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Academic year: 2017



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Purposed to fulfill The Partial Requirement of

Bachelor’s Degree of International Program on Science Education

International Program on Science Education Study Program


Prepared By:








To ards Secondary Students’ Creati e

Thinking Skill in The Electricity


Oleh Rizkia Saraswati

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

© Rizkia Saraswati 2013 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Juli 2013

Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang.







Supervisor I

Dr. Parsaoran Siahaan, M.Pd.

NIP 195803011980021002

Supervisor II

Dr. Agus Setiabudi, M.Si.

NIP 196808031992031002

Head of Study Program of

International Program on Science Education

Dr. Diana Rochintaniawati, M.Ed.


The Impact of Design Based Learning towards Secondary Students’ Creative Thinking Skill in The Electricity Concept

Rizkia Saraswati

Indonesia University of Education

International Program on Science Education – Indonesia University of Education


The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of design-based

learning on students’ academic achievement in the electricity concept. I examined

nine of ninth grade students’ science class in Mutiara Nusantara International

School. Through this research the writer wanted to know the level and profiles of students’ creative thinking skill. In the implementation, the students run six stages that included into design-based learning stages to make an electrical alarm system,

using pretest-posttest and portfolio assessment as an alternative assessment. The

method that appropriate used in data processing is quantitative descriptive

research method with descriptive analysis genre. Descriptive research collects

data in order to answer questions about the current status of the topic of study and

uses formal instruments to study practices and concerns of a sample. Based on the

data analysis, almost the entire course of design based learning accordance with

the existing theory, both teams occupied level 3 in the creative thinking level,

most of scores in the creative thinking skill aspects were varied, and the value of

average normalized gain for the experiment class reach 0.511 that is meant it is

included into medium category in the improvement of students’ cognitive domain

to the electricity concept. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the

implementation of design based learning model has a superior performance in

term of knowledge gain achievements in the core science concepts.


Dampak Pembelajaran Berbasis Desain terhadap Keterampilan Berpikir

Kreatif Siswa Menengah Pertama pada Konsep Kelistrikan

Rizkia Saraswati

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

International Program on Science Education – Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Tujuan dari pembuatan skripsi ini adalah untuk meneliti dampak dari

pembelajaran berbasis desain terhadap pencapaian akademik siswa pada konsep

kelistrikan. Penulis menetapkan sebanyak sembilan siswa kelas sembilan di

sekolah internasional Mutiara Nusantara. Melalui penelitian ini, penulis ingin

mengetahui level dan profil keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa. Pada

pelaksanaannya seluruh siswa menjalankan enam tahap yang termasuk dalam

pembelajaran berbasis desain dengan membuat sebuah sistem alarm,

menggunakan pretest-posttest dan assesmen portfolio sebagai assesmen alternatif.

Metode yang digunakan dalam pengolahan data adalah metode kuantitatif

deskriptif. Penelitian deskriptif ini mengumpulkan data dengan tujuan untuk

menjawab seluruh pertanyaan selama penilitian berlangsung dan menggunakan

beberapa instrumen formal untuk digunakan terkait dengan sampel. Berdasarkan

analisis data, hampir seluruh pembelajaran berbasis desain sesuai dengan teori

yang ada, kedua tim mencapai level 3 dalam keterampilan berpikir kreatif, dan

aspek keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa yang ditampilkan oleh kedua tim

bervariasi, dan nilai dari average normalized gain pada kelas ini adalah sebesar

0.511, yang artinya termasuk pada kategori medium dalam peningkatan domain

kognitif siswa pada konsep kelistrikan. Berdasarkan seluruh hasil, dapat

disimpulkan bahwa implementasi pembelajaran berbasis desain ini memiliki

kinerja yang baik dalam pencapaian konsep sains.

Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Berbasis Desain, Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif,






LIST OF TABLES………...…….vi


A. Background………1

B. Research Question………..5

C. Purpose………...5

D. Benefit………5

E. Research Methodology………...6

F. Systematic of Writing……….7


A. Design Based Learning………..8

B. Definition of Creativity………15

C. Creative Thinking as a Synthesis between Lateral and Vertical Thinking…..15

D. Differences between Lateral Thinking and Vertical Thinking………16

E. Assessment Scale……….22

F. Process of Creativity………22

G. Characteristics of Creative Thinking Skill………...23

H. Wallach-Kogan Theory Creativity Test………...25

I. Portfolio Assessment………27

J. Revised Taxonomy Bloom………...32

K. Cambridge IGCSE Curriculum………36

L. Concept of Electricity (Building Alarm System)……….40


A. Operational Definition………..43

B. Population and Sample of Research……….44


F. Instruments………...50

G. Validity Test of Instruments.………53

H. Data Analysis………...53


A. Results………..56

1. Implementation of Design Based Learning………57

2. Students’ Creative Thinking Level………...……….70

3. Profiles of Students’ Creative Thinking Skill………72

4. Cognitive Achievement in The Electricity Concept………..76

B. Discussion 1. Implementation of Design Based Learning………78

2. Students’ Creative Thinking Level………...……….82

3. Profiles of Students’ creative Thinking Skill………...89

4. Cognitive Achievement in The Electricity Concept………...99


A. Conclusion………..104

B. Recommendation………105





A. Background

The purpose of learning science is to engage students learn to express natural

phenomena by following the scientific principles that were conducted by researchers.

Learning science should involve elements of processes or students’ activities both

mentally and physically so that students can gain a real learning experience. Thus,

learning science is not just memorizing the concepts but students attempt to discover a


A number of researchers advocate the use of engineering design as a promising

context in which to learn science. Using engineering design as a basis for teaching

science has a number of potential advantages, such as better connecting to the

knowledge students bring to the classroom, while also providing a clearer sense of

utility outside of the classroom (Cajas, 2001).

Nowadays many industrialized countries do not emphasize the designation sum

education of primary and secondary high school in design and technology. Design and

technology education is not required as a subject in school. Even in the middle school

level it is typically an elective subject and is not offered in all schools (Dyer, Reed &

Berry, 2006). Most science curricula lack engineering background beyond Information

Technology (IT) subjects (De Veries, 1997). But on the other hand, schools of

engineering that are placed in each country more emphasis on teamwork, design

process skills, and hands-on construction. Due to these reasons and the treatment of

design and technology education is typically weak. Seen from the fact above, moreover

for developed countries basically still backwards in all fields and perhaps the

immersion of design and technology particularly in science curricula is kind a new

thing in educational system.

The results of research from Trends in International Mathematics and Science

Study (TIMSS) research institutions (TIMSS: 2011), for junior high school students in

42 countries, Indonesia ranks third from the bottom in the mastery science content


elementary knowledge of life, physical, and earth sciences. Students demonstrate

knowledge of some simple facts, demonstrate some basic knowledge of the concept,

interpret simple diagrams, complete simple tables, and provide short written responses

to questions requiring factual information.

Based on data above, it can be concluded that the ability of Indonesian students

in solving complex problems that involve creative thinking skills are still low. It might

because the learning process that is done in the classroom is still conventional.

Therefore, improving the quality of learning is needed with improving learning model;

by using a design-based learning.

The presence of design concepts and principles in national science standards

speaks to the emerging view of experts in the science, technology, and education fields

that an understanding of design is complementary to, and supportive of, science

literacy (Cajas, 2001). At an even more fundamental level, some of the big ideas that

are central to an understanding of design are also central in science, such as an

understanding of complex systems (Hmelo, Holton, & Kolodner, 2000) and the use of

models (Penner, Lehrer, & Schauble, 1998). Therefore, the fundamental content of

design may be mutually reinforcing with that of science, and possibly even shared


