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Submited to The Board of Examiners In Partial Fulfilment of The Requirement of The

Sarjana Pendidikan Agama Islam (S.Pdi) In The English and Education Department Salatiga



113 97 002





The lecture of English Department Educational Faculty

State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga


Case Alifan Wijayanti's Thesis

Salatiga, September 2002


The Head of State Islamic Studies Institute Salatiga












After reading and correcting Alifah Wijayanti’s thesis and titled


READING FOR SMU STUDENT ( Case Study Among 3ld Year Students of

SMU N I Karanggede in Academic Year of 2001 / 2002.” I have decide and

would like to propose that if cold be accepted by the educational faculty, I hope it

would be examined as soon as possible.



J/. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721





YEAR OF 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 2

ALIFAH WIJAYANTI NIM : 1 1 3 9 7 0 0 2

Has been brought to the board of examiners in September, 16th 2002 M / Rojab, 9th 1423 H, and hereby considered to completely fullfill

the requirement of Sarjana degree in the English Department of Educational Faculty.


Rojab, 9th 1423 H

September, 16th 2002 M

Board of examiners

NIP. 150 182 686 NIP. 150 262 646

Attentive counsellor



/ -> ' v

Drs. S a ’adi, M.Ag NIP. 150 256 821


I f you are afraid o f the future, you are wasting your time now

No one is too oCd to [earn


This thesis is dedicated with full love and affection to :

My God the Almighty

My beloved father ( Tohiri) and mother ( Nur Imanahy I admire

My sister Rahma Wati and Hana Kurnia (be late) My beloved some one (RTP)

My best friend ( Titik, Latief, and Lastrie)


First and foremost, the writer whises to thank God Almighty for the

b'essing, helth. and inspiration to him during his writing this thesis.

He would express his appreciation to all people who have helped him in

writing this thesis, he extended his highest gratitude to Drs. Sa'adi M.Ag his

first adviser who has given continous guidance, corrections as well as

encouragement until finally he completed his thesis.

The writer also thanks are extended to all lectures of the English

Department STAIN Salatiga who have been teaching and guiding him patientlv

since he began to study at STAIN Salatiga.

Furthermore, I appreciate my families. Who have given moral and

material support with my greatest appreciation.

Many thanks are extended to all my friends in Cat’s Boarding House

And my friend in English Department “97 . It is impossible for me to mention

one by one here. Thanks for your motivation and kidness..

Finally 1 am aware that thesis is simple and there are mistake of it.

Therefore, I would like to ask for the readers to cnticize and give suggestion to

me in order that thesis become correct. My God Bless us very time.

Saiatiga, September 2002 The Writer

Alifah YVijayanti


l I

TITLE ... '








A. The Background of The Study... I

B. The Reason for Choosing The T opic... 4

C. The Statement of The Problem... 5

D. The Objective of The Study... 5

E. The Method of The Research... 6

F. Organization of The Thesis... 8

CHAPTER II : A REVIEW OF THE THEORIES OF EXTENSIVE READING A. General Concepts of Extensive Reading... 10

B. The Definition of Bulletin Board... 13


;>f Extensive Reading... 21 i

E '4'he Supporting Factors For Utilizing English Bulletin Board

s a Medium of Extensive Reading... 27



A. fhe Histories of SMUN I Karanggede ... 30

B. The General of SMUN I Karanggede in Academic year 2001

/ 2002 ... 31

C. The Situation of Teaching and Staffs



A. Background of the Study

English takes an important part in many countries. So, it is not

surprising to learn it. English will not be difficult for students who have

enough time for learning, but it wiil be difficult for those who dc not have

chance and time. Then they try' to find suitable ways of doing it. Many

Indonesian people now days keep trying to improve their English by taking

either tornial or non-formal courses.

They join private English course.

English is introduced into the curriculum and considered as the first

foreign language to be taught at high schools in Indonesia. It has been going

on up to now. The main objective of English teaching at high schools is to

provide students with reading skills. Reading is one of the language skills,

which is very important for students. Trough reading, students can get a lot of

knowledge and experience. Therefore, students have to read various written

materials, such as books, magazines, and newspapers. Those who read more

will have greater opportunities to be successful.

High school students develop their reading skills trough formal

education assignment in the various school text books, reference books, in

physically mature fiction, free reading of books, newspapers, magazine. 1

1 Jear.e S. Chall, Stages o f Reading Development States, New York; Me. Graw-Hill, inc., 1981, p.23.


Putting on reading skills is in line with the objective of English

teaching at high school, that is providing the students with a working skill of

English. It means that the teacher equips his students with a skill, which is

very important for them when they study at universities since many kinds of

books at universities are mostly written in English Thus, it is obvious that

students, especially university students, need to master reading skill in order to

succeed in their studies. Moreover, today reading skill plays an important role

in the process of transferring modern technology that can be used to develop


Although English teaching gives emphases on reading skill, it does not

mean that the mastery of SMU graduates is good. SMU graduates are still

poor in their reading comprehension since they cannot usually read or

understand articles, newspaper or magazines in English which are now in

circulation heje2. Generally, students are lack of motivation to read more in

English. Motivation is the desire and need to do something, the driving force

that makes someone work hard, pay attention and so on3. Likewise, the

students who learn English have a great variety' of both desires and need of


Some of them like to study English because they are interested in the

culture of English speaking countries. Some of them may study it because

they think it offers a chance for advancement in their lives including getting a

" Ramelan. Introduction to Linguistic Analysis, IKIP Press, Semarang. 1992, p. 3.


better job than mastery of more native languages. Some students, however,

learn English just because they have to do it and we can understand this

because it is a fact that English is an obligatory subject so that they students

have to join the English class weather they like it or not.

The Indonesian government always makes efforts to improve the

education. The quality of the teacher and other components, which are

involved in education process, are improved from time to time. It can be seen

in the Garis-garis Besar Haluan Negara (State Policy Guidelines) which

states that all facilities involved in educational process, such as school

buildings teaching media, text books, libraries, and other school facilities will

be improved and made perfect to increase the quality of education. There are

many ways to make improvement and one of them is by making better media

in the teaching-learning process.

