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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh






Intan Permata Sari Reg. Number: 4113332001

Bilingual Chemistry Education Program


Submitted to Fulfill Requirement for Getting the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan




Graduation Date : June, 17th 2015

Title of Thesis : The Implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model Integrated with Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) to Increase Student’s Outcomes in Learning Buffer solution at Senior High School Class XI Academic Year 2014/2015

Name : Intan Permata Sari

ID : 4113332001

Study Program : Bilingual Chemistry Education 2011 Department : Chemistry

Approved by: Thesis Supervisor,

Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si NIP. 19651015 199203 2 003

Acknowledged by:

Head of Chemistry Department Coordinator of Bilingual Program

Agus Kembaren, S.Si., M.Si Prof. Dr.rer.nat Binari Manurung, M.Si NIP.19680814 199403 1 004 NIP.19640404 198903 1 006





Firstly, writer said thankfullness to Allah SWT that give rahmat and

hidayah so writer can finished this thesis. This thesis submitted to fulfill the

require ment for getting degree of sarjana pendidikan with title is “The

Implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model Integrated with Student

Team Achievement Division (STAD) to Increase Student’s Outcomes in Learning

Buffer Solution at Senior High School Class XI Academic Year 2014/2015”.

In this oppurtunity, the writer would ypu like to express the thanks and

great appreciation to Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si as my thesis supervisor for her

valuable time spent in giving guidance, advices, motivation and suggestion during

completing this thesis. The writer also thanks to Prof. Albinus Silalahi, M.S., Drs.

Eddyanto, Ph.D., and Dra. Ani Sutiani., as reviewer conselor for this thesis that

giving me advices, suggestion, guidance and constructive comments for this thesis


The writer also say thanks to Prof. Motlan, M.Sc., as the Dean of

Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, State University of Medan,

Prof.Dr.Rer.nat Binari Manurung, M.Si., as the coordinator of Bilingual

Department, Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si., and Mr. Syamsudin as administrator of

Bilingual Office for their advices and other necessary administrative business.

The great thanks are also given to Jamalum Purba, M.Si., as my academic

supervisor for his guidance during my academic process in this University. The

writer also say thank to Prof. Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti, M.Si as the instrument’s

validator in this research.

The author appreciation also given to Principal of SMA Negeri I Rantau

Selatan, M. Yahya, S.Pd, M.Si., and also Yusmaniar, S.Pd as the chemistry

teacher and all teachers who give me chance to do research there.

A deepest love, appreciation and thanks also goes to my parents, Sarono,

SKM and Sri Agustini, also my sister Ratih Putri Susanti and Tri Widya Astuti,

my little brother Satrio Nugroho also my aunty Yusniar and family for their



process. Thanks also give to my boyfriend M. Ardiansyah Hsb, ST that alwaya

become inspiration, motivation and strength during this process.

Special thank are given to all my classmate in Bilingual Chemistry

Education 2011 that always gives me the best moment in my education process,

especially for Yuni, Fatma, Juliani, Liesa, Cholida and Desy for their kindness

from first semester and spending time with me and in many times of our

unoccupied time. Also big thanks to Hasma, Arif, Agung, Dedi, Yulius, Wulan,

Ridha as my close friend and Raffi, Difa Fayyedh, Daffa, Reza, as my student’s

for their time when i got bored. And thank you so much for my student in SMA

Negeri I Plus Matauli Pandan and my friend in Vita and Habsyah kost when I was

PPL in Pandan.

Writer realize that this thesis is still not being perfect yet. Therefore, writer

hopes the suggestion and critic from the reader for perfection this thesis. Perhaps

this thesis can be useful and give many function and knowledge to the reader

especially about subject matter which is researched in this thesis.

