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ect of plant density and nitrogen rates upon the leaf area of

seed sugar beet on seed yield and quality

M. Pospisˇil


*, A. Pospisˇil


, M. Rastija


aFaculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Department of Field Crops, Svetosˇimunska 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia bFaculty of Agriculture, University of J. J. Strossmayer, Trg sv. Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek, Croatia

Accepted 14 September 1999


Three-year field trials were set up on eutric brown soil in northwestern Croatia ( Zagreb) with the objective to determine the effect of plant density and nitrogen rates on the formation and size of leaf area of seed sugar beet, and on the yield and seed quality in seed production without transplanting. Investigations should also reveal how much the yield and quality of sugar beet seed depend on the leaf area index (LAI ). Four plant densities of seed sugar beet were investigated after crop wintering (40 000, 80 000, 120 000, and 160 000 plants/ha) as well as three nitrogen rates (60, 120, and 180 kg/ha) applied in two identical topdressings: at the beginning of the spring growing period and immediately before shooting of inflorescence stalks. Leaf area formation was strongly influenced by weather conditions. An increase of plant density from 40 000 to 160 000 plants/ha led to a decrease of leaf area per plant. Raised nitrogen rates in topdressing caused an increase of leaf area, depending on the precipitation and soil fertility. Maximum LAI, achieved in the flowering stage, grew almost linearly with increasing plant density (LAI: 1.77–4.85 m2/m2), but was statistically significant only up to 120 000 plants/ha. Raised nitrogen rates in topdressing led to a significant increase of the LAI in the stage of inflorescence stalk shooting, though not in full flowering. On the basis of this research, seed yield and germination of seed sugar beet could not be predicted regarding LAI in the flowering stage. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords:LAI; Leaf area per plant; Nitrogen rates; Plant density; Seed sugar beet

1. Introduction per unit area, as well as appropriate fertilization,

particularly with nitrogen, are central problems in the technological production process of all field Research on the extent to which the plant

crops and specially in sugar beet seed production. density and nitrogen rates influence the growth

A survey of the research results, available to us, and formation of leaf area in particular

develop-on this problem in the world and in this country ment stages, especially those decisive for the yield

did not reveal any published results on the effect

and quality of sugar beet seed, has major scientific

of leaf area, or leaf area index (LAI ) upon the and production importance since it contributes to

yield and quality of sugar beet. Various methods a better seed utilization in final processing. It is

have been applied to determine leaf area in sugar thought that number and distribution of plants

beet (Campbell and Viets, 1967; Barbieri, 1983; Fo¨rkel, 1985; Milford et al. 1985; Rover and

* Corresponding author. Tel.:+385-1-239-3775;

Koch, 1995).


E-mail address:mpospisil@agr.hr (M. Pospisˇil ) Areas under seed sugar beet are small in


70 M. Pospisˇil et al./European Journal of Agronomy 12 (2000) 69–78

parison with areas under other field crops. This is split-plot method in five replications. Cultivar

OS-Nada, its mother (2n=18) and father (4n=

the main reason why there are very few

profes-sional or scientific studies from this area. 36) lines, were used as test crops. The ratio of

mother and father components at sowing was Researchers from North America (Campbell,

1968), the UK and Denmark (Scott, 1968; 6:0:2. Basic fertilization for seed sugar beet was

carried out with 50 kg/ha of N, 150 kg/ha of

Longden and Scott, 1973; Longden, 1974)

con-ducted research with twice as many plants P

2O5, and 300 kg /ha of K2O. Sugar beet was

sown at the end of August at a between-row

(>300 000 plants/ha at harvest) as commonly

recommended in other production regions. spacing of 50 cm and within-row spacings of 11.4,

8.6, 7.1, and 5.7 cm. In spring, a density correction Trogisch (1985) maintains that a plant density of

150 000–250 000 plants/ha at harvest is desirable was made according to the test treatments.

