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Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Literature Degree at

English Literature Department








Jambi, May 21th 2021

Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, M.A

Address : Adab and Humanities Faculty State Islamic University Sultan ThahaSaifuddin Jambi


The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty

State Islamic University In



After reading and revising everything extended necessary, so we agree that the thesis entitle “The Role of Social Status as seen in Aladdin Movie (2019)” can be submitted to Munaqasyah exam in partial of fulfillment to the Requirement for the Degree of Humanities Scholar. We submit it in order to be received well. Thus, we hope it can be useful for all.


Supervisor I Supervisor II

Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed Firdansyah, M.A NIP. 197401031999031006 NIDN: 200118102




Jambi, May 21th 2021

Pembimbing I : Dr. Alfian, S.Pd.,M.Ed Pembimbing II : Firdiansyah, M.A

Alamat : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora Universitas Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin KepadaYth

Ibu Dekan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN STS Jambi

Di- Tempat


Setelah membaca dan mengadakan perbaikan seperlunya maka kami berpendapat bahwa skripsi yang berjudul “The Role of Social Status as seen in Aladdin Movie (2019)”, telah dapat diajukan untuk dimunaqosahkan guna melengkapi tugas-tugas dan memenuhi syarat untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana srata satu (S1) pada fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN STS Jambi. Maka, dengan itu kami ajukan skripsi tersebut agar diterima dengan baik.

Demikianlah kami ucapkan terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat bagi kepentingan kampus dan para peneliti.


Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

Dr. Alfian, S.Pd.,M.Ed Firdiansyah, M.A

NIP. 197401031999031006 NIDN: 2004118102




This thesis has been examined by the session of Adab and Humanity Faculty of The State Islamic University Sultan ThahaSaifuddin Jambi on May 3th 2021 and accepted as a part of the requirement which has to be fulfilled for obtaining Undergraduate Degree (S1) in English Literature Department.

Jambi, May 21th 2021 Dean of Adab and Humanity Faculty

Dr. Halimah Dja’far, S. Ag.,M.Fil,I NIP. 196012111988032001

Secretary Chairman

Chandri Febri Santi, M. Pd Dr. Diana Rozelin, S.S., M.Hum NIP. 198902032018012002 NIP. 197604282005012004

Examiner I Supervisor I

Bahren, SS., MA Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M. Ed NIP. 197912302006041003 NIP. 197401031999031006

Examiner II Supervisor II

Dian Mukhlisa, S.Pd, M.A Firdiansyah, MA NIP. 198909112015032006 NIDN: 200118102




The undersigned,

Name : Susilawati Reg, Number : 403170932

Faculty : Adab and Humanity Department : English Literature

By signing this latter, I state that the thesis “The Role of Social Status as seen in Aladdin movie (2019)” is my original work. If this thesis is not original or cheating from other researcher, I will be ready to be responsible and get punishment based on the role of Adab and Humanities Faculty of the State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Therefore, I make this statement in good health and mind.

Jambi, May 21th 2021 Susilawati

NIM. 403170932



Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear – Qur’an Surah Al – Baqarah Verse 286

”Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya”

“it’s an impossibility to be perfect but it’s possible to be the best”

Sebuah ketidak mungkinan untuk menjadi yang sempurna tetapi sangat memungkinkan untuk melakukan yang terbaik.



“In the name of Allah, The most Beneficial, The most Merciful”

The Last and Final Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (pbuh) a good role model and the leader of human kind.

I dedicated this thesis to:

Myself who never give up no matter what happen.

To beloved my father and mother who always give me the best prayers, love, and supports emotionally, without your support I do nothing.

To my family and friends who are always there for me in any circumstances.

And finally, for everyone who have helped me and motivate to finish my thesis.



ACKNOWLEDGMENT Bismillahirahmanirahim…

All praises to Allah SWT, God the owner of the universe who wills over everything who has given me ease in completing this thesis with the title The Role of Social Status as sen in Aladdin Movie (2019), the requirement of the degree of Sarjana (S1) of English Literatre of Adab and Humanity Faculty of State Islamic University Sultan ThahaSaifuddin Jambi.

Let’s deliver our blessing and salutation to the last and final messenger of Allah, Muhammad pbuh who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness such as we feel today.

I also would like to deliver my best appreciation to those who have helped me in writing this thesis. My sincere gratitude goes to:


The Rector of State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Prof. Dr. H. Suaidi, M.A, Ph.D, the first vice rector, Dr. Rofiqoh Ferawati, SE., M.EI the second vice rector, Dr. As’ad Isma, M.Pd, the third vice rector, Dr. Bahrul Ulum, M.A who allowed to study in this University.


The dean of Adab and Humanities faculty, Dr. Halimah Dja’far, S.Ag.,M.Fil.I, the first deputy dean Dr. Ali Muzakir, M.Ag, the second deputy dean Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed, the third deputy dean Dr. Raudhoh, S.Ag., SS., M.Pd.I, the head of English Literature Department, Dian Mukhlisa, M.A, and the secretary of English Literature Department, Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd and to all the lecturers who have shared their knowledge.


I would like particularly to thank Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed and Firdiansyah, M.A for the many insights they provided me for writing this thesis.

Discussions with them have also proven most helpful.




All of the lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanity faculty for became the place where I study until undergraduate in this university.


My father, Zamri who always reminds me of Allah, who always told me to be patient and accept what happen for those are Allah’s teachings and plans. For my mother, Markuna who always gives me the best she could possibly give, for always there when I need her.


My young brother M. Barik and my sister Maria Sukmala Dewi and young sister Leni Puspita who always give me more cheerful life.


