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Academic year: 2017



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Sukmawati Sundari Siregar Reg. Number. 408141111 Biology Bilingual Education Program


Submitted to fulfill one of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan





Assalamualikum. Wr.Wb

Foremost, I would like to express my deepest thank and praise to the Almighty God ALLAH SWT for all His blessing and grace that has given a chance and health so I am able to finish this thesis.

My thesis title is “The Application Of SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review) Method to Improve Student’s Learning Outcome and Activity in Biology at Class X SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran Academic Year 2011/2012” arranged to fulfill one of the requirement to get the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan of State University of Medan.

I would like to give thanks to Mr. rer. nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si as my supervisor for having precious time and gave the guidance, critic, suggest, and support to do my thesis. For Mrs. Dr. Fauziyah Harahap, M.S.i, Mrs. Meida Nugrahalia, M.S.c, and Mr. Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar, M.Sc who given usefull critisims and suggestions for my thesis. To Mrs. Dra. Rosita Tarigan, M.Ps., as my academic advisor. To Mr. Drs, Tri Harsono, M.Si, as Head of Biology Major, and also to all of the lecturer and staff in Biology Major of FMIPA UNIMED who helped and given motivation to me.

My gratitute is also addressed to Mr. Drs. Abdul Mufti, MM as the headmaster and Mr. Dr. Edward R. Siahaan as vice-heasmaster of SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran and Mrs. Dra. H.A. Sihotang, as the biology teacher who had given me a lot of help during the research.

Special thank and big appreciation to my beloved parents, Barani Yakub Siregar (Father) and Elliwati Rambe (Mother), my beloved daughters, Ahmad Syahdani Siregar, Atikah Ghassani Abdiah Siregar, Nikmat Nur Siregar, and Fadhli Siregar who gives pray, love, support, motivation to me so I finished my study.


Finally, I also thankful to my big family in Medan, Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) Komisariat FMIPA UNIMED, and to my Majelis Ta’lim Community (Siti Sumari, Raja Novi Ariska, and Rizky Jayati) who are very helpful and for all their moral support. To unforgettable friend, Keasy Rismauli Manurung who have fighting together in collages and support for completing this thesis. Thanks for and also all of my friends at the Biology Bilingual Education 2008 and overall UNIMED.

I realized that my thesis is still much weakness both the content and also the grammatical, thus I expected critic and suggestion to perferct this thesis. And I hope this thesis can be usefull to enrich the education knowledge.


Medan, August 2012 Writer,





Legalization Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of Contents vi

The List of Figures viii

The List of Tables ix

The List of Attachments x


1.1. Background of Study 1

1.2. Problem Identification 5

1.3. Scope of Study 5

1.4. Research Question 6

1.5. Objectives of Study 6

1.6. Significance of Study 6


2.1.Literature Review 8

2.1.1 Definition of Learning 8

2.1.2 Learning Outcome 8

2.1.3. Learning Activity 10

2.2. Learning Method 11

2.2. SQ3R Method 12

2.2.2. SQ3R as the reading strategy 14

2.2.2. 1. Skimming and Scanning 15

2.2.3. Implementation Steps of SQ3R Method 18 2.2.4. Advantage and disadvantage of SQ3R Method 19

2.3. Ecosystem 21

2.3.1. Definition of Ecosystem 21

2.3.2. Component of Ecosystem 21

2.3.3. Type of Ecosystem 22

2.3.4. The independence of Producent, Consumer, and Decomposer 23

2.4. Conceptual Framework 29


3.1. Location and Time of Research 30

3.1.1. Location of Research 30

3.1.2. Time of Research 30

3.2. Research Object 30

3.3. The Kind and Design of Research 30

3.4. Research Procedure 31


3.6. Instrument Test 42

3.7. Data Analysis 45


4.1. Result of Research 49

4.1.1. Description of Research Instrument 49 First Cycle 50 Second Cycle 54 Third Cycle 57

4.2. The improvement of research result in each cycle 59

4.3. Discussion 62


5.1. Conclusions 65

5.2. Suggestions 65




Pages Table 2.1. Aspects reviewed in the survey step of SQ3R method 13 Table 2.2. Implementation Steps of SQ3R method 18 Table 3.1. Distribution of learning result test on ecosystem lesson 41 Table 3.2. Instrument for student’s activity 42