Leaf area per plant and the LAI were deter-for seed sugar beet grown under European

condi-tions. Under the conditions prevailing in mined in characteristic pheno-stages of seed sugar

beet (at the start of vegetation in spring, in the Vojvodina (FR Yugoslavia), the highest yield and

best seed quality of sugar beet were obtained with stage of inflorescence stalk appearance and in full

flowering) using the punch method (Campbell and

plant densities of 130 000 to 150 000 plants/ha after

wintering (Stefanovic´, 1987). Based on the trial Viets, 1967). In the said stages, measurements were

made on ten plants from each treatment and results achieved in eastern Slavonija (Croatia),

Kristek and Matic´ (1984) concluded that good involved the number of leaves, the leaf weight per

plant and their dry matter. Leaves with blades yields might be obtained with 65 000–80 000

plants/ha at harvest. According to the authors, longer than 2 cm were counted. All observations

and measurements in the trial were carried out on nitrogen rates applied with topdressing to

direct-drilled seed sugar beet vary, depending on the soil, mother plants. Seed sugar beet was harvested at

the end of July. Seed yield and quality were

from 150 to 250 kg/ha (Longden and Johnson,

1977; Zarisˇnajak and Sˇijan, 1991; Rastija, 1993). determined after the harvest. The data obtained

were processed by up-to-date statistical methods The objective of this research is to determine

the effect of plant density and nitrogen application (analysis of variance, correlation) applying

com-puter programs (Microsoft Excel 5.0 and Mstat). upon the formation and size of leaf area, LAI,

yield and quality of sugar beet seed. Investigations Analyses of weather conditions during three

growing seasons showed considerable variation in should also reveal how much the yield and quality

of sugar beet seed depend on the LAI. precipitation distribution from year to year

(Fig. 1). Particularly unfavourable precipitation distribution was recorded in 1991–92. Water balance after Thornhwaite’s method indicates a 2. Material and method

balance between potential and actual evapotrans-piration all the way to June, when water deficiency Investigations were carried out through field

trials set up on the experimental field of the Faculty appeared in soil. Water deficiency in June and July

was unfavourable because seed sugar beet has the of Agriculture, Zagreb, during 1991–92, 1993–94

and 1994–95. The trial comprised four plant densi- biggest needs for water in those months. Very

favourable conditions for the growth and develop-ties of seed sugar beet (Beta vulgaris var. altissima

D. C.), after crop wintering (40 000, 80 000, ment of seed sugar beet prevailed throughout

1993–1994. Precipitation distribution in 1994–1995

120 000, and 160 000 plants/ha) and three nitrogen

rates (60, 120, and 180 kg/ha) applied in two was slightly less favourable for seed sugar beet.

There was less precipitation, accompanied by topdressings. The first topdressing (with half of

the foreseen N fertilizer quantity) was done at the slightly higher temperatures, in April, at the time

when inflorescence shoots were formed, which beginning of the spring growing period and the

second immediately prior to the shooting of inflo- accelerated the development of seed sugar beet.

Rainfall was sufficient throughout the growing




















72 M. Pospisˇil et al./European Journal of Agronomy 12 (2000) 69–78

Table 1

Chemical properties of the plough layer, soil depth 0–30 cm, Zagreb–Maksimir

Year pH Humus (%) Total N (%) AL-method (mg/100 g soil ) H

2O 1M KCl P2O5 K2O

1991–92 7.7 7.2 2.2 0.14 35.7 17.5

1993–94 7.2 6.6 2.1 0.13 20.3 18.6

1994–95 5.3 4.7 2.1 0.12 10.1 12.6

period, from May to July. Lower temperatures in plants develop a relatively higher leaf weight if

springs are colder. Leaf area is mainly formed in

May and June, along with sufficient humidity in

this period, disturbed the balance between vegeta- the stage of intensive growth, which lasts from

stem appearance to the beginning of flowering, the tive and generative growth, which was negatively

reflected in seed quality. Water deficiency in soil proceeding of the stage being strongly influenced

by weather conditions, notably precipitation and was recorded in July, i.e. at the time of seed

formation and maturing. temperature. In 1991–1992 and 1993–1994, most

of the leaf area, about 2/3, was formed in the

Soil of the experimental field Zagreb–Maksimir

is anthropogenized eutric brown, on slightly luvic period from the beginning of May to mid June. In

