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Academic year: 2022



Teks penuh









A. Informasi Umum 1. Identitas Sekolah

a. Nama Sekolah SMAN 3 Unggulan Kayuagung b. Tahun Pelajaran 2022 – 2023

c. Semester Ganjil/Genap

2. Fase F

3. Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir Fase E, peserta didik menggunakan teks lisan, tulisan dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/pembacanya.

Berbagai jenis teks seperti narasi, deskripsi, prosedur, eksposisi, recount, report, dan teks otentik menjadi rujukan utama dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris di fase ini. Peserta didik menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyampaikan keinginan/perasaan dan berdiskusi mengenai topik yang dekat dengan keseharian mereka atau isu yang hangat sesuai usia peserta didik di fase ini. Mereka membaca teks tulisan untuk mempelajari sesuatu/mendapatkan informasi. Keterampilan inferensi tersirat ketika memahami informasi, dalam bahasa Inggris mulai berkembang.

Peserta didik memproduksi teks tulisan dan visual yang lebih beragam, dengan kesadaran terhadap tujuan dan target pembaca.

4. Topik/Materi Pembelajaran TEXT EXPOSISI

5. Profil Pelajar Pancasila 1. Mandiri : Regulasi diri: Mengidentifikasi perbedaan emosi yang dirasakannya dan situasi- situasi yang menyebabkannya; serta

mengekspresikan secara wajar

2. Kreatif : Menghasilkan gagasan orisinal:

Menggabungkan beberapa gagasan menjadi ide


atau gagasan imajinatif yang bermakna untuk mengekspresikan pikiran dan/atau perasaannya 3. Berpikir Kritis : Menghasilkan suatu ide untuk

dikembangakan berdasarakan pendapat dalam pertanyaan.

4. Gotong Royong: Bekerjasama, berkolaborasi, menghasilkan suatu ide/pendapat dalam mendeskripsikan suatu tempat.

B. Komponen Inti

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran

10.5.1 Peserta didik Menentukan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks exposisi.

10.5.2 Peserta didik membuat teks eksposisi yang sederhana dengan menggunakan Bahasa sendiri.

2. Pemahaman Bermakna

Peserta didik mampu merangkai dan menyampaikan ide komplek dengan mengunakan kosa kata dan tata Bahasa dalam tulisan.

3. Pertanyaan Pemantik

1. Berita apa yang menarik untuk dibahas saat ini ?

2. Seandainya kalian dalam situasi tersebut bagaimana kalian memecahkan masalahnya?

4. Langkah – Langkah Pembelajaran

Pertemuan Ke I Kegiatan



1. Salam pembuka dan berdoa 2. Melakukan absensi

3. Membahas kembali kesepakatan kelas yang sudah di lakuakan sebelumya untuk mengingat kembali

4. Memberikan pertanyaan pemantik


1. Merespon salam dan berdoa 2. Menjawab absensi guru


3. merespon apa yang disampaikan guru 4. Mendengarkan informasi guru Kegiatan Inti A. GURU:

1. Menjelaskan secara singkat tentang materi text exposisi.

2. Menjelaskan struktur, fungsional teks, kebahasaan terkait teks exposisi.

3. Memberikan contoh untuk pemahaman kepada siswa berkaitan text exposisi.


1. Peserta didik mencari sebanayak mungkin infromasi yang berhubungan dengan teks exposisi.

2. Peserta didik diberi motivasi atau rangsangan untuk memusatkan perhatian pada topik materi Struktur teks exposisi dalam memberi dan meminta informasi.

3. Memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan tema yang di berikan.

Kegiatan Penutup 1. Merefleksi dan membuat kesimpulan bersama siswa 2. Menutup pelajaran.

