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M E D A N A C A D E M I C Y E A R 2 0 1 3 / 2 0 1 4


Hafizah Ilmi Sufa NIM 4103342007

Biology Bilingual Education Study Program


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






Assalamualaikum‟warahmatullahiwabarakatuh. Alhamdulillahirabbilalaamiin,

First of all, the writer says Thanks for the presence of ALLAH SWT, because has given bless, mercy and guidance so that the writer can finish this thesis with a title “The Development of POE (Prediction, Observation and Explanation) Oriented Module and Its Effect on Student’s Learning Outcome for Gametogenesis Sub Topic of Grade XI Science of SMAN 8 Medan Academic Years 2013/2014” to fulfill one of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, the State University of Medan (UNIMED).

The writer would like to thank and express the sincerest gratitude for: 1) Dra. Meida Nugrahalia, M.Sc. as writer thesis supervisor who has generously

spent precious time in giving guidance, encouragement, comments and suggestion until this thesis can be finished on time. Thank you very much, Mom. Wish Allah give a blessing life to you. Barakallah, aamiin.

2) Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar, M.Si., as my academic supervisor and also as my thesis advisor who had given criticisms and suggestions to me.

3) Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si., as the coordinator of Bilingual Program and also my thesis advisor that always raise our fighting spirit by his love.

4) Dra. Martina Restuati, M.Si., as my thesis advisor who has so many contribution in completing my thesis.

5) Drs. H. Tri Harsono, M.Si., as the chairman of Biology Department who always give support and guidance in finishing my graduation.

6) All the lecturers who had given advice, guidance, motivation and the valuable knowledge to the writer during academic years at UNIMED.



biology teacher and all students in XI Science 2. Nice experience with you, guys. 

8) The deepest thank and love to my parents, Drs. Sudirman, SP. M.Si and Dra. Farida Nadeak, who always give their pray, love and life to all their daughters and sons, not exception to me. I always pray, wish Allah loves and guides you wherever, whatever and whenever as your love to your children, Ma, Pa. :‟) Aamiin. The writer also thank to the lovely sister Widiya Sari Sufa, S.Si, and both my brothers, M. Ridho Sufa and Imam Penggowo Darojatun Sufa, thank you sist and bro :D All of you make my life become colorful! :D

9) Ransufa Family (Rafika, Astari, Novita), being glad to have experience with you, guys. Your love, care, tears, smile, laughing, and spending my time with you is one of the best moments in my life. Be always my sisters and brother ya.. :‟) And also our umi godank, I love you, you teach me how to be patient. 10)Silvia Sabatini, S.Pd., as my „real advisor‟ and my discussion partner in

finishing this thesis. Thank you very much, kak Chiby, you have lightened my blindness in finishing my thesis. :*

11)Biology Bilingual Education 2010 (Rani, Dewi, Eka, Adi, Frendy, Hastika, Helma, Herlina, Ika, Lea, Marta, Melani, Nanda, Shelly, Liza, Suyedi, Tia and mbak Tri). Whole semesters that I spent with you is one of the best moment I ever had. I love you and will miss you, friends. :‟)

12)For all people who give contribution for finishing this thesis that I can not mention one by one, thank you very much.

The writer realizes that in finishing this thesis still many of weakness. The writer hopes this thesis can give utilization for the writer and reader.


Medan, July , 2014 Writer,







Hafizah Ilmi Sufa (4103342007)


