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THESIS Submitted as a Partial Fulfilment of Requirenments for the Sarjana Sastra Degree of English Department Arranged by: GALUH LANIDA QORYVITA C 1306046


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Submitted as a Partial Fulfilment of Requirenments for the Sarjana Sastra Degree of English Department

Arranged by:


C 1306046





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Name : Galuh Lanida Qoryvita Number : C1306046

The researcher states that this thesis entitled The Images of Mrs.O as American

First Lady Reflected by Her Fashion Style is neither a plagiarism nor made by

others. It is originally made by the researcher. All theories and materials taken from other sources are put in direct quotation and paraphrased citation. The researcher is fully responsible for the pronouncement and if this is proven to be wrong, the researcher is willing to take any responsible actions given by Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

Surakarta, June 28, 2011 The Researcher,


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A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues. (Cicero)

Powerful Dreams Inspire Powerful Action. (Jonathan Lockwood Huie)

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything (anonymous)


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I dedicated this thesis to:

my beloved father and mother


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Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Allah SWT,

the one and the almighty for giving me the wonderful things and guidance in

finishing this thesis. My gratitude also for all those who gave me a lot of

contributions in completing this thesis, especially for:

1. Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed, Ph.D, The Dean of Faculty of Letters and Fine

Arts, for the approval of this thesis.

2. Drs. Budi Waskito, M.Pd, The Head of English Department Non Regular

program, for the approval and permition in writing this thesis.

3. Nani Sukarni, MS, The Thesis consultant, for giving me directions, advices,

and support in finishing this thesis. Thanks for your patience mam, your

guidance helped me in all the time of writing this thesis.

4. Ida Kusuma Dewi, S.S, M.A, The Academic Consultant, for advices and care.

5. All English Department Lecturers, for giving me lots of knowledges.

6. My parents, Mr. Hadi and Mrs.Yayuk, for giving birth to me and supporting

me spiritually during my life. You are the best partners in my life... I ♥you!

7. My sister (Dini) and her family, for the support and for giving me a lovely

niece, “the cutest Hasna”.

8. My big family, for being the part of my life.

9. Zaki and his family, for the attention. I owe to you! May Allah save you and


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10.My ladies “Pandewi”. Ika, Karin, Gabby and Noni who helped and

encouraged me during my time. Thank you so much gals! I’m going to miss

every single moment of us (karaoke with free pass, hang out with a glass of

ice tea and the annual birthday surprise!) I ♥you all! 

11.My fellows in ED Non-Reg’06. Ludmi, Jiryan, Yudha “jegrik”, Yudha

“pinky”, Oscar, Sayi, Adhitya, Reo, and Septian, for your tolerance, good

humour, and insight added. Actually, I really don’t want to sever our

togetherness guys... 

12.My fellows in Senior High School. Asti, Fafa, Fatma, Ayu, Galih, Yudhan,

Fikri, and Alif, for sharing your great experiences with me.

13.My Family of ED Non-Reg’06. Wibi, Agung, Ichwan, Kiki, Rosyid, Ulung,

Richa, Rury, Ratna, Tika, Tychan, Endang, Mimah, Atun, Nova, Dewi, Berlin,

Gunung, and others (sorry guys if I cannot mention your name one by one. It

could make my hand be kinky if I do that. Hahah! The point is I ♥ u all



going to miss our great time in getting “Buber” in my home!

Surakarta, June 2011


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3.1.1 Cheerful and Comfy ……… 61

3.1.2 Feminine ….………..… 70

3.1.3 Classic and Elegant ……….. 86

3.1.4 Smart and Influential …………..………. 101


4.2 Recommendation ……….. 118 BIBLIOGRAPHY


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Galuh Lanida Qoryvita. C1306046. 2011. The Images of Mrs.O as American First Lady Reflected by Her Fashion Style. Undergraduate Thesis. Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas Maret University.

This research was conducted in order to find the images of Mrs.O as the

first African-American First Lady. Related to her role as the US President’s

spouse, specifically, this research aimed to find out how Mrs.O constructs her images to send the messages which lay behind her programs to American Society through her fashion style.

The research was conducted within the boundaries of American Studies. To gather the needed data, descriptive qualitative was used as the type of research.

The main data were taken from official websites:

http://firstladyofstyle.blogspot.com/ and http://mrs-o.org/ in the range time from November 2008 until August 2010. Then, the supporting data were taken from some additional information about the related topic such as books, websites, magazines, journals and articles.

As the method of data collection, the process is started by observing the pictures of Michelle Obama gained from the source of data of main data which are collected, then wrote down some important parts which related to the problem that will be analyzed. As the technique of analyzing data, the process is started by classifying the data from the main data which are collected, analyzing the data by using some theories and approaches, then explaining the data to get the result.

By using the recent data and knowledge about the images of Mrs.O as

the American First Lady, it is found that Mrs.O’s constructed images are the

crucial things in helping her to send the messages which lay behind her programs as American First Lady to the American society. It is because these constructed images give tremendous effect to Mrs.O in creating strategy to gain the public attention so that they understand what the messages behind her programs easily. The constructed images of American First Lady are the construction of stereotype

which relates to the society’s beliefs and values. Thus, it must be based on the

cultural mindset in order to get recognition from the American society.

The principal conclusion was Mrs.O’s constructed style functions to help



This research was conducted in order to find the images of Mrs.O as the first African-American First Lady. Related to her role as the US President’s spouse, specifically, this research aimed to find out how Mrs.O constructs her images to send the messages which lay behind her programs to American Society through her fashion style.

The research was conducted within the boundaries of American Studies. To gather the needed data, descriptive qualitative was used as the type of research. The main data were taken from official websites: http://firstladyofstyle.blogspot.com/ and http://mrs-o.org/ in the range time from November 2008 until August 2010. Then, the supporting data were taken from some additional information about the related topic such as books, websites, magazines, journals and articles.

As the method of data collection, the process is started by observing the pictures of Michelle Obama gained from the source of data of main data which are collected, then wrote down some important parts which related to the problem that will be analyzed. As the technique of analyzing data, the process is started by classifying the data from the main data which are collected, analyzing the data by using some theories and approaches, then explaining the data to get the result.

