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(Exploratory Study in Speak Up! English Course Bandung)


Submitted to English Department of FPBS UPI Bandung as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Sarjana Pendidikan Degree


Dewi Syntiawati R










Dewi Syntiawati Rahayu

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

© Dewi Syntiawati Rahayu 2013 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Juni 2013




(Exploratory Study in Speak Up! English Course Bandung)

A Research Paper By

Dewi Syntiawati R 0601933

Main Supervisor,

Bachrudin Musthafa, M.A.,Ph.D. NIP. 195703101987031001


M. Handi Gunawan, S.Pd.,M.Pd NIP. 197301132229121002

Head of English Education Department Faculty of Language and Art Education

Indonesia University of Education



Reading is one of the skills taught in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom. Reading is one of the most fundamental skill that are inquired in learning language as it influences other general language skills like speaking, listening and writing (Mikulecky, 2004). This research introduces Language Experience Approach (commonly abbreviated as LEA) in teaching reading for young learners. The aims of this research were to find out the improvement of students’ reading motivation after teacher implementing Language Experience Approach and to reveal teacher and students’ responses toward the use of Language Experience Approach in teaching reading.

This exploratory research was conducted at one of English course in Bandung and 6 students participated in the research. Observation, questionnaire and interview were employed to gain the data. The data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively.

The findings of this research showed that: 1) Language Experience Approach helped students improve their reading motivation and comprehension; 2) the teacher responded positively toward the use of Language Experience Approach and 3) the students showed positive attitude and higher motivation in learning process. The results of this research confirm the researches by Wurr (2002) and Curran (2007) from United States and Musthafa (2010) and Suparti (2008) from Indonesia, which stress the advantages of implementing Language Experience Approach in teaching reading for young learners.



Membacaadalahsalahsatukemampuan yang

diajarkandalambelajarBahasaInggrissebagaiBahasaAsingdalamkelas.Membacaadalahsalahsatuke mapuanmendasar yang sangatdibutuhkandalammempelajaribahasa yang mempengaruhikemampuanberbahasalain, sepertiberbicara, mendengarkandanmenulis (Mikulecky, 2004). Penelitianinimemperkenalkan Language Experience Approach

(biasadisingkatsebagai LEA)

dalammengajarkanmembacabagisiswasekolahdasar.Tujuanpenelitianiniadalahuntukmelihatpenin gkatanmotivasidalammembacabagisiswasekolahdasarsetelah guru menerapkan Language Experience Approach danmelihatrespon guru dansiswaterhadappenggunaan Language Experience Approach dalampengajaranmembaca.

Penelitiandenganmenggunakaneksploratoristudiinidilakukan di sebuakkursusBahasaInggris di Bandung denganmengikutsertakan6 orangsiswa. Teknik yang digunakanuntukpengumpulan

data adalahobservasi, kuesioner, danwawancara.Data yang


Hasildaripenelitianinimenunjukkanbahwa: 1) Language Experience Approach membantusiswameningkatkanmotivasimembacadanpemahamansiswa,; 2) guru memberiresponpositifterhadappenggunaan Language Experience Approach dalampengajaranmembaca; dan 3) siswamenunjukkanperilakupositifdanmotivasimembaca yang lebihtinggiselama prose pembelajaran. Hsildaripenelitianiniseiringdenganpenelitian yang dilakukanolehWurr (2002) dan Curran (2007) dariAmerikaSerikatsertaMusthafa (2010) danSuparti (2008) dari Indonesia, yang menekankanpadakelebihanpenggunaan Language Experience Approach dalampengajaranmembacabagisiswa.