The aim of this research was to create a valid and quality POE (Prediction, Observation and Explanation) oriented module based on the curriculum 2013 characteristic. Then the module was tested to know the effectiveness as a Gametogenesis learning media and comparing the student’s learning cognitive outcome grade XI Science SMA Negeri 8 Medan between students who were taught by handbook and POE oriented module. The positive things of students who were taught by POE oriented module are giving opportunities for students to learn independently and actively by following the three learning activities, namely: predicting, observing and explaining activity. The type of this research is the development research, which develop a gametogenesis module in POE oriented model by using Borg and Gall’s development theory, which consists of ten steps, namely: (1) Observation, (2) Literature Review, (3) Design Product, (4) Expert Validation, (5) Revision Module Draft I, (6) Preliminary Field Testing, (7) Revision Product Draft II, (8) Main Field Testing, (9) Final Revision and (10) Final Product and Dissemination. From the expert validation results, the material, presentation, readability and graphical aspect are in very good criterion or 87.5%, 85.41%, 85.71%, 85%, respectively. After doing revision I, then collecting result from preliminary field testing that the material, presentation, readability and graphical aspect are in very good criterion or 93.7%, 94.5%, 98.6%, 98.6%, respectively. Then continuing to revision II and before getting final product and dissemination, the main field testing was done that the results are very good criterion or 100% in every aspects. Finally, a gametogenesis module in POE oriented model could be used as a learning source in treatment class (XI Science 2) and resulted students learning outcome increased from 57.43 become 84.14, while the students in control class (XI Science 3) that used students handbook through direct instructional learning model reached average score of learning outcome from 56.53 become 69.77. The students learning outcome who used a gametogenesis module has mean 84.14 is higher than students learning outcome who used handbook whic has mean 69.77. The statistic analysis shows in significant level of 0.05 that there was a significant difference between student’s learning outcome who were taught by POE oriented module and student’s handbook (tcount 12.296 < ttable1.9901).





Thesis Approval i

Biography ii

Abstracts iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of Content vi

List of Figures viii

List of Tables x

List of Appendix xiii


1.1. Background of Problem 1

1.2. Problem Identification 4

1.3. The Scope of Study 5

1.4. Research Questions 5

1.5. Research Objectives 5

1.6. Significances of Research 6


2.1. The Theoretical Framework 7

2.1.1. The Essential of Teaching and Learning Process 7

2.1.2. Curriculum Role in Learning Process Nowadays 8

2.1.3. Learning Outcome 9

2.1.4. Instructional Learning Media 11

2.1.5. Module 13

2.1.6. Learning Module 19

2.1.7. POE (Prediction, Observation, Explanation) Learning Model 19

2.1.8. The Steps of POE Oriented Module Development 21

2.1.9. Sub Topic: Gametogenesis on Human Reproductive System 21

2.2. Conceptual Framework 30

2.3. Research Hypothesis 31


3.1. Location and Time of Research 32

3.2. Population and Sample 32

3.3. Design of Research 33

3.4. Research Instruments 37

3.5. Research Procedures 38

3.6. Instrument Testing 46




4.1. The results of research 54

4.1.1. Description of the module development 55

4.1.2. Data description pre-research 80

4.1.3. Data description normality and homogeneity 81

4.1.4. Data description of research 82

4.1.5. Measuring the effect of module 84

4.1.6. Hypothesis test 85

4.2. The problem that faced in the research 86


5.1. Conclusions 87

5.2. Suggestions 88






Table 3.1 Number of Grade XI Science Students

SMAN 8 Medan Academic Year 2011/2012 32

Table 3.2 Main Field Trials 36

Table 3.3 Cognitive Test Instrument in Gametogenesis

Sub Topic 38

Table 3.4 Criterion of Validation Instrument with a Likert

Type Scale with the Scores 52

Table 3.5 Criterion of Aspect Percentage in Gametogenesis

Module that have been Developed 53

Table 3.6 Categories of Student’s Learning Outcome Test 53

Table 4.1 Students learning outcome value 55

Table 4.2 The experts’ score on the material aspects of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA Negeri 8 Medan

Academic Year 2013/2014 57

Table 4.3 The experts’ score on the presentation aspects of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA Negeri 8 Medan

Academic Year 2013/2014 58

Table 4.4 The experts’ score on the readability aspects of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA Negeri 8 Medan

Academic Year 2013/2014 60

Table 4.5 The experts’ score on the graphical aspects of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA Negeri 8 Medan