By using the recent data and knowledge about the images of Mrs.O as the American First Lady, it is found that Mrs.O’s constructed


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images are the crucial things in helping her to send the messages which lay behind her programs as American First Lady to the American society. It is because these constructed images give tremendous effect to Mrs.O in creating strategy to gain the public attention so that they understand what the messages behind her programs easily. The constructed images of American First Lady are the construction of stereotype which relates to the society’s beliefs and values. Thus, it must be based on the cultural mindset in order to get recognition from the American society.


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Fashion is closely related to women’s life, and it seems to be an

important thing because it is considered as the reflection of their identity. The role

of women in the peresent day diverse to the role of women in the past; nowadays,

women are not purely spending their time just to ensure their home life, but also

their economic feature, and how women view and value their bodies has changed

over time. Women have multi-position; thus, they need efforts to adjust their

environments, both home environment and working environment. Sukolo (a

master of Fashion Design, CREAPOLE-ESDI, France) stated that women are

more complex than men, they do many activities and variant tasks in their daily

live. Thus, it makes their personality grow up and consequently they need proper

style which is suitable with their multi-position (Sukolo, 2009, p.34). Living in

this modern era, women are expected to be able to explore their individuality and

looking attractive (Barker, 2000, p.314. Therefore, in conducting her role in this

modern life, women still has a burden to be attractive.

America is one of modern and popular countries. Many issues happen in

America could be something which is proper to discuss, and cannot be missed.

One of the latest great issues is about the first African-American First Lady,

Michelle Obama or usually called as Mrs.O. Since the inaugural ceremony of her

husband, Barrack Obama as the 44th President of the United States on January


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20th, 2009, consequently the fact of her race becomes more concrete and her

fashion becomes public’s concern. Braithwaite (an ardent follower of fashion and

style) gives an opinion that Mrs.O’s fashion sense became the panacea for dealing

with the stereotypes that surrounded her race and gender (

http://www.inter-disciplinary.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/alisapaper.pdf accessed on

Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 12:13 AM).

Mrs.O has to devote her image as a black people or First lady. Whether

she would be popular or not, it depends on her efforts in attracting public

attention. Related to her fashion style as American First Lady, in comparison to

the former First Lady, many people have compared her to Jackie Kennedy. Mihai

(a Vancouver-based Human Resources Manager, management coach and

freelance writer) states “in all fairness, some of their fashion choices seem quite

similar, which makes it entirely credible that Michelle may in fact be getting some

of her inspiration from Jackie’s wardrobe” (Mihai as cited in


accessed on Sunday, August 21, 2011, 08:10 PM). Constructing her fashion style

as American First Lady, Mrs.O seems follow the way how Jackie constructs her

fashion style, it can be seen from Mrs.O’s choices of style which seem quite

similar to Jackie Kennedy. Having great sense in fashion as the same the former

First Ladies, such as Jackie Kennedy, surprisingly in the beginning of her debut as

American First Lady, Mrs.O got the recognition from American fashion

magazine, Vogue, which introduces her to be one of Vogue top 20 best dressed


(http://www.glamourvanity.com/celebrities/vogue-names-20-best-commit to user

dressed-women-of-2009/ accessed on Monday, October 1, 2010, 06:52 PM), and

historically only Hillary Clinton and now Michelle have ever made the cover of

Vogue Magazine. From this condition, it seems that Mrs.O has got her success in

constructing her attractiveness as African-American First Lady as the same as the

former White-American First Ladies through her fashion style.

Being American First Lady in the present day, everything about Mrs.O

represents the modern life. She is post-feminist woman: she is clever,

independently minded, and attractive (Vine in The Times as cited in


e5086230.ece accessed on Monday, August 21, 2011, 09:50 PM). Therefore, in

conducting her roles, Mrs.O is expected to have good performance, good

intelligence and good manner because she has a burden to be a representation of

the president, American society, and country. Labeled as African-American First

Lady, consequently she is going to be an American outlook because her life closes

to the public and everything which is linked with her life will be nice issue to

discuss; therefore to face the public and gain their attention, Mrs.O is expected to

be attractive. Attractiveness can be constructed by physical appearance, such as

fashion style. Fashion itself functions to gain public image which actually has an

important role in constructing certain identity that attracts others. Moreover,

fashion has a contribution to send messages in the society, as what Barnard stated

that intuitively fashion and clothes can illustrate that people want to send their

message (Barnard, p.42). Mrs.O is the example of women who uses her fashion


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Lady. Through her constructed style, Mrs.O could enlighten her personality and

provide public mindset to build her images. In other words, fashion gives chance

to Mrs.O to build her image as the African-American First Lady.

Related to the strategy in helping American society to understand about

what messages inside her programs easily, Mrs.O uses her attractiveness and her

images which are constructed by her fashion style to send those messages. In

revealing and succeding her significant programs, Mrs.O tries to alter her

constructed images to be the strategy to send messages which lay behind her

programs to American society. In other words, Mrs.O tries to use her

attractiveness as African-American First Lady to grab public attention and her

images to send the messages of her programs to American society so that the

programs could run well. From this condition, the main question around is could

Mrs.O’s constructed images which are reflected by her fashion style represent her


In summary, it can be said that the relation between women, fashion and

image is close. Therefore, the researcher wants to describe the constructed images

of Mrs.O as the first African-American First Lady related to her role in

succeeding her programs to American society through her fashion style. Mrs.O is

able to get recognition because her fashion sense is able to construct her image to

be an attractive African-American First Lady like the former White-American

First Ladies. By her appearance, it seems that Mrs.O has got her success in

constructing her images to represent her messages and conveying American


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The research investigates how Mrs.O constructs her images through her

fashion style to represent her messages and her attractiveness as the

African-American First Lady. By analyzing Mrs.O’s images, it opens our understanding

on how fashion works in constructing images which function to send messages

and how fashion could build attractiveness to grab public attention. The researcher

believes that by combining Mrs.O with her fashion style, it will reveal the

construction of Mrs.O images as African-American First Lady which function to

send messages behind her programs to American society. In other words, it can be

said that this research is interesting to analyze because it was talking about the

African-American First Lady’s fashion style which function to construct her

images to send messages in the society and her attractiveness as the same as the

former White-American First Ladies to grab public attention.

