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Shared writing strategy in teaching writing


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M.Hum.) Degree

in English Language Studies

Rifky Dora Wijayati Student Number: 086332011




This is to certify that all ideas, phrases, sentences, unless otherwise stated, are the ideas, phrases, sentences of the thesis writer. The writer understands the full consequences including degree cancellation if she took somebody’s else ideas, phrases, or sentences

without proper references.



Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta:

Nama : Rifky Dora Wijayati

Nomor Mahasiswa : 086332011

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In the process of finishing this thesis, many people have given their love, encouragement and support. First, I would like to thank Allah SWT, for His blessings that I can have alot of opportunities to finish this thesis. I would like to give my precious gratitude to my father, H. Abdul Hannan and my beloved mother Hj. Siti Nga’isah who always pray for the best things for me and support me wherever and whenever I need. I am also indebted deeply to my lovely husband, Muhammad Iqbal for having understood and supported my passion and for being a very good listener in every single time.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to F. X. Mukarto, Ph. D, for his patience, supports and willingness to remind me and guide me in finishing this thesis. Thank you for always giving me outstanding advices during my study.

My great thanks go to Dr. Bismoko, the inspiring lecturer from whom I got clear understanding about beliefs and dedication as educator.

To Dr. B. B. Dwijatmoko, M.A, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for his motivation to finish this thesis and for being my inspiration in using technology in English language Learning.

My gratitude also goes to Dr. Novita Dewi, M, S, who made me aware of the art of reading from different perspectives. I learned to see beautiful art works of literature and different ways to interprete it. Her smiles always inspired me to finish my thesis.

My deepest gratitude goes to Dr. Concilianus Laos Mbato, M. A., my thesis examiner for his careful correction, criticism, guidance and patience. I thank him for advising me with constructive feedback throughout the revision time.

I would like to say thanks to Azwar Abbas, M. Hum, my former head English Departement for his kindness and patience. The principal of SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan for his kindness to support me, and allow me to join this program.

My gratitude also goes to Mbak Lely who made me keep doing anything on time and supported me to finish this thesis. May God bless all of your kindness.














ABSTRACT ... xiii

ABSTRAK ... xiv

ABSTRAK ... xvii


A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Identification ... 5

C. Problem Delimitation and Limitation ... 9

D. Statement of Research Questions ... 9

E. Research Goals ... 10

F. Research Benefits ... 10


I. Theoretical Reviews ………... 12

A. Teaching……… ...……….. 12

1. Definition of Teaching…………...………. 13

2. Understanding of Teaching…..………...……….… 14

B. Roles of Teacher ……….…………....……… 15

C. Writing...…...………..…… 20



3. Teaching Writing……….……… 24

D. Shared Writing Strategy ….………...………….……… 25

1. Strategy ……...……….…… 25

2. Shared Writing ……….……….…… 26

E. The Characteristics of Senior High School Students……….…...…… 29

1. High School Cognitive Development ……….….…… 31

2. High School Social Development ………..….…… 33

F. English Teaching Writing in Senior High School in Indonesia………...….36

II. Pre – Understanding Framework ……….………38


A. Research Method ...……….. 42

B. Narrative...……….... 43

C. Research Setting ... ……….………. 45

D. Research Participant ……….………...……….. 45

E. Data Collection Technique....……….…...……….……. 47

F. Research Procedures ....……….…...…………...………. 48

G. Technique of Data Analysis ..…...………...………. 50

H. Data organization..………….…...………...………. 51

I . Trustworthiness...………….…...………...………. 51

1. Transferability.. ……….…...……..…………...………. 52

2. Dependability... ……….…...……..…………...……….……. 52

3. Confirmability ... ……….…...……..…………...……….…… 52

CHAPTER IV: Description and Intepretation ..……………….. 54

A. Text of Participant .….……….………. 54

1. Before studying at college ……….………... 55

2. College years ……….………... 56

3. Beyond college ……….……….………... 56

B. The Participant’s Description ...………. 62



a. Beginning Shared Writing ...………...……… 68

b. Shared Writing Activities ...………...……… 72

c. Shared Writing Post Activities ………...………...……… 75

C. Interpretation of Emerging Themes ...………76

1. Teacher’s faith ...……… 77

2. Teacher’s patience……….77

3. Self-motivated teacher ...………...………...…………... 79

4. Students’ hope ...………...………...…………... 80

5. Equity at the school and in the classroom ..……….…... 81

6. Sharing experiences ……….………... 82


A. Conclusion ………....…… 84

B. Recommendation………....………... 86



APPENDIX I : Field Notes ...……… ..96

Field Notes 1 ………. ..97

Field Notes 2 ……….…….100

Field Notes 3 ………. 104

Field Notes 4 ………. 108

APPENDIX II : Interview Transcript ...………111

Interview Transcript 1 ………..………. 111

Interview Transcript 2 ………..………. 126

Interview Transcript 3 ………..………. 135

Interview Transcript 4 ………..………. 140

Interview Transcript 5 ………..………. 148




xii A : Answer

Act : Action

Chs : Characteristic Res : Reason Comm : Comment Con : Concrete Exp : Experience ET : Emergent Themes Int : Interview

Intn : Intention Q : Question Ref : Reflection RoT : Roles of Teacher Std : Students

SWS : Shared Writing Strategy Tc : Teaching

TcE : Teaching English Tcr : Teacher

Und : Understanding W : Writing

Direction of Reading the Codes



Wijayati, Rifky Dora. 2014. Shared Writing Strategy in Teaching Writing. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program of English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

The trends in teaching writing are moving towards a focus on facilitating students’ creative thinking processes. Therefore, English language teachers must be able to implement a certain strategy in their teaching writing. Shared writing strategy is one of an innovative methods of teaching which allows a teacher to help students organize their ideas in a text.

