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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities State Islamic University

of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Nihlah Turdhiyana Reg. Number: A03212058





Turdhiyana, Nihlah. 2016. Daniel Boyle’s Psychopathy in Chris Mooney’s The

Missing. Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Advisor : Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M. Ag.

This thesis tries to analyze Chris Mooney’s novel entitled The Missing. This research discusses about the factors of Daniel Boyle as the minor character becoming a psychopath. In this thesis, the researcher proposes two research questions, those are; how Daniel’s characterization as a psychopath and what factors influence Daniel Boyle to become psychopath. This thesis uses New Criticism theory, character and characterization because this thesis talks about the characterization of a psychopath. This thesis also uses Psychoanalysis theory of Sigmund Freud to analyze the factors of Daniel to become a psychopath. With analyzing the psychological factors of Daniel, the researcher finds how id, ego and superego from Daniel work in his effort to pursue the women to be his victims. This thesis uses descriptive qualitative method and library based because the data collected are organized depend on the researcher and how the data were rendered and through the source of library. As the result of this research, the writer finds the factor of Daniel becoming a psychopath is motivated by his desire which want to get a gratification with kills many women and enjoys the suffering of his victims.



Turdhiyana, Nihlah. 2016. Sifat Psikopat Daniel Boyle dalam Novel The Missing oleh Chriss Mooney. Skripsi. Fakultas adab dan Humaniora. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M. Ag.

Skripsi ini ditulis untuk menganalisa novel karya Chris Mooney yang berjudul The Missing. Skripsi ini membahas tentang faktor penyebab Daniel Boyle yang merupakan minor karakter dalam novel tersebut menjadi seorang psikopat. Skripsi ini membahas dua pertanyaan yaitu bagaimana karakter Daniel sebagai seorang psikopat dan faktor-faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan Daniel menjadi seorang psikopat. Dalam skripsi ini, peneliti menggunakan teori; New Criticism, karakter dan karakterisasi, karena skripsi ini membahas karakter dari seorang psikopat. Kemudian teori Psikoanalisis dari Sigmund Freud untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor Daniel menjadi seorang psikopat. Dengan menganalisa faktor-faktor psikopat dari Daniel, peneliti menemukan bagaimana id, ego dan superego dari Daniel bekerja dalam upayanya memburu para wanita yang akan dijadikan korban. Skripsi ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan penelitian perpustakaan karena data dikumpulkan dan diolah serta disajikan berdasarkan data pemikiran penulis dan juga menurut sumber dari perpustakaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini, penulis menemukan bahwa faktor Daniel menjadi psikopat didorong oleh nafsunya yang ingin memperoleh kepuasan dengan membunuh para wanita dan menikmati rasa sakit yang diderita oleh para korbannya.



Inside Cover Page ………...…….. i

Inside Title Page ……….. ii

Declaration Page ……….… iii

Motto ………... iv

Dedication Page ………... v

Advisor’s Approval Page ……… vi

Examiner’s Approval Page ……… vii

Acknowledgement ……… viii

Table of Contents ………. x

Abstract ……….. xii

Abstrak ...………... xiii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of Study …..………... 1

1.2. Statement of Problem ……….. 5

1.3. Objective of the Study ………... 6

1.4. Scope and Limitation ……….……...6

1.5. Significance of the Study ………. 6

1.6. Method of the Study ……… 7

1.7. Definition of Key Terms ………..… 8

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Theoretical Framework ……… 9

2.1.1. New Criticism Theory ………. 9

(9) Characterization ……… 13

2.1.2. Psychoanalysis Theory ………... 15 The Id ……… 16 The Ego ………..…... 17 The Superego ………...………. 18

2.2. Related Review ……….. 19

CHAPTER III ANALYSIS 3.1. Daniel Boyle’s Character ...…... 21

3.2. Daniel Boyle’s Factors that Influence to Become Psychopath …... 31

3.3. Woman’s Characteristics of Daniel Boyle’s victims………. 36


WORKS CITED ………...………. 46



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1.1. Background of the Study

Literature is the portrait of the human experiences, through literature

readers are able to understand the aspect of life without roving the entire of the

world. Through the number of the authors and literary works those readers ever

read, they are able to develop their imagination to understand the aspect of life. As

what Robert and Jacob said that literature develops our imagination, enable us to

recognize human dreams and struggles in difference place and time (2). Shortly,

literature is the way to understand someone’s expression of thoughts, feelings, and

experience of life in different place and time.

