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Academic year: 2019



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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris


In the English Education Department of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty




113 11 056








In the name of Allah, The most gracious and most merciful.

Hereby the researcher declares that this graduating paper is made by the

researcher and it is not containing materials written or has been published by other

people except the information from references.

The researcher is capable of accounting for this graduating paper if in

future this is can be proved of containing other‟s ideas, or in fact, the researcher

imitates the others‟ graduating paper.

In addition, the researcher really hopes that this declaration can be

understood for all human being.

Salatiga, August 23th 2015






Jl. TentaraPelajar 02 Telp (0298) 323433 Fax 323433 Salatiga 50721 Website: www.iainsalatiga.ac.id email: administrasi@iainsalatiga.ac.id

Dr.H. Sa’adi M.Ag.

The Lecturer of Teacher Training and Education Faculty (TTEF)

State Institute for Islamic Studies of Salatiga


Case: Ulfah Rahmawati‟s graduating paper Salatiga, August 23th 2015


The Rector of State Islamic Studies

Institute of Salatiga

Assalamu’alaikumWr. Wb.

After reading and correcting ulfah rahmawati‟s graduating paper entitled THE

STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN WRITING REPORT OF THE NINTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMPN 1 WONOSEGORO IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/2016. I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by Teacher Training and Education Faculty (TTEF), I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu’alaikumWr. Wb.










Has been brought to the board of examiners English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty (TTEF) of State Institute for Islamic Studies of Salatiga on August 29th, 2015 and hereby considered to completely fulfill the requirements of the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.PdI)

Board of examiners,

Head :Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari,M.Pd . ____________

Secretary : Dr.H.Sa‟adi M.Ag ___________

First Examiner : Rifqi Aulia Erlangga, M.Hum ____________

Second Examiner :Sari Famularsih, M.A ____________

Salatiga, August 29th 2015

Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty (TTEF)




I think and think for months and years.

Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth

time I am right."

(Albert Einstein)

A person who never make a mistake never

tried anything new”




This work is sincerely dedicate this graduating paper for:

My sweet family, father (Ali mahmud), mother (Kasmiyati), all my young

sisters (hana layinatussyifa), and (nur laila oktavia) thanks a lot of your

loving, support, guidance, and pray. May Allah award best for every single




Alhamdulillahirobbil „alamin… All praises and thanks are just for ALLAH

Subhanahu wa Ta‟ala, the Almighty God and the Lord of the universe, only for His mercy and guidance I can finish my graduating paper,because the researcher

could complete this graduating paper as one of the requirements for getting

Educational Islamic Studies (S.Pd.I) in English Department of Educational

Faculty of State Islamic Studies Institute (IAIN) of Salatiga in 2015. By doing

everything, all complicated things easier to do.

This graduating paper would not have been completed without supports,

guidance advice, and help from individual‟s institution. Therefore, I would like to

express deep appreciation to:

1. Mr. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. the Rector of State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd. the Dean of Teacher Training and Educational Faculty of

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

3. Mr.Dr.Sa‟adi.M.Ag, the counselor of this graduating paper. Thanks for suggestion and recommendation for this graduating paper from beginning

until the end.

4. Mrs. Noor Malihah, Ph,D. the Head of English Education Department of

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

5. All lecturers of English education department, (Mr. Dr. H Sa'adi M.Ag, Mr.

thanks you all for your advices, knowledge, motivation, advice, attention,

insight, values etc.

6. All the lecturers of State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga



8. My second family in boarding house (Ifah, Nova, Dek Eka, Isna, Nurul,

Dayah, Dwi And Via) thanks for your kindness.

9. My crazy friends (nova, sifa, sari, ifah,cikmah, lita,, vivin,dewi) thanks for

your sweet memories that always make my daily life are so colorful. I will

never forget you all

10.All of staff who helped the researcher in processing of thesis administration.

11.All of TBI 2011.

12.Those cannot be mentioned one by one.Thanks for your motivation, support,

helps, learn, love and care, thank you so much.

Finally, it has to be admitted that nothing in the world is perfect, which

iscertainly true of this small piece of writing. The writer is fully aware of this, but

on the other hand, she hopes that this graduating paper will be useful especially

for herself and for the reader in general.

Salatiga, September 23th2015

The Researcher



Rahmawati, Ulfah.2015: The Use Of Illustration Method To Improve The

Students‟ Ability In Writing Report Of The Ninth Grade Students Of Smpn 1 Wonosegoro In The Academic Year 2015/2016”. Graduating Paper.Teacher Training and Education Faculty (TTEF).English Education Departemant.State Institute for Islamic Studies. Counselor :Dr.Sa‟adi, M.Ag

Keywords : Illustration Method, Report Text, Classroom Action Research

This is a classroom action research. It is aimed to find out the improvement of report students‟ writing skill of 9th grade students of SMPN 1Wonosegoro In The Academic Year 2015/2016 through illustration method. Besides that, it is also to describe the process of teaching writing using illustration method to 9th grade students of SMPN 1Wonosegoro. The data is obtained by giving pre test and post test in each cycle. The result shows there are improvement

in students‟ writing skill. It can be seen at the mean of pre test and post test. In cycle II the mean of pre test and post test are 67,96 and73.83. The mean of the pre test and post test in cycle III are 74,53 and 81,58. The process of the research took place for two weeks, precisely it is three meetings. Students could follow the teaching-learning process well. They could show their interests in the lesson. Based on the analysis the writer concludes that students of 9th grade in SMPN 1Wonosegoro can improve their report through illustration method.