This study aims to investigate the extent to which the implementation of shared writing strategy in teaching writing have impact on students learning motivation and writing skills as well as on the teaching learning process in general. This study also seeks to describe and interpret the implementation of shared writing strategy by the teacher. In order to reach the aims of the study, the research question is What is the implementation of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher like? As it is a case study, it focuses on the implementation of shared writing strategy by an English teacher of SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan. The data for this study was drawn through in-depth interviews with an English teacher and classroom observations. The collected data was then analyzed using a qualitative method of analysis to look for patterns and themes for possible categorization.

Based on the data analysis, this study has produced a number of findings. First, the result of this study shows several emerging themes such as the teacher’s understanding of the roles of the teacher, teaching writing and shared writing strategy. Second, the teacher utilized her previous understanding of the major themes as a foundation in applying shared writing strategy in teaching writing to the students. Upon using the shared strategy, the teacher was able to instill in the students positive ideas about writing tasks and to boost the students’ motivation in learning to write. Similarly, the strategy also motivated the teacher to invest her patience in seeking to understand the students’ individual characteristic and learning style, and to cope with the challenges and constraints during the teaching of writing. Second, the students who have been taught with the shared writing strategy were capable of not only producing short paragraph writings during the class but also extending their learned knowledge and skill outside the classroom in the form of wall magazines. Of equal importance, they also developed self-confidence as they felt their involvement was being encouraged and appreciated in the process of producing their writings

It can be concluded that shared writing strategy has, to some extent, proven to be an effective way to teach writing in the context of high school students. This claim is particularly true in light of the fact that after being treated with such a strategy, the students show growing interest in writing both in and out of the classroom. This study concludes with some recommendations about teaching writing to be considered for further research in the future.



Wijayati, Rifky Dora. 2014. Strategi Menulis Bersama dalam Pembelajaran Menulis. Yogyakarta: Program Pasca Sarjana, Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Kecenderungan dalam pembelajaran menulis saat ini mulai fokus pada proses memfasilitasi berpikir kreatif siswa . Oleh karena itu, guru bahasa Inggris harus mampu menerapkan strategi tertentu dalam pengajaran menulis mereka.

Pertanyaan penelitian ini adalah Seperti apakah penerapan strategi menulis bersama dalam pembelajaran menulis oleh guru ? Hal ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki sejauh mana penerapan strategi menulis bersama dalam pembelajaran menulis berdampak pada siswa, motivasi belajar dan keterampilan menulis serta pada proses belajar mengajar pada umumnya. Strategi menulis bersama merupakan metode inovatif pengajaran yang memungkinkan guru untuk membantu siswa mengatur ide-ide mereka dalam sebuah teks . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dan menginterpretasikan penggunaan strategi tersebut secara tertulis pengajaran untuk siswa SMA . Karena merupakan studi kasus , berfokus pada pelaksanaan strategi menulis bersama oleh guru bahasa Inggris dari SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan . Data untuk penelitian ini diambil melalui wawancara mendalam dengan seorang guru bahasa Inggris dan observasi kelas . Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisa menggunakan metode kualitatif analisis untuk mencari pola dan tema untuk kemungkinan kategorisasinya.

Berdasarkan analisis data, penelitian ini telah menghasilkan sejumlah temuan. Pertama, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tiga tema berkembang utama seperti pemahaman guru dari peran guru , mengajar menulis dan strategi menulis bersama. Kedua, para guru memanfaatkan pemahaman mereka sebelumnya tema utama sebagai dasar dalam menerapkan strategi menulis bersama kepada siswa selama pembelajaran menulis. Setelah menggunakan strategi bersama, para guru mampu menanamkan pada siswa ide-ide positif tentang menulis tugas dan untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar menulis . Demikian pula, strategi ini juga memotivasi para guru untuk meningkatkan kesabaran mereka dalam berusaha untuk memahami siswa karakteristik individu dan gaya belajar, dan untuk mengatasi tantangan dan kendala selama pembelajaran menulis. Kedua, para siswa yang telah diajarkan dengan strategi menulis bersama yang mampu tidak hanya memproduksi tulisan pendek selama kelas, tetapi juga memperluas pengetahuan yang dipelajari dan keterampilan di luar kelas dalam bentuk pembuatan majalah dinding. Sama pentingnya, mereka juga mengembangkan rasa percaya diri karena mereka merasa keterlibatan mereka sedang didorong dan dihargai dalam proses memproduksi tulisan-tulisan mereka

Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi menulis bersama dalam batasan tertentu, terbukti menjadi cara yang efektif untuk pembelajaran menulis bagi siswa SMA. Pernyataan ini berlaku mengingat fakta bahwa setelah diberi perlakuan dengan strategi tersebut, para siswa menunjukkan minat dalam menulis baik dalam dan keluar dari kelas . Penelitian ini diakhiri dengan beberapa rekomendasi tentang pembelajaran menulis untuk dipertimbangkan untuk penelitian lebih lanjut di masa mendatang .



This chapter presents the information related to the issues in teaching writing and the importance of having the study. There are six majors covered, namely(1) background of the study, (2) problem identification, (3) limitation of the study, (4) statement of research question, (5) research goals, and, (6) the benefits of the study.

A.Background of the study

Teaching writing to senior high school students is a compulsory action (PP No. 19/ 2005). It is an attempt to meet the graduate competency for language lesson which emphasizes on literacy education. Literacy education is a language education which prepares the students to be able to take part in the modern life (Hammond, 1992: 171). It proposes that language education has to be education of life skill that is an education that gives abilities so that the students are able to survive in globalisation era.

One of the English skills offering a good opportunity in globalisation era is writing. In line with the paradigm stated above, Amado (2010) states that writing is an important vehicle that should be taught for self expression and support students’ creative process. Thus, students can use writing for self expression,


them to be ready in a competition outhere. Being exposed with a set of writing activities at the school, the students’ creative process of writing will develop automatically so that they can use the skill to support their life as well.