There are many kinds of literary works, such as novel, drama, poetry, and

short story. According to Edgar and Henry, literature may be classified into four

categories or genres: prose fiction, poetry, drama, and nonfiction prose. Prose

fiction, poetry and drama are usually classified as imaginative literature, such as:

myths, parables, romances, novels and short stories (2). While nonfiction prose is

consist of news reports, feature articles, essays, editorials, textbooks, historical

and biographical works (3). Each of those genres is different each other. For

instance, prose is in narration, while poetry is in rhyme and rhythm, and drama is

in its dialogue and action. While the nonfiction prose present the truth of the


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In this thesis, the author chooses the novel for analysis. Novel is a kind of

prose. The term novel is applied to a great variety of writings that has in common

only the attribute of being extended works of fiction written in prose (Abrams

190). From the definition above, novel is the idea of the author that contains

various imagination. Novel also often tells about the human life such as the

human psychology, the motive of his act, their characterization, and the others.

Novel has some elements such as: plot, theme, character and setting

(Nurgiyantoro 12). The story in the novel will make the reader know more and

understand of the world around them. This one is the reason why this study

choose the novel as an object to be analyzed because it is one of the window to

look the real life portrait of the world in different place and time.

One of the important elements of novel is character, which influence the

story to be more interesting. According to Collins Cobuild English dictionary,

character is the personality of a person consist of all the qualities they have that

make them distinct from other peoples (225). So, the character is the important

point within a literary work, especially in novel. Moreover, a character is the

representation of human being of real world with its inner self that determines

thought, speech, and behavior through dialogues and actions (Robert and Jacob


In this thesis, the study would like to criticize the character in the novel

through psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud, that focus on psychopathy. Freud

stated, that psychoanalysis is a method of medical treatment for those suffering


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medical treatment for human who have trouble in their thinking. So,

psychoanalysis is a study of human mind and behavior. Besides, to understand the

character’s personality in the novel, the study uses New Criticism theory to

analyze the character and characterization.

Psychology is a scientific discipline that studies psychological and

biological processes and behavior in humans and other animals (Encyclopedia

Britanica 1113). Psychology is a scientific study of the way the human mind

works and how it influences. If psychology is like a big umbrella, it has other

small umbrella inside. One of those is psychopathy. When we listen about

psychopathy, all in our mind is about killer, crime, victims, and fear. There are

many cases of psychopathy according to the news in television and newspaper. It

is true that psychopathy appears because of disorder in the way of thinking and

personality disorder.

Psychopathy is defined as a kind of antisocial personality disorder which

is persistently doing disobedience toward human right. They often disobey the

rules and norms and impulsive social convention and the psychopath often show

their charisma in their appearance and they also categorize having high

intelligence (Patrick 3). Psychopathy is mental disorder characterized primarily by

a lack of empathy and remorse, shallow emotions, egocentricity and

deceptiveness. It means that human with a psychopath disorder is generally have

no concern for the feelings of others and a complete disregard for any sense of

social obligation. They seem egocentric and lacking insight and any sense of


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shallow, if they exist at all. Psychopaths are highly prone to antisocial behavior

and abusive treatment of others, and very disproportionately responsible for

violent crime. Though lacking empathy and emotional depth; they often manage

to pass themselves off as average individuals by feigning emotions and lying

about their pasts (Bobich 8).