Academic Year 2013/2014 63

Table 4.6 The experts’ comparison score on each aspect of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA Negeri 8 Medan

Academic Year 2013/2014 66

Table 4.7 Result of revision I 67

Table 4.8 The preliminary field testing score on the material aspects of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA

Negeri 8 Medan Academic Year 2013/2014 68



presentation aspects of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA Negeri 8

Medan Academic Year 2013/2014 69

Table 4.10 The preliminary field testing score on the readability aspects of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA Negeri 8

Medan Academic Year 2013/2014 71

Table 4.11 The preliminary field testing score on the graphical aspects of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA Negeri 8

Medan Academic Year 2013/2014 73

Table 4.12 The preliminary field testing comparison score on each aspect of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA Negeri 8

Medan Academic Year 2013/2014 74

Table 4.13 Results of revision II 75

Table 4.14 The main field testing comparison score on each aspect of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA Negeri 8 Medan Academic Year

2013/2014 based on the questionnaire review 77

Table 4.15 The review result of pretest and postest from

class XI Science 2 and XI Science 3 78

Table 4.16 The result of revision III 79

Table 4.17 Normality test data 81

Table 4.18 Homogeneity test data 81

Table 4.19 The result of student’s learning outcome in grade XI Science 2 SMA Negeri 8 Medan

for pre-test 82

Table 4.20 The result of student’s learning outcome level in grade XI Science 2 SMA Negeri 8 Medan

for pre-test 82

Table 4.21 The result of student’s learning outcome in grade XI Science 3 SMA Negeri 8 Medan

for pre-test 83

Table 4.22 The result of student’s learning outcome level in grade XI Science 3 SMA Negeri 8 Medan

for pre-test 83

Table 4.23 The result of student’s learning outcome in grade XI Science 2 SMA Negeri 8 Medan



Table 4.24 The result of student’s learning outcome level in grade XI Science 2 SMA Negeri 8 Medan

for post-test 83

Table 4.25 The result of student’s learning outcome in grade XI Science 3 SMA Negeri 8 Medan

for post-test 84

Table 4.26 The result of student’s learning outcome level in grade XI Science 3 SMA Negeri 8 Medan

for post-test 84





Figure 2.1 The Steps of POE Oriented Module Development 21

Figure 2.2 Human Reproductive System Concept Map 22

Figure 2.3 Various Stages of Mitosis 24

Figure 2.4 Various Stages of Meiosis I and II 26

Figure 2.5 Spermatogenesis 27

Figure 2.6 Oogenesis 29

Figure 3.1 Design POE Oriented Module of

Development Research 40

Figure 3.2 POE Oriented Module Content 42

Figure 3.3 Validation Process of Module 43

Figure 3.4 Chart of the implementation phase procedure of

the research until varying the conclusions 45

Figure 4.1 The experts’ score on the material aspects of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA Negeri 8 Medan

Academic Year 2013/2014 58

Figurer 4.2 The experts’ score on the presentation aspects of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA Negeri 8 Medan

Academic Year 2013/2014 59

Figure 4.3 The experts’ score on the readability aspects of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA Negeri 8 Medan

Academic Year 2013/2014 62

Figure 4.4 The experts’ score on the graphical aspects of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA Negeri 8 Medan

Academic Year 2013/2014 65

Figure 4.5 The experts’ comparison score on each

aspect of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA Negeri 8 Medan

Academic Year 2013/2014 66

Figure 4.6 The preliminary field testing score on the material aspects of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA Negeri 8

Medan Academic Year 2013/2014 69

Figure 4.7 The preliminary field testing score on the presentation aspects of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA

Negeri 8 Medan Academic Year 2013/2014 71



readability aspects of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA

Negeri 8 Medan Academic Year 2013/2014 72

Figure 4.9 The preliminary field testing score on the graphical aspects of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA Negeri 8

