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Academic year: 2018



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(Pragmatics Approach)


Submitted As a Partial Fulfillment of Requirement For the Sarjana Sastra Degree of the English Department

Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts Sebelas Maret University






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But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and

perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah

Knows, while you know not. (QS 02:261)

If the going is real easy, beware, you may behead down


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This thesis is dedicated to:

1. Allaah SWT

2. My number one husband in the world Mas Ingsinyur Sigit Rais Raharjo and my Afifah Rais Kanataqiyya

3. My lovely grandmothers


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Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin… All praise is due to Allah Azza Wa Jalla

who guides every step on my life that finally I can accomplish this thesis. Peace

and blessings upon His messenger, the Prophet Muhammad Shalallahu ’Alaihi

Wassalam. I realize that without supports from people surround me, I might not

able to accomplish this thesis. Therefore, I would like to extend a special thank to

those who have given valuable contribution.

1. Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed., Ph.D, the Dean of Faculty of Letters and Fine

Arts, for approving this thesis.

2. Drs. S. Budi Waskito, M.Pd, as the Head of English Non-Regular Program,

for for the big concern on his students.

3. Drs. Agus Hari Wibowo, M.A, Ph.D as my thesis consultant, for advices and

precious contributions to me from the beginning of the process of thesis

writing until the completion.

4. Dra. Rara Sugiarti, M.Tourism, as my academic consultant, who has helped

me during my academic years.

5. All of the lecturers of English Non-Regular Program who have taught and

provided me with valuable knowledge. Thank you very much for the amazing

experience you shared with us.

6. My beloved family for always believing on me and supporting every decision.

Especially for my grandmother and grandfather, mom and dad, my family in

law (bu’e, maslik, mbahuti, Iwi), sister Mimi, Ayin and Iyang. Without their


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accomplishing my thesis. You are the best I ever have.

8. My “PMH”and “lascar TPA” thanks for togetherness, happiness, and sadness

with you all in such a great family. Be istiqomah in dakwah.

9. My family of English Non-Regular Program; De’ Ayuukk Nurwati (for her

generous time every time I need her), Alita darli, Fuyuu Dhian Dhilandy S.S,

(for the great friendship, love and support) Yume S.S, Arini Chan S.S,

Budosen Shoeshy_Nandi S.S, Indra, Ksatria Bisu “Dhika” (missing our

sms_short stories), ten angels (Mega and friends), class B (Hana and friends)

and many more. I hope we will maintain this friendship forever.

10.Everyone who loves and supports me in finishing the thesis.

I realize that this thesis is far from being perfect. Therefore, I look forward

to any supporting criticisms and suggestions. I hope that this thesis will be useful

for everyone who reads it.

Surakarta, March 6, 2013


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TITLE……….. i




G. The Synopsis of the Movie Something the Lord Made... 19


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A. Type of Research………... 23

B. Data and Source Data………... 24

C. Technique of Collecting Data……….. 25

D. Technique of Analyzing Data……….. 25

E. Technique of Coding Data... 26

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION A. Introduction……….... .. 27

B. Data Analysis………... 28

C. Discussion………... 62


B. Suggestion………... .. 72



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Table 4.1. The type of speech act and the number of data…... 62

Table 4.2. The type of speech act and form of act………... 63


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Nunung Permata Istiqomah. C1307019. Speech Act Analysis of Anger in the Film Entitled Something the Lord Made. Thesis: English Department of Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas Maret University.

The research is conducted to analyze the speech act of anger employed by the characters in the film entitled Something the Lord Made. The research explores the speech act to extend anger and the reason why the characters express the anger.

The research uses pragmatics study to analyze the types of speech act to deliver anger. The descriptive qualitative research is employed in this research. All of anger utterances in the film Something the Lord Made are taken as the data. There are 13 data which have been analyzed by using Searle’s theory of speech act.

The findings of the analysis can be seen as follows: First, there are five types of speech act employed by the characters in the film Something the Lord Made to extend the anger. The types of speech act are directives, representatives, declarations, commisives and expressive. Directive is mostly used by the participants in the film. There are eleven scenes which show that the speakers employ directive by conveying questions, commands and requests to extend anger to hearers. Speakers use representative in four data by giving explanations and claims to send anger. Speakers use declarations in four data by employing declaration to send anger. The speakers use commisive in two scenes by giving promise and threat. The last is expressive, the speaker uses this type once by swearing.

Second, there are four reasons which influence the speakers to extend the anger to hearers. They are legitimate power, close relationship, social distance relationship and expert power. The speakers who have legitimate power tend to use directive in delivering anger to the hearer. The choice of representative is influenced by the social distance relationship in expressing the anger. While the use of declaration is influenced by close relationship among the participants.


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A. Research Background

People use language to communicate with others. Language is used to

express the idea and convey all messages. In attempting to express those, people

do not only produce utterances containing grammatical structures and words but

also perform actions via those utterances (Yule, 1996:47). It means that people

communicate each other to deliver message in verbal or non verbal language.

One of the utterances that often arouse in our daily life is anger expression.

Anger can give very positive functions when expressed properly. Some facts show

that anger can have beneficial effects on health, relationship and work of people.

Socially, many positive changes can happen from anger, for example, Indonesian

reformation in 1998 or the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Anger is important

among emotions that play an outstanding role in development of personality.

Anger is more frequently and easily aroused than other feelings. There are so

many ways to express our anger. Usually, we express out anger feeling by

speaking some utterances or an utterance in harsh intonation. Sometimes our

harsh intonation is followed by non verbal language like facial expression and

some attitude showing the anger.

In other words, it can be said that people have different ways to express

their anger. When the speaker delivers his anger straightforward to the hearer, the

hearer may lose his face. People often do many kinds of speech act due to their


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anger. Hence, the speaker needs to use certain kinds of act to deliver their anger so

that the expressions do not sound rude and the speaker will consider as a polite

person. Dealing with that occurrence, the writer takes a film entitled Something

the Lord Made produced by Joseph Sargent as the source of data.