The writer chooses Chris Mooney’s novel. The writer is interested to his

works because he is an American journalist and author that good in combine the

mysteries and suspense stories. Chris Mooney was born in Mesa, Arizona,

September 20, 1977 and grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana. He graduated from

Yale University in 1999. His works are popular and nominated the Edgar Award

Barry Award for category best novel, they are Deviant Ways, World without End,

and Remembering Sarah. Then, he wins the international selection Book of the

Month Club with 22 million in 13 countries because of his work, The Missing.

The Missing novel is one of literary work of Chris Mooney that had been

written at 2007. This novel tells about the disappearance of women who was

found dead later. This murder has happened during many years and has not been

found the culprit. There are three females who saw the murderer killing the

woman. That murderer looked for that three females to be hunted and then killed.

One of them had been murdered, one other lost and one saved. After many years,

the woman who saved joined to police and find out who is the murderer. During

the search, the murderer has still not found but the victims are increasing. The

murderer continues to kidnap woman to be used as his game before he kills them.


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have a psychopath characterization. Daniel Boyle is the character that has a

psychopath characterization.

In this thesis, the study would like to analyze the character in the novel

through new criticism field, such as character and characterization and to analyze

the psychological factors of the minor character. So that, this thesis wants to

analyze the novel uses characterization and psychoanalysis. The writer chooses

The Missing novel by Chris Mooney to be analyzed because the writer interest to

know how the author describes the characterization of the minor character and his

psychopath factors. So, the writer entitles this thesis as Daniel Boyle’s

Psychopathy in Chris Mooney’s The Missing.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

Based on the background of the study above, the writer interested in

analyzing the problem as follows:

1. How is Daniel’s characterizationin Chris Mooney’s The Missing?

2. What factors influence Daniel Boyle to become psychopath in Chris

Mooney’s The Missing?

1.3. Objective of the Study

Based on the statement of previous problems above, this study has two

objectives as follows:


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2. To know the factors of Daniel Boyle becoming psychopath in Chris

Mooney’s The Missing

1.4. Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on the characterization of Daniel Boyle as the minor

character who analyzed in the novel titled “The Missing”. Then, the limitation of

this study is the motive or the reason of psychopath of Daniel Boyle why he

became psychopath.

1.5. Significance of the Study

The study of the psychopathy of Daniel Boyle in the Chris Mooney’s The Missing is hoped to be useful for the reader and the researcher. For the readers of

novel, they can take the result of this research as a new information. They will not

only understand the content, but also expand their knowledge about psychopathy.

Besides, the result of this study is hoped will help other researcher especially for

students of English Department who want to conduct the same research with other

literary work, or continue the same research from different point of view. The

writer also hopes that this study can be used to other people who love novel in

order to understand the novel deeply.

1.6. Method of Study

Methodology is science that learns about methods procedures, and

technique of research (Harsono 6). From the statement above, methodology has

important role to analyze a literary work. The writer uses a descriptive qualitative


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of words or picture rather than number (Bogdan and Biklen 2). Furthermore,

qualitative research is a research procedure wich produces decriptive data such as

written, or words from the object (5).

The main data is taken from novel itself. By reading this novel, the writer

knows what the story is talking about. All data that are found will be classified,

analyzed and interpretedin order to make the result of the study become accurate.

The data collection is library based. The writer collect the data based on the

library and e-book also. Therefore from library data, the writer has opportunities

to have good datafrom books, journal, and online resources. In presenting the

analysis, the writer follows steps:

a. Reading the novel of The Missing as the primary data for many times to

get more understanding about the content.

b. Find the data which depict Daniel Boyle’s characterization.

c. Find the data which depict the factors of Daniel Boyle become


d. Match the data on Daniel Boyle’s characterization and the factors of him

to be psychopath with the theory.

e. Conclude the the discussion to make the description clear.

1.6. Definition of Key Terms

The writer will explain the terms which often appeared in this study in

order to make the reader easier to read this study. Here are the key terms


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1.6.1. Psychopathy: a kind of antisocial personality disorder which is

persistently doing disobedience toward human right. They often disobey the rules

and norms and impulsive social convention and the psychopath often show their

charisma in their appearance and they also categorize having high intelligence

(Patrick 3).

