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The Effect of Drama Performance Strategy on Students’ Reading Narrative Text at The First Grade of MAN 2 Gresik - UMG REPOSITORY


Academic year: 2019

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4.1 Pre-Experiment

In this study, the researcher used independent sample t-test. Levene’s test was used to analyze the variance of homogeneity. The researcher took two classes

of first grade of MAN 2 Gresik. They were X-IPA1 as the experimental group

and X-IPA2 as a control group. Pre-test was held on January 6th 2017.

4.1.1 Validity and Reliability

The researcher used content validity and construct validity. In made the

items of the test, the items had matched with the syllabus and the rule to made the

test. To make sure that the items of pre-test and post-test were valid and reliable,

the researcher try out the test two times. At first try out, the researcher made 30

items try out test for pre-test and for the second try out, the researcher made 30

items try out test for post-test. From the 30 items on first try out, there were 20

items valid and reliable, and 10 items invalid, the item numbers were number 2,

5,6 8, 9, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 30. So, the researcher had 20 items for pre-test. On

second try out, from the 30 items there were 22 items valid and reliable. There

were 8 items invalid, the item numbers were number 5, 8, 9, 18, 21, 24, 27, and

28. The researcher took 20 items for post-test. It means that the items of pre-test

and post-test were different items but both of tests still has the same level on


4.1.2 Homogeneity Testing


then held the pre-test in the control group. In pre-test, the researcher gave 20

questions included the materials on the syllabus. To analyze the homogeneity,

assumption was checked in SPSS by levene’s test with the following procedures.

The first procedure was inserting the pre-test data both experimental and control

groups using data view. The second procedures were going to analyze menu,

selecting compare means, and then choosing independents sample t-test. The last

procedure was interpreting the homogeneity test output, the researcher needed to

see lavene’s test column to know whether the equality of variances in groups of

scores were homogeny or not.

Group Statistics

Variances t-test for Equality of Means


The result showed that the score of the experimental group and the control

group were homogeneous. In Levene's test table, the result of the variance

homogeneity test showed that sig. was 0.162. Because the sig was higher than the

level of significance (0,05) or (0.162 > 0,05), it means there was no difference

variance between the experimental group and control group. It showed that both

of two groups’ variance was homogenous or equal.

4.2 Experiment

This research was quasi-experiment method, so it was divided into two

groups; those were experimental group and control group. Both experimental

group and control group had different treatment in the implementation. The

difference is on the learning process. The experimental group was taught used

drama performance strategy and the control group was taught used cooperative

learning strategy.

4.2.1 Treatment of Experimental Group The First Treatment.

The first treatment was held on Monday, 9th January 2017. The

teacher asked about their feeling and checked attendance list. She also

asked their opinion about narrative and drama. After that she told about

the purpose of the lesson and explained about the steps.

On warming up activity the teacher asked the students about their

background knowledge related the topic. After that, she explained the

generic structure of narrative text.

On whilst-teaching activity, the teacher showed an uncomplete


students to make some groups and sat with their member. She devided the

text and asked the students to complete the text by found 10 words that

were available on the box. After the text was completed, the teacher and

the students checked their work.

The students read the text then identified 5W+1H. After identified,

the teacher gave some questions related the story to obtain their

comprehension. To make sure that they comprehend the story, the teacher

asked the students to perform drama of “The Legend of Lake Toba.” A

group of students perform the beginning of the story, then the other

perform the middle and the ending of the story.

On post-teaching activity the teacher review the material include the

moral value that could found from the story. The Second Treatment

The second treatment was held on Tuesday, 10th January 2017. The

teacher asked about their feeling and checked attendance list. On warming

up activity the teacher asked the students about their background

knowledge related the topic. After that, she explained the generic structure

of narrative text.

