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Modul Descriptive Text


Academic year: 2021

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Budi Ruspiadi Ruspiadi S.Pd S.Pd Dewi Dewi Ridowati Ridowati S.Pd S.Pd Ema Ema Nursea Nursea S.PdS.Pd Ne!i

Ne!i Herawati Herawati S.Pd S.Pd Ai Ai Ais"a Ais"a S.Pd S.Pd #u#u!ita !ita R R Ju!aedi Ju!aedi S.PdS.Pd Ema

Ema Nurma$asari Nurma$asari S.Pd S.Pd Ema$ia Hotima Ema$ia Hotima S.Pd S.Pd ##osa!da osa!da Nur Nur I I S.PdS.Pd Ema!

Ema! Su$aema! Su$aema! S.Pd S.Pd Siti Siti Nur%a"a Nur%a"a S.Pd S.Pd Ne!e!& Ne!e!& Nopia!ti Nopia!ti S.PdS.Pd   He!i

  He!i Sri Sri Her$ia!ti Her$ia!ti S.Pd S.Pd N.'eN.'eti ti Sur"ati Sur"ati S.Pd S.Pd #i!"i! #i!"i! Ju%aeda Ju%aeda S.PdS.Pd Ra!i

Ra!i #u#usra!i sra!i S.Pd S.Pd I(sa! I(sa! Sodi(i! Sodi(i! S.Pd S.Pd Imas Imas Ha!i)a Ha!i)a S.PdS.Pd Ra*mi

Ra*mi S.Pd S.Pd +i(i +i(i Noor Noor Ri,(i Ri,(i S.PdS.Pd

















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Sejak diberlakukannya Permendiknas 22 tahun 2006 tentang standar isi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMP menggunakan pendekatan berbasis jenis teks (Genre Based   Approach). enis!jenis teks yang diajarkan di SMP meliputi Descriptive Text, Procedure Text,  Recount Text, Report Text dan Narrative Text . M"dul ini berisi rangkuman berbagai materi mengenai jenis  Descriptive Text # tujuan k"munikasi# struktur dan $iri!$iri kebahasaannya yang dapat membantu sis%a dalam memahami dan menguasai jenis Descriptive Text . M"dul ini juga dilengkapi dengan materi pembahasan dan $"nt"h!$"nt"h analisis teks berbentuk  deskripti& serta latihan dan materi tes keterampilan berbahasan#  Reading (memba$a) dan Writing  (menulis) yang diambil dari berbagai sumber. 'iada gading yang tak retak# sangat disadari bah%a m"dul ini jauh dari sempurna sehingga kritik dan saran yang membangun sangat diharapkan. Sem"ga m"dul ini berman&aat.

Bandung# 25 ebruari 20*



+ata Pengantar... i ,a&tar Isi... ...


Petunjuk Sis%a... iii Standar +"mpetensi# +"mpetensi ,asar# Indikat"r dan 'ujuan Pembelajaran Materi Pembahasan... -nalying the /eneri$ Stru$ture... 6 1er$ises... 'est... 3 ,a&tar Pustaka... 2 +un$i a%aban... *



 Sis%a ditugaskan untuk mempelajari materi pembahasan tentang ,es$ripti4e 'e1t

2 Sebelum menerima penjelasan dari guru# sis%a disarankan untuk men$atat kata!kata sulit untuk dibahas

* ,itanyakan kepada guru

 ,es$ripti4e 'e1t dan latihan!latihan akan dipandu "leh guru


Sta!dar +ompete!si7 +ompete!si Dasar7 I!di(ator da! 'u8ua! Pem%e$a8ara!


Sta!dar +ompete!si

Memahami makna teks tulis &ungsi"nal dan esei pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk  descriptive yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat.