1.6.2. Psychological problem: a syndrome characterized by clinically significant

disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotion regulator, or behavior that

reflects a dysfunction in the psychological, biological, or developmental processes


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2.1. Theoretical Framework

Theory is very important in analyzing a literary work. In this second

chapter, consist of the theories will be used to analyze the novel, The Missing.

This thesis focus on the minor character, Daniel Boyle. This thesis uses

psychoanalysis theory by Sigmund Freud to analyze the novel. In addition, this

thesis will also use the theory of New Criticism that concern on the character and

characterization, which help to understand Daniel Boyle’s characterization in

analyzing the novel.

2.1.1. New Criticism Theory

From twentieth until late 1960s New Criticism came to be applied in

American literary criticism. It is only focus on the text itself, and how reader

interprets the text which can call as a close reading. In close reading, one

examines a piece of literature closely, seeking to understand its structure, looking

for patterns that shape the work and connect its parts to the whole, and searching

for uses of language that contribute to the effect (Gillespie 172).

New Criticism sometimes called Formalism. It involves the careful

analysis of a literary text’s craft. It ignoring any historical context, any

biographical information about an author, any philosophical issue, or even any of

a text’s political or moral messages, the formalist is simply interested in taking


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In interpreting the text, Formalists, or New Critics are looking the text

intensively. They look at individual words, puzzling out meanings and word

histories, and trying to discern pattern and relationship. They look at specific

literary devices. Such are paradox, irony, ambiguity, and tension. They also look

at figurative languages in the text. They are images, symbols, and metaphors.

Even they look the language structures of the text such are syntax, diction, rhyme,

and rhythm. The way all these formal elements work together are considered to

constitute a text’s meaning (173).

New criticism tend to believe that a best interpretation of each text can be

discovered or there is generally a single right way to interpret each text. But this

reading must reflect the text and be supported with evidence from the text and

only the text (173). So, New Criticism is encourage the reader to be more careful

and thoughtful because craft and content of literary work are not easily separable.

For example reading of novel, it must be careful and thoughtful to understand the

meaning and the content of the novel, such understanding intrinsic elements of the

novel. Correlating with that, this study takes one of intrinsic elements of novel

that are character and characterization. Character

A character is one of important part in literary work. In a story (including

short stories and long stories (such as novel or play)), we always find a person,

animal, place or another object that acts. The object like that can be defined as a


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According to Edgar V. Robert, character in literary is an extended verbal

representation of a human being, the inner self that determines thought, speech,

and behavior (65). So, through dialogue, action, commentary, and suggests of the

details of character’s traits, will help the readers to analyze and make conclusion

about a character’s strength and qualities.

A character then is the representation of human being of real world with

inner self (143). It means that character in literary work is visible image of human

which has good or bad nature. As in human being life, character in viction also

has character trait, for example: character maybe aggressive of fear full, confident,

or self-doubting, adventurous or timed, careful, and so on. Therefore, a successful

author re-creates the actual life throughout that particular character itself which is

able to make the reader to see a presentation of real life (135).

In some studies, the character used as the object of the analysis. It gives

the evidence that a character is part that interesting to do analyzing. Nurgiyantoro

said that the characters of one story more interesting than discussing other

elements (164). The character is the actor of the story. The characters are the

people that appeared in a narrative or dramatic work, and they are interpreted by

the readers to certain moral qualities and also have the specific preference that is

expressed by the utterance and also that is carried out by the act (165). It can be

simply that a character is people who are included in the story and the character is

like the people in the real world that are character act, speak, think, also face some

problems, and etc. Besides that, the character can characterized as good, bad,


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In reading a novel, usually we find some characters that present inside. But

each of the character have the different role. There are two kinds of characters in a

fiction; major and minor. A major character is an important figure at the center of

story’s action or theme. The major character sometimes called a protagonist

whose conflict with an antagonist may spark the story’s conflict. Supporting the

major character are one or more secondary or minor characters whose function is

partly to illuminate the major characters. Minor characters are often static or

unchanging. They remain the same from the beginning of a work to the end.