Therefore, as a compulsory skill which is taught at senior high school students, teaching writing requires a skillful English teacher. Danielson (2007) asserts that a skillful English teacher is one of the single most important influences on students’ success. During the teaching time, he or she must be able

to perform the roles as a teacher in the classroom, such as, by understanding, engaging, motivating the students and facilitating the instructional process. Dealing with the view, that writing skill can take part in globalisation era, the issues of teaching writing have arisen as well. One of the issues was dealt with the implementation of a strategy in teaching writing.

There was a story when I was teaching at senior high school in Muntilan region. The story caught my attention and I wrote it down in this thesis. On April 2008, there was a monthly meeting with all the senior high school English teachers around Magelang regency. One of the topics was a discussion about teaching writing. At that time, three English teachers of different private senior high schools shared their experiences of teaching writing in their classes.


students’ work, checked them as well as gave scores to the submitted works. After

that he returned them back to the students. He did those actions for many times. Similarly, a female English teacher uttered that she had difficulties in teaching writing. Not only did the students have low English proficiency, but also the teacher had the problem with time constraints. For her, motivating the students who have low English proficiency to write makes the teaching writing process ineffective. As the consequence, the teaching writing process required longer time On the other hand, another teacher from another private school said that she had applied a certain strategy in teaching writing to her students. The strategy was shared writing. This strategy had helped her to motivate, engage the students to the writing process. Besides, shared writing strategy had helped her in improving the teaching writing process. She was also able to make some reflections of her teaching. In this case, she could monitor the students’ writing

progress simultaneously. According the teacher, one of the output of shared writing strategy implementation was writing on a wall magazine.


To support this study, there were some related research on the importance of shared writing strategy used by the teachers in teaching process. The first research is conducted by Kieft, Rijlaarsdam and Bergh (2006) . It is aim at investigating the teachers’ performance as facilitator in using shared writing in

teaching literature through writing. The participants of the study were the teachers’ who performed the strategy in their class. In the findings, it is shown that students’ literary intepretation skill have improved significantly by the

teachers who performed the shared writing strategy during teaching process. Furthermore, an implication of the study showed that the strategy applied is influenced the students in which those who have taught through shared writing strategy are having better writing skill.

The second research is conducted by Coursen in 2007 at Panorama island. Her qualitative research focuses on the connection between sharing, writing and motivation in teaching process. It aims at describing the implementation of shared writing strategy as the umbrella of a set of sharing writing activities in developing students’ writing skill. Besides, the research also explores that teachers are able to

motivate the students through the sharing writing activities during the teaching process. The findings show that exposing the students with a set of sharing writing activities of shared writing strategy have developed their writing skill. Afterward, the second finding reveals that a collaboration between students teachers through sharing writing activities have encouraged students’ motivation during the


To sum up, both research illustrate the usefulness of shared writing strategy in teaching process by the teacher. It is noted that the teacher’s role is very essential in implementing the strategy during the teaching process. To be more specific, teaching writing using shared writing strategy can develop students’ writing skill to be used as a provision in their life while during the teaching process, the teacher who uses this strategy would be able to work together with them as well. It can be concluded that a description of teacher who uses shared writing strategy in teaching writing is really interesting to be explored. Related to the field of teaching, this research aims to describe and intepret the the use of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher. The description and interpretation, then, hopefully will have a significant contribution to education scientifically and practically.

B.Problem Identification

Teaching writing is an inseparable part of teaching English. Its specialty is producing some handwriting, such as, a short descriptive paragraph, a simple recount paragraph as obvious evidences of the result of the process of teaching writing. Teachers sometime provide limited time to teach writing inside the class because of time constraints. They rarely notice students’ writing progress simultaneously or even they missed great opportunity to see students’ writing


writing lesson with a predictable pattern. The predictable pattern is when the teacher gives an assignment then instruct the students to write in twenty minutes. Students seem uncomfortable with the strict instruction even unclear direction. They have no idea at all of what they are going to write in a piece of paper. Thus, there were no adequate sources, examples and clues in it. As the consequence, students feel so haunted when they are asked to write and they become low achieving writers. Therefore the use of strategy in teaching writing is consider as an important tool to current time (Hedge, 2000). It is important because it helps the teacher facilitating his/ her students in the teaching process. According to Eacott (2007) a strategy is a set of establishing practices to reach determined expectations. He adds, the determined expectations refer to the purpose of teaching process while the establishing practices refer to the progressive activities which engages the students in teaching process. On the other words, the use of strategy creates an opportunity for the teacher to facilitate the students to apply what they learn in the classroom to real life experiences. In addition Nunan (2003) states the use of the strategy is useful in which writing almost always improves with practice, the more practices done, the better writer will appear.


writing about the results of their own research, as well as expressing their own feelings and experiences (Wallace, Stariha, Walberg; 2004:9). Shared writing strategy covers three different stages namely, beginning shared writing activities, shared writing activities, and shared writing post activities (Routman, 1994). In each stage, the sharing activities between the teacher and students are required to be done together so that they have big opportunities to share ideas, thoughts, views and feeling during the teaching process. These chances create a deeper understanding between them (Larkin, Flowers, Reid; 2005: 2).

In the past, the role of the teacher was the gatekeeper of information. Teachers had access to the information that their students needed. This was an important role 30 years ago when the classroom was the focal point of information dissemination (Johnson & Mc Elroy, 2010). Information was a sparse commodity, and it was the teacher who held the keys to the knowledge kingdom whereas today’s education should be on the personalization and application of relevant


democratic society. It is obvious that the teacher then has to meet the needs of current culture in which he or she should prepare their students for the world of today and tomorrow.

In line with the views shift above, a teacher who serves as a facilitator should use a certain strategy in teaching process. The teacher as a facilitator requires a change in standard teaching strategy (Neville, 1999: 27) where he/she has to guide and assist students as they take on more responsibilities for their learning. Teacher, moreover, has to focus on the progress of students’ learning

experiences by applying a particular strategy. Therefore, in teaching writing, shared writing strategy gives a chance for the teacher and students to communicate each other by several activities which lead to create better understanding.


this study tries to figure out the complex things happen of the use shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher and intepret it.