+ompete!si Dasar

.Meresp"n makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis &ungsi"nal pendek sangat sederhana se$ara akurat# lan$ar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat

.2Meresp"n makna dan langkah ret"rika se$ara akurat# lan$ar dan berterima dalam esei sangat sederhana yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat dalam teks berbentuk  descriptive

.*Memba$a nyaring bermakna teks &ungsi"nal dan esei pendek dan sangat sederhana  berbentuk  descriptive dengan u$apan# tekanan dan int"nasi yang berterima



Mela&alkan kata# &rasa dan kalimat dengan baik dan benar. Memba$a kata# &rasa dan kalimat dengan int"nasi yang benar se$ara jelas# Memba$a nyaring teks descriptive dengan  baik dan benar se$ara $ermat.

'u8ua! Pem%e$a8ara!

Sis%a dapat mela&alkan kata# &rasa dan kalimat dengan baik dan benar. Sis%a dpat memba$a kata# &rasa dan kalimat dengan int"nasi yang benar se$ara jelas# sis%a dapat memba$a nyaring teks descriptive dengan baik dan benar se$ara $ermat.

5RI'ING 9 MENULIS  Sta!dar +ompete!si

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis &ungsi"nal dan esei pendek sangat sederhana  berbentuk descriptive untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

+ompete!si Dasar

0.0 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis &ungsi"nal pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis se$ara akurat# lan$ar# dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

0. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah ret"rika dalam esei pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis se$ara akurat# lan$ar dan berterima untuk   berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat dalam teks berbentuk descriptive



Melengkapi teks descriptive/procedure dengan kreatif . Menyusun teks $ermat dan seksama. Menulis teks berbentuk   Descriptive dengan kreati& dan teliti

'u8ua! Pem%e$a8ara!

Sis%a dapa melengkapi teks descriptive dengan kreatif . sis%a dapat menyusun teks $ermat dan seksama. Sis%a dapat menulis teks berbentuk   Descriptive  dengan kreati& dan teliti.


A. 5HA' IS DES-RIP'I2E 'E6' ;

,es$ripti"n is ab"ut sens"ry e1perien$e h"% s"mething l""ks# s"unds# tastes. M"stly it is ab"ut 4isual e1perien$e# but des$ripti"n als" deals %ith "ther kinds "& per$epti"n. Is a te1t %hi$h says %hat a pers"n "r a thing is like. ,es$ripti"n is its purp"se is t" des$ribr and re4eal a parti$ular pers"n# pla$e# "r thing.


,es$ripti4e te1t is des$ribe a parti$ular pers"n# pla$e "r thing. 'he purp"se "& a des$ripti4e te1t is t" tell ab"ut the subje$t by des$ribing its &eatures %ith"ut in$luding  pers"nal "pini"n. 'here are imp"rtant parts in des$ripti4e te1t that must be taught as &"ll"%s 

0. So*ia$ )u!*tio!

'he &un$ti"n "& des$ripti4e te1t is t" gi4e in&"rmati"n. 7"nte1tual &a$t"r "r s"$ial $"nte1t "& this te1t is des$ribing things. 7an be pers"n# animal# "r pla$e (a spe$i&i$ thing like "ur  &riends# "r pers"n %h" %e kn"% them %ell). 'he s"$ial &un$ti"n "& des$ripti4e te1t is t" des$ribe a parti$ular pers"n# pla$e# "r thing.


,es$ripti4e te1t has stru$ture as bel"%

Identi&i$ati"n8 identi&ying the phen"men"n t" be des$ribed.

,es$ripti"n8 des$ribing the phen"men"n in parts# 9ualities# "r:and $hara$teristi$s.

'he generi$ stru$tures "& des$ripti4e te1ts are identi4i$ati"n and des$ripti"n %hi$h identi&ies the pers"n# pla$e# "r thing t" be des$ribed and des$ripti"n %hi$h des$ribe parts# 9ualities and $hara$teristi$s.