On whilst-teaching activity, the teacher gave unstructure narrative

text by the title “The Good Stepmother” and asked the students make some

groups and sat with their member. She devided the text and asked the

students to re-arrange into a good narrative text. After the text was


The students read the text then identified 5W+1H. After identified,

the teacher gave some questions related the story to obtain their

comprehension. To make sure that they comprehend the story, the teacher

asked the students to perform drama of “The Good Stepmother.” A group of students perform the beginning of the story, then the other perform the

middle and the ending of the story.

On post-teaching activity the teacher review the material include the

moral value that could found from the story. The Third Treatment

The third treatment was held on Tuesday, 11th January 2017. The

teacher asked about their feeling and checked attendance list. On warming

up activity, the teacher asked the students about their background

knowledge related the topic.

On whilst-teaching activity, the teacher showed a narrative text by

the title “Little Red Riding Hood” and asked the students about the generic

structure of the text. Which paragraph that include orientation? etc.

The teacher asked the students make some groups and sat with their

member. The students read the text then identified 5W+1H. After

identified, the teacher gave some questions related the story to obtain their

comprehension. To make sure that they comprehend the story, the teacher

asked the students to perform drama of “Little Red Riding Hood.” A

group of students perform the beginning of the story, then the other


On post-teaching activity the teacher review the material include the

moral value that could found from the story. The Fourth Treatment

Thefourth treatment was held on Tuesday, 12th January 2017. The

teacher asked about their feeling and checked attendance list. On warming

up activity, the teacher asked the students about their background

knowledge related the topic.

On whilst-teaching activity, the teacher showed a narrative text by

the title “The Lion and The Mouse” and asked the students to find the verb

2. She asked the students make some groups and sat with their member.

The teacher asked the students make some groups and sat with their

member. The students read the text then identified 5W+1H. After

identified, the teacher gave some questions related the story to obtain their

comprehension. To make sure that they comprehend the story, the teacher

asked the students to perform drama of “The Lion and The Mouse.” A group of students perform the beginning of the story, then the other

perform the middle and the ending of the story.

On post-teaching activity the teacher review the material include the

moral value that could found from the story.

4.2.2 Treatment of Control Group The First Treatment

The first treatment was held on Monday, 9th January 2017. The


asked their opinion about narrative then, told them about the purpose of

the lesson.

On warming up activity the teacher asked the students about their

background knowledge related the topic. After that, she explained the

generic structure of narrative text.

On whilst-teaching activity, the teacher asked the students to make

some groups and sat with their member. She devided the text by the title

“The Legend of Lake Toba” and asked the students to read the text and

identify the 5W+1H by answering the questions. After that the teacher and

the students checked their work together. On post-teaching activity the

teacher review the learning process. The Second Treatment

The second treatment was held on Monday, 10th January 2017. The

teacher asked about their feeling and checked attendance list. She also

asked their opinion about narrative then, told them about the purpose of

the lesson.

On warming up activity the teacher asked the students about their

background knowledge related the topic. After that, she explained the

generic structure of narrative text.

On whilst-teaching activity, the teacher asked the students to make

some groups and sat with their member. She devided the text by the title

“The Good Stepmother” and asked the students to read the text and


the students checked their work together. On post-teaching activity the

teacher review the learning process. The Third Treatment

The third treatment was held on Monday, 11th January 2017. The

teacher asked about their feeling and checked attendance list. She also

asked their opinion about narrative then, told them about the purpose of

the lesson.

On warming up activity the teacher asked the students about their

background knowledge related the topic. After that, she explained the

generic structure of narrative text.

On whilst-teaching activity, the teacher asked the students to make

some groups and sat with their member. She devided the text by the title

“Little Red Riding Hood” and asked the students to read the text and

identify the 5W+1H by answering the questions. After that the teacher and

the students checked their work together. On post-teaching activity the

teacher review the learning process. The Fourth Treatment

The fourth treatment was held on Monday, 12th January 2017. The

teacher asked about their feeling and checked attendance list. She also

asked their opinion about narrative then, told them about the purpose of

the lesson.