Medan, June 17th, 2015

The writer,

Intan Permata Sari



Legalization Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

List of Contents vi

List of Figures x

List of Tables xi

List of Appendix xii


1.1. Research background 1

1.2. Problem Identification 5

1.3. Scope of Research 5

1.4. Problem Formulation 5

1.5. Research Objectives 6

1.6. Research Benefits 6

1.7. Operational definitions 7


2.1. Learning 8

2.2. Learning Outcomes 9

2.3. Learning Model 11

2.4. PBL 11

2.4.1. The Characteristics of PBL Model 12

2.4.2. The Stages in the PBL Model 13

2.4.3. The Advantages of PBL Model 13

2.4.4. The Disadvantages of PBL Model 14

2.5. STAD 14

2.5.1. The Stages in the STAD 15


2.5.3. The Disadvantages of STAD 16

2.6. The Implementation of PBL Model Integrated with STAD 16

2.7. Character Education 17

2.7.1. Active Character 18

2.7.2. Teamwork Character 19

2.8. Conceptual Framework 20

2.9. Research Hypothesis 21


3.1. Location and Time of Research 22

3.2. Population and Sample 22

3.3. Research Variable and Instrument 22

3.3.1. Research Variable 22

3.3.2. Research Instrument 22 Test Instrument 23 Observation Sheet of Student’s Character 23

3.3.3. The Instrumet’s Trial 26 Validity of Item Test 26 The Difficulty Level 26 Discriminating Power 27 Reliability Test 28

3.4. Type and Research Design 28

3.4.1. Type of Research 28

3.4.2. Research Procedure 28

3.4.3. Design of Research 30

3.5 Technique Data Analysis 31

3.6. Data Analysis 31

3.6.1 The Normality Test 31

3.6.2. The Homogeneity Test 31

3.6.3. Normalized Gain 31


3.8. Hypothesis Testing 32


4.1. The Description of School Sample 33

4.2. The Instrument’s Analysis 33

4.2.1. The Observation’s Sheet of Student’s Character 33

4.2.2. The Validity of Evaluation Test 34

4.2.3. Reliability of Evaluation Test 35

4.2.4. Difficulty level of Evaluation Test 35

4.2.5. Discriminating Power of Evaluation Test 36

4.3. The Data of Research Result 38

4.3.1. The Result of Pretest and Posttest 38

4.3.2. The Result of Development of Student’s Active and Teamwork

Character by Observation Sheet 39

4.4 The Analysis Data 39

4.4.1. Normality Test 39 The Normality Test of Student’s Achievement 40 The Normality Test of Student’s Active and Teamwork Character 40

4.4.2. The Homogeneity Test 41 The Homogeneity Test of Student’s Achievement 41 The Homogeneity Test of Student’s Active and Teamwork

