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Theme-Rheme and Thematic Progression in

Obama’s Speech and Its Translation

A Research Paper

Submitted to the English Education Department of the Faculty of Language and Arts Education of the Indonesia University of Education as Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirements for Sarjana Sastra Degree


Mufti Rizky Oktaviani


English Education Department

Faculty of Language and Arts Education



Rheme and Thematic Progression in Obama’s

Speech and Its Translation


Mufti Rizky Oktaviani

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

© Mufti Rizky Oktaviani 2013 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Juni 2013

Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang.



Theme-Rheme and Thematic Progression in

Obama’s Speech and Its Translation


Mufti Rizky Oktaviani 0801271

Approved by

Main Supervisor, Second Supervisor,

Drs. Ahsin Mohammad, M.Ag. Susi Septaviana, S.Pd.,M.Pd

NIP.19540817189031002 NIP.197609042009122002

The Head of English Education Department Faculty of Language and Arts Education

Indonesia University of Education








1.1 Background ... 1



2.1.1 Types of Translation ... 9

2.1.2 Process of Translation... 9

2.2 Ideology in Translation ... 10

2.3 Thematic Structure ... 12

2.4 Theme and Rheme ... 13

2.5 Types of Theme ... 14

2.5.1 Textual Theme ... 16

2.5.2 Interpersonal Theme ... 18

2.6 Theme and Mood ... 22

2.6.1 Theme in interrogatives ... 22

2.6.2 Theme in Imperatives ... 23

2.6.3 Theme in Exclamatives ... 24

2.7 Theme and Text ... 29

2.8 Theme and New Information ... 29

2.9 Method of Development ... 31

2.10 Speech ... 32

2.11 Previous study ... 33


3.1 Research Method ... 35

3.2 Research Problems ... 36


3.4 Data Collection ... 37

3.5 Data Source ... 37

3.6 Data Analysis ... 38


4.1 Findings ... 39

4.1.1 Theme-Rheme Analysis of Source Language ... 39 Participants as the Topical Theme ... 41 Conjunction Structural as Textual Theme... 44 Circumstantial of Time as Topical Theme ... 46

4.1.2 Theme-Rheme analysis of Target Language ... 48 Participants as the Topical Theme ... 50 Conjunction Structural as Textual Theme... 53 Circumstantial of Time as Topical Theme ... 57

4.1.3 Thematic Progression in Source Language ... 60

4.1.4 Thematic Progression in Target Language ... 61

4.2 Discussion ... 62


5.1 Conclusions ... 66

5.2 Suggestions ... 67




Table 4.1 Distribution of Types of Theme in Source Language ... 40

Table 4.2 The Rank of Types of Theme Appearance in Source Language ... 40

Table 4.3 Distribution of Types of Theme in Target Language... 49

Table 4.4 The Rank of Types of Theme Appearance in Target Language ... 49


Figure 2.1 Process of Translation ... 10

Figure 2.2 Theme Components ... 24

Figure 2.3 The Zig-Zag Pattern of Thematic Development ... 31





1.1 Background

In an English clause there are two points of prominence, the beginning (theme) and

the end (rheme). The beginning of a clause is where we put information which links the

clause to what has come before. This information is contained in the first nominal group in

the clause. (Gerot & Wignell 1994, p. 102)

Related to translation, the theme-rheme and thematic progression can be used to

analyze the worldview of the translator in the target text. One of the texts that can be

analyzed by using theme-rheme and thematic progression and that may contain translator‟s

worldview is a speech. The researcher chooses Obama‟s speech in Indonesian University,

January 2011 to be analyzed. It is because everyone has their own worldview. Obama, as the

President of America also has his own worldview which is easily spread to people through

his speech. Therefore, the present study attempts to reveal the worldview delivered by


The term „ideology‟ is defined as the overall perspective from which one sees and

interprets the world (The New Oxford Dictionary of English). The process and product of

translation are closely interdependent, so the process can trace the worldview of translation.

