, inky

black, inc., was outbid gliquid by rrr!

Ehem! Perusahaan kami PT Hitam Tinta, dikalahkan oleh PSS dalam usaha

memenangkan gliquid!

445-S8 Ulp!I‟m surprised they are

trying to steal some!

Eh! Aku terkejut mereka

sedang mencoba mencurinya!

454-S8 Heh-heh! A tech-savvy

gangster like me, krankle gorb, can find a way to use gliquid to commit master crimes!

He he! Penjahat yang ahli teknologi sepertiku, Krankle Gorb, bisa menemukan cara menggunakan gliquid untuk melakukan kejahatan besar!

457-S8 Phew! How can they stand

these sweltering outfits?

Fiuh! Bagaimana mereka bisa tahan dengan pakaian panas ini?

tahu! Silahkan cari tahu sendiri!

479-S8 Hey, Doc! He, Dok!

480-S8 Wake up!We‟re untied,

and the door is open!


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must‟ve over loaded my robot‟s system!

Aduh! Semua keping itu pasti membuat system

The translator translates interjection into different in form, such as

primary interjection translated into secondary interjection and vice versa,

but he still keeps the meaning of the source text in the target text. Here are

some examples of the data translated by using this kind of technique:

Example 1

ST: There!Only a bloodhound would be able to find this…

TT: Nah! Hanya anjing pelacak yang bisa menemukan ini!

(Datum 489-S9)

Finally, Gearlosse can find a place to hide his ball where no one can find

it. He expresses it by using interjection of “there” included as secondary

interjection of adverb. The translator prefers to translate “there” into

Nah which means “kata seru untuk menyudahi (menukas,

menyimpulkan, dsb) perkataan atau jalan pikiran.”(KBBI) Moreover,

Nah is a particle word that cannot stand-alone. It is considered as

primary interjection in the target language. The translator changes


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target text. Although, the translator changes the form of the interjection, he

still keeps the meaning of source text.

Example 2

ST: Gee!

TT: Wah!

(Datum 045-S1)

Etimologically “gee” is a euphemism of Jesus used as an introductory

expletive or to express surprise or enthusiasm (Merriam Webster

Dictionary). In the context, “gee” is an expression of enthusiasm of a child

because Donald can save and take his ball. It is showed by the child‟s

gesture. His face looks very happy, his mouth opens widely, and his hands

has been ready to accept the ball from Donald. “Gee” is secondary

interjection considered as verbal classes in the source language. The

translator translates the expression into wah meaning “kata seru untuk

menyatakan kagum, heran, terkejut, kecewa” (KBBI). It is a primary

interjection. The translator has choosen expression having the same

meaning with the source language, but he lacks of consideration that “gee


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form as the source language used as a euphemism to God, such as

Subhanallah. However, this kind of expression is closely related to a certain religion in Indonesia. It can be concluded that the translator has

been translated the expression with the same meaning, but it is different in


Table 4.4. Data of translation by using an interjection with dissimilar form but the

same meaning

Translation By Using An Interjection With Dissimilar Form But The Same Meaning

Data Number

Source Text Target Text Total


Bolaku akan hancur gepeng!


Jangan Paman Donal! Terlalu berbahaya!

049-S1 I have a sudden urge to ride

down breakneck hill! See


Tiba-tiba aku ingin berseluncur di Bukit

Patahleher! Sampai jumpa!

064-S1 That‟s our unca Donald!


Itu paman kami, Paman


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069-S1 Oh, no! The parakeet island

virus must be back!

Waduh! Virus Pulau Parkit pasti datang lagi!

097-S2 Oh no!I can‟t reach the


Aduh! Aku tak bisa menggapai tepiannya!

101-S2 Oh no! it‟s too short! Waduh! Tangganya terlalu


108-S2 Oh no!The rope… Aduh!Talinya…

154-S3 Oh, dear! Sorry, folks! Aduh, maaf, ya!

filming rhinos, eh, Duck?

Wah! Hari yang sempurna

untuk merekam badak, ya,

„kan, bebek?

271-S5 Well!It‟s a perfect day for

filming rhinos, eh, Duck?

Wah! Hari yang sempurna

untuk merekam badak, ya,

„kan, bebek?

274-S5 Not to worry! Jangan khawatir!

317-S5 No! No! Tidak mau!

