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Academic year: 2017



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By: Yanti Rambe ID. Number 408 111 024

Mathematics Education Study Program


Submitted to fulfill the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan




Title : The Comparison of Problem Solving Skills of Student using Cooperative Learning Jigsaw Approach and Think Pair Share (TPS) Approach on Prism Subtopic in VIII Grade at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi

Name : Yanti Rambe

ID. Number : 408 111 024

Study Program : Mathematics Bilingual Education Department : Mathematics



Praise be to Allah SWT, most gracious, most merciful and master of the

judgment. Thanks are to Allah who gave the strength and ability to the writer, so

that this thesis can be finished. An innovation and greeting to Rasulullah SAW,

who brought people from the darkness into lightness. The title of this research was “The Comparison of Problem Solving Skills using Cooperative Learning Jigsaw Approach and Think Pair Share (TPS) Approach on Prism Subtopic in VIII Grade

at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi” as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the degree Sarjana Pendidikan of the Mathematics Department, Faculty of

Mathematics and Natural Science State University of Medan.

In this occasion, the writer would like to express thank you very much to

her supervisor Drs.Parapat Gultom, MSIE, Ph.D for his advice, motivation,

suggestion and guidance to finish this thesis. To her lecturer examinator Prof.Dian

Armanto, M.Pd,MA, M.Sc, Ph.D, Dr.Edi Syahputra,M.Pd, and Mulyono,S.Si,

M.Si, for their correction with valuable comments to correct the manuscript of

scientific writing, to her academic lecturer Dr.W.Rajagukguk,M.Pd for his advice

support to her.

The writer also would like to express thank you to Mr. Prof. Dr. Ibnu

Hajar,M.Si as ahead of university and staff in office of university head, to Mr.

Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc,Ph.D as a dean of Mathematic and Natural Science

Faculty and staff in Mathematic and Natural Science Faculty, to Mr. Prof. Dr

Mukhtar, M.Pd as a head of Mathematics Department, Mr.Drs. Syafari, M.Pd as

ahead of Mathematics Education Program, Mr. Prof.Dr.Herbert Sipahutar, M.S,

M.Sc as a coordinator of Bilingual Program, Mr. Drs.Yasifati Hia,M.Pd as

secretary of Mathematic Department, Mrs. Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si as secretary of

Bilingual program, and all staff in Mathematic Department and Bilingual

Program to help the writer.

The writer also would like to express thank you to head master of SMP


to mathematic teacher Mrs. Esni Purba,S.Pd, Mr. Saheri, S.Pd and all teacher and

staff in SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi that help the writer to do the research.

The writer also would like to express her deepest love gratitude to her

father Bismar Rambe, A.Md, her mother Rosmini Ritonga, her sister Nur Asiyah,

Nur Laila, Fitriana, her brother Faisal, Hamzah, Amril, Yusuf, Maju affectionately

which gave birth and enlarge to writer, gave morale support, material and pray

and so all her family. To her lovely friends Rida, Eva, Ira, Siti Rahmadani,

Fatimah, Emil, Siti Rafiah, Misna and all friends in mathematics bilingual

program 2008 thank you very much for your support, helping to finish this thesis.

The writer has effort as maximal as she can in doing this thesis. But with

her humble heart, the writer hopes construct suggestion and critics from the reader

for perfection this thesis. The writer hopes this thesis can be useful and give many

function to the reader specifically about subject matter which was researched in

this thesis.




NEGERI 1 TEBING TINGGI Yanti Rambe (ID. Number 408 111 024)


The purpose of this research is to know whether cooperative learning jigsaw and think pair share (TPS) approaches can increase problem solving skills of student, is there any difference of problem solving skills of student using cooperative learning jigsaw and think pair share approaches, what kinds of mistake that student made in solving problem using cooperative learning jigsaw and think pair share approaches on prism sub topic in VIII grade at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi.

The population of this research is all students in VIII grade at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi that divided into four classes. The sample of this research is 52 students that divided into two classes; those are 26 students in VIII-1 was taught using cooperative learning jigsaw approach and 26 students in VIII-2 was taught using cooperative learning think pair share (TPS) approach.

Analysis result of gain for problem solving using t testing with significant level =0,05 for the first hypothesis is tcalculate = 14,7639 and ttable = 1,706, so that

tcalculate > ttable. So,Cooperative learning jigsaw approach can increase problem solving

skills of student on prisms subtopic in VIII grade at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi. For the second hypothesis, tcalculate = 6,1916 and ttable = 1,706 so that tcalculate > ttable. So,

cooperative learning Think Pair Share (TPS) approach can increase problem solving skills of student on prisms subtopic in VIII grade at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi. For the third hypothesis, tcalculate = 2,324 and ttable = 2,008 so that -2,009 < tcalculate < 2,009.