All of my bestfriends Sri Puji Astuti, Siti nur aina, Rika mawarda, Tuti Alawiyah, Sri wahyuni, Tari Susiana, Tuti wahyuni, Rizky Wahyuni, Santia Panjaitan and Ulya safitri, for being uncivilized friends that make the past three years of my studying become so wonderful.


For all of my classmates for sharing and memoreable memories 3 years pass.


Last but not least, I want to thank me for believing in me, I want to thank me for doing all of this hard work, I want to thank me for having no days off, I want to thank me for never quitting, I want to thank me for never giving up on me and thank you for the pain that made me stronger.

This thesis is still far from perfection, the writer humbly request some critiques and suggestions in order to make it better in the future time. Finally, the writer wishes that this thesis could extend useful contribution to the readers, especially for the students of English Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

Jambi, May 21th 2021

SUSILAWATI 403170932



Susilwati, 2021 : The Role of Social Status as seen in Aladdin Movie (2019).

English Literature Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty, University of Islamic Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, MA

The main objectives of this research are (1) to find out what kinds of Social Status as seen in Aladdin Movie (2019). (2) to describe how the role of Social Status as seen Aladdin Movie (2019). The researcher uses Mayor Polak (1979) and Wuradji (2009) Theory. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The finding of this research shows that the Social Status as seen in Aladdin movie: (1) there are three types of Social Status as seen Aladdin movie, they are Ascribed Status, Achieved Status and Assigned Status. Ascribed status was mostly dominant used in this movie because the background of this movie is based on a kingdom in which a monarchical government system, led by a king and throne of the kingdom will be inherited to his lineage. (2). The role of a leader is different from that of ordinary people bacuase social status they have, the leader has an obligation to ensure the welfare and safety of the community, the leader also protects each member so that they are in accordance with the goals achieved. Different things with ordinary people they are obliged to follow the rules and respect a leader.

Keywords : Aladdin, Social Status, Movie.



Susilawati, 2021 : The Role of Social Status as seen in Aladdin Movie (2019).

English Literature Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty, University of Islamic Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Pembimbing I : Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed.

Pembimbing II : Firdiansyah, MA

Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui macam-macam status social yang terlihat didalam Aladdin movie, (2) untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran status social yang terlihat didalam Aladdin movie. Peneliti menggunakan teori Mayor Polak (1979) dan Wuradji (2009). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan teknik deskriptif untuk menganalisis data. Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Social Status yang terlihat didalam Aladdin movie: (1) ada tiga jenis yaitu, Ascribed status, Achieved status and Assigned status. Ascribd sttaus paling dominan ditunjukkan dalam film ini karna latar belakang yang berdasarkan pada kerajaan dimana system pemerintahan monarki yang dipimpin oleh seorang raja dan tahta kerajaan akan diwariskan kepada garis keturunannya. (2) peran seorang pemimpin berbeda dengan orang-orang biasa. Pemimpin memiliki kewajiban untuk menjamin kesejahteraan dan keamanan masyarakat, pemimpin juga mengayomi setiap anggotanya agar sesuai dengan tuhuan yang hendak dicapai. Lain hal dengan orang-orang biasa mereka berkewajiban mengikuti peraturan dan menghormati seorang pemimpin.

Kata Kunci : Aladdin, Status Sosial, Movie








MOTTO ... v







A. Background of the problem ... 1

B. Formulation of the problem ... 5

C. Purpose of the research ... 5

D. Limitation of the research ... 5

E. Significant of the research ... 5


A. Sociological Approach ... 7

B. Social Status ... 8

C. The kinds of Social Status ... 9

D. The Role of Social Status ... 11



E. Movie ... 14

F. Review of related research ... 14


A. Design of research ... 21

B. Source of data ... 23

C. Technique of Data collection ... 23

D. Technique of Data Analysis ... 25


A. Kinds of social status ... 29

B. The Role of Social ... 46


A. Conclusion... 55

B. Suggestion ... 56 REFERENCE





Picture 1.1 ... 4

Picture 1.2 ... 35

Picture 1.3 ... 42

Picture 1.4 ... 43



INTRODUCTION A. Background of the problem

Humans are a group of individuals who form a certain social system and collectively, have a common goal to be achieved, and live in a certain area (within certain limits) and have the government to regulate the goals of their group or individual in their organization. Every human being before God is the same. However, in society there is something different because of the status they have. This social status will become a measure of assessment for a person, whether it is respected or not depending on the position of their social status in the society.

According to Soerjono Soekanto, Social Status could be a person’s put in common in connection to others, in terms of their social environment, distinction and rights and commitments inside their social environment, glory and rights and commmitments inside their gather or society.1 A person has their respective rights and obligations that must be carried out and played according to their respective roles. If a community or individual does not carry out the role of his social status properly, it will create a system that is not good either in the community or group, and vice versa the system in the

1 Abdulsyani. 2002. Sosiologi Skematika, Teori, dan Terapan.Jakarta:PT Bumi Aksara. P. 92



community or group will be well in line with the rights and obligations played by individuals in the community or group.

In general, like in Indonesia social status is obtained thanks to the hard work and efforts of a person, anyone has the same opportunity regardless of ethnicity, nationality, descent, anyone can change his social status in society even though he is a son of a farmer, he still has the opportunity to become president and son of a president not yet certainly will be a president too. The status of the president is given as status to a person not because of his descent but because of his efforts and hard work. Indonesia has a presidential system of government.2 Presidential elections are carried out by means of elections by the people, not because of descent as in the royal-based Aladdin movie, where the status of the Sultan is given to his descendants. Therefore, the writer is interested in analyzing the Aladdin movie with the main idea that is raised namely the social status shown in the movie.

In this research the writer will use movie as the data to analyze.