362-S6 Right!That‟s taking care of


Nah! Semuanya beres!

444-S8 Gulp… I‟m sure you will! Eh…aku yakin kalian akan


451-S8 Five… six… Omigosh!

Three are missing!

Lima… Enam… ya

ampun! Ada tiga yang hilang!

452-S8 Well, the thieves destination

was easy to find!

Hmm, tempat tujuan para

pencuri itu mudah ditemukan!

461-S8 Oh, me! Oh, my! Aduh, waduh!

487-S9 There! Only a bloodhound

would be able to find this… Nah!yang bisa menemukan ini! Hanya anjing pelacak

054-S1 Watch out! Awas!

055-S1 Calm down! What I can‟t

see won‟t hurt me! Tenang! kulihat tak bisa Apa yang tak mencederaiku!

082-S2 Listen up, kids! Remember

what… Dengar, anak-anak! apa… Ingat

086-S2 Calm down, Boys! Tenang, anak-anak!

150-S3 Come on! Let‟s get him! Ayo! Kita tangkap dia!

231-S4 Look out! They‟re hitting

the brake!

Awas! Mereka mengerem!

282-S5 Look out! He looks a bit



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458-S8 Come on, let‟s find the


Ayo, kita cari gliquid!

016-S1 Nope! Duckburg looks

perfectly safe again, thank


Tidak! Kembali Kota Bebek terlihat sangat aman,


013-S1 Cough! Hack! Cough! Uhuk! Huek! Uhuk!

006-S1 Gee! Unca Donald‟s been

sacred of everything lately!

Wah! Akhir-akhir ini Paman Donal sering takut terhadap segalanya!

045-S1 Gee! Wah!

044-S1 Gotcha! Dapat!

170-S3 Gotcha! Kena!

392-S7 Nope! No way I‟m going in

there and squeal on unca!

Tidak! Aku tidak akan masuk ke dalam sana dan melaporkan Paman!

456-S8 Gotcha! Kena!

486-S9 Gotcha! There won‟t be

any safes to crack where

you‟re going!

Kena! Tak akan ada lemari besi untuk dibongkar di tempat yang akan kalian tuju!

135-S3 Nope! They‟re on holiday! Tidak! Mereka sedang


1.4. Translation by using an interjection with different meaning

The translator translates interjection to be different in meaning.

The meaning of the source text and the target text are different, but the

translator still keeps the form of interjection. This technique is not

recommended to translate interjection. “The basic concept of translation

process is transferring meaning from source text into target text” (Nababan


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(Datum 289-S5)

“Ye…es”is Donald‟s agreement to Captain Spaulding‟s statement. In his

statement, Spaulding said “Now, we‟re really getting the best footage

ever!” Donald answers the statement when he is in the shoulder of Captain

Spaulding and he is making video of the crocodiles‟s activity in the river.

At the same time, the crocodiles also want to eat them. It means Donald

feels afraid when he answers the statement. Contrarily, the translator

translates it to be iyaaa which means agreement with annoyed or

agreement with enthusiasm in the target language. Though the translator

translated the interjection with similar form of secondary interjection and

he creates the same effect by lengthening the last vocal in the word “a” as

the source text, the meanings of both are very different. In fact, the

translator can preserve the meaning of source text into the target text by

lengthening the vocal “i” in the target text to show Donald‟s afraid of the


Example 2:


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(Datum 463-S8)

In the context situation the expression of “yecchh” is used to express an

unsavoury taste of gliquid drank by Doc Static. When someone gives

gliquid to Doc Static, he said “yecchh” spotaniously and puked the

qliquid. Contrarily, the translator translates this expression into “hiyaak

which is an expression of someone who is ready to fight in the target

language. However those two words sound the same, misspelling can

create different meaning. “Yecchh” is pronounced [yek/yekh]. Then

hiyaak” is pronounced the same. The translator should translate the

example above by imitating the pronunciation of “yecchh” that is

[yek/yekh]. “Yek” itself is common word used to express unsavoury taste

in the target language.

Table 4.5. Data of translation by using an interjection with different meaning

Translation by using an interjection with different meaning

Data Number

Source Text Target Text Total


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you old crook! kami? Dasar penjahat tua!-

250-S4 What do you

mean….puff…. running red light and…puff.. one way

street and restricted park

grass and… puff…

Apa maksudmu….hueh

melanggar lampu merah…

hueh… jalan satu arah dan

rumput taman yang dilarang

diinjak dan… hueh…

256-S5 Er… Have you any former


Eh… Kamu punya

pengalaman sebelumnya?

