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Academic year: 2023



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In this chapter I will explain all of the theories related to the research. This chapter will be divided into three parts, namely previous studies, and theoretical review.

2.1 Previous Study

Several previous studies discussed the topic of this research. First, Muhfiyanti et al., (2021) investigated the development of android-based mobile learning media in learning report texts for tenth graders. Application development is applied to small and large groups and based on the assessment criteria of teaching media. Students' perceptions indicate that the Android-based MLM education process is effective for students and can improve their learning activities.

Second, Zatulifa et al. (2018) investigated on the development of android-based applications in learning English with the research subjects of junior high school students. The results of this study prove that the effectiveness of Android-based English learning applications on improving student learning outcomes. The average value of student learning outcomes on the pre-test is 65.00. Meanwhile, the students' average score on the posttest was 77.50. This proves that the development of android-based applications is quite effective and efficient in learning English.


Thirdly, Muhasrain (2016) determine the development procedure and effectiveness of Android-based Mobile Learning Media learning media. This research indicates that the validation of material experts is in a very good category with an average of 4,5.

The validation of media experts is in a good category with an average of 3,7. The preliminary field test is in the excellent category with a mean of 4,9. The results of this study indicated that this media could be used as a solution to overcome learning problems such as media & broad casting and learning methods.

From the previous research above, I can conclude that their research is centered on the development of android-based media. This proves that researchers carry out an innovation and development of media or products that will be used in the learning process. Besides, students have in common with the subjects in their studies, but I try to make another study. The questionnaire of the study is an expert in media, an expert on matters, and students. The object of this study is Android-based mobile learning media in which created with the application namely Smart Apps Creator, as the effort to develop learning media that are appropriate with students' conditions.

2.2 Theoretical Review

The theoretical review contains the result of the researchers' critical study of one or several theories related to their research problem. A researcher must understand the definition of each term to be studied. The explanation of the definition of each term is below.


2.2.1 Android-based Mobile Learning Media

Android-based mobile learning media is a form of e-learning that can be used as a source as well as learning media for students, because mobile learning gives students the ability to use mobile technology and access information (Trimurtini et al., 2019).

According to Saefi et al., (2017) smartphone is one of the hardware that can be developed for learning media that provides a broad learning environment. Moreover, android devices can assist the learners by detecting motion, direction, and charges in the surrounding environment. So, improving the teaching learning process in the mobile and digital era is precious (Lestariningsih, et al.,2022)

In addition mobile learning can make the learning process more flexible because students do not have to come to school to carry out the learning process. Students can carry out the learning process online or it can be done anywhere and anytime.

According to Mahamad et al., (2010), traditional classroom-based learning and electronic learning in the evolution of the learning paradigm have created a new mobile-based learning paradigm known as mobile learning.

According to Musahrain, (2016) Android-based media also has several advantages, namely having the potential for a more useful learning experience for students and gaining their knowledge about mobile learning. Android-based media also has relatively cheap opportunities so that students can access it at any time without expensive costs. The learning process using mobile learning can be done without being limited by space and time, even though learning has been done.


The use of android-based media will change monotonous learning to be more varied.

Using mobile learning will make it easier for students to access information and learning materials provided by teachers through android applications wherever and whenever. In this study, we will discuss how to build and design educational applications for learning about short functional text of greeting card. With this application media helps to understand and motivate students in learning English (Sonia, G. et al., (2021). According to Rosli et al., (2015) E-learning allows students to practice their independent abilities because students will operate their own learning with the authority to choose their own time, content, place, and direction of learning.

2.2.2 Media

The learning process requires instructional media following the child's characteristics to achieve an effective learning process. Effective instructional media support student learning processes to acquire specific skills, behaviors, and desired knowledge. Harmer (2007) suggests several instructional media used by teachers in the classroom: media, pictures, realia, coursebooks, boards, OHP, flipcharts, and computer-based presentation technology that applies audio and visual.

Moreover, there are many positive outcomes when using instructional media, primarily computer-based presentation technology. One of the advantages is that it increases the motivation of the students. The use of instructional media, such as exhibiting pictures and having the students listen to music, encourages students to pay closer attention to their teachers and, as a result, increases the students' level of interest


in the material being taught. According to Ruis et al. (2009) cited in Aini (2013), other benefits include the following:

A. Solving the problem of students' lack of experiences.

B. Reaching everything outside of the classroom.

C. Creating direct interaction between students and the environment.

D. Integrating expertise from the concrete to the abstract information.

2.2.3 Short Functional Text

Short functional text is a short text that has a specific meaning and purpose, and can be used in everyday life. It may be in the form of invitations, greeting cards, prohibitions, announcements, short messages, signs, notifications, identity cards, shopping lists, postcards and letters (Epilia et al .,2020).

Meanwhile, according to Badryah (2011), Functional text is a special text that contains orders, directions, something to do or not to do which can be in the form of prohibitions, invitations, short messages, greeting cards, notices, announcements, and others. That contains meaning and is used in everyday communication.

Functional text or Functional text consists of: (a) Instruction (Instruction) is an order or direction to do a job. Examples: Close the door, please! Keep your room clean!, Staff only Read the test rules!. (b) Shopping List is a sentence that contains a list of items to be purchased. (c) Greeting cards given to show one's expression and concern for the things that happen in one's life. (d) Announcement is a message or information that is conveyed to many people/public audiences. Usually, announcements only convey


messages or information concerning the general public. (e) Short Message is a message that is delivered briefly by prioritizing only the main things.

From the statement above, it can be concluded that short functional text can be used for daily communication. Short functional text is divided into several types such as greeting cards, announcements, short messages, etc. students can learn short functional text at school and understand the vocabulary in short functional text have a suitable strategy to help students in the learning process. Definition of Greeting Card

According to Yuliani (cited by Wibowo, 2017), greeting card is a card to express other expression or friendship. So, it be an illustrated piece of card or high quality paper featuring an expression of friendship or other sentiment. The purpose of greeting card is to congratulate, to wish or to show sympathy for someone's achievement, like a wedding day, brithday, free day, or got some achievement. It can be given to family, friends, or someone you think is special. Generic Structure of Greeting Card

There are four generic structures of greeting cards. The Generic Structure of Greeting Cards depends on the shape of the card design. Naik & Yulitrina (2019) mention that there are four important elements in greeting cards, namely:


A. Receiver

Receiver is to whom this greeting card is addressed. The receiver is written at the very top of the card. Writing the recipient's name is usually followed by the words "to" and "dear".

B. Body

Body is the core part. The sender can insert congratulations, prayers and hopes, quotes, or interesting pictures of the greeting card theme.

C. Sender

The Sender is a greeting card sender. In this section, the sender includes their name or initials.



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