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The Effectiveness of Using (Spot) Setting-Problem-Order of Action- and Tail and Strategy in Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Second Year Students of SMPN 1 Tompobulu Kab. Bantaeng - Repositori UIN Alauddin Makassar


Academic year: 2019

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Submitted to English Education Department of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences Faculty of UIN Alauddin Makassar in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan Islam

By: RAHMAWATI Reg. No. T0400104128






Dengan penuh kesadaran, penyusun yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, menyatakan bahwa skripsi ini benar hasil karya penyusun sendiri. Jika kemudian hari terbukti bahwa ia merupakan duplikat, tiruan, atau dibuat oleh orang secara keseluruhan atau sebagian, maka skripsi dan gelar yang diperoleh karenanya batal karna hukum.

Makassar, 22 Desember 2010





The objective of this research is to find out whether ot not the of spot strategy increase the students’ reading comprehension of the second year student at SMP Negeri 1 Tompobulu Kab. Bantaeng.

The strategy used in this research was pre experimental. That is one group, pre test and post test classification. The instruments that the reasearch used were reading test (pre test and post test). The pre test was given before treatment to find out the priorknowledge of the students’ reading comprehension and the post test was intended to find out using reading test to increase reading comprehension after giving treatment.

The variable of the research were using spot strategy to increase reading comprehension as indefendent variable and the students’ reading comprehension achievement as devenden variable. The population of the research was students at SMP Negeri 1 Tompobulu Kab. Bantaeng. The sample of this researc was the second year students of class VIII.1 at SMP Negeri 1 Tompobulu Kab. Bantaeng. The research took 25 students as a sample. The sampling technique used in this research was purposive sampling tehnique.




Hamdan Wa Syukran LILLAH, the wrirer expresses her highest gratitude to Allah SWT the lord of the word, for giving her the mercy, guidance and the sincere love, so she could complete this thesis. Salawat and salam always be given to the biggest leader of human being Muhammad SAW, who has guided us to better life. During the writing of this thesis, there were many helping and guidance from the other people, without them this thesis would not complete. Therefore, she would like to express her deepest appreciation and thanks to those people, especially the following person;

1. The writer’s beloved parents H. Mappideceng and Hj. Marwiah, my sister and my brother. For their continuous pray, showered her with their love, soul, advice, sacrifices, and spirit. So she can finish this thesis. Thanks for everything. 2. Prof. Dr. H. Azhar Arsyad, MA. The rector of Islamic State University of

Alauddin Makassar for his advices during her study at the university.

3. prof. Dr. Nasir Mahmud, MA. The dean and all of the staff of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences Faculty of the State Islamic University of Alauddin Makassar.


5. The writer thanks for the guidance, advice, and correction, of this writing, deeply thanks are expressed for those people; Drs. Hamdan Juhannis, P.hd as the fist consultant and Dra. St. Nurjannah Yunus Tekeng as the second consultant. 6. Deeply thanks for all of my lovely sisters and brothers, they are who never stop

sharing laugh, motivation, and brotherhood during we are together, Nasrun, Sahrul, Rauf, Hera, Diana, Najma, Fya, and Asna. Thanks a lot of.

7. Special thanks to my best and beloved sisters and brother; Ria, Amhel and Indrha.

8. Special Thanks for my motivator who always gives support, advice, and motivation in doing this thesis.

9. All people who helps her and those whom the writer cannot mention one by one.

Finally, the perfection just belongs to Allah SWT; the writer appreciates sincerely the constructive criticism and hopes this thesis will be useful for the readers.

Billahi Taufiq Wal Hidayah Wassalam.

