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LAILATUL MUSA’ADAH Email: lailatulmusaadahgmail.com Abstract: This research analyzes code switching used in conversations by the lecturer and the


Academic year: 2018

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Analysis of Code Switching in English Speaking Class

A Case Study of English Education Department of Islamic University of

Lamongan in Academic Year 2015/2016

LAILATUL MUSA’ADAH Email: lailatulmusaadah@gmail.com


This research analyzes code switching used in conversations by the lecturer and the students of English speaking class in academic year 2015/2016. This research aims to analyze the types of code switching and factors used by the lecturer and the students. The method of this research is qualitative. The researcher obtains data by recording the conversations in natural setting in the class. The findings of this study indicate that two types of code switching found in the conversations. It is intersentential code switching and intrasentential code switching. They are used for various functions because of several factors. The most dominant factors are real lexical need of 10 data, then intention to clarify the speech content as much of 9 data , interjection of 2 data , repetition of 2 data, and talking about a particular topic of 1 data.

Keywords: code switching, speaking class


Code switching is typical of the

closed conventions of network

communicative situations (Gumperz (1982 in Hamers and Blanc, 2004:266). According to Meisel (1994 in Cantone, 2007:57), code-switching is the ability to select the language according to the interlocutor, the situational context, the topic of conversation, and so forth, and to change languages within an interactional sequences in accordance with socio-linguistic rules and without violating specific grammatical constraints. So, code

switching is the transition in the use of language that occur between individuals due to situations and topics the user language. individuals can use code change of language phenomenon in bilingual or multilingual societies.


Variety of micro focus on internal language such as phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, lexicography and while

macro-linguistics focusing on

sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, antropolinguistik and so on.

At this research, the researcher focuses on the macro linguistics examines the Sociolinguistics especially on code switching. Wardhaugh (2006:13) says that the sociolinguistic study of language in relation to society, whereas the sociology of language is the study of society in relation to language. According to the researcher, sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language with social factors within a community. Thus, the study of Sociolinguistics is very interesting to understand because with regard to the language, the users of the language, society, environment and changes to the language. There are many things that we can learn in sociolingustics. In Wardhaugh (2006:1-315) involves languages, dialects, varieties, pidgin, creoles, bilingualism and multilingualism, speech communities, word and culture, ethnographies, solidarity, politeness, talk and action, and gender.

Based on the information above, the researcher is interested to know topic bilingualism. This is because bilingualism frequently appears in the middle of today's society. In addition, the community is now required to master more than one language. There are some definitions of bilingualism from the experts included the following:

1. Scotton (2006:3), bilingual usually is associated with being able to speak two or more languages.

2. Lado (1964 in Chaer and Agustina, 2004:86), bilingualism is the ability in using language by someone with as good or almost as good, which technically refers to the knowledge of two languages however inclined. 3. Nababan(1991:27), bilingualism is

the habit of using two languages in interaction with others.

Based on the opinions of experts about the definition of bilingualism, the researcher can conclude that bilingualism is the ability to interact in using two languages by someone with as good or almost as good in turn. In addition, bilingualism can be used for individuals and society. So, it is very interesting if the events are examined in depth.

Bilingualism is a problem of Sociolinguistics that existing in the communities (Chaer and Agustina, 2004:106). Bilingualism is closely related to code switching, code mixing, interference and integration in the use of language.

Code mixing and code swiching have a relationship very closely both in bilingualism and multilingualism. Code switching is a transition event from one code to another code, while code mixing occurs when a speakers using a dominant

language supports a narrative


considered to have become part of the language.

Code switching is often used by individuals based on the situations. Code switching does not just happen in a society, but it is happening in the world of English education in particular speaking class. The mother tongue of Javanese generally uses the Javanese language and the first language uses Indonesian. It causes most students and lecturer to mix and switch the language in the speaking class. The main purpose is to insert some words or sentences that cannot be remembered and also to explain some words that may not be understood by students in learning.

The students and the lecturer always combines Indonesian and English or inserts English in Indonesia in order to the audiences get the message. The students also use it to continue the explanation although in Indonesian. From that case, the researcher will examine more about types of code switching and the factors of occurrence code switching in the fourth semester English speaking class of English Education Department of Islamic University of Lamongan in academic year 2015/2016.