289-S5 Ye…es! Iyaaaa!

307-S5 Gulp! Eh!

314-S5 Oh, no! Aduh!

325-S5 Whopp!!! Halooo!

447-S8 Ack! Aduh!

450-S8 Oomf! Umpf!

463-S8 Yecchh! That tastes awful! Hiyaak! Rasanya


481-S8 Aw, Doc! We still have our

rrr deal! Gliquid research

isn‟t over till it‟s over!

Ah, Doc!

1.5. Omission

There are two kinds of omission technique found in the data of

this research. They are partly deleted and totally deleted. The explanations

are as follow:

a. Partly deleted

The translator omits some words or some information of the

interjection from the source text into the target text.

Example 1:

ST: Well, then… why haven‟t you hand it over?

TT: Lalu… Kenapa kamu belum mengantarkannya padaku?

(Datum 203-S4)

The example shows that two words “well” and “then” in the source text


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omits the word “well” indicates dissaoppinted feeling and angry feeling of

Mickey because someone takes a letter from Mickey‟s hand and does not

return Mickey‟s own mail yet. He just translates “then” that is “an adverb

used to indicate a particular time in the past and future” (Encharta

Dictionary) into lalu meaning “kemudian; lantas”. This omission

effects to emotion conveyed by Mickey in the target language. The

expression cannot be fully transferred into the target language. Therefore,

the target reader assumes that there is no emotion conveyed by Mickey in

this conversation.

Example 1

ST: Aw, shucks! He‟s a pussy cat!

TT: Ah! Dia pengecut!

(Datum 030-S1)

This example shows that the translator translates two words in the source

text into a single word in the target text. The words “aw” and “shucks” are

transferred into “ah”. This interjection is used by Donald to express his


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that Donald does not feel afraid of the snake. This expression can also be

assumed that Donald feels surprise toward the owner of the snake because

he thought that they will not be afraid of the snake. Furthermore, the

interjection of “ah” in the target language has meaning of “kata seru yg

menyatakan perasaan kecewa, menyesal, keheranan, tidak setuju” (KBBI)

In conclusion, the deletion done by the translator in this example does not

change the meaning of the interjection from the source text into target text.

Table 4.6. Data of Partly Deleted Technique

Omission Data


Source Text Target Text Total


Tunggu, anak-anak!Aku berubah pikiran!

driving right through it!

Kamu tidak akan bisa! Mereka menerobos lampu merah!


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251-S4 Er, uh… you see, Casey, it‟s

like this… Eceritanya seperti ini…begini, Casey,

262-S5 Oh well, he probably knows

at once that I‟m perfect for

the job!

Ah, tak apalah,

barangkali dia langsung tahu kalau aku cocok untuk pekerjaan ini!

269-S5 Hello there, Fred! Have you

seen any rhinoceroses in vicinity?

Halo, Fred! Kamu melihat ada badak di dekat sini?

295-S5 Well, bathing will just have

to wait!

Mandimu harus menunggu dulu!

326-S5 Wakey, wakey! Pussy cats! Bangun, bangun, Pus!

484-S8 Oh, well! At least we had an


Ah, paling tidak kita

mengalami petualangan!

b. Totally Deleted

All the information of interjection are deleted by the translator

from the source text into the target text

Example 1:

ST:It doesn‟t matter, boys! Heh, heh! I‟ve got the stamp here!

TT:Tidak masalah, anak-anak! Aku punya perangko yang asli di


(Datum 191-S3)

The deleted word in the above datum is “heh-heh”. It is a happy laugh of

Mr. McDuck because he is successfully deceiving his nephew and

decoying the men who want to steal his precious stamp. It is an

anomatopoeic interjection imitating human sound. This interjection is not

only a laugh, but it is also having specific meaning. By using this laugh,

Mr. McDuck wants to show to Donald and the men that he is successfully

deceiving and decoying them. The deletion gives an effect to the message


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McDuck‟s laugh is only a happy expression because he can finally get the


Example 1: ST: Aaargh!

