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English Indonesia University Applied of Sciences Bremen, Germany Januari, 2010


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English – Indonesia

Written By :

Christoper Dewangga Pramudita

University Applied of Sciences Bremen, Germany

Januari, 2010



S1 + tobe/aux verb + V + and + S2 + tobe/aux verb + TOOS1 + tobe/aux verb + V + and + SO + tobe/aux verb + S2


S1 + tobe/aux verb + NOT + V + and + S2 + tobe/aux verb + NOT + EITHER ( keys : OR )

S1 + tobe/aux verb + NOT + V + and + NEITHER + tobe/aux verb + S2 ( keys : NOR )

For examples :

1. We weren’t nervous during the exam and he wasn’t either 2. We weren’t nervous during the exam and neither was he


= Digunakan untuk menanyakan / yang diyakinkan

S1 + tobe/aux verb + NOT + V1 + O , tobe/aux verb + S1S1 + tobe/aux verb + V1 + O , tobe/aux verb + NOT + S1 For examples :

1. She can’t swimming , can she ? ( dia tidak bisa berenang , iya kan ? )

2. You are student , aren’t you ? ( kamu adalah seorang pelajar , iya kan ? )



Along = maju terus

On = diatas ( menyentuh )Beside / by = disampingNext to = disebelah Under = dibawahBehind = dibelakang

Above = diatas ( tidak menyentuh )In / within = didalam

Out = diluar

The opposite of / across / beyond = diseberangIn front of = didepan

Between = diantaraOn to = atas


How long = berapa panjang ?How far = berapa jarak ?How high = berapa tinggi ?How heavy = berapa berat ?How many times = berapa kali ?

COMPARISONUntuk kata : 1-2 sylable

COMPARATIVE : adj – ER + THAN ( lebih dari ) For example :

An ocean is larger than a lake ( Keys : IS and THAN )

SUPERLATIVE : THE + adj – EST ( paling ) For example :


( Keys : IS THE and OF THEM , IS THE and IN )Untuk kata :

2-lebih sylable

COMPARATIVE : MORE – adj + THAN ( lebih dari ) For example :

A captain is more important than a sergeant

SUPERLATIVE : THE MOST – adj ( paling ) For example :

This cake is the most expensive in the city

Untuk comparison : AS. . . .AS / THE SAME . . . .AS For examples :

She is not as old as him OR she is not as old as he is

You don’t work as hard as me OR you don’t work as hard as I do Rome isn’t as old as Athens OR Athens is older than rome

The weather today is the same a yesterday My hair is the same colour as yours


Catatan tambahan buat COMPARISON :

Some more examples of NOT AS . . . . AS : The city centre wasn’t as crowded this morning as it usually is

( it is usually more crowded )

Jenny didn’t do as well in the exam as she had hoped

( she had hoped to do better )

The weather is better today, isn’t it ? yes it is not as cold.

( yesterday was colder )

I don’t know as many people as you do

( you know more people )

You can also say NOT SO . . . . AS : It’s not warm but it isn’t so cold as yesterday.

( . . . . it isn’t as cold as . . . . .)

LESS . . . . ( THAN ) is similar to NOT AS . . . AS : I spent less money than you

( I didn’t spend as much money )

The city centre was less crowded than usual

( it wasn’t as crowded . . . )

You can use AS . . . . AS in positive sentences and in questions : I’am sorry I’m late. I got here as fast as I could

There’s plenty of food. You can have as much as you like Let’s walk. It’s just as quick as taking the bus

Can you send me the money as soon as possible, please ?

