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S SEJ 1200028 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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Elis Triyani, 2016


Sumber Buku :

Abdurahman, D. (2007). Metodologi Penelitian Sejarah. Yogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media.

Agung, L. (2012). Sejarah Asia Timur 1. Yogyakarta: Ombak.

Ames, R.T. (2002). Sun-Tzu : The Art of Warfare (Sun-Tzu:Seni Perang). Batam: Lucky Publisher.

Anwar,Y dan Adang. (2013). Sosiologi untuk Universitas. Bandung: Refika Aditama.

Clyde, P H & Beers, B F. (1966). The Far East. New Jersey : Prentice-Hall Inc. Dening, E. (1966). Japan. New York: Frederick A. Praeger.

Depdikbud. (1985). Kamus Umum Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta : Balai Pustaka. Gottschalk, L. (2008). Mengerti Sejarah. Jakarta : Universitas Indonesia Press. Ismaun. (2005). Sejarah sebagai Ilmu. Bandung:Historia Utama Press.

KBS & Ministry of Education of Korea. (1995). Sejarah Korea. Seoul : Radio Korea International, KBS bekerja sama dengan National Institute for International Education Development, Ministry of Education of Korea.

Korean Culture and Information Service. (2009). Fact about Korea. Seoul : Korean Culture and Information Service, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Lan, N J. (1962). Djepang Sepandjang Masa. Jakarta: PT. Kinta Djakarta.

McCune, G.M. & Grey Jr, A.L. (1950). Korea Today. Cambridge : Harvard University Press

Prabowo, JS. (2009). Perang Darat. Jakarta : Agung Printing

Purjiyanta, E. (2007). Mengenal Kapal Laut. Jakarta : Ganeca Exact.

Reischauer, E.O. (1967). Japan Past and Present. New York: Alfred A. Knoff Sansom, G.B. (1962). Japan a Short Cultural History. New York: Appleton


Sjamsuddin, H. (2007). Metodologi Sejarah. Yogyakarta : Ombak.


Supardan, D. (2011). Pengantar Ilmu Sosial : Sebuah Kajian Pendekatan Struktural. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara.

Usman, S. (2012). Sosiologi: Sejarah, Teori dan Metodologi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Wulansari, D. (2009). Sosiologi : Konsep dan Teori. Bandung : Refika Aditama.

Sumber E-book:

Akiko, S. (2015). Hideyoshi’s view of Choson Korea and Japan-Ming negotiations. Dalam J.B. Lewis. (Penyunting). The East Asian War, 1592-1598 : International Relations, Violence, and Memory. (hlm.1-8). New York : Routledge Curzon.

Cheng, W.C. (2013). War, Trade and Piracy in the China Seas 1622-1683. Leiden : Brill

Choi, W.G. (2006). The Traditional Ships of Korea. Seoul : Ewha Womens University Press.

Ebrey, P. & Walthall, A. (2014). Modern East Asia from 1600 : A Cultural, Social, and Political History. Boston : Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Ebrey, P. & Walthall, A. (2014). Pre-Modern East Asia to 1800 : A Cultural,

Social, and Political History. Boston : Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Hall, J.W. (Penyunting). (1991). The Cambridge History of Japan : Volume 4

Early Modern Japan. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

Hall, S. Keiji, N. & Yamamura, K. (1981). Japan Before Tokugawa : Political Consolidation and Economic Growth, 1500-1650. New Jersey : Princeton University Press.

Han, J.W. (2014). Power, Place, and State-Society Relations in Korea: Neo-Confucian and Geomantic Reconstruction of Developmental State and Democratization. Plymouth : Lexington Books.

Hang, K. (2013). A Korean War Captive in Japan, 1597-1600. New York : Columbia University Press.

Henshall, K.G. (2012). A History of Japan : From Stone Age to Superpower 3rd Edition. London : Palgrave Macmillan.

Kang, D C. (2010). East Asia Before The West : Five Centuries of Trade and Tribute. New York : Columbia University Press


Kim, Y.M. & Pettid, M.J. (Penyunting). (2011). Women and Confucianism in Choson Korea : new perspectives. New York : State University of New York Press.

Lee, S.Y. (2009). Art of the Korean Renaissance, 1400-1600. New York : The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Lewis, J.B. (2003). Frontier Contact between Choson Korea and Tokugawa Japan. New York : Routledge Curzon.

Lewis, J.B. (Penyunting). (2015). The East Asian War, 1592-1598 : International Relations, Violence, and Memory. New York : Routledge Curzon.

Lewis, J.B. (2015). Introduction. Dalam J.B. Lewis. (Penyunting). The East Asian War, 1592-1598 : International Relations, Violence, and Memory. (hlm.1-8). New York : Routledge Curzon.

Manji, K. (2015). The Imjin Waeran: contrasting the first and the second invasions of Korea. Dalam J.B. Lewis. (Penyunting). The East Asian War, 1592-1598 : International Relations, Violence, and Memory. (hlm.1-8). New York : Routledge Curzon.