Dynamic characters, on the other hand, exhibit some kind of change of attitude, of

purpose, of behavior as the story progresses (DiYanni 54). Furthermore, Robert

states that dynamic character can be called round character; round characters are

both individual and unpredictable, they are central to literature, for they are the

main point of conflict and interest (65). They are real human because they grow

and develop as they win or lose their struggles. Meanwhile, the flat character does

not grow no matter what happens. Flat characters are not individual, but rather

useful, and usually minor they end begin, because they are not dynamic, they are

static (66).

However the main character or the major character is an important figure

in a novel and usually appear a lot in a story, the minor character have important

part also in a story that make a story more interesting. So, this study focuses on

the minor character as the object of analysis, the minor character named Daniel


T u r d h i y a n a | 13 Characterization

Characterization is a clear image about someone that appears in a story

(Nurgiantoro 165). Characterization is a representation of persons in narrative and

dramatic works. The term “characterization” have more meaning than a

“character”, the meaning of characterization is including who is the character,

how the nature, how the placement and the depictory in a story so clearly that can

give image to the reader. Characterization also suggest in a technic realization and

the development of character in a story (166). Characterization is part, element

that has relation with other elements to make totality in a story. It is the important

element in fiction and has big role in determine totality and value of art in fiction


In the book Mastering English Literature, Richard Gill explains about the

differences between character and characterization. “A character refers to a person

in literary work; while characterization refers to the way in in which a character is

created” (172). It means that the reader can look the personality of a person in the

novel through his actions and sayings or through the other people’s saying about


According to Jack Salzman, there are two ways that author uses to present

the characters; dramatic and analytic method (81). Dramatic method is also called

indirect presentation. It means that the author present a character as he looks the

character from the other character’s opinion, his conversation with another


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direct presentation. In the analytic method, the author give clear image of a

person’s character through personal description. It means, in this method the

readers can understand a character from the character’s appearance, thought,

manner, attitude, his past life which can be seen from his thought, and also from

the author’s direct command toward the characters.

Characterization divided in two parts, complex or round character and

simple or flat character. Round character means that he or she has a complex

character and looks changing perodically. It can be said that the character

unpredictable (Nurgiyantoro 183). While the flat character means that he or she

has predictable character and not changing as the time being (181). It means that

the flat character can do anything action, but all of the action will come back to

the true characterization which has formulated. So, the characterization have

important role in defining the habit of the character and enable the reader to dwell

with the story. It also helps the reader to comprehend the character of the person

in the text.

So that, the characterization of the character is important point to analyze

in this study. The writer tries to reveal Daniel Boyle’s character to help

understand the motive of him to be psychopath.

2.1.2. Psychoanalysis Theory

Psychoanalysis is a theory about the complexity of human mind which has


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science which is related to conscious and unconscious process, drives, and

repression with the laws of mental functioning. Eagleton (131) writes,

“psychoanalysis covers systematic knowledge about experience which are

recorded in human’s mind, basic instinct or self-defense, psychological

development and the relation of id ego superego”. Freud as cited in Berger said

that psychoanalysis is a term that he used to describe a specific method of

investigating the mental processes (15).

In this study the writer uses psychoanalysis theory, which is a system of

psychology originated by physician Sigmund Freud in 1890s. The writer choose

this theory because this theory contains ideas which are related to the conscious

and unconscious of mind that influence the development of the character’s

defense mechanism. So, this study discuss about the psychopath’s reason which

portrayed by a character named Daniel Boyle in Chris Mooney’s The Missing.