In this section, the researcher will also explain about the reason of

choosing this film as source of data. The film Something the Lord Made is a film

based on the true story. It tells about the life of a white surgeon (Dr. Blalock) and

his lab technician (Vivien) who works together for years. In that era, the black

always got discrimination in all aspects in daily life. However, their relationship

as work partner leads them to achieve the greatest success in invention of cardiac

surgery. This film is very touching because in its era, the brilliant black (Vivien)

is almost never recognized for his invaluable assistance in that effort.

Beside the interesting story, the researcher uses this film as the source of

data because this film uses the language that represents the real conversation of

daily life. Even though this movie set in early 1940s, it still represents the validity

of using language in this era, especially the used of anger expression.

Based on the background above, the researcher is interested to conduct a

research in the form of thesis entitled Speech Act Analysis of Anger in the Film


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B. Research Questions

Based on the research objectives above, this research intends to answer the

following questions:

1. What speech acts are exploited by the characters in the film Something the

Lord Made to express the anger?

2. Why do the characters express the anger to hearer?

C. Research Objectives The objectives of the research are:

1. To identify the speech act employed by the characters in the film entitled

Something the Lord Made to express the anger.

2. To discover the reason why the characters express the anger.

D. Research Benefits

The research of speech act analysis of anger expression in the film

Something the Lord Made is expected to give contributions as follows:

1. English Department students

The research gives an input and understanding about how speech act is

extended during anger. By conducting this research, the researcher expects

that English Department students are more aware about the speech act

during the anger in everyday conversation so that the research will help them


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2. Other researchers

The research gives benefit for other researchers to conduct a deeper research

of related study. This research will help other researchers in the same topic

of speech act as a reference for further research.

3. Public

It will give more information about how to employ kinds of speech act. By

doing this research, the researcher expects that the public will have a

comprehension about how a certain act is exploited by considering the

context and situation during the anger.

E. Research Limitation

The research focuses on the scene containing anger expression. The

research identifies the kinds of speech acts used by the characters to extend the

anger expression and the factors influencing the characters to choose the kinds of

speech acts. To analyze the data, Searle’s theory of speech act of is applied in this

research. This research uses a movie entitled Something the Lord Made produced

by Joseph Sargent in 2004.

F. Research Method

This research employs a descriptive qualitative method. It intends to solve

problems by collecting data, classifying data, analyzing data, and drawing the

conclusion. The sources of data of this research are the conversations between

characters in the movie entitled Something the Lord Made. Purposive sampling


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extending anger and also the factors that support the use of each politeness

strategies. Further details of Research Method will be clarified in Chapter III.

G. Thesis Organization

The organization of this research is based on the following arrangement:

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION. It consists of Research Background, Research

Objectives, Research Question, Research benefits, Research

Limitation, Research Methodology and Thesis Organization.

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW. It provides the explanation of

Pragmatics, Speech Act, Context, Expression of Anger, Film

Theory, Review Related Study of Anger Expression and The

Synopsis of the Something the Lord Made.


Research, Data and Source of Data, Sample and technique of

Sampling, Instruments of the Research, Technique of Analyzing

data, Data Coding and Technique of Analyzing Data.

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION. It reviews and discusses the

result of the research findings.

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION. It presents the conclusion

of the research and recommends possible avenues for further




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In analyzing the data, some theories are needed as basic requirements. This

chapter provides some theories related to the topic which covers the definition

Pragmatics, Speech act, Classification of Speech act, Expression of anger, Film

theory, Synopsis of film and related study.


In this part, the researcher provides some definitions of pragmatics taken

from several linguists. Pragmatics is one of linguistic branches that is newly

developed by linguists. This study is discovered after previous study of linguistics

field such as phonology, morphology, semantics and syntax. It concerns with the

study of utterance meaning by the speaker and interpreted by the hearer.

Levinson (1983:24) states that pragmatics is the study of the ability of

language users to pair sentences with the contexts in which they would be

appropriate. The definition leads to the analysis that pragmatics cannot be

separated from context and principles of language usage. Therefore, to understand

pragmatics meaning of the speaker, people should consider the principles of

language used by the speaker.

Meanwhile, Thomas (1995:22) defines pragmatics as meaning in

interaction. He states that in understanding speaker‟s meaning, it involves the

negotiation of meaning between the speaker and the hearer, the context of

utterance (physical, social and linguistic) and the meaning potential of an


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utterance. It is because meaning in interaction relates to context and meaning

potential of an utterance. Hence, it is not something which is inherent in the words

alone or is produced by the speaker or the hearer alone.

Yule (1996:3) states pragmatics as the study of contextual meanings. This

type of study necessarily involves the interpretation of what people mean in the

particular context and how the context influences what is said. It also requires a

consideration of how speakers organize what they want to say in accordance with

who they are talking to, where, when and under what circumstance.

Yule (1996:3) develops the Thomas‟s definition and divides the definition

of pragmatics into four, pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning, pragmatics is

the study of contextual meaning, pragmatics is the study of how more gets

communicated than what is said and pragmatics is the study of the expression of

relative distance.

1. Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning

Pragmatics relates to the study of meaning uttered by the speaker and

interpreted by the listener. It analyzes the meaning behind what people say

rather than what the words might mean by themselves.

2. Pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning

People always consider to whom they are talking to, where, when, and under

what circumstances in the communication. It is because a particular context


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3. Pragmatics is the study of how more gets communicated than what is said

Pragmatic discovers how a great deal of what is unsaid is recognized as part of

what is communicated. Similarly, pragmatics is the study of „invisible


4. Pragmatics is the study of the expression of relative distance

People will not say anything to anyone whom they do not recognize well.

Therefore, closeness whether it is physical, social or conceptual, implies

shared experience.