Also, TWICE AS . . . . AS, THREE TIMES AS. . . .. AS. Petrol is twice as expensive as if was a few years ago









For examples : 1. I have a book

It is my book

That is mine ( tanpa diawali kata benda ) I do it myself

2. Angga has a big motorcycle It is his motorcycle

It is his

3. You have a black cat It is your black cat It is yours

Explanation about SUBJECT : • I = saya

• You = kamu

• We = kami ( johan, angga, and I ) • They = mereka ( angga, shinta, and ida ) • He = dia laki-laki

• She = dia perempuan • It = pengganti kata benda



= yang lain / lainnya dan biasanya diikui oleh kata benda jamak ( biasanya ) • OTHER + K.BENDA

For example :

I don’t like this food, give me other chicken ( chicken = k.benda ) The other one = bendanya 2 ( pilih salah satu )


= yang lain / satu lagi dan biasanya diikuti oleh kata benda tunggal ( biasanya ) • ANOTHER + K.BENDA

For example :

I don’t like this food. Give me another one. ( one = k.ket ) Tambahan :

Referensi = other = jamak


THIS = ini / bendanya dekat ( menggunakan IS )

THESE = ini / bendanya dekat tetapi ada banyak ( menggunakan ARE )THAT = itu / bendanya jauh ( menggunakan IS )



1. Present Simple Tense

= digunakan untuk hal yang bersifat umum dan kebiasaan sehari-hari. ( + ) S + V1 (s/es) + O

( - ) S + Do/Does + NOT + V1 + O ( ? ) Do/Does + S + V1 + O + ?

Do = digunakan untuk ( I, you, we, they ) Does = digunakan untuk ( he, she, it ) We use the present simple to talk about : Personal information = ( I live in Bogor )

General Statement Of Truth = ( The sun rises in the east )

Permanent Situation = ( Water boils at 100 Celcius Degree )

Routines and Habits = ( I usually visit my father once year )

Fixed Times and Schedules = ( The film Starts at nine )

Details Of Fixed Future Plans = ( We leave Jakarta at 01.00 PM on Sunday )

Direction On Instructions = ( You take the P2 to Jakarta )

Keys :

Kata keterangan waktunya berupa :

Every, On Saturdays, Always, Usually, Often, Never, Generally, Once / Twice, Seldom, Rarely, Occasionaly, At midnight.

Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran huruf : O, S, SH, SS, X, CH, Y, Z


For examples : ( + ) I play football ( - ) I don’t play football ( ? ) Do I play football ? ( + ) Christian has a headache

( - ) Christian doesn’t have a headache ( ? ) Doesn’t he have a headache ? ( + ) I have a problem

( - ) I don’t have a problem ( ? ) Do you have a problem ? ( + ) He studies english

( - ) He doesn’t study English ( ? ) Does he study English ?

2. Present Continous Tense

= digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat yang sedang terjadi sekarang. ( + ) S + tobe + Ving + O

( - ) S + tobe + NOT + Ving + O ( ? ) tobe + S + Ving + O + ? Is = digunakan untuk ( he, she, it ) Are = digunakan untuk ( you, we, they ) Am = digunakan untuk ( I )

Keys :

Kata keterangan waktunya berupa :

Now, at the moment, today, this week, Hear !, Look !, At present, This morning.

For examples :

( + ) They are watching football ( - ) They aren’t watching football ( ? ) Are they watching football ?


3. Past Tense

= digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat yang sudah terjadi dimasa lampau ( + ) S + V2 + O

( - ) S + Did + NOT + V1 + O ( ? ) Did + S + V1 + O + ? Keys :

Kata keterangan waktunya berupa :

Last, Yesterday, Last week, This morning, . . . . Ago, When . . . . , In. . . ( 1990 ), Just now.

Verb2 bisa dari Irregular verb ataupun dari Regular verb ( -ed ) For examples :

( + ) She bought newspaper ( - ) She didin’t buy a newspaper ( ? ) Didn’t she buy a newspaper ? ( + ) We wrote letters

( - ) We didn’t write letters ( ? ) Did we write letters ?

4. Past Continous Tense

= digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat yang sudah sedang berlangsung di masa lampau. ( + ) S + Was/Were + Ving + O

( - ) S + Was/Were + NOT + Ving + O ( ? ) Was/Were + S + Ving + O + ?

Were = digunakan untuk ( I, you, we, they )

Was = digunakan untuk ( He, she, it, I )

Was/Were = digunakan untuk ( I ) Keys :

Kata keterangan waktunya berupa : Yesterday, While, When, As.