TT: -

(Datum 166-S3)

“Aaargh” is a primary interjection expressed by Donald when he is failed

to hold on to the rock, then he falls into the pool. This interjection is an

expression of afraid feeling by Donald because he will fall from high

position. Actually, target language also has this kind of expression that is

expressed by using vocal sound such as “aaaaa” as a screaming. In fact,

the translator prefers to delete this expression. The deletion opens to

misinterpretation for the target reader. The reader can assume that Donald

feels happy because he can put the piece of rock from the biggest one.

When he put the piece of rock, his mouth and his eyes open widely. It


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Table 4.7. Data of Totally Deleted Technique

Omission Data


Source Text Target Text Total


017-S1 Grrrrrowwwwww! 163

022-S1 Whine! Whine! Whine!

052-S1 Ackkkkk!

122-S2 Chomp! Chomp!


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heh!I‟ve got the stamp here!

Tidak masalah, anak-anak! Aku punya perangko yang asli di sini!

219-S4 Nah!They‟d never get past


Tidak mungkin mereka bisa melewati aku!

222-S4 Ow-oof!

223-S4 Crash!

230-S4 Wheee-oooo! Wheeee-oooo!


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Ini jebakan! Siapa yang memberitahu kalian!

466-S8 Bloop! Bloop!


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471-S8 Crash!

475-S8 Success, docl! We can use

gliquid to manufacture flying cushions!

programmed to find dimes… we‟ll just have to carry until

we find the right one!

Robotku diprogram untuk menemukan

keping… Kita harus terus

mencari sampai

menemukan yang tepat!

1.6. Addition

Additional of element is used by the translator to give additional

information in the target text.

Example 1:

ST: Lions!

TT: Gerombolan Singa!

(Datum 313-S5)

Suffixes –s in the above example is identified as a plural noun indicating

that there are more than one lions in the context. Since there is difference

of language system of plural noun between the source language and the

target language, the translator gives additional information in this datum.

He adds information gerombolan in this example to explain the suffixes


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mammals living in a group. This expression has function to express

surprise feeling of Donald when he sees a group of lions.

Example 2:

ST: A bulldog!

TT: Anjing bulldog!.

(Datum 019-S1)

“Bulldog” is a small dog that can be frightening and has a

muscular body, short legs and a large square-shaped face. It is originally

coming from English (Ibid). To avoid confusing in the target language

reader, the translator gives addition information in this datum. He adds

anjing to make the target reader easy to recorgnize that it is a kind of

dog. Moreover, the target reader can easily understand the emotion

expressed by the speaker. This interjection is conveyed by Donald‟s

nephews when they know that there is an angry bulldog behind them. This


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Table 4.8. Data of Addition Technique

Addition Data


Source Text Target Text Total


313-S5 Lions! Gerombolan singa! 4

410-S7 My nephews?! Para keponakanku?!

019-S1 A bulldog! Anjing bulldog!

298-S5 A crocodile! Ada buaya!

1.7. Explicitation

Explicitation is a process that consists of introducing information

into the TL which presents implicitly in the SL, but it can be derived from

the context or the situation

Example 1: ST: A gooey one!

TT: Monster lengket!

(Datum 009-S1)

The translator transfers the implicit information of the interjection above

into explicit information in the target language by explaining the meaning

of “one”. He translates “one” into “monster” to show to the target reader


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vision, Donald sees someone eating a little gooey monster. He feels very

surprised and afraid of what he sees.

Example 2: ST: Some people!

TT: Orang-orang seperti itu!

(Datum 034-S1)

Some people” in this example refers to the men who run away leaving

their snake in the shoulders of Donald. Initially, they try to make Donald

to be frightened of their snake by giving it to Donald. Seeing Donald does

not feel afraid of their snake, they are leaving Donald alone with the

snake. Then Donald tries to call them back because they left their snake.

Feeling inattention, Donald feels angry by using “some people” to

describe the characteristics of the men. The translator uses explicitation

technique to make the implicit information expressed by the speaker in the

sorce text into explicit in the target text. It also has function to avoid


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Table 4.9. Data of Explicitation Technique

Addition Data


Source Text Target Text Total


009-S1 A gooey one! Monster lengket! 9

034-S1 Some people! Orang-orang seperti itu!

036-S1 Never better! Tak pernah sebaik ini!