From many definitions above, it can be seen that pragmatics is a

significant field to study. A sentence can only be assigned the right truth

conditions if the context of a sentence is taken into an account. So, it can be

concluded that pragmatics is the study about language that is always related to the

context of the speaker and the hearer. In short, pragmatics stresses on the relation

between language and context. Thus the context has played a very important role

and it also has given many contributions either in spoken or in written language.

B. Speech acts 1. The Definition of Speech acts

Speech act is a part of Pragmatics. As Levinson (1983:27) defines, one of

the central topics of pragmatics is speech acts. This part will provide the definition

and the classification of speech acts. For the discussion of the definition of speech

acts, below is the quotation from John R. Searle and George Yule about speech


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According to Searle (1969: 16) the unit of linguistic communication is not

the symbol, word or sentence, but rather the production or issuance of the symbol

or word or sentence in the performance of the speech acts. Speech acts are the

basic minimal units of linguistic communication.

Meanwhile, Yule (1996:47) defines that speech acts is action performed

via utterance. In English, speech acts are commonly given more specific labels,

such as apology, complaint, compliment, invitation, promise, request or any other

acts. She states that in attempting to express something, people not only produce

utterances containing grammatical structured words but also perform actions via

those utterances. Those actions, which are performed via utterance, are called

speech act. The action performed by producing an utterance will consist of three

related acts. Yule (1996:48) states that speech acts relate to three acts. They are

locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act.

a. Locutionary act

It is the basic of utterance or the literal meaning of the utterance. In other

words, locutionary act is the utterance of a sentence which determines sense

and reference.

b. Illocutionary act

The act is performed via the communicative force of an utterance. The

illocutionary act can be uttered both directly and indirectly.

c. Perlocutionary act

A simple utterance has a function to bring the effect from that utterance.


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is the result or the effect produced by the utterance. A speaker may utter

sentence on the assumption that the hearer will recognize the effect intended.

In short, a locutionary act is the act of saying something.

Those acts above will be explained with the examples below:

“ The music is so noisy”

The locutionary act is the meaning of utterance itself. It means that the

music is so noisy. While the illocutionary act is the speaker intends to say “I want

to have a silence situation”, and the perlocutionary act is that someone might turn

off the music.

2. The Classification of Speech act

There are various classifications of speech act which are conveyed by

linguists. The researcher will provide the discussion of speech act classification

from John L. Austin and John R. Searle.

a. Austin’s Classification

The first classification of speech act was provided by Austin (1962). He

divided utterances into five categories. They are veridicatives, exercitives,

commisive, behabitives and expositives.

1) Veridicatives.

It is typed by giving verdict, estimate, grade or appraisal. For example: He

is a good husband.

2) Exercitives.

This kind of utterance is the exercising powers, right and influence.


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3) Commisive.

It is typed by promising or undertaking and committing one to do


For example: I will give reward to anybody who can find my earing.

4) Behabitives.

This category is related with such matters as apologizing, congratulating,

blessing, cursing, and challenging.

For example: Congratulation for your graduation!

5) Expositives.

This term is used to refer to how people make utterances fit into argument

or exposition.

For example: My sister studies in Jakarta, while my brother studies in Solo.

b. Searle’s Classification

Searle (1979) provides classification of speech act in what he calls “the

basic categories of illocutionary acts”. The categories are representatives,

directives, commisives, expressive and declarations.

1) Representatives

This is a kind of speech act that states what the speaker believes to be the

case or not. The speaker‟s purpose in performing representatives is to

commit him / her to the belief that the prepositional content of the

utterances is true. Statements are of fact, assertions, conclusions,

description, etc.


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2) Directives

The speaker‟s purpose in performing directives is to get the hearer to

commit him / her to the future course of action (verbal or non-verbal).

Usually directives are defined as all attempts by the speaker to get the

hearer to do something or not to do something. They are commands,

orders, request, prohibits, questions, suggestions, etc.

For example: Close the door!

3) Commisives

The speaker commits his/herself in varying degrees to some future course

action. On the other word, the speaker creates an obligation by committing

a certain future action. It is almost identical with Austin‟s commissives.

The direction of fit is “world to words”. They are promises, threats,

refusals, pledges, etc.

For example: I will buy you a present tomorrow.

4) Expressives

This type is to express a psychological state of the speaker. Thre is no

direction of fit, as the intention is neither to describe the world nor to exert

an influence on future events, rather the truth of the prepositional content

is taken for granted. They are flattering, giving compliment,

congratulating, welcoming, dislike, thanking, etc.


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5) Declarations

The point of declaration is to declare something. It has function to change

the world via their utterance. The direction of fit included “words to

world” and “world to words” as actual expression of the declaration that

brings about a change in reality. They are declaring, naming, marrying,


For Example: I name this cat Catty.

C. Context

Language and context cannot be separated. Context has the important role

in understanding the meaning of an utterance. In this part, the researcher provides

some explanations about the importance of context in pragmatics.

Levinson (1983:21) states that pragmatics is the study of relation between

language and context. To understand the meaning of an utterance, people cannot

ignore the context since it might cause different interpretation from what is


In addition, Huang (2007:13) refers context to any relevant features of

dynamic setting or environment in which a linguistic unit is systematically used.

Furthermore, context can be seen as a composition of three different sources. The

first type is physical context which refers to physical setting of utterance. The

second type is the linguistic context which refers to surrounding utterances in the

same discourse. The third is general knowledge context. This involves a set of


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Concerning the importance of context in any kind of language used,

Hymes sets the context of speech event into some factors abbreviated as

SPEAKING formula (in Fasold, 1996). The factors are the situation, the

participants, the ends, the act sequence, the key the instrument, the norms and the


1. Situation (S)

Situation is composed of the setting and the scene. The setting constitutes

physical circumstance in which speech takes place, including the time and

place. Scene refers to the abstract physiological setting or the cultural

definition of the occasion.

2. Participants (P)

Participants are persons who are involved in a conversation. Participants

consist of (a) An addresser, a speaker who produces the utterances. (b) An

addressee, a hearer who receives the utterances. (c) The audiences, the over

hearers may contribute to specification of the speech events.