5. Present Future Simple

= digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat yang belum terjadi atau masih angan-angan di masa yang akan datang, seperti cita cita.

( + ) S + Will/Shall + V1 + O

( - ) S + Will/Shall + NOT + V1 + O ( ? ) Will/Shall + S + V1 + O + ?

Will = digunakan untuk ( They, you, he, she, it, I, we )

Shall = digunakan untuk ( I, we ) Keys :

Kata keterangan waktunya berupa :

Tomorrow, next, Saturday, This afternoon, Tonight, The day after tomorrow, Next, Later.

Shalln’t = Shall notWon’t = Will not

6. Present Perfect Simple

= digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat yang dulu berlangsung hingga sekarang masih terjadi.

( + ) S + Have/Has + V3 + O

( - ) S + Have/Has + NOT/Never + V3 + O ( ? ) Have/Has + S + V3 + O + ?

Have = digunakan untuk ( I, you, we, they )

Has = digunakan untuk ( He, she, it ) Keys :

Kata keterangan waktunya berupa : Since, For, Just, Already


7. Present Perfect Continous

= digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat yang dulu berlangsung hingga sekarang dan sedang terjadi ( masih )

( + ) S + Have/Has + Been + Ving + O

( - ) S + Have/Has + NOT/Never + Been + Ving + O ( ? ) Have/Has + S + Been + Ving + O + ?

Have = digunakan untuk ( I, you, we, they )

Has = digunakan untuk ( He, she, it ) Keys :

Kata keterangan waktunya berupa : Since, For,

Tidak boleh ada keterangan waktu : Today, tomorrow, yesterday, now

8. Past Future Simple = bentuk lampau dari will dan shall ( + ) S + Would/Should + V1 + O

( - ) S + Would/Should + NOT + V1 + O ( ? ) Would/Should + S + V1 + O + ?


9. Past Perfect Tense = berarti telah

( + ) S + Had + V3 ( ed/d ) + O

( - ) S + Had + NOT + V3 ( ed/d ) + O ( ? ) Had + S + V3 ( ed/d )

For examples :

We had arrived before our teacher came After he had written, he slept

Keys :

Keterangan waktunya biasanya berupa : Before, After, Already, When

10. Future Going To

( + ) S + tobe + Going to + V1 + O

( - ) S + tobe + NOT + Going to + V1 + O ( ? ) tobe + S + Going to + V1 + O + ? For examples :

They are going to go to school everyday

11. Past Future Going To

( + ) S + Was/Were + Going to + V1 + O

( - ) S + Was/Were + NOT + Going to + V1 + O ( ? ) Was/Were + S + Going to + V1 + O + ? for examples :


12. Present Future Continious ( + ) S + Will/Shall + Be + Ving + O

( - ) S + Will/Shall + NOT + Be + Ving + O ( ? ) Will/Shall + S + Be + Ving + O + ? For examples :

She will be going out when ( at the time like this ) you come to her house tomorrow ( tonight, this morning )

Catatan Tambahan buat FUTURE SIMPLE :

S + Will + V1 => 40% ( Simple Future ) S + tobe + Going to + V1 => 60% ( Future Going to ) S + tobe + Ving => 90% ( Present Continious )



Keys :

Past = lewatTo = kurangO’clock = tepat

A half = 30 menit atau ½ menitA quarter = 15 menit atau ¼ menitJam = +1

Menit = 60 – menit

For examples :

01.30 = it is a half past one OR it is a half to two.01.45 = a quarter to two

12.20 = twenty past one10.50 = ten to eleven

09.25 = twenty five past nine08.40 = twenty to nine11.51 = nine to twelve07.55 = five to eight04.10 = ten past four06.05 = five past six



= expresi imperative ( bentuk perintah )

Keys :

Menggunakan kata sifat ( tanpa pokok kalimat )

“ BE “ tidak berubah dan ditempatkan sebelum kata sifat itu, Yang artinya . . . .-LAH

For examples : Be diligent = rajinlah Be patient = bersabarlah Be careful = berhati-hatilah

Membuat kalimat melarang kita menggunakan kata kerja tanpa pokok kalimat dan menempatkan “ Don’t “ sebelum kata kerja itu, yang artinya ” JANGAN ” ( LAH ).