093-S2 Later, grandma! Nanti saja, Nek!

124-S2 Lots, and we don‟t have

many apples left!

Banyak hal terjadi! Dan yang terbawa oleh kita hanya tinggal sedikit apel!

140-S3 Typical! Uncle Scrooge has

got me to do his dirty work as usual!

Begini terus! Seperti biasa, Paman Gober menyuruhku melakukan pekerjaan kotornya!

159-S3 Never! Tidak akan!

226-S4 Littering, too! Serious

crime, all right!

Dan juga menyampah! Kejahatan serius!

008-S1 Another monster! Monster lagi!

1.8. Recreation

This type of technique consists of recreating an invented name


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reproduce similar effect of this newly-created referent in another target

culture setting. It is found one datum using this technique in the comic.

Example 1:

ST: Gearloose! This is a calamity! I need a metal deterctor and I need it now!

TT: Lung! Ini bencana! Aku perlu detector logam dan aku memerlukannya sekarang!

(Datum 490-S9)

“Gearloose” is a name of a character in Donald Duck. His

complete name is “Gyro Gearloose” translated into “Lang Ling Lung” in

Indonesia. In the context, Mr. McDuck feels worried about his loosing

dime, and he comes quickly to Gearloose‟s house to get help. When he

arrived at Gearloose‟s house, he called loudly Gearloose to get

Gearloose‟s attention quickly. Recreation technique is applied by the

translator in the interjection of name above to make the target readers easy

to read the name. The pronunciation of “Gyro Gearloose

/ˈdʒaɪ.roʊ//gɪrluːs/” is unusuall and difficult for target reader tongue.

Then, the translator translates Gearloose into Lung which is more


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Table 4.10. Data of Recreation Technique

Recreation Technique Data


Source Text Target Text Total


490-S9 Gearloose! This is a

calamity! I need a metal deterctor and I need it now!

Lung! Ini bencana! Aku perlu detector logam dan aku memerlukannya sekarang!


1.9. Transcription

This is a technique used to transcript of a name considered as

interjection into the closest correspondent letters of a different target

alphabet. In other words, this technique occurs when interjection is

translated or adapted at the level of morphology, phonology, grammar, etc.

It is usually to conform to the target language system. In this technique, it

is possibly to suppres, add, and change position of letters as a way to

preserve the readability of the text in the TL context.


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alphabets. This technique is applied to conform the target language system

and to make the names easier to pronounce by the target reader.

Example 2:

ST: Donald! Remember that I am an old man! TT: Donal! Ingatlah kalau aku sudah tua!

(Datum 136-S3)

In this case, the translator deletes the specific letter “d” in the name of

“Donald” in the source language into Donalbecause there is no double

consonant in the last of names in the target language system. The name

will sound strange, if the translator keeps the name with alphabet “d” for


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Table 4.11. Data of Transcription Technique

Transcription Data


Source Text Target Text Total


136-S3 Donald! Remember that I

am an old man!

Donal! Ingatlah kalau aku sudah tua!


211-S4 Mickey! Mickey! If acting

suspicious were against the

law, I‟d have to…

Miki! Miki! Kalau tidak bertindak mencurigakan itu melanggar hukum, aku


1.10. Couplet Technique

Couplet is the application of two or more translation technique in

one unit. Here, the translator combined more than one technique to

translate interjection.

Example 1:

ST: Mr. Mcduck! I just found your lucky dime! It was on the floor by your desk!

TT: Tuan gober! Aku baru saja menemukan Keping Keberuntungan Tuan! Keping itu ada di lantai di samping meja Tuan!


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This example can be categorized as couplet technique because there are

two techniques applied in this interjection, literal and recreation. First, the

translator uses literal technique to translate “Mr.” into Tuan”.

Furthermore, the translator uses recreation technique to translate

Mcduck” into “gober”. This name is translated by using recreation

technique because it is not a straightforward rendition of the name, which

would be “Anak Bebek”. Mc- is a suffix that has meaning of “son of”. It

deviates a bit too much from the original meaning because the translator

prefers to adapt the names of McDuck from Dutch that is “Dagobert

Duck” (Wikipedia.org). This name is secondary interjection of noun

whose function to call Mr. McDuck, and it also used by a woman to

express her happiness because she can find McDuck‟s lucky dime.