C.Problem Delimitation and Limitation

As mentioned in problem identification, it is important to break the old of concept of teaching writing. From the teaching with a predictable pattern of writing lesson becomes the teaching with a certain strategy. In teaching writing, the teacher presence is considered important in which he/ she is the one who runs the strategy. Therefore, this research would be limited on the area of description of the use of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher.

As a matter of time and accessibility, the participant is an English teacher of SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan. The participant was recruited because she could understand the principles of her involvement (Larkin, Flowers, Reid; 2005) in this study. Her consent, willingness to express her experiences, opinions and engagement with the students are counted as a supportive contribution in this study. With the limited number of participants, hopefully a deep and focused story of the use of shared writing strategy in teaching writing will be elaborated comprehensively.

D.Statement of Research Question


of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher like? This question would lead the research thoroughly to find out the answers.

E.Research Goals

In relation to the teaching writing using shared writing strategy, the research aims to describe two main goals, namely, (1) describe the implementation of shared writing strategy in teaching writing (2) interpret the emergent themes that appeared during the implementation of shared writing strategy in teaching writing. To achieve the goals, the narrative description will be employed in this study.

F. Research Benefits


writing process. For the government and any parties who are concerned in English education, the implementation of shared strategy writing in classroom activities may be valuable for producing more cordially English materials for writing. It is also hoped that this information would be beneficial to the improvement of English language studies in general.



In this chapter, I attempt to explain the theories, concepts and pre-understanding that underlay this research. This chapter consists of two main major discussions; (1) theoretical review of the theories (2) pre-understanding framework which functions to connect all parts in theoretical reviews.


Theoretical review discusses all theories that support this research. They are interrelated one to another and become the guideline in conducting the research. Therefore, the discussion falls into several foremost points; teaching, teacher, writing, shared writing strategy and senior high school students.



1. Definition of teaching

Teaching can be viewed from two different paradigms, the old paradigm of teaching and the new paradigm. The old paradigm focuses on keeping students on the teacher’s toes (Cox, 2012) in which students are explored with a set of

strict instructions. Edwards, et.al (2007) also adds that the old teaching habits consider the teacher as the expert. He or she is a center of knowledge who can make a list of desirable communication behaviors and responsible for the primary communication to the students. On the other hand, the new paradigm of teaching focuses on providing someone with the opportunity to learn, it is opportunistic process (Jackson in Parkay and Stanford, 2010). Kimble and Garmezy in Brown (2000) agree that teaching is also recognized as showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instruction, guiding study or something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or to understand. To sum up, teaching is about establishing effective communication relationships between the teacher and students. The effective communication can be showed through the opportunistic process in which the teacher helps students to learn how to do something, such as, giving instruction, guiding study or something, providing with knowledge, and, causing to know or to understand.


how the learners’ learn will determine teacher’s philosophy of education, teaching

style, approach, methods, and strategy.

Based on the elaboration above, nowadays teaching should enable the teacher to help students by providing opportunities of learning to gain knowledge in a set of activities through effective communication.

2. Understanding of teaching

Teaching has two inseparable characters; teacher and students. Rodgers and Roth (2006) affirm that the presence of both characters is important during the teaching process. They add that the teacher presence can connect the students to the teaching process in order to have meaningful result. Eisner (2003) affirms that teacher develops his/ her science by using a carefully planned, fine-tuned lesson that reflects an understanding of many different teaching strategies. He states that the teacher is the one who can create a sucessful teaching process for the students. Moreover, Richard and Farrell (2005) highlight that teaching is a complex cognitive activity and focuses on the nature of teachers’ belief and thinking and

how these influence their teaching and learning. Here, the teacher should engage the students splendidly in the whole of teaching process.


kinesthetic result in order to decide what the best is for the students. To sum up, the teacher who understands about teaching can create a meaningful teaching through well-planned activities for his/ her students.

B.Roles of Teacher

In a teaching process, a teacher still plays some important roles. For most people, a teacher is mostly described as a person who teaches students in classroom. Students frequently consider their teacher as the source of knowledge since the teacher is older than them. Nowadays, the teacher does not merely give all knowledge or materials for the students in the classroom, but they are also supposed to become a facilitator or a motivator for their students. According to Harmer (2001: 57), a teacher is no longer the giver of knowledge, the controller, and the authority, but rather a facilitator and a resource for the students to draw on. It means that students become the center of teaching process. The students should be able to develop their competence from teacher’s help, but develop


Furthermore, the roles of teacher in teaching learning process in the classroom should be in line with the responsibilities of teacher as an educator.

In a teaching process, the act of communication is built by having a set of planning and structuring learning activities as a fundamental to success in teaching and learning. The teacher has to prepare what will be done in the classroom. Therefore, an active teacher should vary his/her teaching strategies, methods, techniques in order to motivate the students in a learning process. It is different from an active teacher; a passive teacher will rely on the same old teaching strategies, methods, techniques day after day. Ideally, the teacher has to have good planning in creating the teaching process including the materials and the teaching strategies, methods, techniques. So, the materials are well prepared. Therefore, according to the Law of the National Education System number 20, 2003, a teacher is included as an educator, whose duties are planning and implementing teaching learning process, assessing or evaluating outcomes, and conducting guidance and trainings. Some experts believe the teacher roles can be seen as follow;

a. A teacher is a `transferor of knowledge' to `facilitator' (Davies & Crowther, 1995);

b. A teacher is a `transmitter of knowledge' to `coach', `mentor', `manager of the learning' (Brett, 1996),

c. A teacher is a person who is in charge of the `sage of the stage' to `guide on the side' (Eastment, 1998);

d. A teacher is an `expert on learning psychology', `technical expert', „motivator’ (Soo & Ngeow, 1997);