1994–1995, the weather conditions throughout loam ( Vidacˇek et al., 1994). Chemical soil

proper-ties are shown in Table 1. April and May favoured intensive development,

and sugar beet seeds grew in June and July. Thus, the major part of leaf area was formed in the second part of spring vegetation (during June). 3. Results and discussion

Consequently, interference of weather conditions might sometimes disturb the balance between the The results obtained in the 3 year investigations

indicate that hydrothermal characteristics of the vegetative and reproductive growth, which has an

adverse effect, especially on seed quality. Leaf area

climate and soil fertility had the dominant effect

on the growth and development of sugar beet per plant and LAI are not very important, as such;

however, they may have considerable bearing on

seeds. As a result of the differences in dry matter

accumulation, productivity of photosynthesis and the yield and quality of seed, since enhanced leaf

growth due to higher nitrogen rates may favour

nitrogen uptake, differences were also recorded in

leaf area per plant, as well as in LAI, depending vegetative growth on account of seed development

(competition for assimilates between seed and on plant density and nitrogen rates. At the start

of vegetation in spring, in all three of the experi- leaves). Scott and Longden (1973) maintain that

too lush plant growth is not desirable since it

mental years, plant density had no significant effect

upon leaf area per plant, so these results are not deteriorates the quality traits of sugar beet seed.

At a low plant density, plant growth is more presented. In 1994–1995, at the beginning of plant

growth in spring up to stem appearance, plants intensive, flowering is delayed, and the late-formed

fruits cannot mature before the harvest, thus had well-developed leaf rosettes. As the plant grew,

part of the leaf rosette started to degenerate and decreasing the quality of harvested seed. Matic´

et al. (1983) report that abundant rainfall in the a relatively small leaf weight was determined in

the flowering stage. A more pronounced effect of flowering period may influence a decrease in the

germination of sugar beet seed, particularly on plant density and nitrogen rates on leaf area per

plant was determined in the stage from stem soils rich in nitrogen. In such cases, luxury nitrogen

uptake occurs and causes a disproportion in the appearance up to full flowering ( Table 2). The

intensity of leaf area formation varied per trial development of vegetative and generative plant


Table 2

Influence of plant density and nitrogen rate in spring topdressing on seed sugar beet leaf area per plant

Factor Seed sugar beet leaf area per plant (cm2)

Stage of inflorescence stalk appearance In full flowering

1991–1992 1993–1994 1994–1995 1991–1992 1993–1994 1994–1995

Plant density (plants/ha) 40 000 1480 1777 1735 5820 5698 1762

80 000 1400 1594 1680 3988 4468 1881

120 000 1457 1514 1398 3952 3843 1943

160 000 1280 1581 1492 4401 3096 1594

LSD 5% NS NS NS 1184 1136 NS

1% NS NS NS – 1593 NS

Nitrogen topdressing (kg/ha) 60 1125 1564 1430 4044 3520 1548

120 1478 1719 1621 4698 4537 1915

180 1610 1566 1678 4880 4764 1922

LSD 5% 313 NS NS NS 698 278

1% – NS NS NS 1016 –

Large differences in leaf area per plant were (1993) recorded marked differences between plants

to which nitrogen topdressing was applied

recorded between particular years and growth and

development stages in the 3 year trial period. In (150 kg/ha towards the end of March) and those

grown without topdressing. The former were of the stage of inflorescence stalk appearance, plant

density had no statistically significant influence on dark green colour and had a more rapid initial

growth and a lusher habit. leaf area per plant in any of the trial years. In this

stage, leaf area was significantly influenced by LAI also depended on the extent of plant

devel-opment, i.e. growth stage. When vegetation started nitrogen applied in early spring topdressing (half

of the foreseen N fertilizer rate) and interaction of in spring of all three experimental years, the

sig-nificantly highest LAI was achieved with a plant higher nitrogen rates in topdressing (120 and

180 kg/ha) as well as lower plant densities, though density of 160 000 plants/ha. In the stage of

inflo-rescence stalk appearance, the LAI grew signifi-only in 1991–1992.