1.1 Background ... 1

1.2 Research Questions ... 4

1.3 Aims of the Research ... 4

1.4 Significance of Research ... 4

1.5 The Scope of the Research ... 6

1.6 Clarification of Terms ... 6

1.7 Organization of the Paper ... 7


2.1 Definition of Language Experience Approach ... 8

2.2 Principles of Language Experience Approach ... 11

2.3 Implementation of Language Experience Approach in Classroom ... 13

2.4 The Strength of Language Experience Approach... 15


2.6 Teacher and Students Role in Language Experience Approach ... 18

2.7 Summary ... 19


3.1 Research Method ... 20

3.2 Site and participants ... 21

3.3 Data Collection ... 21

3.3.1 Observation ... 22

3.3.2 Interview ... 22

3.3.3 Questionnaire ... 24

3.4 Data Analysis ... 25

3.4.1 Data Analysis from Observation ... 25

3.4.2 Data Analysis from Interview ... 26

3.4.3 Data Analysis from Questionnaire... 26

3.5 Summary ... 27


4.1 The Use of Language Experience Approach in helping Students Improve Their Reading Comprehension ... 28

4.1.1 Data and Discussion from Observation ... 29


4.1.2 Data and Discussion from Questionnaire ... 37

4.1.3 Data and Discussion from Interview ... 38

4.2 The Teacher’s Responses toward the Use of Language Experience Approach in Teaching Reading for Young Learners ... 39

4.2.1 Data and Interpretation from Questionnaire ... 40

4.2.2 Data and Interpretation from Observation ... 41 Teacher’s Responses toward the Benefits of Language Experience Approach ... 41 Teacher’s Responses toward the Activities of Language Experience Approach ... 42 Teacher’s Responses toward the Lesson Content of Language Experience Approach ... 44 Teacher’s Responses toward the Weakness of Language Experience Approach ... 46

4.2.3 Data and Interpretation from Interview ... 47

4.3 The Students’ Responses toward the Use of Language Experience Approach in Teaching Reading for Young Learners ... 49

4.3.1 Data and Interpretation from Observation ... 50

4.3.2 Data and Interpretation from Questionnaire ... 52


4.4 Summary ... 54


5.1 Conclusions ... 55

5.2 Suggestions ... 56





Appendix A Teaching Instrument

Appendix B Research Instrument

Appendix C Profiles of Observers and Raters




This chapter presents as an introduction of the research paper, which describes the background of the research, research question, purposes of the research, scope of the research, research methodology, and definition of key terms and organization of the paper.

1.1 Background

Reading plays an important role in learning a foreign language. Through reading people can have understanding or meanings carried by particular choice of words in a particular context (Davis, 2008).

In education context, Mikulecky (2004) states that reading does not only help students to get more knowledge or information gathered from reading sources, but also force them to think in English, build their vocabulary, improve writing skill and help them to find out about ideas, facts and experiences. Mikulecky emphasizes reading is one of the most fundamental skill that are inquired in a learning a language as it influences other general language skills like speaking, listening and writing.


skill and knowledge of the world. The readers are not only taking information, but also use and relate their experiences and knowledge about language system, literacy convention, and their general assumptions about the world to make sense of the text. Therefore, whether the readers realize or not, they create their own version of the text.

In relation to the English language learning, teaching reading is an important issue because reading comprehension will give a big influence on the other skills (listening, writing, and speaking). Teaching reading for young learners is not an easy thing, teacher should have certain abilities and strategies in delivering the message from the text to the students.

As a child responds at successively higher levels of abstractions to his environment he is involved in a dual process of internally assimilating new information derived from a widening array of external experience, while at the same time accommodating his own behavior to this expanding world of his conception (Piaget cited in Harker, 1981: 59). Based on that explanation, students’ prior knowledge from environment and experiences help them to gain the information from the text they read. Regarding to the discussion as explained above, Language Experience Approach is one of a good alternative way in teaching reading for young learners. LEA can be used in the classroom in many different ways but it is finding the approach that best suits the students’ learning


More than 50 decades of research shows that Language Experience Approach is an effective instructional strategy to use for beginning native English-speaking readers. The main idea of Language Experience Approach that most sources agree upon are that Language Experience Approach uses students’ experiences and language, it is useful for pre-reading and beginning reading instruction; and the primary goal of Language Experience Approach framework to develop the ability to communicate in all aspects of language including speaking, listening, reading and writing (Stauffer, 1970; Dixon and Nessel, 1983; Hall, 1981; Heller, 1988; Hildreth, 1983; Musthafa, 1987; Savage, 1992)

There are some reasons of using Language Experience Approach as an alternative teaching reading method for young learners (Stauffer, 1970). First, it supports developmentally appropriate instruction for children. Second, it supports balanced instruction that includes the reading and writing of authentic texts together with explicit strategy instruction. Third, it fosters integrated learning. The last, it combines all the components of the teaching learning.


1.2 Research Questions

This study is intended to find out the answer to the following questions: 1. How does Language Experience Approach help students improve their

reading motivation and comprehension?

2. What is the teacher’s response toward her experiences in teaching with Language Experience Approach?

3. What are the students’ responses toward their experiences in learning with Language Experience Approach?

1.3 Aims of the Research

Relevant to the research questions above, the study aims to:

1. Find out how Language Experience Approach helps students improve their reading motivation and comprehension.

2. Find out teacher’s response toward the use of Language Experience Approach in teaching reading for young learners.

3. Find out students’ responses toward the use of Language Experience Approach in teaching reading for young learners.

1.4 Significance of the Research


a. Theoretical Significance

Theoretically, this research enriches the literature or theories related to the Language Experience Approach as teaching reading method and teacher and students’ responses in the implementation of Language Experience Approach

in teaching learning process.