TITLE... i




MOTTO ...v



ABSTRACT... ...ix



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study. ... ...1

B. Problem of Study...4

C. Objectives of Study ... ...4

D. Significant of Study.. ... ...4

E. Definition of Key Terms...5

F. Scope of Research ... ...6

G. Outline of Research . ... ...6

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Review of Previous Research...8

B. Method... ...8



2. Method of learning ... ...10

3. Types of method ... ...15

C. Media ... ...20

1. Definition of Media...20

2. Kinds of Educational Media... ...21

3. Function Of Media...23

4. Media of Illustration ...23

D. Report Text...26

1. Definition of report text...26

2. Generic Structure of Report text...26

3. Significant lexicogrammatical features...27

4. Example of Report Text ...27


1. General Description of SMP N 1 Wonosegoro ... ...29

2. Setting of Time ...29

3. Condition of Teacher and Staff ... ...37

4. Facilities of SMPN 1 Wonosegoro ...38

5. Organization Structure ... ...40

6. Distribution of the Group ... ...41

7. List of Students in Writing Class by Using illustration method ...41



1. Setting of the research...34

2. Method of the research...34

3. Procedure of the research...35

4. Method of analysis ...37

C. Role of reseacher...42


1. Planning ...43

2. Action ...43

3. Observation ...44

4. Reflection ...49

B. Second Cycle ... ...50

1. Planning...50

2. Action ...50

3. Observation ...53

4. Reflection ...62

C. Third Cycle...63

1. Planning ...63

2. Action ...63

3. Observation ...64

4. Reflection ...73




A. Conclusion... ...76

B. Suggestion ... ...77






Table 2.1 Generic Structure Analysis...26

Table 2.2. Lexicogrammatical features analysis... 26

Table 3.1. List of Teachers And Staff...37

Table 3.2 Facilities of SMPN 1 Wonosegoro...39

Table 3.3 Total of Students...32

Table 3.4 Distribution of group...32

Table 3.5 list of students in writing class by using illustration method...32

Table 3.6 Scoring Guidelines...39

Table 4.1. Students‟ observation sheet...46

Table.4.2 Teachers‟ observation sheet...47

Table 4.3 Students‟ observation sheet...53

Table.4.4 Teachers‟ observation sheet...55

Table 4.5.Callculation of the average differences of pre-test and post...58

Table 4.6 Students‟ observation sheet...61

Table 4.7. Students‟ observation sheet...65

Table.4.8 Teachers‟ observation sheet...67

Table. 4.9 Calculation of the average differences of pre-test and post-test...70

Table.4.10 Students‟ observation sheet...72





A. Background of the study

Language is a tool to communicate with other people. In daily life

everyone need communication to give information about something. They use

communication in verbal and written. English is choosen as international

language to communicate with other people which come from different

country. Indonesian goverment has considered English as foreign language in

Indonesia. It is the first foreign language to be taught in the schools. It is

taught from first grade from the first of Junior High school (SMP) up to the

third of Senior High School (SMA) and in the university.

Altough English has been taught since Junior High School (SMP), it

does not mean that the students have good skill in English. Every student

should master English skills like speaking, writing, listening and reading.

Writing is an important aspect to learn in learning English. The student will

learn grammar, spelling, punctuation, structure, genre of writing

comprehensively. In reality, many people complain about the poor English

mastery. The majority of them can not write correctly.

Writing begin at the time when man learn how to communicate his

thought and feeling by means of visible sign, understandable not only to

himself but also to all the other person more or less initiated into the partcular

system(Gelb1969 :11). It will be advantageous for the students to increase



such as descriptive text, narrative text, report text, exposition text so on.

Many students have poor skill in writing report. They often observe or give

information to their friends in their daily live. It needs good text to deliver the

message or information in good way.

Report text is basic and crucial component of language leraning in

delevering information to other people. Report text is also known as

informational report about an event or situation. The students need report text

to serve to provide information an event or situation after investigation and

though the multi consideration.

The fact shows that many students have difficult to understand

report text. They feel confused in understanding report text because it is most

same with discription text. The teacher also still uses the same and

monotonous method to teach the student. Thus the students are confused with

report text.

Based on the observation in SMPN 1 Wonosegoro ,there are several

reasons why their report ability are poor.

First, the students do not have interest in the teaching learning

English,it can be seen from the face of students. Interest is one on awereness

that an object or situation always deal with him. They have no desire and

behaviors with the language being learned because the students do not

respond the question. A student who has less motivation in learning or

practicing the language inside or outside classroom will be more difficult in

learning English .As good teacher, the teacher motivate by arranging



between the subject matter and their life. For example, the teacher gives

explanation that learning English is very important in this globalization era.

Second, the teacher needs a creativity to attrack the students. In the

reality, many teachers still use same method in teaching report. It will make

the students bored .So the teacher needs creativity to attrack the students. The

teacher can find it on the web of internet, in the book or the teacher can create

it. It will increase the attention of student to the material.

Third, the teacher needs a different media to attrack the students.

The teacher changes the traditional approach fundamentaly. Teacher can use

picture, graph, maph, video and presentation. These media will make the

students easier to understand. It will also make students more concentrte or

focus with the lesson .

The last, the teacher use method appropriately with the situation

and the necessary of students. The uses of same method in teaching report

text will make student bored. So the teacher tries the other method which is

interesting and appropriate with the necessary of student.

Based on assumption the writer is interested in conducting a





4 B. Problems of Study

The problem discussed in this proper can be stated as follows:

1. To what extent is the increase of students‟ ability in writing report text of

the ninth grade students of SMP 1 Wonosegoro in academic year of


2. To what extent is the different improvement the students‟ ability in

writing report of the ninth grade students of SMP 1 Wonosegoro in

academic year of 2015/2016?

C. Objectives of Study

The objective of the study are as follows :

1. Whether or not illustration method can increase the students‟ ability in

writing content of report text of the ninth grade students‟ of SMP 1

Wonosegoro in academic year of 2015/2016.