Movie, according to Arsyad, are the images contain within the frame, where frame by frame is mechanically projector lens, so that on the screen, the image looks alive. In ancient times, one’s thoughts could only be express through speak or write language.3 With today’s technological developments. A person

2 Welianto, Ari. (2020). Retrivied from

https://www.kompas.com/skola/read/2020/02/05/160000869/sistem-presidensial-sistem-pemerintahan- di-indonesia (accessed February, 07, 2021, at 10:42 pm).

3 Arsyad, Azhar. 2014. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT. Rajagrafindo Persada. P. 32



can convey thoughts, ideas, or a work through visual media, a literary work can be enjoy more alive.

There are many types of movies, romance, horror, comedy, animation, and others. In this research, the writer will use a live action type which is an adaptation of the animation movie, Aladdin movie (2019) this film is a live action film adapted from the Aladdin animation movie (1992). Which tells of a street thief who has the status of a lowly and despicable person who falls in love with a princess who is a high ranking royal family and is highly respected by Agrabah community. In this movie the social status between the royal people and the common people is very much shown and there is a clash between these social status. The clash between someone with low and high status, a person with low status like Aladdin in this movie can not marry Princess Jasmine who is a royal member or a person with high status in the social environment. Because in a kingdom a princess must marry a prince or have the same status as her, and this is what drives Aladdin to deceive many people so that he can marry a princess pretending to be a prince, there is prince Ali. A person with low status like Aladdin will only get insult from others and how could he possibly marry a daughter.

The writer will give the picture of analysis about social status in the Aladdin movie, how Aladdin is treated by society.


4 Picture 1.14

The picture showed that someone in the lowest position or place will not get respect from other people, and will even get insulted. Rats are disgusting animals and like to steal food, that is the opinion of a guard who calls Aladdin as a street rat, a person who is disgusting and likes to steal, there is no respect for Aladdin but only insults how a poor person can marry a princess while he is insulted while the princess is praised and respected.

Here the writer interest in analyze the movie with the tittle “The role of social status as seen in Aladdin Movie 2019”. The object of the problem is

social status. Why the writer choose that problem to be the object because every human being is a social creature who is oblige to know his role in the social environment. A person can release his obligations if he does not know his social status and what his role in that status. Which will harm he and his group. Why the writer choose the Aladdin movie because Aladdin movie was able to occupy the Box Office throne within three days of broadcast. Directed

4 Aladdin (2019), duration 17:30.



by Guy Ritchie, Aladdin movie won US $ 86.1 million (Rp.1.2 trillion) on 4,476 screens. Making it the ninth highest grossing film of 2019.5

B. Formulation of the problem

Based on the statement in background of the problem above, the writer formulates two research questions below:

1. What kinds of Social Status are depicted in Aladdin Movie (2019)?

2. How are the roles of Social Status described in Aladdin Movie (2019)?

C. Purpose of the research

Relating to the research question, the writer will decide some purposes of the research on Social Status as seen in Aladdin Movie (2019) as follow:

1. To identify the kinds of Social Status as seen in Aladdin Movie (2019).

2. To describe the role of Social Status in the Aladdin Movie (2019).

D. Limitation of the research

Based on the explanation above in this research the writer focus to analyze the kinds of Social Status as seen in Aladdin movie (2019), and the role of Social Status depicted in the Aladdin Movie (2019).

E. Significance of the research

Significant of this research is divided into two kinds, they are practical and theoretical significant. Ratna said “Manfa’at penelitian dibedakan menjadi dua macam, yaitu manfa’at praktis dan mafa’at teoritis”.6

5 Fitri, Dina, Anisa. (2019). Retrivied from https://www.beritasatu.com/hiburan/556552/

(accessed march, 05, 2021 at 14:23 pm).



The first is the practical significance. The writer hope this research can develop her composing capacity and provide extra data and information to the writer herself and for those who are interesting in this film, especially English Literature student.

The second is the theoretical significance. This significance provides the theory that can be useful for helping the next researches who wants to analyze the same film or object in different point of view.

6 Prastowo, Andi. 2011. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif dalam Perspetif Rancangan Penelitian.

Jogjakarta: AR-RUZZ Media, p.157



THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Sociological Approach

Sociological approaches are differentiate by the level of analyze.

Sociology is a social science which is the final result of knowledge and information improvement. Furthermore, the sociology of literature will apply within the inquire about since it increments the understanding of literature in connection to society, explains that imagery is not contrary to reality although literary works are imaginatively consume, but the imaginative framework cannot be understood outside the empirical framework and literary work is not merely an individual symptom but a social phenomena.7

The sociological approach goes beyond everyday common sense.

Numerous indivuduals accept they understand the world and the occasions taking place within it, frequently defending their understandings by calling it

“common sense”. However, they have not really locked in a precise endeavor to understand the social world.

Sociology is an endeavor to understand the social world by arranging occasions in their comparing environment and attempting to understand social phenomena by collecting and analyzing observational information. This

7 Mursalim. 2019. A sociological approach of literature in short story senyum yang kekal by korrie layun rampan. Universitas syiah kuala: banda aceh. p, 5



logical approach is what separates sociological information from common sense.

Thus, to obtain sociological knowledge, sociologists accumulate information on the ground and formulate theories about what they find. These theories are than taste by using the scientific method in order to assess the theory’s validity. In arrange to test a theory’s legitimacy, they utilize deduction. Deduction is the act of assessing their theories in light of new data.

Thus, sociological knowledge is created through a constant back and forward between empirical observation and theorization. In this way, sociology is more thorough than common sense, because sociologists test and modify their understanding of how the world works through scientific analysis.8

B. Social status

The word “status” comes from Latin which means a condition of a person based on the rule of law. In its development, the term status was adopted by sociology to explain why social interactions between individuals or groups are different and what determines each individual to carry out his different social roles. Everyone who lives in a society has a social status in their environment status is the position of a person that can be reviewed regardless of the individual. So status is an objective position that gives rights and obligations to the person who occupies the position.9

8 https://socialsci.libretexts.org/bookshelves/sociology/book

9 Susanto, Astrid S., 1983, Pengantar Sosiologi, Jakarta: Bina Aksara, 1983 p. 75



According to Max Weber, social status is different from social class.

