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View of The Influence of Religion and Sex Education on Juvenile Delinquency in Medan City


Academic year: 2023

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The Influence of Religion and Sex Education on Juvenile Delinquency in Medan City

Munawir Pasaribu

Faculty Of Islamic Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Indonesia.

Email: munawirpasaribu@umsu.ac.id


Juvenile delinquency is something that is often discussed in the community, where juvenile delinquency has a very large impact in the midst of society. For this reason, special attention is needed to minimize juvenile delinquency that occurs in the midst of society. This study aims to see the effect of Religion and Sex Education on Juvenile Delinquency. The sample used in this study were teenagers in the city of Medan, with a sample of 170 samples. The results obtained that simultaneously, religiosity and sex education can affect juvenile delinquency by 71%. From the results of the above discussion, it can be concluded that partially, the religiosity variable (X1) has an effect on juvenile delinquency (Y) by 58.6%, while the Sex Education variable (X2) can affect the juvenile delinquency variable (Y) by 27.7%.

Keywords: Religiosity, Sex Education, Juvenile Delinquency.


The level of criminalization that occurs in Indonesia is currently one of the focuses in this paper, which can be seen from the data published by the Central Statistics Agency or BPS, showing a fairly high crime rate, where in 2020, BPS released data on the crime rate which occurred in Indonesia, by province, where the data stated that the highest level of criminalization and the victims were children, namely Riau Islands at 15.39%, Papuans 11.60%, and West Sumatra at 10.11% [4]

From the data above, it can be seen that children are also one of the victims of criminalization that often occurs in Indonesia, not even a little up to 15.39%, therefore special attention is needed from the government in tackling these problems. If we examine the cases that occurred above, then of course we will be shown



cases that occur in children, the majority of which occur in teenagers. Currently, there are many cases that describe moral degradation such as sexual harassment behavior, use of illegal drugs and others. This of course needs improvement and the most important thing is improvement in the world of education where there must be an inculcation of morals in children based on the Qur'an and Sunnah [14].

Juvenile delinquency is a thing that is often discussed or discussed among the community, discussions of adolescent acquaintances grab the attention of the community, because many of the behavior of teenagers are deviant. Before discussing too deeply about adolescent behavior, here the author will discuss about adolescents themselves. Adolescence is someone who is 12 to 18 years old [1] Adolescence can also be said to be a transition period, from children to adults. Adolescence is also usually said, where there is a change in the relationship between parents and adolescents themselves, where when their children will be close to their parents, while adolescence the closeness is not as close as in previous children [3]. At this time of adolescence, a person can look for his own pattern of life, where someone will try new things and relate to his own pleasure. This is where sometimes many teenagers are stuck with their desires, and it is not uncommon for many teenagers to continue with their pleasures without thinking about the effects they will get in the future .

Juvenile delinquency which is currently the thing that is most often reported, where in the news it is not uncommon to find that the action of a crime is carried out by someone aged 18 years, that there are also those who report that the crime was committed by a 15 year old child [5] . This is the focus of research, when reporting on juvenile delinquency becomes the most interesting discussion for research. If you look more deeply into juvenile delinquency, you will find that nowadays many youths who commit crimes not only want to be considered great, many juvenile delinquencies are also committed out of love [6] . From the results of the researchers' initial observations, it is not uncommon for many teenagers to commit crimes because of infatuation. Not infrequently many teenagers are stuck with kasmana, where in this youth, a person will consider himself great if he does what most of his friends do. During this period of adolescence, most teenagers are contaminated with negative things, such as having relationships with the opposite sex, doing things that shouldn't be done, and other things. This contamination is obtained from social media and the surrounding environment, which of course will have a negative impact on the development of adolescents at that time. Mostly, juvenile delinquency committed at the level of criminalization occurs because of jealousy, and this jealousy of course stems from a relationship that is prohibited in any religion, and is carried out by a juvenile partner [7] . Similar to what was found in Munawir's research that many teenagers who know about sex education but still do things that can lead to things that hurt the teenager, such as watching porn videos [13], So this is what is usually the aftermath of the problem of criminalization committed by teenagers.

Re-examining the juvenile delinquency that is often carried out, that nowadays we often find juvenile delinquency that starts from romance, which leads to torture, to murder [10] . It is important that there is literacy carried out by institutions, regarding the prevention of juvenile delinquency, of course, it is also important for an understanding of early sex or sex education. In Indonesia, when we talk about sex, it becomes a taboo subject to listen to, maybe some people are embarrassed or amused to hear the word sex education, even though this is an important thing to prevent crimes that occur among teenagers. The existence of education or knowledge about sex, it will certainly have an impact on preventing criminalization. That is, education about sex is very important to do among teenagers, so that it can prevent things that are not wanted. For example pregnant out of wedlock, which leads to murder. This incident is often heard, even almost the average person who commits this crime is the community aged 16-18 years.

In addition to sex education, it is necessary to inculcate religious values in teenagers, so that this can also prevent teenagers from acting as they please [8] Strengthening religious values for adolescents is very necessary in order to fortify themselves from disgraceful actions, so it needs strengthening, both from schools and parents in helping adolescents to understand religious values that should be brought into the environment where they interact. In research conducted by Atika, it is explained that juvenile delinquency is a form of unresolved conflicts in childhood and adolescence. For this reason, it is necessary to have strong beliefs and experience in religious teachings, in order to reduce deviant behaviors [11] For this


reason, it is necessary to do research on religiosity and sex education with the dependent variable, namely juvenile delinquency.