Medan Academic Year 2013/2014 74

Figure 4.10 The preliminary field testing comparison score on each aspect of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA

Negeri 8 Medan Academic Year 2013/2014 75

Figure 4.11 The main field testing comparison score on each aspect of Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model in SMA Negeri 8 Medan Academic Year 2013/2014 based on the

questionnaire review 78

Figure 4.12 The review result of pretest and postest from





Appendix 1 Syllabus of Learning Activities 92

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan for Treatment Class 94

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan for Control Class 100

Appendix 4 Pertinggal Nilai Biologi Siswa Kelas XI

T.P 2013/2014 Semester Ganjil 105

Appendix 5 Pertinggal Nilai Biologi Siswa Kelas XII A1

Semester Genap T.P 2012/2013 108

Appendix 6 Questionnaire of Module Quality for

Lecture/Teacher 109

Appendix 7 Questionnaire of Module Quality for

Students 113

Appendix 8 Cognitive Instrument of Gametogenesis 117

Appendix 9 Validity and Reability Test Instrument 127

Appendix 10 Item Discriminant 128

Appendix 11 Item Difficulty 129

Appendix 12 Formula Path of Validity, Reability,

Item Discriminant and Item Difficulty 130

Appendix 13 The Research Score List of Students XI

Science 2 and XI Science 3 134

Appendix 14 Formula Path of Normality, Homogeneity,

Ttest and Hypothesis Test 136

Appendix 15 Gametogenesis Modul in POE Oriented Model 143

Appendix 16 Gametogenesis Theory based on Erlangga

Handbook 144



1.1 Background of Problem

One of the successes of achieving the educational goals based on the law of RI No. 20, 2003 at article 3 about National Education System is improving the students’ cognitive, affective and psychomotor outcome at once. This means to achieve these three aspects at once need to choose precise various models to inhibit the pressing to the development of one aspect only. Whereas, data from research still found problem at school which usually less creativity to do teaching learning process through various models, for example research by Saputra in 2011. According to Saputra (2011), the learning process which is done through monotonous learning model in this case always present a direct instructional learning model in class room will make students as receptor and duty implementer from teacher would be less motivated to be active in learning process. While Setiawan, W., et al. (2010) argued that a learning process through direct instructional learning model which is applied in learning process proved that there was no significant difference of students effectivity in understanding of learning between upper and lower groups.

Actually, this phenomenon still happened in Indonesian teaching learning process until nowadays. For example, researcher got this problem from experience when carried on Teaching Practice Program (Program Pengalaman Lapangan / PPL) in SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi. The learning model that was applied in teaching



Another example of unbalancing of three aspects in learning outcome is proved by observation on November 26th – 29th, 2013 in SMAN 8 Medan, the same problem was also happened like in SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi. The direct instructional learning model was very often faced in biology. Precisely, direct instructional learning model is not enough to support the curriculum 2013 as described in Educational and Cultural Minister Regulation (Permendikbud No. 65, 2013) that the learning process have to be a holistic development for three aspects namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspect at once. It means that one aspect cannot be separated from the other aspects in order to produce personal qualities that reflect the integrity of knowledge, attitude and skill mastery.

The second problem of SMAN 8 Medan after researcher did a personal interview with one of biology teacher there, Drs. Sudirman, M.Si, the researcher found the serious fact that students got low scores in formative assessment of Gametogenesis sub-topic or 65.61 average score while, the minimum criteria

(KKM) is more than 75 (Drs. Sudirman, M.Si. Personal interview on February 28th, 2014). Gametogenesis sub topic belongs to the process of gonad to produce sex cell that influenced by some hormones. All these need media to be learned because cannot be observed directly by the limitation of apparatus and material available in school. Furthermore, if the learning process is done by direct instructional learning as the usually applied in biology class will be not easy to make students understand about gametogenesis sub topic. If apparatus and material to observe about gametogenesis is not prepared by school, at least student’s handbook comply a standard of curriculum 2013 which is able to help students in learning gametogenesis through scientific approach to help understanding the process of gametogenesis in detail.