In an effort to describe the conscious and the unconscious mind, Freud

divided the human psyche into three parts: the id, the ego, and the superego. The Id

According to Freud as cited in Berger (86) is a basic instinct or it can be

called animal instinct of human which content of desires. In other word, id strives

immediate satisfaction, id is inhabited by selfish, sexual desires, destructive,

barbaric emotions that constantly threaten to break loose and self defense action

(Heller 90). Tyson (25) writes, “the id devoted solely to the gratification or


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without an eye to qonsequences”. From all definition above, means that id is all of

human desires that asocial, amoral, and destructive to get the gratification solely.

According to Guerin, Labor, Morgan, Reesman, and Willingham (130)

state that, “the function of id is to gratify human’s instinct for pleasure without

regard for social convention, legal ethic, or moral restrain”. While according to

Hall the function of id is to fulfill the primordial or initial principle of life which

Freud called pleasure principles (22). So, humans is born with all of id, all of the

primary proccess thingking wich are irrational, timeless, and sometimes immoral

instinct. Works for pleasure instinct, id has single purpose to identify plesures and

pains in order to gain the pleasure and avoid the pain. The entire proccess happen

in the id belong to unconscious mind, so that sometimes people can not control

when the id is appear or disappear. There is no justification of good or bad in this

stage because id does not have any experience toward external world. Id also does

not consider true or false, norms, tradition, and other people. In other words, id is

the part of human unconscious mind which consist of basic or animal instinct of

pleasure and the feeling of unthreatened and it needs immediate satisfaction. The Ego

The ego is the part of personality that act as an intermediary between the

id and the external world. It operates in accordance with the social realities, social

norms, etiquette, rules, and customs (Hall 41). Freud called this as secondary

process thought. Its purpose is not to thwart the impulses of the id but to help the


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decides when and how the id instincts can best the satisfied. It determines

appropriate and socially acceptable times, places, and objects that will satisfy the

id impulses (Schultz 58).

The function of the ego is to involve in one’s decision-making and

problem solving processes that are rational and realistic. In other words, the ego

works based on realistic and logical principle. And it has to consider the superego

as moral standards to decide the next action in satisfying the id.

The ego does not prevent satisfaction. Rather, it tries to postpone, delay, or

redirect it in terms of the demans of reality. It perceives and manipulates the

environment in a practical and realistic manner and so is said to operate in

accordance with the reality principle (Schultz 58). Although it is for the most part

unconscious, the ego is the closest of the three parts of the psyche to what we

think of as consciousness, for it mediates between our inner selves and the outer

world (Ann 51). Also, the ego is never independent of the id. It is always

responsive to the id’s demands and derives its power and energy from the id

(Schultz 58).

The controlling and postponing function of ego must be exercised

constantly. If not, the id impulses might come to dominate and overthrow the

rational ego. Freud argued that we must protect ourselves from being controlled

by the id and proposed various unconscious mechanism with which to defend the


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Unlike the id, the ego spans the unconscious, preconscious, and

unconscious. Although the ego is also interested in pleasure, it suspends the

pleasure principle in favor of the reality principle and delays the discharge of

tension until a suitable object can be found (Ewen 19). The Superego

The last part of human personality is the superego which resides in both

unconsciousness and consciousness. It is a person’s moral code that incorporates

social standards about what represents right or wrong. It also consist of ego-ideal

(what is good) and the conscience (what is bad and its conscequences) (Hall 46).

Superego can be said as sublimation of characteristics of parent which also consist

of the norms, rules, tradiotional values, and the habit family itself. Referring to

Berger, superego equals to what people says conscience (Berger 86).

The superego includes two components, the conscience punishes illicit

thought and action, and the ego ideal rewards desirable behavior (Ewen 25). The

word conscience implies punishment of wrong behavior against the norms

whether ego ideal is gift for a good behavior and part of superego that tells people

to be perfect. Following the principle of conscience and ego ideal, superego aims

to differ between right or wrong and to force people of both obeying the ego ideal

and fulfill the needs (Alwisol 20).