Social class is based on an economic order. Meanwhile, social status is based on social order. The social status in society can be different, even though the economic status is the same. For example, a rich businessman who lives in a village will be seen as respectable by his neighbors because of his wealth, whereas if the rich entrepreneur is in the place of the white or the rich, the entrepreneur is in the place of the elite or the rich, the entrepreneur will look normal.

Ralph Linton said that social status is a set of rights and obligations that a person has in society. Owners of high social status will be placed higher in the structure of society than owners of low social status. Major Polak, status is intended as the social position of an individual in a group as well as in society. Social status gives shape and pattern to social interactions. Based on the above statement, it can be concluded that social status or social position is one of the places or positions of a person in a social group or society in general with respect to the presence of other people around the group.

C. Kinds of social status

According to Mayor Polak (1979) there are kinds of social status that a person has in society, one of the highest statuses is a characteristic of his social identity. Kinds of social status:


10 1. Ascribed status

Ascribed status is status that is obtained from birth such as gender, race, caste, class, descent, ethnicity, age. For example someone who is born into a royal family, a man who is born to the king and queen will automatically become the prince.

This individual did not have to do anything to gain his status as a prince. Since birth, his life has been different from that of ordinary children. With more rules, responsibilities, and wealth.

Someday in the future, this individual will replace his father as king. This status is passed on from birth and humans cannot change it because it is the will of the creator.

2. Achieved status

Achieved status is a social status that a person gets because of the hard work and effort he does. Example of this status include wealth, education level, employment and other. For example people who were born poor, but managed to become successful and wealthy. They get their wealth from their efforts and hard work.

3. Assigned status

It is a position that is given, in a group or class giving a higher position to someone who is meritorious, who fights more for something to meet the needs and interests of society. As the



example of the president, this position is given to those who are concerned with public affairs. However, sometimes the position is given because a person has held a certain rank for a long time.10 Like a person who has worked in a company for a long time and was appointed because of this dedication to the company.11

In this research, the writer will use the Aladdin Movie (2019) as an object in his research which is included in the ascribed status because the social status of Aladdin’s character is a social status that is carried from birth.

a street thief who has no parents lives with a monkey and is not of a noble class and is considered to have a low social status in society. One of the rewards of high status is recognition as a person of higher rank. People of high rank and of nobility would have a way of having that position recognized by using symbols make the difference between high and low castes.12

D. The role of social status

The role of social status is the part people play as members of a social role group. With each social role our adopt, our behavior changes to fit the expectations both ourselves and others have of that role. The role of social status is defined as “dynamic aspects of position. When a person exercises his

10 Ismail, Muhammad, 2013, pengantar Sosiologi, Surabaya: IAIN Sunan Ampel Press, p.


11 Ibid p 93-94

12 Hurton, Paul, B. & Hunt, Chester, L., 1992, Sosiologi jilid II, Jakarta: Erlangga, p. 13



rights and obligations in accordance with his position, he plays a role”13 the term role attached to a person is distinguished from the position in public relations. The term social position shows more of the static aspect of the individual in social systems and organizations while the term role is more shows the active and dynamic aspects as well as one’s functionality in community systems and organizations. Someone who is a teacher has a role to educate and teach. If a person exercises his rights and obligations in accordance with the status or position he has, the he has carried out his role.

Between position and role cannot be separated. There is no role without position and there is no position without a role. The role will not function without a position.

In the kingdom there is a top social status occupied by people who have power, strength and wealth such as leaders, kings, queens, princess and others. There are also those who have middle social status such as traders, guards and so on, or those who occupy the lowest social status such as those who do not have a job, beggars, street children. Every person who occupies this social status has their respective roles based on their status.

Between leaders and ordinary people will have different roles because of their social status. According to Wuradji (2009) there are a number of leader roles what the leader must do include:

13 Soekarto, Soerjono, 2013. Sosiologi: suatu pengantar, Jakarta: pt. rajagrafindo persada. P.




a) Leader role as activity coordinator group.

b) The leader who acts as an activity planner.

c) Leaders take decisions as policy, either because of their own considerations, or even after consider the opinion of the group.

d) The leader acts as an expert actually acts as a source of information and knowledge for the group.

e) The leader plays a big role as the representative of the group in external affairs, who is in charge represents the group in relation to the group other.

f) The leader acts as a provider of rewards and sanctions (as purpeyor of reward and punishment).

g) The leader has the role of arbitration and mediator, especially in resolving conflict internal or disagreements among its members.

h) The leader acts as an example to serve as an example behavioral models that follows can emulate.

i) The leader acts as a symbol and group identity (as a symbol of the group).

j) The leader acts as a justifier (scapegoat) who will criticizing something that is considered untrue.14

14 Wuradji. (2009). The educational leadership, kepemimpinan transformasional. Yokyakarta:

Game Media. P. 11-12



A leader who is at the top of his social status must carry out his role properly, because it has become his obligation in their hands a kingdom will be directed and to achieve the expected goals the leader must carry out his role as best as possible.

E. Movie

Movie also called a Film, visual art-form utilized to reenact encounters that communicate thoughts, stories, recognitions, sentiments, magnificence, or environment through the utilize of moving pictures. These pictures are for the generally accompanied by sound, and more once in a while, other tangible stimulations. Male players in a film are called Actors and female players are called Actresses. In this study the writer used two types of movie as research data, namely: Live action.