Because of that, the criteria -t /2(50) < tcal < t /2 (50) is rejected. So, there is significant

difference of problem solving skills that taught using cooperative learning jigsaw approach and Think Pair Share (TPS) approach on prism subtopic in VIII grade at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing tinggi.

The kinds of mistake that student made after taught using jigsaw approach are: (a) errors in determining the height and base of prism, the height of triangle and trapezoid, and drawing the prism, (b) wrote not complete information from the problem, (c) wrote wrong formula of surface area, volume and the height of prism, (d) wrote not complete strategy to solve the problem, (e) errors in calculation and algebra operation, (f) errors in calculating area and perimeter of prism base, (g) errors for using Pythagorean theorem, (h) did not make re-evaluation correctly.

The kinds of mistake that student made after taught using think pair share approach are same with jigsaw approach, but they did not make errors in determining the height and base of prism.



1.3The Scope of Problem

1.4Research Question

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Theoretical Framework

2.1.1 Cooperative Learning Overview of Cooperative Learning The Element and Principal in Cooperative Learning Cooperative Learning Effects Cooperative Learning Phases Why must Cooperative Learning can be Applying in

Teaching Math Approaches to Cooperative Learning


2.1.2 Jigsaw Approach The Steps of jigsaw The Lesson Plan of Jigsaw Approach The Advantages and Weakness of Jigsaw Approach

2.1.3 Think Pair Share (TPS) Approach The Steps of Think Pair Share (TPS) The Advantages and Weakness of Think Pair Share (TPS)


2.1.4 Technique to Give Recognition of Group

2.1.5 Problem Solving Skill of Mathematics Evaluation Tools for Problem Solving Skills

2.1.6 The Mistake in Learning Mathematic

2.2 Subject Matter

2.2.1 Prisms

2.2.2 Surface Area of Prisms

2.2.3 Volume of Prisms 3.1Research Time and Place

3.2Population and Sample

3.6Instrument of Data Collecting


3.6.1Kinds of Instrument

3.8 Level of Problem Solving Skill of Student in Mathematic Problem


3.9 Observation Result of Learning Process 45

CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 The Result of Problem Solving skills