Table 3.3. Students mastery level 47

Table 4.1. Completeness frequency of student learning outcome

in cycle I 52

Table 4.2. Observation data of each student activities in cycle I 52 Table 4.3. Completeness frequency of student learning outcome

in cycle II 55

Table 4.4. Observation data of each student activities in cycle II 56 Table 4.5. Completeness frequency of student learning outcome

in cycle III 58



Pages Figure 2.1. Food chain in surrounding Pakam region 23 Figure 2.2. Food Net in surrounding Cemara Asri fishpond 24 Figure 2.3. An ecological pyramid of biomass 26 Figure 2.4. An ecological pyramid of number 27 Figure 2.5. An ecological pyramid of energy flow 28 Figure 3.1. Mechanism cycle of classroom action research in 3 cycles 34 Figure 4.1. Comparison of student’s learning outcome between values

of pretest, post test I, post test II, and post test III 59 Figure 4.2. The increasing number of students completes the lesson in

every cycle 60





Attachment 1. Sylabus 71

Attachment 2. Lesson Plan in First Cycle 75 Attachment 3. Lesson Plan in Second Cycle 82 Attachment 4. Lesson Plan in Third Cycle 89 Attachment 5. Student’s SQ3R Reading Worksheet 95 Attachment 6. SQ3R worksheet (K-W-L-S Chart) 100 Attachment 7. Student’s SQ3R Reading Worksheet

(Survey Unfamiliar Words) 101

Attachment 8. Instrument of Learning Outcome Assessment on

Ecosystem Topic 102

Attachment 9. Answer Keys 112

Attachment 10. Validity Table 113

Attachment 11. The Calculation of Validity Test 114

Attachment 12. Reliability Table 116

Attachment 13. The Calculation of Reliability Test 117 Attachment 14. Difference Capacity Test Table 119 Attachment 15. The Calculation of Difference Capacity Test 120

Attachment 16. Test Difficulty Table 123

Attachment 17. The Calculation of Test Difficulty Level 124

Attachment 18. Pre-test Achievement 126

Attachment 19. Students Learning Outcome in Cycle I on Ecosystem Topic in Class X3SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran Academic

Year 2011/2012 127

Attachment 20. Students Learning Outcome in Cycle II on Ecosystem Topic in Class X3SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran Academic

Year 2011/2012 128

Attachment 21. Students Learning Outcome in Cycle III on Ecosystem Topic in Class X3 SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran Academic

Year 2011/2012 129

Attachment 22. Comparison of Students Learning Outcome Data 130 Attachment 23. Observation Sheet Instrument of Students 131 Attachment 24. Table of Individual Assessment 132 Attachment 25. Observation Sheet of Students Learning Activities

in Cycle I 133

Attachment 26. Observation Sheet of Students Learning Activities

in Cycle II 136

Attachment 27. Observation Sheet of Students Learning Activities

in Cycle III 139



1.1. Background of study

Biology is one part of natural science that discuss about living things. Natural Science as the science in education world used to develop and increase the skills, attitude and scientific value for students. So students get deep understanding about the surrounding natural. Teacher has an important role to reach the goal of education. Especially for biology, the teacher must use the learning strategy that involve the students become more active in learning to increase the learning outcome.

In teaching and learning process, generally teacher applies lecture method. The learning process takes place just in one way, where the teacher explains the lesson and students just listen and note the lesson. In this learning activity tend to be dominated by teacher and students are not active. Actually, students are exposed to learn more active, not only rely on the teacher to get subject matter but also are expected to have a high curiosity to develop the learning materials obtained from school.

Ecosytem is one of biology topics. It consist of facts, concepts, and pricnciples, related to the surrounding natural environment and consist of text description. Such characteristics of biology topic need the deep understanding of students and implementation. But, students just know the lesson without recall again the lesson when they found it in field or daily life. It is caused by the use of learning method which is less precise for conveying the subject matter.