B.Scope of the study

In accordance with the theme of the study, this research is focused on the

main object of the study of American fashion style. The goal of this research is to

find out how Mrs.O’s images as American First Lady are constructed through her

fashion style to send the messages which lay behind her programs. In other words,

the study was only exploring about the images of Mrs.O as the first

African-American First Lady which are constructed by her fashion style as what described

through some pictures in http://firstladyofstyle.blogspot.com/ and


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1. What images and messages does Mrs.O want to show as American First Lady

through her fashion style?

D. Objective

The objective of the research was to find out the images and messages of

Mrs.O as the first African-American First Lady which are reflected by her fashion


E. Research Significance

From the topic above, the main purpose of this research are:

1. Theoretical purpose

In theory, this research has purpose to build the reader outlook up in giving

images to Mrs.O as American First Lady through her fashion style.

2. Practical Purpose

This research has purpose to attract people interest toward fashion which is

brought by African-American First Lady, the historic American First Lady and

the new American Fashion Icon.

F. Research Methodology

1. Research Type and Design

This research was descriptive-qualitative research. It is a type of research


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characteristics and relations among the phenomenon which are observed (Nazir,

1998, p.63). Qualitative research is related to verbal data, not quantitative,

statistic, or numeral data (ibid). It is stressed on the meaning, definition of certain

situation (certain context), and more concern in examining something which

related to daily activities.

This research used qualitative method because it relates to verbal data,

not the quantitative, statistic or numeral data. This research was also a library

research because in the technique of collecting data, the main data were collected

from the online magazines, official website, journals and articles. After collecting

the data, the researcher wrote down the significant evidences, quotations,

important ideas, that were found from those data.

The next step is selecting the data; it was based on the problem statement

which was analyzed by applying the theories and approaches that were used in

this research.

2. Data and Source of Data

In this research, there are two kinds of data which can be obtained to

support the analysis, the main data and the supporting data. As the main data of

this research, it can be obtained mostly from the pictures of Mrs.O in some

official websites: http://firstladyofstyle.blogspot.com/ and http://mrs-o.org/.

Considering those main data concern about Michelle Obama and her fashion, thus


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Lady reflected by her fashion style. The data w ere taken from November 2008

until August 2010.

Supporting data is analyzed to support the main data and obtain the facts

about Mrs.O’s fashion style. It is collected from some official websites about

fashion. In this research, as the supporting data, the researcher took some

additional information about the related topic, included some techniques and some

terms from books, websites, magazines, journals and articles to support the

research; the whole things which have the same characteristic as the basic to draw

a conclusion. Population of this research are some official websites of Michelle’s

fashion style.

Sample is a part of population which functions to be an example or

master which is taken in certain way (certain technique), and should be

representative. Arikunto stated that

Sampel adalah sebagian atau wakil dari keseluruhan objek yang diteliti. Pengambilan sampel harus dilaksanakan sedemikian rupa sehingga diperoleh sampel yang benar-benar dapat berfungsi sebagai contoh, atau dengan kata lain sampel harus representatif (Arikunto, 1988, p.23). Based on sample explanation above, the researcher took the pictures of Michelle


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http://firstladyofstyle.blogspot.com/ and http://mrs-o.org/ as the sample of the

research because there are many representative pictures inside. Representative

picture itself means the pictures of Mrs.O’s fashion style that she wore in several

events related to her programs she planned as American First Lady.

4. Method of Data Collection

This method of data collection took something or someone to be the data

of the research. Hadi (1989, p.66) stated that the technique of data collection is the

techniques which are used to collect data in the research.

As the method of data collection, the researcher observed the main data

and the supporting data, which are mostly from official websites, books, articles,

and journals. It is started by observing the pictures of Mrs.O gained from the main

data which are collected, then write down some important parts which related to

the problem that will be analyzed.

5. Technique of Analyzing data

In analyzing the data, the problem statement will be analyzed through

these steps:

1. Classification of the data

In this step, the data of research are collected and classified based on the

problem statement which was conducted.

2. Analyzing the data


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3. Explaining the data

In this step, the results of analysis are explained to get the result of the


Those steps above function to find the images of Mrs.O which are

build by her fashion style to send the messages which lay behind her programs

as the American First Lady.

G. Theoretical Approach

This research is focused on American studies, which means that this

research uses American studies as the structure. It becomes the effort to view any

given subject of investigation from an interdisciplinary perspective of American

experiences, including social, political, historical, and cultural dimensions of the

United States. It is also a study about culture; culture itself means a pattern of

society life, which becomes knowledge about attitude in our life.

The topic of this research is analyzing the images of Mrs.O in Popular

Culture. Popular Culture itself is the products of human work and thought that are

accepted and approved by a large community or population (Nachbar&Lause,

1992, p.14). What can be mentioned as popular product is not merely the product

which is popular in the present time, but also popular in certain time in past.

Mrs.O’s images embody the Americans beliefs and values; therefore, she belongs

to the product of popular culture.

Nowadays, Fashion seems impossible to be ignored. Fashion is one of


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known within global popular culture; year by year trend of fashion would alter

throughout each generation, but its progress happens in different places around the

world, between one country and another has their own fashion style. Trend setter

is one of the main aspects of fashion progress, they continuously working to

expand fashion. If their attire is popular and able to attract the societies,

consequently it leads to them being recognized globally.

Fashion can build image, through fashion people can illustrate their

identities from what they wore and how they construct their style. In connection

to this topic, since the data of the research are mostly in the form of pictures

which contain of color system and sign which functions to communicate the

ideas by means of message, therefore semiotics theory was needed to analyze and

understand every kind of those signs.

Semiotic approach is a tool which is used to analyze the data. The term

Semiotic comes from Greece language, seme in Semeiotikos which means the

interpretation of sign. Sign do many more things than merely refer, we briefly

examined a few common situations in which sign are used, and saw that in some

of these the referential functions is not even necessarily an important part of what

the sign does (Thwaites and Davis, 1994, p.25). In this research, semiotics theory

was applied in order to make an understanding about every sign occur in Mrs.O’s

fashion style so that it could find out the images of Mrs.O as the

African-American First Lady and messages which lay behind her fashion style.