2. To the different improvement the students‟ ability writing report text of

the ninth grade students of SMP 1 Wonosegoro in academic year of


D. Significance of Study

The result of this study can give some benefits to the researcher,

teachers and students. Here are the benefits :

1. For the researcher:

a. The findings of the research can give description on how to teach



b. It can increase knowledge and experience about using illustration

method in teaching writing report process.

2. For the teachers:

a. To help the teacher to decide the best technique in teaching writing

report in Junior High School.

b. Teacher can use illustration method to teach writing report by using

this method, teacher can check students understanding of the

previous writing report mastery.

3. For the students:

a. The findings of the research can improve students‟ interest and

motivation in learning writing report.

b. The illustration can encourge student to learn writing report.

E. Defenition of Key Terms

1. Illustration method

Illustration involves the use of graphs, maps, figures, and

pictures for the purpose of explaining and making things more clearly.

(Sharon K.Z and Weldon F.Z, 1977:11)

2. Report

According to Gerot and Wignell as quoted by Pestaria (2014:29)

define that Report is a text which can be written out with a descriptive

technique. It describes an object to the readers. The length of the text



may be defined to describe the way things are, with reference to a range

of natural, man-made and social phenomena in our environment.

Thus, the actual descriptive text of the report and have a fairly

clear difference. In essence the report usually contains the text that the

facts canbe proved scientifically

F. Scope of the Research

The research is limited on the use of illustration method improving

the writing ability of the ninth grade students of SMP 1 Wonosegoro. It is

used to improve the students‟ ability in writing report text. Writing ability

here focuses on finding idea to write. The researcher focuses on finding

idea because most of students have difficulty in finding idea to complete

their writing so the reseacher provides some pictures releted to the text to

stimulate or inspire the student in finding the idea to write.

G. Outline of Study

As guidance for either writer in writing thesis or reader of whole

content of thesis, the writer needs to set up thesis outlines.The paper consists

of five chapters, the writer presents: the background of the study, statement of

the problem, the benefit of study, the significance of study, defenition of key

term, review of the previous research, scope of the research, reseach method,

and outline of the study.

Chapter two is literature review. It defines the methods, method



Definition of report text, general structure of report text and kinds of writing,

definition report text, the purpose of report text, and definition of illustration


Chapter three is general description of SMPN 1 Wonosegoro,

indentity of school, the situation of educational facilities,the situation of

teachers and staffs, the number of students of SMPN 1 Wonosegoro and the

organization structure of SMPN 1 Wonosegoro.

Chapter four is the implementation of CAR (cycle I, cycle II,cycle

III) , Analysis of Students‟ Improvement and The Extent of Using illustration


Chapter five is closure that consists of the conclussion and




A. Review of the Previous Research

In this research the writer takes a previous research. The research

that had been done by Ulfa Nur Hasanahwith her research paper entitled

“The Use Of Illustration Method To Improve Vocabulary Mastery Of The

Second Year Students Of MTsN Sambi Boyolali In The Academic Year

2010/2011”. The aims of her research are first; to find out the difference

of vocabulary mastery after the use of illustration method. The second; to

find out the significant difference of vocabulary mastery after the use of

illustration method.

B. Method

1. Defenition of the Method

The word method is so famous in teaching learning process.

Anthony as quoted Richards J.C and Rogers,(2001:19) defines method

is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no

part of which contradicts, and all of which is based upon the selected


Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the

methods applied to a field of study. It comprises the theoretical

analysis of the body of methods and priciples associated with a branch



theoretical model, phases and quantitative or qualitative techniques.

( Shirish T.S,2013:5)

A methodology does not set out to provide solution – it is,

therefore, not the same thing as a method. Instead, it offers the

theoretical underpinning for understanding which method, set of

methods or so called “best practices” can be applied to specific case,

( Shirish T.S,2013:5) for example , to calculate a specific result.

It has been defined also as follow :

a. “the analysis of the priciples of methods, rules and

postulates employed by a discipline”

b. “the systematic study of methods that are, can be, or have

been applied within a disciplin”

c. “the study or description of methods” (Shirish T.S,2013:6)

In the Longman dictionary of applied linguistic, methodology is

defined as follow:

a. the study of practice and procedure used in teaching, and the

princuples and beliefs that underlie them.

1) Study of the nature of Languange skill (e.g. reading,

writing, speaking, listening) and procedure for teaching


2) Study of the preparation of Lesson Plans material, and



3) The evaluation and comparison of languange teaching


b. Such practice procedures, principles, and beliefs themselves. One

can, for example, criticize or praise the methodology of

particularly language course. (David Nunan,1991:2)

2. Method of learning

There has been tendency historically to equate

methodology with method. As richards (1987:11) points out, the

goal of many language teachers is to find the right mrthod: the

history of our profession in the last hundreds years has done much

to support the impression that improvements in language teaching

method. He goes on to say that for many years it was believed that

linguistic or psycholinguistic theory would uncover the secrets of

second language acqusition, and then the problem of how to teach

of second language would be solved once and for


Method is very important as guide to teach the students.

The teacher has many options to choose from, different techniques

or methods, designed specifically for teaching and learning.

Writing lesson plans is a foremost thing that a teacher must do,




www.buzzle.com/articles/teaching-methods-in-education.html, access juli 10th 2015)

The teaching method should be adopted on the basis of

certain criteria like the knowledge of the students, the environment,

and the set of learning goals decided in the academic curriculum,

Here are some of teaching methods :

a. Questioning

Testing and questioning are always known to be

effective methods due to its interactive nature. The

questions are asked by the teacher with an intention to know

what the student has learned from earlier discussions. It

helps in deciding what should be taught further.This can

even be vice-versa - students questioning the teachers to

clarify the doubts that would enhance their understanding of

the subject.