Pertemuan Ke II Kegiatan



1. Salam pembuka dan berdoa

2. Menginformasikan tujuan pembelajaran 3. Memberikan pertanyaan pemantik


1. Merespon salam dan berdoa 2. Mendengarkan informasi guru 3. Merespon pertanyaan

Kegiatan Inti A. GURU:

1. Menjelaskan secara singkat tentang materi text exposisi.

2. Membagi kelompok untuk menyunting teks exposisi.

3. Meminta siswa untuk memaparkan hasil diskusi kelompok.


1. Peserta didik mencari sebnayak mungkin infromasi yang berhubungan dengan teks exposisi.

2. secara berpasangan/kelompok menjadi teman untuk menyunting teks exposisi.

3. Membagikan hasil diskusi teks deskripsi yang telah di lakuakan pada kegiatan menulis teks exposisi.

4. Mempresentasikan hasil yang telah disdikusikan.

Kegiatan Penutup 1. Merefleksi dan membuat kesimpulan bersama siswa 2. Menutup pelajaran.


Pertemuan Ke III Kegiatan



1. Salam pembuka dan berdoa

2. Menginformasikan tujuan pembelajaran 3. Memberikan pertanyaan pemantik


1. Merespon salam dan berdoa 2. Mendengarkan informasi guru 3. Merespon pertanyaan

Kegiatan Inti A. GURU:

1. Menjelaskan secara singkat tentang materi text exposisi.

2. Memberikan contoh untuk pemahamn kepada siswa berkaitan text exposisi.

3. Meminta siswa untuk menulis ide-ide mereka secara komplek dengan mengunakan berbagsai kosa kata dalam tulisanya.


1. Peserta didik mencari sebnayak mungkin infromasi yang berhubungan dengan teks ekposisi.

2. Peserta didik diberikan gambar/ video singkat tengang kekadian yang terjadi saat ini (covid -19)

3. Memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisi kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan tema yang di berikan.

4. Peserta didik mengidentifikasi struktur teks.

5. Peserta didik di beri lembar kerja dan text.

6. Peserta didik membuat mind mapping berdasarkan text yang telah di berikan.

7. Peserta didik menulis kembali ide mereka berdasarkan mind mapping dalam membuat karangan exposisi.

Kegiatan Penutup 1. Merefleksi dan membuat kesimpulan bersama siswa 2. Menutup pelajaran.


1. Sikap : Observasi saat pengumpulan tugas tentang sikap kritis, kerja sama, dan komunikatif.

(peserta didik yang mengumpulkan tugas tidak tepat waktu, akan memdapatkan sanksi).

2. Pengetahuan : Tes tulis sesuai dengan text yang di berikan.

3. Keterampilan : Produk hasil mengerjakan tugas, mengungkapan ide-ide secara komplek.



a. Pengayaaan: Peserta didik memperoleh nilai di atas KKM diberika soal lebih setingakat denga materi yang sama.

b. Remedial : Peserta didik yang tidak tuntas dalam KKM akan di berikan soal yang berbeda dengan materi yang sama.


Siswa akan melakuakan proses menyunting teks deskripsi. Siswa akan menggali kemampuan menyunting teks deskripsi berdasarkan stuktur serta kaidah kebahasaan yang tepat.


1. Hal yang diharapkan dari murid sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran yakni untuk melihat kemapuan menyunting teks deskripsi yang sudah di tulis sebelumnya oleh siswa.



A. PERTEMUAN I Reading Text



1. Find the language function of the text?



2. What is the communicative approach of the text ? Answer


3. What is the most important thing to consider before buying a mobile phone ? Answer


4. What is the text above ? Answr


5. Why is it high operasional cost when we use our mobile phone in our daily life ? Answer



Arrange the jumble picture to the correct one : Exposition Text

Continuing study as well as seeking job is possibly done but it will be hard for them. Conventionally studying in the university needs much time to spend especially in the first year. It is true because they have to do and adapt a lot of things in their new higher school. it will be very hard to looking for job. Therefore it should come to their mind of continuing studying at higher school from their own home. As result, the available

time will be more flexible for them.