Makassar, 2010

The writer









ANCKNOWLEDGEMENT ... v A. Previous Related Research findings... 4

B. Some Pertinent Ideas ... 4

1. Definition of Reading ... 4

2. Reading Process ... 6

3. Reading Comprehension ... 7


5. Skills of Reading Comprehension ... 9

6.Factors Effecting Reading Comprehension ... 10

7.Techniques of Improving Comprehension ... 11

C. Definition of Spot Srategy ... 13

B. variable of the Research... 17



Table 2 The meammmmmn score and standard deviation of

the pre-test and post-test ... 23 Table 3 The t-test of students’ reading


1 our life. Book, magazine, newspaper, bulletin, internet i.e. are source of information and those information we can get only through reading. Those are thousand of books to avoid ourselves from out of date.


found because the students have low interest to practice and understand the text and they have not been motivation because their motivation ability is low.

The role of education especially of the teacher is one way to overcome the problem above. In teaching someone, a teacher has to choose a learning model method because that case can influence the student learning result. Teaching is always looking for ways to substitute role repetition with more effective technique to make reading

comprehension easier and more pleasant.


t is very important to develop motivation in


If reading can be easy probably the students all finish all the best of reading on time, and if their understanding increase they will get a better result and learn much faster. The school can be easy and live can be easier. To make reading as a fun activity, teacher should attempt to find any strategy. At this moment, the writer want to offer a strategy that is spot strategy. To present an effective spot strategy teacher should be familiar with the theories of learning from which the strategy has been drawn. These include sosial cognitive and constructivism theories of learning.

The writer is interested in doing spot strategy on learning as a way to attract the students attention during teaching and learning process. Spot strategy will help students to identify, recall and retell the key parts of particular story. The strategy in teaching reading has a very important role because good strategy will provide the good result.


Related to the explanation above, the researcher attempts to carry out a research entitled, “ The Effectiveness of Using Spot ( setting - problem-order of action- teil end ) Strategy in Improving Students Reading Comprehension at the Second Year Student of SMPN 1 Tompobulu Kab. Bantaeng “.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above, the writer is interested in formulates problems statement as follows :

What is the student’s ability in reading comprehension before and after using spot strategy at the second year students of SMPN 1 Tompobulu Kab. Bantaeng? C. Objective of the Research

This research aims to find out:

To find out the second year students’ ability in reading comprehension before and after using spot strategy At the second year students of SMPN 1 Tompobulu Kab. Bantaeng.

D. Scope of the Research

The research focuses on the effectiveness of spot strategy in improving reading comprehension at the second year students of SMPN 1 Tompobulu Kab. Bantaeng.

E. Significance of the Research


4 A. Previous Related Research Finding

Some researchers have done that related to this research Bos, C. S and Vaughn, S (1994) states that spot strategy is one way help students to identify recall and retell the key parts of a particular story. An improvement in reading comprehension may be seen with this strategy since the teachers are giving students a way to recall information in an organized.

Johnson and Johnson (1989) states that spot strategy is practiced together as a class then in small groups is a cooperative learning style. Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each other’s learning. In cooperative learning situation there is a positive interdependence among student’s goal attainments. Roy Harris (2000) states that the message is not something given in advance or given at all but something created by interaction between writes and readers as participants in a part of communication situation.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas 1. Definition of reading


thought in reading. The writer encodes thought as language and the reader decodes language to be thought.

Neufeldt in Muhammad rusydi (2005) states that reading is a particular interpretation or perfomence of something written or composed. Meanwhile, Rodolf Flesch in Sudarmi (2004) defines reading as getting meaning from certain combination of letters.

Many attempts have been made to define or describe the nature of reading. It is generally agreed that reading is not primarily a visual process as Smith (1973:5) states that there are two kinds of information are involved in reading, one that come from in front of the aye ball, from the printed page that is called visual information, and another one is devices from behind the eye ball, from the brain that is called non-visual information. Non-visual information is what we already know about reading, language and word in general, the cooperation of both the visual information, in this case brain processes what they eyes have seen from the reading process.

Harris (1980;8) explains that reading is the meaningful interpretation of printed or written verbal symbol, reading is a result of the interaction between the perception of graphic symbols that represents language and the reader’s language skills and knowledge of the word. In this process the reader tries to create in increasing intended by the writer.