The inquisitive instinct of the students evoke them

to ask questions and satiate their query.The teacher should

encourage this in a positive way so that the student's critical

thinking is developed. Testing differs in one aspect from

questioning. A test is taken in order to know about the

previous knowledge, what has been already taught to the



b. Explaining

Sometimes, the experiences can also be shared as a

part of knowledge that would work as a source of

inspiration for the students. While adopting this method, the

teacher should give an introduction and a proper summary.

Make sure that the information is specific to the

audience.The explanation should be accompanied with

suitable examples for a better understanding of the students.

It is like a discourse on a particular subject or topic that is

for the entire class or public. Explaining can be clubbed

with the modeling process to be more effective, and to

have a long-lasting effect on the pupils.

(Tiwari,www.buzzle.com/articles/teaching-methods-in-education.html,access julyth 10 2015)

c. Modeling

Modeling is a type of visual aid for teaching as well

as learning. It is a known fact that the human brain absorbs

more, and understands better, when visual aid facilitates

explanation. This method works on three criteria -

observing, retaining, and replicating.

The students learn more by observing the things,

and acquire it by imitating it time and again. This is also



very important role to play in the learning process,

especially during the childhood, though it can happen in

any stage of life. This helps the students to visualize things

and, then hypothesize the solution.

(Tiwari,www.buzzle.com/articles/teaching-methods-in-education.html, access july 10 th 2015)

d. Demonstrating

With the help of demonstrative teaching, students

get an opportunity to explore the various aspects and

understand the theory from a different perspective.

Demonstration is a step-by-step explanation, along with

their reasons, and significance for the better understanding

of the student.

It enhances the student's understanding by

practically applying the knowledge, and sharpen their skills

and hence, help them in identifying and organizing the

subject matter in a more efficient way. Practical

experimentation is a very good method used for

demonstrating the subject.


www.buzzle.com/articles/teaching-methods-in-education.html, access july 10th 2015)

e. Collaborating



The students are taught to work in a group that makes the

instructing easier for the teacher. This method of teaching

promotes a sense of mutual responsibility among the

students. They learn to put in more effort to research for the

topic, and apply effective techniques to get the result. This

inculcates patience and develops an ability to critically

analyze a subject.

It gives an opportunity to the students to solve the

problem by a healthy discussion and co-operation. This is

what we call 'group discussions' which motivates the

students to perform in a team, show leadership skills, and

enhances the presentation capabilities as well. This is one of

the best, direct instructional methods.These techniques for

special education is a little different from the methods and

theories for others. The education is imparted to these

students based on their strengths and weaknesses.

The teachers cater to the special needs of the

students like modification in the regular teaching program,

use of supplementary aids that allows students to participate

in the learning process. Different effective teaching

strategies are adopted on the basis of the disabilities. Four

kinds of provisions are adopted in special education and



exclusion.Apart from these defined methods, nowadays

many other methods are being adopted to give quality


Methods like role-play, story or games, seminars,

presentations, workshops, conferences, brainstorming, case

study, educational trips and modern audio-visual aids like

documentary films, computers, Internet, etc., have been

introduced in education. These new methods have increased

the pace of learning and understanding. This also enhances

the capability of the students to research and think logically

about a given problem.


www.buzzle.com/articles/teaching-methods-in-education.html, access july 10th 2015)

3. Types of methods

There are many way to teach an educational objective.

Sharon and Weldon (1977:3-55) classify that there are many

methods that can be chosen, that are as follows:

a. Lecturing

A lecture is an oral presentation given to a class by

teacher and its main purpose is to present a large amount of

students in short time. In this method teacher gives an oral

presentation while students listen and take notes. Formal



types of media and very little, if any, student pasticipation is

encouraged. Informal lectures are not so teacher-oriented, and

include the use of other media, illustration, demostration,

and pupil participation.

In a lecture, three fundamental section are necessary.

First an introduction catch the attention of student. Second,

the body should be well organized and developed. And third,

a summary should tie all the main points together. After the

lecture, the instructor evaluate it as to students‟ reactions, the

subject matter, method of presentation, and wheter or not it

accomplished what it is suppossed to do. (Sharon and


b. Directed discussion

It includes listening, questioning, sharing and

commenting, then evaluating the topic between teacher and

the students. This method needs a preparation before

starting the discussion. At the first time teacher can give a

question, then the students ask to improve the topics by


The teacher summarize the discussion and have

follow up activities planned. Student may able to suggest



participating in the discussion. (Sharon and


c. Demontration

It is showing procedures to explain and inform the

students about the topics. In this method, teacher tries to

shows how to do something, but it involves more than just

showing the skills or procedures. Teacher can use the aids

and medium to complete the shows. Actually teacher uses

this method mainly during the intruduction and

developmental stage in every unit. (Sharon and


d. Recitation

In some teaching process, recitation occurs when

students orally recite some material; then, they memorize

by answering the questions asked by teacher. This is kown

as the assign study recite procedure. Its main purpose is to

assesss orally the amount of progress made by student, if

this method is over used it will be inflexible. Then the

student will feel bored with the teaching process.(Sharon

and Weldon,1977:13)

e. Drill and practice

Drill is repeated operation or exercises intended to



given a drill, then students practice to answer some

question to know the development of the study. This

method is used best to teach a skill in

memorization.(Sharon and Weldon,1977:28-28)

f. Homework

This is the most use by teacher in teching learning

process. It is just any work or task related to classroom

activity that is perfomed outside the school. And it should

be done at home. Actually its main porposes are to provide

students an opportunity to practice and expand upon what is

done in class.( Sharon and Weldon,1977:37-38)

g. Debate

Debate in when two or more, usually four students,

argue for or againts a particular proposal, topic, or course of

action. The main purpose is to present and discuss opposing

points o view about particular topic.(Sharon and


h. Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a group of from fivr to twelve

students involved in spontaneous discussion for the purpose

of solving a problem. New thought or ideas are spur of the

moment and are not to be judged as god or bad at this point.



other pupils, so many suggestion are made rapidly. Its main

purpose is to generate quick ideas and suggestions for

solving aproblem.(Sharon and Weldon,1977:55)

i. Illustration method

Generally , teaching-learning process in indonesia is

lack of facilities.There is no available teaching aids in

school,especially in junior high school. In fact, there many

ways and approaches from which teacher can choose to

reach an educational objective. By employing a variety of

methods, students and teachers are more interested and

motivated for teaching and learning.