For examples :

Don’t cry = janganlah menangis Don’t worry = janganlah khawatir


= expresi dimana seseorang melakukan suatu permohonan atau permintaan yang bentuk umumnya seperti kalimat perintah ( command )

1) SHALL I & SHALL WE = untuk menawarkan suatu pendapat. For example :


2) MAY I & CAN I

= untuk mengidentifikasikan permisi kepada seseorang akan suatu hal yang dilakukan. For examples :

May I help you ? Can I help you ?

Membuat kalimat permintaan secara sopan. Will you . . . . . . ( dari kata ) Would you . . . . . Can you . . . . ( dari kata ) Could you . . . .

Would you mind + Ving ( untuk membuat kalimat permintaan secara sopan )

For examples :

Will you do me a favour, please ? Can you pass me the salt, please ?

Could you put away the rubbish, please ? Would you join the pipe, please ?

Would you mind telling the true, please ? 3) Would You Like

= digunakan untuk menawarkan atau memberi petunjuk tentang sesuatu dengan sopan. For example :



A. Should

= akan ( lampaunya dari SHALL )

Keys :

Mengungkapkan keharmonisan dan ketidakharmonisan


Kegiatan / kegiatan sekarangArtinya sama dengan OUGHT TO For examples :

I think you should I don’t think you should

B. Shall = akan Keys :

a. Menyatakan persetujuan / menawarkan bantuan untuk melakukan sesuatu bagi orang lain.

b. Menyatakan ancaman c. Menyatakan janji

d. Untuk orang pertama tunggal dan jamak ( I & WE )

e. Shall = Had Better f. Shan’t = Shall not C. May, Might

= boleh Keys :

Menyatakan meminta / memberi izin

Menyatakan kemungkinan

( untuk keadaan sekarang / yang akan datang )

Untuk meminta / memberi izin, tetapi untuk waktu yang lampauMay = Might


D. Can = dapat Keys :

Mengekspresikan kemampuan ( untuk saat ini atau yang akan datang )

Dipakai untuk memberi izin

Dipakai untuk menunjukkan kemungkinan For examples :

Can i stay up till the end of the programe ? He can take the care

E. Was, Were able to = seharusnya

Keys :

Keberhasilan pada suatu saat saja dipakai diwaktu yang lampau

F. Could = dapat Keys :

Lampaunya Can

Menunjukan kemampuan ( yang bersifat permanen ) dimasa lampau. Menyampaikan permintaan yang halus.

For example :


G. Will = akan

Keys :

Will = Be Going To

Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan datang yang sebelumnyaWill = belum direncanakan

Be Going To = sudah di rencanakan

Untuk menyatakan persetujuan

Untuk menyatakan keinginan

Apabila dalam kalimat tanya sering digunakan untuk meminta izin dengan sopan ( request )

H. Would = akan

Keys :

Menyatakan kegiatan yang sudah merupakan kebiasaan diwaktu lampau Meminta seseorang melakukan sesuatu biasanya pada kalimat pertanyaan For examples :

Would you like coffee ? Will you have a drink ?

I. Must, Have to, Ought to = sebaiknya atau seharusnya

Keys :

Digunakan untuk menyatakan keharusan

Kepastian yang tidak dapat ditinggalkan / diabaikan

Dengan menggunakan keterangan waktu sekarang, yang akan datang, dan juga lampau.

Menyatakan kesimpulan For examples :


Catatan Tambahan :

Would you mind + Ving ( Tidak Keberatankah Kamu )

Would you like + To inf

Would you + Please + V1 + O ( REQUEST )

Would you mind + To + V1 + O + Please ( REQUEST )

For examples :

Would you mind if ismoke here ?

( aku meminta izin untuk merokok disini ) => izin Would you mind washing my clothes ?

Would you like to wash my clothes ?