Is a shape of cinematography or videography that employments photography rather than activity. A few works combine live-action with movement to form a live-action vivified film. Live-action is utilized to characterize film, video diversions or comparable visual media. Example of that movie is Aladdin live-action (2019).

F. Review of related research

There are some research which have related to the writer’s present study. The research has been conducted by some research.

First, the thesis of Elizabeth Ruby Palar (2016). She was student at cultural studies faculty Sam Ratulangi university of Manado. Her thesis



entitled “Kelas Social dalam novel North and South, karya Elizabeth Gaskell”. The object of her research is to identify, describe and analyze the

Social Class classification which is reflected in the novel North and South. It also aims to identify and analyze the effects of that Social Class classification through the character, lifestyle, and pride. The theories that used in her thesis are by Wellek and Warren (1949) and Karl Marx (1977). The method which is used descriptive method by Nazir (1988). The result of her research, first;

social system in British society in Victorian times, classified into several groups or social classes. In general divided into; Upper Class, Middle Class, and Lower Class. Upper class, namely the nobles or the rich, then the Middle Class is those who are not poor but have sufficient income and the Lower Class consists of poor people and workers or laborers. The author raise a viewpoint on their lifestyle and personality. The impact is there due to social conflict, triggering conflict and social disintegration. Conflict include; conflict personal, social class conflict, and environmental conflict. The conflict that occurs is the root of taste frustrated.

Second, research conducted by Lia Oktaviana (2014), she was student at school of teacher training and education of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Under the tittle “The Difference of Social Status reflected in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol novel (1843): A Marxist Approach”.

The object of her research is to analyze the novel based on Marxist Approach.

She used A Marxist Approach and Marxist theory with the steps: Identifying,



Describing, Examining special clue for any side and formulating all the obtained data. She used qualitative method. The result of her thesis is A Christmas Carol has a close relationship with the society of England society in the mid of the century. In Charles novel, he gives responses, opinions, and sympathy to the social condition in that time. Social status of London people in Christmas celebration that is eagerly anticipated by Christians from state England. In this novel, the creditor is represented by Ebenezer Scrooge and the proletariat by Bob Cratchit.

Third, research from Ayu Wulan Dary (2017) student at faculty of cultural studies, university of Sumatra Utara Medan, her thesis entitled “An Analyze of Social Stratification and its impact on woman in Jane Austen’s Persuasion (2007) from England”. The object in this research is to analyze social stratification as portrayed in Persuasion and its impact on woman. She used theory of sociology of literature and social stratification theory to analyze the data. The method that used descriptive qualitative method. The result of her thesis, the differences are created because of class system which is existed in English society including upper and lower. Social class differences are measured by based on power, privilege, and prestige which affect the positions, lifestyle, habits and behaviors between upper and lower class so that the gap among both classes seem so prominent. Its impact is inequality of woman’s social status. This inequality influences woman’s



thoughts and makes woman has to choose marriage as an option to acquire or increase their social class and status.

Fourth, thesis from Dwi Avriyanti (2014) student at Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang. “The Social Class in Victorian era reflected in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre. The object of this research to find out social class described on Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre and to understand the love relationship between people from different social classes in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre. She used social class by Karl Max theory, sociological Approach. She used descriptive qualitative method. The first of result is about three classes on Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre. Upper class, Middle class, and the lower class. Upper class are usually honored or respected by the lower social class because of some advantages given to the upper class such as position and resources. Every social class usually has habit and lifestyle for example upper social class like shopping and partying. The Middle class consists of group of people who have enough money they are the professionals who are able to meet basic needs. Related with Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre those people have profession such as doctor, teacher and pastor. And the lower class consists of poor people who cannot fulfill their needs. On Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, most of people who have job as servant, described on the characters of Jane Eyre itself as governess in the upper class house. The second result is when their marriage took place, there is the figure of a man who suddenly comes and tells about his first wife Jane



Eyre. Jane Eyre was feeling disappointed and hurt. But since Jane Eyre has a sincere love, finally she got married.

Fifth, thesis journal from Ariesma Setyarum with the tittle “Stratifikasi social dalam novel orang miskin dilarang sekolah karya Wiwid Prasetyo”.

The objective of this research is to reveal the social stratification in the novel Orang Miskin Dilarang Sekolah as well as its impacts. The method of this research was literature research. The sociology of literature was used as the theory. The result of this research Social Stratification in the novel Orang Miskin Dilarang Sekolah by Wiwid Prasetyo include; 1) upper social class; 2) middle social class; and 3) lower social class. Social class in the novel Orang Miskin Dilarang Sekolah is classified into; 1) the upper social class, there are groups of people with high positions in the hierarchy of wealth and the hierarchy of power. The group is the employer or boss of the cow. 2) the middle social class there are groups of teachers, groups of students, group of artists, and groups meritorious people or persons honored. 3) lower social class, namely the group of people who occupy a low position within hierarchy of power, class hierarchy, and the status hierarchy. This group represented by workers. Because poverty is what causes it those people prefer be a worker or coolie at Yok Bek’s cattle farm, consequently they do not have the cost of sending their children to school.

It can be concluded that the fifth relevant studies above have the different and similarity from this research. The similarity with this research is



uses the same method. The different between the five relevant study above with this research is use different theories, different objects of analysis and different the result. From Elizabet’s thesis she uses the novel North and South as a data, while this research uses the Aladdin movie as a data. She used social status theory from Karl Marx and in this research the writer will use Social Stratification theory and Sociological Approach. From Lia Oktaviana research, she used A Marxist Approach and Marxist theory to analyze the data. In this research the writer will use Sociological Approach and Social Stratification theory and Social Role theory to analyze the data. She focused on the difference of Social Status in Charles Dickens’ novel and in this research the writer will focus on main Characters which are related with social stratification in the Aladdin Disney movie. Research from Ayu Wulan Dary the difference of this research and her research she discussed about how social stratification with used theory of sociology of literature and social stratification theory. In this research the writer will discuss about the Role of Social status as seen in Aladdin movie. The writer will use Sociological Approach and Social Stratification theory and Social role theory. Research from Dwi Avriyanti. The object of her research to find out social class described on Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre and to understand the love relationship between people from different social classes in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre. She used social class by Karl Max theory, and sociological Approach. The object of this research is to identify the role of Social Status



depicted in the Aladdin Movie (2019). With the Social Stratification theory and Social Role theory. The objective of Ariesma Setyarum research is to reveal the social stratification in the novel Orang Miskin Dilarang Sekolah as well as its impacts. With The sociology of literature theory.



