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Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "APPM2MARKETINGINNOVA - Knowledge"


Teks penuh


Marketing & Innovation

Marcos LIMA, PhD

Skema Business School

Session 03:

Managing the


What is a management system?

What is


What is a management process?

Informational Resources

Human Resources


Internal Environment

External Environment

What is a management system?

What is a System?



What is a management system?

Management System in Action


Products / Services



Internal Environment


What is an Organization?


What is an Organization?

Simplified McKinsey Model: 3Ps


Fragmented Synthesis

McKinsey’s Interactive Exploration of the 7S


Knowledge Management &


The 7 Dimensions of Knowledge Management

Senior Management VISION & STRATEGY


Knowledge Management &

Innovation: D1 – Strategy

Video Case:

Pirates of the Silicon Valley Part 1


Knowledge Management &

Innovation: D1 - Strategy

Senior Management Vision

Focus on core competency

Create a sense of direction and urgency

Case in point: Lloyds Bank

Goal: to double the companys

value every 3 years

Under CEO Brian Pitman, goal

was reached for 15 years !!!


Knowledge Management &

Innovation: D2 - Culture

Organizational Learning


Deep Dive at IDEO

Designing a


KM & Innovation:

D2/D3/D4: Culture / Structure

Video Case:

Pirates of the Silicon Valley Part 2


Knowledge Management &

Innovation: D3 - Structure

Organizational Structure

Flat hierarchiesOpen spaces

Incentive to skunk works

Case in Point: Alcoa

CEOs workstation measures

3 x 3 m, like any other in the building

No desk is more than


Knowledge Management &

Innovation: D4 - People

HR Policies

Recruit (and retain) talent

Incentivate knowledge sharing

Case in Point: McKinsey

Diversity of sources

Engagement of top managers

in recruitment process

Global knowledge base


Knowledge Management &

Innovation: D4 - People

Video Insight :

Diversity is key to learning


Knowledge Management &

Innovation: D5 - Systems

Information Systems


“structured registries”


“message with meaning and purpose”

Tacit / Implicit Domain Explicit Domain



“mental evaluation”


Knowledge Management &

Innovation: D6- Measures

Measurement Systems

Indicators that capture not only financial performance

but also:

Customer feedback Process efficiency Learning and renewal

Case in Point: Skandia

Multiple indicators,


Knowledge Management &

Innovation: D7 - Networking

Internal / External Learning

Networking with

Suppliers / PartnersCompetitors

Government / University

Video Case:

Pirates of the Silicon Valley

Part 3: Apple x Xerox (1:01:00)




How are these concepts related?

Knowledge Management,

Innovation and New Products

Targeted Segments Innovation Knowledge Management N e w P ro d u ct s & S e rv ic e s Technology Market Results


A Visual Definition

These two variables explain the critical

role of


innovation process: understanding


Strategic Marketing

Physical Process x Value Creation Process


Providing the Value

Choosing the Value

Marketing Planning Process

Market / Product Positioning Segmentation /Targeting Competitive Advantage Product Promotion Price Place/ Distribution Marketing Mix Customer Needs Marketing Environement Marketing Positioning Technological Forces Social Forces Competitive Forces Legal/Political Forces Cultural Forces Economic Forces

Communicating the Value


What is a Business Model

Your Definition?

Alex Osterwalder’s


A business model

describes the

rationale of how an organization creates, delivers and captures


Types of Innovation


Decision Making in the

Innovation Process

Stage-Gate Decision Process

Preliminary Investigation

Business Opportunities

Product/Process Development

Pilot Testing


What is an Organization?


Knowledge Management &


The 7 Dimensions of Knowledge Management

Senior Management VISION & STRATEGY


Innovation Project Proposal



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Judul : Pelatihan Penyusunan Portofolio dalam Rangka Pengembangan Profesionalisme Guru Pembimbing di MGP SMP-SMA Kota Semarang. Program : Pelatihan Tahun : 2009 Status :

Judul : Gambaran Stressor dan Koping Mahasiswa Pembelajaran Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK) Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Sumatera Utara. Peneliti :