It is very clear for the writer to take conclusion from some writer and the reader through written material to gain information or massage that involves two important parts of the human bodies they are eyes and brain. The eyes recognize he written symbol while the brain processes the written symbol to get the massage and have intention to obtain knowledge from the reading.

2. Reading Process

The are five processes in reading according to Carrel (1988:16) as follows: a. Recognition-initiation

The brain must recognize a graphic display in the visual fields as written language and initiate reading. Normally this would occur once in each reading activity, thorough it is possible for reading to be interrupted by other activities. Examining pictures for example and then to be initiated.

b. Prediction

The brain is always anticipating and predicting as it seeks others and significance in sensory inputs.

c. Confirmation

If the brain predicts, it must also seek the variety its prediction. So it monitors to confirm or disconfirm with subsequent input what it expected.

d. Correction


e. Termination

The brain terminates the reading when the reading text is completed but termination may accurate for other reason. The text is not productive in little meaning is being constructed or the meaning is already known or the story is interesting or the reader finds it inappropriate for the particular purpose.

So can be concluded that in reading process the readers must optimize their brain in recognizing, anticipating or predicting, confirm, correcting and gain the massage or information as the final result when terminating of reading text.

3. Reading comprehension

Burton (1985:133) states that comprehension is a deep and full understand arrive by closed accurate and imaginative reading of the passage, in other word the verb to comprehend means to grasp with the mind or to take in.

Reading comprehension is a complex set of different skills and types of knowledge that are activated in a nearly simultaneous process (Carnie in Muhammad Rusydi, 2005:10).

There are many definitions of reading comprehension, as Smith (1980:128), it depends on many factors as follows:

1. The reader’s ability to attend to the printed ideas.

2. The reader’s background knowledge to which new information must be added. 3. The quality of the writing it self.

4. The reader’s purpose or goals in reading material.


pronounce word without reference to their meaning (Dictionary of education in asriani 1999:81).

(Harris, 1985:179) states that successful comprehension involves the readers discovering the meaning needed to achieve the particular purpose. It may find a particular piece of information solving program through reading working to understand an idea.

Based on the description above, can be concluded that reading require information from it as affectively as possible. The reader comprehends by actively construction meaning internally from interacting with the material that is read.

4. Kinds of Reading Comprehension

The different types of reading comprehension are distinguished according to readers’ purpose and the type of reading that they use. The following are commonly referred to:

a) Literal comprehension. Reading in order to understand, remember or recall in information explicitly contained in passage. The literal comprehension is the most fundamental in reading comprehension kinds because the readers must first understand what the author expresses before drawing an inference, making an evaluating or gaining an appreciation.


c) Critical or evaluative comprehension. Reading in order to compare information in a passage with the readers’ own knowledge and evaluating whether or not the information expressed by the author.

d)Appreciative comprehension. Reading in order to gain an emotional or other kinds of valued response from a passage (Richards, et al. 1995).

5. Skills of reading comprehension

Anderson (1995:12) describes that there are six skills of reading comprehension, namely:

1)listening, speaking, reading and writing about the subject matter information. 2)Selecting, connecting, and explaining information.

3)Analyzing, synthesizing and inferring from information. 4)Hypothesizing and predicting.

5) Formulating and asking questions.

6)Understanding and producing technical vocabulary and text features according to content areas.

Anderson also suggests five appropriate strategies that can be shown as follow:

a. Applying basic reading comprehension skills such as skimming, scanning, previewing, and reviewing text.

b. Using context to construct meaning.


d. Planning how and when to use cognitive strategies and applying them appropriately to learning task.

e. Evaluating one’s own success in completed learning task. 6. Factors Effecting Reading Comprehension

There are some factors effects the comprehension of a reader according to Wainwright (1972:67)

a. Speed and perception

Some readers are quick to grasp the meaning while the others are not those who are slower usually have difficulties and take longer to comprehend. Comparing with the fact ones. It can happen due to the regression mark by the reader and narrow vocabulary range.

b. The accurate of perception

A reader who perceives the ideas or massage of passage wrongly will effect his comprehension. It leads him to misunderstanding to the whole passages.

c. Memory and ability to recall information

A reader may understand the reading material even though he is not able to remember much of actual content. In order to have a good memory of the material, retention is needed. So that he can locate some points which require checking.

d. Motivation or purpose in reading


e. Concentration

Full concentration is necessary for good comprehension, however it can be affected either from external distraction factors such as anxieties wandering attention, noises or movements.

