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Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Iklim Organisasi terhadap Motivasi Berprestasi Perawat Pelaksana di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Porsea Tahun 2011


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Iklim Organisasi terhadap Motivasi Berprestasi Perawat Pelaksana di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Porsea Tahun 2011"


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Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Porsea adalah lembaga pemerintah yang mempunyai tugas untuk menyelenggarakan pelayanan kesehatan bagi masyarakat. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pengaruh budaya organisasi dan iklim organisasi terhadap motivasi berprestasi perawat pelaksana di rumah Sakit Umum.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh budaya organisasi dan iklim organisasi terhadap motivasi berprestasi perawat pelaksana di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Porsea tahun 2011. hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah ada pengaruh budaya dan iklim organisasi terhadap motivasi berprestasi perawat pelaksana.

Indikator pelayanan kesehatan di RSUD Porsea tahun 2010 belum mencapai nilai ideal, yaitu BOR (30,39%), TOI (24,95 hari), LOS (4,55 hari). Sesuai standar Departemen kesehatan BOR (60-85%), TOI (1-3 hari), LOS (6-9 hari). Budaya organisasi dan iklim organisasi yang kurang kondusif diduga berpengaruh terhadap motivasi berprestasi perawat pelaksana di RSUD Porsea.

Penelitian menggunakan pendetakan metode survei, dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, dan sifat penelitian eksplanatory. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh perawat pelaksana di RSUD Porsea sebanyak 85 orang dan sampel yang diambil 46 orang. Variabel dalam penelitian terdiri dari variabel independen mencakup budaya organisasi (X1), dan iklim organisasi (X2) serta variabel dependen yaitu motivasi berprestasi perawat pelaksana (Y).

Alat uji statistik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data adalah analisis regresi liner berganda (multiple regression analysis.) Pengaruh variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen diuji dengan uji F dan uji t dengan tingkat kepercayaan (confidence level) 95% atau significan level α = 0,05.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa budaya organisasi dan iklim organisasi berpengaruhh terhadap motivasi berprestasi perawat pelaksana di RSUD Porsea baik secara simultan (Uji F) dan uji parsial (Uji t). Setiap peningkatan budaya organisasi akan mengakibatkan peningkatan motivasi berprestasi perawat. Demikian juga peningkatkan iklim organisasi akan mengakibatkan peningkatan motivasi berprestasi perawat. Variabel iklim organisasi memiliki pengaruh lebih dominan terhadap motivasi perawat pelaksana.

Kata kunci : Budaya, Iklim, Motivasi, Perawat




Porsea Regional General Hospital is the government agency which has a duty to perform medical services for the community. The problems raised in the study is how the influence of the organizational culture and climate organization on the motivation of top achievers in improving the nurses on duty’s competence in managing their competence in Porsea Regional General Hospital Health service indicators in Porsea Regional General Hospital in 2010 did not reach the ideal value; namely, and Bed Occupancy Rate (30,39%), Turn Over interval (24.95 days), Length Of Stay (4.55 days). According to the Standard of Health Department, Bed Occupancy Rate (60-85%), Turn Over Interval (1-3 days), and Length Of Stay (6-9 days).

The aim of this research was to analyze the influence of culture and organizational climate on the motivation of the nurseson duty’s motivation of top achievers in Porsea Regional General Hospital in 2011. The hypothesis in this study was the influence of culture and organizational climate of the nurses on duty’s motivation of top achievers.

The research used a survey method, with the quantitative descriptive approach and an explanatory design. The population in this research are all of the nurses in Porsea Regional General Hospital as much as 85 nurses and 46 of them were used as the samples. The variables in the research consisted of independent variables including organizational culture (Xl) and organizational climate (X2

The statistics test used to analyze the data was multiple linear regression analysis. The influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable was tested with the F-test and -test with the confidence level of 95% or significant level of a = 0.05.

) and the dependent variable which was the motivation of the nurses on the duty (Y).

The results showed that the organizational culture and organizational climate influenced on the motivation of the nurses on the duty in Porsea Regional General Hospital both simultaneously (F-Test) and partial ((-Test). The increasing of the culture organization will be followed by the increasing of the nurses on the duty. Even if on duty. So does the increasing of the organization climate will effected to the increasing of the motivation of the nurses on the duty. The organization climate variable had better dominant effect on the motivation of the nurses.

Keywords: Culture, Climate, Motivation, Nurses


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