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Social Actors in Flood in Jakarta

A Critical Discourse Analysis


Meyza Pritama


English Education Department

Faculty of Language and Arts Education

Indonesia University of Education


Social Actors in Flood in Jakarta

A Critical Discourse Analysis


Meyza Pritama

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

© Meyza Pritama 2014 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Juli 2014

Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang.



Written by: Meyza Pritama

0902476 Approved by:

Main Supervisor Co-Supervisor

Budi Hermawan, S.Pd., M.P.C. NIP. 1973080720022121002

Ripan Hermawan, M.A. NIP. 198010242005011001

The Head of English Education Department Indonesia University of Education


Meyza Pritama, 2014

social actors in flood in jakartaa critical discourse analysis

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu TABLE OF CONTENTS

Page of Approval……….... i

Statement of Authorization………... .. ii

Preface……….... ... iii

Acknowledgment……….... .. iv

Abstract……….... ... v

Table of Contents………... ... vi

List of Tables ... ... x

List of Appendices………..... ... xi


1.1 Background of Study... 1

1.2 Research Questions ... 3

1.3 Aims of Study ... 3

1.4 Scope of the Study ... 3

1.5 Research Methodology ... 4

1.5.1 Research Design ... 4

1.5.2 Data Collection ... 4


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1.6 Organization of Paper ... 5


2.1 Discourse and Text in Critical Discourse Analysis ... 7

2.2 Critical Discourse Analysis ... 8

2.3 Media as Discourse ... 10

2.4 Discourse as the Representation of Social Actors ... 11

2.4.1 Representing Social Actors ... 14

2.4.2 Representing Social Action: Action and Reaction ... 17

2.5 Previous Studies in Representing Social Actors ... 21


3.1 Formulation of Problems ... 25

3.2 Research Design………... .. 25

3.3 Clarification of Terms………... ... 25

3.4 Data Collection………... 26

3.5 Data Analysis ………... 27

3.6 Data Presentation………... . 28


4.1 Findings ... 32


Meyza Pritama, 2014

social actors in flood in jakartaa critical discourse analysis

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu How JokoWidodo as a Social Actor is Represented in the

Articles ... 34

A. Joko Widodo Represented through the Use of Proper Names ... 34

B. Joko Widodo Represented through the Use of Social Titles ... 36

C. Joko Widodo Represented through the Use of Institutions/Organizations ... 38 How BNPB as a Social Actor is Represented in the Articles ... 41

A. BNPB Represented through the Use of Proper Names ... 41

B. BNPB Represented through the Use of General Groups ... 44 How Citizens as a Social Actor is Represented in the Articles ... 45

A. Citizens Represented through the Use of General Groups ... 49

4.1.2 The Social Actions Attributed to the Social Actors ... 49 The Social Actions Attributed to Joko Widodo ... 50 The Social Actions Attributed to BNPB ... 54


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4.2 Discussion ... 62


5.1 Conclusions………... .... 66

5.2 Suggestions………... .... 68


Meyza Pritama, 2014

social actors in flood in jakartaa critical discourse analysis

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu ABSTRACT

“Social Actors in Flood in Jakarta”

Main Supervisor: Budi Hermawan, S.Pd., M.P.C. Co-Supervisor: Ripan Hermawan, M.A.

This present study examined the representation of Social Actors in articles from an online newspaper centroone.com about the flood in Jakarta in 2013 by using van

Leeuwen’s social actor network (2008). This study employed qualitative method to


Meyza Pritama, 2014

social actors in flood in jakartaa critical discourse analysis

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu ABSTRAK

“Social Actors in Flood in Jakarta”

Pembimbing 1: Budi Hermawan, S.Pd., M.P.C. Pembimbing 2: Ripan Hermawan, M.A.


Meyza Pritama, 2014

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Meyza Pritama, 2014

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Chapter I


This chapter presents the background of the study, research questions, aims of the

study, scope of the study, research design, data collection, data analysis, research

procedure, and the organization of the paper.

1.1 Background of Study

A Critical Discourse Analysis has been one of the approaches in discourse

study that contributes to the social issues. According to Rogers (2004, in

Paltridge, 2006), Critical Discourse Analysis, in a way, is often related to the

social issues for example race, politics, gender, identity, media, and some other

social issues. It is also supported by Paltridge (2006 p.180) that those issues both

“constructed and reflected” in texts. Texts, at least in Critical Discourse Analysis, should be interpreted as the representation of social practice (Leeuwen, 2008).