More-pronounced differences in the values of cantly with increasing plant density to 160 000

plants/ha ( Table 3). An increase of topdressing

leaf area per plant, as caused by plant density,

occurred during full flowering. Significantly largest nitrogen rate from 60 to 180 kg/ha increased the

LAI as well. The highest, and statistically signifi-leaf area per plant was obtained with the plant

density of 40 000 plants/ha, whereas further cant, increase of LAI (1991–92 and 1994–1995)

was that between topdressing with 60 and increasing of plant density resulted in a significant

leaf area reduction (in 1991–1992 and 1993–1994), 180 kg/ha of N. In the full flowering stage, LAI

rose significantly with increasing plant density to except in 1994–1995 when intensive growth was

still going on. In 1993–1994 and 1994–1995, in the 120 000 plants/ha (1993–1994 and 1994–1995).

Further increase of plant density to 160 000 stage of full flowering, application of 120 and

180 kg/ha of N significantly increased the leaf area plants/ha reduced the ability of biological

self-regulation of plant leaf area, which led to a further

values in comparison with 60 kg/ha of N. In 1991–

1992, increased nitrogen rates in topdressing led linear increase of the LAI. The analysis of variance

for topdressing nitrogen rates shows that topdress-to an increase in leaf area, which was not

statistic-ally significant due to water deficiency that ing did not significantly increase the LAI during

full flowering in any experimental year. occurred in soil at that time. In trials conducted


74 M. Pospisˇil et al./European Journal of Agronomy 12 (2000) 69–78

Table 3

Influence of plant density and nitrogen rate in spring topdressing on seed sugar beet LAI

Factor Seed sugar beet LAI (m2/m2)

Stage of inflorescence stalk appearance In full flowering

1991–1992 1993–1994 1994–1995 1991–1992 1993–1994 1994–1995

Plant density (plants/ha) 40 000 0.59 0.71 0.69 2.33 2.28 0.70

80 000 1.12 1.28 1.34 3.19 3.57 1.50

120 000 1.75 1.82 1.68 4.74 4.60 2.33

160 000 2.05 2.53 2.39 7.04 4.95 2.55

LSD 5% 0.24 0.39 0.42 1.63 1.36 0.52

1% 0.34 0.60 0.59 2.34 1.95 0.73

Nitrogen topdressing (kg/ha) 60 1.09 1.52 1.37 3.74 3.29 1.51

120 1.41 1.70 1.56 4.61 3.95 1.89

180 1.63 1.54 1.65 4.62 4.33 1.91

LSD 5% 0.34 NS 0.21 NS NS NS

1% – NS – NS NS NS

plant, and LAI, mention should be made of its further raising of nitrogen to 180 kg/ha the seed

yield continued to increase, though not in a statis-duration at the plant densities studied and the

nitrogen rates in the period of seed formation and tically significant manner (except for 1994–1995).

These results are in accord with those obtained by accumulation of dry matter in seed. From such

long measuring intervals, it is impossible to deter- Zarisˇnajak and Sˇijan (1991), who also achieved

the highest seed yield with topdressing involving mine the leaf area duration (LAD); however,

certain changes were observed on the crop due to 120 kg N/ha. Based on soil analyses, Bornscheuer

et al. (1993) recommend an almost identical nitro-the influence of environmental factors. At nitro-the end

of the period of dry matter accumulation in seed, gen rate for topdressing. In the research done by