- typi$al des$ripti4es te1t has an "pening paragraph intr"du$ting the subje$t "& the des$ripti"n8 &"ll"%ed by a series "& paragraph# ea$h des$ribing "ne &eature "& the subje$t. 'here $an be als" a &inal $"n$luding se$ti"n that signals the and the des$ripti"n.

1. Li!&uisti* )eatures

'he linguisti$ &eatures "& des$ripti4e te1ts are &"$used "n spe$i&i$ parti$ipants# use "&  attributi4e and identi&yng pr"$ess# &re9uent use epithets and $lassi&ier in n"minal gr"ups. 'he 4"$abularies# %hi$h are "&ten used in des$ripti4e te1ts are %"rds that are related t" name "&   pla$e l"$ati"n# purp"se# bene&i$ial# presentati"n# and e4iden$e "& t"day# %hi$h are needed

(&"r building). "r animals# the %"rds %hi$h are used are% %"rds %hi$h des$ribe $lasi&i$ati"n# presentati"n# habitat# beha4i"r# li&e $y$le and bene&i$ial. ;anguage# %hi$h is used the neutral "bje$ti4e language.

,es$ripti4e te1ts "&ten used "ne "& the &"rms e present "r past# and "ne "& the &"rms have. 'enses %hi$h are "&ten use are present tense# but s"metimes past i& there are things# %i$h are des$ribed had l"st (n"thing again). Passi4e &"rms are "&ten used t"". ,es$ribe te1ts are "&ten $"mpleted %ith ph"t"# diagram# map# et$.

3. 'e e<amp$e o) des*ripti=e te<t : a. My <"use

 b. Mr. =arsidi>s /arden $. Mr. +art"l" the armer 



,es$ripti4e "&ten uses ?be? and ?ha4e?.'ense %hi$h is "&ten used is Simple Present 'ense. <"%e4er# s"me times it uses Past tense i& the thing t" be des$ribed d"esn?t e1ist anym"re.

. @sing attributi4e and identi&ying pr"$ess.

2. @sing adje$ti4e and $lassi&iers in n"minal gr"up. *. @sing simple present tense

'he &"rmula "& present tense P"siti&  S A  (s:es)  Cegati&  S A ,D:,DS A CD' A  'anya  ,D:,DS A S A  P"siti&  S A be A adj:ad4  Cegati&  S A be A CD' A adj:ad4 'anya  be A S A adj:ad4

Based "n per$epti"n in spa$e. !"pressionistic des$ripti"ns "& lands$apes "r pers"ns are "&ten t" be &"und in narrati4es su$h as n"4els "r sh"rt st"ries. 1ample Aout fifteen "i#es e#o$ %ontere&, on the $i#d coast, the Torres fa"i#& had their far", a fe$ s#oping acres aove the c#iff that dropped to the ro$n reefs and to the hissing $hite $aters of the ocean ...

a. Purpose ,es$ripti"n is used in all &"rms "& %riting t" $reate a 4i4id impressi"n "& a  pers"n# pla$e# "bje$t "r e4ent e.g. t" E des$ribe a spe$ial pla$e and e1plain %hy it is spe$ial E des$ribe the m"st imp"rtant pers"n in y"ur li&e E des$ribe the animal?s habitat in y"ur rep"rt ,es$ripti4e %riting is usually used t" help a %riter de4el"p an aspe$t "&  their %"rk# e.g. t" $reate a parti$ular m""d# atm"sphere "r des$ribe a pla$e s" that the reader $an $reate 4i4id pi$tures "& $hara$ters# pla$es# "bje$ts et$.


%. 4eatures  ,es$ripti"n is a style "& %riting %hi$h $an be use&ul &"r a 4ariety "&   purp"ses E t" engage a reader?s attenti"n E t" $reate $hara$ters E t" set a m""d "r 

$reate an atm"sphere E t" bring %riting t" li&e.