If the lecture method is applied in biology lesson, it will make biology is often described as an object of study which is difficult to be understood and mastered because of much emphasis on rote learning of facts and concepts.



passive, listless, bores quickly, and experienced fatigue (Ajarini, 2008:1). This condition also can influence the learning outcome of students.

Dimyati and Mudjiono (2002, in Prasetyani, 2010:1) argued that the learning process is more effective when students participate actively in the process learning. Students will be able to understand the lessons from their experience and it will enhance learning outcomes. Therefore, the task of teachers is not simply pass on information to achievement of learning goals, but also creates learning experiences of students. Teachers should strive to make the classroom activities can provide opportunities as possible for the student experience. Students activity in learning process can develop learning capacity and potential of students in full, then the students can obtain good learning results.

Teacher should be able to find methods and techniques that can support these roles, so the teaching and learning activities can be organized effectively. According to Mastuti, (2009:2), the selection of a method need the attention to some things like the material presented, the purposes of learning, the available time, the students number, and the condition of students in learning as well as matters related to the students success in the learning process.

This research is conducted in SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran. SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran is one of the Pioneering International School in Kisaran. There are adequate facilities that support the teaching and learning process include: libraries and laboratories in the school. But, it cannot be said complete because the number of facilities of laboratory and LCD is still limited. Subject of this research is students of SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran at class X3which has number of students are 32 with details 14 are male and

18 are female. In this class has 16 sets of student desks and chairs that facing to the balckboard.

Based on the interviews with a biology teacher class X3 SMA


of biology in 2010/2011 achieve 70, there are only 8 students from 32 students that reach the value above of Criteria of Mininum Completeness with Criteria of Mininum Completeness is 72. From the observation result, the existing problems obtained in the classroom are: 1) Teacher oriented to spend the material than the meaningful learning process in learning process, 2) Conventional method is generally applied. Although the teacher uses the teacher-centered method but teacher sometimes have to involve the students participated in the learning process. Almost all students designated by teacher to answer questions just quiet and were surprised when appointed. The use of lecture method in the class X3is less

precise because most students are more quickly saturated and bored, so the students' enthusiastic and attention to the biology class is reduced. 3) Class X3 is a class where the students are passive for asking question and express

their own opinion. It is only dominated by certain students. Almost students tend to be quiet to listen and record the teacher explanation. it causes the students learning participation has not been visible. Class X3

used as subjects in the study because there were problems in the classroom that need improvement.

Based on the identification of the problems above, there are serious problems that should not be allowed to continue because it will greatly affect the successful of achievement of learning objectives, especially for biology. Therefore, it is necessary to develop learning method that capable in involving the student’s participation as a whole and increase the learning outcome of students.



Reading allows us to communicate with others through writing. Reading can be viewed as a process of interaction between language and thought. As the process of interaction, the success of reading will be influenced by knowledge factors that underlying the reading method (Trianto, 2009:151). By reading activity skill also will open the extensive knowledge (Doloksaribu, 2010).

Methods of SQ3R, students are expected to find the main idea and remember for a long time, if it is done continuously, students can understand the reading until 80 % (Bernico, 2010:2). Students are also expected to understand the matter and remember the information. So the students are able to critic, understand, and express their opinion and view to the discussed matter (Anggreini, 2010:2).

Some result of previous research shown that the application of SQ3R method has increased the learning result of students. Research result of Siti Gunarti (2011) showed that the SQ3R method can increase the learning outcome of students. It can be seen from the average of students result in the first cycle was 62.2 while in the second cycle was 76.30.

The same research result by Mei Anisyah (2011), where the average of students result in the first cycle was 72.2 while in the second cycle was 80.3 and the observation result also showed that there is an increasing of students activity where the percent of students activity in the first cycle was 76.05 % increase become 80.7 % with the category is good.