This research is a quantitative approach, using the variables of religiosity, sex education and juvenile delinquency. According to Sugiono, quantitative research methods are types of data that can be measured or calculated directly, in the form of information or explanations expressed in numbers or in the form of numbers used to examine certain populations or samples [2] . In conducting this research, reasoning is also needed, to make an appropriate indicator in conducting research [12] The analytical tool used is SPSS, by complying with statistical criteria, such as hypothesis testing, normality testing, R-square test and so on. In this study, the population used was teenagers aged 12-18 years in the city of Medan, by sampling the number of indicators multiplied by 10. In the research conducted, the indicators used were 17, so if multiplied by 10, it can be obtained 170 people. The sample has met the requirements in the study, according to Hair, the number of samples that are considered good is 100-200 samples [9] .


Multiple linear regression analysis was used to analyze the magnitude of the influence between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The following results from the Multiple Linear Regression test using the SPSS program can be seen in the following table:

Coefficients a

Model Unstandardized


Standardized Coefficients

T Sig.

Collinearity Statistics



Error Beta Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 9.837 3.149 4.138 .000

RG .586 .033 .187 3.437 .031 .715 1.398

SE .277 .051 . .009 2,440 .038 .906 1.104

a . Dependent Variable : Juvenile Delinquency Source: Data obtained by SPSS Version 16

The t-test is used to test whether each independent variable (X) individually has a significant relationship or not to the dependent variable (Y). To find the value of T, it requires an independent formula with the dependent variable as follows:

1. It is known that the significant value for the influence of religiosity (X1) on the juvenile delinquency variable (Y) is 0.031 < 0.05 and t count is 3.437 > 1.973, so it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means partially the independent variable is religiosity (X1 ) has an effect on the dependent variable, namely juvenile delinquency (Y).

2. It is known that the significant value for the effect of sex education (X2) on the juvenile delinquency variable (Y) is 0.038 <0.05 and t count is 2,440 > 1,973, so it can be concluded that H0 is rejected, and Ha is accepted. That is, the independent variable Sex Education (X2), has an effect on the dependent variable juvenile delinquency (Y).

Based on the table above the results have been obtained from the coefficients above, it can be made a regression equation as follows:

Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + e

= 29.837 + 0.086 + 0.077 + e

Based on these equations, it can be explained as follows:

1. The constant value is 29,837 with a positive direction indicating that the independent variable is 0 then the juvenile delinquency variable will increase by 29,837



2. The religiosity coefficient value is 0.586, meaning that if the religiosity variable (X1) increases by 1% assuming the Sex Education variable (X2) and the constant is 0 (zero), then the religiosity variable affects 58.6.

3. The regression coefficient value of Sex Education is 0.277, meaning that if the Sex Education variable (X2) increased by 1% with the assumption that the religiosity variable (X1) was 0, then the religiosity variable could affect 27.7.

The F test is also called the significant test which is jointly included to see the overall ability of the independent variables.

F test results (Simultaneous) ANOVA a

Model Sum of


df Mean Square F Sig.


Regression 469,044 2 164.315 34,619 .000 b

Residual 1171,995 172 5,980

Total 1861,159 175

a. Dependent Variable: Juvenile Delinquency b. Predictors: (Constant), Religiosity, Sex Education

Source: Data obtained by SPSS Version 16

To find the value of the F table, it requires the formula F table = F (k ; n - k), from the formula it is obtained with a result of 3.05 by looking at the F table comparison 2: 168, then from these results with a significant level below 0.05 and Fcount 34,619 is greater than Ftable 3.05 with a significance of 0.00 < 0.05, it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. That is, there is a simultaneous influence of the dependent variable Religion (X1) and Sex Education (X2) affect the dependent variable (Y) Juvenile delinquency.

The determination test is used to measure how far the model's ability to explain the variation of the dependent variable is. Then it can be seen through the table below:

R . test results Model Summary b

Model R R Square Adjusted R


Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .510 a .719 .302 3.626692

a. Predictors: (Constant), Religiosity, Sex Education b. Dependent Variable: Juvenile Delinquency Source: Data obtained by SPSS Version 16

From the results of the table above, it can be seen that the value of the coefficient of determination is found in the R-Square value with a value of 0.71. This means that the ability of the independent variable to explain the dependent variable is 71%, the remaining 29% is explained by other variables not discussed in this study.


From the results of the above discussion, it can be concluded that partially, the religiosity variable (X1) has an effect on juvenile delinquency (Y) by 58.6%, while the Sex Education variable (X2) can affect the juvenile delinquency variable (Y) by 27.7%. . Meanwhile, simultaneously, the Riligiosity variable (X1)


and Sex Education variable (X2) can affect the Juvenile Delinquency Variable (Y) by 71%, with a significant level of 0.05%.


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[3] A. O. Palupi, E. Purwanto and D. I. Noviyani, "Pengaruh Religiusitas Terhadap Kenakalan Remaja," Educational Psychology Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 7-12, 2013.

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[6] R. D. Knudten and M. S. Knudten, "Juvenile Delinquency, Crime, And Religion," Springer, vol. 12, no. 3, pp.

130-152, 2016.

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[8] K. E. Boakye, "Correlates and predictors of juvenile delinquency in Ghana," International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 257-278, 2013.

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[10] S. Schlossman and S. Wallach, "The Crime of Precocious Sexuality: Female Juvenile Delinquency in the Progressive Era," Harvard Educational Review, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 65-94, 2012.

[11] M. Pasaribu, "The Perception of Sex for Teenager and Application of Behavior: A Case Study at Department of Islamic Education of University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara," in International Conference On Education, Sports, Arts And Management Engineering (Icesame 2018), Yogyakarta, 2018.

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