4.1.1 Pre test of First and Second Experment Classes

4.1.2 Post test of First and Second Experment Classes

4.1.3 Gain of First and Second Experment Classes

4.1.4 Normality Testing of Data

4.1.5Homogeniety Testing of Data

4.16 Hypothesis Testing

4.1.8 Description of student mistake for solving problem in the Second

Experiment Class


4.1.9 Level of Problem Solving Skill of Student in Mathematic Problem 66

4.1.10 Observation Result of Learning Process 68

4.2 Discussion 69

4.2.1 Discussion of the Result of Problem Solving Skills of Student 69

4.2.2 Discussion of Student Mistake for Solving problem 71


Jigsaw Approach the Second Experiment Class using Cooperative

Learning Think Pair Share approach

75 Comparison of Student Mistake in the First and Second

Experiment Classes



5.1 Conclusion 80

5.2 Suggestion 81





Table 2.1 Cooperative Learning Phase



Table 2.2 Approaches to Cooperative Learning 14

Table 2.3 The Steps of Think Pair Share (TPS) 20

Table 2.4 Calculating of Gaining Score 21

Table 2.5 Example of Giving Gaining Score 22

Table 2.6 Technique of Giving Score For Each Step in Problem Solving 25

Table 3.1 Research Design 33

Table 3.2 Criteria of Student Mastering Level 45

Table 4.1 Pretest result of the first and second experiment classes 47

Table 4.2 Post test result of the first and second experiment classes 48

Table 4.3 Gain of the first and second experiment classes 49

Table 4.4 Result of Normality Testing 51

Table 4.5 Result of Homogeneity Testing 51

Table 4.6 The Result of Hypothesis Testing 53

Table 4.7 Description of Student Misatake for number 1using jigsaw



Table 4.8 Description of Student Misatake for number 2 using jigsaw



Table 4.9 Description of Student Misatake for number 3 using jigsaw



Table 4.10 Description of Student Misatake for number 4 using jigsaw



Table 4.11 Description of Student Misatake for number 1using TPS



Table 4.12 Description of Student Misatake for number 2using TPS



Table 4.13 Description of Student Misatake for number 3using TPS



Table 4.14 Description of Student Misatake for number 4using TPS



Table 4.15 Level of Problem solving Skills 66

Table 4.16 The average of observation result of learning process 69




Figure 2.1 Jigsaw Teams 15

Figure 2.2 Jigsaw Steps 17

Figure 2.3 Example of prism 27

Figure 2.4 Triangular Prism and its nets 27

Figure 2.5 Dividing Cuboids become Two Triangular Prisms 28

Figure 3.1 Research Procedures Scheme 36

Figure 4.1 Average of pre test, post test and gain 49

Figure 4.2 Level of Problem Solving 67

Figure 4.3 Students Mistake in Understanding Problem Number 2,3,1,and

4 using Jigsaw


Figure 4.4 Student Mistake for arranging Strategy using Jigsaw Approach 73

Figure 4.5 Mistake in calculating using Jigsaw 74

Figure 4.6 Mistake in Putting Some Values 74

Figure 4.7 Student’s Mistake for Understanding Problem using TPS



Figure 4.8 Student’s Mistake for Arranging Strategy to Solve Problem 77

Figure 4.9 Student’s Mistake in Implementing the Planning 78



Appendix 1 First Lesson Plan for Experiment Class A



Appendix 2 Second Lesson Plan for Experiment Class A 91

Appendix 3 First Lesson Plan for Experiment Class B 98

Appendix 4 Second Lesson Plan for Experiment Class B 104

Appendix 5 Student Work Sheet I 110

Appendix 6 Student Work Sheet II 115

Appendix 7 Blue Print of Pre-test 120

Appendix 8 Blue Print of Post-test 121

Appendix 9 Pre-test Question 122

Appendix 10 Alternative Solution of Pre-test 124

Appendix 11 Post-test Question 127

Appendix 12 Alternative Solution of Post-test 129

Appendix 13 Observer Assessment Scale 132

Appendix 14 Validator Assessment Paper 134

Appendix 15 Validator Names 135

Appendix 16 Observation Paper of Learning Process Using Cooperative

Learning Jigsaw Approach


Appendix 17 Observation Paper of Teacher Activity for cooperative

learning Think Pair Share (TPS) Approach


Appendix 18 Technique of Giving Score For Mathematic Problem



Appendix 19 Validation Analysis of Validator Agreement for Pre Test 141

Appendix 20 Validation Analysis of Validator Agreement for Post Test 143

Appendix 21 Reliability Analysis of Pre Test 145

Appendix 22 Reliability Analysis of Post Test 147

Appendix 23 Pre Test for the First Experiment Class 149

Appendix 24 Pre Test for the Second Experiment Class 150

Appendix 25 Post Test for the First Experiment Class 151


Appendix 26 Post Test for the Second Experiment Class 152

Appendix 27 Pre Test and Post Test Mark for the First and Second

Experiment Classes


Appendix 28 Calculation of Normality Testing 154

Appendix 29 Calculation of HomogenietyTesting 158

Appendix 30 Calculation of Gain Score 160

Appendix 31 Calculation of Hypothesis Testing 162

Appendix 31 Documentation of Research 165



1.1 Background

In the 21st century, national education system is trying to set up human

resources quality to compete in the global era. The tool for building human

resources with high quality is education. The Government has organized repairs to

improve the quality of education, but the facts have not shown satisfactory

achievement especially in mathematics achievement.

To increase student achievement, government has made efforts to improve

learning quality in schools. The Application of Educational Unit Level

Curriculum (KTSP) demand paradigm change in education and learning in

schools. According to Komaruddin (in Trianto, 2009: 8), some of those changes

are learning orientation which teacher centered at first to student centered;

methodology which was dominated by expository at first become participatory

and approach which textual at first to contextual.

One of the interesting innovations that accompany the change of paradigm

was found and implemented of innovative-progressive learning models that are

able to develop and explore the knowledge of students concretely and

independently. The selection of learning model was adapted to characteristics of

material, student and learning methodologies in order to increase the activity and

creativity of students.

One of some topics that quite difficult to understand of student at the

junior high school is geometry. Based on the identification of problems at the time

of training activities in Mathematics P4TK, many teachers find difficulties to

teach flat area and polyhedral volume (Yeni, 2011: 64).

That statement was also supported by the results of initial observations and

interviews conducted with Mr. Saheri as mathematic teacher at SMP Negeri 1

Tebing Tinggi. He stated that the level of student understanding in polyhedral is

still low and the results of tests carried out to the students are still under the



two classes are 40,68 and 39,24. The minimum successful criteria (KKM) of

mathematic are 75.