3. Ends (E)

The ends can be divided into outcomes and goals. Outcomes can be described

as the purpose of speech based on the cultural point of view. Meanwhile, the

goal of a speech is a purpose of each participant during communication.

4. Act Sequence (A)

Act sequence comprises message form (how something is said) and message


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participants, whereas the message content deal with what the participants talk

about or it is simply called a topic of conversation.

5. Key (K)

Key refers to tone, manner, or spirit in which speech is carried out, whether it

is mock or serious, per functionary or painstaking. Key also refers to the

feeling, atmosphere, and attitude. Manner, feeling, and attitude are used in

reference to the participants, whereas tone and atmosphere are used in

reference to the situation. The more detailed aspects of the key will be seen

clearly as follows:

a. Tone: it refers to general spirit of the scene, such as brave, fierce, and


b. Manner: it refers to the participant‟s way of behaving toward, whether it is

polite, impolite, formal, informal, intimate, distant, relaxed, serious,

mocking, respectful, etc.

c. Feeling: it refers to emotions indicating happiness, terror, excitability,

anxiety, shock, desperation, anger, neutrality, irony, uncertainty,

frustration, etc.

d. Atmosphere: it refers to the feeling that affects the mind in a place or

condition, for example good, evil, or solemn.

e. Attitude: it refers to participant‟s way of thinking and behaving toward a

situation whether it is sympathy, optimistic, pessimistic, resolute, serious,


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6. Instrument (I)

Instrumentalities include both channel and form of speech. Channel simply

means the way a message travels from one person to another. The most

commonly used channels are oral and written, but message can also be

transmitted by such means as telegraph, smoke signals, semaphore, and etc.

Hymes defines forms of speech as the actual of speech employed such as

language, dialects, codes, varieties, and registers that is chosen

7. Norms (N)

Norms of communication include both interaction and interpretation. Cultural

aspects of certain community determine both of them. Norms of interaction

refers to an underlying something of non-linguistics rules which governs

when, how, and how often speech occurs which is commonly have by all

communities and varies from one culture to another. Norms of interpretation is

more or less, what we mean by the expression reading between the lines. It

involves trying o understand what is being conveyed beyond what is in actual

words used.

8. Genre (G)

Genre refers to the categories like poems, prayer, riddle, myth, tale, proverbs,

lectures, commercial message, etc. In Hymes view, casual speech is not in the

absence of any genre but a genre of its own.

In summary, context has many roles in spoken and written language. If

people do not know the context of situation, they may interpret different thing


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in delivering and receiving meaning from hearer. On the other word, recognizing

the context of the situation is highly essential to understand the intended meaning

of the speaker in a conversation.

D. Expression of Anger

Anger is one of many reactions of human being in their life. Anger can

happen if there is an interaction between two or more people. Angry feeling is

human because man normally has experienced anger since he/she was a baby.

Based on the Encyclopedia of Experimental Psychology Vol.2, it is stated

that :

“Anger is a feeling that most typifies for striving for power and domination. Its purpose is the rapid and forceful destruction of every obstacle in the way of the anger person” (2004 : 533)

People usually use anger as the way to express their protest in a manner

that is very painful for everyone else (ibid :534). On the other words, anger is

expression of dislike with something as the result of the situation and condition

which are not suitable with the speaker.

Anger can vary widely (from mild irritation to intense fury) and can be

sparked by a variety of things (specific people, events, memories, or personal

problems). Anger is a natural and potentially productive emotion. However, anger

can get out of control and become destructive and problematic.

Rebecca (1992: 23) states that people get angry when their expectations

are not met -- whether those expectations are about the future, about themselves,


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control, unrealistically expecting all people to behave and all situations to turn out

as we think they should. Anger over these unmet expectations often leads us to

blame others and shift aggression towards them.

Anger is an emotion related to one's psychological interpretation of having

been offended, wronged or denied and a tendency to undo that by retaliation. The

external expression of anger can be found in facial expressions, body language,

physiological responses, and at times in public acts of aggression. Humans and

animals for example make loud sounds, attempt to look physically larger, bare

their teeth, and stare. The behaviors associated with anger are designed to warn

aggressors to stop their threatening behavior. Rarely does a physical altercation

occur without the prior expression of anger by at least one of the participants.

E. Film Theory

Film is one of the art works. Film is the illusion of reality in visual media.

It shows the audience images in illusory motion, which is represented on the

screen, acted by stars, has its own style, genres, and social events.

The study of the film has a close relationship with society. Allen and

Gomery (1998) give a discussion in the relation films and societies. The making

of the film also has a social dimension for several reasons. Film makers are

members of society and as such are no less subject to social pressures and norms


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In accordance with the relation of society and also reflects social

phenomena as stated by Allen and Gomery (1998)

“In fictional films, characters are given attitudes, gestures, sentiments,

motivations, and appearance that is in part at least based on social roles

and on worker, debutante, mother, or husband is supposed to act”.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that whatever the kind of

film, it is a reflection of social life. “Something the Lord Made” is a genre of

drama film that represents an American citizen‟s life which has problematic issue

in the society of American segregation era.

F. The Synopsis of the Movie Something the Lord Made

Below is the description of the source of data, a film entitled Something

the Lord Made taken from www.imdb.com.

Title : Something the Lord Made

Starring : Alan Rickman as Dr. Alfred Blalock

Moss Def as Vivien Thomas

Kyra Sedgwick as Mary Blalock

Gabrielle Union as Clara Thomas

Writer : Peter Silverman and Robert Caswell.

Director : Joseph Sargent

Genre : Drama.


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Here is the synopsis of the film taken from www.imdb.com. The movie tells about the true story of the extraordinary 34-year partnership which begins in

Depression Era Nashville in 1930, when Blalock hires Vivien Thomas as an

assistant in his Vanderbilt University laboratory to perform janitorial work. Alfred

Blalock is a young smart cardiologist who has high confidence and ambitious.