Media will be very useful if teachers carefully prepare them, and then

they are used effectively to support the teaching-learning process. As we

know, students usually need variation to avoid boredom, which lead them to

discouragement; moreover, English teachers find that students are not very

interested in reading English.

So, it is a must for English teacher to motivate their students in order

that they like reading very much. To revive the student's motivation in

reading, teachers should be able to create, to foster, and to maintain


Realizing the fact above, the writers as a prospective teacher tries to

contribute her ideas to the teaching of English in the hope that they will be

verv beneficial for her fellow teachers. The writer would like to utilize one of

those media that can be used by English teachers, that is bulletin board.

A bulletin board as one of the least expensive media, which contains

pictures, clippings, and similar items are available at schools. Both teachers

and students plan and prepare the bulletin board. For example, the teacher puts

on reading passages or articie, latter, on or more students read and react to the

article; finally the teacher check the answer and responds to the answers or

encouraging the students. However, it has not been widely utilized by teacher

as an extensive reading facility although it can give students more

opportunities to read and encourage enjoyable interaction. In extensive

reading, students are motivated to develop the habit of reading for pleasure,

especially in their spare time. For that reason, the writer intends to put such



B. Reason for Choosing the Topic

The writers’ reasons for choosing the title "utilizing English bulletin

board as medium of extensive reading facility for SMU Students” are:

1. Bulletin board as one of the media can give students opportunities and

motivation to read in English.


3. Bulletin board has not been widely utilized by English teachers despite the

fact that it ca r be a useful medium for the teaching of English


C. Statement of tht Problems

In this pa er the writer intends to limit the discussion by presenting the

following proble i. They are

1. How can stu ents of j MUN 1 Karanggede apply English bulletin board as a medium of extensive reading for SMUN I Karanggede

2. What factors are supporting the utilizing English bulletin board as

extensive reading for student SMUN I Karanggede

3. What are uses methods of applying and type of things English bulletin

board as extensive reading for student SMUN 1 Karanggede.

D. Objective of the Study

The writers objectives in this paper are:

1. To suggest how to use English bulletin board as a medium of extensive

reading for student SMUN I Karanggede

2. To know factors are supporting the utilizing English bulletin board as a

medium of extensive reading for student SMUN 1 Karanggede

3. To know some methods of applying and type of things English bulletin


E. The Method of the Research

1. Data Sources

The Writer gets a data sources from student

l. The student's interest about utilizing English bulletin board as medium

extensive reading

0. Ho" fc»r students' utilize the English bulletin board as a medium

extensive reading

2. Population

The chosen population of the research is the third year students of

SMUN 1 Karanggede in 2001 2002

a. Object : The student of senior high school

b. Grade : Third years

c. Location : SMUN I Karanggede

d. Time : 2001/2002

3. Sample

In this research, the writer takes one class as the sample part of the

students of the third year of SMUN 1 Karanggede, those are four classes.

As the way of getting the sample of the research. The writer uses random

sampling, because random sampling technique is the most idea! way to


4. The Technique of Collecting Data

a. Interview

1 i Interview or dialogue is done by interviewer to get information

from interviewee Interview method as method is to get information b

asking about students interest. 4 5

b. Questioner

The writer gives some questions to the respondents and the .

must answer them. The function of questioner is to get informatic i

about student's interest in English bulletin board and how far students

have utilized them in extensive reading."

5. Data Analysis

As a quantitative research, the writer uses non-statistical and

statistical analysis. Rather the user quantitative research employing

descriptive method. This is due to fact that the purpose of this research

was describing the facts or phenomena systematically and accurately.

4 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta; 1996, p: 115.


F. The Orgaization of The Thesis


A. The Background of the Study

B. The Reason for Choosing the Topic

C The Statement of the Problem

D. The Objective of the Study

E. The method cf the Research

F. The Organization of the Thesis.


A. General Concept of Extensive Reading

B. The Definition of Bulletin Board

C. Types of Things on the English Bulletin Board

D. Methods of the Apply English Bulletin Board as a

medium of Extensive Reading

E. Factor are Supporting to Utilizing English Bulletin

Board as Extensive Reading


A. The histones of SMUN 1 Karanggede

B. The General of SMUN I Karanggede in Academic

Years 2001 -2002.

C. The Situation of teaching and Staffs

D. Research Methodology


A. Introduction Analysi

B. Second Analysis


A. Conclusion

B Suggestion




A. Genera! Concepts of Extensive Reading

Reading is one of the best ways to learn a new language It has a very

important place in learning English as a second language. English texts enrich

readers with new vocabularies, structure of English sentences and knowledge of

its' culture. Reading is described in a variety of ways, depending on the concepts

underlying the definitions. A child is said to read by decoding letters, and adult is

said to read by scanning and skimming newspapers in information; or someone

else is said to read by intensely reading series of short story. However, the authors

on reading involve more than mechanical process of correctly pronouncing words,

but it involves the recognition of meaning.

Defining reading as “ receptive language process that is, it starts with a

linguistic surfaces representation encoded by a writer, ending with the meaning

readers construct. Thus, it is clear, that the reading process involves language and

thought, which interact with each other. The WTiter encodes thought language and

readers decode language to think.''

Smith states that reading is on the anticipatory, selective, purpose,

comprehending process. He also states that reading is a process of interpreting or * 10

f’ Goodman Kenneth, i he Reading Process; A Definition o f Reading, 1988 p. 12


understanding the text terms of questions that the reading formulates about the

texts.' Readers find answers to the questions they pose about it.

Reading means getting out of the texts as nearly as possible to the message

tha implies the writer put into.* The definition implies that there must be a

cei ain things in common between them are to take place.