This research is a descriptive qualitative method. It is descriptive because the objective of this study are observing and finding the information as many as possible dealing with the phenomenon. Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen, and Razavieh (2010:39) say that qualitative research focuses on understanding social phenomena and providing rich verbal

descriptions of settings, situations, and participants In this kind of method, the data used as samples are not figurres but might be some words or description of something. As qualitative research, the data in this research are inform forms of code switching. The researcher believes that this method is very appropriate to the objectives of the study for researcher describes the phenomenon the researcher finds during the process of the study.

The data which forms code switching are obtained from the utterances mode during English speaking class of English Education Department of Islamic University of Lamongan in academic year 2015/2016 from the conversation of a lecturer and 22 students during learning in the three meetings.

From the data above, the researcher does the research in Islamic University of Lamongan especially in the class A of the fourth semester of English speaking class of English Education Department in academic year 2015/2016. The researcher chooses this location caused the researcher finds many symptoms of code switching in this class compared other class.


participates to record English speaking class which containing English-Indonesian/English-Javanese code switch-ing. Researcher ensures the validity of the data by triangulation. According to Wiliam Wiersma (1986 in Sugiyono, 2010:372) says that triangulation is qualitative cross-validation. It assesses the sufficiency of the data according to the convergence of multiple data sources or multiple data collection procedures. Record data in qualitative research is as triangulation. In additional, record data is considered essential to assist researcher in obtaining the data and as a evidence in the research.

Vanderstoep and Johnston (2009:191) say that data analysis should occur after the first data are collected, and the initial analysis should determine the focus and strategies used in subsequent data collection. To collect the data, researcher analyzes through the some steps. They are data collection, data display, data reduction, conclusion drawing/ verifica-tion.


Following Schendl and Wright (2011:69), the researcher devided code switching into two types about types of code switching. They devide into two types, they are intrasentential and intersentential code switching. Schendl and Wright (2011:69) also say that intersentential switches is switches between sentences or independent clauses, and intrasentential switches, defined as switches between or within sentence constituents, including dependent (embedded) clauses. There

were 21 data in total of code switching that occured in the three meeting conversations in which Intrasentential

code switching dominated the

conversation which occured 14 times and intersentential code switching occured 10 times.

The example of intrasentential code switching performed by Senja is given below:

“For example, OECD (organisation for economic cooperation and development) it means organisasi untuk kerjasama dan pembangunan ekonomi.” (Senja)

Senja, student of English speaking class does code switching between English with Indonesian. In the utterance above, the researcher finds code switching comes into Indonesian utterances. She uses intrasentential code switching in the form phrase is organisasi untuk kerjasama dan pembangunan ekonomi. This phrase is translated in English is organisation for economic cooperation and development. Phrase “organisasi untuk kerjasama dan pembangunan ekonomi” belongs to noun phrase. Organisasi means organisation is

noun and untuk kerjasama dan

pembangunan ekonomi means for

economic cooperation and development is prepositional phrase. This is marked by word untuk or for.

Meanwhile, the example of

intersentential code switching performed by Mr. Hariyanto is given below:


conclusion. Ini sudah baik dari pada sebelumnya dan yang berikutnya harus lebih baik karena waktunya juga lebih.”

The data showed by Mr. Hariyanto switches from English into Indonesian. He gives the point for students about the presentation. Sentence, ini sudah baik dari pada sebelumnya dan yang berikutnya harus lebih baik karena waktunya juga lebih, is code switching done by lecturer of English speaking class, Mr. Hariyanto. Sentence, “Ini sudah baik dari pada sebelumnya dan yang berikutnya harus lebih baik karena waktunya juga lebih”, means this is already better than the previous and next should be better because time is too much. This sentence included

compound-complex sentences that combines compound-complex sentence and compound sentence forms. A compound-complex sentence contains one or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. A compound sentence is marked by coordinating conjunction like for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so). A complex sentence is marked by subordinating conjunction like because, as, while. Word dan or and is a coordinating conjunction. Word karena or because is subordinating conjunction.

The table below shows the result of the types of code switching Schendl and Wright (2011:69) based on the example above.