A teacher as a „transferor of knowledge’ to „facilitator’ (Davies & Crowther, 1995) means, the act known as powerful and all-knowing character in the classroom, teacher is then expected to bridge himself/ herself as a facilitator who helps his/ her students inside the class. He or she is considered as a person who has full responsibility for everything that goes on in the class (Johnson, Delarche, Marshall, Wurr, & Edwards, 1998). As a facilitator, teacher must bring the students into a successful teaching learning process by providing facilities to discover their own ways of learning and to work independently. Furthermore, the teacher should also asses the students, plan the learning, implement the plan, and evaluate the process authentic materials and experiences in the classroom. Those attempts are expected to obtain meaningful learning for the students as well as evocative teaching for the teacher.


knowledge to coach, mentor, and manager of the learning, in which as a manager the teacher has a role to organize and manage the classroom environment and student behavior in a way that will optimize the teaching process. A well-managed classroom will result in a meaningful teaching process for both students and teacher, in which it has to be carefully established and maintained.

A teacher as an educator, therefore, has to maintain his/ her compassion, patience and understanding towards the students in order to guide the students to be better learners. The students need to be guided wisely during the process of learning because they also have need of model to be emulated in the future. A teacher is a person who is in charge of the sage of the stage to guide on the side (Eastment, 1998). Therefore, the teacher’s role as a person who guides the students into better learning is emergently needed in order to open the awareness on the importance of meaningful learning. As the consequence, the assistance from the teacher with full of erudite deed will help the students learn better and be responsible with their actions.

As a teacher that most of the times sees the progress of the students, he or she sometimes finds the students in the state of at the end of one’s rope, feeling so down and moody (Xianmei, 2011). She highlights that the teacher will work well with the entire students when he or she understands the individual. Besides, the teacher should make the students feel the hope of success as well. Therefore, to overcome what the students feel, one of the teacher’s roles suggests teacher to


figure out on how to give motivation and spirit to his/her students in order to build students’ confidence (Soo & Ngeow, 1997; Richards, 2005). He or she also needs to improve students’ confidence and interest in learning and to build a classroom

climate that will motivate students. A teacher is supposed not to give a punishment if his/her students make a mistake in answering or doing an exercise. However, the teacher will continue to support and motivate students to correct or repair the mistake. Besides, the teacher must be able to build the character of his/her students through a variety of activities that can enhance students’ creativity

in building self-motivation. He/ she should always be constructive to adopt innovative teaching strategies by placing the students as the center of learning. It means that the extent of the material presented does not depend on the teachers and the curriculum but it depends on the students.


meaningful teaching process, for instance, planning classroom activities, managing the class with the certain rules and regulation, and guide them side to side with the same ease and care. Those acts result in a teacher as a facilitator and motivator who always encourages the students to improve themselves in any particular activities. A teacher is responsible to help the students in any situation. As a good listener, a teacher should comfort the students with wise words, build their confident, and make sure that there are lots of things to correct their mistakes. These activities are common actions to motivate the students. In addition, the teacher should take a minimum direction over the lesson so that the students will be able to explore various experiences. This would be part of empowering students during a teaching process.


As the subject of the research, literature about writing is necessary to be described in this chapter. The discussion covers three areas, such as, definition of writing, product vs process and teaching writing. To incorporate understandable information, a number of theories will be encompassed to the areas described. As one of the productive skills that have to be mastered by the language learners, writing is considered as the most challenging aspects of second language teaching (Hyland, 2003). The challenges appear when the teacher must develop students’


1. Definition of Writing

Writing is a part of productive performance to identify and to value one’s

competency (Hyland, 2003). The productive performance requires physical and mental act (Nunan, 2003). The physical act focuses on some medium to commit the words or ideas on the paper, while mental act hubs on the process of inventing ideas, thinking on how to express the ideas, and organizing them into written expression that will be clear to the reader. Writing is considered as a means of communication as well (Oates, 2000). It is a means to learn about themselves and the world around them, as well as an important means to express themselves. Through writing, communication would be easier to do without time and space boundaries. Whatever the discussion is, writing becomes a vital connection of every discussion in society. As the consequence, English writing skill is required in an effective communication. Although communicating through writing takes practice, ideal routine practices and a simple strategy would be able to improve the writing skills.


opinion could not be blocked with the technical matters. Those technical matters might help students to be skillful writers but it is also significant for teacher to accommodate several perspectives from students, assist students practice, and build beliefs on how students learn to write and conceptualize the teaching in the classroom. Here, the power of sharing between teacher and students is the upmost aspect to consider in order getting better teaching learning atmosphere.

2. Product vs Process


illustrates a pattern of rhetorical organization, then, they are asked to fit the ideas into this framework. Thus, the teacher controls both the content and the form which the students are dealt with. It can be concluded that product approach puts the correctness in teaching writing to the students.

On the contrary, process approach to writing tend to focus more on the varied classroom activities which promote the development of language use, such as, brainstorming, group discussion, re-writing. That is supported by White (1988) who affirms that language teaching should be concerned with the language learner want to say. Here, the students concentrate on conveying message through a creative expression. The process approach also concerns with the process of how ideas are developed and formulated by students (Hyland, 2003). It enables the students to be involved in entire writing process. This approach focuses on how clearly and efficiently the students can express and organize their ideas, not on correctness of form. Moreover, there is no such targeted activities that students should meet in this approach. There is only an assumption that what the students are going to say will become clearer through this process. During the process approach applied, students are also taught writing devices used in marking the organization and in making the general coherence clearer. From the elaboration above, it can be concluded that process approach in teaching writing is able to facilitate the students to learn better and help the teacher to work together with the students.


who teaches writing should focus on the process approach which deals with the organization of the writing at first, then followed by the product approach in which focuses on the grammatical matters.