After explaining some definitions of reading the writer would like to

ck ify the concepts of extensive reading to limit the discussion. There are two

approaches, which teachers could apply in order to students’ reading skill, which

will improve. There are intensive and extensive reading skills, both

complementary and necessary . Although intensive reading is not the subject in

this discussion, the writer would like to give little information to distinguish it

from other extensive readings. In intensive reading, the implication of readers is

getting an exact information, so they have to read the text intently and thoroughly

and repeatedly, since they want to get the information in details.

Christine says that the purpose of intensive reading is to arrive at profound

and detailed understanding of the texts: not only what it means, but also of how

the meaning is produced.9

The application of intensive reading approach is in reading class. Reading

classes are often used to teach language rather than reading proficiency. Students

' Mahon, Devise, 1986. Teaching Second Language Reading for Academic Purposes. USA; Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.P.28

s Ibid, p.5


tty to understand the reading materials structurally and lexically. So they do not

know what the meaning is only, but also the method they present it. Students will

also have a close examination to evaluate their detailed understanding of the

material. In extensive reading, on the other hand, readers have various purposes.

Some of them are more likely to extend their knowledge and experience. The

implication of it is for a gist and required information, and some readers may read

just for pleasure to kill boredom in their spare time.

And then Christine says that extensive is a reading library. Students here

should research by themselves to look for reading materials they want. Then

students are required to check out their reading materials, a minimum one book

per week, for instance.ch book has a checkout chard, which will be reported to

their teacher. It is done if their schools’ condition has enough books collection.'10 11

Here is useful slogan,” The best way to improve your knowledge of

foreign language is to go and living among native speakers. The next best way is

to read extensively in it.11 From the previous statement, the writer concludes that

if someone wants to master a foreign language or some knowledge, he or she has

to study from its native speakers or linguists. Besides, someone can also extend

his knowledge by reading programs, for their students they should recommend to

10 Ibid, p. 32


develop their habit of reading. Reading should be part of their daily activities to

support the fluency of reading class.


B. The Definition of Bulletin Board

There are many kinds of teaching media, which teachers re able to work

it out. Anderson says that groups media prescribed into eight, the are:

1. Audio

j 2. Printed Material

3. Audio print

4. Projected still usual

5. Audio projected still usual

6 Physical objects

7. Human and situational resources

8. Computers 12

This grouping is taken according to the level of students who are learning

experiences that is from the concentrate up to the abstract level. Those media are:

1. Direct Purposeful experience


8. Motion pictures

The word of media came from Latin language as plural form, that medium

that through literal, it means mediator or intermedia e. Medium is a mediator or

inter me diary of instruction from senders to receive Medium is very important

thing that is used to be a channel for informatn n, so that it can stimulate

children’s thought, feeling, and attention. Medium is reporters or massagers to

send news from senders (teachers) to receiver's (students’).1’

Defining media as things, which heip teachers implant ideas of what is

presented in the mind of students. Another description of medium is any person,

material, or event, which establishes conditions to enable students to acquire

knowledge, skill, and attitude.* 14 15 Medium can also be defined as any material,

which is employed as a vehicle to support the presentation, which makes up the

events of instruction.”

Some of the functions of media are as follows:

1. Engaging students motivation

2. Providing new learning

3. Recalling earlier learning

4. Activating students’ response

t! Dr. Arief Sadiman dkk, M edia Pendidikan : Pengertian, Pengembangan dan Pemanjatannya, PT Raja Rafindo Persada, 1983, Jakarta


5. Giving speedy feedback

6. Encouraging appropriate practice

Bulletin board is equipment needed by class, although the function is not

important like blackboard bulletin in some or resembles facilities, which

sometime is needed by students Bulletin board is a specific place or plank is

applied to shoes of the students' work, pictures, posters, and other objects or

subjects matters.1'

In the early bulletin board is not integral part of instruction program in the

school, but it is just as a place stick notes, pictures and matters, attract attention

without education goals. Later development agrees with improvement of teaching

and bulletin board is integrated by education program at school. Teachers and

students use the instrument to do task project therefore by bulletin board is able

to see philosophy of learning, using instrument model and curriculum at school.

Bulletin board is as one of teaching media, which is very familiar to most

Indonesians, since it is available at schools, and very easy to make or to get.

Example media board is described into nine, they are:

1. Chalkboard

2. Flannel board

3. Display board

4. Information or Bulletin board

5. Demonstration

6. Magnetic board *


7. Spike board

8. Pocket board

9. Loop board

From the grouping above, we know that bulletin board is one of media board.

Brown says bulletin boards and their extended forms of display and

exhibition are among the least expensive instructional resources; the word

bulletin board comes from bulletin and board.1

Bulletin is a brief account or statement, as of news events, issued for

information of the public, and the board is at sheet of word. From the definition

above, we can conclude that bulletin board is a place or medium to show account,

news, and information for public, and it is the least expensive instructional

device. Formerly, bulletin board was used to put notes, announcements, or

interesting pictures without having educational purpose. New bulletin is used as a

place where students and teachers have interaction and cooperation.

The example of bulletin board lay out is as below: 17


These columns are not correctly right: They can be changed by another

input material, for example on one hand “Solving Problems5' column has not been

used and especially successful. On the other hand” Sweet and Short” column has

been successful, since this column is very interesting for students The teachers

can also increase or decrease the number of column, which the students like best.

So, it is relative. It will depend on what things students will read and response.

C. Type of Things on The Board

The writer has shown an example of bulletin board layout, which contains

seven columns. They have different forms and operations. However, all them

intend to develop the habit of reading. Actually there are many types of things

that can be put on the board. However, the water would like to give an example

of bulletin board layout with five columns in order to that they will work well,

those are:

1. Solving Problems

This column presents reading passages, which contains cases or

problems. In this case the students are demanded to express their ideas to solve

problems with their own words. They may write and pouring their ideas on the

available places. It can be at right or left sides, above or below. They have to

put more focus on writing, revealing their feeling, without paying more

attention on grammar. The main idea is giving them opportunities to manage


they have to remember that the theme of reading should be relevant and

proportional for students’ life.