No Utterances

Types of Code Switching

Intrasentential Code Switching IntersententialCode Switching

Word Phrase Sentence

1. “For example, OECD (organisation for economic cooperation and development) it means organisasi untuk kerjasama dan pembangunan ekonomi.” (Senja)

organisasi untuk kerjasama dan pembangunan ekonomi. 2. “It can be wonderful presentation. One

again, don’t be weak but make a conclusion

on the presentation, called down the point one between and elaborate with explanation, expression on the table and give the conclusion. Ini sudah baik dari pada sebelumnya dan yang berikutnya harus lebih baik karena waktunya juga lebih.”

Ini sudah baik dari pada sebelumnya dan yang berikutnya harus lebih baik karena waktunya juga lebih.

Table 1. Types of Code Switching Based on the Data above

In this study, it is found that the research subject mostly performed code-switching due to real lexical need of 10 data, intention to clarify the speech content as much of 9 data, interjection of 2 data, repetition of 2 data, and talking about a particular topic of 1 data. Among all factors of causing the occurence of code switching, it is found that the research subject did not perform code-switching quoting somebody else, being emphatic


No Factors of Code Switching

7. Expressing Group Identity 0 8. To Soften and Straighten

Request or Command


9. Real Lexical Need 10 10. To Exclude Other People 0

Table 2. Total Occurence of Factors of Code Switching


This section discusses the research findings in relation to the problem on elaborated in accordance with problem of the study, which found types and factors of code switching during three meeting.

Some factors of causing the code-switching. Those factors are talking about a particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something, interjection, repetition, intention to clarify the speech content, expressing group identity, to soften and straighten request or command, real

lexical need, and the last is to exclude speaking class. Based on the data obtained from the result code switching analysis in class A of fourth semester English speaking class. The researcher finds two types and five factors in this class. They are intrasentential code switching of 14 data and intersentential code switching of 10 data. The five factors are real lexical need of 10 data, intention to clarify the speech content as much of 9 data, interjection of 2 data, repetition of 2 data, and talking about a particular topic of 1 data.


inserted. In this research, the researcher finds and analyzes 21 data which contained code switching in English speaking class of three meeting of the conversation in the class. The 21 data analyzed is the presentation ofthe speaker and explanation of the lecturer about the students’s conversations.


Based on the discussion of the study, the researcher concludes:

1. The researcher finds the use of code

switching in the form of

intrasentential code switching and intersentential code switching in this research. From the 21 data, the researcher finds code switching in the types intrasentential code switching is 14 data and the in the form of types intersentential code switching is 10 data. In the form intrasentential code switching, the researcher finds many code switching in the form word of 9 data and 7 data in the form phrase. Meanwhile, in the form intersentential code switching , the researcher also finds 11 data code switching in the form sentence.

2. The researcher analyzes the ten factors. That are talking about a particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something, interjection, repetition, intention to clarify the speech content, expressing group identity, to soften and straighten request or command, real lexical need, and the last is to exclude other people. From this factors, the researcher concludes that 21 data found by the students are 11 data and

the lecturer are 10 data. The factors of code switching frequently are real lexical need of 10 data, to clarify the speech content of 9 data, interjection of 2 data, repetition of 2 data, and a particular topic of 1 data.

For practical significance, based on the result of the study, the lecturer should uses full English without any switching from another language such as Indonesian or Javanese, because of in English teaching and learning process. The students in English speaking class should be able to develop their communication using English correctly without any switching from another language such as Indonesian or Javanese, because they have got exposure during teaching and learning process


Ary, Donald, Lucy Cheser Jacobs, and Chris Sorensen. 2010. Introduction to Research in Education. Australia: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Edward, John. 2009. Language and

Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Chaer, Abdul and Leonie Agustina. 2004. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Wardhaugh, Ronaald. 2006. An

Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Blackwell Publiser.

Wijana, Dewa Putu and Mohammad Rohmadi. 2012. Sosiolinguistik: Kajian Teori dan Analisis. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Scotton, Carol Myers. 2006. Multiple


Bilingualism. Oxford: Blackwell Publisher.

Nababan, P. W. J. 1984. Sosiolinguistik: Suatu Pengantar. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia.

Hamers, J. F and Michel H. A. Blanc. 2004. Bilinguality and Bilingualism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Cantone, Katja F. 2007. Code-Switching in Bilingual Children. Netherlands: Springer.

Vanderstoep, Scott W. and Deirdre D. Johnston. 2009. Research Methods for Everyday Life Blending Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass


Table 1. Types of Code Switching Based on the Data above
Table 2. Total Occurence of Factors of Code


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