Socio-Culture is the actions chosen to show people’s identity. It could be


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are at sports. These factors belong to culture which show that people could

influence others through such simple things. (http://socio-culture1.0.tripod.com/

accessed on Sunday, August 21, 2011, 08:10 PM). Fashion is one of American

culture products which is considered to be an important role to define someone’s

identity in the society. Fashion and image have close relationship with

socio-culture approach since the approach mainly explores the way people act based on

their environment to build their identity and images to influence others.

Socio-cultural approach is also needed in conducting this research since

the main topic is about images which function to send messages in the society.

Here, fashion and image have great influence toward American society; fashion

has shaped the way of thinking about image and its influence to the American

society. In this research the socio-cultural approach is applied in order to explore

the great influence of the first African-American First Lady’s fashion style toward

American society related to her strategy in sending messages behind her programs

she planned as American First Lady

Talking about women and her role in the society, it cannot be separated

from gender issue and post-feminism which has given many contributions to the

life of women today. Adriaens (a researcher at the Department of Communication

Studies at Ghent University) states

“Post feminism is a new form of empowerment and independence, individual

choice, (sexual) pleasure, consumer culture, fashion, hybridism, humor, and the renewed focus on the female body can be considered fundamental for this

contemporary feminism” (Adriaens as cited in


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So it is clearly seen that nowadays feminism is over; it seems unneeded because

women’s equality has been achieved. Feminism changed to be post-feminism

which can be defined as the freedom of women in selecting their choice which

significantly has ability to satisfy themselves. Post-feminism has brought women

to be equal to men and independence. Women today have more choice than men,

they also have right to choose their own choice without any restrictions from

others. In other words, Post-Feminism expects women to be able to define

themselves as individuals.

Post-feminism theoretical framework will be used to analyze this

research since this research talked about female identity as represented in her role

as the modern women which focused on individualism, choice and empowerment.

This research aims to analyze the role of Mrs.O as First Lady in American culture,

how she lives and interact within society. In other words, this research analyzes

how Mrs.O places herself in both femininity and masculinity to represent the

modern life and conduct her role as American First Lady. Therefore,

post-feminism that provides many issues about women today is needed to be the point


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The thesis is organized into four subsequent chapters, outlined as follows

Chapter I : Introduction which provides research background, scope of the

study, problem statement, objective, research significance,

research methodology, theoretical approach, and thesis


Chapter II : Literature Review which consists of popular culture; Michelle

Obama; American First Lady; Fashion, Image and Women;

Semiotics Theory.

Chapter III : Analysis which consists of the meaning of sign in Mrs.O’s

fashion style which lead to her images as American First Lady.

The next thing is that the correlation between her constructed

images and her role as president’s spouse in sending messages to

American Society to succeed her own programs.


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approved of by large numbers of people (Nachbar and Lause, 1992, p.10); while

culture can be defined as “whole way of life”. Williams argued that we need to be

able to talk to people, to entertain and be entertained, to enjoy all kinds of

diversions and distractions, to work at something we find meaningful, to meet

together with other people. In short, culture is the “whole way of life” (Williams,

1997, in Brummett, 2nd, p.25). Therefore, popular culture could be meant as the

products of human work and thought which are (or have been) accepted and

approved of by a large community or population (Nachbar and Lause, 1992, p.14).

In other words, popular culture can be defined as the product of culture (anything

which comes from human‟s work and thought) which is popular and accepted by

large number of people.

Popular culture can provide the reflection necessary to expose and

highlight our cultural beliefs and values (ibid, p.9). Popular Culture includes far

more than the popular arts; it also encompasses icons, heroes, stereotypes, rituals,

and, most importantly, the beliefs and values of the masses (ibid, p.33). The study

of popular culture is a quest for meaning, not merely facts or nostalgia or

entertainment (ibid, p.6). There are some characteristics of popular culture, they



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a. Consist of artifacts (object and people) and events (activities surrounding

the objects and people).

(http://www.squidoo.com/michelle-obama-fashions accessed on Sunday, October

31, 2010, 2:39 PM). Michelle's family, the Robinsons, lived in a brick bungalow

on the South Side of Chicago. Her father was a pump operator for the Chicago

Water Department and her mother was a housewife who stayed home to raise

Michelle and her brother, Craig, skillfully managing a busy household filled with

love, laughter, and important life lessons (ibid).

Mrs. Obama is the product of Chicago public schools, she studied

sociology and African-American studies at Princeton University. After graduating

from Harvard Law School in 1988, she joined the Chicago law firm Sidley &

Austin, where she later met the man who would become her husband. After a few

years, Mrs.Obama decided to work with the people to serve the communities and

the neighbors. She served as assistant commissioner of planning and development

in Chicago's City Hall before becoming the founding executive director of the


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public service

(http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/first-lady-michelle-obama accesed on Saturday, September 4, 2010, 01:10 AM)

In 1996, Mrs. Obama joined the University of Chicago with a vision of

bringing campus and community together. As Associate Dean of Student

Services, she developed the university's first community service program, and

under her leadership as Vice President of Community and External Affairs for the

University of Chicago Medical Center, volunteerism skyrocketed (ibid).


1. The Basic Concept of American First Lady

As the leader of a country, President needs someone to be his official

hostess, Anthony (the writer of publication in some newspapers) stated that First

Lady is the unofficial title given to the wives of American presidents, or to the

female relatives whom single or widowed presidents designated to serve as their


(http://topics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/07/14/first-ladies-a-short-history/#more-88 accessed on January 13, 2011, 12:31 PM). Traditionally,

President will chose his wife to be the right partner to serve as the official hostess

in The White House, as what Ingram (1998-1999, p.487) stated that

“throughout American history, every president has needed someone to serve as his official hostess for state functions. In most cases, this person was the


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Over the years, the role of First Lady has been supposed as largely

symbolic. She is expected to represent an ideal and largely mythical concept of

American womanhood (Clinton, 2003, p.119). In conducting her role, First Lady

is expected does not only focus on her responsibilities as president‟s spouse to be