If the teachers want the students to read ana response, they need to tap

into their mind or spirits, because the more they know about students, The

better the teacher could make the board responsive ) them.

2. Crossword Puzzle

Cross word puzzle is a certain game, whit i indicates, using, different

interlocking and word across and down and is provided with two sets of

definitions in row, one for those words to write across the pattern and another

one to write down

This title will be interesting for students, because it will attract them to

master, both vocabulary and general knowledge. By recognizing it, there will

be more students who interested in, and they will understand it more easily. It

has two benefits; first they get new words, second they get new general

knowledge. It is good entertainment column, while they are doing it, they are

enjoying it, because they always try to find the words and they get satisfaction

after doing it well. Let alone, if it is as a quiz, students will get presents, if

they answer it correctly. Usually teenagers are more likely to do something,


3. Science and Technology

Now, we are living in modem area, which is marked with increasing of 1

science, knowledge and technological invention, which never stop. If someone

does not pay more attention for the v rrld's development, it indicates that he or

she is lack of knowledge and skil . Science and technology has a lot of

branches, one of them is science ab >ut education. Therefore, every human's

activities must pay attention to con munication, especially the general ones.

First, people must master languages veil to undertake it fluently.

According to mass communication, there are some public medias of

communication, namely: press (magazines, newspaper, pamphlet, books,

bulletin, etc), radio, television, telephone, internet, post and gyro, etc. The

existence of science and technology column in bulletin board gives means of

education in mastering technology. They can watch the developing of science

and technology in the world. The role of young generation is important,

because without their participation, our Government will not be successful in

running the long-term compulsory education, and it is impossible to state the

country as a level as the developed ones in the near future.

4. Sweet and Short

Teaching sometimes seems like a continuous struggling to ask students

to learn lessons, which are prepared well. In its implementation, it is common

for teachers to involve very deep in the small parts of the language and lessons


frustration emerges up, then. Teachers play an important role as continuous

problems. This column, sweet and short, which includes jokes, anecdotes, and

short funny readings, it will lessen students’ tension and boredom after having

a class.

D, Methods of Applying Bulletin board as A Medium of Extensive Reading

In applying bulletin board as a medium of extensive reading, teachers

have to follow some steps, as follows:

1. Determining Title of Each Column

In determining titles, teachers can do or choose them freely. However,

teachers must keep in mind of people who will participate to the bulletin. Here

students will be participants, so each title or the content should have

relationship with lessons, at least it will support programs of lessons.

As in the previous discussion, the writer has determined the example

of titles of each column, in the hope it will be suitable for students’ needs.18

2. Collecting Materials

Students can do collecting materials as their homework. Teachers can

start from level one’s students. There are three rooms of level one. Each room

is divided into four groups. They are group A is responsible for “Solving

Problems” column. Group B is responsible for "Crossword Puzzle” column.

Group C is responsible for "Science & Technology” column. Group D is


responsible for “Sweet & Short” column. Each member of a group has to get

an article, which has relationship with its title, that he or she is in charging of

two weeks later students must submit the materials. The fact that the board has

not been put on yet, teachers must tell students what title or column they

should provide. So, students will not get difficulty in discovering articles.

They have to remember that all materials are written in English.

3. Selecting Materials

The teacher selects all of submitted materials. In selecting materials,

the teacher has to note the level of difficulties, both lexical and structural. The

teacher should also choose interesting materials, since students’

comprehension is greater, when materials interest them. 3oth are very

important to do in order to the program work well. Students must not forget to

gloss the meanings of difficult words for reading passage materials.

4. Planning Arrangement

After the teacher selects the materials, the students arrange them on the

board. The arrangement should be artistic and the materials must be regulated

nicely. The materials are put on the board according to its column, so they will

not be mixed up. “Solving Problems” column contains to answer or some

problems to solve. “Crossword Puzzle” column includes crossword puzzles,


development of science and technology in the word. “Sweet and Short

column includes jokes, anecdotes, funny-story.n

5. Responding and Evaluating

The last step is to respond and evaluate student response and on the

other hand, the teacher will evaluate the answers. Each column has different

ways to respond and to evaluate. In the first column ’’Solving Problems”, the

students will express their ideas in writing.

An example of the reading passage (problem), the students’ ideas for

solving and the teacher gives the feedback to the work, such things as, ’’the

good idea”, does any one else have an idea0 “ and “another opinion?, please !”

are as follows:


lam 18 years old boy. I do not have any close friends. I just do

not have the guts with people. I can think perfectly of what things

to say, but it always comes out in the wrong way. People must

think something is uTong with me. At school, 1 am so quiet,

Tiough I do not want to be like this. Hoping to get rid of my

shyness, I joined a theater group, but it din’ t work. At home I

can act, sing and doing anything. Why do I fear people? I’d like

to approach someone and start up a conversation and 1 can


imagine how to do it, but I never have the courage. Will l ever be

able to get rid of this problem?"0

In this second column "crossword puzzle", all of the materials are put

on the board and students may write words in the emptv squares or doing

something as direction given. They may write incomplete for answering, and

others will complete it, it will be the some way for games.

Her are the examples of crossword puzzle, games, material


a. Here is an incomplete cross word puzzle.

b. Fill the empty space left with the vowels, in order fo give \ou the

compound words, which are needed.

c. Check the words in the dictionary.21



c~ K T

n [ b w


W ord game

D irections:

a. H ere are some w ords inside the circle.

b. Pair them in o rd er to show that they are synonyms. “


From “Sweet and Short” column, students will get entertainment. The example

material for this column is as follows:


Mother : Everything is going up:

Rice, canned food, meat, and other things. I hope something

will come down.

Daughter : There is something that coming down

Mother : What is that?

Daughter : My marks!

Central Java

Teacher : “Where are you from Anton?

Anton : “Central Java, miss’?