Example 2:

ST: Unca Donald! Watch out! TT: Paman Donal! Awas!

(Datum 053-S1)

Firstly, the translator applies literal technique in this example. He

translates “Unca” coming from the word “uncle”. Since the children slip


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translated into “paman” in Indonesia. Then, he translates the word

“Donald” into “Donalemploying transcription technique by using loan

word of source language and deleting “d” alphabets to create the same


Table 4.12. Data of Couplet Technique

Couplet Technique Translation


Data Number

Source Text Target Text Total


commit to user floor by your desk!

Tuan gober! Aku

The interjections are reproduced in the translated text exactly as

they appear in the source text. Some examples of borrowing interjections

are displayed below.

Example 1:

ST: Brr! All these empty buildings are spooky!

TT: Brr! Semua bangunan kosong ini menyeramkan!

(Datum 387-S7)

It is an example of translation using borrowing technique. The translator

borrows purely the source text interjection into the target text without any

change. In the context, “bbr” is used to express scared feeling felt by one

of the three children when seeing many empty buildings around him, while

“brr” in the target language is an expression of feeling cold.

Consequently, applying purely borrowing technique of the interjection

without considering about speaker‟s intention and context situation can

make the meaning of the interjection innacurately conveyed into target

language. Although, source language and target language have interjection

of “bbr” which their form and their pronunciation are the same, the


commit to user Example 2:

ST: Pfft! TT: Pfft!

(Datum 042-S1)

Pfft!” is used by Donald to answer his nephew‟s question. This

interjection is used to make his nephew calm. By using this interjection,

Donald also asked them not to worry about him. The translator borrows

purely this interjection from the source text into the target text in which

this interjection is very difficult to pronounce in phonological system of

the target language. Consequently, the meaning of this interjection cannot


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Tabel. 4.13. Data of Borrowing Technique

Borrowing Technique Data


Source Text Target Text Total


002-S1 Aaargh!It‟s a monster! Aaargh! Monster! 47

011-S1 Bleh!Now I don‟t feel so

good, either!

Bleh! Sekarang aku juga

jadi merasa tidak enak…

024-S1 Hey,Unca Donal! You‟re

not scared anymore!

Hei, Paman Donal! Paman

tidak takut lagi!

075-S1 Argh!Fool‟s canyon is both

wider and deeper than I remembered!

Argh! Lembah Bodoh ternyata lebih lebar dan dalam daripada yang kuingat!

076-S1 o-o-okay! o-o-oke!

090-S2 Aaah! This is life! Aaah! Enak sekali!

098-S2 Hey!I‟ve an idea! Hei! Aku puny aide!

102-S2 Hey!I‟ve just had a brilliant


Hei! Aku baru saja

mendapat ide hebat!

105-S2 Hey! That long branch

gives me another great idea!

Hei! Dahan panjang itu


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129-S3 Hmmm! I wonder what

those crooked beagle boy

are up to? No good I‟ll bet!

Hmmm! Kira-kira apa yang direncanakan

Gerombolan Siberat? Aku yakin pasti bukan hal yang baik!

132-S3 Hmm! That all depends! Hmm! Itu semuanya


134-S3 Umph!But surely you‟ve

got your security guards to handle things like this?

Umph! Tapi tentunya Paman punya tenaga keamanan untuk mengurusi hal seperti ini?

153-S3 Hey! What do you think

you‟re doing, buster? Hei!Bung! Jangan sembarangan,

169-S3 Hey, look behind you! Hei, lihat dibelakangmu!

184-S3 Hey!Where‟s the envelope! Hei! Dimana amplopnya!

200-S4 Oho! I thought I might find

233-S4 Hey!That‟s the wrong way

on one-way street!

Hei! Itu arah yang salah di

jalan satu arah!

253-S4 Hey, Mickey! I got your

bookclub book is here!

Hei, Miki! Aku membawa

buku dari klub bukumu!

273-S5 Hmmm…good! Hmmm… bagus!

296-S5 Okay, but I just have to

pick on someone who can defend herself instead!

Hei, tikus jelek! Kenapa

tidak pilih kucing yang bisa menjaga dirinya sendiri!

360-S6 Hmm, let‟s see now!

Teenie, weenie, meenie,


Hmm, begini… Teenie, weenie, meenie, moe…

374-S6 Hah!That vole won‟t be

back in a hurry!