Many mistakes are made when students solve geometry problems,

especially polyhedral. This is supported by a research that conducted by Anis

Sunarsi as a student in University of Sebelas Maret on 2009. Her research

analyzes some of the mistakes made by students for solving problem of surface

area and volume of prism and pyramid. Those mistakes are: (1) Mistake in

receiving information and mistake associated with the concept of prism and

pyramid; (2) Mistake in the received information, that is an error in writing down

what is known and what is asked in problem; (3) Mistake associated with the

concept of the prism and the pyramid, that is a mistake in using and applying the

formula; (4) Mistake in finding the surface area of pyramid; (5) Mistake in finding

the volume of the pyramid; (5) Mistake in determining the base and top of prisms

and mistake in determining the polyhedral shape that is requested.

Those mistakes shown that student have low ability in solving problem.

This can be concluded from problem solving indicator that formulated by Polya,

that is: (1) understanding the problem; (2) Planning the solution; (3) solve the

problem according to planning and; (4) to re-evaluate the procedures and results

of the solution (Tarhadi and friends, 2006: 122)

The low ability of student in solving problem due to the learning of

geometry at this moment still tends to be teacher centered so that can lead to

underdevelopment of the thinking skills of students. For example, the prism sub

topic of polyhedral that is often taught using conventional teaching, the teacher

explained the formula of volume and surface area of prism and then the student

should be able to memorize the formula for solving the given problem.

The teacher said that if they carried out student centered learning,

curriculum targets can not work as expected. One of the reasons is takes relatively

long time, but the curriculum must be completed. But teachers are required to use

variation methods, not only lectures but also other methods that more emphasis on



Polyhedral is one of the sub topics in mathematics that are closely related

to daily life. This can facilitate student active to construct their own concept and

also fun. It is not easy thing to realize students discover and construct their own

concept of polyhedral through experience, and then it can be concluded in a

common formula. But if not done at all, there will be no change in learning

practices that aim to enhance students' cognitive development and creativity. Thus

required an effort to locate, establish and develop appropriate learning model and

accordance with the conditions of student learning, that is active, creative,

effective and fun.

One model that can be applied is a cooperative learning model.

Cooperative learning is a model that emphasizes learning activities of student in

small groups so that student can work together to achieve learning objectives.

Students in cooperative learning groups learn to discuss, help each other, and

invite each other to overcome learning problems. Cooperative learning makes

student condition to be active and give each other support in the working group to

resolve problems in learning.

Johnson and Johnson (in Trianto, 2009: 57) stated that the purpose of

cooperative learning is to maximize student learning to improve academic

achievement and understanding of both individuals and groups. Zanroni (in

Trianto, 2009: 57) also stated the benefits of the implementation of cooperative

learning is to reduce inequalities in education, especially input form at the level of


The experts have also shown that cooperative learning can improve

student performance in academic tasks, excels in helping students understand

difficult concepts and develop critical thinking skills (Trianto, 2009: 59).

To support statement above, Richard I. Arends (2009) also said that

cooperative learning model was developed to achieve at least three important

instructional goals: academic achievement, tolerance and acceptance of diversity,

and social skills development.

Cooperative learning has several approaches, such as Student Teams



Tournament (TGT), Think Pair Share (TPS) and Number Head Together (NHT).

Those approaches are distinguished from cognitive goals, social goals, team

structure, topic selection, the main task, assessment and recognition.

Cooperative learning Jigsaw and Think Pair Share (TPS) approach are two

alternative solutions that can be implemented in mathematic learning. Because by

using both approach students will more active in learning process and then it will

be expected to increase mathematic student achievement. By using Jigsaw

approach student will more active because each student has responsibility in

solving problem and explain their assigned topic to another student. And by using

Think Pair Share approach student will more active because student has two

opportunities, to work alone first and then cooperate with another student. So,

before they cooperate with other student, they have preparation to make

discussion. In this approach, student discuss in pairing so that they can

communicate directly with their pair and it will make effective discussion in class.

In Jigsaw approach, Students start out in heterogeneous home or base

teams comprised of four or five members. Members number off and then move to expert groups. Each expert group learns a different part or aspect of the assigned

topic. They read and discuss learning materials provided by the teacher and help

each other learn about their assigned topic. They also decide how best to present

the material to others when their home teams reconvene. Each member of the

team teaches their part to other home team members. (Richard I. Arends and Ann

Kilcher, 2010: 316)

This gives the possibility to student engaging actively in discussion and

communication with each other both in the home team and the expert group.