*. La!&ua&e ,es$ripti"n is a aims t" sh"% rather than tell the reader %hat s"mething:s"me"ne is like E relies "n pre$isely $h"sen 4"$abulary %ith $are&ully $h"sen adje$ti4es and ad4erbs. E is &"$used and $"n$entrates "nly "n the aspe$ts that add s"mething t" the main purp"se "& the des$ripti"n. E sens"ry des$ripti"n ! %hat is heard# seen# smelt# &elt# tasted. Pre$ise use "& adje$ti4es# similes# metaph"rs t" $reate images:pi$tures in the mind e.g. their n"ses %ere met %ith the a$rid smell "& r"tting &lesh. E str"ng de4el"pment "& the e1perien$e that Fputs the reader thereF &"$uses "n key details# p"%er&ul 4erbs and pre$ise n"uns.


. 'e1ts distin$ti4ely $"rrelate %ith the $"nte1tual &a$t"rs in a $"mmuni$ati"n situati"n. 'hey $"n4enti"nally &"$us the addressee>s attenti"n "nly "n spe$i&i$ &a$t"rs and $ir$umstan$es &r"m the %h"le set "& &a$t"rs. -$$"rdingly# te1ts $an be gr"uped t"gether and generally $lassi&ied "n the basis "& their domi!a!t *o!te<tua$ )o*us

2. "$us "n &a$tual phen"mena in the spatial $"nte1t des$ripti4e te1ts

*. "$us "n &a$tual:$"n$eptual phen"mena in the temp"ral $"nte1t narrati4e te1ts

. "$us "n de!$"mp"siti"n (analysis) int" $"nstituent elements# "r the $"mp"siti"n (synthesis) &r"m $"nstituent elements "& $"n$epts e1p"sit"ry te1ts


6. "$us "n "bser4able &uture beha4i"ur instru$ti4e te1ts

. Sea

B"undless bea$hes "& the &inest sand# dream!like bays# sheer $li&&s plunging int" the sea# r"$ks $ar4ed by the %ind t" &"rm s$ulptures %ith surprising &"rms# t"%nships pr"ud t" sh"% themsel4es in all their beauty t" th"se arri4ing &r"m the sea. 'he sea is the s"und tra$k t" a j"urney thr"ugh Italy# a$$"mpanying all tra4ellers %ith its intense lands$apes# its str"ng s$ent# its une1pe$ted 4ie%s# and the brilliant $"l"urs "& its %aters. D4er se4en th"usand kil"metres "& $"astline &rame this $"untry that e1tends sm""thly int" the Mediterranean. 'he itinerary "&&ers en"rm"us 4ariety# &r"m the steep sl"pes "& the ;igurian Sea# t" the pleasant bea$hes "& ersilia# the 4illages $linging t" the r"$ky -mal&i 7"ast# the rugged $"untryside "& 7alabria# and the b"undless sands "& the -driati$ $"astline. Se4en th"usand kil"metres d"tted by a su$$essi"n "& %el$"ming p"rts# $harming $ities steeped in hist"ry# unsp"ilt bea$hes and s"litary inlets. C"t t" menti"n the d"ens "& islands# &r"m imp"sing Si$ily and Sardinia t" tiny /"rg"na# %hi$h emerge &r"m the %aters t" add a t"u$h "& magi$ t" Italy?s seas. Gen"%ned islands su$h as 7apri# &a4"ured by the internati"nal jet set# $harming sp"ts su$h as the -e"lian islands# a @nes$" %"rld heritage site# "r p"pular  sp"ts su$h as lba# $h"sen by Cap"le"n as his pla$e "& e1ile. 'hen there are s"litary islands su$h as @sti$a# lying right in the heart "& the 'yrrhenian Sea# "r Pantelleria# Italy?s s"uthernm"st "utp"st in the Mediterranean. @nder the sur&a$e "& the sea %e &"und the gate%ay t" an"ther en$hanted %"rld. 'hanks t" the $rystal $lear %ater# y"u $an admire the lu1uriant sea bed %ith its multi$"l"ured undersea &"rests and mar4ell"us inhabitants giganti$ gr"upers# &as$inating jelly&ish# and shy m"ray eels. -nd all surr"unded by 4ast sh"als "& $"l"ur&ul &ish# %hi$h satis&y their $uri"sity by  patr"lling the $"untless %re$ks resting "n the b"tt"m.