7. Techniques of Improving Comprehension

There are some techniques that able to help the students improving reading skill as follow:

a) Skimming

Speed is often important when we are reading, we may have a lot of to read not but much time, for this kind of reading we usually do not know and remember the information from the book we are reading. So in this case we have one technique of reading namely skimming. It is relevant with definition of Badriani, (2005:12) that skimming reading a text very quickly to get the main ideas.

Skimming is a high technique of reading that needed a speed skill. It is done when a reader wishes to cover only the most important information or the main idea of the reading material in a hurry or short time. The reader does nor need to spend much time to read every word, phrase, clause, sentence, or paragraph, they must quickly across and down a page to find the specific information (Milles, 1985:37).


To make skimming more effective according to Lagan (1976:323) a reader must be able to applay several comprehension in learn, there four guides as follows:

a. Find definition and remember that they are often signaled by special italics, look also for one example that makes a definition is clear.

b. Locate enumeration and remember that it is not helping to numbered series of item if does not know what label that series hits reader.

c. Locating for the relationship between heading and subheading when it seems appropriated you will also want to change heading into a question and find the answer.

d. If time permits, look for point made by emphasis word and for main idea in what seem to be key paragraph.

Skims is enable people to select content that they want to read and to discard that inconsequential for their purpose and gain a general idea about material. It also helps the reader decide whether he wants to read a sertain book or it contains the information he is looking for.


Many students try to read every word when they read so they read every slowly. In scanning a reader is looking for anything in particular. It is one skill in effective reading.


used in finding the specific information or detail in selection, such as where, who, when, what and who.

Means to look for read quickly to find out the answer to certain what have been determined. Scanning is very past reading when you scan, you skip over many words. You look for some information quickly as you can (Mickulecky, 1998:21).

There some people very bad in scanning according to Freemant (1982:25-26), because they refuse to try and concentrate. They let their attention wander and they start reading interacting paragraph entirely forgetting their original purpose, so if a reader find that their scanning is poor, turn back to concentrated about an attention and interesting at try to searching something specific.

In edition there are some procedure for scanning as follow: a. Keep in mind only the specific information to be located.

b. Move our eyes as quickly as possible down the pages to find the clues.

c. Read the selection containing the clues to get the information without reading all material around it.


Johnson and Johnson (1989) states that spot strategy is practiced together as a class then in small groups is a cooperative learning style. Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each other’s learning. In cooperative learning situation there is a positive interdependence among student’s goal attainments.

Roy Harris (2000) states that the message is not something given in advance or given at all but something created by interaction between writes and readers as participants in a part of communication situation.

Major purpose

1. This strategy help the students to identify, recall, and retell the key part of particular story.

2. In cooperative learning situation there is a positive interdependence among student’ goal attainments.

3. Students worked with partners.

4. Helping students in learning and understanding more for higher class. Students work in learning cooperative group four aspects which are important in story they are setting, problem, order of action, tail end of the story


1. The activity be appropriate to age, ability, and needs of the students 2. The task be clearly explained step by step in brief and simple terms 3. Students must be active in their small group learning.


5. The class climate is cooperative and relaxed. Procedures

1. The teacher will give explanation about strategy 2. The teacher will divide the students into some groups. 3. The teacher will explain the components in a story.

4. The teacher will give the story that will discuss it by using spot strategy and ask to the students to practice together as a class than in small group.