RESEARCH METHOD A. Design of Research

Concurring to the American sociologist Earl Robert Babbie, “Research is a orderly request to depict, clarify, foresee, and control the watched wonder.15 “Penelitian adalah proses, yaitu suatu rangkaian langkah-langkah yang dilakukan secara terencana dan sistematis guna mendapatkan masalah atau mendapatkan jawaban terhadap pertanyaan-pertanyaan tertentu.”16 The process of the writer to get the data and in this research, the writer will use descriptive qualitative method to analysis the data. The data that is collected is from of words and picture on the film. Boghdan states “Qualitative research is descriptive; the data collected is the form words as picture rather than numbers”17 Moloeng stated that:

“Dalam metode penelitian descriptive adalah data yang dikumpulkan adalah beberapa kata-kata, gambar-gambar, dan bukan angka-angka. Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya metode

15 (2021). Retrivied from https://www.questionpro.com/blog/what-is-research/ (accessed January, 29, 2021, at 09:12 pm).

16 Suryabrata, Sumadi. 2002. Metode Penelitian, PT. Raja Grafindo Persada: Jakarta. P. 11

17 Boghdan, Robert & Knoop, Sari, Biklen, 1982, Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory and Methods, Boston:Allyn and Bacon Inc, p.28



kualitatitif. Selain itu semua yang dikumpulkan berkemungkinan menjadi kunci terhadap apa yang sudah diteliti.”18

Based on statement above, it can be concluded used descriptive method means that the Data is obtained from pictures and words not from numbers. The writer will watch the movie of Aladdin movie to get the Data pictures and words from the movie. The writer will use qualitative research to analyze the Data.

Denzin and Lincoln said that; Qualitative research is multi method in focus, involving an interpretive naturalistic approach to its subject matter. It means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural setting, attempting to make sense of or interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. Qualitative research involves the studied use and collection of a variety of empirical material-case study, personal experience, introspective, life story, interview, observation historical, interactional, and visual texts that describe routine and problematic moments and meaning in individual’s live.19

It means that qualitative research can be used to interpret the phenomena of social status that occur in Aladdin movie.

18 Moloeng, Lexi .J.Moloeng, 2007, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, Bandung: PT.Remaja Rodakarya, p. 11

19Creswell, Jhon W, Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design, London: SAGE, p.15


23 B. Source of data

In this research, the data will be taken from Aladdin movie produced by Walt Disney Pictures adaptation of Disney’s 1992 release on May 2019, directed by Guy Ritchie, duration this movie 2:07:58 minutes.

The source of this film taken from the internet with the website The writer will use the script, picture, dialogues, and screen of this movie to analysis. The writer also uses resources in writing proposal related to the discussion of the thesis, the data which support this research such as from internet and also the researcher used source of the data are expression and statement that describing about Social Status.

C. Technique of Data collection

At this stage, the writer used documentation according Arikunto

“Teknik dokumentasi itu adalah upaya untuk mencari data yang berkaitan dengan hal-hal atau yang variable dengan penelitian bisa berupa catatan, buku, gambar, transkip, agenda, surat kabar, majalah, notulen rapat, dan sebagainya.21 Document is a note or file that saved. Its about events or something that has occurred in the past. Sugiyono stated that:

20 (2019). Aladdin movie. Retrivied from (accessed November, 16, 2020, at 09:19 pm).

21 Suharsimi, Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta:Rineka Cipta, p.274



“Dokumen merupakan catatan peristiwa yang sudah berlalu.

Dokumen bisa berbentuk tulisan, gambar, atau karya-karya monumental dari seseoran”.22

The writer use some documents that have correlation or support the problem of the research, because this research is descriptive that is why the writer describe and analyze the data that has been found in Aladdin Movie (2019) to answer of the problems that has been formulated in the formulation of the problem. The steps of the technique of data collecting that had done by the writer in the research, these are:

1. Downloading

The writer downloading the Aladdin movie (2019) and other sources which are closely related to the aim of the research and also journal and article in the cyber data as many as possible which show a form of problem.

2. Watching and Reading the data repeatedly, carefully, and effectively

In the process the writer read the sources couple of times to make sure the data really a correlation with this research and support this research, and especially the writer watch the movie repeatedly, carefully and effectively.

3. Making all the essentially word

22 Sugiyono, 2012, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, Bandung: Alfabeta, p.329



Make a note of data about sentences, statements and information in both of the films which related with this research. The writer marked the data which indicates social status as seen in the Aladdin movie.

4. Identifying the data

After watching and reading the data and make a note of data the writer will identify the data from words or sentences, pictures, and all the important statements and information in the films which has correlation with social status describe in Aladdin 2019 movie.

5. Classifying the data

All the data completely the writer processed the data to analyze them. Classified the data based on the events which has correlation with social status as seen in Aladdin 2019 movie.