Teacher : ’'Which part0”



The lost Boy

A little boy got separated from his mother in market place and

going back and forward and shouting '’Ami... Ann... ’’when us

mother found him, she said to the boy ”Didi, it is not politt to

call me by name. You should call me mother! “1 know” I idi

replied through his tear. "'But this place is full of mothers ai d 1

wanted to be sure that 1 got that right one.2’

E. T h e S u p p o rtin g F a c to rs fo r U tiliz in g E n g lish B u lle tin B o ard A s E x ten siv e

R e a d in g

In teaching English as the first foreign language in Indonesia, the teachers

face many problems, because this language is considered very difficult for

students. There are various backgrounds such as the teachers’ quality, textbooks

shortage, and inadequacy of teaching techniques. The teachers also acknowledge

that the way to reach success in teaching English is a long, and difficult one, so

that patience and hard work are necessary.

Facilities should be given to the teachers of English, in particular to


improve their command of teaching technique. In order to be successful in

teaching English, especially reading, teachers should try hard to develop ways of

motivating all of the students. As we know, students who are lack of motivation


are recommended to put interest in reading English. As frequent they read things

in English, they will get much better. Meanwhile, reading is one of the ways to 1

learn English. Through reading, they will know about pronunciation, spelling,

especially they will master a lot of vocabularies, am' the most important is that

they will understand about the now knowledge they ai i reading.

By utilizing bulletin board as extensive read ig. we will know its exact

importance, because bulletin board will help te chers draw the students’

motivation. If the students are motivated, they will participate in this program

continuously. In addition, bulletin board is able to make students active in their

spare time. The teachers should be able to cover the technique of planning,

designing, and realization in making the bulletin board.

Bulletin board can stimulate students in an active way and urge them to

take part in the activities, in which they have opportunities to reveal their ideas.

Besides, students can also get a lot of knowledge and experience.

These factors, which happen in general students, namely:

1 There are lacking of initiative for solving problems

2 There are not students’ social experience

3 There are lacking of students’ motivation to work, or doing the homework.

4 There are lacking of unity’s spirit in the class.

5 There are not motivations of reading, creativities of writing in English.24


Those above are the main causes for supporting students to presence bulletin


R e s e a rc h M eth o d o lo g y a n d D a ta P r e s e n ta tio n

I. T h e H is to rie s O f SM I) N I K a ra n g g e d e

Formerly, the name of SMU N I Karanggede was state similar high school

(SMAN) Karanggede. It was established in 1990/1991, based on the instruction of

kakanwil depikbud in central Java (the Head of Education and culture department

in central Java), number 053 / 103H / 1990 on 5lh 1990 and a decision letter from

minister of education and culture, republic of Indonesia).

SMU N I Karanggede is in the village of klari, Karanggede Boyolali. It is

located on the land as wide as 20 605 meter cubic, with the certificate number:

af.022712., in the name of the head of education and culture

department in central Java province. The original certificate is kept and given to

the head of education and culture department, in Boyolali distric on May 19th 1999.

SMU N I Karanggede is the coordinator of SMU in the north Karanggede,

which including Karanggede, wonosegoro, and Juwangi, which consist of 6 SMU.

In the beginning of establishment, SMU N I Karanggede consisted of 3 classes,

with the formation o f f II: III = 3: 3: 3. It protected until 1995 / 1996. Since 1996

/1997, it had set the new buildings up for adding the classrooms, so since 1998 /

1999 the class formation was I: II: III = 4: 4: 4. There are 2 (two) department in

class III, those are sciences. (IPA) exact science has one class, and social (IPS) has

three classes.


B. The General Of SMU N I Salatiga In Academic Year 2001 / 2002

The situation of medium and instrument are follows:

1. Class rooms 12 rooms

2. Principal room : 1 room

3. Teacher room : 1 room

4. Library' room : 1 room

5. Unit of School Healthy : 1 room

6. Office : 1 room

7. Store House : 1 room

8. OS IS room : 1 room

9. Counseling room : 1 room

10. Security Guard : 1 room

i . Biology/ Chemistry Laboratories : 1 room

12. Cafeteria : 1 room

13. Teacher Toilets : 2 room

14. Student Toilets : 5 room

Besides that, SMU N 1 Karanggede also has complement devices for the

laboratory, among other facilities like tables, chairs, and television. For the

underpining the teaching and learning process, SMU N 1 Karanggede is also

completed with library, which supplies lesson books, general knowledge books,

religious books (Islam and Christian ), newspaper and magazine.1


C. The Situation Of Teaching And Staffs

This formal education needs qualified people to work as teachers and some as

administrator to undertake good teaching and learning process

Table I.

The Teachers And The Staffs Of SMI N 1 Karanggede

No Name Duty' Lessen

1. Drs. Tri Wahyudi Headmaster Counseling


2. Drs. H. Djupri Teacher Home

room teacher of



3. Wahyu Winardi Teacher / vice

head master

Economic and


4 P. Zumar Iskandar S.Pd Teacher/


No Name Duty Lesson

n . Sukarjadi. S.Pd Teacher Physic


No Name Duty Lesson

19. Drs. Saefudin Zuhri Teacher / Home

room teacher of

22. Setyo Budiono 1 eacher English


23. Drs. Umardani 3 eacher Education of

Islamic religion

24. Paul us Hari Prabowo Teacher Education of



25. Tri Winamingsih Teacher Biology

26. Subiyanto,SE Teacher Economics

27. Sri Wahyuningsih Teacher The Education

of Pancasila

28. Noviani Ari A. S.Pd Teacher Physic

29. Rosa Nur Sriwati Teacher The Education

of Pancasila and


pertaining to the


30. Eko Suharono,S.Pd Teacher Healthy and

Sport Education

31. Dewi Asmarani Teacher Mathematic



In this research, the writer uses the quantitative research with attaching 1 descriptive method. This due to the fact that the purpose of this research describes

the reality and phenomena systematically and accurately. Descriptive met'od is

about collecting and analysing data, finding model, and drawing the cone .ision

based on the data without a trial to generalize the result just valid for the dat used

in the research, not for others.