The researcher has read the students’ biology handbook for XI science of SMAN 8 Medan about gametogenesis sub topic then compared with three others biology handbooks in different publishers to see the quality of the content. The most complete book from the four samples is the student’s biology handbook of SMAN 8 Medan published by Erlangga (see Appendix 16). While, this Erlangga’s handbook is still far from curriculum 2013 characteristic. This book is more appropriate delivering by direct instructional learning, not by learning model which support the curriculum 2013. For example, the explanation of gametogenesis mechanisms in Erlangga book is just focusing directly to the final cells which are resulted by mitotic and meiotic I and II division, not presenting the steps so how the cells can contain a haploid or diploid chromosomes and why need to develop by mitotic and also meiotic in gametogenesis. The condition of this student’s handbook adds one more reason of student’s low score for gametogenesis sub topic.

One of solution for this problem is by modifying the gametogenesis student’s handbook become a gametogenesis module which is oriented by a learning model that support curriculum 2013 that able to used in classroom to increase students learning outcome. POE (Prediction, Observation and Explanation) is one of the learning models which relates to scientific approach which are taught and accustomed students to find scientific truth, not give slander in viewing of a phenomenon. As the Educational and Cultural Minister Regulation (Permendikbud No. 65, 2013) hinted as Standard Process of Primary and Secondary Education to improve the students learning outcome acquired through the activity of "observing, asking, trying, reasoning, presenting, and create".



complete pictures about every stages in cells division. Finally, students will get the right answer about the question before and can explain it.

For addition, the effectiveness of POE learning model has been ever observed and the result was able to increase the students’ outcome especially for cognitive aspect in 14%, affective and psychomotor aspect increased 5% and 1%, respectively (Saraswati, 2011). While based on Amanah’s research in 2013, the effect of POE learning model to the students cognitive, (t count was 3.610 > ttabe

2.052) with p value (sig). 0.001). It means that there was a very significant difference of students cognitive between before and after being taught by POE learning model.

Furthermore, from the description above, researcher will do a research by develop the Gametogenesis module in POE (Prediction, Observation and Explanation) oriented model to increase student’s learning outcome grade XI science of SMAN 8 Medan academic years 2013/2014.

1.2 Problem Identification

Based on the background above, then the problem identifications of this study are as follows:

1. Biology teaching learning process is mostly implemented in direct instructional learning model which is not belong to scientific approach as curriculum 2013 characteristic.

2. The implementation through direct instructional learning model caused the student’s score of formative assessment for Gametogenesis sub-topic was very low in last year or 65.61 average score.



1.3 The Scope of Study

By regarding the extent indentified problems so in this research, the scope of study is limited in:

1. The developing of Gametogenesis module based on POE (Prediction, Observation, Explanation) oriented model for grade XI science of SMAN 8 Medan academic year 2013/2014.

2. The increasing of student’s learning outcome of Gametogenesis sub topic for grade XI science of SMAN 8 Medan academic year 2013/2014.

1.4 Research Questions

In this study, the research questions are as follows:

1. How to develop a Gametogenesis module based on POE (Prediction, Observation, Explanation) oriented model for grade XI science of SMAN 8 Medan academic year 2013/2014?

2. Is there any increasing of student’s learning outcome after being given the Gametogenesis module based on POE (Prediction, Observation, Explanation) oriented model for grade XI science of SMAN 8 Medan academic year 2013/2014?

3. Is there any difference of student’s learning outcome between class which use Erlangga biology handbook and Gametogenesis module based on POE (Prediction, Observation, Explanation) oriented model for grade XI science of SMAN 8 Medan academic year 2013/2014?

1.5 Research Objectives

The objectives of this study are:

1. To know the process of Gametogenesis module development based on POE (Prediction, Observation, Explanation) oriented model for grade XI science of SMAN 8 Medan academic year 2013/2014.



