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Academic year: 2019



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A. Writing

1. The Definition of Writing

There are some definitions of writing. According to Tarigan (1994:21) writing is to send down or paint the graphic symbols which draws a language that it understands by someone, so other people can read the graphic symbols itself that they understand the language and the graphic symbols.

According to Nunan, (2003: 88) writing is both a physical and a mental act. At the most basic level, writing is the physical act of committing words or ideas to some medium, whether it is hieroglyphics inked onto parchment or an e-mail message typed into computer, on the other hand, writing is the mental work of inventing ideas, thinking about how to express them, and organizing them into statements and paragraphs that will be clear to a reader.


Ramelan (1992:14) said that writing is representation or symbol of language. It means writing is one of the tools of communication, since it is a representation of language.

Nunan (2003:88) stated that writing is the mental work of inventing ideas, thinking about how to express them, and organizing them into statements and paragraphs that will be clear to a reader.

Therefore writing is a sequence of words and symbols in print, and the people can read the written language clearly.

2. The Importance of Writing

Writing is familiar with our life. We could see written language in magazine, letter, book, short message service, etc. Writing is important in modern society (Ramelan, 1992:14). It is use to record spoken language, it is use to preserve ideas of great thinkers in the past, and it also can be used to convey messages over long distance. So it can be said that writing is a tool of communication, so that the writer can deliver the essence of his writing to the reader.

Harmer (2001:79) states that writing is a basic language skill, just as important as speaking, listening and reading. Writing also exists in syllabus as skill that should be mastered by the students, so it is able to write well will influence the students’ English mastery.

Academically writing is important for students. According to Harmer (2004:31-32) there are many advantages of writing, they are:


b. Writing may well provoke language development.

c. Writing can be used to reinforce the students’ English mastery.

Nunan (1991:84) explained that there are some functions of written language in everyday life which will influence the text produced. They are:

1. Primarily for action

For action could be explained that written language use in public signs (roads and situations), product labels and instructions (on foods, tools or toys purchased), recipes, maps, television and radio guides, bills, menu, telephone directories, ballot papers, computer manuals and printouts, for social contact and personal correspondence (letters, postcards, greeting cards).

2. Primarily for information

For information we could see in newspapers, magazines, nonfiction books, public notices, advertisements, political pamphlets, scholastic, medical, etc.

3. Primarily for entertainment


3. Teaching writing

Brown (1980:7) defines teaching as showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in studying of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.

By definition above, the teacher should find a good way to teach writing to the students. One of the ways of teaching writing is by focus in writing process. By considering to the process of writing, teacher could provide appropriate activities in writing class to the students. There are many processes from experts that can be adopted for teaching writing. There are the examples of writing processes:

According to Harmer (2004:5) Writing process consists of some stages. They are planning, drafting, editing, and final draft. The description of each terms are:

a. Planning

Writers have to think three main issues. They are the purpose of their writing, the audience they are writing for, and the content structure of the piece.

b. Drafting


c. Editing

This stage consists of reflecting and revising. The purpose is to get reflection about the writing and then the writer can make appropriate revisions.

d. Final draft

Final draft is edited draft. This may look different from both the original plan and the first draft because things have changed in the editing process.

Adapted from Tompkins in Laksmi (2006:42-43) writing process consists of prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. The activities available of each stage are:

a. Prewriting

1. Students choose a topic.

2. Students gather and organize idea. 3. Students define a topic sentence. b. Drafting

1. Students write a rough draft.

2. Students emphasize content rather than mechanics. c. Revising

1. Students share their writing with teacher or in writing groups. 2. Students participate constructively in discussions about classmates’


3. Students make changes in their writings to reflect the reactions and comments of both teacher and classmates. Between the first and final drafts, students make substantive rather than only minor changes.

d. Editing

- Students proofread their own and or classmates writings.

- Students increasingly identify and correct their own mechanical errors.

e. Publishing

a. Students publish their writing in appropriate form. b. Students share their finished writing with teacher.

B. Organizing Ideas

1. The Definition of Organizing Ideas

There are some definition of organzing ideas:

a. Arranging several elements into a purposeful sequential or spatial (or both) order or structure.

b. Assembling required resources to attain organizational objectives. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/organizing.html#ixzz2IZg9Lsql


organization. They needs to know about organizational patterns because they expect what they read to make sense logically.

Choosing an organizational pattern for writing means knowing what patterns are acceptable for the topic. Some types of organization work better than others, depending on the information they need to convey.

2. Steps of Organizing Idea in Writing

Teacher has decided upon on the topic. The students possibly brainstormed some ideas or even completed theirs first draft. he want to revise by reorganizing theirs thoughts into a structure or format that works best to convey theirs message. This doesn’t mean having a certain number of sentences or paragraphs; it simply means having an organization that matches the purpose of theirs writing so that they can more easily follow along.

Here are a few organizational patterns the writer might consider:

1. Sequential, this style is particularly conducive when telling a story or relaying events chronologically. Simply double-check that your events are written in the order in which they happened.


3. Importance, when writing persuasively or trying to make a point, the writer want to consider what works best: hooking the reader with the writer main point and then following up with supportive details, or setting the reader up with the details to lead to the writer main point. 4. Comparison, when comparing two objects or situations to each other,

there are two basic organizational patterns. One is to focus on the separate items, describing them in their entirety based on individual characteristics that they have in common. A second pattern is to focus on the characteristics themselves, describing the items as they apply to those characteristics.