= kalimat pengandaian, dan kalimat pengandaian terdiri dari 2 bagian yaitu  Main Clause ( induk kalimat )

If Clause ( anak kalimat )

IF => berisi syarat atau kondisi yang harus dipenuhi agar keadaan seperti yang terdapat dalam main clause induk kalimat bisa terwujud.

Ada 3 bentuk Conditional Sentences, yaitu : TYPE 1

Conditional ( possible condition )

= sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi pada waktu mendatang atau sekarang

IF-clause ( Present Tense ) / ( S + V1 ) + Subject + Will, Shall, Can, May + V1 For examples :

If rina invites me, I will come to her party.

( kalau rina mengundang saya, saya akan datang kepestanya )

You will pass you examination if you work hard

( kamu akan lulus ujian kalau kamu bekerja keras )



Conditional ( present unreal conditional )

= menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan situasi apa yang terjadi sekarang. IF-clause ( Past Tense ) / ( S + V2 ) + Subject + Would, Should, Could + V1 Keys :

Arti kata yang digunakan = Seandainya, Menurutku

” BE ” selalu dalam bentuk ” WERE ” untuk subject apa saja.Bermakna sekarang

Aturan tidak boleh memakai “ WAS “ For examples :

I didn’t have to finish my assignment tonight, i would come to rina’s party

( seandainya saja saya tidak harus menyelesaikan tugas saya malam ini, tentu saya akan kepesta rina )

If you read this book, you would understand my lessonyou don’t read this book

If I were a king. . . .

If john were a millionaire. . . If they were rich . . .



Conditional Sentence ( past unreal conditional )

= mengekspresikan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan keadaan dulu ( diwaktu yang lampau ).

IF-clause ( Past Perfect ) / ( S + Had + V3 ) + Subject + Would, Should, Could + HAVE + V3

Keys :

Arti kata yang digunakan = Seandainya

Sesuai dengan pembentukan kalimat dalam Perfect Tense ” Would Have ” selalu diikuti oleh Verb 3 ( Past Participle )

Bermakna lampau ( past )

For examples :

If you head left earlier, you would have caught the train.

( seandainya kamu tadi pergi lebih awal, kamu pasti bisa naik kereta api tersebut )

If you had read this book, you would have understood my lessonyou didn’t read this book

if anita had invited me, I would have come her party



= Silsilah Keluarga

Datuk Laki-laki = Great Grandfather Datuk Perempuan = Great Grandmother Nenek – Kakek = Grandparents

Nenek Moyang = Great Grandparents Kakek = Grandfather Nenek = Grandmother Ayah = Father Ibu = Mother Paman = Uncle Bibi = Aunt

Keponakan laki – laki = Nephew Keponakan perempuan = Niece Saudara perempuan = Sister Saudara laki – laki = Brother Sepupu = Cousin

Anak perempuan =Daughter Anak laki – laki = Son

Orang tua = Parents

Ayah mertua = father in law Ibu mertua = Mother in law Menantu laki – laki = Son in law

Menantu Perempuan = Daughter in law Ipar Laki – laki = Brother in law

Ipar Perempuan = Sister in law Janda = Widow

Duda = Widower Anak bayi = Baby Ibu Tiri = Step mother Bapak Tiri = Step Father

Saudara Perempuan Tiri = Step Sister Saudara laki- laki Tiri = Step Brother Pengantin laki – laki = Brigroom Pengantin perempuan = Bride



TOO ( terlalu ) > VERY ( sangat ) > RATHER ( agak ) > QUITE ( cukup ) > A BIT (sedikit ) > NOT AT ALL ( tidak sama sekali )


= kata seru atau seruan dan kita menggunakan exclamation untuk mengekspresikan perasaan kita atau emosi kita tentang sesuatu

A. Exclamation bermakna Something Good :Good !

Great !Wonderful !Fantastic!

B. Exclamation bermakana Something Bad :Oh Dear !

Oh No !

How Awful ! ( bagaimana mengerikannya / dahsyat )

How terrible !

C. Exclamation bermakna A Surprise :Well !

What a Surprise !My Goodness !Good Heavens !