While Vivien Thomas, an African-American without a college degree who is a

gifted mechanic and tool-maker with hands finely skilled at surgery. Knowing the

Vivien‟s talent, Blalock asks him to be his lab technician. The drama starts when

they move in 1941 from Vanderbilt to Johns Hopkins, an institution where the

only black employees are janitors and where Thomas must enter by the back door.

Together, they boldly attack the devastating heart problem of Blue Baby

Syndrome, and in so doing they open the field of heart surgery. Blalock and

Thomas take on the challenge of blue babies and invent bypass surgery. After

many trials on dogs, their first patient is baby Eileen, sure to die without the

surgery. They succeed to save the baby‟s life through first heart surgery.

The film dramatizes their race to save dying Blue Babies against the

background of a Racial Segregation America, illuminating the nuanced and

complex relationship the two sustain. Thomas gets Blalock's respect, with Blalock

praising the results of Thomas' surgical skill as being "like something the Lord

made", and insisting that Thomas coach him through the first Blue Baby surgery

over the protests of Hopkins administrators. In 1941, in defiance of custom and

Jim Crow, Blalock brings Thomas into the surgery to advise him, but when Life


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relationship because Thomas feels disappointed with the situation. Thomas

decides to resign from his work and tries other jobs. However he realizes that his

passion is working in Johns Hopkins lab. Finally, he goes back to Johns Hopkins

to continue his work at Johns Hopkins training surgeons with Blalock until

Blalock‟s death. In the end of the story, in a formal ceremony, Johns Hopkins

recognizes Thomas' work and awards him an honorary doctorate. A portrait of

Thomas is placed on the walls of Johns Hopkins next to Blalock's portrait, which

has been hung there years earlier.

G. Related Study

In conducting the research, the researcher uses some related study to find

out the research gap:

Firstly is a research entitled “Expression of Anger Used by Characters in

the Play Desire under the Elm Written by Eugene O‟neill”. This research was

conducted by Veronika Sintha Saraswati (2001). In her research, she focused on

the forms of verbal implicit anger expression and the reason behind of those

forms. She used pragmatic approach in analyzing the data. The purposes of this

research are how the form of verbal implicit anger expression used by characters

in the play and why do the characters choose this forms to express the anger.

Secondly is a research entitled “An analysis on the expression of anger

employed by the characters in the film entitled Crash”. The researcher is

conducted by Tri Lestari (2011). The research was conducted to describe the form


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describe how the characters in the film used the expression of anger and to find

out the reason of the use of the expression of anger in the film. She uses

Socio-pragmatic approach as the way of the analysis. She focuses on the forms of

expression of anger into direct and indirect form and the reasons why do the

character choose the anger expression.

In those researches, they only focused on the form of anger expression, the

context of situation, and the reason why the characters used the expression.

Meanwhile, this research will study about the type of speech act used by the

speaker to deliver the anger which has not been researched by previous researcher


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In this chapter, the researcher presents the research method of this study.

The method is used to reach the objectives of the research which are stated in

chapter I. The researcher begins with the explanation about the type of this

research, data and the source of data and then continued with technique of

collecting data, technique of coding data, and technique of analyzing data.

A. Type of Research

The descriptive qualitative method is employed as the type of this

research. Wiersma (1994:12) states that qualitative research has its origins in

descriptive analysis and is essentially an inductive process, reasoning from the

specific situation to a general conclusion. Hence, qualitative research cannot be

separated from descriptive analysis.

Descriptive research means that the data are collected in the form of

words, sentences, or pictures having meaning other than merely number

(Moleong, 2001:6). Moreover, Bodgan and Taylor in (Moleong, 2001:3) state that

qualitative research is a research which presents descriptive data in the form of

written and oral words of human and human behavior that can be observed

For those reasons, this research belongs to descriptive qualitative research

since it focuses on the explanation of speech act used by the characters in the film

Something the Lord made to express the anger and the reason why characters send

the anger to hearers.


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B. Data and Source of Data

Sutopo (2002:47) states that qualitative research emphasizes inductive

analysis in which data are occupied as the basic modal of understanding not as

instrument to prove. Hence, the data play significant part in the research. The term

data refers to a collection of information. Subroto (1992:7) argues that in

qualitative research, the data may appear in the form of discourse, sentence,

clause, word or even morpheme. In this research, the data emerge in the form of

sentences from dialogues uttered by the characters of the movie containing anger

expression. All data are taken and then classified based on Searle’s theory of

speech act.

More detail, Schreiber (2008) affirms that qualitative data are generally

non-numerical but have a greater variety of sources. The data sources are

generally categorized as verbal and nonverbal. Nonverbal data sources include

items such as student concept maps, kinship diagrams, pictures, video, movie, art

and print advertisements. Hence, the researcher takes the movie entitled

Something the Lord made produced by Joseph Sargent in 2004 as the source of

data for this research. There are two reasons why the movie is taken as the source

of data:

1. The movie Something the Lord made represents daily life conversation which

tells about the partnership of two persons from different social background

and race. Hence, the researcher uses this movie as the source of data since its


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2. Something the Lord made pictures the best way how two characters from the

different race and social status can have the great partnership. However, they

often express anger one to another. So, it is interested in knowing the way the

character delivers anger to other characters by using certain of speech act.

C. Technique of Collecting Data

The data of the research are collected by doing the following procedures:

1. Replaying the movie Something the Lord made as the source of data by

computer for several times.

2. Searching and copying the transcript of the movie Something the Lord made

from the internet on http://www.script-o-rama.com.

3. Comparing the conversation of the movie with the transcript.

4. Editing the transcript of the movie to the dialogues of the characters in the

movie by adding or deleting words or sentences.

5. Copying the conversation containing the expression of anger

6. Classifying the data based on the Searle’s theory of speech act.

7. Giving codes on each datum.

D. Technique of Analyzing Data

The collected data were analyzed based on the following procedures:

1. Describing the context of situation based on the theory of context.


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3. Discussing the finding.

