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Coconut Oil Cholesterol And Weight Loss Maintenance That Tastes Good


Academic year: 2017

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Coconut oil does not contain toxic unsaturated oil that other oils do. It is loaded with healthy benefits that include lowering your cholesterol and your weight. If you find yourself in the ˆ50 and over˜ group, should your cholesterol and weight rank higher than your retirement plan? Coconut oil has a pleasant taste, does not go rancid (even after a year) like other oils and has health benefits instead of health detriments. Civilizations consuming coconut oil without the t...


coconut oil,cholesterol

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Coconut oil does not contain toxic unsaturated oil that other oils do. It is loaded with healthy benefits that include lowering your cholesterol and your weight. If you find yourself in the ˆ50 and over˜ group, should your cholesterol and weight rank higher than your retirement plan?

Coconut oil has a pleasant taste, does not go rancid (even after a year) like other oils and has health benefits instead of health detriments. Civilizations consuming coconut oil without the trans fat oils are healthier, have less colon problems, less cancer, do not battle weight loss and have less heart disease.

Coconut oil has antioxidant properties due to the lack of oxidation of the oil in the body thereby reducing the need to supplement Vitamin E that is normally used up in the oxidation process. The general studies indicate that regular consumption of coconut oil reduces cholesterol to a normal level by converting cholesterol into pregnenolone.

Ever since ˆtrans fat˜ became a dirty food, we have looked for replacement oils that will deliver our favorite "bad" food to the table without sacrificing the good taste. It has been established that our best bet to stay healthy is to eat healthy. Eating healthy includes eliminating harmful oils and supplementing our diet with foods that includes basic building block nutrients that have eroded from our farms and gardens. The trans fats stay in the bloodstream and eventually collect as fat in the vessels and body. Coconut oil goes straight to the liver and is converted to energy. This ˆgood˜ oil speeds up your body´s metabolic rate, causes you to burn calories and in this manner you will loose weight.

Coconut oil has a laundry list of healthy benefits. Using coconut oil as a supplement, 3-4 tablespoonfuls a day, produces sufficient lauric acid. Lauric acid produces monolaurin. Monolaurin is a natural antiviral that kills viruses. This is a huge support to the immune system. Cooking with coconut oil will eliminate harmful fatty chains that manifests themselves as trans fatty acids in the body. If you are reducing trans fat in your body you also raise HDL (ˆgood˜) cholesterol levels and lower LDL (ˆbad˜) cholesterol levels in your bloodstream. The medicinal use worldwide of coconut oil includes: supplement to prevent osteoporosis, sore throat, kidney stone dissolving, reduce swelling and for weight loss.

The results are clear, nutritionists and dietitians agree that coconut oil is one of the healthiest supplements you can consume. Civilizations that have used coconut oil are generally healthier and do not have the many western nation diseases such as heart disease, blood pressure issues, blood sugar, obesity and diabetes. Coconut oil can be used for cooking and frying. Battle weight loss the natural way. Replace all oil such as butter, margarine, vegetable oil or shortening with coconut oil. Warmed to 76 degrees, coconut is liquid and can be used in salad dressing. You can also use it as a skin lotion. It is liquid on contact to the skin. It may be a while before it is time to make another new years resolution. Don´t wait, for your health´s sake, make a change now that will change the ˆquality of your life˜ of tomorrow.

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