The answer:

As the alternative method of studying, besides the conventional studying which students and the lecturer have to meet in the fixed time and place regularly, distance learning provides possibility to grow better.

Possibly working and studying surely will create high quality graduate. Distance learning should appear as a considerable choice for them.

The National examination result will be publicly enounced in next short time. Euphoria will flood for those who get success. In the other hand, It will be sorry to hear that there

are some of them do not succeed in their national final examination.

Continuing study or looking for work is the primary choice among them. When they think about continuing study, they will think hard about the time and cost. How long the higher study will last?

And how high is about the cost. In the same way, when they think about straightly seeking job, what skill and competence they have got is a big matter of questioning.

The National examination result will be publicly enounced in next short time. Euphoria will flood for those who get success. In the other hand, It will be sorry to hear that there are some of them do not succeed in their national final examination.

Continuing study or looking for work is the primary choice among them. When they think about continuing study, they will think hard about the time and cost. How long the higher study will last? And how high is about the cost. In the same way, when they think about straightly seeking job, what skill and competence they have got is a big matter of questioning.

Continuing study as well as seeking job is possibly done but it will be hard for them.

Conventionally studying in the university needs much time to spend especially in the first year. It is true because they have to do and adapt a lot of things in their new higher school. it will be very hard to looking for job. Therefore it should come to their mind of continuing studying at higher school from their own home. As result, the available time will be more flexible for them.

As the alternative method of studying, besides the conventional studying which students and the lecturer have to meet in the fixed time and place regularly, distance learning provides possibility to grow better. Possibly working and studying surely will create high quality graduate.

Distance learning should appear as a considerable choice for them.


Find the structure of the text and discuss with your pair/group based on the text.


1. Menentukan, menganalisis text dan membuat konsep mind mapping.

Writing exposition text based on mind mapping concept.


Create mind mapping based on the text above Reading Text

The Pros and Cons of Offline School in the Midst of a Pandemic

The Pros and Cons of Offline School in the Midst of a Pandemic The Covid-19 pandemic affects many aspects of our lives, including school. Schools are held online at students’ respective home.

However, there is a discourse that schools will be reopened in July 2020 or January 2021. Many


parents are worried their children will have to return to school in the near future. It is because some local governments have included plans for reopening schools in the new normal policy. For example, Central Java Education and Culture Office will enforce the implementation of the new normal in its region starting July 2020. Some options emerges such as imposing a shifting system, limiting the number of students, and implementing existing health protocols. On the other hand, epidemiologist dr. Dicky Budiman advises not to open the school until the situation gets better. He says that schools reopening is risky, and it probably rises to the second wave of the coronavirus. The students can go back to schools only if the preparation is done and screening process is fulfilled. Furthermore, if the screening process is not fulfilled, schools reopening is not recommended for it is dangerous.

Mind Mapping



Class : Topic : Instruction

Read the text and draw mind mapping based on the text by improving your own story then write a 150 or 250.

Your mind mapping sketch





























Continue the writing critical thinking based on the text and your mind mapping.


What is the problem?


How you’re as writer support the arguments?

















RETERATION/ CONCLUSION What solution is offered ?


 Read the text and answer the questions below:

Learning English

Learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyable. You can mix pleasure with learning when you listen to a song and exploit the song as a means to your English progress.

Some underlying reason can be drawn to support the idea why we use songs in language learning.

















Firstly, “the song stuck in my head” Phenomenon (the echoing in our minds of the last song we heard after leaving a restaurant, shopping malls, etc) can be both enjoyable and sometimes unnerving. This phenomenon also seems to reinforce the idea that songs work on our short-and- long term memory.

Secondly, songs in general also use simple conversational language, with a lot of repetition, which is just what many learners look for sample text. The fact that they are effective makes them many times more motivating than other text. Although usually simple, some songs can be quite complex syntactically, lexically and poetically, and can be analyzed in the same way as any other literary sample.