National Palace Museum of Korea. (2015). The King at the Palace : Joseon Royal Court Culture at the National Palace Museum of Korea. Seoul : National Palace Museum of Korea

Oh, H.S. (2009). Traditional Korean Villages. Seoul : Ewha Womens University Press.

Rengganis, R. (2013). Sosok di Balik Perang. Jakarta : Raih Asa Sukses

Shin, M.D. (Penyunting). (2014). Korean History in Maps : from Prehistory to the Twenty-first Century. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

Suryohadiprojo, S. (2005). Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum : Membangun Pertahanan Negara yang Modern dan Efektif. Jakarta : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Swope, K.M. (2009). A Dragon’s Head and a Serpent’s Tail : Ming China and

The First Great East Asian War, 1592-1598. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press.

Tucker, S.C. (2015). Wars That Changes History : 50 of the World’s Greatest Conflicts. California : ABC-Clio

Turnbull, S. (2003). Fighting Ships of the Far East (2) : Japan and Korea AD 612-1639. Oxford : Osprey Publishing

Turnbull, S. (2005). Warriors of Medieval Japan. Oxford : Osprey Publishing Ltd. Turnbull, S. (2007). Japanese Castles in Korea 1592-98. Oxford : Osprey


Turnbull, S. (2007). The Samurai : A Military History. Padstow: TJ International Ltd.

Turnbull, S. (2008). Samurai Armies 1467-1649. Oxford : Osprey Publishing Ltd. Turnbull, S. (2008). The Samurai Invasion of Korea 1592-98. Oxford : Osprey

Publishing Ltd.

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. (2015). Buku Pedoman Karya Ilmiah UPI Tahun 2015. Bandung : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

Uttam, J. (2014). The Political Economy of Korea. New York : Palgrave Macmillan.

Wardoyo, B. (2015). Perkembangan, Paradigma, dan Konsep Keamanan Internasional dan Relevansinya untuk Indonesia. Klaten : Nugra Media. Weir, W. (2007). 50 Military Leaders Who Changed the World. New Jersey : The

Career Press.

Yi, M.U. (2015). The Role of Choson navy and major naval battles during the Imjin Waeran. Dalam J.B. Lewis. (Penyunting). The East Asian War, 1592-1598 : International Relations, Violence, and Memory. (hlm.1-8). New York : Routledge Curzon.

Sumber Jurnal:

Andrade, T., Kang, H.H., & Cooper, K. (2014). A Korean Military Revolution? Parallel Military Innovations in East Asia and Europe. Journal of World History, 25 (1), hlm. 51-84.

Connor, M. (2001). Famous Koreans Six Potraits. Journal Education About Asia, 6 (2), hlm.31-40.

Gilbert, M.J. (2007). Admiral Yi Sun-Shin, The Turtle Ships, and Modern Asian History. Journal Education About Asia, 12 (1), hlm. 29-35.

Han, W.H., Jung, H.S., & Lee, M.H. (2011). Study on Internal Deck Structure of Turtle Ships Developed in Chosŏn Dynasty Era. Journal of Korea Institute of Science and Military Technology, 14 (5), hlm. 871-879.

Hawley, S.J. (2011). The Imjin War. Journal of Yonsei University, 78 (4), hlm. 35-55.

Kang, S. (2009). National Disgrace: Korea, Japan, and the Imjin War, Columbia East Asia Review Journals, 2 (1), hlm. 56-66.


Lee, H. (2006). The Repatriation of Castaways in Choson Korea-Japan Relations, 1599-1888. Journal of Korean Studies University of Hawai’i, 30, hlm. 67-90.

Lee, J.Y. (2013). Diplomatic Ritual as a Power Resource: The Politics of Asy mmetry in Early Modern Chinese-Korean Relations. Journal of East Asian Studies. 13, hlm. 309-336.

Cho, W.S. (2015). Sejarah Incheon: Gerbang Masuk Menuju Korea. Dalam The Korea Foundation. (hlm.17-20). Incheon Pintu Gerbang Utama Korea, dari Pelabuhan Terbuka menuju Bandar Udara Nomor Satu. Jurnal Koreana, Seni dan Budaya Korea, 3 (1).

The Korea Foundation. (2015). Seowon, Pusat Akademi Neo-Konfusianisme di Masa Dinasti Joseon. Jurnal Koreana, Seni dan Budaya Korea, 4 (4). Zhang, F. (2014). How hierarchic was the historical East Asian system? Journals

of Macmillan, 51 (1), hlm. 1-22.

Sumber Artikel :

Kim, Y S. (2003). A Brief History of the US-Korea Relations Prior to 1945.

[Online]. Diakses dari :



Muradi. (2013). Konflik Kontemporer Sebagai Pengganti Perang. [Online].

Diakses dari :


Sarsito, T. (2008). Perang dalam tata kehidupan antarbangsa. [Online]. Diakses dari : http://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/12345870.pdf.

Wardhani, A. (2006). PERANG & DAMAI Pengantar: Causes of War. [Online].

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