= arah mata angin

Macam – macam arah mata angin : North = Utara

South = Selatan East = Timur West = Barat


South West = Barat Daya North West = Barat Laut North East = Timur Laut


= hanya Satu dan tidak ada lagi yang lain For examples :

The Lord, The Earth, The Man, The God

A / AN

= hanya satu tapi masih ada lagi yang lain For examples :

A Girl, A Student, A book

ON ( line )

= biasanya untuk menulis nama bulan, nama hari, nama jalan For examples :

On Monday, On Friday

AT ( specific )

= biasanya untuk menulis nama alamat lengkap, nama bangunan, nomor, waktu, dan jika berada di luar kita bisa menggunakan AT.

For examples : At Six o’clock

At Mc Donald ( kita berada di luar )

IN ( area )

= biasanya untuk menulis nama kota, nama bangunan, Negara, Desa, dan jika berada di dalam kita bisa menggunakan IN.


For examples: In Surabaya

At Mc Donald ( kita berada di dalam )


Macam – macam On – Off dalam elektronik : Turn On = Dinyalakan dengan cara diputar Turn Off = Dimatikan dengan cara diputar Switch On = Dinyalakan dengan cara di tekan Switch Off = Dimatikan dengan cara di tekan Turn Down = Dikecilkan ( SUARA )

Turn UP = Dikeraskan ( SUARA )

Power = Tombol untuk menyalakan TV Play = Tombol untuk menyalakan Radio Record = Tombol untuk merekam


= untuk menyatakan TIDAK/ NO kita dapat menambahkan kata depan dengan imbuhan :  Dis-……..Un-...In-...Im-...En-...An-...



= biasanya terdapat pada angka dan menyatakan atau berarti YANG KE - . . . .


1 A FEW A LITTLE Ada tapi SEDIKIT ( + )


3 SOME SOME Ada / Sedang ( + )

4 ANY ANY ( - ) dan ( ? )

5 MANY MUCH ( - ) dan ( ? )

COUNTABLE ( dapat dihitung )

For examples ( COUNTABLE ) :

Apple, orange, manggoes, banana, car, umbrella, and other. There are a few flowers

Keys ( COUNTABLE ) :

Memiliki ciri -ES, -S, ARE, WERE.

UNCOUNTABLE( tidak dapat dihitung )

For examples ( UNCOUNTABLE ) :

Water, coffee, sugar, milk, oil, and other. There is a little beer


Memiliki ciri IS, WAS.


= kebiasaan

ALWAYS ( selalu ) 100% > USUALLY ( biasanya ) 80% - 90% >


OFTEN ( sering ) 60% - 80% > SOMETIMES ( terkadang ) 30% - 60% > RARELY ( jarang ) 0% - 30% > NEVER ( tidak pernah ) 0%


= pertanyaan

How to make questions ( pertanyaan yang memerlukan penjelasan ) :

5W 1H + tobe ( is, am, are, was, were ) + S + O / N / ADV / CONDITION / COLOUR / OCCUPATION / ETC + ?

For examples : Why are you late ?

5W 1H + DO / DOES + S + V1 + OBJECT / COMPLEMENT + ? For examples :

Why do you come late ?

5W 1H + DID + S + V1 + O + ADVERB OF TIME / PAST TIME + ? For examples :

Why did you wake up late ?

I woke up late because I slept late last night.

5W 1H + MODAL ( will, shall, can, may, must, would, should, could, might ) + S + V1 + ADVERB OF PLACE OR TIME + ?

For examples :

What will you do tomorrow ?


For examples :

What has he eaten since 5 years ?

How to make questions ( pertanyaan yang bisa di jawab dengan YES / NO ) :

DO / DOES / DID + S + V1 + O / C + ?

Tobe ( is, am, are, was, were ) + S + O / N / ADJ / ADV / ETC + ?MODALS ( will, shall, must, can, may, etc ) + V1 + O / C + ?HAVE / HAS / HAD + S + V3 + SINCE / FOR . . . + ?