In addition to the content, the instructional methods typical in design-based

science curricula also have particular appeal to the learning of science. The points of

alignment include engaging students as active learners, encouraging students to use

metacognitive strategies for self-monitoring and reflection, and supporting classroom

communities in which knowledge is distributed such that interaction between members

is essential (De Miranda, 2004). By taking a broader view of technology as being

designed, rather than simply used, as it is conventionally taught in schools,

design-based science curricula encourage students to solve their own everyday problems in

real contexts. In doing so, students may be more likely to question and make sense of

the data they collect, rather than distorting data or failing to accept contrary evidence as

a result of wanting to confirm their initial beliefs or get the “right” answer (Benenson,

2001). The design artifact is not only the final outcome or product of design-based


innovative thoughts, able to put things together in new ways. We have often said that it

is like thinking outside of the box. This kind of skill can be called as creative thinking


Creative thinking will make students move “sideways” to try different

perceptions, different concepts, different points of entry. Students can use various

methods including provocations to solve the problems. Creative thinking has very

much to do with perception to put forward different views. The different views are not

derived each from the other but are independently produced. In this sense, creative

thinking has to do with exploration just as perception has to do with exploration.

(Awang & Ramly, 2008)

Design-Based Learning can best be conceived of as a type of education with an

emphasis on products that are created within the framework of education. However,

this is not the interpretation that is intended here. In Design-Based Learning, not only

the resulting products are important. The underlying process is highly relevant as well.

Design Based Learning is a model of learning that is rarely applied in the science

curriculum and not all curriculums are appropriate to use this approach. But the

Cambridge IGCSE curriculum that commonly used in international schools is proper to

use it. The Cambridge syllabus helps learners to understand the technological world in

which they live, and take an informed interest in science and scientific developments.

They learn about the basic principles through a mix of theoretical and practical studies.

As they progress, learners gain an understanding of how science is studied and

practiced, and become aware that the results of scientific research can have both good

and bad effects on individuals, communities and the environment.

Typically, as the case in the subject school district, physics subject is taught by

using scripted/guided inquiry to learning. Students are given materials and procedural

scaffolding depending upon the philosophy of the curriculum designers’ views of what

they think students need in order to accomplish a learning goal. In this research paper

exhibit a performance that is used in gaining students’ creative thinking skill for middle

school students learning science through design-based learning. Students designed and

built electrical alarm systems to learn electricity concepts in science classes of


conducted. By building the electrical alarm system, it much more focusing on the

learning process, test the understanding and thinking, and it is related to teamwork and

individual’s contribution to the team. Infusing creative thinking competence through the design process of authentic projects requires not only changing the teaching

methods and learning environment, but also adopting new assessment methods, such as

portfolio assessment (Doppelt, 2009).

In this case, portfolio assessment can be used as a developed alternative

assessment. It should be emphasized here that portfolio assessment is not intended as a

substitute for alternative tests, but as a companion test that is used to complete the test.

So, the test would not be the only information in the assessment of learning (Wulan,


One of the reasons portfolio used in education today is because of dissatisfaction

with the use of tests that are considered not able to show the entire students’ ability

(Marhaeni, 2006). Assessment portfolio shows several advantages that are not

possessed by the objective test, such as the ongoing assessment, appreciate students as

individuals with uniqueness, and the development of metacognition through reflection

and self-evaluation (Supranata, 2006).

Associated with the use of portfolio assessment in student learning activities,

particularly in physics subject is identic with calculation and concepts. In fact, this

subject is easy due to related with everyday life. The selection of topic is electricity

because there are some electrical materials that allow giving assignments to the

students, which will be recorded in the portfolio.

The task of project is described as authentic because students followed the same

design process that a system designer typically uses to propose, investigate, and

construct embodied solutions to meet actual needs. The study took place in the ninth

grade students in science class. The implementation and data collection will take over

three weeks. The result suggest that a system design approach for teaching science

concepts has superior performance in terms of knowledge gain achievements in core


Some of the reasons or arguments that have been described above are the reason

for doing this research, the impact of design based learning towards secondary students’

creative thinking skill in the electricity concept.

B. Research Question

The purpose of this study is to answer the following questions:

1. Whether the implementation of Design-Based Learning model to the electricity

concept accordance with the existing theory?

2. What is the creative thinking skill level that could be reached by ninth grade

students by using portfolio assessment through Design-Based Learning?