Finally, the writer made a good arrangement for the thesis proposal

D. Technique of Data Analysis

The writer will analyze the data with Qualitative research, technique analysis data are used a technique of data analyze. According to Bogdan

“Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts, field notes, and other materials that you accumulate to



increase your own understanding of them and to enable you to present what you have discovered to others.”23

In this research, the writer used technique descriptive analysis because it is suitable with the data of this research. According Sugiyono “teknik deskriptif analisis merupakan sebuah teknik didalam penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan data-data sesuai dengan penelitian dan merupakan data yang sebenarnya kemudian data tersebut disusun, diolah dan dianalisis untuk dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai masalah yang ada.24 The writer describes and analyzes the data to find the answer the formulation of the problems that have been formulated.

The steps of technique data analysis are:

1. Reduction of the data

Reduction mean that writer choose the important data only from all of data. Sugiono stated that “mereduksi data berarti merangkum, memilih hal-hal yang pokok, memfokuskan pada hal- hal yang penting, dicari tema dan polanya”.25

2. Data Display

Data Display is an organized, compressed gathering of data that grants conclusion drawing. A display can be extended piece

23 Sugiyono, 2013, Metode Penelitian Kuantitaf, kualitatif dan R &D, Bandung: Alfabeta, p.244

24 Deni, Firman, Bab III Objek dan Metode Penelitian,

http://elib.unikom.ac.id/files/disk/1/493/jbptunikompp-gdl-denyfirman-24603-4-unikom_d-3.pdf, (Retrieved april 19, 2017 at 11: 59 pm).

25 Ibid p.247



of content or diagram, chart, or lattice gives a other way of organizing and considering approximately more literarily inserted information. The writer will make the narrative display by retrieving data from the text which has correlation with the problem of research.

3. Conclusion/verifying

Conclusion or verifying is the result of analyzing that answer the research problem based on the data analyzing. The conclusion is the last phase of research. The writer concluded the result of analysis and the answer the formulation of the form of descriptive data.26

26 Miles, M.B. & A.M, Huberman, 1984. Qualitative Data Analysis: a Source Book of New Method. London: Sage Publication. P. 21




In this chapter, the writer presents the findings and discussion the social status as seen in Aladdin movie (2019). The data based on the script, picture, dialogues, and screen of the movie to describe and identify the kinds of social status and the role of social status.

A. Findings

The results of this research presented in detail on the finding section. The results answer the objectives the research to identify and describe the kinds of social status by Mayor Polak (1979) theory, and how the role of social status Wuradji (2009) theory in the Aladdin (2019) Movie. The finding of the types social status and the role of social status will be analysis in the discussion section.

The findings of this research based on the first research question the writer found three kinds of social status experienced by main character in Aladdin movie, they are Ascribed status, Achieved status, and Assigned status. The second research question the writer found the role of social status in the upper social status is the people who are in the upper social status like a leader they can to help and protect those in the lower social status like ordinary people, because it’s their obligation their have power, strength and wealth to help and protect the lower social status.


29 B. Discussion

1. Kinds of Social Status

From the data that have been analyzed. The writer found three kinds of social status in Aladdin movie (2019), they are; Ascribed status, Achieved status, and Assigned status.

a. Ascribed status

In chapter II it has been explained that Ascribed status is the social status of a person who already exists from birth and cannot be changed because this status is a gift given by God to every individual. Generally, this social status is caused by the lineage of the individual or something that he has been born with. The social status included in the Ascribed status includes gender, race, caste, class, descent, or ethnicity. These things are irreversible and do exist from the time the individual is born.

An example of Ascribed status is someone who is born in the royal family, as in the Aladdin movie. Men who are born by kings and queens will automatically become royal princes who continue the throne of the kingdom, but if a woman becomes the son of a king and queen then a woman cannot become the next leader because that is already the rule. However, this status may change due to certain events or achievements such as examples of data obtained by the author and the data 1 will be explained below.




Zulla : Stop right there, Aladdin. Whatever it is you stole today, I don’t want it.

Aladdin : Whoa, whoa, I didn’t steal anything. It’s a family heirloom that’s worth a lot of….

Zulla : I’ll give you a bag of dates for it, nothing more.

Aladdin : Zulla, we both know it’s worth at least there bags.

Zulla : Take a bag of dates and get out!27 Analysis:

Based on the dialogue above between Aladdin and Zulla, it is described that the hereditary status of Aladdin since he was born determines whether he is seen or not in society, Aladdin who is seen as a street rat who often steals and is a liar will not make someone respect him, it will even break him. The public will not believe him even through he is right even through the community has judged that Aladdin is not a good person and of good descent but a despicable person in front of society.

When Aladdin was expelled by Zulla because he was accused of declaring heirloom even though Aladdin tried to explain and convince Zulla that he did not state the heirloom, this was a form of the Ascribed status of Aladdin who came from a family that was in a low position in society, and those who were in a low position in society, and those in the lowest place will not be respected and trusted by others.

From the actions of Zulla who explelled Aladdin and accused him of saying it was clear there was no respect for Aladdin.

27 Duration 05:42 -> 05:56


31 Context:

The data 2 below is dialogue that talk about Ascribed status Jafar as a Wazir Sultan and cannot become a Sultan.

Prisoner : But we’ve searched for months. I do not understand what could possibly be in that cave that could help a man as great as you. You are already second only to the Sultan.

Logo : Second! Uh-oh. Who’s in trouble now?

Jafar : And you think second is enough?

Prisoner : Of course. You were not born to be Sultan.

Logo : Not smart.

Jafar : Do you know what I had to do get the power that I have? The sacrifices that I’ve made? The bodies that I’ve buried? The five years spent in a Sherabad jail? People need to understand that they will pay for underestimating me. Second is not enough! And it will never be enough! That’s why I need the lamp. And why I no longer need you!28


From the dialogue above, Jafar will never become a Sultan even though he wants it, this is because he is not the Sultan’s lineage. As said by Prisoner “You were not born to be Sultan”. Only the Sultan’s lineage may occupy and continue the

28 Duration 12:16 -> 12:59



Sultan’s throne. It is a royal crown prince who will occupy the throne of the next sultan when the sultan is no longer able to lead his people.