4. Drawing conclusion from data analysis and giving suggestions.


E. Technique of Coding Data

In order to make the analysis easier, I give a code on each datum. The

coding is based on the order of datum and the exact time when anger occurs on

CD. The following is the example of coding:

Datum 1 CD 1/10.30” William : You know what my grandfather did?

Harold : It has nothing to do with me going out on strike.

William : I said ‘Do you know what my grandfather did?’

Harold : Yes. He picked cotton in Mississippi. You told me a hundred times

William : My grandfather was a piece of property. No better than that chair or table over there. His son became a free man at the age of 15. He raised me with hardly an elementary school education. Now I see my son graduate college and go on to teach school. So don't tell me things don't get better over time.

Harold : Things don't just get better. People got to change things, Pop. Make them better. If I don't do something, I'll be a dead man before I get paid like white teachers do.

The coding Datum 1 CD 1/10.30” means it is datum number 1 in the data found in the movie. The dialogue happens on CD 1 and it occurs in the


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This chapter aims to answer the research questions which are mentioned in

Chapter I. This chapter is divided into two sub-chapters. They are analysis and


The first sub-chapter is data analysis where the data of the research is

analyzed based on the theories presented in the literature review part of this thesis.

There are three steps in analyzing the data. They are:

1. The scene containing anger expression.

In this section, the researcher presents the scene containing anger

expressions. The previous or the following scene which relates to the data is also

included. This is done in order to make the readers understand the scene easily.

2. The description of the context.

This part describes the context of the data where the anger expression

happens. It includes the participants in the situation, the action of the participants,

and any other related features of the situation which support the analysis of anger


3. The analysis of anger expression.

The research questions are answered one by one in this part by following


a. The researcher describes what type of speech act used by the speakers

to extend their anger. The type of speech acts are analyzed using

Searle’s theory of speech act .


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b. The researcher defines the reason why the characters express the anger

to hearer. Here, the researcher explains the whole result of the analysis

to answer the research questions stated in chapter I. They are what type

of speech acts used by the characters to extend the anger, and the

factors that influence the choice of speech act.

A. Data Analysis

Datum 1 CD 1/10.30”

William : You know what my grandfather did?

Harold : It has nothing to do with me going out on strike. William : I said „Do you know what my grandfather did?‟

Harold : Yes. He picked cotton in Mississippi. You told me a hundred times William : My grandfather was a piece of property. No better than that

chair or table over there. His son became a free man at the age of 15. He raised me with hardly an elementary school education. Now I see my son graduate college and go on to teach school. So don't tell me things don't get better over time.


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black teacher rightly. He wants his son to stop his activity as activist that often

goes on strike to fight for the equality. Another participant of the conversation is

Harold Thomas. He is the oldest son in his family. He works as a teacher.

However, he does not satisfy with the race discrimination in which black people

do not get the same salary as white teachers. He wants to get the same right as

white by going on strike.

The conversation above takes place in their house, rightly in the living

room when William Thomas is reading a newspaper. Both participants have close

relationship as father and son who stay in the same house. However, they have

different roles of status. Father has superior status since he is the man who raises

Harold, while Harold has subordinate status as he is the son. Automatically,

Father has more legitimate power than Harold.

The film happens in 1930 when the black community is segregated.

Harold is the teacher as well as activist that often goes on strike to fight for black

right as teacher. He thinks that going on strike will help his community to get

better condition. However, William Thomas does not have the same opinion with

his son.

The Analysis of the anger expression a. Type of speech act exploited in the scene

The anger is extended by William Thomas to his son, Harold. They are in

a long debate in the living room. Harold thinks that his act of going on strike is

right. However, his father wants his son to thank their condition now that is much


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the same question to his son keeps “You know what my grandfather did?” Harold

does not answer the question, but then he says “It has nothing to do with me going

out on strike”. As the superior, William does not satisfy with his son’s answer.

William puts down the newspaper and then he repeats the question with higher

tone. Even though Harold answers rightly, Father is not happy with the statement

“You told me hundred times” in the end of his answer because it shows that his

father question does not give any effect to make Harold understand. William puts

down his newspaper and says, “My grandfather was a piece of property. No better than that chair or table over there. His son became a free man at the age of 15. He raised me with hardly an elementary school education. Now I see my son graduate college and go on to teach school. So don't tell me things don't get better over time” . He shows his anger by explaining about condition

of his family in the past and present. He emphasizes his anger in his last sentence

by saying command “So don't tell me things don't get better over time”. By saying so, William wants his son to understand that their family in the present is

much better that the past. From the analysis, it can be concluded that William uses

type of speech act Directives and representative to express the anger. Directives

includes act of questioning and commanding. Representative includes act of


b. The reason why the characters express the anger

There are two factors that influence William Thomas to use those kinds of

acts in his anger to Harold. First is their close relationship as father and son. As a


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stubborn man. Next factor is that William Thomas has legitimate power to Harold

since he is the father. Hence, he has more authority to express his anger directly.

Datum 2 CD 1/13.01”

Took me seven years to save that money.

Harold : You're not the only one who had money in that bank. William : It's done! It's over with!

Clara : We still got each other, Viv. Harold : Yeah, we got each other.

That's all poor people ever have is each other.

The Description of Context

The conversation takes place in the living room of Thomas family. The

participants of the conversation are Mrs. Thomas, William Thomas, Vivien

Thomas, Clara and Harold Thomas. Mrs. Thomas, William Thomas, Vivien

Thomas and Harold Thomas have close relationship, as they are family who stay

in the same house. They are African-American family who live in the American

Segregation Era. Mr. Thomas is the head of the family who has two sons, Harold

and Vivien. Harold Thomas is the oldest son of Mr. Thomas. He works as a


Vivien is the youngest son of the family without a college degree. He is a

gifted mechanic and toolmaker with hands splendidly adept at surgery janitor. He


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When the conversation happens, Vivian works as a lab technician of Dr. Alfred

Alfred. Previously, he works as a carpenter. Clara is Vivien’s girlfriend who also

has the close relationship with the family.