= memiliki banyak arti bila di masukan didalam kalimat A. Have ( telah )

S + HAVE / HAS / HAD + V3 + O For examples :

( + ) I have gone there

( - ) I have not gone there yet ( ? ) have you gone there ?

( ? ) have you not gone there yet ? ( formal )

( ? ) haven’t you gone there yet ? B. Have ( mempunyai )

Aturan BRITISH : I have a book

I haven’t a book Have you a book

Aturan USA : I have a book


Do you have a book ?

C. Have To = Must ( keharusan )

For examples : She has to help me

She does not have to help me Does she have to help me ?

D. Have = Take ( makan / minum )

For examples : I have breakfast I don’t have breakfast Do you have breakfast

E. Have = Ask ( meminta / menyuruh ) dan have sebagai causative. For examples :

She has the servant clean the floor

( She ask the servant to clean the floor )

She has the floor cleaned

( she doesn’t have the servant clean the floor ) ( does she have the servant clean the floor ? )


REPORTED SPEECH ( indirect speech )

Terbagi 3, yaitu :

Dalam STATEMENT => That

Dalam QUESTION => Yes / No question => if / Whether => 5W 1H question

Dalam COMAND STATEMENT => Positif : TO. . . .

=> Negatif : NOT TO . . . . . For examples Reported Speech Dalam Statement.

Biasa biasanya ditandai dengan “ THAT “ : “ She is sick “

Rita said that she was sick. “ I must call the teacher “

Dani told me that he had to call the teacher.

For examples Reported Speech Dalam Question YES / NO Question Biasanya ditandai dengan kata IF / WHETHER ( apakah ) :

“ Is she sick ? “

Rudi asked me if / whether she was sick. “ Are you watching TV ? “

Rudi asked me if I was watching TV “ Do you speak English ? “

Toni asked rudi whether he spoke English

For examples Reported Speech Dalam 5W 1H Question adalah : “ What do you say ? “

The teacher asked me what I said “ Where did he go ? “


Mother asked me where he had gone “ Where did you go ? “

Mother asked me where I had gone “ I was sick yesterday “

He said that he had been sick the day before. “ I see the match “

Reno told me that he saw the match. “ I saw the match “

Reno told me that he had seen the match.

For examples Reported Speech Dalam COMMAND STATEMENT

( kalimat perintah )

POSITIF ( + ) :

Tambahkan “ TO “ didepan verb yang ke dua : “ Stand Up “

The teacher asked us To Stand Up . NEGATIVE ( - ) :

Tambahkan “ NOT “ didepan “ TO “ => “ NOT TO “ : “ Don’t smoke here ! “

He asked me Not To smoke there “ Did you eat the food ? “

I had eaten the food “ Do you eat the food ? “ I ate the food

“ Did you came to the party ? “ He asked me if I had come to the party “ Do you do the test ? “

I did the test

“ Is your report already finished ? “ Sari : Not yet. It is being printed.



Dalam Indirect Speech akan mengalami perubahan tenses bila verb dalam induk kalimat dalam SIMPLE PAST:

Said / Told . . . .

Simple Present V1 ( menjadi ) Simple Past V2 For example :

“ I am tired “

Rita said that she was tired.

Simple Past V2 ( menjadi ) Past Perfect V3 For example :

“ I was tired “

Rita said that she Had been tired

Dalam Indirect Speech kalimat Tanya Question akan terjadi : => Pertanyaan ( menjadi ) Pernyataan

For example :

“ What do you speak ? “ He asked me What I spoke


PERKECUALIAN ( exceptions ):

Dalam Indirect Speech TIDAK akan mengalami perubahan tense bila : 1) Kata kerja Induk Kalimat dalam SIMPLE PRESENT For example :

” I speak english every day ”

Tono tells me that he speaks English everyday

2) Bila menyatakan suatu kalimat KEBENARAN UMUM ( general truth )

For examples :

“ Boiling water is very hot “

Tanya said that boiling water is very hot “ 2 + 2 = 4 “

( two plus two equals four )

The teacher said that two plus equals four. “ A ball is round “


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