In the relation to“text” and “discourse”, nowadays, the term“discourse” can be defined and understood differently by different people. The experts of

Critical Discourse Analysis also have their own interpretation of the term

“discourse”. Wodak and Meyer (2009 p.144) explained that in often times,

„discourse‟ can mean “speech or writing, or text.” Then, it is further explained that Critical Discourse Analysis is the analysis of text. Slightly different from Wodak

and Meyer, Fairclough (2003 p.27-29) takes “text” as a part of discourse. He

interpreted discourse as “the entire process of social interaction” while text can be both the product and the source of the process.

The main concern of the study is to see how the social actors are

represented in text and what social actions are attributed to it. Therefore, in

conducting the present study, the writer takes the perspective of van Leeuwen

(2008) that text can be taken as the representation of social practices. The study


Meyza Pritama, 2014

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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Analysis, is one of a tool of communication that is closely related to social

practice, which means that the relationship between text and social practice is

interdependent; the text that we produce, written or spoken, construct the social

practice and is also constructed by social practice. These social practices consist

of some elements, and one of them is participants or social actors. These social

actors need toexist in a social practice and they have each certain role (Leeuwen,


In relation to this, Wodak and Meyer (2009) also explained that social

actors have their roles in a social practice, for each; they may participate as

agents, patients, or beneficiaries. However, some of these social actors are not

being mentioned clearly in the text and if they are mentioned, some maybe clear,

others may not be.

The critical analysis of social actorsin texts has become one of major

points of analysis in critical discourse analysis. For example, a study conducted by

Sahragard and Davatgarzadeh (2010) analyzed the linguistic representation of

male and female social actors and the construction of gender identities. This study

found that there is a different representation of social actors where females are

portrayed as more prominent, successful, active, independent, expressive and

assertive compare to males. Another study was conducted by Labarta and Dolón

(2005). This study looked into the construction of identity and the exclusion in

related to discourse practice of resistance. This study found that there are two

different representations of social agents. Another one was conducted by Rashidi

and Rasti (2012). The study adopted van Leeuwen‟s system network of social actors and investigated the morpho-semantic modes through which social actors

implicated in the newspaper articles. It found the patterns emerging from the

categories of van Leeuwen‟s model of system network of social actors in Western

news reports that forms an ideological bias towards Iranian side.Meanwhile a

study by Post (2009) revealed the effects of different discourse structure on the

use of different mental processes.Wenden (2005) looked into the political


Meyza Pritama, 2014

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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

the characterization of the actors, their actions, and the events of the conflict in the

articles posted in the website of the conflicting country. Her study found that the

ideology, the characterizations of the actors, the actions, and also the events are

related to the conflict.

This present study investigates the representation of social actor/s in online

newspaper articles. It aims to investigate how the social actors were represented in

the articles concerning the flood in Jakarta and what social actions were

contributed to them. In uncovering the representation, the study uses the theory of

representing social actors (Sociosemantic inventory) proposed by Theo van

Leeuwen (2008).

1.2Research Questions

The study is geared towards answering the following research questions:

1. How are social actors represented in the news?

2. What social actions are attributed to the social actors as evidence in the news?

3. What do the representations signify?

1.3Aims of Study

1. To analyze the way social actors are represented in the news.

2. To analyze kind of social actions attributed to the social actors.

3. To reveal the signification of the representations in the news.

1.4Scope of Study

This present study is limited to investigate only the way social actors are

represented in the news, what social actions are attributed to the social actors in

the news, and the signification of the representation revealed from the

analysis.The social actors are limited to the significant actors found in the

analysis. This study analyses nine articles concerning the flood in Jakarta posted


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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 1.5Research Methodology which are the participants, events, background, and time.This study investigates

the phenomenon in the form of how social actors are represented in the news and

what kind of social actions are attributed to the social actors as evidenced in the


1.5.2 Data Collection

The data were in the form of words, phrases, and sentences critically

selected from an online newspaper, centroone.com. The nine articles were

selected because those are articles that present an in-dept report about the flood in

Jakarta since it started in 17 January 2013.