Longden and Johnson (1977), Montanari et al. lower and middle leaves were dry at higher plant

densities, whereas only lower leaves were dry at (1982), Rastija (1993), seed yield did not depend

on topdressing nitrogen rates. An increased lower densities, especially in treatments with lower

nitrogen rates. Higher leaf dehydration in dry number of plants per unit area decreased the

production (yield ) of seed per plant ( Table 5). At

years (1991–1992) might have had a negative effect

on the activity of the photosynthetic apparatus larger area per plant, seed sugar beet produced

three to four times higher seed production per during seed formation, as well as on translocation

of assimilates into seed. In 1993–1994, the crop plant than plants grown at high density. The limit

for this kind of compensation was 120 000

was infested by plant diseasesCercospora beticola

Sacc. andPhoma betae Frank, especially the treat- plants/ha. Increase of the nitrogen rate in

topdress-ing from 60 to 120 kg/ha led to a significant

ments involving higher nitrogen rates and higher

plant densities, so plants had fewer photosyntheti- increase in seed production per plant. Interactions

were also recorded between the lowest plant den-cally active leaves at harvest.

Yield of primarily processed seed (filled fruits sity and the highest topdressing nitrogen rate. The

influence of the investigated factors on seed germi-of 3.5–5.5 mm) increased significantly up to a

density of 80 000 plants/ha in 1991–1992 and 1993– nation was less expressed than that of experimental

years ( Table 6). The best seed germination (seed

1994, and to 120 000 plants/ha in 1994–1995

( Table 4). Topdressing nitrogen rate of 120 kg/ha fraction: 3.5–5.5 mm) was achieved in the year

with a warmer July with less precipitation. In the led to a significant yield increase of primarily


Table 4

Influence of plant density and nitrogen rate in spring topdressing on sugar beet primarily processed seed yield

Factor Primarily processed seed (kg/ha)

1991–1992 1993–1994 1994–1995

Plant density (plants/ha) 40 000 767 999 565

80 000 843 1086 601

120 000 778 1147 665

160 000 838 1141 681

LSD 5% 49 99 56

1% 68 – 78

Nitrogen topdressing (kg/ha) 60 710 996 592

120 872 1117 612

180 838 1166 680

LSD 5% 47 87 32

1% 69 127 47

60 to 180 kg/ha showed a downward trend in weather conditions prevailing in Croatia in the

period of flowering, seed setting and maturing germination (higher percent of empty fruits). The

number of plants per unit area and nitrogen rates constrain the growth and favour maturing

pro-cesses, so that the differences in LAI due to

of topdressing had no significant effect upon the

1000 seed weight and production of single-germ different areas/plant are not manifested. Hence, it

is unlikely that any treatment, within normal seeds.

Differences in the size and shape of the area per limits, would speed up or slow down maturing to

such an extent as to be reflected in the seed quality plant were not so pronounced in our trials as to

have a considerable effect upon the growth and traits. For the time being, no irrigation is applied

in the Republic of Croatia during flowering and habit of plants. As the densities studied involved

uniformly spaced plants, the growth of plants was fruit maturing, and precipitation cannot provide

the necessary moisture in some years. This is rather restricted by their mutual competition even

at the lowest density. On the other hand, the especially pronounced in the case of denser plant

Table 5

Influence of plant density and nitrogen rate in spring topdressing on sugar beet seed production per plant

Factor Seed production per plant (g/plant)

1991–1992 1993–1994 1994–1995

Plant density (plants/ha) 40 000 50.7 54.7 46.2

80 000 29.4 29.3 26.3

120 000 18.8 21.7 17.8

160 000 16.2 17.1 14.6

LSD 5% 2.8 2.1 3.1

1% 3.9 2.9 4.4

Nitrogen topdressing (kg/ha) 60 24.9 27.6 24.4

120 30.3 31.7 26.0

180 31.1 32.8 28.3

LSD 5% 2.1 3.0 1.6


76 M. Pospisˇil et al./European Journal of Agronomy 12 (2000) 69–78

Table 6

Influence of plant density and nitrogen rate in spring topdressing on seed germination

Factor Germination (%)