The ideology of a translation, according to Tymoczko (2003), will be a combination of the

content of the source text and the various speech acts represented in the source text relevant

to the source context, layered together with the representation of the content, its relevance to

the receptor audience, and the various speech acts of the translation itself addressing the



Furthermore, there are several studies which are related to the present study, such as a

research conducted by Vasconcellos (1997) entitled “Can the Translator Play with the

System, too? A Study of Thematic Structure in Some Portuguese translation”. She uses the

theme and rheme in analyzing the study in Portuguese language. There is also a research

conducted by Downing (2001) entitled “Thematic Progression as a Functional Resource in

Analysing Texts”. She concludes that all of these texts are instances of professional writing

whose rhetorical purpose ranges from entertainment to persuasion. Danes' model (1970) appears

to be fully applicable in helping to reveal the internal organization of the text. An awareness of

the types of thematic progression as expounded by Danes also raises interesting questions for

language teaching pedagogy which cannot be dealt with here. Meanwhile, Ghaelasadi (1992)

also conducted the research entitled “Thematization in Romantic in Criminal Short Stories in

English and Persian: Implications for Second Language Reading”. The analysis showed

overall similarities across the stories in both languages. These similarities were attributed to

the same genre family. Moreover, the results confirmed that the theme/rheme construct could

be a powerful and down-to-earth method for analyzing texts, including stories, and that it

contributes to reading and comprehending stories with case of text processing. In addition,

the researcher also finds the research conducted by Wang (2007), entitled Theme and Rheme

in the Thematic Organization of text: Implications for Teaching Academic Writing. Her

research has explored the insights gained from the relationship between Theme and Rheme to

improve cohesion at the level of discourse. Teachers need to look beyond the traditional

grammar of the clause when teaching writing. The paper shows that Theme and Rheme

patterning can be effectively applied in classrooms to diagnosis students‟ weaknesses.

Thus, this study is concerned with the theme-rheme and thematic progression in



text) that aims to discover the differences in worldview and the theme which is most

frequently used in SL and TL that is reflected by the translator.

1.2 Research Question

The following questions are proposed to be answered by the study. The questions are:

1. What themes which are the most frequently used in the source language and the target

language texts?

2. Are there any differences in worldview between the source language text and the

translated texts?

1.3 The Aims of The Study

The aims of this study are:

1. To find out the theme which is most frequently used in SL and TL texts.

2. To find out differences in worldview between the source language text and the

translated text.

1.4 Scope of The Study

This study focuses on the analyses of theme-rheme and thematic progression proposed

by Halliday (1994), and developed by Eggins (2004) and Gerot and Wignell (1994). The

theme-rheme and thematic progression analyses can be used to reveal the worldview of the

translator in the target text. One of the texts that can be analyzed by using theme rheme and

thematic progression and that may contain translator‟s worldview is speech. The researchers

choose Obama‟s speech in Indonesian University, January 2011 to be analyzed.



This study employed a descriptive qualitative method. The present study analyzed

Obama‟s speech and its translation to Indonesian using theme-rheme and thematic

progression analyses, so that the translator‟s worldview can be revealed.

1.5.2 Data Collection

The researcher chose the scripts as speech in English and bahasa Indonesian as the

main data. After collecting the scripts, the researcher compiles the theory related to the study.

The data of the research was taken from Isi Pidato Lengkap Obama di Kampus UI. 2010.

http://vivanews.com. The transcript was taken from Transkrip Pidato Obama di Universitas

Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia. 2011.http://herilhalim.wordpress.com.

1.5.3 Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher utilizes the theme-rheme and thematic

progression. The data of the research was analyzed in several steps. The first step is

collecting the transcribed speech in the source text and the target text, and then, breaking

down the text into clauses. The third step is analyzing each sentence using theme-rheme and

thematic progression proposed by Halliday (1994) which is developed by Eggins (2004) and

Gerot and Wignell (1994). The result from the analysis is then interpreted, so that the

translation‟s worldview can be revealed.

1.6 Clarification of Key Terms

1. Ideology:

Mason‟s (1997) understanding of ideology as the set of beliefs and values which

inform an individual‟s or institution‟s view of the world and assist their interpretation



systematically organized sets of statements which give expression to the meanings

and values of an institution. (Mona Baker, 2010)

2. Theme Rheme :

Theme is, broadly speaking, what the clause is going to be about. Or in terms of

theme and rheme, theme represent „this is what I‟m talking about‟ and Rheme is „This

is what I‟m saying about it‟. In terms of looking at a clause as a message, the theme

looks backwards, relating the current message to what has gone before. The rheme

points both backwards and forwards by picking up on information which is already

available and adding to it and by presenting information which was not there before.

The intercation of Theme and Rheme governs how the information in a text develops.

(Gerrot and Wignell, 1994).

The expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds

or a formal address or discourse delivered to an audience (Oxford Dictionaries)

5. Thematic Progressioin :

F. Daneš distinguishes between different patterns of thematic progression depending

on whether a theme remains constant, is split up, or changed from one sentence to the



1.7 Organization of Paper

This study is organized into five chapters. Each chapter details the different

information that is needed to construct the idea of the paper.


The first chapter contains introduction that consists of background, research problem, scope

of the study, aims of the study, research method, as well as organization of the paper.