The nine articles are consisted of one article posted on 17 January 2013

entitled “Banjir Karena Masyarakat Tak Peduli Lingkungan”, one article on 18

January 2013 entitled “Banjir Jakarta Momentum Baik Pindah Ibu Kota”, one

article on 19 January 2013 entitled “Jakarta Banjir, Jokowi Ogah Disalahkan

Sendiri”, one article on 20 January 2013 entitled “Banjir Jakarta Adalah Musibah Bencana Nasional”, two articles on 21 January 2013 entitled “Banjir di Jakarta, ini Usul Marzuki Alie” and “Marzuki Alie Sayangkan BNPB Tak Aktif Bantu Korban Banjir”, one article on 24 January 2013 entitled “Marzuki: Korban Banjir Tanggung Jawab Kemensos Dan BNPB”, and two articles on 26 January 2013

entitled “DPR Minta BNPB Minimalisir Efek Bencana Banjir” and “27 Januari Jakarta Banjir Lagi, BNPB Lepas Tangan”.


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The collected data were then broken down into sentences to see the

participants in each sentence. Then, it was continued by classifying the variables

of representation of social actors based on the theory of Representing Social

Actors as proposed by van Leeuwen (2008) which draws on the sociosemantic

inventory. These steps were the foundation to answer the research questions

proposed in this study.

In conducting the study, thefollowing steps were taken.

1. Choosing the topic of the study.

2. Choosing the articles from an online newspaper centroone.com.

3. Transcribing the articles from the website in the form of Ms. Word.

4. Reading the articles thoroughly in order to understand the content.

5. Breaking down the data into sentences in order to see the participantsand

actions clearly.

6. Classifying the aspects according to the theory of representation of social actor

(the social actor network) by van Leuween (2008).

7. Analyzing the data using the theory of representing social actors proposed by

Theo van Leeuwen (2008) to see how the sociosemantic inventory in which

the social actors are represented and what social actions are included into the


8. Making conclusionfrom the analysis of the representation.

9. Presenting the result using descriptive method to describe how the social

actors are represented in the text and what actions are contributed to them.

1.6Organization of Paper

The study paper is organized in five chapters. Each chapter includes each

subtopic which explains the detail explanation related to the study. It begins with

the introduction as the first chapter. This chapter includes the background of the

study, research questions, aims of the study, scope of the study, research

methodology, clarification of terms, and the organization of the paper. Then it is


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the theoretical review which provides the basic theories in conducting the study.

The third chapter is the Research Methodology. This chapter includes the research

design, data collection, and data analysis of the study. The fourth chapter is

Findings and Discussion. This chapter presents the analysis and the result of the

study. The fifth chapter is Conclusion and Suggestion. This last chapter includes

the interpretation revealed according to the analysis and result of the study. This


Meyza Pritama, 2014

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Meyza Pritama, 2014

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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Chapter III


This chapter elaborates the methodology used in this study. It consists of the

formulation of the problems, research design, clarification of terms, data

collection, data analysis, and data presentation.

3.1 Formulation of Problems

This study was conducted to answer the following research questions:

1. How are social actors represented in the news?

2. What social actions are attributed to the social actors as evidence in the news?

3. What do the representations signify?

3.2 Research Design

This study is a descriptive qualitative analysis of online articles on the

flood in Jakarta. It employed the sociosemantic inventory approach as proposed

by van Leeuwen (2008) as the main tool in analyzing the representation of social

actors in the online news articles taken from centroone.com. This approach was

used to investigate how the social actors were represented in the articles

concerning the flood in Jakarta and to investigate what social actions were

attributed to them. This approach, therefore, can help “to analyze the processes of

transformation or re-contextualization and to derive its meaning” (Wodak and

Meyer, 2009). In this way, this approach is appropriate to help the study answers

the research questions.

1.3Clarification of Terms

To avoid misunderstanding and misconception, the following are some


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 Representation refers to the language used in a text or talk to assign meaning to groups and their social practices, to events, and to social and ecological

conditions and objects (see e.g. Fairclough, 1989; 1995; van Dijk, 2002 in

Wenden 2005).

 Re-contextualization refers to the process of transferring given elements to new contexts (see Wodak and Meyer, 2009).

 Critical Discourse Analysis refers to a critical theory of the social world, the relationship of language and discourse in the construction and representation

of the social world and a methodology which allows to describe, interpret and

explain such relationship (see Rogers, 2004:3 in Paltridge 2006:185).

 Social Actors refers to the participants of social practices (see Leeuwen, 2008).

 Social Action can be interpreted as material or semiotic, as “doing” or as “meaning”, or in other words, action that has a material purpose or effect or as

action that does not (see Leeuwen, 2008).