The White House hostess but also her family life. Kuptz (2003) stated that most

people agree in that First lady should be a supportive and caring wife and mother

and serve as a White House hostess

(http://www.grin.com/e-book/23250/the-political-role-of-the-first-lady-in-the-twentieth-century accessed on accessed on

Saturday, September 4, 2010, 1:10 AM). For most of the next half-century, the

main role of First Lady was to be the White House hostess not only for private

guests, but also for the general public at open house receptions (Anthony in


accessed on January 13, 2011, 12:31 PM). As president‟s spouse, First Lady has

responsibilities to manage the White House life and diplomatic events which

oblige her to be a good hostess. Nowadays, First Lady seems enlarge her role in

the public area, Kenigsberg (the staff writer of America.gov) pointed out that

Presidential spouses have traditionally been expected to be the country‟s social

hostess, working to organize White House functions and diplomatic events. In recent years, however, first ladies have taken a more public role in developing policy and pursuing their own initiatives (http://www.america.gov/st/usg-english/2009/June/20090629092010degrebsginek0.475445.html accessed on Monday, November 15, 2010, 3:01 PM).

Conducting her role as First Lady in The White House, she will have a special and

valuable project about soft issues, such as health or art or gardening projects

(Healy, 1988, p.xvi). However, nowadays first lady does not only take a role in


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she helps her husband to lead the country by revealing some programs so that the

society could get a better life.

First Lady is an influential women behind the President, as what Byun

(the majority ownership of Mrs-O.org) stated that behind every great man, there's

a great woman

(http://mrs-o.org/newdata/2008/12/24/laurie-munns-first-ladies.html accessed on Friday, August 13, 2010, 9:28 PM). Besides, Bronk (the

staff writer of America.gov) stated that the role of first lady is an unelected,

unpaid position without constitutional responsibilities. But the first lady, who acts

as White House hostess, is also highly influential

(http://www.america.gov/st/elections08-english/2008/July/20080710170543xkknorb0.3995935.html accessed on Monday,

November 15, 2010, 3:01 PM). It means that being the person closest to the most

powerful man in the U.S, First Lady can apply her important influence on her

husband. It is almost the same as Anthony stated that

the role of the first lady, the U.S. president‟s spouse, has evolved from fashion

trendsetter and hostess of White House dinners to a more substantive position. While there have been diverging views on the roles of women in society, the first lady is still a role model for American women. One of the highest-profile jobs in the U.S. government comes with no official duties, no paycheck, and almost limitless possibilities. The first lady can influence the president and can even exercise a degree of political power over policy and legislation

(http://www.america.gov/st/usg-english/2008/September/20080926162204naneerg0.8945886.html accessed on Monday, November 15, 2010, 2:25 PM).

The role of First Lady today is not only becomes the White House hostess and

fashion trendsetter, but also becomes more multifaceted. Although conducting her

role without paycheck and many possibilities, but she has great influence on her


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lets her to be public attention, Givhan (a fashion writer in Washington Post) stated

that in the past century, the first lady always has borne the brunt of the public's

clothing fascination (The Washington Post, 1997, p.F05). There is no doubt that

being the first family, what they are doing, saying, and wearing will be the public

attention (Healy, 1988, p.xv), Moore (Fashion critic) stated that what they have

worn on their activities has been chronicled in newspapers and magazines and,

later, on TV (Moore in Los Angeles Times as cited in

http://www.latimes.com/features/image/la-ig-firstladies18-2009jan18,0,7647191.story accessed on January 13, 2011, 12:31 PM). The

journalists, of course, is just doing what it has to do, which is to tell the public

what it wants to know (Healy, 1988, xv). It is clear that as the president‟s spouse,

consequently her life closes to the media. What her family is doing, saying, and

wearing will be nice issue to discuss and publish. As well as functions to be The

White House hostess, First Lady also becomes a figure for American women,

especially fashion figure. Facing the public, First lady should give the impression

of being great, especially in her fashion style. Most Americans don't want to look

their president and first lady appear like their next door neighbors (Givhan in The

Washington Post, 1997, p.F05). Although First Lady has right to decide the way

how to construct her fashion, but she should consider about the public respect,

Burt states "It sets a tone for herself and for the country and for what the country

can expect” (ibid). She cannot close her eyes to decide on the way how to dress;

the way she interacts, stands, speaks and dresses combine to express the detail of


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Lady will concern about her fashion, Mayo states "They want to find a balance

between fashion and elegance without being gauche in their spending. First ladies

are very aware of that possibility of selecting a dress that's too lavish and

expensive for a democracy" (ibid). Mallis (the creative inspiration behind New

York's Fashion Week) says "most first ladies have always been on a pedestal of

expensive, elegant clothing, of couture evening gowns. It's something that people

can't really relate to"

(http://forums.thefashionspot.com/f50/michelle-obama-august-2008-march-2010-a-71565-216.html accessed on Friday, December 03,

2010, 9:47 AM).

2. The Most Fashionable First Ladies

Period by period, American First Ladies have their own way in

constructing their personality through fashion. They have their own style to build

their image because it could make them confidence in herself, Willingham (First

Lady Style Examiner) stated that,

Throughout the centuries, the first ladies have had various different styles and

fashion tastes which embodied each woman‟s personality. one may have

favored the trendy styles of bargain retailers, while another preferred the elegant fashions of French designers. Although each first lady had different fashion sense, one color can unify them all and almost even capture the essence of who the first lady is and should aspire to be – demure, yet bold in her beliefs and meek, yet self-confident. In whatever she does, it is vital that the first lady be confident in herself and her husband, the president. (http://www.examiner.com/first-lady-style-in-national/first-lady-style-and-fashion-the-lady-red accessed on Monday, February 15, 2010, 12:09 AM).

