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Pengaruh Pengawas Menelan Obat terhadap Kepatuhan Minum Obat Penderita TB Paru di Puskesmas Glugur Darat Kota Medan Tahun 2014


Academic year: 2017

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Penderita TB Paru di Indonesia prevalensi 5,8%. Penderita TB Paru yang melakukan pengobatan ulang pada tahun 2013 di Kota Medan berjumlah 62 orang, sedangkan di Puskesmas Glugur Darat tahun 2013 terdapat 4 orang yang tidak patuh minum obat dan 1 orang drop out. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh pengawas menelan obat terhadap kepatuhan minum obat penderita TB Paru di Puskesmas Glugur Darat Kota Medan.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah survei analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pengawas menelan obat pada penderita TB Paru pada tahun 2012 sampai 2013 di Puskesmas Glugur Darat Kota Medan berjumlah 169 orang dan sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 100 orang, pengambilan sampel dengan cara systematik random sampling. Data diperoleh dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner, dianalisis dengan regresi logistik ganda pada α = 5% .

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh sikap mendukung dengan nilai RP 2,138 (95% CI = 1439-3,176), sikap positif dengan nilai RP 1,958 (95% CI = 1,325-2,892), empati dengan nilai RP 1.374 (95% CI = 1,000-1,888). Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh keterbukaan dengan nilai RP 1,173 (95% CI = 0,912-1,509), kesetaraan dengan nilai RP 1,253 (95% CI = 0,953-1,649), pengetahuan dengan nilai RP 0,953 (95% CI = 0,742-1,223), siapa PMO dengan nilai RP 1,211 (95% CI = 0,586-2,503) dan variabel yang paling dominan berpengaruh terhadap kepatuhan minum obat penderita TB Paru di Puskesmas Glugur Darat Kota Medan adalah variabel sikap mendukung dengan nilai RP 6,404 (95% CI = 2,027-20,231).

Disarankan kepada pengawas menelan obat untuk selalu memberikan motivasi kepada penderita TB Paru dengan selalu mengingatkan penderita agar minum obat secara teratur setiap hari, mendampingi penderita TB Paru disaat minum obat, serta mendorong untuk tetap semangat dalam pengobatan sehingga penderita TB Paru akan merasa tenang dan nyaman dalam menghadapi proses pengobatan yang harus dijalaninya.

Kata Kunci : Pengawas Menelan Obat, Kepatuhan Minum Obat, TB Paru





The prevalence of Lung TB sufferers in Indonesia is 5.8% . The Lung TB sufferers who did re-treatment in 2013 in the City of Medan were 62 persons. In 2013, at Puskesmas (Community Health Center) Glugur Darat, 4 patients did not comply with taking medicine and 1 patient dropped out. The purpose of this study was to explain the influence of the supervisor taking the medicine on the compliance with taking medicine in the sufferers of Lung TB at Puskesmas (Community Health Center) Glugur Darat, the city of Medan.

This is an analytical survey study with cross-sectional design. The population of this study was all of the 169 supervisors of taking medicine in the sufferers of Lung TB at Puskesmas (Community Health Center) Glugur Darat, the city of Medan from 2012 to 2013 and 100 of them were selected to be the samples for this study through systematic random sampling technique. The data for this study was obtained through questionnaire-based interviews. The data obtained were analyzed through multiple logistic regresion tests at α = 5%.

The result of this studied showed that the influence of supportive attitude with RP 2.138 (95% CI = 1439-3.176), positive attitude with RP 1.958 (95% CI = 1.325-2.892), empathy with RP 1.374 (95% CI = 1.000 – 1.888). The result of this study showed that there was no influence of transparency with RP 1.173 (95% CI = 0.912 – 1.509), equivalence with RP 1.253 (95% CI = 0.953 – 1.649) knowledge with RP 0.953 (95% CI = 0.742 – 1.223), who the Supervisor supervising the patient taking the medicine was with RP 1.211 (95% CI = 0.586 – 2.503) and the most dominant variable influencing the compliance with taking medicine in the sufferers of Lung TB at Puskesmas (Community Health Center) Glugur Darat, the city of Medan was the supportive attitude with RP 6.404 (95% CI = 2.027 – 20.231).

The supervisors of taking medicine are suggested to frequently motivate the sufferers of Lung TB by reminding the sufferers to regulary take the medicine every day, accompanying the Lung TB sufferers when taking medicine, and encouraging the Lung TB sufferers to keep their spirit during the treatment that the sufferers will feel calm, relax and comfortable during the treatment process.

Keywords : Supervisor of Taking Medicine, Compliance With Taking Medicine, Lung TB



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