3. How are the profiles of ninth grade students’ creative thinking skill to the electricity

concept through Design Based Learning?

4. How are the improvements of students’ cognitive domain to the concept of

electricity through Design Based Learning?

C. Purpose

The purposes of this study are:

1. Investigate the implementation of Design-Based Learning model to the electricity

concept accordance with the existing theory or not.

2. Find out levels of creative thinking skill that could be reached by ninth grade

students through Design-Based Learning.

3. Investigate the profiles of ninth grade students’ creative thinking skill to the

electricity concept.

4. Identify the improvements of students’ cognitive domain to the concept of


D. Benefit

As the benefits of this research paper are:

1. Teacher

a. Have greater insight and know all the steps to use the Design-Based Learning


b. Apply the Design-Based Learning (DBL) in science class.

c. Apply the portfolio assessment as an alternative assessment.

d. For future, hoped that the teacher could develop and refine Design-Based

Learning (DBL) to implement it in secondary schools.

2. Students

a. Students get the opportunities to have a much stronger experience in terms of

the ability to design and propose scientific investigations.

b. Develop student’s creative thinking skill.

c. Get experience involved in evaluation process by using portfolio.

d. Motivate students to show and display their project result in presentation.

3. Other Researcher

To know strengthens and weaknesses during implementation of Design Based

Learning Model to overcome constrain that were existed as a consideration for the

next research.

E. Research Methodology

This study conducted with Qualitative Method by using a treatment towards secondary

students in Mutiara Nusantara International School with design based learning model.

As for the research steps are follows.

1. Preliminary study to the learning model

2. Preliminary study to the electricity concept

3. Designing Lesson Plan

4. Designing Instruments

5. Validity of Instruments

6. Implementation of Design Based Learning Model


F. Systematic of Writing

Overall, this research paper consists of 5 chapters and several appendices. As

each chapter consists of a sub-section. The systematics of this research paper is:

Chapter I – Introduction, In this chapter briefly outlines about background,

research question, purpose of study, Benefits of study, and systematic of writing.

Chapter II – Review of Literature, In this chapter will be described in detail the

definition and stage of Design-Based Learning model, definition of creative thinking

skill, portfolio assessment, Cambridge IGCSE curriculum, electricity concept, and

other things that correlated to the science issues under study.

Chapter III – Methodology, This chapter tells about the methodology that will be

conducted during the research. It is consists of operational definition, population and

sample of research, research method, procedure, data collection, instruments, validity

of instruments, and data analysis.

Chapter IV – Result and Discussion, This chapter shows the results that was

obtained and discuss the problem regarding to the research question.

Chapter V – Conclusion and Recommendation, in this chapter described about

conclusions and recommendations from the research that the author obtained, the use




A. Operational Definition

a. Design Based Learning

Design-based learning (DBL) is a form of project-based learning in which

students learn what they need to learn in a just-in-time fashion while trying to design

something. This kind of learning challenges students to create physical objects that reflect

themes, concepts and standards. With these objects students learn basic subjects in an

interactive environment that promotes the recall and reuse of information. They learn to

make logical connections, identify cause and effect, draw analogies, and think critically at

the highest level. Using simplified techniques from the design professions, they learn to

plan, experiment, discover, interpret, discriminate, revise and justify their thinking.

b. Creative Thinking Skill

Creative thinking is a cognitive activity that may result in a creative production

that groups or individuals perceive as useful and new. Creative thinking skills utilize

divergent thinking; thinking that diverges from a single point. The following types of

cognitive processes are used here: generating ideas, integrating ideas, or seeing things in

new ways. This kind of creative thinking skill will be measured by portfolio documents

that are perceived as a new method of assessment.

c. Concept of Electricity (Building Alarm System)

Electricity is a form of energy called electrical energy. It is sometimes called an “unseen” force because the energy itself cannot be seen, heard, touched, or smelled. In another definition, electricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the

presence and flow of electric charge. Electricity gives a wide variety of well-known

effects, such as lightning, static electricity, electromagnetic induction and the flow of

electrical current. The understanding of student can be measured by conduct the test


B. Population and Sample of Research

According to Sudjana (1989), Population is the totality of all possible values, the

results of counting and measurement, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of

certain of the set of objects is limited by a certain criteria or restrictions, while the

sample is a part of the population.