Historically, there were some fashionable White-American First Ladies

who were able to build their image to be an attractive First Lady and be popular


commit to user a. Dolley Madison (1809-1817)

Dolley Payne Todd Madison was the American First Lady who had an ability

to impress the public through her balancing style between queen and

commoner. “She dressed like royalty and yet was accessible to the people, not

at all snobbish.” To show off her figure, she prefers to choose low-cut gowns

made of delicate fabrics. (Anthony, an author of the two-volume book “First

Ladies” as cited in http://lifestyle.msn.com/your-look/everyday-style/staticslideshow.aspx?cp-documentid=8993451 accessed on Saturday, July

30, 2011, 12:24 PM).

b.Mary Lincoln (1861–1865)

Mary Todd Lincoln believed that looking elegant was important. Anthony

states “She often talked about how important it was for her to dress in a way

that would transmit the image of the Union‟s success”. Unfortunately, her love

in fashion brought her to be more an eye for fashion than a brain for saving

money (Anthony as cited in

http://lifestyle.msn.com/your-look/everyday-style/staticslideshow.aspx?cp-documentid=8993451 accessed on Saturday, July

30, 2011, 12:24 PM).

c. Frances Cleveland (1886–1889 and 1893–1897)

The lovely Frances Folsom Cleveland became the youngest First Lady ever and

woman to get married in the White House when she was 21th. Known as

Frank, she was popular because she was brave enough to show off her youth by


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constructing such kind of style resulted in a petition issued by the Women‟s

Christian Temperance Union advice her to wear more modest clothing.

d.Florence Harding (1921–1923)

Florence Kling Harding was in her 60s when her husband was elected to be the

President of U.S, but she avoided any suggestion to be old-fashioned in

dressing. She embraced the brave fashions of the day, adding her own chic to

every outfit. She dressed herself in flapper style and shiny flecks, and was the

first First Lady photographed wearing pants. “She was an older woman with

gray hair and glasses, but her appearance was kind of eye-popping

nevertheless. Wherever she went, people noticed her,” Anthony says. “She

wasn‟t a young flapper, but in many ways she embodied that vibe.” Her

trademark accessory was a black velvet neckband with a diamond on it.

e. Grace Coolidge (1923–1929)

During a moment in history when women were starting to enter professional

sports and female athletics were becoming more popular, First Lady Grace

Goodhue Coolidge served as a model of sporty modishness. She favored bright

colors, especially red and casual clothing such as culottes and riding pants. She

maintained a kind of casual elegance in formal wear as well. For her White

House portrait, Coolidge chose to wear a slim red sheath dress that showed off


commit to user f. Mamie Eisenhower (1953–1961)

Mamie Doud Eisenhower was “this kind of bubbly Midwestern hyper-stylized

version of June Cleaver,” says Anthony. “She was extraordinarily popular.”

Although often overshadowed by her immediate successor (the inimitable Mrs.

Kennedy) and frequently criticized for her unflattering short bangs, Eisenhower

made all the best-dressed lists of her day, and got particular attention for her

wonderful collection of hats. She never missed an opportunity to don dresses in

pink, her favorite color. Some credit her for making pink one of the most

popular clothing and paint colors of the 1950s.

g. Jackie Kennedy (1961–1963)

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy was the greatest style icon. This fashion doy enne

defined an era and influenced the wardrobes of women throughout the world. A

gifted drawer, she designed most of her clothing herself. “She often worked

with Oleg Cassini, and he encouraged her original ideas,” Anthony says. “Her

style was rooted in substance. Some of her designs are based on ideas she got

from ancient Egyptian and Greek friezes.” She‟s best known for her clean

solid-color suits, arm-bearing shift dresses, and pillbox hats. Designers copied

her, stores used mannequins that resembled her, and the world embraced her as

the epitome of fresh style and understated glamour. She was nationally and

globally respected as American royalty, charming the world during the early


http://www.savvy-women-commit to user

magazine.com/Fashion/style-icon-jackie-kennedy-onassis.php accessed on

Tuesday, December 22, 2009, 1:20 AM).

h.Betty Ford (1974–1977)

A strong-willed former dancer and model, Betty Bloomer Ford is best known

stylistically for her eye-popping scarves. But her true legacy as a First Lady

fashionista had to do with what the clothes were covering up. Anthony

explains: “She had breast cancer and a mastectomy while in the White House,

and was one of the first people to openly talk about breast cancer. After the

surgery she wore a prosthesis that helped people realize that surgery didn‟t

mean disfigurement. She still looked great. Her narrow, low-cut outfits spoke

for themselves.”

i. Nancy Reagan (1981–1989)

Nancy Davis Regan had a long career in Hollywood before she entered the

political realm, and the result was a wardrobe that looked a little more

Hollywood than Washington. When she moved into the White House, the

wraithlike former actress brought with her a sizable collection of suits and

gowns by the likes of Oscar de la Renta and Adolpho, an inaugural gown worth

over $10,000 and two hairdressers. But her devotion to designer duds got her

into trouble: She accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in free clothing

from designers despite the fact that the president and his wife are not allowed

to take such gifts unless they pay taxes on them. The incident resulted in a


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insisted on pricey (and fabulous) dresses, despite the fact that the country was

in a recession.

“As First Lady in this modern life, Mrs.O is not pleased to live in the shadow of her husband. It means that she wants to be independent, Michelle Obama is a strong role model for all American women and a campaigner who has ability to be an advocate for balancing career with family life, and promotes arts education and healthy eating, particularly among the impoverished” (http://www.suite101.com/content/michelle-obama---first-black-first-lady-of-the-us-a263184 accessed on Monday, January 17, 2011, 12:11 AM).

Living in this modern era in which women have got their right to be equal to men

and independence, Mrs.O realize this condition through her right to choose her

role in balance: her traditional role as a mother and her non-traditional role as a

career woman.

Being the fashionable African-American First Lady, she is compared to

Jacqueline Kennedy for her style sense. Michelle Obama is one of American

fashion icon; since her husband becomes the presidential candidate, she is being

considered as someone with an attractive sense of style. It can be seen from the

existence of her outfits published in plenty of blogs.


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Tuesday, September 08, 2009, 12:08 PM). Helping her husband in leading the

country, Mrs.O reinforced the message behind Barack‟s slogan “"Yes we can,"

through her fashion style

(http://www.examiner.com/x-1229-DC-Fashion--Style-Examiner~y2008m11d5-The-style-evolution-of-Michelle-Obama accessed on

Friday, July 30, 2010, 11:18 PM). In the sense of fashion, Michelle tends to

choose outfit which makes her to be happy, comfortable and beautiful. Being a

figure, she actually wants to conveys women to feel good about themselves and

have fun with fashion

(http://www.vogue.com/magazine/article/michelle-obama-leading-lady/ accessed on Friday, November 12, 2010, 11:12 PM).

