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“Strategies in Promoting The Website of Puro Mangkunegaran Palace”.


Academic year: 2017

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in Promoting The Website of Puro

Mangkunegaran Palace”

Internship Report

Submitted to meet a part of the requirements to obtain An Ahli Madya Degree in English Language


Clarissa Nasarani


English Diploma Program Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Sebelas Maret University Surakarta




I would like to say thanks to Jesus for giving me strength in order to finish my internship program and I want to say thank you to anyone who has helped me since I started studying in Sebelas Maret University until I graduate from D3 Program of English Department, Sebelas Maret University. Therefore, I would like to give my deepest gratitudes to:

1. Dean of Faculty of Culture Sciences, Prof. Drs. Riyadi Santoso, M.Ed, Ph.D. 2. Head of English Diploma Program, Agus Dwi Priyanto S.S., M.CALL 3. My Supervisor, Fenty Kusumastuti S.S., M.Hum

4. All of my lecturers in the Faculty of Cultural Sciences.

5. All of the employees at Puro Mangkunegara Palace thank you for leading me during the internship there.

6. Angga Rafi Setiawan who has been my mentor since I started studying in Sebelas Maret University until I finish doing this final report.

7. All of my friends in D3 Program of English 2012 that always accompany me in our campus. 8. My parents, my sister and my brother who always support and remind me to do this


This final report is written to fulfill the requirement in obtaining the English Diploma Program Faculty of Culture Sciences, Sebelas Maret University.

This final report entitled “Strategies in Promoting The Website of Puro Mangkunegaran Palace” which discusses the activities while doing internship and solves the problems during internship.

I hope this final report can help the readers to get references about the strategies in promoting the website of Puro Mangkunegaran Palace.

Surakarta, 11/01/ 2017




Clarissa Nasarani 2016. Strategies in Promoting The Website of Puro Mangkunegaran Palace. English D3 program, Faculty of Culture Sciences Sebelas Maret University.

This internship report is written based on my internship activity from January 4th to March 4th 2016 as an intern at Puro Mangkunegaran Palace. The objective of this report is to know and describe the strategies in promoting the Website of Puro Mangkunegaran Palace including the problems and solutions. The intern has several activities such as doing observation, collecting data, making and designing website, and releasing and promoting website. First, the intern did observation by following class activity, escorting and handling tourist. In the class activity the interns should listen and learn the material given by the seniors of Mangkunegaran Palace. After class activity ended, the intern was asked by the senior guide to escort and handle tourists. These activities were the way to observe the information of Mangkunegaran Palace. After that the intern continued collecting data. In collecting data, the intern started writing contents (made some articles) by writing the data and information that she got in escorting activity. The intern made articles about collections of Mangkunegaran Palace. Then, the interns continued to make and design a website. The intern made a simple website, namely



Chapter 1 Introduction ... 1

Chapter 2 Puro Mangkunegaran Palace Profile ... 4

Short History of Mangkunegaran Palace ... 4

The Management of Mangkunegaran Palace ... 5

Attractions in Mangkumegaran Palace ... 6

Chapter 3 Internship Activities ... 10

Observation ... 11

Activities in General ... 10

Class Activity ... 11

Escorting and Handling... 11

Collecting Data ... 12

Write Content ... 12

Making and Designing Website ... 12

Releasing and Promoting Website ... 13

Brochure and Travel Agent ... 13

By Private Social Media... 13



Problems and Solution during Internship ... 14

Problem in Observation ... 14

Problem in Writing Contents ... 14

Problem in Design and Making Website ... 14

Chapter 4 Conclusion and Recommendation ... 15

Conclusion ... 15

Recommendation ... 15



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