Character 41

4.5. Student’s Achievement 42

4.5.1. Student’s Achievement before Teaching Treatment 42

4.5.2. Student’s Achievement after Teaching Treatment 42

4.5.3. The Analysis of Question Based on Posttest Result 45

4.5.4. Gain (increasing of Student’s Achievement) 46

4.6. Student’s Character 47

4.6.1. The Development of Student’s Active Character 47

4.6.2. The Development of Student’s Teamwork Character 48


4.7.1. Hypothesis Testing for Cognitive Aspect 49

4.7.2. Hypothesis Testing for Affective Aspect 49 Active Character 50 Teamwork Character 50

4.7.3. Hypothesis Testing for Correlation between Student’s Active and

Teamwork Character with Student’s Achievement 51

4.8. Relation between Student’s Active and Teamwork Character with

Student’s Achievement 52

4.9. Discussion 54


5.1. Conclution 58

5.2. Suggestion 58



Table 2.1 The stages of PBL model 13

Table 2.2 The stages of STAD 15

Table 2.3 The stages of PBL model integrated with STAD 17

Table 3.1 The specification of test instrument 23

Table 3.2 The specification of observation sheet of active character 24

Table 3.3 The specification of observation sheet of teamwork character 25

Table 3.4 Research Design 29

Table 4.1 Description of class that used as sample 33

Table 4.2 Validity of Evaluation test 34

Table 4.3 Difficulty level 36

Table 4.4 Discriminating power 37

Table 4.5 Summary of instrument test 38

Table 4.6 Data of pretest and posttest 39

Table 4.7 Normality test of student’s achievement 40

Table 4.8 Normality test of student’s active and teamwork character 40

Table 4.9 Homogeneity test of student’s achievement 41

Table 4.10 Homogeneity test of student’s active and teamwork character 41

Table 4.11 Data of student’s achievment before teaching treatment 42

Table 4.12 Data of student’s achievment after teaching treatment 42

Table 4.13 Average value of normalized gain 45

Table 4.14 The analysis of question based on posttest result 46

Table 4.15 The summary of student’s active character 48

Table 4.16 The summary of student’s teamwork character 48

Table 4.17 Hypothesis testing for cognitive aspect 49

Table 4.18 Hypothesis testing for active character 50

Table 4.19 Hypothesis testing for teamwork character 51

Table 4.20 Hypothesis testing for correlation 52

Table 4.21 The relation between active and teamwork character with

student achievement in experimental class I



Figure 2.1 Six level of thinking in cognitive domain 9

Figure 3.1 Flowchart of the research 30

Figure 4.1 The student’s achievement in experimental class I 43

Figure 4.2 Increasing student’s achievement (gain) in experimental class



Figure 4.3 The student’s achievement in experimental class II 44

Figure 4.4 Increasing student’s achievement (gain) in experimental class





Appendix 1 Syllaby 63

Appendix 2 Lesson plan 68

Appendix 3 Apperception and motivation 103

Appendix 4 Problem for experimental class I 105

Appendix 5 Learning material 107

Appendix 6 The observation sheet of student’s active character 112

Appendix 7 The observation sheet of student’s teamwork character 114

Appendix 8 Table of specification based on indicator before validated 116

Appendix 9 Table of validity item test 124

Appendix 10 Reliability of instrument test 139

Appendix 11 Table of difiiculty level 141

Appendix 12 Table of discriminating power 144

Appendix 13 Instrument test (after validation) 147

Appendix 14 The observation data of student’s active character in

experimental class I


Appendix 15 The development of student’s active character in

experimental class I


Appendix 16 The observation data of student’s active character in

experimental class II


Appendix 17 The development of student’s active character in

experimental class II


Appendix 18 The observation data of student’s teamwork character in

experimental class I


Appendix 19 The development of student’s teamwork character in

experimental class I


Appendix 20 The observation data of student’s teamwork character in

experimental class II


Appendix 21 The development of student’s teamwork character in

experimental class II




Appendix 23 Gain of pretest-posttest in experimental class II 172

Appendix 24 Normality test 174

Appendix 25 Homogeneity test 179

Appendix 26 Hypothesis testing 182

Appendix 27 The relationship of student’s character with student’s

achievement in experimental class I


Appendix 28 The relationship of student’s character with student’s

achievement in experimental class II





1.1. Research Background

The quality of a nation is determined by the quality of national education

itself. Currently, the quality of education in Indonesia is still low. Evidenced by

the date of Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2011 that released by the

United Nation Education scientific and Culture Organization (UNESCO)

annually, Indonesia occupy 69th rank in education among 127 countries. (Azhar,

2014). Another fact indicates the low quality of Indonesia’s education based on

the results of follow TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science

Study) in 1999 involving thousands of Indonesian students to get an overview of

the capabilities of Indonesian students. In TIMSS 1999, Indonesia achievement is

less satisfactory. In science Indonesia occupy 32nd rank out of 38 countries. In

TIMSS 2003, Indonesia occupies 37th rank out of 46 countries. Also in 2007

Indonesia occupies 35th rank out of 49 countries. In this regard, Indonesia

achievement is below Brunei Darussalam and Singapore as neighboring states.

(Litbang Kemdikbud, 2011).

The low quality of education in Indonesia is generally caused by the

effectiveness and teaching effeciency, standardization of education, poor quality

of infrastructure, less of teachers' welfare, low student achievement, less of equal

opportunity of education, less of relevance of education to the needs, the high cost

of education. (Dwiwahyuni, 2011). For prospective teachers, the main centers of

attention to improving the quality of education independently are low student

learning outcomes and learning effectiveness. The most important things is

teachers should pay attention to the characteristics of the material to be taught and

then choose the appropriate learning models that can improve learning

effectiveness and student learning outcome.

In senior high school, the chemistry is considered as a difficult subject

even creepy. Chemistry is also regarded as an abstract lesson, filled with confused



are not interested to learn. Generally, students give up even before studying

chemistry. Less interesting of the students has direct impact on student learning

outcome. As proof when I was in school where PPLT implemented, most students

learning outcomes below minimum completeness criteria (KKM). The KKM in

Senior High School 1 Matauli Pandan is 77. From 236 students of class XI, in first

daily examination only 96 students (40,67%) can achieve KKM and in mid

semester examination about 105 students (44.49%) can achieve KKM. In other

words, the percentage of students who can achieve KKM is not more than 50%.

Another school, in Senior High School I Rantau Selatan, the KKM is equal to 70.

Based on interviews with teachers of chemistry in there, the number of student

can achieve KKM is about 35% out of 280 students in class XI science.