3. Teaching Writing

In the previous discussion, it is stated that process takes an utmost point in developing students’ writing skill. Writing cannot be done perfectly without

having mistakes through the process. Famous writers should also pass a writing process before they are able to publish their work. Making drafts, writing the content, revising the content and finalizing the result of writing surely take long time. Second language writing then should be taught continually with patience in a long period. There is no exact time whether the teaching writing would stop after few years or it must be continued in the next few years. Regarded as a process, teaching writing requires lots exercises and practices to get a result. The students who learn to write need time to adjust themselves to get into the writing. On the other hand, a teacher who is responsible to the teaching learning process has to be able to give a chance to the students to develop their writing skill. Teaching second language writing in Indonesia mostly occurs in secondary schools level; junior high school and senior high school. That is supported by the recent studies that have conducted in different school levels. First, a research of teaching and learning writing using teacher’s written feedback and conference on


a research entitled the investigation of the teaching writing at the 10th grade of senior high school 1 Aikmel in East Lombok. From the related research above, it is obvious that the second language writing are important to be taught in Indonesia. Before writing, students learn a lot through the process of reading and listening. The complexity level of writing in second language is totally different from writing in the first language. According to Silva in Hyland (2003), writing in second language tends to be tenser, more difficult, and less effective than writing in the first language. Every student has a different proficiency level in requiring a second language whereas students’ proficiency will affect the process of writing.

The better second language proficiency they have, the better writing performance would be resulted.

As a consequence, teacher as the central part in teaching learning process must develop a set of steps to assist students in second language writing. Teacher, therefore, has to facilitate the students through a variety of interactions in writing and writing instruction as well.

D.Shared Writing Strategy

One of strategies offered in teaching writing is shared writing strategy. Shared writing is a powerful teaching strategy, this strategy explains how to use shared writing to teach students in effective way.

1. Strategy


various important parameters of the language teaching process or general approaches to instruction that apply in a variety of content areas and are used to meet a range of learning objectives (Eggen and Kauchak, 2012). Strategy also opens a priority to a student-centered teaching process and an engagement for both teacher and students as well. Therefore, strategy in teaching learning process considers important components to attain meaningful and effective teaching. According to Schwandt (1997), strategy in teaching should evolve as the study proceeds with the flexible option of allowing for and anticipating changes in procedures. In relation, English teaching calls for distinctive strategy to focus on students’ learning process. Dealing with teaching writing, the use of strategy is

believed to result a gradually developing text from the series of composing process (Hedge, 2000)

A strategy use also opens a priority to a student-centered teaching process and an engagement for both teacher and students as well. Therefore, strategy in teaching process considers important components to attain meaningful and effective teaching. According to Schwandt (1997), strategy in teaching should evolve as the study proceeds with the flexible option of allowing for and anticipating changes in procedures. In relation, English teaching calls for distinctive strategy to focus on students’ learning process.

2. Shared Writing


ideas, and the language of the text they construct together (Tertiary Education Commission, 2009). The teacher begins the teaching writing by gathering the students around an easel and starts a discussion about a shared experience, for instance, a topic they all are studying or know about. Afterward, the teacher then elicits information and leads a discussion based on the topic they have decided before.

During the discussion, the students share their ideas while the teacher records them on a chart paper in paragraph form. The illustration below is the sequence of shared writing and I also put a short description on it.

Figure. 2.1

The stages of Shared Writing Strategy (Routman, 1994: 86; Tertiary Education Commission, 2009).

Shared Writing Strategy

Beginning Shared Writing Activities

Shared Writing Whilst Activities


The illustration above shares the idea of the activities using shared writing strategy. Both teacher and students have to play their roles in teaching learning process. The implementation of shared writing strategy raises mutual understanding, positive interaction between teacher and students. The voice of the students is acknowledged as an attempt to put them equally in a meaningful teaching learning process.

According to Routman (1994: 87), shared writing is a cooperative instructional activity in which the teacher serves as the scribe. The students contribute their ideas and the teacher negotiates the text. She proposes some recognition for shared writing;

a. Reinforces and supports writing

b. Makes it possible for all students to participate

c. Encourages close examination of texts, words, and options of authors

d. Demonstrates the conventions of writing-spelling, punctuation, and grammar e. Focuses on composing and leaves transcribing to the teacher

Shared writing strategy provides student-centered activities. Teacher facilitates the students during the process of writing. Students are able to learn simultaneously through the process without being ordered strictly. Graves (1994:95) adds that students need this kind of instruction to focus on the lesson. Moreover, shared writing requires students’ participations in all activities. The


Next, shared writing strategy also encourages close examination of texts, words and options of authors (Routman, 2005: 58). This means that a writing process is a shared experience and it makes an experience visible.

During the process of shared writing, teacher also models a certain text to the students. It is done continuously to demonstrate the conventions of writing, spelling, punctuation, and grammar through the process of writing. At last, students may focus on the composing while the teacher helps to do the revision. To sum up, shared writing strategy is a specific method of writing in which teacher models the thought of process to achieve a particular result and allows students to engage in and focus on the process. The teacher, acting as a scribe, frees students from that aspect of the writing process so that they can focus exclusively on the thinking involved in writing. Furthermore, shared writing is considered as a powerful method to teach directly the key skills and concepts needed in a writing process. The power of sharing between students and teacher is tied during the process of shared writing.

E.The Characteristics of Senior High School Students


students become more concerned with the hypothetical, future and ideological problems, means, they are also able to think abstractly and need fewer concrete examples to understand complex thought patterns.