 Discourse refers to anything from a historical monument, a policy, a political strategy, narratives in a restricted or broad sense of the term, text, talk, a

speech, topic-related conversations, to language per se (Wodak and Meyer,

2009). Discourse is often used to mean as the extended stretch of connected

speech or writing –a „text‟ (see Leeuwen, 2008).

3.4 Data Collection

The data were in the form of words taken from centroone.com, a news

website based in Jakarta. The articles were some articles of the website which

reported the flood in Jakarta since it started in 17 January 2013.

There are nine articles that were posted from 17 January until 26 January

2013. The articles were chosen because they are related to the topic of the study.


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posted on 19 January 2013 entitled “Jakarta Banjir, Jokowi Ogah Disalahkan

Sendiri”, the fourth was posted on 20 January 2013 entitled “Banjir Jakarta adalah Musibah Bencana Nasional”, the fifth and sixth were posted on 21 January 2013 entitled “Banjir di Jakarta, Ini Usul Marzuki Alie” and “Marzuki Alie Sayangkan BNPB Tak Aktif Bantu Korban Banjir”, the seventh were posted on 24 January 2013 entitled “Marzuki: Korban Banjir Tanggung Jawab Kemensos dan BNPB”, and the last two articles were posted on 26 January 2013 entitled “DPR Minta

BNPB Minimalisir Efek Bencana Banjir” and “27 Januari Jakarta Banjir Lagi, BNPB Lepas Tangan”.

3.5 Data Analysis

The collected data in the form of articles were broken down into sentences.

This was conducted to reveal the social actors included in the text and what social

actions are attached to them. It shows the participants of the actions and what

actions they do which are represented in the text. The next step was categorizing

the social actors based on the categorization proposed by van Leuween (2008).

These steps became the basic steps to see how the representation is offered in the

text. In conducting the study, the articles were analyzed through some steps. The

first step involved the analysis of the categorization of social actor based on the

social actor network of van Leeuwen. This reveals the role of the participants in

the sentences by looking to the actions which follows them. The next step was to

categorize the actions in the sentence which are attached to the actors. It reveals

what kind of processes involved in the actions and how the actions are represented

in the text. The last step was to conclude from each sentence the connection

between the categorization of the actor and the action of the sentence. It reveals

what should or not be in the text.

Table 3.1 presents the sample of analysis of the social actors and social

actions. It employed the categorization of social actor and social action network of

van Leeuwen (2008). The table explains who the social actor is and how it is


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experiences, it also explains the way social action is represented and how it is

attached to the actor.

3.6 Data Presentation

The results of the analysis were presented in the form of table which

includes columns of sentences, the social actors, the strategies used in

representing the social actors, the social actions, and the strategy involves in

representing the action. In the discussion session, there is a descriptive analysis of

the representation that supports the table analysis and concludes the analysis of

each sentence.

The sample of the analyzed data was presented in table 3.2 and table 3.3 at


Meyza Pritama, 2014

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Meyza Pritama, 2014

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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu Table 3.2Data Presentation of Social Actor Analysis

No Sentence Actor

1 Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Joko Widodo selaku

pimpinan wilayah ibu kota tak mau disalahkan

sendiri mengenai hal tersebut.



2 Menurut pria yang akrab disapa Jokowi, bukan

hanya Pemprov DKI yang harus dipersalahkan dan

dimintai pertanggung jawaban atas semua insiden



3 Jokowi pun ogah disebut jika PR menjadi

tanggung jawab Pemda semata.


The use of proper names to represent a social actor informs

about a particular person who is being talked about in the articles

and who is also surely related to the event, in this case the flood in

Jakarta in 2013. There are different forms of proper name which

actually refer to one particular person, “Joko Widodo” and


The proper name “Joko Widodo” is found only once in the

articles (4.8%), which is placed in the first sentence to open the


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The other proper name, “Jokowi”, is the abbreviation of the

full name “Joko Widodo”. It is found 11 times in the articles

(52.4%). The use of “Jokowi” in the articles gives a sense of


Table 3.3 Presentation of Social Action Analysis

No Sentence Action

Jokowi di Jalan Latuharhary, Jakarta Pusat,

Sabtu (19/1/2013).

kunjungannya. Sekarang ini adalah tindakan

riil-nya. Tindakan nyata yang mau kita

kerjakan,” ditambahkan Jokowi.