-nalying te1t  M" House

I>m Gisa. My h"use is "n jalan +artini. It is big and ni$e. It has t%" &l""rs. It has a li4ing r""m# a small kit$hen# and a bathr""m "n the &irst &l""r. Dn the se$"nd &l""r# there are three  bedr""ms and bathr""m. My r""m is small but l like it. It has light green %all. 'here is a

desk %ith a $"mputer "n it. I d" h"me%"rk there. 'here is als" a ni$e garden in &r"nt "& my h"use and l "&ten play in the garden. =e l"4e "ur h"use.

A. Ge!eri* stru*ture a!a$"sis

. Intr"du$ti"n Intr"du$ing the $hara$ter I>m Gisa. My h"use is "n jalan kartini. 2. ,es$ripti"n ,es$ribing the $hara$ter It is big and ni$e. It has t%" &l""rs. B. La!&ua&e )eature a!a$"sis:

. C"un My h"use# li4ing r""m# bathr""m# my r""m# a desk# a $"mputer# h"me%"rk# the garden# "ur h"use

2. Simple present tense pattern l>m Gisa. My h"use is "n jalan kartini. It is big and ni$e. It has a li4ing r""m..# l d" h"me%"rk there# l "&ten play in the garden# %e l"4e "ur h"use

*. ,etailed n"un phrase ;ight green %all

. -dje$ti4e It is big and ni$e# a small kit$hen# &irst &l""r# a ni$e garden

5. Gelati"nal pr"$ess 4erb It has t%" &l""r# it has a li4ing r""m# my r""m is small 6. Pr"n"un My h"use# it# my r""m# %e# l# "ur h"use

. 7"nne$ti4es But# %ith# als"# and

-. So*ia$ )u!*tio! o) des*ripti=e is to des*ri%e te )eatures o) someo!e7 someti!& or *ertai! p$a*e


. <"% many &l""rs has Gisa>s h"use g"t 2. =hat are the r""ms "n the se$"nd &l""r *. =hat is in &r"nt "& her h"use

. =h" "&ten plays in the garden

5. <"% many r""ms are there in Gisa>s h"use 6. =hat are they

. <"% is Gisa>s h"use


PRA-'I-E 

I>m Gisa. My h"use is "n jalan kartini. It is .HHHHHH and ni$e. It has t%" &l""rs. It has a li4ing r""m# a small kit$hen and a bathr""m "n the &irst &l""r. Dn the se$"nd &l""r# there are three bedr""ms and a bathr""m. My r""m is small but i like it. It has 2.HHHHHgreen %all. 'here is a *.HHHHHH%ith a $"mputer "n it. I d" h"me%"rk there. 'here is als" a ni$e garden .HHHHHH my h"use and i 5.HHHHHH play in the garden. =e l"4e "ur h"use.

PRA-'I-E 1

. P=hat kind "& te1t is it J it is HHHHHte1t a. ,es$ripti4e  b. Carrati4e $. Gep"rt d. Pr"$edure e.

2. K =hat is the purp"se "& the te1t &. L it is used t" HHHH 

a. ntertain the reader 

 b. Intr"du$ing a $ertain pla$e

$. 1plain the audien$e h"% s"mething "$$urs

d. 'ell ab"ut &unny st"ries e.