Furthermore, song can be appropriated by listener for their own purpose. Most pop songs and probably many other types don’t have precise people, place or time reference.

In addition, songs are relaxing. They provide variety and fun, and encourage harmony within oneself and within one group. Little wonder they are important tools in sustaining culture, religion, patriotism and yeas, even revolution.

Last but not least, there are many learning activities we can do with songs such as studying grammar, practicing selective listening comprehension, translating songs, learning vocabulary, spelling and culture.

From the elaboration above, it can be concluded that learning through music and songs, learning English can be enjoyable and fun.

1. The type of the text above is …

a. Analytical exposition

b. Hortatory exposition

c. Narrative

d. Discussion

e. Explanation

2. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

a. To tell the reader about the songs

b. To entertain the reader with the songs

c. To show the reader the use of songs

d. To explain above the songs

e. To persuade the reader to use songs in learning language

3. The generic structures of the text are ….

a. Thesis – arguments – recommendation

b. General statement – sequential explanation

c. Newsworthy events – background events – sources


d. Thesis – arguments – reiteration

e. General statement – arguments

4. What is the text about ….

a. Learning songs

b. Very enjoyable music

c. The phenomenon

d. Music listeners

e. Using songs in language learning

5. Based on the text, there are …… reason for using songs in learning language a. 6

b. 4 c. 5 d. 3 e. 2




 Read the text and answer the questions below:

I personally think that reading is a very important activity in our life. Why do I say so? Firstly, by reading we can get a lot of knowledge about many things in the world such as Science, technology. Sports, arts, culture, etc written in either books, magazine, newspaper, etc.

Secondly, by reading we can get a lot of news and information about something happening in any parts of the world which can we see directly.

Another reason, reading can give us pleasure too. When we are tired, we read books, newspaper or magazine on the entertainment coloumn such as comedy, short story, quiz, etC. To make us relaxeD.

The last, reading can also take us to other parts of the worlD. By reading a book about Irian Jaya we may feel we’re really sitting in the jungles not at home in our rooms.

From the facts above, it’s obvious that everyone needs to read to get knowledge, information and also entertainment. Or in summary we can say reading is truly important in our lifE.1.

1.Why is reading very important in our life? Because…..

A. By reading, we can get a lot of friends, relatives, experience, etc.

B. By reading, we can get little knowledge but a lot of entertainment.

C. By reading, we are always relaxed.

D. By reading, we are always happy.

E. By reading we can get a lot of knowledge, news, information and entertainment 2. If we want to get knowledge, what should we do?

A. buy a lot of books B. borrow a lot of books

C. look for newspaper and magazine D. sell and buy many expensive books

E. Read a lot of books and other printed materials.

3. What does the text tell us about?

A. The description of reading B. The function of reading C. The importance of reading D. The disadvantages of reading E. The purpose of reading

4. What is the social function of the text?

A. To tell a story

B. To describe the reader C. To entertain the reader D. To give information E. To persuade the reader


5. Paragraph ………… n the text is the thesis of the text.

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5


Penilaian Sumatif:

A. Penilaian Pengetahuan

a. Teknik penilaian : Tes tertulis

b. Bentuk instrumen :Mengisi teks rumpang, menentukan benar atau salah, mencocokkan, dan menjawab pertanyaan

c. Kisi-kisi :

No Indikator Butir Instrumen

1. Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi ungkapan untuk menawarkan pertolongan/jasa serta meresponnya (menerima dan menolak).

kegiatan Share Your Experiences.