Skills to work and learn cooperatively studied directly in the activities of the two

types of grouping. Students are also given motivation to constantly evaluate their

learning process.

In Think Pair Share (TPS) approach, the teacher poses a question,

individual students think about (and record) their answer. Individuals then pair



pairs to share with the large group (Richard I. Arends and Ann Kilcher, 2010:

316). So this model provided all students time to think and opportunity to respond.

Some of the consequences of this model is students can communicate

directly with other individuals, keep each other informed and exchange ideas and

able to train to defend his/her opinion if that opinion is worthy to be preserved.

The successful of the use cooperative learning jigsaw and think pair share

approach conducted visits of student achievement in mathematics to understand

and utilize this understanding for solving mathematic problems and other


Problem solving here is an attempt to find a way out performed in

achieving the goal. It is based on Polya statement in Firdaus (2009) which states

that problem solving is an attempt to find out solution of a difficulty to achieve an

objective that is not immediately be reached.

Problem solving skill is very important for students because of various

reasons. The reason is confirmed by Branca in Firdaus (2009):

1. Problem solving skills is a common goal of teaching mathematics.

2. Problem-solving that include methods, procedures and strategies is a core

and major in mathematics curriculum

3. Problem solving is a basic ability in learning mathematics.

Learning approach is developed appropriate with learning objective that

will be achieved. By seeing student achievement after taught student using

cooperative learning jigsaw approach and think pair share approach, then can be

concluded are both of those approaches effective to achieve learning objective of

mathematic and which approach that will more effective after implemented in


Based on explanation above, the researcher were motivated to conduct a

research entitled "The Comparison of Problem Solving Skills of Student using

Cooperative Learning Jigsaw Approach and Think Pair Share (TPS) Approach on



1.2Identification of Problem

Based on the background above, the problems identification in this

research are:

 Many mistakes which made by students at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi

for solving problem of polyhedral

 Mathematic understanding of student at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi in

polyhedral is low

 Problem solving skills of student at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi on

polyhedral topic is still low

 Learning polyhedral at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi is still oriented to


1.3The Scope of Problem

In order to avoid misperceptions and expansion issues, this research is

restricted in prism subtopic about surface area and volume in VIII grade at SMP

Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi.

1.4 Research Question

Based on the background and identification of problem above, the research

questions are:

1. Can cooperative learning Jigsaw approach increase problem solving skills

of student on prism subtopic in VIII grade at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing tinggi?

2. Can cooperative learning Think Pair Share (TPS) approach increase

problem solving skills of student on prism subtopic in VIII grade at SMP

Negeri 1 Tebing tinggi?

3. Is there any difference of problem solving skills of student that taught by

cooperative learning Jigsaw approach and Think Pair Share (TPS)

approach on prism subtopic in VIII grade at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing tinggi?

4. What kinds of mistake that student made for solving problem on prism

subtopic that taught by cooperative learning Jigsaw in VIII grade at SMP



5. What kinds of mistake that student made for solving problem on prism

subtopic that taught by cooperative learning Think Pair Share in VIII grade

at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing tinggi?

1.5 Research Objectives

The Objectives of this research are:

1. To find out whether cooperative learning Jigsaw approach can increase

problem solving skills of student on prisms subtopic in VIII grade at SMP

Negeri 1 Tebing tinggi

2. To find out whether cooperative learning Think Pair Share (TPS) approach

can increase problem solving skills of student on prisms subtopic in VIII

grade at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing tinggi

3. To find out is there any difference of problem solving skills of student

taught by cooperative learning Jigsaw approach and Think Pair Share

(TPS) approach on prisms subtopic in VIII grade at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing


4. To find out the kinds of mistake that student made for solving problem on

prism subtopic that taught by cooperative learning Jigsaw in VIII grade at

SMP Negeri 1 Tebing tinggi

5. To find out the kinds of mistake that student made for solving problem on

prism subtopic that taught by cooperative learning Think Pair Share in

VIII grade at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing tinggi

1.6Research Benefits

The benefits which expected of this research are:

a. The benefits for author

Increasing knowledge of the authors in conducting research in

educational field in the future

Gaining experience in applying learning model and provide a



b. The benefits for education

As consideration for the teachers in formal educational institutions

in an effort to improve student achievement in mathematics

As a comparison for the next researchers in examining similar


1.7Operational Definition

The operational definitions in this research are:

a. Cooperative learning Jigsaw approach is learning model where student

involve in two teams or groups, those are home teams and expert groups.