5. The teacher will give the time to the students to discuss with their own group.


1. Students are found to benefit cognitively from the experience. 2. Developing thinking skill.

3. Students develop essential skill such as cooperative with other.

4. Provide the students with opportunity to become actively involved and to perceive element of control over their own learning.

D. Resume

Base on the previous studies and pertinent ideas, the researcher resumed that:


the level of understanding of a passage or text. Reading comprehension is really important, because reading is more than just assign foreign language sounds to the written words, it requires the comprehension of what written. The students will understand the massage that the writer is attempting to convey by reading comprehension. To improve the reading comprehension the students can practice with use spot strategy. Spot strategy is one way to make easy the students to identify the particulry of

E. Theoretical Framework

Theoretical framework of this research was illustrated as follows:

The there variables in diagram describe as follows:

a. Input refers to the reading material, which consist of reading passage that practiced in reading class.

b. Process refers to the teaching of reading comprehension through Spot Strategy.

c. Output refers to the students’ comprehension. F. Hypothesis

Base on some pertinent ideas, the researcher formulated the following hypothesis:



The section consists of research design variable, population and sample, instrument of the research and technique of data collection and data analysis.

A. Research of design

The design that will be used is pre-experimental design with one group pre-test and post test design. The comparison between the pre-test and post test score defends on the success of the treatment.

The design is:

Pre test Treatment Post test

01 X 02

(Tuckman, B.W. 1990: 160) Where:

01 : Pre-test X : Treatment O2 : Post-test

B. Variable of the Research


C. Population and Sample 1. Population

The population of this research will be taken from the second year student of SMPN 1 Tompobulu in academic year 2010/2011 that consist of 4 classes the total number of the students are from the second year students is 250 students.

2. Sample

In collecting data, the writer will use reading comprehension test in pre-test and post-test.

E. Procedure of collecting data.

This research will be twelve meetings and chronologically will be performed as follow:

1) Pre Test

In the first meeting, the researcher will give the students pretest that is used to identify, the student’s reading comprehension. In the pretest, the researcher will ask the student’s to answer some question in the reading material.

2) Treatment


- The researcher will give explanation about spot strategy.

- The researcher will divide the student into some group.

- The researcher will express the main problem of the story.

- The researcher will give the story and will discuss it by using spot strategy with their group.

- The researcher will give the time to the students to discuss with their own group.

3) Post test

After completing the treatment, the students will be given post test. The researcher employed a post test to find out the value of treatment whether or not the result of the post test is better than the result of pre test.

F. Technique of data analysis

Similar to the topic in the pre test.

In analyzing the data collected trough the pro test and post test, the writer are the procedure as follow:

1) Scoring the students answer by using the following formula :

Notation :

F = Frequency

N = The Total number of Students


And than to classified the students score which fall into seven classifications. 9. 6 to 10 is classified as excellent

8. 6 to 9.5 is classified as very good 7.6 to 8.5 is classified as good 6.6 to 7.5 is classified as fairly good 5.6 to 6.5 is classified as fair

3.6 to 5.5 is classified as poor 0.0 to 3 is classified as very poor

2) Finding out of the mean score of the students answer by using the formula:

Notation : = Mean score

= Total score

N = The number of students

( Gay. 1981 : 2007 )

3) Finding out of the mean of the difference score by using the formula :

Where: D= Deviation

∑D= Standard Deviation



SD= Standard Deviation ∑x= Total row score

Where :

T = Test of significance

D = The different between pro test and past test

= The mean of the difference square

= The sum of D square

= The square of

N = The number of subject



This chapter deals with the findings and discussion. The finding of the research covers the description of the data collected through the reading test and the discussion reveals the interpretation of finding.

A. Findings

This part present the result of the students’ reading comprehension 1. The rate percentage and frequency of the students’ score.

Students’ score of pre test and post test were classified into some criteria and percentage as follows:

Table 1. the result of students’ pre test and post test.