In Indonesia, high school students are mostly called as teenagers in which they are between age fifteen and nineteen. They grow physically and develop cognitively during the school days. Their views also develop faster by having social interaction with surrounding society. In teaching learning area, high school students tend to be very skeptic. According to Clark & Starr (1991: 27), that because high school youths entering the formal operation stage of cognitive development may be inclined to be unrealistic, teachers should quiz them about their facts and ask them to back up their theories, hypotheses, and solutions to society’s problems. Means, they are eager to learn, full of curiosity, energetic,

sociable and ready to be a problem solver. In line with Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (Indonesian Qualification Framework) as cited in Nuh (2010), the level of senior high school students are expected to (1) accomplish a specific task by employing tools, information and standard procedure in order to perform their measurable qualities under supervision, means they are required to draw a close of any tasks given with teacher’s control (2) have basic competency and


Furthermore, the teaching learning process cannot be separated from the teacher’s presence. Teacher need to be familiar with the students as well. To be au

fait with the students, the teacher can teach an old dog new trick by understanding the cognitive and social characteristics of them. It is hoped that he/she would be able to use the right instructional strategies to maximize the learning advantages and address the learning challenges of high school students which can make all the difference in their success. In relation, Pennington (2009) identifies two essentials high school students’ characteristics namely, cognitive development and

social development.

1. High School Cognitive Development

In cognitive development, there are five characteristics of high school students. First, high school students as conscious learners generally seek for answers. They mostly curious on what would they do and what they have done during the teaching learning process. Thus, they are able to retain instructions, to visualize learning purpose and organize behavior for effective use. Therefore, their curiosity might be the acceleration of developing cognitive structures (Heckhausen and Farrugia, 2003). According to Pennington (2009), it is customarily known as the need of understanding the purpose and the relevance of instructional activities.


different situation. According to Warren and Cantu (2003) competition rises the qualities of achievement, success, outstanding performance, drive, ambition and motivation. They will internally and externally motivated with different challenges. The more challenges given, the more students would be interested in teaching learning process.

Conversely, competition sometimes emerge unsecure feeling towards high school students. Some educators believe that any competition that causes students left behind and even temporarily do not belong in class (Rimm, 1995: 127). Students who have cognitive barriers may pull out themselves far away from the competition. As the result, they lack of confidence because of cognitive barriers. Therefore, sometimes high school students may have “shut down” in certain

cognitive areas and will need to learn how to learn and overcome barriers to learning. After they fell down from the competition, the desire of learning would disappear for few moments. However, they are provided with the ability to choose and typically they would be back to catch up what they have left before.

Afterward, high school students also like to show their independence, want to establish immediate and long-term personal goals and want to assume individual responsibility for learning and progress toward goals (Wiggins, 1958; 37 Pennington, 2009). Although they ever fail, new adult world impose them to adjust and discover them in.


face them with any incongruities in their positions, and face the facts and consider the various sides of issues. It occurs because senior high school students are able to think creatively and originally. Elements of this type of thinking may include an increased ability to think in hypothetical ways about abstract ideas, the ability to generate and test hypotheses systematically, the ability to think and plan about the future, and meta-cognition

Table 2.1

Characteristics of High School Cognitive Development (Pennington, 2009) Cognitive Development

1. Need to understand the purpose and relevance of instructional activities. 1. Internally and externally motivated.

2. Have self-imposed cognitive barriers due to years of academic failure and lack self-confidence

3. May have “shut down” in certain cognitive areas and will need to learn how to learn and overcome these barriers to learning.

4. Want to establish immediate and long-term personal goals.

5. Want to assume individual responsibility for learning and progress toward goals.

2. High School Social Development


result, high school social development involves a dramatic change in the quantity and quality of social relationships. Afterward, they are trying to adjust and discover themselves is a world of diversity of values, tensions and problems, and unexpected challenges (Wiggins, 1958: 42). They are experimenting with adult-like relationships. They are also look for opportunities to be adult-adult-like and to be trusted by others. They want privileges of adulthood without being willing to take the reciprocal responsibilities. As this concern, Pennington (2009) clarifies four characteristics of high school social development as follow;

Table 2. 2. Characteristics of High School Cognitive Development (Pennington, 2009)

Social Development

1. Interested in co-educational activities.

2. Want adults to assume a chiefly support role in their education. 3. Developing community consciousness.

4. Need opportunities for self-expression.


The teacher, therefore, have to be able to create various activities, friendly atmosphere and allow the students to express their views openly and assertively in the class, so that the teaching learning process is more interesting and challenging. Secondly, high school students mostly want adults to assume a chiefly support role in their education. During school days, high school students using their new thinking abilities in which adult plays role to support whatever the processes are. By the time, they quest for identity shifts from relying on others to self-reliance (Parkay and Stanford, 2010: 76). In this stage, as stated by Pennington, high school students would also develop their community consciousness as well. They experience themselves in a peer group, with a school or with a cause to test their sense of fidelity. Moreover, by testing themselves into different causes, they would be able to strengthen their confident at the end of the process.

At last, high school students which mostly known negatively as wild, rude, irresponsible (Scale, 2001) need opportunities for self-expression (Pennington, 2002). Their array of interests, talents and goals in life call for teacher’s

understanding in order to achieve independence.


Considering those developments, there are some implications for teacher of high school students

Table. 2. 3

Cognitive Development

Teacher should………… Social Development Teacher should…………

 Without giving up more concrete instructional tools such as charts, illustrations, graphs, and diagrams, move students toward higher-order thinking whenever pressures and anxieties among students

 Actively encourage non-violent conflict resolution

 Attempt to ease anxiety about the future by offering assistance about career choices and options

F. English teaching writing in Senior High School in Indonesia


For many years, Indonesia through the ministries treats English as a foreign language. The Indonesian government through Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (2003) stated that English teaching is hoped to help the students to know themselves, their cultures and other people’s cultures. Knowing themselves means knowing the role of English in their life and enhancing their competency in English mastery. The English mastery, therefore, can be maintained from formal education that is given in junior and high school level.

In each level, English has different uses. Basically, English is introduced to familiarize that English might be useful in communication around the world. To summarize, understanding what people say, getting the ideas from the written text, responding to both oral and written forms with standard English become the main reasons of the English teaching in Indonesia.

In senior high school level, English is a compulsory subject to be taught in every grade. It is a must since the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan or Kemendikbud) has put it into the educational system. The aim of putting English as a required subject is none other than the importance of English position as lingua franca. Therefore, skills in English have to be mastered in order to get involved in the society. Particularly, the productive skills, speaking and writing, mostly focus on writing as a tool to communicate better in the world. In line with the goal that stated in KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) in which “develop written and spoken


informational literacy for high school students”, English teaching, consequently,

has to be carefully planned.