From observation in Senior High School I Rantau Selatan, low student’s

achievement related to how the teachers present lessons. Teachers have less

variation in presenting the subject matter. Learning activities always begin with

greetings, apperception, material explanations, exercises and giving home

assignments. Everything is done by teachers without involving students directly.

Sometimes teachers also provide media in learning activities, but students just

listen to it. Learning activities like that make student become passive, less

interaction and collaboration with other students. Supposedly, the teacher is

demand for creative in implementing a learning model that allows students to

active, interact and collaborate with each other and also can achieve the goal as

expected. The learning model should effective appropriate with the subject being

taught in improving student achievement (Purtadi, 2012).

One of model learning that allow student become more active is Problem

Based Learning (PBL). In PBL, guided by teacher students develop critical

thinking, problem solving and collaborative skills as they identify problem,

formulate hypotheses, conduct data seaches, perform experiment, formulate

solution and determine the best of solution to the problems (Surif, et.all, 2013).

PBL is model which centers on student, develops active learning, problem solving



the classroom where using PBL is used, students take much more responsibility

for their own learning progressively (Akinoglu and Tando, 2006).

PBL also can improve student achievement is higher than the individual

learning (Dewi, 2013). It is also proved by research that was conducted by Jefri

(2013), obtained percentage of student learning outcomes improvement is 79.7%

using the model PBL on the subject of colloids. Research conducted by Batubara

(2013), the percentage of student learning outcomes improvement is 51.781% on

the subject of the reaction rate using the model PBL. And a recent study by Fitri

(2014) obtained the percentage of student learning outcomes improvement using

PBL on the subject of the redox reaction is 75.12%.

Nowadays, teachers only measure learning outcomes in cognitive aspect.

Cognitive is not the only object of assessment of learning outcomes. Actually,

teachers is not only measure learning outcomes in cognitive aspect but affective is

too. The reason is our national education has objectives to develop the potential of

students to be the faithful human to the God, have a certain character, healthy,

bookish, capable, creative, autonomous, and being the democratic and

responsibilty citizen (Deputi Menteri Sekretaris Negara Bidang

Perundangundangan, 2003). It show the quality of character education is very

important to be improved.

Beside active, teamwork character includes to character that belong to the

student. It’s important to measure it to know the development of student’s

affective. So the result of learning outcome involve cognitive and affective. To

improve teamwork character, teachers must be able to create an atmosphere of

cooperative learning. In the cooperative learning classroom, student work together

to attain group goals that cannot be obtained by working alone. In this classroom

structure, student discuss the subject matter, help one another learn, and provide

encouragement for members og the group (Johnson, Johnson & Holubec, 1986).

Cooperative learning is a solution to increase teamwork character among

students in learning activities. One example of cooperative learning is the STAD.

STAD is one of the many strategies in cooperative learning, which helps promote



STAD is good interaction among students, improve positive attitude toward the

subject, better self-esteem, interpersonal skills Increased (Khan, 2011). Expected

with the implementation of STAD not only improve student’s achievement in

cognitive but also student teamwork character.

STAD also can increase student achievement. Based on the previous

research STAD can increase student learning outcome. Result of research

Pradiyanti (2013) prove the effectiveness of STAD. The pretest of cognitive

learning result is 41 and the post test is 86. This mean STAD gives a positive

effect on learning activity. Using the STAD had researched by Hakimitriyuza

(2014) she said that resulted student achievement was improved where the

percentage of increasing student achievement about 79% by implementing STAD.

According to Anggraini (2014) in her thesis, the mean of student’s chemistry

achievement that taught by cooperative learning STAD type multimedia based on

computer is 86, 67%.

The researcher chooses the buffer solution as learning material. Buffer

solution is studied in even semester of class XI. The material of the buffer

solution contains many complex concepts and calculation that require

problem-solving process. Many students struggle to learn it, especially if taught by direct

instruction. Selection of model of learning appropriate with the characteristic of

material is important to overcome the problem faced by students. PBL model

integrated with STAD is appropriate when applied to this material. This model

engages students to solve problems through the stages of scientific methods so

that students can learn the knowledge related to the problem and can increase

student activity and teamwork character.

Based on the background described, researcher interest to do the research

by integrating the PBL with STAD. Previous studies distinguish between the

model PBL and STAD although both have the objectives to increase student

achievement. Research carried out by integrating PBL and STAD expected can

improve student learning outcomes, include achievement in cognitive, student

activity and teamwork character of students in the learning process with the title:



with Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) to Increase Student’s Outcomes in Learning Buffer Solution at Senior High School Class XI Academic Year 2014/2015".