No Classification Score

Pre test Post test

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

1 Exelent 9.6-10 - - - -


1. The mean score and the standard deviation of pre test and post test.

To find out the significant difference between the pre test and post test, it is shown in the following table:

Test Mean score Standard deviation

Pre test mean score of the students’ post test was 7.812 . the standard deviation of the students’ pre test was 1.83 and the standard deviation of the students’ post test were 0.2304. . 2. T- test value

In order to know whether or not the differences between pre test and post test is statically significant, the t-test statistical analysis for non independent sample was employed. The result of the t-test was .

Table 3. The t-test of students’ comprehension achievement Variable T- test value T- table

X2- X1 12.63 2.064


3. Hypothesis testing

To find out degree of freedom (df), the researcher uses the following formula: df=n-1

df=25-1 df=24

For the level of significant (f)=0,05 and degree of freedom (df)=24, the value of table=2.064 and t- test=12.63. thus the value of t- test is greater than t- table (12.63>2.064) it means that there is significant difference between the pre test and post test of the students in reading material, and also it means that the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted.

From the analysis above the researcher concludes that there is significant difference between pre test and post test in improving the reading comprehension through Spot Strategy. In order word, Spot strategy is effective to be used in teaching reading.

B. Discussion

The discussion deals with the interpretation of the findings derived from the statistical analysis.


In the pre test there were 4 students (16% ) got fair score, 5 students ( 20% ) got poor score, 16 students ( 64% ) got very poor score and none of them got good and very good scores. The mean score of the pre test was that were classified as poor score. The treatment was given in ten times and there were some different reading texts were given. In the fist meeting the students were given one short reading texts. Here, they showed their attention to the reading text. They tried to answer some questions in reading material.

In the second meeting antil the elevent meetings the students were given a reading text. The research saw that the students really enjoy when they read the text. It was based on guides for using spot strategy, which choose the reading material, that is enjoyble and not too difficult.

In the post test there were 4 students ( 16% ) got very good score, 12 students (48%) got good score, 9 students ( 36% ) got fair score, and none of them got very poor score, the mean score of students’ post test was 7.812 that were classified as good score. It shows that the mean score of the students post test was higher than pre test. Thus the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted.



This chapter deals with conclusion and suggestion based on the findings and discussion of the data analysis.

A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the data analysis, research findings and discussion in the previous chapter, it can be concluded than the teaching of reading through Spot Strategy can improve the students’ reading comprehension in SMPN 1 Tompobulu Kab. Bantaeng.

It can seen from the significant difference between the students’ score in pre test and pos test after given treatment (Spot Strategy). The result of the data analysis shows that the mean score of post test was greater than pre test (7.812>3.72 ). Beside that, the t- test value was greater than t- table ( 12.63>2.064).

B. Suggestion

Based on the result of data analysis and conclusion, the resecer proposes some suggestions as follows:

1. It is suggested to the teacher to use short stories as an alternative in presenting reading material.

2. It is suggested to the teacher to create the conductive atmosphere to entice the students’ interest in learning English.


4. To increase the the students’ comprehension in reading short stories, the teacher should know how far the students’ previous knowledge in lerning English especially in reading short stories. So, the materials to be presented are suitable for their level.

5. In order to improve the students’ comprehension in reading short stories, the teacher should give the students guidance, training, motivation especially in reading short stories.

6. The teacher should give more assignment about short stories, in order the students’ have more attention towar short stories, and also the students’ can practice more because the more practices, it can better one will be.



At The Second Year Students of SMA Negeri 1 Liukang Tangaya Pangkep. UIN Alauddin Makassar.

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Carrel. L. Patrecia,(et.all), 1988, Iteration approach to secoud language reading, New York: Cambridge university press.

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“You’d better not lose this ring, pam” pam’s sister advised as pam slid the shining ring onto middle finger. It’s my favorite ring and I’m letting you wear it only because of the dance”.

Pam looked at the golden ring glitering in the sun. the tiny red stone shone like a light and sent an oblong red shadow across pam’s hands. Tonight was the dance and now everything was perfect-her dress, her shoes, and the ring.