(added by)

The actions attributed to proper names “Joko Widodo” or “Jokowi” tends to be active actions. Based on van Leeuwen‟s

social action network categorizations (2008), the actions can be

categorized as action or reaction. From the analysis, some actions

attributed to the proper names “Joko Widodo” or “Jokowi” are

found. The actions mostly show verbal action, such as tegas (to


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(to add), and menjawab (to answer). These verbal actions are

categorized into action and show a material process because the


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Chapter V

Conclusions and Suggestions

This last chapter presents the final section of the study. It includes the conclusion

and suggestion for future study. The conclusion section answers to several

questions and the interpretation of the study. Meanwhile the suggestion section

presents some advices for the future studies.

5.1 Conclusions

This study has investigated the representation of social actors in relation to

the event of flood in Jakarta in 2013 in nine articles from an online newspaper,

centroone.com. This study reveals how the social actors are represented in the

texts and what social actions are contributed to the actors. The study applied the

theory of representing social actors by van Leeuwen (2008), by categorizing the

actors and the actions done in relation to the event based on the Sociosemantic

inventory using the social actor network and social action network. It reveals the

role allocation of the actors which leads to the interpretation of the representation

of social actors in the texts.

The result of the analysis shows that the social actors are represented in 6

ways: proper names, pronouns, titles, institutions, general groups, and nouns.

After the 6 ways are classified, there are 3 social actors who appear as the

significant actors in relationto the flood in Jakarta in 2013, namely Joko Widodo,

BNPB, and the citizens.


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through the use of proper names tends to inform the readers about “Joko Widodo”as the governor of Jakarta and to show intimacy between Joko Widodo and the citizens. Joko Widodo who is represented through the use of social titles

tends to inform the readers about the function of Joko Widodo related to the flood

in Jakarta. He as the governor of Jakarta is the most significant actor because he is

the one who leads the government of Jakarta. Further, Joko Widodo who is

represented through the use of institutions/organizations indicates the work

performed by Joko Widodo as a person and the work performed by the

government of Jakarta as the institution. Joko Widodo is the actor who talks as the

governor and as the representative of the government.

The second significant actor is BNPB. BNPB is represented through the

use of proper noun “BNPB”, proper names “Medi Herliyanto”/“Medi”, and general groups “badan khusus” and “lembaga-lembaga terkait”. The proper noun

“BNPB” is the acronym of Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana. It

represents a national institution of disaster tackling in Indonesia. Through the use

of proper names “Medi Herliyanto”/“Medi”, the articles inform the readers the

actor related to the flood in Jakarta. Proper names “Medi Herliyanto”/“Medi”

inform a person related to the flood in Jakarta; Medi Herliyanto as the head of

BNPB. Slightly the same as the representation of Joko Widodo, BNPB

represented through “Medi Herliyanto”/“Medi” indicates the work performed by

BNPB because Medi talks on behalf of BNPB. BNPB is also represented through

the use of general groups. It does not give any specific information about BNPB.

It informs that BNPB is included into a kind of institutions/organizations which is

formed by group of people with a function.

The last significant actor related to the flood in Jakarta is the citizens. The

citizens are represented through the use of general groups;

“warga”/”masyarakat”/”rakyat”, “korban banjir/korban”, and “ibu-ibu”. From the analysis, the representation of citizens indicates the people related to the flood as


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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 5.2 Suggestion

This study analyzed the representation of social actors by using the theory

of social actor network and social action network by van Leeuwen (2008). It

analyzed the role of the actors in the articles by looking at the actors’ role

categorizations and the categorizations of the actions that are attributed to the


The future study should analyzed more of the elements of social practice

than only the social actors and the actions attributed to them. There are several

convincing in revealing the signification because the other elements can give more

views to the social actors.

Then, the data of thispresent study were taken from one source only

(centroone.com). In future studies, the data can be derivedfrom more than one

online mediato give different side of view to the event. To be taken as an example

is to compare articles from centroone.com as the member of VIVA group with the

articles from okezone.com as the member of MNC group. This may lead to wider

results and may give same view to strengthen the interpretation, or may give

different view to offer another interpretation of the event.

Furthermore, the researcher hopes that this study can help the readers to

advance more in obtaining and absorbing the information taken from mass media.

Therefore the readers can include the meaning beyond the information despite


Meyza Pritama, 2014

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Meyza Pritama, 2014

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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu References

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Table 3.2Data Presentation of Social Actor Analysis
Table 3.3 Presentation of Social Action Analysis


Dokumen terkait

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