In this study examined the population of DBL implementation is the entire

students of ninth grade in Junior high school, while the total sample of this research is

one science class that are consisting of 9 students and has been existed in designated

school. For DBL class has meeting schedule for 1 hour per day, and 2 or 3 days per week.

Class is divided into three groups and students do the lesson collaboratively. Each

group consists of 3 persons and built the electrical alarm system through 6 components,

there are Purpose, Input, Solutions, Choice, Operations, and Evaluation (PISCOE).

a. Method of Research

This study is part of a comprehensive study aimed at investigating the impact of

design-based learning on students’ academic achievement, particularly in creative

thinking skill. The research method that is used to implement DBL is quantitative

descriptive method. The purpose of quantitative descriptive studies is to find

inter-relationships between variables. Descriptive research can be either quantitative or

qualitative. It can involve collections of quantitative information that can be tabulated

along a continuum in numerical form or describe categories of information. Descriptive

research involves gathering data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates,

depicts, and describes the data collection (Glass & Hopkins, 1984). It often uses visual

aids such as graphs and charts to aid the reader in understanding the data distribution. In

this method, the writer uses weak experiment design with a single pretest-posttest design.

The main data collection that will be implemented more inclined to qualitative data, that is measuring students’ creative thinking skill by using portfolio documents and observational sheet. The method will be explained descriptively that aims to describe

phenomena that are appeared. This study was not conducted on the manipulation or


2011). The students’ cognitive domain is measured before and after treatment. While the students’ creative thinking skill would be measured during learning process occurred.

C. Research Scheme

Research scheme is a view of how the research is conducted. Starting from the

preparation phase, the implementation until a conclusion is reached based on the

formulation of the issues raised. Detailed the plot of this research is set out in several


Figure 3.1

Scheme of Research’s Plot

Judgment of Instruments Preliminary Study Literature study of

Design Based

Design Lesson Plan Design and arrange the instruments


D.Procedure of Collecting Data

Procedure of collecting data consist of three phases, there are:

1. Preparation Phase

The preparation phase is intended to prepare all instruments that is needed in

research. Activities that is done in preparation phase are:

a. Analysis the material of physics in Educational Unit Level Curriculum

b. Determine the topic or chapter of lesson.

c. Design lesson plan, learning scenario and activities for Design Based Learning


It is a plan for implementation in the regular science curriculum. The resulting

module, Electrical Alarm System: Design, Construction, and Reflection

(Doppelt, Mehalik & Schunn, 2004). The framework’s components are:

Purpose, Input, Solutions, Choice, Operations, and Evaluation (PISCOE).

The module included modes of design thinking.

1) Alarm systems - where they can be found, reasons such systems exist, how

they work, and how to build such a system;

2) Technological systems and subsystems

3) Constructing an alarm system in order to learn how electronic components

can applied in developing such a system;

4) Brainstorming, communicating, documenting, working in teams, and

designing technological systems for solving problems;

5) Developing criteria for assessing the design process;

6) Evaluating alternative designs as problem solutions; and

7) Reflecting on the design process.

d. Making Instruments of research

e. Testing the validity of Instrument, and test those instruments before doing the

treatment. If there are some deficiencies, the revision might be done.

2. Implementation Phase

The implementation started with,


b. Do the treatment by applying the Design Based Learning.

c. At the time of treatment, also would be done the observation of learning process

by teacher.

d. When the implementation has finished, all of students’ documents (pictures,

design, ideas, etc.) would be collected by the teacher as their portfolios.

e. Ended the learning by giving a posttest (T2) to know the development of their

conceptual knowledge before and after treatment.