The second chapter covers theoretical foundations related to the study, namely Systemic

Functional Grammar, and the theory of representation.


The third chapter deals with Methodology which covers formulation of the problem, research

design, data collection and data analysis.


The fourth chapter recounts analysis, finding and discussion of the study.


The paper ends with the fifth chapter which contains conclusions and recommendation





This chapter deals with the methodology of the study. It covers the formulation of the

research which clarify the main issue under discussion and questions that guide the current

study. It also describes the research design which covers the theoretical framework used in

the current study. Data collection and data analysis are also discussed in this chapter. At last,

this chapter also discusses the research procedure which explains the step-by-step processes

in conducting this research.

3.1 Research Method

This study used descriptive qualitative method. It is relevant and appropriate since the

study described the findings on the worldview through textual analyses using theme-rheme

and thematic progression theory. Descriptive qualitative method is used to describe the

findings in detail. In regard to the content of the study which is in form of text, this study

applied content analyses to analyze the theme which is most frequently used in SL and TL

text and differences in worldview between the source language text and translated text.

3.2 Research Problems

This study raises an issue about how a translator puts different worldview between the

source language text and the translated text. The different worldview itself can be found by

analyzing the vocabularies chosen by the translator. The present research used speech as the

media, it is because the speech have different language diction and style. Language diction



3.3 Research design

The study was conducted by employing descriptive qualitative approach in the

identification in the speech of President Barack Obama in the source text and the target text.

This research also includes a descriptive study.

Research Question

The following questions were proposed to be answered by the research. The questions


1. What is the theme which is most frequently used in the source language and the

translated texts?

2. Is there any different worldview between the source language text and the translated


3.4 Data Collection

The researcher chose the scripts as speech in English and bahasa Indonesian as the

main data. After collecting the scripts, the researcher compiles the theory related to the study.

The data of the research were taken from Isi Pidato Lengkap Obama di Kampus UI. 2010.

http://vivanews.com. The date of speech was on Wednesday, 10 November 2010. The speech

was transcribed by Bonardo Maulana Wahono. The transcript was taken from Transkrip

Pidato Obama di Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia.

2011.http://herilhalim.wordpress.com. Posted by Haeril Halim on January 9,2011 in Transkip

Pidato-Pidato Penting. The researcher chose Obama’s Speech because at that time, his

visiting to Indonesia was waited by Indonesian people. Besides that, many people watched

his speech in a variety of media.



The data of this study was downloaded from two sites. The source language was

Obama’s speech which was transcribed by Haeril Halim and downloaded from

http://herilhalim.wordpress.com. Meanwhile, the target language was downloaded from

http://vivanews.com Isi Pidato Lengkap Obama di Kampus UI. The speech itself tells about

President Barack Obama’s chilhood in Indonesia. Besides that, Obama also told about the

relation between Indonesia and America.

3.6Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher used the theme-rheme and thematic progression

proposed by Halliday which is developed by Gerot and Wignell (1994) and Eggins (2004).

The study was done in several steps. The first step is breaking down the speech into clauses,

and then, analyzing the clauses using theme-rheme. After anlysing the theme rheme of the

clauses in the speech, the analysis of thematic progression was applied to these clauses. The

result from the process of analyzing the text was used to find out the worldview in translation

and to find out the theme which is most frequently used in SL and TL that is reflected by the





In this chapter, the researcher presents the summary of the main discussions of the current

study. This chapter ends with the suggestions for future research.

2.10 Conclusions

From the analysis, the researcher found that participant, conjunction and

circumstantial of time are most frequently used theme in SL and TL. However, there are

different percentages of their appearances in the texts which mean that the translator put his

own worldview in his translation. It is seen that the source language uses conjunction more

important than the target language, meanwhile the target language considers participant and

circumstantial of time more than the source language does. Furthermore, the source language

prioritizes continuity so much, while the target language prioritizes process as theme. From

these findings, it can be concluded that in this research, it is not proven that English native

speakers are more discipline to time than Indonesian native speakers.

In thematic progression, both texts use theme reiteration and zigzag pattern in which

the target language uses more theme reiteration, and the source language uses more zigzag

pattern. It is clear that the source language has better thematic development than the target



Based on the process of analysis and result of the study, the researcher would like to

offer several recommendations. The researcher suggests that every language learner,

particularly those who take translation studies should have comprehensive knowledge



target language. Furthermore, if there is a researcher that would like to continue this research,

it will be better if the research considers another aspect, outside the theme-rheme and



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Table 4.4 The Rank of Types of Theme Appearance in Target Language  ............ 49
Figure 2.4 Multiple Rheme ..........................................................................................


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