*. P i& I>m n"t mistaken# "ur tea$her had e1plained ab"ut the generi$ stru$tures "& the te1t ab"4e# bit i &"rget it. 7an y"u tell me

&. J "& $"urse# they are !!!!!!!! a. Drientati"n# e4ent# re!


 b. Intr"du$ti"n:identi&i$ati"n# des$ripti"n

$. Drientati"n# $"mpli$ati"n# res"luti"n

d. Drientati"n# e4ents# t%ist


. - =hat kind "& tense is m"stly used in the te1t &. B It uses HHHHH 


a. Simple Past tense  b. Past per&e$t

$. Simple present tense d. Present $"ntinu"us e.

5. - It has light green %all . =hat is the ant"nym &"r the underlined %"rd  &. B i think it is...

a. Shiny  b. Bright

$. Blurred d. ,ark   e.

). -nalying te1t 2 Mr. 5arsidi?s Garde! &.

h. Mr. =arsidi has garden in his yard# and he likes t" %"rk there. <e says it is &un. '"day he is planting &l"%ers in the garden. 'here is als" an "ld mang" tree in the yard. <e al%ays $ut the lea4es and the bran$hes in taking $are "& it. <e said that the &l"%ers must get m"re sun. Mr. =arsidi "&ten in4"l4es his $hildren t" take $are t"gether "& the garden. S" they %ill understand h"% t" take $are their  en4ir"nment. Many pe"ple tell Mr. =arsidi h"% beauti&ul his garden is.


A. Ge!eri* stru*ture a!a$"sis

. !Intr"du$ti"n intr"du$ing the $hara$ter Mr %arsidi has a garden in his yard and he likes t" %"rk there

2. !,es$ripti"n ,es$ribing the $hara$ter t"day he is planting &l"%ers in the garden  j.

B. La!&ua&e )eature a!a$"sis:

. C"un a garden# his yard# &l"%ers# "ld mang" tree# the lea4es# the bran$hes# sun# his $hildren# their en4ir"nment

2. Simple present tense pattern Mr %arsidi has a garden in his yard *. ,etailed n"un phrase an "ld mang" three

. -dje$ti4e it is &un# beauti&ul

5. Gelati"nal pr"$ess 4erb  mr %arsidi has a garden in his yard# 6. igurati4e language

. Pr"n"un Mr %arsidi# his yard# he# it# his $hildren# they# many pe"ple# his garden 3. $"nne$ti4e and# als"# s"#



-. So*ia$ )u!*tio! o) des*ripti=e is to des*ri%e te )eatures o) someo!e7 someti!& or *ertai! p$a*e


. =hat is Mr %arsidi>s h"bby

2. =hat is he planting in the garden t"day

*. =hat tree d"es he al%ays $ut its lea4es and bran$hes . =hy d"es he al%ays $ut them

5. =hat d" many pe"ple think ab"ut his garden n.

o. PRA-'I-E 

 p. Mr %arsidi has a garden in his yard and he likes t" .HHHHHHHH there. <e says it is &un. '"day he is planting &l"%ers in the garden. 'here is als" an "ld mang" tree in the yard. <e 2.HHHHHH$uts the lea4es and the bran$hes in taking $are "& it. <e said that the &l"%ers *.HHHHHget m"re sun. Mr %arsidi "&ten in4"l4es his $hildren t" take $are t"gether  "& the garden. S"# they %ill . HHHHHHH h"% t" take $are their en4ir"nment. Many pe"ple 5.HHHHHH Mr %arsidi h"% beauti&ul his garden is.


r. -nalying te1t *. Mr. +arto$o te 4armer

s. Mr. +art"l" is 4ery happy. 'he rainy seas"n "& this year makes the &arm  beauti&ul. It is planting time Gi$e &ields be$"mes &resh and green during this

seas"n and by the end "& this seas"n Mr. +art"l" is ready t" har4est his $r"ps. t. Mr. +art"l" pl"ughs the land at the beginning "& the rainy seas"n. 'hen# he

usually %"rks early and &inishes at n""n. Milking the $r"%s# &eeding the li4est"$k  and $leaning the barns are am"ng Mr. +art"l">s duties be&"re break&ast. <e d"es m"st "& the hard "utd""r %"rks by himsel&.