b. Practical Significance

Practically, this research provides some information for the practitioners especially for English teachers in conducting and facilitating better learning of English learning, to encourage the students to participate in teaching-learning process.

c. Professional Significance

Professionally, this research provides information for English teachers, as they will particularly get advantage from this research. The findings will be an eye-opener and forward-reference to use appropriate teaching method to improve EFL classroom interaction. In addition, the findings of this research are expected to be another alternative way of improving students’ motivation


1.5 Scope of the Research

In this research, there are two terms that serve as the limitation of the problems. First, this research focuses on investigating and describing the teaching and learning English in reading to Junior Talk Level students of Speak Up! English Course Bandung. It is specified only to describe the implementation of Language Experiance Approach in teaching reading that is experienced by the teacher and students in the classroom.

1.6 Clarification of Terms

a. Language Experience Approach: A method, initially proposed by Allen (1964), to reading instruction based on activities and stories developed from personal experiences of the learner.

b. Motivation : Motivation refers to reasons that underlie behavior that is characterized by willingness and volition (Lai, 2011)


1.7 Organization of the paper

This paper is presented into five chapters, as follow:

CHAPTER I : introduces the problem discussed in this paper. It consists

of background, statement of problem, aims of the study, significance of the research, scope of the research, clarification of terms, and paper organization.

CHAPTER II : presents related theories and literature. They are

definition, basic principles, applications, procedures and the implementation of Language Experience Approach in teaching reading.

CHAPTER III : explains the methodology or research design used by the

researcher, which includes research design, site, participant, research instruments, data collection and data analysis

CHAPTER IV : explains the findings and the discussion of this study.

CHAPTER V : presents conclusion of the study and also contains some




This chapter presents detailed discussion of methodology of this study. The discussion begins with identifying the research method used in this research and the reasons underlying it. Next, the site, respondent and data collection techniques covering questionnaire, interview and observation were discussed. Finally, data analysis techniques were also presented in this chapter.

3.1 Research Method


3.2 Sites and Participant

The subjects of this research were Junior Talk students of Speak Up! English Course, Bandung. There were several reasons why the researcher chose them as the subjects of this research. First, it is an informal institution that accepts the use of new strategies in order to achieve the best goal of learning language. Second, it provides proper facilities to support the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Third, it has a good teaching syllabus as guidance in teaching learning process based on the four skills that the students must have. The last, it has few students in each class. It helps the researcher apply this approach, besides the teacher is very flexible and supportive. It helps the researcher share knowledge about Language Experience Approach. Based on these facts, the researcher chose Junior Talk students of Speak Up! English Course Bandung to find out how far they pay attention to their own reading skill.

3.3 Data Collection Techniques


3.3.1 Observation

Observation was used in this research as it is possible to record behavior as it is happening (Merriam, 1991). Data from observation were obtained from researcher’s field notes before and during application of Language Experience

Approach. The researcher’s notes can be seen in Appendix B.

.The observation was conducted in twelve meetings. It was started from 26th October 2011 and finished on 5th December 2011. The researcher acted as non-participant observer who did not get involved in the activity (Fraenkel and Wallen, 1990)

Things happening during the teaching learning process by using Language Experience Approach were recorded in researcher’s field notes. Observation helps

researcher increase her sensitivity to the class and also gives effect and influence for students (Allwright, 1988 as cited in Emilia, 2005).

3.3.2 Interview

Interview sessions were conducted with different respondents in different times. The purpose of the interviews was to capture precise data of a code able nature so as to explain behavior within pre-established categories, whereas the latter attempts was to understand the complex behavior of members in society without enforcing any priori categorization that may limit the field of research (Fontana and Frey 2005, pp. 706).


five-minute interview and held before the implementing of Language Experience Approach. It was intended to find out teacher’s strategy in teaching reading and gain more information of Language Experience Approach. The second interview was a thirty-minute interview and held during the implementation of Language Experience Approach. It was aimed to gain teacher’s responses toward the use of Language Experience Approach in the classroom. The last interview was a thirty-minute interview and held after the research finished. It was aimed to gain more of teacher’s responses about the weakness, strength and suggestion in

encountering the problem of implementing Language Experience Approach in the classroom.

The interview to the students was conducted twice by using semi structured-interview with open-ended questions. The structured-interviews were aimed to gain students’ responses before and after the implementation of language Experience Approach in the classroom.

Semi structured type of interview was employed in this research to explore as depth as possible the respondents’ experiences, views or feelings although the


3.3.3 Questionnaire

Questionnaires were administered to acquire additional information related to teacher and students’ view and response toward the use of Language

Experience Approach. The questionnaires were also conducted to find out the strengths and weaknesses of using Language Experience Approach as a teaching method..