Illustration method can be used as one of methods to

attract students‟ attention. Illustration involves the use of

graph , maps, figure, and pictures for the purpose of

explaining and making thing more clear. (Sharon K.Z and

Weldon F.Z ,1977:11).

The use of illustration methods , teacher show a

picture, model or figure for students to see. Illustration can

be used to help teacher to explain clearly. Illustration

method serve as virtual image and can be used in all

classroom. They also help student see practical applications


20 C. Media

1. Definition of Media

Association for Education and Communication Technology

(AECT) defines all forms of media that is used for the information

distribution process. Media is something that is delivering

message,and can stimulate thoughts, feelings ang willingness audience

(students) so as to encourage the learning process in itself. Creative

use media use will allow the students to learn better and can improve

the performance of them in accordance with the objectives to be

achieved(Asnawir and Usman,2002:11)

Media is media means many different things to different

people. The most immediate connotation of the term “media” at least

must be related to language teaching. All aids, mechanical and

non-mechanical, glossy and non-glossy, commercially available and

teacher-made, should be part of our definition of language teaching

media (Brinton,2001:460)

Teachers use media when teaching second or foreign language

are self-evident to experienced classroom teachers. In short, media

help teachers to motivate students by bringing a slice of real life into

the classroom and by presenting language in its more complete

communicative context. The following statements summarize the



a. Given the role media play in the world outside the classroom,

students expect to find media inside the classroom as well.

b. Audiovisual materials provide students with content,

meaning, and guidance.

c. Media materials can lend authenticity to the classroom

situation, reinforcing for students the direct relation between

the language classroom and the outside world.

d. Since the learning styles of students differ, media provide us

with a way of addressing the needs of both visual and auditory


e. The role that input plays in language learning is virtually

uncontested. By bringing media into the classroom, teachers

can expose their students to multiple input sources.

f. Media can help students call up existing schemata and

therefore maximize their use of prior background knowledge

in the language learning process.

g. Media provide teachers with a means of presenting material in

a time-efficient and compact manner and of stimulating

students‟ senses.(Brinton,2001: 461)

2. Kinds of educational media

According to Omar Hamalik as quoted by Asnawir and Usman



“pattern (pola)” to classifiyed the educational media. Omar Hamalik

states that eduactional media are classfied

a. Supplementary material that includes books, comics, news paper,

magazines, bulletins, folders, pamphlets, and etc. The media

usually contain reading materials and also with the use of word

symbols and visualization.

b. Audio- visual aids. The aids are

1) Non projection media, like blackboard, bulletin board,

panel board, draft, graph, cartoon, comic, picture.

2) Three dimension media. The aids are model, the real thing

example, realia, diorama, doll, mask, ritratoon, rotatoon

charts, globe, television, amd school museum.

3) Educational media which use some technique or

mechanization. This part includes slide and film, strip

film, recorder, radio, television, electronic, laboratory,

oto-instruction tools, automotive classroom, inter

communication on computer system.

4) Material collections. There are thing which are brought

from society and are studied in schools like a piece of



5) Behavior example from teacher. It includes behavior from

teacher as hands, foot, physical movements, facial

expressions, and others.

3. Function of media

Teacher can get benefit from educational media. Because

the educational media have great function to support teaching

learning process. Basyirudin Usman propose the functions of media.

The functions of them are :

a. Help to make easy the learning of students and easy

teaching for teacher

b. Give the more real experience.

c. Get student attention ( the learning process is not bored).

d. All of the sense of the student can be actived. The weakness

of one sense can be balanced by the power of the other


e. It more attract student attention in learning

f. Can combine the theory and the reality or practice.(Asnawir

and Usman,2002:24-25)

4. Media of illustration

Illustration involves the use of graph , maps, figure, and

pictures for the purpose of explaining and making thing more clear.



method, teacher show picture,model or figure for student to see. It

can be used to help teacher to explain clearly. It also help students

see practical application of interest.

a. Picture

1) Defenition of picture

Picture is one of resoures medium that can help

teacher to succed in teaching learning activities.a picture is

a flat visual representation of an object, person or view and

its main purpose is to draw attention to or emphasize a

certain thing. (Sharon K.Z and Weldon F.Z,1977:78)

2) The characteristics of picture media

Wright (1989:2-3) consider that there are five

criteria for selecting picture, they are easy to prepare, easy

to organize, interesting, meaningful and authentic,

sufficient and amount of language.