1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background described above, then obtained that:

1. Why the quality of education in Indonesia stiil low?

2. As a prospective teacher what is a major concern to improve the quality of


3. Why is the student’s achievement in learning chemistry still low?

4. Less variation in implementation of model of learning that appropriate

with learning material characteristic

5. How to increase student’s achievement in learning chemistry?

6. Why the teacher only measure cognitive aspect as student achievement?

1.3. Scope of Research

To focus on the problem, so the scope of this research are:

1. The teaching models were PBL integrated with STAD in experimental

class I and STAD in experimental class II

2. The subject taught in this research was chemistry on buffer solution topic

3. In this research learning outcome to be measured including student’s

achievement and student’s active and teamwork character

4. The research object was student Class XI in Senior High School I Rantau


1.4. Problem Formulation

Based on the background described above, then the problem can be

formulated as follows:

1. Is the student’s achievement that taught by PBL model integrated with



2. Is the student’s active character that taught by PBL model integrated with

STAD significant higher than taught by STAD?

3. Is the student’s teamwork character that taught by PBL model integrated

with STAD significant higher than taught by STAD?

4. Is there significant correlation between student’s active and teamwork

character with student’s achievement?

1.5. Research Objective The research objectives are:

1. To investigate whether the student’s achievement that taught by PBL

model integrated with STAD is significant higher than taught by STAD

2. To investigate whether the student’s active character that taught by PBL

model integrated with STAD is significant higher than taught by STAD

3. To investigate whether the student’s teamwork character that taught by

PBL model integrated with STAD is significant higher than taught by


4. To investigate the significant correlation between student’s active and

teamwork character with student’s achievement

1.6. Reserach Benefit

This study is expected to provide benefits, especially for chemistry teachers,

students and also for the other researcher about how to improve learning through

implementation of PBL model integrated with STAD to improve student’s

learning outcome in buffer solution. The expected benefits of this research are

generally described as follows:

1. For chemistry teacher, give alternative learning model to improve student

learning outcome and develop student’s activity and teamwork character in

learning process

2. For student, give chance to have different experience in learning due to



understanding and showed by higher student’s learning outcome. Student

can optimalized student’s active and teamwork character.

3. For researcher, give new experience when apply PBL model integrated

with STAD in learning process. In addition, the result of the study are

expected to be a reference for firther research.

1.7. Operational Definition

There are some operational definition in this research “The Implementation

of PBL Model Integrated with STAD in Learning Buffer Solution Senior High

School I Rantau Selatan Class XI Academic Year 2014/2015". Those are:

1. PBL model is series of learning activities that emphasize to the process of

solving problem scientifically (Sanjaya, 2008).

2. STAD is the simplest cooperative learning model is developed by Robert

slavin at all from John Hopkins University (Lie, 2008).

3. Buffer solution is a topic in XI grade at even semester discuss about

composition of buffer solution, working principle of buffer solution, pH

calculation in buffer solution and the function of buffer solution.

4. Learning outcome is a change in behavior as a result of learning in a

broader sense includes the areas of cognitive, affective and psychomotor

(Sudjana, 2005).

5. Active character is used as an indicator of the desire or motivation of

students to learn (Hakim, 2014).

6. Teamwork is an effort in people or a group of human to reach one or some




5.1. Conclution

After conducting the research and analyzing the data, there are some conclutions

that gotten, they are:

1. The student’s achievement that taught by PBL model integrated with STAD

is significant higher than taught by STAD

2. The active character that taught by PBL model integrated with STAD is

significant higher than that taught by STAD

3. The teamwork character that taught by PBL model integrated with STAD is

significant higher than taught by STAD

4. There is significant correlation between student’s active and teamwork

character with student’s achievement

5.2. Suggestion

From the result of the research, there are some suggestion must be raised:

1. It is suggested for chemistry teacher to use PBL model integrated with

STAD in learning buffer solution to increase student’s achievement in

learning process especially for students who have medium to high initial

knowledge about buffer solution.

2. It is suggested for chemistry teacher to use PBL model integrated with

STAD in learning buffer solution to increase student’s active character in

learning process.

3. It is suggested for chemistry teacher to use PBL model integrated with

STAD in learning buffer solution to increase student’s teamwork character in




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Figure 2.1 Six level of thinking in cognitive domain
Table of specification based on indicator before validated


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