Hah! Tikus tanah itu tak

akan datang lagi dalam waktu dekat!

387-S7 Brr! All these empty

buildings are spooky!

Brr! Semua bangunan


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building that boat, and you let a burglar sink it!

Grr! Setelah aku

menghabiskan berjam-jam membuat kapal itu, kalian membiarkan seorang pencuri


459-S8 Ah, Professor Osh and

Kosh! Ready for those extra-dangerous gliuid tests?

Ah, Professor Osh dan

Kosh! Sudah siap untuk melakukan uji coba gliquid yang sangat berbahaya?

464-S8 Okay! Oke!

476-S8 Urgh!I‟m not sure,

Mickey! This is like trying

to ride gelatin…

Urgh! Aku tak yakin, Miki! Ini seperti mencoba

mengendarai gelatin….

425-S7 His walkie-talkie! We can

use it to call for help!

Walkie-talkienya! Kita bisa menggunakannya untuk meminta bantuan!


commit to user 2. The Accuracy of Interjections Translation

Three raters who are coded as R1, R2, and R3 had assessed the

questionnaire. They were asked to ascertain the level of accuracy and naturalness

by giving score on it based on the scale which has been determined before. They

were also assigned to give comment or suggestion when it is necessary.

The questionnaire to assess the accuracy of interjections translation uses

the scale and the definition as follows:

Scale Description

3 Accurate: the meaning and speaker‟s intention of interjection in the

bilingual comic of The Best Donald Duck Comic 15th Edition are

accurately transferred to the target text. The expression, description

and context of situation of interjection in the bilingual comic of The

Best Donald Duck Comic 15th Edition can be conveyed by the translation of interjection in the target language.

2 Less accurate: the meaning and speaker‟s intention of interjection in

the bilingual comic of The Best Donald Duck Comic 15th Edition are

not so accurately translated in the target text. The translation still

emerges distortion and ambiguity in meaning. The expression,

description and context of situation of interjection in the bilingual

comic of The Best Donald Duck Comic 15th Edition cannot really be

conveyed by the translation of interjection in the target language.


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bilingual comic of The Best Donald Duck Comic 15th Edition are

transferred inaccurately or deleted in the target text. The expression,

description and context of situation of interjection in the bilingual

comic of The Best Donald Duck Comic 15th Edition cannot be

conveyed by the translation of interjection in the target language.

After a detail calculation, the data were classified into three categories as shown


Classification A: The interjection translation is accurate. It contains data with the

range from 2.5 to 3.0

Classification B: The interjection translation is less accurate. It contains data with

the range from 1.6 to 2.4

Classification C: The interjection translation is inaccurate. It contains data with

the range from 1.0 to 1.5

From table 4.14., we can see that 326 data are translated accurately into

the target language, 13 data are translated less accurately into the target

language, and 163 data are translated inaccurately into the target language.

The average scale for the accuracy of the interjections translation is 2.28.

It means that most interjections in the bilingual comic of Donald Duck are


commit to user 2.1. Classification A

This classification contains of 326 data which are translated accurately into

the target language. The definition of accurate here is the meaning and speaker‟s

intention of interjection in the bilingual comic of The Best Donald Duck Comic

15th Edition are accurately transferred into the target text. The expression,

description and context of situation of interjection in the bilingual comic of The

Best Donald Duck Comic 15th Edition can be conveyed by the translation. Two examples of the data belonging to this classification are as follows:

Example 1:

ST: My ball‟s gonna get smushed! Sob!

TT: Bolaku akan hancur gepeng! Hiks!

(Datum 039-S1)

The word “sob” is an interjection used “to cry noisily or to take in deep breath”

(Cambridge Dictionary). The interjection is used by the child in the comic to

express his afraid and sad feeling because his ball will be smashed and he thinks

that he will lose the ball. The interjection is translated into “hiks” which is an

imitation of crying in the target language. It means that the translation is

accurately transferred into target text because the translator can convey two

meanings, afraid and sad feeling, of the interjection from the source text into the

target text. The translator is also clearly describing the speaker‟s expression in the

source text into the target text by using the translation. This analysis is supported

by the three raters assessment which is this datum is included into accurate


commit to user Example 2:

ST: Oh no! it‟s too short!

TT: Waduh! Tangganya terlalu pendek!