The conversation happens in the family room. They sit in the sofa with the

unhappy situation. Vivien and Clara just went back from the bank where Vivien

saves his money for his college study. Unfortunately, the bank is bankrupt and the

customer cannot get their money back. Thomas family is very disappointed of the

incidents because they save their money in that bank. It seems that they cannot

accept it.

In this situation, Clara tries to strengthen his boyfriend, Vivien. He feels so

disappointed to realize that his hard work for seven years is gone in a day. It also

means that he cannot realize his dream to study in university to be a doctor. He

delivers his disappointment by saying “Took me seven years to save that money”.

It shows that Vivien still cannot accept it because he has collected the money for

seven years for his study. Thomas, Vivien’s older brother, thinks that Vivien is

not the one only who lost his money so he does not need to say that.

The Analysis of Anger Expression

a. Type of speech act exploited in the scene

Mr. Thomas extends his anger to his sons when they quarrel over their lost

money. Mr. Thomas as their father is not happy with his sons that quarrel each

other. In fact, Mr. Thomas is annoyed by his sons who seem not to accept the fact


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declaring, “It's done! It's over with!”. Through his saying, Mr. Thomas wants his sons in order to make them stop debating about their money. Hence, Mr. Thomas

delivers the anger to remind his sons that they shall be able to overcome the

problems by forgetting it. Mr. Thomas wants his family to forget it because they

cannot do anything to take their money back. From the analysis, it is known that

Mr. Thomas delivers his anger using declarations by declaring that everything is

done and over.

b. The reason why the characters express the anger

There are two factors which influence Mr. Thomas to express his anger.

First is their close relationship as family. As they always stay in the same house,

Mr. Thomas knows his sons very well. Hence, he feels free to express his anger

to his sons baldly that his sons should stop talking about their lost money. Next

factor is that Mr. Thomas has legitimate power to his sons since he is the father

that raises both of them. Hence, he has more authority to express the anger to his

sons directly.

Datum 3 CD 1/17:15”

Dr. Alfred : Let's look at the record of our work. Where's the smoked drums? Vivien : I'm sorry?

Dr. Alfred : The smoked drums. You didn't set the smoked drums? Vivien : What is a smoked drum?

Dr. Alfred : That's a smoked drum. What the fuck is wrong with you? I record all the information I need on a smoked drum. Vivien : I did not know that.

Dr. Alfred : Is nobody listening to me?

God damn it! I have to do everything myself. A whole day's work goes down the toilet, and I have to start all over again. Do you have sawdust or just plain shit for brains?


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The Description of Context

The dialogue happens in Vanderbilt Experimental Surgery Laboratory

where Vivien does the experiment. The dialogue occurs between Dr. Alfred and

Vivien. Dr. Alfred is a young cardiologist who seems to be self-confident to the

point of arrogance. Vivien, an African-American without a college degree, is a

gifted mechanic and toolmaker with hands splendidly adept at surgery. When

Vivien comes to Dr. Alfred, he works as janitor. Then Dr. Alfred recognizes that

Vivien has the excellent memory. Therefore, he asks him to be his lab-technician.

They have not known each other very well since Vivien is a new lab

technician. Moreover, they have different role and status in their work. Vivien is

the black- lab-technician without college degree that has big passion to his work,

while Dr. Alfred is the white person who works as a doctor and the head of the


Dr. Alfred walks in to the laboratory where Vivien is preparing for the

experiment. When Dr. Alfred asks Vivien about the experiment tools, Vivien

answers that everything is ready for the experiment. After discussing some

method and theory of operating, Dr. Alfred asks Vivien to start the experiment,

operating a dog. He watches how Vivien operates the dog, he feels satisfied

because Vivien does all his instruction very well. However, there are some

misunderstandings between them.

After finishing the experiment, Dr. Alfred wants to see the record of the

experiment process from the beginning. Then he looks for something under the


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information during the experiment). Unfortunately, he does not find the smoked

drum. He recognizes that Vivien does not set the smoked drum.

The Analysis of the anger expression a. Type of speech act exploited in the scene

In this datum, Dr. Alfred sends his anger to Vivien. The anger occurs when Vivien

asks back to Dr. Alfred about what is smoked drum. Angrily Dr. Alfred throws a

tablecloth to the thing that he calls smoked drum and says, “That's a smoked drum. What the fuck is wrong with you? I record all the information I need on a smoked drum” The dialogue shows that Dr. Alfred uses explaining and questioning to send his anger to Vivien. Vivien tries to explain that he does not

know that he has to set the smoked drum to record all the experiment information.

However, Dr. Alfred gets angrier with Vivien and he continues to express his

anger by saying, “Is nobody listening to me? God damn it! I have to do everything myself. A whole day's work goes down the toilet, and I have to start all over again. Do you have sawdust or just plain shit for brains?” The

utterances show that Dr. Alfred uses questioning by saying “Is nobody listening to me?” and “Do you have sawdust or just plain shit for brains?”, swearing

by saying “God damn it!”, and explanation by saying “I have to do everything

myself. A whole day's work goes down the toilet, and I have to start all over again” . He delivers his anger by explaining that he has wasted the whole day

work because of Vivien’s mistake. He shouts and uses the rude words to blame

Vivien. In sort, Dr. Alfred uses Directives by questioning, expressive by swearing


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b. The reason why the characters express the anger

There are two factors which influence Dr. Alfred to express his anger to

Vivien. They are the legitimate power and the expertise power. Dr. Alfred has

more power than Vivien since he is the doctor who is also the head of the

laboratory. Here, Dr. Alfred has expertise power, as he has better knowledge

when it deals with the experiment. Dr. Alfred is a surgeon for years while Vivien

is a new lab technician who previously is a janitor. By having legitimate power

and expertise power, he has more authority to express his anger to Vivien

Datum 4 CD 1/18:30”

Dr. Alfred : Hold on a minute, will you?