Jafar was born into an ordinary citizen but with his hard work he could become a royal advisor (Wazir sultan) but he could not become a Sultan because he was not born into a royal family because ascribed status is the social status of a person who already exists from birth.


The data 3 is dialogue between Aladdin and Jasmine, it is also talk about Ascribed Status. When the princess jasmine played a guitar.

Aladdin : It’s all I remember of her Jasmine : And what about your father?

Aladdin : I lost them both when I was young. Been on my own ever since. It’s all right, it’s just…..

Jasmine : What?

Aladdin : It’s a little sad… having a monkey as the only parental authority in your life. We get by. Every day, I just… think things will be different, but it never seems to change. Just sometimes, I feel like I’m…

Jasmine : Trapped. Like you… can’t escape what you born into?

Aladdin : Yes29


29 Duration 15:49 -> 16:28



Aladdin was born into an ordinary family, his father and mother died when he was little, and only lives with a monkey who cares for him until now. He survived the loot that he got from the market, which is why street rats are his nickname in the Agrabah community. A very sad life Aladdin wants a change in his life, the humiliation, redicule, and reproach that he has been getting all this time makes him want to change his life, but he thinks that he is just an ordinary critizen. It was the redicule that he got. No matter how good he was to others, he was still bad in the eyes of society. He was born as a street child who did not have both parents and he had to accept that fact no matter how hard he felt.

He was born to a poor family, and that was not his choice. It was a gift from God to him and he could neither refuse nor ask that he be born into a rich and respected family.


The data 4 from dialogue between Aladdin and Guard.

Guard : Street rat, get out of the way.

Aladdin : Who do you think you’re calling a street rat?

Guard : Are you talking back to me? You were born worthless and you will die worthless. And only your fleas will mourn you.

Aladdin : Come on, Abu. Let’s go home.30

30 Duration 17:30 ->17:46


34 Analysis:

The dialogue above is the dialogue between Aladdin and the Guard, so insulting an Aladdin as explained by the Guard ”You were born worthless and you will die worthless. And only your fleas will mourn you”, that’s what the guard said when he met Aladdin on the street. Living alone without any friend and family, no one wants to be friends with him, only a monkey is his friend as well as his family.

Living with solitude and will find death by living alone there is only a caterpillar that will accompany his death. That was the explanation given from the guard to Aladdin who was so despicable in his presence, which only troubled the people of Agrabah.

Another thing if he is a member of the kingdom he will be treated well.


As the dialogue from the data 5 below:

Sultan : Welcome, Prince Anders. We trust you had an enjoyable journey.31

The picture from the data 6 when Prince Anders arrives at the old market and the peole are ordered to get off the streets to make way for a prince.

31 Duration 18:56


35 Picture 1.232

Guard : Reception to Prince Anders!

Jasmine : I have to get back to the palace.

Guard : Clear the way to Prince Anders!33 Analysis:

Data 5 and 6 are direct remarks from the Sultan to the prince who visited his palace and respect and welcome by Agrabah community. That means, those who are in the top position in the social system will be treated well and respected by others, in contrast to Aladdin, whose social system feels like a low position in society will be humiliated as treated by the guard to Aladdin. Prince Anders is respected by the sultan, the person who has the highest social status in society and Aladdin is humiliated by a guard whose position is almost the same as that of ordinary people. In the data 4 above dialogue between Aladdin and guard.

32 Aladdin movie (2019), Duration 16:43

33 Duration 16:34 -> 16:42



Between Aladdin and Prince Anders were treated differently by the kingdom and the agrabah society, Aladdin was treated with contempt and Prince Anders was treated with respect by the kingdom and society both of them were born different status. Prince Anders was born as the crown prince of the kingdom while Aladdin was born to poor parents even his parents died when he was a child. It is because of the lineage that they are treated differently and this is included in the ascribed status based on the lineage.

b. Achieved status

This status can be attained by hard work and effort. This social status is uncertain and can be owned by everyone, provided they are willing to try and work hard. In the data, the writer found the forms of Achieved status and explained bellow.


The data 7 talk about Achieved status the dialogue between Sultan, Jafar and jasmine:

Sultan : My dear, I’m not getting any younger.

We must find you a husband and… we are running out of kingdoms.

Jasmine : What foreign prince can care for our people as I do? I could lead, if only…

Sultan : My dear, you cannot be a sultan.

Because it has never been done in the thousand-year history of our kingdom.

Jasmine : I have been preparing for this my whole life. I have read every…

Jafar : Books? But you cannot read experience.

Inexperience is dangerous. People, left



unchecked, will revolt. Walls and borders, unguarded, will be attacked.34 Analysis:

The dialogue above described princes jasmine wants to become a sultan in place of his father, she works hard to learn by reading books and has prepared himself from a long time so that he can lead his kingdom well. However, his father rejected his desire because during the history of the kingdom, there was never a woman who led the kingdom. Even though she is from the royal family and the descendant of the sultan even. She is the only heir to the kingdom and could be asked to lead the kingdom because there are no more descendants of the sultan besides him. Princes Jasmine studied hard even though she knew that a princess had never ruled the kingdom. She kept trying and working hard and proved to his father that she was able to lead his people.

In achieved status, a person can change his status and achieve what is expected with hard work and effort. That is what Jasmine did. She learned by reading books and had prepared herself from a long time so that she could become a sultan to replace her father even though she was born from the sultan’s lineage but she was born as a woman and woman cannot lead the kingdom. That is why she tries harder to convince his father that a woman can take the lead.


34 Duration 21:53 -> 22:26


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