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Topic06.ppt 431KB Jun 05 2011 09:29:55 PM


Academic year: 2017

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#### ##### # d#########d######### ###Introduction to Controls -Reasons why

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,### ##### # d#########d#########,###Reasons Why Computers Cause

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*### ##### # d#########d#########8###Objectives of controls over the

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,### ##### # d#########d#########$###Organizational or Personnel

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##��####��#####�� ��# d#########d#############Documentation consists of procedures manuals and other means of describing the AIS and its operations, such as program flowcharts and organizational charts.In large firms, a data librarian is responsible for the control,

storage, retention and distribution of documentation.Storing a copy of documentation in a



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*### ##### # d#########d#############Management Practice Controls


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###2## ##Z� ��## #� ��####��#####�� ��# d#########d######### ###Proper supervision � over computer operatorsPreventive diagnostic programs to monitor hardware and software functionsA Disaster Recovery Plan in the event of a man-made or natural catastropheHardware controls such as duplicate circuitry, fault tolerance and scheduled preventive


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,### ##### # d#########d#############Application Controls


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,### ##### # d#########d#############Authorization Controls


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,### ##### # d#########d#############Input Controls


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ensure the validity, accuracy, and completeness of the data entered into an AIS. Input controls may be subdivided into:data observation and recordingdata


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,### ##### # d#########d#########+###Controls for Data Observation

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#+#########+#####,###########+#########+####�� ��# d#########d#########2## ###� ���# # #### ##### # d#########d#############Keeping blank forms under lock and

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,### ##### # d#########d#############Data Transcription


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,### ##### # d#########d######### ###Examples of Batch Control

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totals up dollar amounts (e.g., total of sales invoices)Nonfinancial control total - computes nondollar sums (e.g., number of hours worked by employees) Record count - totals the number of source documents once when batching


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,### ##### # d#########d#########$###Definition and Purpose of Edit

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,### ##### # d#########d#############Examples of Edit Tests


#################,##########################�� ��# d#########d#########2## ##� ���V s#��####��#####�� ��# d#########d#########J###Validity check (e.g., M = male, F = female)Limit check (e.g., hours worked do not exceed 40 hours)




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,### ##### # d#########d######### ###Transmission of Transaction

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,### ##### # d#########d#########!###Objectives of Processing

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,### ##### # d#########d#############Examples of Processing

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,### ##### # d#########d#############Examples of Processing

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,### ##### # d#########d#############Output Controlse


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,### ##### # d#########d#########'###Validating/Reviewing Processing

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,### ##### # d#########d#########5###Regulating/Controlling

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#5#########5#####,###########5#########5####�� ��# d#########d#########2## ##� �� �M 6 #3#��####��#####�� ��# d#########d######### ###Reports should only be distributed � to appropriate users by reference to an authorized distribution list.Sensitive reports should be shredded after use instead of


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,### ##### # d#########d#########+###Security for Transaction

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#+#########+#####,###########+#########+####�� ��# d#########d#########2## ##� ���V s#��####��#####�� ��# d#########d######### ###Every firm must define, � identify, and isolate frequently occurring hazards that threaten its hardware, software, data, and human resources.Security measures provide day-to-day


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,### ##### # d#########d#########+###Security for Physical

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#+#########+#####,###########+#########+####�� ��# d#########d#########2## ##� ���V s#��####��#####�� ��# d#########d######### ###Access controls, which �

restrict entry by unauthorized persons, generally to circumvent theft or vandalism, include security guards and locked doors.Sprinker systems and fireproof vaults can protect against natural disasters.Preventive maintenance can protect against breakdowns and business interruptions.Maintaining a


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,### ##### # d#########d#########)###Security for Computer Hardware

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#)#########)#####,###########)#########)####�� ��# d#########d#########2## ##*� ���� # #� ��####��#####�� ��# d#########d#########T###Physical access should be

restricted by the use of electronic ID cards, surveillance cameras, locked doors, and escorts of all visitors.To protect against natural disasters, the computer facilities should be environmentally



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,### ##### # d#########d#########"###Security over Data and

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#"#########"#####,###########"#########"####�� ��# d#########d#########2## ##� �� �M # #### ##### # d#########d######### ###Data/Information resource includes

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*### ##### # d#########d#########<###Protection from Unauthorized

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#<#########<#####*###########<#########<####�� ��# d#########d##### ###2## ##� ���V s#��####��#####�� ��# d#########d######### ###Data and information that are � confidential or critical to a firm s operations should be physically isolated to� discourage unauthorized access.Passwords, access control lists, automatic


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*### ##### # d#########d#########9###Protection from Undetected

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#9#########9#####*###########9#########9####�� ��# d#########d#####!###2## ### #� � � ##��####��#####�� ��# d#########d#########}###All attempts to access the computer system and all authorized access should be monitored so that unwarranted



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&### ##### # d#########d#########C###Protection from Loss or

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#C#########C#####&###########C#########C####�� ��# d#########d#####"###2## ##� ����V # #### ##### # d#########d######### ###A library log will track the

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movement of files, programs and documentation, while a transaction log records individual transactions as they are entered into on-line systems.Tape file protection rings for magnetic tape, write-protect rings for diskettes, and file labels for tape or disk can prevent the loss or alteration of data and

information.All companies should backup their vital documents, files and


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,### ##### # d#########d######### ###Click to edit Master title

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Dokumen terkait

Constructor tidak dapat diwarisi, walaupun pada banyak bahasa pemrograman yang menerapkan konsep pemrograman berorientasi objek memiliki fitur yang


Sehubungan dengan Perusahaan Saudara-saudara masuk sebagai Calon Daftar Pendek Seleksi Umum Pengadaan Jasa Konsultansi paket pekerjaan Penyusunan Rencana Induk dan


Rumah merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar manusia yang berfungsi sebagai tempat tinggal atau hunian yang digunakan untuk berlindung dari gangguan iklim dan makhluk hidup lainnya,


Font dengan inspirasi bentuk Wayang Cepak Cirebon ini diharapkan menjadi suatu media apresiasi yang dapat memberikan kontribusi tidak hanya pada upaya pelestarian

Wasilatur Rohmah Analisis Pendapatan dan Tingkat Kesejahteraan Rumah Tangga Petani Tebu Tanam dan Keprasan di Kabupaten Bantul. 1.Bagaimana produksi tebu dan