Related to her role as first lady, she reveals some programs which close

to her heart: supporting military families, helping working women balance career

and family, encouraging national service, promoting the arts and arts education,

and fostering healthy eating and healthy living for children and families across the

country. Even if she takes some roles in the world of politics, but as her priority

role she places herself to be a mother.

(http://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2008/10/17/michelle-obama-as-baracks-first-lady-i-would-work-to-help-working-families-and-military-families accessed

on Monday, January 17, 2011, 9:59 PM). Her positions which manage her career

and family as a working mother indicates the development of women on the roles

of women and men in society today.

a. Supporting Military Families

Supporting military families is one of priorities for Obama‟s


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the wealth of military families since there are many soldiers who fight in the

battle to defend US. Rhee (deputy national political editor) wrote down the US

president‟s speech that,

"I want you to know this: military families are a top priority for Michelle

and me, and they will be a top priority for my administration. We‟ll raise

military pay, and continue providing quality child-care, job-training for spouses, and expanded counseling and outreach to families that have known the separation and stress of war. We will also heed the lesson of history-that

those who fight in battle can form the backbone of our middle class..”

(http://www.boston.com/news/politics/politicalintelligence/2009/03/michell e_obama_8.html accessed on Monday, January 17, 2011, 8:31 PM).

Basically this program functions to appreciate American soldiers

because of their sacrifice in the battle to defend America; it also functions to

invite American society to appreciate the military soldier‟s families. Michelle

says “Military families have done their duty, and as a grateful nation, American

society must do everything in their power to honor military families by

supporting them; not just by word but by deed” (Michelle in Brown as cited in


spot.html accessed on Monday, January 17, 2011, 9:18 PM).

b.Helping working women balance career and family

Michelle Obama is a role model for many modern women. She tries

to show her independence as a woman through her choice in balancing work

and family life. Nowadays, there are many people who forced by their

economic feature. Millions of women and men are challenged to balance their

burden over their jobs and the needs of their families. This condition


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Therefore, this program actually functions to help working women and men so

that they do not have to choose between their jobs and meeting the needs of

their families. Unfortunately in fact, it is not easy to balance the needs of the

families and the jobs. Sapiro states “Having a family and a challenging career

at the same time in those days was extremely difficult … that women should

not have to choose between having a career and having a family”

(http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2011/01/14/meet-women-administration-miriam-sapiro accessed on Monday, January 17, 2011, 9:04 PM)

A strong nation is made up of strong families. Every family ought to

have the chance to make a better future for themselves and their children.

(http://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/family accessed on Monday, January 17,

2011, 8:44 PM). Therefore, to encounter this condition, the president

established a White House Task Force on Middle Class Working Families

which is focused on raising the living standards of middle-class, working

families in America (ibid).

c. Let’s Move! initiative

Let’s Move! initiative launched by Michelle Obama, dedicated to

solving the problem of obesity within a generation, so that children born today

will grow up healthier and able to pursue their dreams. Mrs.O has seriousness

in succeeding this program; therefore she expects American society to lend

their hand over this program. There are five purposes of this program, they are:


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providing healthy food in schools, improving access to healthy, affordable

foods and increasing physical activity (http://www.letsmove.gov/about

accessed on Monday, January 17, 2011, 08: 10 PM).

Let’s Move initiative functions to create an environment where

parents, schools and communities are able to provide healthy life for kids and

families. Sebelius (Secretary of Health and Human Services) says “That means

not just changing habits, but empowering consumers to make better food

choices and teaching them to understand nutrition information. It's also about

taking time out of our busy lives to make sure that kids get the 60 minutes of

daily activity they need to stay healthy.” (Sebelius in

http://www.letsmove.gov/blog/2010/02/18/healthier-families-and-healthier-nation accessed on Monday, January 17, 2011, 7:59 PM). Through the garden

activity, Mrs.O began to have discussion with kids about nutrition and the role

food plays in living a healthy life. That discussion grew into the Let’s Move!

Campaign (http://www.letsmove.gov/about.php accessed on Monday, January

17, 2011, 8:15 PM).


1. The Basic Concept of Fashion

As a verb, fashion means “to make; shape; form; mold; contrive”

(Nachbar and Lause: 300). Anna (the editor and web designer behind The Chic


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of wearing something that is out of your world because it gives you a break from

your life. It's like doing a dress-up

(http://www.thechicfashionista.com/chic-fashion.html accessed on Friday, February 04, 2011, 10.42 AM).

Fashion is closely related to style; “style is about being and existing. It's

creating a statement with your clothing purely based on who you are” says Ana

(ibid). Fashion can be illustrated by body ornamentations, such as clothes which

indeed has some functions: communication, artifactual co-sender, protection,

modesty, etc (Ibrahim in Barnard, p.viii).

“Fashion are ways of being common to a group; ways of dressing, eating or housing. They take on great importance in a society in which superabundance of consumer commodities frees the latter from their primary function (that of protection or nourishment) and allows them to function simply as the sign of

social status” (Gulraud, 1975, p.94).

Barthes stated that according to public opinion, fashion is still located

within a mythology of unfettered creativity that enables it to evade both the

systematic and the habitual, resting upon a rather romantic of an inexhaustible

abundance of spontaneous creativity (Barthes, 2006, p.92). It means that society

still has belief that fashion belongs to a myth which always extend its life without

having limitation. Fashion is a spontaneous creativity which lets people to realize

all ideas in their mind to be existed in the real life without being aware about habit

and systematic.

a. Fashion as Communication

For centuries individuals or groups apply clothes as a method of

communication, Eco (1976) stated that clothes is semiotic tool, communication


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interaction through message (Fiske in Barnard, p.41). It means that indirectly

clothes belong to the method of communication which portrays that people

want to show their image to others, and intuitively fashion and clothes can

illustrate that people want to send their message (Barnard, p.42). Thus, fashion

and clothes can be defined as a communication tool which is used to send

message. Fashion belongs to nonverbal communication, Ibrahim stated that

Clothes has communicative function; clothes, costume and ornamentation can be classified in the artifactual communication (communication through clothes and artifact construction, i.e. clothes, adornment, jewelry, button, or furniture and decoration). Since fashion and clothes bring nonverbal messages, thus they are classified into nonverbal communication (Ibrahim in Barnard, p.vi-vii).