2. Peserta didik dapat membandingkan ungkapan meminta pertolongan dengan menawarkan pertolongan.

Activity 4

3. Peserta didik dapat mengisi teks rumpang mengenai surat penawaran.

Activity 14

B. Penilaian Keterampilan a. Teknik Penilaian : Unjuk Kerja

b. Bentuk Instrumen : Tes kemampuan berbicara dan menulis.

c. Kisi-kisi:

No. Keterampilan/Indikator Butir Instrumen


1. Peserta didik dapat menggunakan ungkapan untuk menawarkan pertolongan.

Activity 6


1. Peserta didik dapat menulis surat penawaran. Activity 19

d. Konversi keterampilan membaca dan mendengarkan.

Setiap jawaban benar diberi skor 1 (satu)


Rubrik Tes Ketrampilan Menulis

No. Kriteria Performa rendah 7 Performa baik 8 Performa sangat baik 9


1. Isi Ide tidak logis, tidak teratur

Ide logis namun dengan ide pendukung yang tidak relevan.

Ide logis dengan ide pendukung yang relevan.

2. Susunan teks Tidak teratur Susunan rapih namun dengan elaborasi ide yang tidak jelas.

Susunan rapih dengan elaborasi ide yang jelas.

3. Tata bahasa Banyak kesalahan tata bahasa yang menyebabkan ketidakjelasan isi.

Hanya beberapa kealahan namun tidak

menyebabkan kesalahpahaman terhadap isi.

Sedikit kesalahan tata bahasa dan tidak

menyebabkan kesalahpahaman isi.

4. Kosakata Kosakata masih dasar, kurang tepat

kosakata berkembang

Menggunakan kosakata yang tepat.

5. Mekanis Beberapa kesalahan ejaan dan tanda baca

Hampir menggunakan kapitalisasi, tanda baca, dan ejaan yang efektif.

Menggunakan kapitalisasi, tanda baca, dan ejaan yang efektif.

6. Kerapihan dan ketepatan waktu

Tidak dapat dibaca, telat mengumpulkan

Tulisan jelas, mengumpulkan dengan tepat waktu

Tulisan rapih, mengumpulkan waktu dengan tepat.

Total skor Skor akhir = Total skor : 6


Rubrik Tes Keterampilan Berbicara No. Kriteria Performa rendah


Performa baik 8 Performa sangat baik 9


1. Pelafalan Banyak kesalahan yang berpengaruh pada pemahaman.

Dapat dipahami Seperti penutur asli

2. Intonasi Tidak ada variasi dalam intonasi

Menggunakan banyak variasi dalam intonasi

Intonasi akurat

3. Tata bahasa Banyak kesalahan tata bahasa yang menyebabkan ketidakjelasan isi.

Hanya beberapa kealahan namun tidak

menyebabkan kesalahpahaman terhadap isi.

Sedikit kesalahan tata bahasa dan tidak

menyebabkan kesalahpahaman isi.

4. Isi Gagal untuk menyampaikan ide

Dapat dipahami, menambahkan beberapa ide pendukung

Konteks tepat

Total skor Skor akhir = Total skor : 4 D. Konversi keterampilan menulis dan membaca:

Konversi Kompetensi Pengetahuan, Keterampilan dan Sikap

Predikat Nilai Kompetensi

Pengetahuan Keterampilan Sikap

A 4 4

A- 3.66 3.66 SB

B+ 3.33 3.33


B 3 3

B- 2.66 2.66


C+ 2.33 2.33


C 2 2

C- 1.66 1.66

D+ 1.33 1.33 K



https://www.kompas.com/skola/read/2020/12/29/211116369/contoh-discussion-text-tentang-covid- 19?page=all


19&safe=strict&sxsrf=ALeKk02ZdAUQ3In_CtAT9L54UHiyj0THQA:1622482111438&source=lnms&t bm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjigKDvuPTwAhWLlEsFHYLCCTgQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=128 0&bih=610&dpr=1.5




Mengetahui, Kayuagung, 11 Juli 2021 Kepala SMAN 3 Kayuagung, Guru Mata Pelajaran,


Pembina Tk.I NIP. 197903232008012011

NIP. 19741208 199903 1 00 1


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