The quantitative research is an essential investigative process; someone

investigates a type of social phenomena by contrasting, comparing, replicating,

cataloguing, or classifying the object. It is also a type of research that, the data

produced are in the form of words. The quantitative data consist of detailed

description of situation, events, people, interaction, and observed behavior; direct

quotation from people about their experiences, attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts and

passages documents, correspondence, records, and case history.

1. Data Resources

In this research, the uTiter can get the data from many resources, either

person or things. Data sources in a research are basically subject from which a

researcher gets data conducting this study. The writer took the data from

students of the third year of SMU N I Karanggede in Academic year of 2001 /


2002 about the students’ interest and how far students’ utilize the English

bulletin board as a medium of extensive reading for them selves. The writer

gets the data from these students with instrument of, questionnaire, and



bulletin board. English bulletin board for these students is able to enrich the

vocabulary, to grow their creativity of writing and reading the English subject.

In this research, the writer gets the data from the students of the third year only,

because if the writer takes from all students it will be difficult. The writer gets

the data from them only, because they have plans to continue their study to


2. Population

Arikunto states that population is the total number of the subject of an

investigation." The writer selected the students as the population for research,

because English bulletin board can be the most obvious functional for them to

enrich the vocabulary and etc in English subject. r

The third year students of the academic year consist of 120 students of

four classes; they are natural sciences (I PA). The total number of the

population, which is used in this research, is 40 students. The writer did not

take the whole population as sample, because the writer applied random

sampling in this research.

3. Sample

In this research, the writer takes one class as the sample part of the

students of the third year of SMU N 1 Karanggede, those are four classes. A

research according to Suharsini states that the sample can be taken about 10

15 %, or 20 - 25 % or more present out of population. Therefore, The writer


selected 25 % of population, which was nearly equal to forty students who

were as respondents.

4. The Technique of Sampling

The population consisted of two departments as the writer wrote above,

For the writer had an assumption that the population was random sampling.

The writer took a random sampling technique to facilitate the operation.

Because every subject of the population has the same opportunity to select. The

method of selection must be unhampered or independent.

It means that the selection must be free from any sort of influences. Such

as personalities or cleverness. Sax states that a sample is selected randomly

when every' number of the population has an equal, non-zero chance of being

included in the sample. The writer took the procedure called lottery' method

(Arikunto). To conduct that random sampling technique.'

The writer used this lottery method of random sampling, because it is an

objective selection and the technique is the most ideal way to take sample for


5. The Technique of collecting data

In this research the writer used questionnaire and interviewing as

instrument to collect the data,

a. The questionnaire

The questionnaire is a number of written questions, which are used to 3


gain information from respondents about the respondents themselves or

their knowledge, belief or action.


The uestionnaire is used to measure the students about how far thev.

utilize English bulletin board as a medium of extensive reading for them.

In this re earch the writer applied a rating scale, then the columns

indicating tronglv agree, disagree, and strongly disagree went along a

statement 1 >rm of c uc _tionri3irG.

This questionnaire is some items consist of the positive and negative

statement deeming to some items relating to the influence and utilize about

English Bulletin boarding the school. The technique of scoring the writer

took was Lifetree scale type.

This scale of Lifetree present a number of positive and negative

statement according to the items on this scales the subjects indicate whether

they strongly agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with each statement.

The numerical value assigned to each response depends on the degree

of disagreement or agreement with individual statement. Summing the

value assigned to individual response determined a subjecfs score. The

response is usually expressed in terms of the following some categories, the

response options are assigned of five points to each response indicating

strong agreement with favorable statement.

A value of four for agreement with this statement, two for

disagreement and for the strong disagreement. For an unfavorable statement


assured to be psychologically equivalent to agreement with a favorable


The outlines of scoring the questionnaire can bee seen as follows:

Table I.

The scoring of questionnaire

Posi'.iVw Score Negative Statement


Strongly agree 5 Strongly disagree

Agree 4 Disagree

Disagree 2 Agree

Strongly disagree 1 Strongly Agree

Since the highest score of each item in the questionnaire is five, then 100

are the highest total score. The lowest score of each item is one, so the

total score is 20.

b. Interviewer

An interviewer guides a list of questions or issues that are explored

in the course of an interview. An interview guide is prepared in order to

make sure that basically the some information is obtained from number of

people by covering the equal material .4


In this research, the writer uses how to get data from these students

about utilizing and influencing English bulletin board in the school. First I of all. the writers come to the class and give them some information bout

statement. In giving questions to the students were diverse with others, so

the writer can be an information very accurate.

The interviewing's questions are written out in advance exactly The

interviewer gives the way to ask them during interview, b fore

interviewing about the way toward each question. The interview tself

writes several clarifications, which the interviewer uses.

The writer gets the data from some students as a sample only in this

research. The writer takes one class from four classes. In this question, the

writer is not necessary to ask the students in this ciass, but we can get

some students. Suharsini Arikunto states that the sample can be taken

about 10-15% . Or 20 - 25 % or more percentage out on the population.

In obtaining the data, the writer gives some questions for the students

in the diverse time. So she can get information and answer from other

students. The writer gives the same questions on diverse time.

Value of these questions, the writer is able to conclude about how far

benefit, pleasure, and influence English bulletin board as a medium for the

students at this school. After the writer gave some questions for students or

sample, she contracts the result answer distinct from students. The then

summarizes the result about utility and influence English bulletin board for

students at this school. The writer can get the data with percentage from


c. Instrument

An instrument plays in important role to collect data. In collecting l

the required data, the writer used objective type te‘| . They are multiple

choices and multiple responses. The choice of the type test was based on

the consideration, namely:

1. The objective type test is generally easy for examii ars to calculate the

pleasure and influence and benefit, for example:

• How is the difference between before and after The English

bulletin board “is held dealing with the score o English subject??

• How often do the English students publish the “English bulletin

board " in your school?

• What motivates you to participate and join actively in the “English

bulletin board ” at your school?

2. The objective type test will not make examiners have diverse

interpretations of the students’ test, because the correct answers are

limited. It will be easier to score the students’ work.