1991–1992 1993–1994 1994–1995

Plant density (plants/ha) 40 000 96.3 96.6 89.8

80 000 96.3 96.5 90.2

120 000 96.7 97.5 93.6

160 000 96.7 97.2 91.8

LSD 5% NS NS 2.6

1% NS NS –

Nitrogen topdressing (kg/ha) 60 97.1 96.4 91.2

120 96.6 97.0 91.8

180 95.8 97.4 91.1



populations with very high total water consump- 1969) point to the conclusion that it is only in

cases of quite low or too high plant densities that tion. Plants grown at high density have a delayed

growth, which has a detrimental effect on seed differences may be expected in the maturing rate

and germination of harvested seed. In regions for quality (Bornscheuer, 1969). Under the conditions

of uninterrupted growing throughout winter, even which the recommended plant density is over

300 000 plants/ha at harvest, the growing period

a smaller number of plants per unit area (65 000–

80 000 plants/ha at harvest) revealed a higher lasts for 13–14 months, which is much longer than

in the conditions prevailing in the Republic of yielding potential, thus levelling up seed yields

( Kristek and Matic´, 1984). Literature data (Scott, Croatia or southern European countries. This


Fig. 3. Correlation between LAI and seed germination.

means that plants remain active for a considerably thetic potential. However, the considerable effect

of the prevailing agroecological conditions should longer period of time, which allows their adequate

development even in higher populations. Another be pointed out as well.

The highest LAI at full flowering was achieved important factor under these conditions is water

availability to plants. Radisˇic´ (1977) and in the year in which the vegetative stage of seed

sugar beet growth was very intensive (sufficient

Stefanovic´ (1987) reported that, at a uniform

planting spacing, plant density also had little effect precipitation and moderate air temperatures at the

onset of vegetation in spring), whereas the lowest on seed germination.

In the 3 year research period, the most reliable index was recorded in the year with expressly early

and rapid development of generative plant parts estimation of connection between yield of

primar-ily processed seed and LAI (R2=0.23), as well as ( less precipitation and higher temperatures in

April ).

between seed germination and LAI (R2=0.35),

was defined with logarithmic function ( Figs. 2 and A population increase to 120 000 plants/ha had

a positive effect on LAI as well as on seed yield

3). These coefficients of determinations are fairly

low. This kind of functional connection is partly and quality.

The efficiency of nitrogen rates in topdressing

the result of their low correlation in every year

(Figs. 2 and 3), which was more expressive in was predominantly influenced by precipitation and

soil fertility. In the year with abundant precipita-1994–1995.

tion throughout spring and summer as well as on

poorly fertile soil (<2 mg N-min/100 g soil, at a

depth of 0–60 cm), the leaf area per plant increased 4. Conclusions

significantly up to the application of 120 kg/ha of

N in topdressing. This research points to the fact that the increase

of plant density and nitrogen nutrition up to a The yield and quality of seed also depended

considerably on the weather conditions prevailing certain limit promoted the formation of leaf


78 M. Pospisˇil et al./European Journal of Agronomy 12 (2000) 69–78

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Fig. 1. Relevant components of balance of rainwater in soil trial field Zagreb–Maksimir.
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3


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Dengan demikian sangat dianjurkan pada penderita hipertensi dengan menggunakan latihan isometrik untuk menurunkan tekanan darah baik dilakukan sendiri maupun

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Penerapan Model Problem Based Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Dalam Pembelajaran Ips.. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |

Lebih lanjut bahwa program dan kegiatan yang ditetapkan Dinas Pelayanan PBB dan BPHTB tentunya mengacu pada regulasi Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 13

Pada tingkatan mengkarakterisasi (A5) memiliki persentase IPK 84% termasuk dalam kategori terampil.Pada ranah psikomotordidapatkan keterampilan siswa rata-rata pada

2 ayat (2) dan ayat (3) serta Pasal 3 ayat (21 Undang- Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 1997 tentang Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak, perlu menetapkan Peraturan Pemerintah

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