Putting the finishing touches on her dress, pain heard her father’s voice. “Let’s go, pam”, he called, “It is time to go the dance!” pam ran excitedly down the stairs, glancing at her image reflected in the hall mirror. All was in place … everything expect the ring. Pam stared at her empty finger in disbelief. Where had it gone?

Quickly pam raced back up stairs. In a panic she looked everywhere she had been since she placed the precious ring on her finger. She tore through her dresser drawers, through her closet, back through the hallway. Her eyes scanned every inch of the floor. There was no ring.

“Daddy!” pam yelled downstairs,” want a minute more, I’m coming!” pam ran into the bathroom. She had just washed her hands. Perhaps the ring had slipped of her finger and had fallen into the sink. Pam stared down into the empty bowl. The ring was gone. Slowly she raised her eyes to her face now streaked with tears.


Sadly pam raised her hands to wipe her eyes-and there on her finger twinkled the golden ring. It had been there all the time, on her other hand.

“Next time”, pam said as she smiled at her reflection, “I’ll stop and think before I look so hard for something that isn’t lost”.

A. Answer these questions

1. Where did the story take place?

2. Who are the main characters of the story?

3. When did the story take place?

4. What is the problem of the story?

5. How did Pam finally solve her problem?

6. What happened at the end of the story?


In a remote part of Wales there is a place called Morrow.

One day, at a London train station, traveler said to the booking-clerk,” I want a ticket to Morrow, please.” The clerk raised his eyebrows, saying,” I you want a ticket tomorrow, why don’t you come for it tomorrow, why don’t you come for it tomorrow, why don’t you come for it tomorrow?”

“But I want a ticket to morrow today,” the traveler replied,” I told you,” the clerk said,” you can’t have a ticket tomorrow today. You ‘ll have to come tomorrow for it.”


Finally understanding what the traveler really wanted, the clerk said quite calmly,” why didn’t you say so in the first place? Here’s your ticket.”

Answer these questions

7. Where did the story take place?

8. Who are the main characters of the story? 9. When did the story take place?

10.What is the problem of the story? 11.How to solve the problem?

12.What is the “ Morrow” of the story? 13.What did the traveler want?

14.What happened at the end of the story?


One day, a rat walked past a lion sleeping in a deep forest. Just then, the lion woke up and saw the rat. He caught it with his paw.

“What a tasty meal!” he said.

Mr. Lion, King of the forest,’ cried the rat,” please have pity on me I’m too small to make a good meal for you. If your let me g,” I’ll always be grateful to you. Perhaps one day I shall be able to repay you for your kindness.”

The Lion laughed,” How can you ever repay me?”

But since he was not feeling very hungry, he let the tar go.

The next day, the rat heard a loud noise in the forest. He ran to see what it was. It was the lion. He had falled into a hole in the ground and was caught in a rope net.

The Lion looked up and saw the rat.”Mr. Rat,” he called out,”Mr. Rat, Please jump down and help me.”

The rat jumped down into the hole and started to bite through the net. The lion was soon able to climb out o the hole.


From: favorite stories from Asia

By: Leon comber, p.9 Answer these questions

15.Where did the story take place?

16.Who are the main characters of the story? 17.When did the story take place?

18.What is the problem of the story? 19.How to solve the problem?

20.Did the rat keep his promise to the Lion? 21.What did the Lion say when he caught the rat? 22.What happened at the end of the story?


One bright, Sunny morning, and ugly black crow purched on the branch of tree. She had just stolen a tasty piece of cheese and was about to enjoy it. Just then a dark brown fox passed by. He was very hungry. Then he saw the food in the crow’s beak. Its mouth watered, so he thought of a clever plan to get the cheese.

The fox looked up at the crow, he said,” I have always admired you beauty, with your soft, shiny feathers and nice beak. If voice is as fine as your looks, you could be queen of the birds.