Vivien : I was not raised to take that type of talk. Dr. Alfred : My apologies. I'm sorry I lost my temper.

Normally it takes assistants months to learn what you picked up in days. It won't happen again.


The Description of Context

The dialogue happens in Vanderbilt Experimental Surgery Laboratory,

exactly in the yard of the Laboratory. The participants of the dialogue are Dr.

Alfred and Vivien. Both participants have not known each other very well since

Vivien is a new lab technician, while Dr. Alfred is the head of the laboratory.

In the previous scene, Dr. Alfred says some rude utterances to Vivien. By

hearing that utterances, Vivien goes out from the experiment room to his locker

room to change his clothes. He seems disappointed with the rude utterances


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minute after Vivien gets out from the laboratory; Dr. Alfred recognizes that he has

misunderstood Vivien. He finds that Vivien notes all the information during the

experiment in a notebook that he puts on the table, beside the operating board.

Realizing that he has made Vivien upset, Dr. Alfred runs out the room for

Vivien. He finds Vivien in the laboratory yard walking out to the street. He tries

to stop Vivien and Vivien stops his walk. However, Vivien cannot keep his anger

to his employer. He express s his anger by saying the utterance that criticizes the

rude words from Dr. Alfred. The utterance shows that as a black lab-technician,

Vivien does not want his employer to look down at him by saying the rude words.

The Analysis of the anger expression

a. Type of speech act exploited in the scene

The anger expression in this datum is extended by Vivien to Dr. Alfred.

Dr. Alfred realizes that he misunderstands him. He confesses that he has made

mistake by saying rude words to him. Dr. Alfred runs after Vivien and he asks

Vivien to stop his walk. Vivien express s his anger to Dr. Alfred by explaining “I was not raised to take that type of talk”. The utterance shows that as a black lab-technician, Vivien does not want his employer to look down at him by saying

the rude words to him. By saying so, Vivien wants to give negative evaluation to

what Dr. Alfred has said to him. Vivien thinks that Dr. Alfred’s saying is really

hurting since he says impolite thing when he has done the best for the experiment.

Hence, Vivien delivers his anger indirectly by saying that he is not raised to take


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realizes that he is a sub ordinate. From the analysis, it is found out that Vivien

uses representatives by explaining in his anger to Dr. Alfred.

b. The reason why the characters express the anger

There only factor which influences Vivien to express his anger to Dr. Alfred

is social distance between them. Vivien realizes that he is sub ordinate because he

is only the lab assistant while Dr. Alfred is superordinate since he is a surgeon.

Datum 5 CD 1/25:21” we're gonna make it on that pay cheque and he got you serving drinks at his party just to make ends meet. Come on

Vivien : Try to understand. When I started at Vanderbilt I was a janitor. Dr Alfred saw what I could contribute, and he gave me a chance.

The conversation happens in the Vivien’s rented house. The participants

are Vivien and Clara. Both of them are black-African American couple who stay

in a new house. They have known each other very well since they have been


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housewife who takes care of her two children. In the case of appearance, Clara is a

beautiful black American woman. She always looks casual. While Vivien works

as lab-technician in Johns Hopkins Hospital with a low salary. Vivien has to move

from Nashville to follow Dr. Alfred who works on John Hopkins hospital.

The scene happens when Vivien just went back from Dr. Alfred house for

serving drink in Dr. Alfred’s party. Vivien goes in to the house in when Clara just

put their children to the bed. They have a light conversation; Vivien offers

devilled egg that he brings from Dr. Alfred house. However, Clara does not

respond his offer; she says that she wants to go home to his old house in Nashville

because she does not like to stay in this new house. Vivien said, it is their first

week, so it is still too early to decide whether she is happy or not. Then, she says

that in Nashville they already have a house with all the goodness for them. It

seems much better compared to their new rented house with Vivien’s low salary.

Vivien explains that he wants Clara to understand their condition. Vivien is sure

that everything will be better. He explains that when he started at Vanderbilt he

was a janitor. Dr Alfred saw what he could contribute, and he gave Vivien a

chance. He describes that his work is very important and he loves it. Hearing the

explanation, Clara feels more disappointed to his husband. He feels that her

husband is very egoist because he only thinks about how he feels without


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The Analysis of Anger expression

a. Type of speech act exploited in the scene

Clara extends the anger to Vivien when they are debating about their new

rented house. Vivien recognizes that his wife is unhappy with the condition. He

tries to please her by offering delicious food from Dr. Alfred’s party. Clara is

angry because Vivien seems to ignore Clara’s feeling. Clara responds Vivien’s

offer by delivering a request “I want to go home, Viv”. However, Vivien says

that it is their first week. He believes that this new place is good for his family.

Clara tries to remind Vivien by asking a question “Yeah, and you said if we

didn't like it, remember?” By asking the question, Clara wants to remind Vivien that they may go back to Nashville when they do not like the new place. Beside,

she gives the further explanation by saying “Our family's in Nashville. We had a home in a good neighbourhood. The schools were fine. Not living in this..I don't know how we're gonna make it on that pay cheque and he got you serving drinks at his party just to make ends meet”. By this explanation, she

tries to make his husband understand her feeling is right. However, Vivien does

not give the positive respond. Vivien even hopes that Clara will understand the

situation. He explains that his employer is very good and he really loves what he

is doing in his work. Hearing Vivien’s explanation, Clara is angry because he

feels that his husband only pays attention on his own happiness. She continues his

anger by delivering question “So it doesn't really matter how I feel, then, does it?”. Through the utterance, Clara wants to make sure whether her feeling is


Table 4.3. The reason why the characters deliver the anger………..................... 66
Table 4.1. The type of speech act and the number of data
Table 4.2. The type of speech act and form of act
Table 4.2 shows that most of the speakers use directives to express their


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