3) Sources of picture

According to Andrew Wright, ( 1989: 182-187)

there are many sources of picture media.

a) Magazine

b) Calendars

c) Advertisement and publicity

d) Newspaper



f) Holiday brochures

g) Greeting cards

h) Postcards

i) Poster

j) Comics and cartoon strips

k) Wallcharts

l) Stamps

m) Playing cards

b. Maps

A maps is a visual graphic representation of all portion of

the carths boundaries. It is usually on a flat surface and is drawn

to a scale. Its main purpose is to assist the quick identification and

locationof countries, boundaries,products and climates. (Sharon

K.Z and Weldon F.Z,1977:88-89).

c. Graphs

A graph is a visual pictorial which shows numerical or

quantitative relationship and condenses them. Its main purpose is

to show in plain term the meaning of the large amounts of

complicated information.the most common forms of graph are the

circle, bar , line and pictorial which is a combination of picture

symbols usually used with the bar graph. (Sharon K.Z and


26 D. Report

1. The Defenition Of Report Text

According to Gerot and Wignell as quoted by Pestaria

(2014:29) define that Report is a text which can be written out with

a descriptive technique. It describes an object to the readers. The

length of the text depends on the specific details of the object being

described. A report may be defined to describe the way things are,

with reference to a range of natural, man-made and social

phenomena in our environment.

Thus, the actual descriptive text of the report and have a

fairly clear difference. In essence the report usually contains the

text that the facts canbe proved scientifically.

2. Generic Structure of Report text

A report text has some elements, they are: Generic

Structure and Significant lexicon grammatical feature.Generic

Structure of Report Text is as follow:

a. General Classification : tells what the phenomenon under

discussion is

b. Description : tells what the phenomenon under discussion is

like in terms of : Part (and their functions) ,Qualities ,Habits or

behaviours, if living: uses, if non-natural (Pestaria,dkk, IOSR

Journal, vol19,Februari 2014:29).



a. Focus on generic participants

b. Use of relational process to state what is and that which it

is. These relational processes have largely been written

about abstractly and even metaphorically, however, rather

than in terms of specific exchanges at the local level of the

interaction, such as: be, feel, become, remain, turn into,

grow into, seem, appear, look, measure, function as, mean,

make, include, form, express, consider, have/has, need,

consists of (Halliday & Matthiessen as quoted by Pestaria


c. Use of simple present tense

d. No temporal sequence (pestaria,dkk, IOSR Journal, vol19,

Februari 2014:30).

4. Example of Report Text


Whales are sea living mammals. They therefore breathe air

but cannot survive on land. Some species are very large indeed and

the blue whale, which can exceeds 30 m in length, is the largest

animal to have lived on earth. Superficially, the whale looks rather

like a fish, but there are important differences in its external

structure;Itstail consists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles

(the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a single nostril on top of its



The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath, it lays a layer of

flat (blubber). This is up to 30 cm in thickness and serves to

conserve het and body fluids.(Gerot and Wignell, as quoted by

Pestaria 2014:30)

Table 2.1 Generic Structure Analysis

Generic Structure analysis:

General Classification : Whales are sea living mammals.

Behavior : They therefore breathe air but cannot survive on land.

Quality : Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which can exceeds 30 m in length, is the largest animal to have lived on earth. Superficially, the whale looks rather like a fish, but there are important differences in its external structure.

Parts : Its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles (the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath, it lies a layer of flat (blubber). This is up to 30 cm in thickness and serves to conserve het and body fluids.

(Pestaria,etc, IOSR Journal, vol19, Februari 2014:30).

Table 2.2. Lexicogrammatical features analysis Lexicogrammatical features analysis:

Focus on generic participants : Whales, sea living mammals, they, some species, the blue whale, the whale, its, tail, the tails of a fish, it, the skin, a layer of fat, this, heat and body fluids.

Use of relational process

to state what is and that which it is :

Exceed, looks, consists of, has, is.

Use of simple present tense : Breathe, survive, exceeds, looks, consists of, has, lies, serves, to conserve.




In this graduation paper, the researcher has to collect data from the objects

of research that called informants. This research is conducted at SMP N

1Wonosegoro, Boyolali.

A. Research Setting

1. The General Description of SMP N 1 Wonosegoro

SMP N 1Wonosegoro is one of junior high school in

Wonosegoro village and around there.The school is located at Jl.

Raya Wonosegoro, sub district Wonosegoro with Mr. Drs.Sumarno

as the principal. This school is standing start in 1964 with the name

SMP Persiapan wonosegoro , in 1981 turned into SMP Negeri

1Wonosegoro This school land area is 9.295 m2 and building area

is 4.691 m2. Total area classrooms are 22, library and computer


2. The Setting of Time

The research is carry out at SMPN 1 Wonosegoro in

academic year 2015/2016. This research begin from August 2015

to September 2015 exactly in the end of August is observation in

SMPN 1 Wonosegoro and 5th until 12th September the research is

begun in IX C. The researcher act as the teacher and the learning

process is observed by partner of the reseacher.The writer arrange



and reflection. The classroom action research is applied in IX C of

SMPN 1 Wonosegoro.

3. The Condition of Teacher and Staff

Educational is combination efforts of several forces to

achieve commons goals. One of them is teacher with formal

qualification and staff/officer who always help the teacher to create

teaching and learning process. Both teacher and staff will make

teaching and learning process better.Teacher is someone who

transfers knowledge for the students. They transfer some materials

and skills during teaching and learning process. They facilitate the

students to get their talent therefore the teacher is important in

teaching-learning process. The situation of teacher and staff

in SMPN 1 Wonosegoro, as follow: Table 3.1.The List Of

Teachers And Staff (enclosing document)

4. The Facilities of SMPN 1 Wonosegoro

Facilities are media which can support the

students‟achievement in the school. There are some facilities which

needed by teachers and students to support teaching learning

process. Table 3.2 The Facilities of SMPN 1 Wonosegoro


31 5. The Organization Structure

Graphic 3.1 The Organization Structure



Head master

Agus Niam Al Hamin,

S.E Typing adm

Umi Nurul

Hidayati, S.Kom

School keeper

Suhadi and Wiyanto Muncul Sugiyanto

Cleaning keeper


32 6. The Distribution of groups

The distribution of the groups in SMPN 1 Wonosegoro as follow:

Table 3.3 the total of students


Male Female Total

301 399 700

Table 3.4 The Distribution of group students

No Group


Total Male Female

IX A 12 18 30

IX B 14 16 30

IX C 14 16 30

IX D 14 16 30

IX E 14 16 30

IX F 12 17 29

IX G 13 16 29

IX H 12 16 28

IX I 23 11 34

7. The List of Students in Writing Class by Using Illustration Method

The researcher conducted this action research in SMPN 1

Wonosegoro and especially concern in the third grade.This class consists

of (14 )students, they are(16 )males and (30 )females. The data can be



Table 3.5 the list of students in writing class by using illustration method

NO Name Gender

1 Ahmad Dani Refangga Male

2 Ahmad Riyadi Male

3 Amin Riskianto Male

4 Arifah Female

5 Bibit Wisnu Saputra Male

6 Dahlia Female

7 Devi Oktavia Female

8 Duwi Siti Qoriah Female

9 Erina Esti Yulianti Female

10 Firda Larasatia Female

11 Galih Setiyawan Male

12 Intan Fazliana Female

13 Laila Safitri Female

14 Lestari Ningsih Female

15 Lia Nur Safitri Female

16 Meylita Agustin Atalia

A'ida Female

17 Muhamad Ilamansyah Male

18 Muhamad Raka Yanuar Male

19 Muhammad Sarifudin Male

20 Nopa Rudi Mardiyanto Male

21 Nor Ulum Male

22 Priyamitra Female

23 Puput Andrea

Ayuningsih Female

24 Rina Adistia Female

25 Rizal Fatikah Umar Male

26 Siti Jamilatun Female

27 Siwi Utami Female

28 Wahyu Joko Lelono Male

29 Wahyu Satria Male


34 B. The Research Method

1. The setting of the research

This research was carried out at SMPN 1 Wonosegoro.

That was located at Jl. Raya Wonosegoro, sub district Wonosegoro.

The object of this research was the 30 students of third grade in

academic year 2015/2016. Most of the students faced the difficulties

in writing skill and they are under average ability.

2. Method of the Research

The type of the research used in this graduating paper is

classroom action research (CAR). According to Stephen Kemmis as

quoted by Hopkins (1993:44), action research is a form of

self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in social (including

educational) situation in order to improve the rationality and justice

of their own social or educational practices, their understanding of

these practices, and the situations in which the practices are carried

out.Sarwiji Suwandi also said that the aim of the classroom action

research in educational field is to improve or increase the quality of

learning practice in the class.

The teacher always improves learning practice in the

classroom based on the real experiences directly and it guides with

science and mastery the learning practice theory (Suwandi, 2009:15).

In this CAR, the teacher teach report text by using illustration



motivation. Beside, illustration method make the student active

during the teching learning process, especially in report mastery.

3. The procedure of research

In this clasroom action research, the writer will use three

cycles consist of one meetings for each cycle. The procedure of each

cycle were :

a. Planning

The activities were:

1) Preparing materials, making lesson plan, and

designing the steps in doing the action.

2) Preparing list of students‟ name scoring.

3) Preparing teaching aids.

4) Preparing sheets for classroom obseravation.

5) Preparing a test.

b. Action

The activities were:

1) Giving pretest

2) Teaching writing using illustration method.

3) Giving occasions to the students to ask their



4) Ask the students about some conclusions of their

writing activities.

5) Giving post-test.

c. Observation

Anne Burns (2010:8) states that in this phase involves

you in observing systematically the effects of the action

and documenting the context, actions and opinions of

those involved. It is a data collection phase where you use

„open-eyed‟ and „open-minded‟ tools to col- lect

information about what is happening.

d. Reflection

At this point, the writer reflects on, evaluates and

describes the effects of the action in order to make sense

of what has happened and to understand the issue that

have explored more clearly. The writer may decide to do

further cycles to improve the situation even more, or to

share the „story‟ of the research with others as part of

your ongoing professional development.(Burn



The Procedures are described in this scheme:

4. Method of analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher used these following

steps, they were:

a. Technique of Collecting Data

In this research, the writer will use qualitative and

quantitative technique. The writer use them to analyze the data

and to describe the students improvement in writing report

abilty through illustration method .

1) Questionnaires

Questionnaires is a number of written used of the sense of

personal reports or other matters known to the



2) Observation

The collaborator observe the teaching-learning

process and the students‟ activities. Observation has an

important role not only for classroom research but also more

generally for supporting the professional growth of teachers

and in the process of school development.The writer choose

collaborative action research, which the role of teacher is

carrying out of action plan in classroom, the writer as teacher

and partner of the writer as observer notes all of the

processes in learning activities.

3) Test

Test is series of questions or exercise, other tools used

to measure the skill,knowledge, intelegence, ability, or talent

possessed by individuals or group (Arikunto, 2010:193). The

kinds of the test were pre-test and post-test. In the cycle II

the pre-test and post-test of students was asked to produce

a report text using theme “Animals”. Different theme was

used in the cycle III, the researcher choosed “Fruits” as

theme.The writer used scoring guidelines to grade the


39 Table 3.6 Scoring Guidelines

Component Score Indicator


90 Accordance with the topic and easy to understand

Grammar 90 Slight errors in grammar

80 Some errors in grammar

70 Frequent errors in grammar



4) Documentation

Hopkins (1993:140) stated that document surrounding

curriculum or other educational concern can illumine

rationale and purpose in interesting ways. The use of such

material can provide background information and

understanding what issue that would not otherwise be

available. The documentary data are book, transcript,

rapport, official organizational paper, material etc. This

method used to know the conditional of students and teacher,

struc ture of organization, profile and location of school.