The crow wanted to be queen. So, to prove that she could sing, she opened her beak and made a loud “ cow!” of course. When she opened that her beak, the piece of cheese fall to the ground. The fox happily snatched up the cheese and laughed. He said,” my dear crow, your voice is fine but opinion is not. You shouldn’t believe everything you hear! Thanks for the cheese.

Answer these questions

23.Where did the story take place?

24.Who are the main characters of the story? 25.When did the story take place?


Appendix 2

The Mean Score of The Students’ Pre-Test


The Mean Score Of The Students’ Post-Test


Appendix 3

Standard Deviation of the Students’ Pre test





Appendix 4

Standard Deviation of the students’ Post test

SD =



Appendix 5

Calculation of t-test value The mean score of gain ( )


Appendix 6



1. AW 5,7 FAIR

2. MI 3,3 Very Poor

3. HT 3 Very Poor

4. ADA 5,7 Fair

5. AS 3 Very POOR

6. NP 4 Poor

7. SN 3 Very Poor

8. NF 5 Poor

9. AT 3,3 Very Poor

10. NJ 3,3 Very Poor

11. RAP 2,3 Very Poor

12. EW 5,7 Fair

13. MN 3,3 Very Poor

14. SK 3 Very Poor

15. FAA 5 Poor

16. AMA 2,7 Very Poor

17. DN 4 Poor


19. MYS 3,3 Very Poor

20. AK 5,7 Fair

21. WS 2,7 Very Poor

22. SRH 3,3 Very poor

23. TAP 2 Very Poor

24. SY 5 Poor

25. RC 3 Very Poor


Appendix 7



1. AW 8,6 Very Good

2. MI 7,6 Good

3. HT 7,3 Fair

4. ADA 8,3 Good

5. AS 7 Fair

6. NP 8,3 Good

7. SN 7,3 Fair

8. NF 8,6 Very Good

9. AT 8,3 Good

10. NJ 7,6 Good

11. RAP 6,6 Fair

12. EW 8,3 Good

13. MN 8 Good

14. SK 8,3 Good

15. FAA 8,6 Very Good

16. AMA 6,6 Fair

17. DN 8,3 Good


19. MYS 8,3 Good

20. AK 8,6 Very Good

21. WS 7 Fair

22. SRH 8,3 Good

23. TAP 6,6 Fair

24. SY 8,3 Good

25. RC 7,3 Fair


Appendix 8


18. ASI 2,7 7,3 7,29 53,29 4,6 21,16

19. MYS 3,3 8,3 1,.89 68,89 5 25

20. AK 5,7 8,6 32,49 73,96 2,9 8,41

21. WS 2,7 7 7,29 49 4,3 18,49

22. SRH 3,3 8,3 10,89 68,89 5 25

23. TAP 2 6,6 4 43,56 4,6 21,16

24. SY 5 8,3 25 68,89 3,3 10,89

25. RC 3 7,3 9 53,29 4,3 18.49


18 1.330 1.734 2.101 2.552 2.878 3.922 19 1.328 1.729 2.093 2.539 2.861 3.883 20 1.325 1.275 2.086 2.528 2.845 3.850 21 1.323 1.721 2.080 2.518 2.831 3.819 22 1.321 1.717 2.074 2.508 2.819 3.792

23 1.319 1.711 2.069 2.500 2.807 3.767 24 1.318 1.711 2.064 2.492 2.797 3.745 25 1.316 1.708 2.060 2.485 2.787 3.725 26 1.315 1.706 2.056 2.479 2.779 3.707 27 1.314 1.703 2.052 2.473 2.771 3.690 28 1.313 1.701 2.048 2.467 2.763 3.674 29 1.311 1.699 2.045 2.462 2.756 3.659 30 1.310 1.697 2.042 2.457 2.750 3.646

40 1.303 1.684 2.021 2.423 2.704 3.551 60 1.296 1.671 2.000 2.390 2.660 3.460 120 1.289 1.658 1.980 2.358 2.617 3.373





Table 3 The t-test of students’ reading
Table 1.  the result of students’ pre test and post test.
Table  3. The t-test of students’ comprehension achievement


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