1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background of the study above, so the problems of study are:

1. The learning outcome of student’s SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran is not satisfactory yet. It was shown from the student’s average score in 2010/2011 achieve 70, there are only 8 students from 32 students that reach the value above of Criteria of Mininum Completeness with Criteria of Mininum Completeness is 72.

2. Conventional method is generally applied and it does not attract the students' enthusiastic and attention to the biology class.

3. SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review) method is applied in biology lesson yet.

4. The lack of student’s involvement in learning process in asking question and express their own opinion. It is just dominated by certain students.

1.3. Scope of Study

Based on the scope of the studying problems, the scopes of study are:

1. Research Object a.Learning Method

Learning method used in this research is SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review) method.

b.Teaching material

Teaching material is limited only on ecosystem topic. c.Parameter



2. Research Subject

Research Subject is Student’s SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran Grade X3

Academic Year 2011/2012.

1.4. Research Question

The problems of this study are:

1. Is there an improving of student’s learning outcomes after SQ3R method applied in biology at class X SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran Academic Year 2011/2012?

2. Is there an improving of student’s activity during the biology learning process after SQ3R method applied in biology at class X SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran Academic Year 2011/2012?

1.5. Objectives of Study

The objectives of this study are:

1. To know an improving of student’s learning outcomes after SQ3R method applied in biology at class X SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran Academic Year 2011/2012?

2. To know an improving of student’s activitiy during the biology learning process after SQ3R method applied in biology at class X SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran Academic Year 2011/2012?

1.6. Significance of Study 1. For educational institutions

As input/suggestions to develop the appropriate learning strategies in order to improve the quality of processes, quality of student learning outcomes or quality of graduates.

2. For teachers


learning, it can be an information, alternative, a consideration and input materials for teacher to apply the SQ3R method.

3. For Students

To facilitate students in their lessons delivered by teacher by using the suitable method so that it can increase the student’s learning outcome and activity in learning process.

4. Other Researcher





5.1. Conclusions

After the data had been analysed, so it can be concluded that: 1. The application of SQ3R method can improve the students

learning outcomes on ecosystem topic. Based on the result of test done in each cycle, the average of students learning outcome value in first cycle was 67.47 and still low, in the second cycle reach 75.94 and presented as medium criteria and 88.19 in the third cycle and presented as high criteria. The number of students getting the completeness increases, which is from 40.62% at the end of first cycle, then in the second cycle shown the increasing value reach 56.25 %, and 93.75% at the end of third cycle.

2. The application of SQ3R method can improve the students learning activities. It showed from the increasing of number of students activities in each cycle from the first cycle is 14.47% with very low criteria, 35.99% with low criteria in second cycle, and to 41.43% with medium criteria in the third cycle.

5.2. Suggestions

Based on the conclusion above, it can be suggested: a. For Biology Teacher

1. Teacher is suggested to apply SQ3R method in teaching and learning process as an alternative to increase the students learning outcome and student’s activities.


3. Teacher hoped can manage the time effectively in implementing the SQ3R method. So all the steps of SQ3R can be applied.

4. Teacher should guides the students as a whole at the time in implementating SQ3R method, so the students can participate in the learning process by using SQ3R.

b. For Students

1. Students suggested for applying the SQ3R method for any reading, not only in biology learning but also the others.

2. Students should be able to better interact and give good responses and work together in learning, especially when the discussion took place.

c. For School

1. School should be able to implement the SQ3R method by using variations of media to another subject matter.

2. School should be able to provide a useful learning tool for improving students' attention to the material presented by the teacher.

d. For other researchers

1. Before the research implemented, suggested to develop and prepare the better instruments to reveal the other aspects. 2 Suggested to reanalysis the instrument or tools that have been



3. Before the research implemented, suggested the SQ3R method must first be trained and socialized to students to make the students had no difficulty in every step in the SQ3R method and the teaching and learning process can be effective.

4. Suggested to make the balancing between the numbers of observer with the indicator that will be observed. There should be limitation of indicator that observed by observer. It will make the observer become focused on some students.



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Table 2.1.  Aspects reviewed in the survey step of SQ3R method
Figure 2.1. Food chain in surrounding Pakam region


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