It is clear that clothes, costume and ornamentation are nonverbal

communication because they bring nonverbal message, and they can be

classified into artifactual communication (communication which can be done

by using clothes, adornment, jewelry, button, or furniture and decoration).

2. Fashion and Image

Fashion is not merely as a method to provide women beauty to others,

but it is also a method to build image. Barthes stated that we choose our clothes to

affirm who we are and how our personality (Barthes in Sukolo, 2009, p.33).

Carlyle stated that clothes is emblems of the soul (Carlyle in Barnard, p.vi), so it

is clear that fashion which is adhered on the body functions to enlighten

personality, provides public mindset to build an image which represent the wearer.


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fashion are sign for particular person with particular role; thus they are expected

to act in particular way (Barnard, p. 89).

Images like a language because they have a structure that affects the

ways in which people read meanings inside. As with language, images may be

then become the sites of struggle over meaning (Brummett, 1951, p.211). It means

that image will occur meaning which can be read by others as like language. Thus,

image which is occurred by fashion also has meaning. Indeed, there is nobodies

assume that what people wear has no meaning (Barnard, p.43).

Since the importance of fashion is to gain public image, it forces people

to construct their own persona in order the public give them image based on

uniqueness which they want to build; as what Barnard stated that fashion and

clothes are method used by individual to differ themselves as individual and to

show their uniqueness (Barnard, p.85). Since what we wear, how and when we

wear clothe could provide identity; Barnard shows that Fashion and clothes as a

method to communicate identities of class, gender, sex and social (Barnard,


Fashion is closely related to women‟s life, because women are the

fashionable sex (Nachbar and Lause, 1992, p.300). Living in this modern era,

women have subject positions that place them in the patriarchal work of

domesticity and beautification or, increasingly of being a mother and having

career and being able to explore one‟s individuality and looking attractive

(Barker, 2000, p.314). In other words, women do many activities and variant roles


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expects them to join in the working field. Being women, they could not ignore

that they have burden to be attractive because they do tend to make themselves as

objects of the male gaze, as what Beger stated that

Men act and women appear. Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at. This determines not only most relations between men and women, but also the relation of women to themselves (Beger in Nachbar and Lause, 1992, p.300).

According to Lourdes (an internationally recognized Image Consultant),

women can be characterized based on their style personality: Feminine, natural,

dramatic, and classic (Lourdes as cited in

http://lourdesofstyle.com/tag/style-personality/ accessed on Thursday, February 03, 2011, 14:50 PM).

a. Feminine

Feminine woman is a girlie girl, she is the caring and nurturing woman. She is

soft and delicate in personality which then relates to their style. Woman in this

type is usually quite soft spoken, she could make people around feel

comfortable. In constructing her style, she prefers wearing fabrics which are

soft, delicate and simple in design. Feminine woman loves clothing with pretty

details, ruffles and bows. Moreover, she loves floral accessories such as a scarf

& other accessories such as pearls, brooches

(http://lourdesofstyle.com/tag/style-personality/ accessed on Thursday,

February 03, 2011, 14:50 PM). In choosing color for her outfit, feminine

woman tends to use pastel color or soft dusty such as off white, powder pink,

lavender, peach or salmon pink can be lovely impression for a woman (Sukolo,


commit to user b.Natural

Lourdes states “the natural woman is a woman who is friendly and easy going;

they are usually informal and very down to earth.” In choosing her outfits she

prefer to be comfortable, simple and practical. Natural woman is a kind of girl

who tends to choose wearing jeans and T-shirts a lot of the time. They are

athletic, and loves the outdoors activities; moreover, they loves freedom life

(http://lourdesofstyle.com/tag/style-personality/ accessed on Thursday,

February 03, 2011, 14:50 PM). People in this type are active, outdoor and

natural (Sukolo, 2009, p.37). Saleem (EzineArticles.com Expert Author) stated

that casual style is preferred over the formal style to the easiness and comfort.

It makes people feel at home and thus results in mental satisfaction

(http://ezinearticles.com/?Casual-Style&id=4183614 accessed on Thursday,

February 03, 2011, 13:39 PM). Casual people tends to choose flat shoes rather

than high heels, T-shirt chic rather than shirt with ruffles. However, they still

can be fashionable by dressing colorful T-shirt (Sukolo, 2009, p.37). A bright

colored lightweight tee shirt will keep you comfortable the whole day (Saleem

in http://ezinearticles.com/?Casual-Style&id=4183614 accessed on Thursday,

February 03, 2011, 13:39 PM).

c. Dramatic

Woman in dramatic style love something that makes a statement. They love

attention and tend to be leaders; their confidence makes other often feel a


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(http://lourdesofstyle.com/tag/style-personality/ accessed on Thursday,

February 03, 2011, 14:50 PM). People in this type are easy to attract public

attention, and usually called as Drama Queen; that is people being public

attention due to their whole brave appearance different to others, and they feel

confidence with their style (Sukolo, 2009, p.35).


Classic woman usually seen to have a solid and timeless style, they show

authority and wisdom. Lourdes states “their clothing sends the message of

Authority, creditability, respect and maturity.”

(http://lourdesofstyle.com/tag/style-personality/ accessed on Thursday,

February 03, 2011, 14:50 PM). Classic style is concern about elegant

simplicity. Women in this style believe that they have natural attraction,

gorgeous, and great. Classic style has eternal characteristic, and it reflects

elegant in simplicity (Sukolo, 2009, p.43). Classic people dress more

conservative than other fashionistas and their wardrobe consists of a lot of

neutrals such as black, gray, navy blue and beige; this is a style many women

tend to be drawn to because of the simplicity and chic'ness

(http://www.thechicfashionista.com/classic-clothing-personality.html accessed

on Monday, February 28, 2011, 09:50 AM). Ninomiya (a writer of ehow

website) stated that every classic can be dressed up for weddings, funerals and

professional settings. It can also be dressed down for nights on the town or

after work occasions. The classic suit is dark and solid.


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