On warming up activity the teacher asked the students about their

background knowledge related the topic. After that, she explained the


On whilst-teaching activity, the teacher asked the students to make

some groups and sat with their member. She devided the text by the title

“The Lion and The Mouse” and asked the students to read the text and

identify the 5W+1H by answering the questions. After that the teacher and

the students checked their work together. On post-teaching activity the

teacher review the learning process.

4.3 Post-Experiment

The post-test was held on 13th January 2017. The post-test was held to

figure out whether there was significanteffect of drama performance strategy on

students’ reading ability between the students who taught by using drama

performance strategy and students’ taught without drama performance strategy.

The post test score were analyzed to measure the students’ reading ability.

4.3.1 The Scoring of Post-test

The scoring of post-test was used to see the hypothesis. After the

researcher got the result of the student’s post test, the next step was gave the score. The researcher gave an assessment of student’s result. There was 20 items

multiple choices. Each item has 1 score. If the students answer correctly, they got

score 1 for 1 item. If they cannot answer correctly or they cannot answer, they got

score 0 for 1 item. The total score was the sum of score that was got devided the

maximum score multiplied by 100.

4.3.2 Hypothesis Testing


H0 : There is no significant effect on the use of drama performance strategy

on students’ reading narrative between experimental group and control


H1 : There is significant effect on the use of drama performance strategy on

students’ reading narrative between experimental group and control


To interpret the hypothesis test by the probability or the significance with

 (0,05), that if sig.(2-tailed) > (0,05), the researcher should accept the H0,

but if sig. (2-tailed) < (0,05) so the researcher can reject H0, it means H1 is



Group Statistics

group N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

score experiment 32 58.2812 12.80180 2.26306

control 32 51.5625 11.60072 2.05074

Independent Samples Test


Test for

Equality of

Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df

(Table 2. result of hypothesis testing)

In details of the table showed that probability value in sig. (2-tailed) of

both groups was 0,032. It showed the significance less than  (0,05) level or

(0,032< 0,05). It means that the null hypothesis should be rejected and there was a

significant effect on the use of drama performance strategy on students’ reading narrative between experimental group and control group. Therefore, there was a

significant difference between control group and the experimental group. The

result showed that there was different in skill between control group and


influence on the use of drama performance strategy toward reading narrative

between experimental group and control group.

4.4 Discussion

This study was about the effect of drama performance strategy on reading

narrative. The researcher would like to know the drama performance strategy

significantly influence on student’s reading ability or not. Drama performance

strategy was chosen because in drama performance strategy the students were

given opportunity to express their feeling by become the character of the story.

The population of this study was the first grade of MAN 2 Gresik and for

the sample were X-IPA1 as the Experimental group which consist of 32 students ,

and X-IPA2 as the control group which consist of 32 students. So the total of the

sample was 64 students. The experimental was taught by drama performance

strategy and the control group was taught by cooperative learning strategy. Before

the students got treatment, the researcher did pre-test for both groups. Pre-test was

given to find out the initial different between experimental group and control

group as they had similar level in reading ability. The result showed that there

was significant influence on the use of drama performance strategy on students’ reading narrative in experimental group and control group. The results displayed

the probability value of both groups was 0,032. It was less than the level of

significance 0,05 (0,032 < 0,05). It indicated that drama performance strategy

influence students’ ability on reading narrative.

The results of this study was related to previous studies, Gungor, Arzu

(2008) “Effects of Drama on the Use of Reading Comprehension Strategies and


more effective than traditional methods in using reading comprehension

strategies.Yusuf, Hanna Onyi (2015) “Effectiveness of Local Content Drama on the Performance of Students in Reading Comprehension in Secondary Schools in

Kaduna State, Nigeria.”The result showed that the means score of students taught reading comprehension using local content drama was higher than students taught

using conventional method.

The similarities between previous studies and this study were both of

previous studies and this study talked about drama and reading and used

experimental design. The differences between previous studies and this study

were the participants of first previous study were the students of elementary

school; the participants of second previous study were the students of junior high

school; and the participants of this study were the students of senior high school.

Finally based on the result findings and analysis two researchs above, it

can be conclude that drama performance strategy give positive effect on students’


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