b. Technique of Data Analysis

The writer use a statistical technique to find the

mean score of the students. The steps were as follow:

1) Mean

The writer use a formula proposed by Anas

Sudijono (2010: 81) by comparing the mean score, the

writer calculate the students‟ score by using the following



2) Standard Deviation

The writer would calculate Standard Deviation with

formula by Anas Sudijono (2010: 306) as follows :


SD = Standard Deviation for one sample t-test

D = Difference between pre-test and post-test

N = Number of observation

3) T-test

After calculating the SD, the writer will calculate

T-test to know is there any significant differences between

pre-test and post-test with the formula proposed by Anas

Sudijono (2010: 305-306) as follows:


t = T-test for differences of pre-test and post-test

SD = Standard Deviation for one sample t-tes

D = Difference between pre-test and post-test



4) Descriptive technique

Descriptive technique is used to know students‟

participation and their activities in classroom. In this case,

the writer would use field notes which record all of

activities in classroom.

C. Role of Reseacher

In teaching report text, the reseacher uses illustration method. The

reasecher has roles in the class especially in learning process. These are as


1. Teacher

The researcher as teacher in teaching learning process, She teaches

the student with illustration method and ask the students to work the


2. Facilitator

The researcher as facilitator in the classroom. She provide some

picture to the students

3. Participant

The researcher as participant in the classroom. She participate as

equal in the activity. She can give information about the material and




In this research ,the researcher as a teacher and her observer was

Mulya Candrasari, the collaborator was Endang Siti Redatini, S.Pd. She was

an English teacher in IX C class. The reseacher arranged three cycle, each

cycle consist of planning, action, observation and reflection. The whole steps

of the research was explained in the explanation below :

A. First Cycle 1. Planning

In this step, the researcher prepared some preparations

before she entered the class. She brought the material, lesson plan,

and designed steps activities. She also brought the students‟ name

based on the attended list and sheet for classroom observation.

2. Implementation of the Action

On Saturday, 5th September 2015 the teacher (the writer)

her observer (Mulya Candrasari) entered the English class and.

The students sat on their chair. The situation was noisy; some of

students still spoke with their friends. After all of the students

ready the teacher lead to pray and then the students sing “Indonesia

Raya” song. The teacher opened by introducing herself and her

observer. Then she greeted and asked about their condition

Teacher asked the students about the material they had



and some students still remembered. Teacher said that students

must remember what they have studied. Before explaining the

material, the teacher made a game vocabulary with releted the

example of the text.This game was to make easier in

understanding the text.

Teacher explained the material before, bacause this was

first time the student learned about report text. She began the

lesson and gave the material used paper sheets about repot text. The

teacher asked the students to read the material for about three

minutes. The teacher explained about report text and asked some

question about the material to know students‟ knowledge .The

teacher gave an example of report paragraph

Generic structure of the report text

A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a smaller relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and also in New Guinea.

Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long, and very strong back legs and a tail. These are used for sitting up and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make forward jumps of over eight meters, and leap across fences more than three meters high. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometers per hour.

General Classification


The teacher asked the student to identify the the structure of

report text from the example. The student answered together the



students to arrange the jumbled sentences for about 25

minutes.This test was to help the student in understanding the

report text, because in the syllabus, the writing test was given in

second meeting. Then the teacher asked to the class to prepare and

led the prayer to go home.

3. Observing

During the observation, the teacher asked her collaborator to

help the teacher in analyzed students‟ and teacher‟s activities in

teaching learning process by fill up on the following table:

a. Students‟ observation sheet


School/Class :SMPN 1 Wonosegoro/IX C Date : September 5 st 2015 Teacher :Ulfah Rahmawati Observer :Mulya Candrasari

Instruction :Give check mark (√) in score coloum that has available.

Table 4.1. students‟ observation sheet

No Object of observation Score

Students 1 2 3 4

1 Activeness of Students:

a. Students are active in making

note about the material




2 Attention of Students: a. Quiet

a. Do all Assignment

b. Gather the assignment on time




School/Class :SMPN 1 Wonosegoro/IX C Date : September 5 st 2015

Teacher :Ulfah Rahmawati

Observer :Mulya Candrasari

Instruction : Give check mark (√) in score coloum that has available.

Table.4.2 teachers‟ observation sheet

No The object of observation Score

Teachers 1 2 3 4

1 Materials :

a. explain the material fluently b. answering question skill

c. giving the variety of example

2 Presentation systematics:

a. Completeness in giving the materi b. The material focus on the purpose c. The steps of material suitable with standard competence and basic competence.

3 Application of Method:

a. Choose the method with suitable the material

b. Mastering the method

c.Students can understand easily

c. Media explain the material clearly

5 Performance:

a. The clarity of pronounciation

b. communicativeness between



6 Motivation:

a. enthusiasm of teacher in teaching

b. the attention of teacher to the


c. give motivation to the students

In the first cycle, the teacher and her collaborator observed

the teaching learning process. By monitoring the students‟ activity

in this action, the teacher saw the students were very ashamed and

doubt when they learnt english. Most of the students were silent

when the teacher asked them to explain about report paragraph.

Most of them were afraid or ashamed to write a paragraph in

English, they were afraid to make mistakes because they had low

mastery in grammar and vocabulary. In fact, most of them didn‟t

know to write a paragraph in English.

They made some mistakes in write a paragraph. When the

teacher gave a question they were just silent. The class was very

noisy, because it‟s the first time for them in English lesson that was

monitored by a collaborator.

4. Reflection

After doing first cycle, the teacher concluded that was very


Table 2.2. Lexicogrammatical features analysis
Table 3.3 the total of students
Table 3.6 Scoring Guidelines
Table 4.1. students‟ observation sheet


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