3. Analysis Phase

a. Process the data from pre-test, post-test, and student portfolios

b. Analyze and discuss research findings

c. Deduce a conclusion

E.Data Collection

a. Knowledge Test (KT)

The knowledge test (KT) consists of two sections, there are pre-test and post

test. The pre test would be given before any instruction of electricity begun while

posttest would be given after all of instruction has been done. Students were given

this kind of test to measure the changes of their knowledge about electricity


b. Oral Presentation Assessment

At the final stage of learning module students are obligated to present the

entire design and build the process. The presentation include the system purpose,

system model, material and apparatus, procedure, project result, strengthens and

weaknesses, and idea for the future. A teacher and peer has role in assessing this

performance by using peer assessment sheet. peer assessment can help them in


c. Analysis of student portfolios

All data or documents during implementation of learning process would be

collected. It consists of drafts, sketch, and photos of product and other things that

relates with the material of lesson.

Data collection techniques used in this research was conducted through a

pretest and post-test, the test results of essay questions contained in the module,

and peer assessment. Details of data collection techniques can be seen in the table


Table 3.1 Techniques of Data Collection

Meeting Activities Types of Data

1st Electricity Pretest Pretest (Multiple


2nd Describe the Current Situation, Describe the Uses and Need of Alarm System

Essay question,


3rd Choose the Alarm System and Define The General Requirements

Essay question,


4th Create a System Model, Generate Alternative Solutions

Essay question,


5th Create a Power Subsystem and Indicator Subsystem

Essay question,


6th Improving Model of Circuit Design, Adding a Detector Subsystem

Essay question,


7th Finishing The Project Task Essay question, reflection

8th Presentation of Students’ Project, Electricity Posttest

Peer Assessment,

Post-test (Multiple


F. Instruments

1. Pre test

Pre test are conducted in the beginning of teaching implementation. It is intended to know the students’ prior knowledge to the concept of electricity. In this pre test consist of twelve multiple-choice questions. Those questions only

elaborate to the students’ cognitive domain. Learning outcomes that will be

revealed in this study is about cognitive aspects; there are C1 (remembering), C2

(Understanding), C3 (Applying), C4 (Analyzing), C5 (Evaluating), and C6

(Creating) according to Revised Taxonomy Bloom.

Table 3.2 Details of Cognitive Domain Test

No Indicator Cognitive Domain



1 Students are able to identify the material

of electricity that can travel easily


Recalling 1

2 Students are able to identify the function

of an ammeter


Recalling 2

3 Students are able to describe function of

electrical components.


Explaining 3

4 Students are able to interpret the diagram

series circuit.


Inferring 4

5 Students are able to calculate the amount

of electrical quantities in series and

parallel circuit.


Executing 5

6 Students are able to differentiate between

series and parallel circuit.


Implementing 6

7 Students are able to analyze the principles

of opened and closed electric circuits.


Differentiating 7

8 Students are able to determine the diagram

of a given circuit.



9 Students are able to determine the best

11 Students are able to create a series of

electrical components with a variety of

both series and parallel.


Assembling 11

12 Students are able to create a series of

electrical components with a variety of

both series and parallel.


Planning 12

2. Post Test

Posttest is conducted in the last section of DBL implementation. All

questions are same with pre test questions. It is intended to know the improvement

of students to the concept of electricity.

3. Observational sheet

Observational sheet is a form that record students’ activity. The biggest

value of periodic observation is to check on how individuals are doing, looking for

their progress and discovering their problems. With this information, the educator

can diagnose weaknesses and work with students to find solutions. Recorded

observation provides a means to see gaps in lessons or where students have

misunderstood essential points. The form will be explained descriptively to

describe how the learning process occurred. It divided into three sequences, there

are opening activity, core activity, and closing activity.