. Pepen =hat kind "& te1t is it 4. Jirani lt is HHHHHte1t

a. ,es$ripti4e  b. Carrarti4e

$. Gep"rt d. Pr"$edure 2. Ki1i =hat is the purp"se "& the te1t

e. L"la lt is used t" HHHH  a. ntertain the reader   b. Intr"du$ing "ne>s j"b

$. 1plain the audien$e h"% s"mething "$$urs

d. 'ell ab"ut &unny st"ries

*. ,udu l& i>m n"t mistaken# "ur tea$her had e1plained ab"ut the generi$ stru$tures "&  the te1t ab"4e# but l &"rget it. 7an y"u tell me

e. I$ih D& $"urse# they are !!!!!!!! a. Drientati"n# e4ent# re!


 b. Intr"du$ti"n:identi&i$ati"n# des$ripti"n

$. Drientati"n# $"mpli$ati"n# res"luti"n

d. Drientati"n# e4ents# t%ist

. -jeng =hat kind "& tense is m"stly used in the te1t e. Bent" It uses HHHHH 

a. Simple Past tense  b. Past per&e$t

$. Simple present tense d. Present $"ntinu"us e.

5. -ye Mr +art"l" pl"ughs the land at the beginning "& the rainy seas"n. =hat is the syn"nym "& the land &"r the underlined %"rds B l think it is ...

a. p"nd  b. park  $. garden d. &arm e. ). +UN-I JA5ABAN &. E6ER-ISES 'AS+ 0 . PRA-'I-E 0


. Gisa>s h"use g"t t%" &l""rs

2. 'he r""m in the se$"nd &l""r are three bedr""ms and bathr""m *. - ni$e garden is in &r"nt "& her h"use

. Gisa "&ten plays in the garden 5. 'here are  r""m in Gisa>s h"use

6. 'hey are  li4ing r""m#  small kit$hen# 2 bathr""m# * bedr""ms . Gisa>s ha"use is big n ni$e

3. Gisa>s h"use address "n jalan +artini i. PRA-'I-E  . Big 2. ;ight *. ,esk   . In &r"nt "&  5. D&ten 6. PRA-'I-E 1 . -2. B *. B . 7 5. , @. . E6ER-ISES 'AS+  . PRA-'I-E 0

. MG. =arsidi>s h"bby is gardening 2. <e is planting in the garden t"day *. <e al%ays $uts "ld mang" three

. Be$ause he &l"%ers must get m"re sun

5. Mary pe"ple think his garden is  beauti&ul @. PRA-'I-E  . ="rk   2. -l%ays *. Must . @nderstand 5. 'ell @. E6ER-ISES 'AS+ 1 . -2. B *. B . 7 5. ,


@. . . C. 0/. 00. 0. 01. 03. 0. 0@. 0. 0. DA4'AR PUS'A+A

N. -khmadi# -li# 200 '%P (e#as )!! '%Art 'teps (T'P # /ane$a# Bandung. 20. <ttp::desudjia.%"rdpress.$"m:200:2:2: des$rip ti4e!te1ts:

2. <ttp::mmursyidp%.%"rdpress.$"m:d"%nl"ad:

22. <ttp::nurmanali.bl"gsp"t.$"m:20:0: des$ripti4e !te1t.html 2*. <ttp::%%%.ge"$ities.$"m:disney%"nders:st"ry .html

2. <ttp::%%%.learnerslink.$"m:j"urnalHarti$le.html

25. <ttp::understandingte1ts.bl"gsp"t.$"m:sear$h:label: des$ripti4ema1!resultO2 26. <ttp::%%%.s$ribd.$"m:d"$.N5022:=hat!is! des$ripti4e !te1t

2. Priyana# aka# BS# S$a&&"lding nglish &"r /rade II Students# Pusat Perbukuan ,epartemen Pendidikan Casi"nal# akarta# 2003.

23. C. *0.


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