There were differences in the questionnaires for teacher and students. The questionnaires for teachers used open-ended questionnaire type. It was aimed to discover teachers’ information about Language Experiance Approach and other

teaching reading methods they apply.

Researcher used different types of questionnaire to teacher and students. The questionnaire for teacher used open-ended questionnaire. Open-ended questionnaire was intended to get factual information, explain a prior knowledge and establish knowledge (Ballou, 2011).

Researcher used closed-ended questionnaire type for students. Colorado State University (2001) suggests closed-ended questions to be more specific, thus more likely to communicate similar meanings and focus on the problems. The respondent marked Y (Ya) if they agree, K (Kadang) if they do not sure about the answer and T (Tidak) if they do not agree. The questionnaire also used to show students’ response toward the strengths and weaknesses of Language Experience


Questionnaire was good to ask feedback to promote higher validity, the researcher asked feedback from the supervisors. It was aimed to check the validity of the questionnaires (Alwasilah, 2002)

3.4 Data Analysis

The data were analyzed qualitatively supported with quantitative data to answer the research questions. The qualitative data gathered from interview and observation. However, the data gathered from questionnaire were analyzed quantitatively. Since this research applied several data collection techniques, the triangulation is used to analyze the data.Triangulation has several advantages. These advantages are: (1) to reduce the limitation in some certain methods and data source, (2) to increase the validity of the conclusion so that it results in broader coverage (Alwasilah, 2009). Data analysis of each technique will be explained below:

3.4.1 Observation

The data gained from observation were recorded into field notes and analyzed in order to explore the implementation of Language Experience Approach as a method in teaching reading for young learners. The teacher’s and

students’ response toward the implementation of Language Experience Approach


1. Record complete events happened in the classroom into notes which recorded teacher’s preparation, the presentation of material, students’ activities and

interaction between teacher and students during the teaching process.

2. Analyze and interpret the information about teacher and students’ responses and activities related with the research questions

3.4.2 Interview

The data from interview were gained from the voice record. In analyzing the data, the researcher used these steps:

1. Transcribing the data from interview into written text.

2. Analyzing the data from the interview into teacher and students’ response, opinion and suggestion toward the implementation of Language Experience Approach as a teaching method.

3. Interpreting the data addressed to the research questions.

3.4.3 Questionnaire

The open-ended questionnaire from teacher was analyzed descriptively. In analyzing the data, the researcher used these steps:

1. Classifying the data from the questionnaire. 2. Analyzing the data from the questionnaire.


The close-ended questionnaires are analyzed by using the percentage formula. The data is interpreted based on the students’ answer. The formula of

percentage for calculating the question is:

(Ridwan: 2009, cited in Rakhmawati : 2010) Where : P = percentage

fo = frequency observed n = number of sample

3.5 Summary

This chapter discussed the research method of data collection in this study. This study found out how Language Experience Approach can improve students’

motivation and comprehension in reading and teacher and students’ responses toward the implementation of Language Experience Approach as a teaching method. Exploratory qualitative study was used as the design in this study. This study was conducted in 7 weeks to 6 students in one of English course in Bandung. Therefore, interview, observation and questionnaire were used as the data collection. The data analyzed qualitatively supported with quantitative data. Thus, the findings will be discussed in the chapter IV.




This chapter presents the conclusion drawn from the results of the research. Some suggestions are also revealed for the next similar researches.

5.1 Conclusions

According to the findings and discussions of the research, several conclusions can be drawn as follows:

1.The data found in this study support previous research that Language Experience Approach improves students’ reading motivation and comprehension (Decker, 2007; Wanis, 2007; Milner, 2008; Curran, 2008)

2.Language Experience Approach offers many benefits both for teacher and students. Teacher not only has effective time to asses students’ language ability, but also has chance to improve her teaching qualify through the implementation of Language Experience Approach. On the other hand, students’ have chance to express and perform their ideas and experience in language learning. Students also get comfortable and enjoyable activities during the implementation of Language Experience Approach.


4.Another problem that teacher faced in dealing with Language Experience Approach was how to manage time allocation to procedure of Language Experience Approach.

5.The major problem that the students faced in dealing with Language Experience Approach was how to understand difficult theme for material which was not familiar with students especially for low-achiever learners.

V.2 Suggestions

There are several suggestions that might be useful for the teacher and further researchers. Those suggestions are proposed as follows:

1. For teacher, the teacher has to make good preparation before teaching process. Teacher also has to design important and interesting activities to support Language Experience Approach method. In doing so, the activities should be relevant with their needs and capabilities. Teacher has to pay more attention to determine and manage time allocation in using Language Experience Approach in order to make conducive and effective learning process. Besides, teacher has to learn how to be good facilitator and improve her teaching quality.



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