In the construction of instrument, at first, the writer prepares the

research that selects the best type of the test, which is on the class, and then

gives some information about process starting with the development of test

plan. The test plant includes the objectives of the test. Type of the test, the

scoring technique, and any other pertinent information.

After the test plant is laid out, test items are written and revised. This


the data from the type of objective test, the writers can summary from

percentage answer tests.


Data about utilizing English bulletin board as a medium of extensive reading

for student of SMU N 1 Karanggede

To know the data about the utilizing english bulletin board the writer use of £ \

it of mstument consists of is question is given for student. The criteria of answer

alternative are as follow :

- Answer A = 4

- Answer B = 3

- Answer C = 2

_ Answer D1

Instrument result can be found in the table

Data of instrument result of utilizing English Bulletin Board as a Medium of

extensive reading for SMU N I Karanggede

No Respondent Score Total


4 J 2 1

1 D 4 5 & 7 8 9 10

1. Budi Prasetyo * 4 6 1 16 12 12 1 41

Dwi Ani Meriana 9 3 10 0 8 9 20 0 37

J. Dwi Hatmoko 4 5 5 1 16 15 10 1 41


36. Suroto i 3

i 5 7 0 12 15 14 0 41

37. Titin Ariyani 6 2 7 0 24 6 14 0 44

38. Triwijaya 7 1 4 J> 28 't 8 o 42

39. llaenal. M 3 6 o 12 9 12 3 36




To know about how far the utilizing English bulletin board as a medium of

extensive reading for the student of senior high school ! karanggede, the wntter

would like to give data analysis using questionanes give to the students to be

analyzed. The Quationaries consist of 15 items. The analysis that the writer uses

consists of the introduction analysis and the precentage analysis.

A. Introduction analysis

In this analysis the writer means to look for the answer of the first

goal. The ways that the writer uses are as follow:

1. To give the degree of scoring in every respondent.

2. To look for interval widht.

3. To decide the clasication on the first variable into four categories.

4. To decide the precentage.

Then it will be explained that this introduction analysis consist of

the using variable of utilizing English bulletin board as a medium of

extensive reading for the student senior high school I Karanggede. The

data is about the benefit of English bulletin board as a medium of

extensive reading for SMU N 1 Karanggede. To make early the writes

begins in the following way:


a. Giving the degree every respondent with the alternative in the


To A answer with 4

To B answer with 3

To C answer with 2

To D answer with 1

b. Looking for the interval to decide the stratificati >n of English

bulletin board benefit as a intensive media in reading for student of

Senior High School, it will be devided in the catagories: very high,

high, sufficient, insufficient, In deciding the interval value, the

writer uses the ideal value with the pattern as follows:

I = (xt-xr)-i- 1 i ; inteval

N xt : The highest mark

xr : the lowest mark

N : The number of answer


1 = ( 50 — 33) + 1


= 17 + 8 = 25 = 6,25

4 4

c. Finding or deciding the classification of utilizing English bulletin

board as a medium of extensive reading for SMU N I Karanggede

divided into 4 (four) categories based on the above explanation as



47 - 50 for the highest mark in 4,he utilizing English bulletin 1


42 - 46 for the high mark in the tilizing English board

3 7 -4 1 for thesufficient mark in the utilizing English

bulletin board.

3 2 -3 6 for the insufficient ma k in the utilizing English

bulletin board.

For further step it can be looked at the table of frequency in the

using of English bulletin as a medium of extensive reading for SMU N I

Karanggede. With above categories.

Table I

Frequency about utilizing English bulletin board as a medium of extensive

Reading for SMU N I Karanggede

No. The degree of the utilizing

English bulletin board

Interval Frequency %

1. The highest 4 7 -5 0 5 12,5

2. High 4 2 -4 6 16 40


3. Sufficient 3 7 -4 1 14 35


Based on the table above it can be informed about the utilizing

English bulletin board as a medium of extensive reading for SMU N I

Karanggede on the degree of high degree proved from 40 respondents. In

fact 16 respondents or 40 % are in the high degree or high category.

The next step to know about utilizing English bulletin board as a

medium of extensive reading for SMU N 1 Karanggede can be looked in

the analizing for every item in the variable of utilizing English bulletin

board. Clearly it can be looked at the table below:

Table 11

Data variation about how far utilizing English bulletin board as a medium

Of extensive reading for SMU N I Karanggede



By English bulletin 25 8 5 2


people (2,5%) never read it.

2. Item 2, the students who agree with English bulletin board. From 40 1

respondents there are 25 student (62,5%) agree, (2 student (30%) do not

agree, 2 student (5%) rather agree and I student (2 5%) never agree.

3. Item 3, about the kind or title that are often publ >ed by English bulletin

board. From 40 respondents there are 25 stude it (62,5%) answer the

knowledge and technology, 7 student (17,5%) al out problem solving, 5

student (12,5%) about short story and 3 student (7.5%) about opinion.

4. The student read item 4, about the kind or the titles that are often on the

English bulletin board. From 40 respondents there are 19 student (47,5%)

answer the knowledge and technology, 8 student (20%) short story, 7

student (17,5%) problem solving and 6 student (15%) answer opinion.

5. Item 5, the frequency of the English bulletins board published. From 40

respondents there are 27 people (67,5%) answer once week, 9 student

(22,5%) -twice week, 3 student (7,4%) once month and I people (2,5%)

answer twice month.

6. Item 6, the place of the English bulletin board that practice or proper.

From 40 respondent 22 students (55%) answer that it is near the library. 8

students (20%) near the office, 6 students (15%) infront of the class and 4

students (10%) near canteen.

7. Item 7, what encourages to be active in participating the published of

English bulletin board. From 40 respondenss there are 20 students (50%)


mastering the English subject. 6 students (15%) just for fun. And 4

students (10%) answer to grow thf' creativity of writing. 1

8. Item 8, the special benefit of English bulletin boards. From 40 respondents

19 students (47,5%) answer that t grow the motivation in understanding

the English subject. 10 studen (25%) answer that it enriches the

vocabulary. 7 students (17,5%) o add the knowledge. And 4 students

(10%) to grow the creativity of wi ting.