4. Rubric Scale of Observational Sheet.

Observations are opportunities to observe teacher performance and provide

information for the preparation of the evaluation. By observation can enable: (1)


levels, (3) reflection on the appropriateness of provision, (4) sharing of

information with other parties, (5) assessment of specific children, groups,

interactions, the learning environment and staff. (Baltimore, 2012)

In this study, teacher provides observational sheet to be assessed by two

observers. Observers will evaluate the ongoing learning process, both of teacher performance or students’ activities. To make that evaluation easier, writer makes the rubric of observational sheet. This rubric uses rating scale as the score. Writer

divide scales into three parts, they are poor, good, and excellent. Hoped with this

rubric could make the evaluation clearly stated and more accurate.

5. Rubric Scale of Portfolios

Assessment rubric is used to assess the tasks or the work of students who

serve as portfolio. Assessment rubric works resulting from the manufacture of

electrical alarm system with assessment criteria including completeness of the

whole process such as Presents the system’s purpose, Generates alternative and

creative solutions, Analyzes solutions for choosing a design, Explores design

stages through planning and constructing, and Conducts reflection on design

stages. The range is started from level 1 (Awareness of Thinking) until level 4

(Reflection of Thinking). In making this rubric the writer adapted the existing

rubric and developed subsequently revised twice to resulting a maximum rubric.

6. Students Module

A module is the smallest unit of learning programs, which can be learned

by the students themselves as individuals (self-instructional) and in groups. After

the student has completed one unit in the module, then the student can move

forward and learn the next module unit.

This module consists of a variety of discourses, questions, descriptions,

tables, images and all other materials that will guide students in making the alarm system. The form of question is essay form to measure students’ learning outcomes that will be used as a portfolio assignment. The entire questions were


for improvement. In addition, this module also guides students in making the

entire portfolio of documents that will be collected at the end of the

implementation of the DBL.

7. Rubric Scale of Students’ Performance

The form of observation sheet is rubric scale. Rubrics contain two separate

elements, a set of labels that describe each of the performance levels and an

associated set of score.

Students and teacher would fill this rubric. The criteria of performance are:

Knowledge of information, entire explanation, use of alarm system model, and use

of the transparencies. There is a rubric scale for the performance assessment, from

5 (advanced) to 1 (unsatisfactory).

G.Validity Test of Instruments

Validity test is tests performed on the content of instruments, with the aim to

measure the accuracy of the instruments used in a study. So, the data obtained could

be relevant / appropriate to the purpose of the measurements. The instruments that

will be judged consist of questions of pretest-posttest, the evaluation form of

observation sheet, the rubric scale of observation sheet, and rubric of portfolios. The

whole instruments were judged by 5 expert persons. Three of them are the lecturers of

university, and two of them are the official school teachers of Mutiara Nusantara

International School.

H.Data Analysis

1. Descriptive analysis

This research will investigate the secondary students’ creative thinking skill

through DBL. Most of the results data obtained will be analyzed with genre of

analysis descriptive. Below are the description of instruments analysis.


The form will be analyzed and elaborated the process of learning

descriptively. It divided into three sequences, there are opening activity, core

activity, and closing activity.

b. Analysis of Portfolio

The results are obtained from students’ worksheet that will be examined

by the teacher during the implementation of design-based learning take place.

Rubric scale is used to determine the students’ creative thinking level (from

scale 1 until 4 as the highest level of creative thinking). The criteria of

assessment in the portfolio evaluation are made by the teacher. The causal of

the results would be described descriptively.

c. Analysis of Students’ Performance

Students’ performance is conducted in the end stage of DBL, the

evaluation stage. Student will be assessed orally while presenting their project

results. Both teacher and students do assessment regarding to the presentation

but in the different form. Observation data in the form use rubric scale. Student

only judge others group performance while displaying the result of project, but

teachers assess the performance, process, and discussion of the entire group.