First students are assigned to four or five students heterogeneous as the

home team. Each member in this team has different part of learning

material. The student that has same part is grouped in expert group and

then discuss their part in that group. After that, they come back to home

team and teach her/his own part to other member in home team. In this

model, each team member is responsible for mastering their part and then

teaching that part to the other member inhome team.

b. Cooperative learning Think Pair Share approach is a learning model that

give more time to student to think and then answering and sharing with the

other. In this model, teacher poses a question first, then individual

students think about (and record) their answer. Individuals then pair with

another student to share their answer. The teacher calls on individuals or

pairs to share with the large group.

c. Problem solving skill is skill that shown by student in understanding

problem, arrange planning to solve problem, implement planning and





Based on the result research from data analysis, can be obtained some

conclussion, those are:

1. Problem solving skills of student that taught using cooperative learning

Jigsaw approach has average of post test 72,5 and average of gain 49,135. By

testing hypothesis using t-testing, can be concluded that cooperative learning

Jigsaw approach can increase problem solving skills of student on prism sub

topic in VIII grade at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi.

2. Problem solving skills of student that taught using cooperative learning Think

Pair Share approach has average of post test 81,5 and average of gain

53,4615. By testing hypothesis using t-testing, can be concluded that

cooperative learning Think Pair Share approach can increase problem solving

skills of student on prism sub topic in VIII grade at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing


3. By testing hypothesis using t-test of the gain average in the first and second

experiment classes, then can be concluded that there is significant difference

of problem solving skills of student that taught using cooperative learning

Jigsaw approach and Think Pair Share approach on prism subtopic in VIII

grade at SMP Negeri 1 Tebing tinggi.

4. The kinds of mistake that student made after taught using Jigsaw approach

are: (a) errors in determining the height and base of prism, the height of

triangle and trapezoid, and drawing the prism, (b) wrote not complete

information from the problem, (c) wrote wrong formula of surface area,

volume and the height of prism, (d) wrote not complete strategy to solve the

problem, (e) errors in calculation and algebra operation, (f) errors in

calculating area and perimeter of prism base, (g) errors for using Pythagorean



5. The kinds of mistake that student made after taught using Think Pair Share

approach are: (a) errors in determining the height of triangle and trapezoid,

and drawing the prism, (b) wrote not complete information from the problem,

(c) wrote wrong formula of surface area, volume and the height of prism, (d)

wrote not complete strategy to solve the problem, (e) errors in calculation and

algebra operation, (f) errors in calculating area and perimeter of prism base,

(g) errors for using Pythagorean theorem to find the height of triangle and

trapezoid, (h) did not make re-evaluation correctly.


Based on research result, then the suggestions that can be given by writer are:

1. For mathematic teacher who want to use cooperative learning Jigsaw

approach, give more attention to time allocation for each phase so that

learning process can be done better.

2. For mathematic teacher, cooperative learning Jigsaw and Think Pair Share

approaches can be used as alternative learning approach because it can be

increase problem solving skills of student.

3. For mathematic teacher who want to give some topic to student, make sure

that student has mastered prerequisite material so that learning process more


4. For students, especially students in SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi are

suggested to cooperate in discussion based on rule from the teacher.

5. For the next researcher, to make deeper analysis about the mistakes that




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Table 4.14 Description of Student Misatake for number 4using TPS


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Oleh karena itu pemberian anticendawan diperlukan sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mencegah maupun menekan terjadinya mikosis, perlu dilakukan kajian terhadap

Hal ini sesuai dengan hasil pengamatan yang menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas minum tertinggi adalah pada ayam broiler yang diberi perlakuan cekaman panas dengan

Sesuai ketentuan Dokumen Pengadaan Pekerjaan Konstruksi Pasca Kualifikasi dengan metode pelelangan umum BAB III E.29.1 Pembuktian Kualifikasi terhadap peserta yang

“Implementasi Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 Mengenai Fungsi Dan Kewenangan Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Dalam Proses Penagkapan Pekerja Seks Komersial Di Daerah

The employee welfare cost did have negatif influence toward company’s profit, but the benefits acquired, which was the selling improvement, had higher value than employee

Dilarang memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi dokumen tanpa ijin tertulis dari Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan Universitas..

Hubungan Tingkat Resiliensi Dengan Kecemasan Akademik Pada Mahasiswa Penerima Beasiswa Bidikmisi Upi Bandung.. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu

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