5. Cause and Effect, to explain the connections between an event and what caused it; students can begin with a general statement (either the cause or the effect) and then support that statement with details that represent the other.



C. Audiovisual Media

1 The Definition of audio visual media


Sadiman (1993:20) separates media into three main elements; there are sounds, visual and movements.

Sadiman (1993:76) said that video is an audio visual media that show a move and the message which is performed can be fact, fictive, informative and instructional education. It has the same function with movie.

By definition above audiovisual media is a media intermediary or the use of materials and absorption through sight and hearing so as to establish conditions to enable the pupils to acquire knowledge, skills, or attitudes.

2 Types of audiovisual

There are some types of audio visual: 1 Phonograph (gramophone)

Recording equipment uses a flat disc called the Gramophone (gramophone), which was then known as LPs (records), which have repeatedly been progressing manufacture. LPs, was able to record a variety of sounds ranging from the utterance of words, sounds storms, birdsong, symphony and other music-lain.hanya just piringannya easily scratched and worn, and a large diameter. This tool is suitable for music, drama, poetry, fairy tales, the story said, and others.

2 Pen Reel Tapes


Recorder, there is the use system full track (mono) and which make use of a stereo system. But in general, propagated audio programs in the form of mono.

3 Cassette Tape Recorder

Audio cassette recorder is the most popular in the community. For many purposes the tape was made in several qualities, from the low, normal and metal. But generally the audio program (on education), made on normal tape.

The advantages of cassette tape recorder that: a. It has a dual function effective.

b. Fast and convenient.

c. It can be played back without affecting the sound. d. It is used at any time.

e. Easily copied / reproduced. f. It is easy to use.

4 Compact Disc (CD)

Revolutionary innovation in the world of audio recorded occurred in 1979, the birth of the compact disc (CD) as a result of mixing computer and laser power. Compact Disc or compact disc is an optical disc used to store digital data. Compact disc technology was later adopted for use as a data storage device known as a CD-ROM.


technology also enables CD sound eliminating surface disturbances that often occur, and 4) the sound quality can be improved because of the music digitally recorded.

5 Radio

Radio is a magnetic electro communication tool to send and receive voice messages using a system of sound waves through the air.

Changing radio transmitter or radio wave modulation in order to transmit information. In the world of education, until now the radio is still used as a learning medium, especially for distance learning programs. The use of radio as a medium of education no doubt its role, it is because the radio has a wide power range.


3 Advantages of audiovisual

Movie is also called as motion picture. Movie can be used in class. By using the movie, the students can get attitudes, skills and insight that will help to live in their society (Hamalik, 1986:102).

According to Sadiman (1990:70) there are some advantages in teaching using short movie:

a. Movie can stimulate the students’ understanding not only by listening to the movie but also viewing the picture motion


c. They can show gestures, facial expression and other body language appropriate to the language.

D. Audiovisual Media in Developing Writing Skill

Nowadays, students are faced with the development of information technology. They needs to be exposed to a wide variety of resources from printed to audio material. Some of the students are too lazy to read, so some teachers always keep searching for more motivating resources.

The use of audiovisual media in teaching writing is one of the ways to give motivation to the students to make them more interested in writing activity. Besides that, there are many advantages that can be taken from the using of audiovisual in the term of VCD to play movie in the teaching learning process. Those are:

a. It can attach the learners’ attention.

b. It can give much information to the learners.

c. It can be prepared before demonstration, so the lecture can focus their attention to deliver the materials.

d. Save the time and can be replayed many times. e. The volume can be controlled.

f. The picture can be paused, so the learners can observe it. g. The room shouldn’t be darkened when operate it.


organize their idea into paragraph. So, audiovisual is a valuable thing in education not only used as entertainment tool, but also used as media in learning language.

In www.movieworks.com stated that the advantages of using audiovisual in teaching language are:

1. Visual representations of idea support basic concept and skill development, retention and comprehension.

2. Combination of pictures, text and speech support builds on strength of each child’s learning style.

3. Shortmovie support learning activities aligned with specific state standards that focus on higher thinking skill and support basic skill development.

Through audiovisual, it will enable students in using expression concepts in multiple media text, spoken words and pictures which can lead the students to deeper understanding and increasing retention.

The using of audio visual media in teaching writing can motivate the students’ imagination and creativity in produce writing. Besides that, the use of audio visual media in teaching learning process is expected in making the students more enjoyable in learning English.

There are three steps of using audiovisual media in teaching learning process (Stempleski in Richard 2002:36):


2. Viewing Activities. This is the main step. The students watch the film and the teacher asks some question related to the film.

3. Post Viewing Activities. The students are given time for writing activity. There are some activities that can be done by the students in the teaching learning process by using audiovisual as media:

1. Sound off and vision on. It means that the sound of the film is switched off and just look at the picture. The teacher asks the students to pay attention to the film and write their own interpretation of the film based on the picture.

2. Playing and pausing. The teacher plays the film and turns it off in the middle. It is aimed at making the students want to know the end of the film. The teacher asks the students to continue the story with their own interpretation.

3. Synopsis Making. The teacher plays the film from the beginning until the end. The students write the synopsis of the film.

E. Basic Assumption


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