2. Analysis of Pretest and Posttest

Pre test and posttest are conducted in the beginning and in the end of teaching

implementation. It is intended to know the students’ prior knowledge and students’

improvement to the concept of electricity. Below is the pretest and posttest


a. Average Normalized Gain

Average normalized gain is a useful method to assess the effectiveness of


The nature of these two results is explored for several idealized situations. The

results suggest that we may be able to utilize the difference between the two

results to extract information on how the population may have changed as a

result of instruction. Average normalized gain, (g), is defined as the ratio of the

average improvement in participant scores from pre-test to post-test with

respect to the maximum possible improvement. (g) Can be calculated:

Figure. 3.2

The Equation of Average Normalized Gain

Hake (1998) argues that the normalized gain is a meaningful measure of how

well a course teaches topics in physics to students. Hake considered normalized gains

in three categories: "high" for a normalized gain greater than 0.7, "medium" between

0.3 and 0.7, and "low" below 0.3. Traditional courses typically have low. See the

table 3.3 below.

Table 3.3

Category of Average Normalized Gain

Normalized Gain Category

< 0.3 Low

0.3 < x < 0.7 Medium


A. Conclusion

Based on the analysis in the previous chapter, mostly the implementation of

design-based learning had run according to the existing theory. Where learning activities were

begun with the use of problem-based learning as the appearance of a problem, and then

proceed with the case based reasoning to find a solution towards the existing problems, and

eventually all students can make an alarm as the part of the project based learning. The

implementation of design based learning (DBL) model is divided into six stages; there are

Purpose, Input, Solutions, Choice, Operation, and Evaluation. In the implementation phase,

The Operation Stage requires more time to construct the electrical alarm system.

Using portfolio assessment in this study, it can be proved that alternative

assessment can be used to measure secondary students' creative thinking skill in the

concept of electricity. All teams occupied Level 3 in the level of creative thinking skill.

Both teams gain achievement in thinking strategy level. In this level student are

intentionally use of a number of thinking tools, organization of thinking as a sequence of

steps, and reinforcing the sense of the purpose in thinking.

Furthermore, the results of both teams on aspects of creative thinking skill are

varied. Creative thinking skill aspects involved fluency, flexibility, originality, and

elaboration. One team cannot be said better than another, due to each team has its own

strengthens and weaknesses.

In addition to using a portfolio, the writer also uses the pencil test to measure

students' cognitive domain in the concept of electricity. Based on the results, students did

the improvement of students' cognitive domain in medium category through design-based


Constraints that arise in the implementation of portfolio assessment, such as tasks

given too much, no obvious additional resources, the orientation of a student in learning

process just only to obtain the scores, students cannot operate well in the use of electricity

tools, and the limited time spent on task. While the strengthens of portfolio assessment are

new form of assessment rather than just a pencil test, increase student motivation, bring

pride to the students, training students to conduct self-assessment, as well as broaden


based learning models and the use of portfolios in the learning assessment that has been

done, the following are some recommendations are proposed to overcome obstacles that

arise in using portfolios assessment to reveal the students' creative thinking skill:

1. For Students

a. Students are expected to pay more attention to the teacher’s instruction in every

stage of learning.

b. Students are expected to play an active role in the negotiations to the assessment

criteria of learning activities in advance that could be more clearly understood.

c. Students are expected to responsible for the tasks assigned by the teacher.

d. Students are expected to do a better communication within members or others in

delivering an opinion or share the ideas.

e. Students are expected to search new information from other resources

f. Students are expected to reveal the learning as a process, not only a product so that

learning becomes meaningful.

2. For Teacher

a. Enroll and follow some training or workshops related to the implementation of

design-based learning model, due to this model of learning is rarely implemented,

moreover in science class.

b. Emphasize to students that each stage was correlated to the next stage.

c. Optimize the preparation phase of the implementation of portfolio assessment,

ranging from determining the purpose of learning, socialization of assessment,

determination of task, and determination of assessment criteria.

d. Make obvious assessment criteria to be easily understood both by teachers and by


e. Provide briefly explanation in the implementation of self-assessment to the students

so that students’ reflection can be met properly.

f. More pay attention in managing classroom particularly for the time allocation.


a. Lack of implementation of design-based learning models, opening a lot of

possibilities for further investigation.

b. For similar research is recommended to examine the emergence of creative



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Figure 3.1  Scheme of Research’s Plot
Table 3.1 Techniques of Data Collection
Table 3.2 Details of Cognitive Domain Test
Figure. 3.2


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