(Datum 101-S2)

Donald‟s nephew wearing a blue hat looks at his brothers having tried to reach the

edge of the gorge, but they always fail. He just realizes that the ladder used by

them is too short. The expression of “oh no!” is used to express his shock about

the situation. Then, the translator translates it into waduhmeaning “kata seru

untuk menyatakan heran, kagum, terkejut, dsb” (KBBI). It means that the word waduh in the target language has function to express a sudden situation that is

unexpected before or shock feeling. The translation is accurate since both the


commit to user 1.2. Classification B

This classification contains of 13 data which are translated less accurately

into the target language. Less accurate translation is defined as the meaning and

speaker‟s intention of interjection in the bilingual comic of The Best Donald Duck

Comic 15th Edition are not so accurately translated to the target text. The

translation still emerges distortion and ambiguity in meaning. The expression,

description and context of situation of the interjection in the bilingual comic of

The Best Donald Duck Comic 15th Edition cannot really be conveyed by the translation. Here are the examples of the data belonging to this classification:

Example 1:

ST: Well, then… why haven‟t you hand it over?

TT: Lalu… Kenapa kamu belum mengantarkannya padaku?


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In the example above, the interjection “well, then…” is translated into laluin

the target text. The reason is that the meaning of laluin the target text has

represented the meaning of “well” and “then” to start conversation for asking

question from someone unknown, although the deletion makes the strong emotion

of the interjection cannot be expressed by the translation. The word “well” which

indicates the disappointed and angry feeling of Mickey because someone has

taken a letter from Mickey‟s hand and do not return it back to Mickey. As the

result, the target reader assumes that there is no emotion conveyed by Mickey in

this conversation and makes the translation of the interjection to be less accurate


Example 2:

ST: Aw, shucks!

TT: Ah!

(Datum 030-S1)

Aw, shucks! is “the modest in homespun way” (Encarta Dictionary) to show that


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situation , “aw shuck” is used by Donald to express shy and disappointed feeling

toward the bad men whom had tried to disturb him at the same time. The

interjection above is translated into “ah!” in the target text which cannot totally

express the meanings of the interjection. The word “ah” is “kata seru yg

menyatakan perasaan kecewa, menyesal, keheranan, tidak setuju” (KBBI). It

means that the translation is less accurately translated into target language because

the word “ah” in target text only can represent a meaning of disappointed, but it

cannot transfer the meaning of shy feeling of the source text into target text at the

same time.

1.3. Classification C

This classification contains of 163 data which are translated inaccurately into

the target language. The definition of inaccurate here is that the translation

cannot convey the message in the source text into the target text well due to

mistranslation done by the translator. There are two examples of the data


commit to user Example 1:

ST: Arrrgh!

TT: -

(Datum 141-S3)

“Arrrgh” is a scream expressed by Donald when he steps his foot in the tale of a

cat. He feels surprise because of the scream made by the cat. At the same time,

Donald is hiding from the men wanting to get the stamp hold by Donald. It means

that Donald uses the interjection above to express surprise and afraid feeling at the

same time. Unfortunately, the translator deleted this datum in the target text which

makes the translation to be inaccurate. This interjection can be translated into

aaaa….” having the same pronunciation and meaning but they have different


Example 2:

ST: Arf!

TT: -

(Datum 116-S2)

This conversation happens when Donald‟s nephews have finished picking the

apples, there is a dog tried to catch them. They are finally safe from the dog by


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who see the bull. He feels very surprise of the situation. It is proven by his hat

which is blowing away. In fact, Louie expresses his surprise by saying “arf”as an

imitation of dog sound. The researcher assumes that there is a mistake made by

the writer. It is impossible for a duck to imitate a dog, if he does not have a mental

disorder such kind of “latah” which is a nervous condition characterized by erratic

involuntary imitative behavior, often pornographic or socially disapproved.

(http://ebsoft.web.id) Unfortunately, the translator prefers to delete it made the

translation is inaccurate. It is possibly for the translator to revise the source text

and translates it into “hah” as an expression of surprise in the target text.


Tabel 4.1.  Translation techniques found in the comic
Table 4.2. Data of Literal Technique
Table 4.3. Data of Translation by Using An Interjection with similar meaning and
Table 4.4. Data of translation by using an interjection with dissimilar form but the


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