9. Item 9, the teacher's method to motivate the student in publishing the

English bulletin boards. From 40 respondents there are 17 student (42,5%)

answer that they just suggest 14 students (35%) obligate it, 6 students

(15%) ooligate, and 3 students (7,5%) answer are just silent.

10. Item 10, the difficulty degree in understanding the English bulletin board

can be known, from 40 respondens there are 18 students (45%) answer

little. 15 students (37,4%) yes, 4 students (10%) answer little, and 3

students (7,4%) answer usual.

11. Item 11, the effect of English bulletins boards for understanding English

subject. From 40 respondents there are 22 students (55%) answer there is

impact, 9 students (22,5%) are much, 8 students (20%) just little and I

students (2,5%) answer never it.

12. Item 12, about weather the English bulletin board can support their interest

in other subject (non-English). From 40 respondent the are 25 students

(62,5%) answer yes, 8 students (20%) a little 5 students (12,5%) are much


13. Item 13, the difference between before and often holding the English

buiietin board and its relation with the mark of English subject. From 40

respondents there are 20 students (50%) answer usual, 3 students (32,5%)

improve, students (12,5%) another and 2 students (5%).

14. Item 14, the difference between before and often holding the English

bulletin board and its impact on the achievement of the other English

subject. From 40 responden there are 23 students ( 57,5%) answer improve,

8 people (20%) usual, 7 students (17,5%) the other and 2 students (5%)

answer less.

15. Item 15 people who are given the right to manage the English bulletin

board. From 40 respondens, there are 20 students (50%) answer teachers

and students, 9 students (22,5%) only student, 8 students (5%) student

association (OSIS) and 3 students (7,5%) answer just teacher.

B. Second Analysis.

To analysis it the writer uses the procentage technique with the

pattern as follows:


P : F x 100% P : Presentage

N F : Frequency

N : The number of respondens

The using of English bulletin board as a medium of extensive


Category A 47 - 50 = 5 x 100% = 12,5


Category B 42 46 = 16 x 100% = 40


Category C 37 - 4 i = 14 x 100% = 35


Category D 32 - 36 = 5 x 100% = 12,5


To make clearly the writer would like to roll out it in the table:

Table 111

Procentage of utilizing English bulletin board as a medium of extensive

Reading for SMU N 1 Karanggede

No. The degree Interval Frequency %

1. Very high (A) 4 7 -5 0 5 12,5

2. High (B) 4 2 -4 6 16 40

o Enough( C ) 3 7 -4 1 14 35

4. Less (D) 32- 36 5 12,5

Frcm the accounts result above w e get in form ation that the benefit from

English b u lletin board as a m edium o f ex tensive reading for SM U N 1


1. 5 students become respondens are in the high category or strongly

agree, it means 12.5%. 40 respondens agree very much in the benefit

of English bulletin board9

2. 16 students that become respondens are in the high category' or agree

It means 40% from 40 student are interested or agree in high

categon or agrees, it means 35% from 40 student are interested or

highly agrees in high in the utilizing English bulletin board.

3. 14 students that became respondents are in the high category or

agree. Its mean 35% from 40 student are interested or highly agree in

high in the utilizing English bulletin board.

4. 5 students that became respondens are in the low category or agree.

It means 12,5% from 40 responden have low interest in the using



A. Conclusion

From the discussion about utilizing E nglish bulletin board as a m edium

o f extensive read in g for th e 3 rd y ear students, th en it can b e con clu d ed as

f o llo w :

1. T he student know about utilizing E nglish bulletin b oard since they are

com e on th e yu n io r hight school 50, the student in th e senior h ight school

ju s t developm ent. W ith English bulletin board the student can enrich

d evelopm ent, to grow new vocabulary enrich n ew inform ation and etc.

E nglish b u lletin board fo r the student very ben efit for studying learning


2. Factor are supporting the utilizing English b u lletin board as a m edium o f

ex tensive reading for SM UN l K aranggede.

a. They are lack in g o f initiative for solving problem .

b. They are not students sosial ex p erien ce

c. They are lacking o f students m otivation to w ork, o r d oing the

hom ew ork.

d They are lacking o f unity spirit in the class.

e. They are not m otivations o f reading, creativ ities o f w riting English.

3. They are m any types o f things th at can be put on the board the student

SM U N 1 K aranggede those are :


a. Solving Problem

T his coloum p resents reading passages, w hich contains cases o r

problem . In th is case students are dem an d ed to ex p ress th eir ideas to

solve problem s w ith th e ir ow n w ords.

b. C rossw ord puzz;e

C rossw ord puzzle a certain gam e, w hich indicates using differen t

in terlo ck in g and w o rd s across and dow n is provided w ith tw o sets o f

d efinitions in row. O ne fo r those w ords to w rite across th e pattern and

an o th er on e d oing it, th e are en joying it, b ecau se th eya are alw ays try

to find th e w ords and they get satisfactio n after doing it well.

c. Science and T echnology

N ow , w e are living in m o d em era, w hich is m arked w ith increasing

o f science and technological inventation, w hich never stop. If som eone

does not pay m ore atten tio n for th e w o rld ’s d evelopm ent, if indicates

th a t he o r th e is lock o f know ledge and skill.

d. Sw eet an d Short

T his coloum , sw eet an d short, w h ich includes jo k e s, an necdotes

an d short funny readings. It w ill lesson students ten sio n and boredum

afte r having a class.

B. Suggestions

In th is section th e w riter w an t to p u ip o se th e follow ing suggestion :


Table I.The Teachers And The Staffs Of SMI N 1 Karanggede
Table I.The scoring of questionnaire
Table IFrequency about utilizing English bulletin board as a medium of extensive
Table 11Data variation about how far utilizing English bulletin board as a medium


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