To be specific, government has put the effort of placing English as one of main subjects to be learned at high school. It also proves that the English teaching in Indonesia supports the intellectual development of the students. For instance, through writing, students would be able to share ideas to the world freely. As a result, English teaching in high school must be carefully and thoroughly prepared from the beginning to the end by the English teacher and must be fully supported by the government as well.


This part presents the framework used in this study. It connects and covers the related theories which lead to the pre-understanding of the use of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher. This part also states the answer to the research question that is determined tentatively.


Shared writing strategy opens a wide range opportunity for both teacher and students. It accommodates teacher to apply his or her roles in the teaching learning activities. He or she has to be able to show the professional side of a teacher to create a meaningful lesson for the students. Therefore, to meet the successful teaching learning process, an effective teacher is necessarily needed. The teacher who teach writing must show enthusiasm, willingness, patience and understanding to the students. However, having those characteristics is not enough to be an effective teacher because pedagogical content knowledge is also significant to complete the action of an effective teacher. To sum up, an effective teacher displays a wide range of skills and abilities that lead in creating a learning environment where all students feel comfortable and are sure that they can succeed both academically and personally.


promote an atmosphere of respect and to engage the students into good communication.

In line with the teaching writing, shared writing strategy is a suitable umbrella to bridge the teacher and students’ difficulties in teaching learning activities. Shared writing strategy also occupies the roles of teacher and abridges the high school students’ characteristics. The implementation of shared writing

strategy in teaching writing to high school students becomes a new phenomenon in particular setting in Indonesia. Moreover, the implementation of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher would be best portrayed in this study to get a thick description on it.

In this study, I capture the phenomenon as a case where the main interest is only in understanding the individual experiences and portray it into a thick description. A case refers to a bounded system of elucidation or interpretation of individual or people toward the phenomenon (Burke and Christensen, 2012). It is reflected on my participant’s concrete experiences and their reflection toward the experiences. The concrete experiences, means the experiences that done throughout intention and actions, however, reflection is the understanding toward the concrete experiences.


Teacher’s understanding is identified as the expression of values and feelings through teaching writing. Operationally, teacher’s understanding is

recognized in the roles of teacher in teaching process, the understanding of students’ characteristics and the description and meaning of concrete experiences

during the process of teaching writing using shared writing strategy.

Moreover, action is the actual deed that someone does that is intentional to reach certain goals. Action, thus, is a set of a real well-planned act that is sketched carefully. In this study, the actions of teacher towards the teaching writing are identified through the implementation of shared writing strategy in his or her class intentionally in order to meet certain goal(s), such as, a meaningful teaching learning process.



This chapter discusses the methodology and the procedures will be employed in this research. It is vital to the study because it elaborates the appropriate steps of how to answer the research questions systematically. The elaboration covers five primary sections, namely (1) research method, (2) research design, (4) research setting and participant, (4) research procedures, and (5) data analysis and interpretation.

A. Research Method

This research belongs to case study which relies on providing a detailed account and analysis of one or more cases (Johnson and Christensen, 2012: 395). The detailed account and analysis of the case will deal with nonnumerical data such as words and pictures. As the branch of qualitative research methods, case study leans on a certain topic or phenomenon which one’s want to discover or

learn more about it (Johnson and Christensen, 2012). It indicates that we are going to try to find out what complex things go on in a certain topic or phenomenon. Therefore, this research tries to describe the phenomenon of the use of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher and intepret the use of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher.


In the human sphere this normally translates into gathering deep information and perceptions through inductive, qualitative methods such as interviews, discussions and participant observation, and representing it from the perspective of the research participant.

Case study is concerned with the study of a bounded system of distinctive experiences (Moustakas, 1994; Patton, 2002). It focuses on interviewing and gaining understanding of the meaning of the participant’s experiences (Van

Manen, 2001). It is also qualitative since the knowledge focuses on the way people interpret and make sense of their experiences and the world in which they live (Atkinson, 2001). For the researcher, qualitative research is a sunshade to explore the behavior, perspectives, feelings and experiences of people and what lies at the core of their lies, specifically to understand the social reality of individuals, group and cultures.

B. Narrative

The problem of the study suggests that this research is a case study with a specific focus on the stories told by individuals or narrative. Narrative performs as well as increases the use of qualitative methods (Atkinson and Delamont, 2006). However, similar elements of narratives appear across most definitions summarized by Kohler Riessman (2008:3):


In short, there is a speaker and an audience and between these actors a sequence of events are communicated which create some kind of shared (even if perceived differently) space in which meaning emerges. In this case, I use narrative to present the teacher’s story. Here, the I also agree with Atkinson and Delamont (2006:xxi)

Narratives are produced and performed in accordance with socially shared conventions, they are embedded in social encounters, they are part and parcel of everyday work; they are amongst the ways in which social organizations and institutions are constituted; they are productive of individual and collective identities; they express authority and expertise; they display rhetorical and other aesthetic skills.

From the definition of narrative above, it should be clear that narrative is an ideal methodologyy for studying a case study. As Squire (2008: 55) puts it: “stories operate within interpretive communities of speakers and hearers that are

political as well as cultural actors. They build collective identities than can lead, albeit slowly and discontinuously, to cultural shifts”

In this way narratives are well situated to study a case study which are interpretative and in some way storied. The researcher also draws on Jerome Bruner's constructivist to narrative which holds that “the ways of telling and the


Table 2.1 Characteristics of High School Cognitive Development Table 2.2 Characteristics of High School Social Development Table 2.3 Implication for Teacher of High School Students
Figure 2.1 . The stages of Shared Writing Strategy
figure out on how to give motivation and spirit to his/her students in order to build
Figure. 2.1


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