Explanation) oriented model for grade XI science of SMAN 8 Medan academic year 2013/2014.

3. To know the difference of student’s learning outcome between class which used Erlangga biology handbook and Gametogenesis module based on POE (Prediction, Observation, Explanation) oriented model for grade XI science of SMAN 8 Medan academic year 2013/2014.

1.6 Significances of Research

The significances that expected from the results of this study are:

1. For teachers, this study is able to enhance the innovative learning instructional by using Gametogenesis module based on POE (Prediction, Observation, Explanation) oriented model in classroom teaching and learning process.

2. For students, the learning process by using Gametogenesis module based on POE (Prediction, Observation, Explanation) oriented model is able to increase student’s learning outcome.

3. For school, can increase the learning quality especially in learning of gametogenesis subtopic.





5.1 Conclusion

The conclusions that can be gotten from this research are:

1) The Gametogenesis module development in POE (Prediction, Observation and Explanation) oriented model was compiled by Research and Development (R&D) of Borg and Gall, which was through nine (9) stages, namely: field observation and collecting information, develop module draft 1 and validity by experts of (design and content), revision module draft I, preliminary field testing, revision module draft II, main field testing, review, operational module revision, final product and dissemination.

2) The worthiness of this module which is gotten from main field testing data shows that students’ learning outcome is improved and being satisfied. Improvement obtained by the grade XI Science 2 that used module in learning gift average score from 57.43 became 84.14. While grade XI Science 3 that using handbook did not reach the mastery learning (minimum score), the score just improved from 56.53 became 69.77.

3) The result of expert validation on the aspect of Gametogenesis module in POE (Prediction, Observation and Explanation) oriented model showed that the material aspect is the highest of 87.5%, followed by the readability aspect 85.71% and presentation aspect 85.41%. Graphical aspect is the lowest aspect than the other aspects, which is only 85%. While, all aspects are still in very good criterion and just need a little improvement. The result of comparison is concluded that the gametogenesis module in POE oriented model have otherwise been feasible with the assessment criterion overall very good.



5) The result of main field testing validation of the Gametogenesis module in POE (Prediction, Observation and Explanation) oriented model showed that the material, presentation, readability and graphical aspect are 100%, collectively. These percentages were still categorized very good.

6) Gametogenesis module in POE (Prediction, Observation and Explanation) oriented model that has developed by researcher is suitable to be used as a good biology learning resource at gametogenesis sub topic for grade XI Science students.

7) Gametogenesis module in POE (Prediction, Observation and Explanation) oriented model can increase student’s learning outcome significantly with tcalculate (3.385 ) > ttable tcalculate (2.0211) at significance =0.05.

8) There was significant difference between student’s learning outcome that is

taught by using Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model and student’s handbook by proved from tcalculate (12.296) > ttable (1.9901). It means that

Student’s learning outcome that are taught by using Gametogenesis module in POE oriented model is higher than student’s learning outcome that are taught by using student’s handbook.

5.2. Suggestion

Having considered the findings of this research, the suggestions are:

1. For biology teachers can use this Gametogenesis module in POE (Prediction, Observation and Explanation) oriented model in teaching learning process of gametogenesis sub topic as an alternative media for improving students learning outcomes




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Table 4.24
Figure 4.9


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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memformulasi gel tabir surya dari minyak nyamplung serta menguji sifat fisik dan nilai SPF dari sediaan gel dan mengubah pandangan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas zeolit 20 , karbon aktif 10 , dan dosis minyak cengkeh yang berbeda dalam mempertahankan kualitas air pada transportasi

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa usia sebagian besar adalah usia 5-6 tahun (30%), jenis kelamin sebagian besar perempuan (57,5%), sebagian besar suku Batak (42,5%),


Hasil penelitian adalah adanya pengaruh positif signifikan yang kuat antara dimensi experiential marketing, yaitu sense, feel, think, act dan relate terhadap