As the barometer of good or bad, superego can be barrier for ego to satisfy

the desire of id. Superego force the ego to repress inappropriate id to the


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2.2. Related Review

In review of literature, the writer does not finds more some related

research, but there is a reasearch that have same novel, that is “Darby’s

Motivation to Reveal the Traveler’s Crime Presented in Chris Mooney’s The

Missing” which had been researched by student of Islamic State University of Sunan Ampel, Asmaul Khusnah. Her research is focus on the motivation of the

main character, named Darby McCormick to reveals the Traveler’crime are and

how she reveals the Traveler’s crime. While the writer wants to analyze the minor

character who has a psychopathy and the factors of him to be a psychopath.

The other thesis which has the similar topic is under the title “An Analysis of

Esther’s Psychopath Problem in Orphan Film Viewed from Psychoanalysis

Theory by Sigmund Freud” which had been researched by Nurul Hikmah

Maulanie from State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Her thesis

is about the psychopathy of the main character and how the psychopath problem


T u r d h i y a n a | 20



In this chapter, the writer divides the discussion into two parts. In the first

part, the writer will analyze Daniel Boyle’s characterization. In the second part,

the analysis will be about the factors that influence Daniel Boyle to become

psychopath, means the reasons of him become psychopath. The writer also

discusses the kinds of woman who become the victims of his psychopathy.

3.1. Daniel Boyle’s character

In this novel, there are some characters, but the writer only focuses on the

minor character, named Daniel Boyle. Boyle has some characterization, they are;

3.1.1. Pretend

The first Daniel Boyle’s characterization is like to pretend. When

Boyle is mixed with many people in his surroundings area and doing a

camouflage to get the attention of women who will be his victim, he

becomes a man who is very stylish and neat. It because he wants to seem

like a people as general. His stylish characterization can be seen by the

narrative and when Boyle speaks to Jennifer Montgomery, a girl whom he


T u r d h i y a n a | 21

Boyle could get her to cry. Beg, too. He could make her shed that

fake, WASPy exterior faster than a snake shed its skin. He picked

up the box of tissues next to him, stood and walked toward her. He

could smell her perfume. Some women couldn’t carry it well. She

did. Boyle held out the box. The woman turned around, looking

angry at being disturbed. Her expression softened a bit when she

saw his suit and tie, his nice shoes. He wore a wedding ring and a

Rolex watch. He looked professional and put together. He looked

trustworthy. ‘I didn’t mean to bother you,’ Boyle said. ‘I just

thought you could use this. I’ve already gone through a box

myself. (65)

From the quotation above, it shows that Boyle is like to pretend to

be stylish and neat man. He is also nice and sweet when he offers a box of

tissue to her, to get some information about her, when he wants a girl to be

his victim.

3.1.2. Impulsive and hard to control their self

The second Boyle’s characterization is impulsive and hard to

control their self. He likes to torture his victims impulsively. He also like

to imagines the process when he tortures his victims. He looks the image

and imagines a girl or woman who will be his victim with very desire. For

Boyle, imagining to torture his victims is something gratified and


T u r d h i y a n a | 22

Boyle pushed the thought aside. It would have to wait until he

returned home. He went back to imagining all the wonderful things

he could do with Jennifer Montgomery in his basement. (68)

The quotation shows that Daniel Boyle gets his victim, Jennifer

Montgomery, and will do something with her, that is torture her and makes

her cry. He is very like to imagining a torturing his victims. It because he

feels stimulated and he loves it.

Boyle stared up at the wall crammed full of pictures of the women

he had hunted over the years. Sometimes he sat here for hours,

staring up at the faces and recalling what he had done to each of

them. Pleasant thoughts to pass the time. (79)

Besides like to imagine a girl or woman who will be his victims,

Boyle likes to spend his time to look at the pictures of the woman whom

he had hunted during many years for many hours, and that is a gratified

and wonderful thing that he enjoyed to do.

3.1.3. People are to be manipulated for his needs.

The third Boyle’s characterization is manipulated other people for

his needs. He is smart to deceive the other people. Daniel Boyle is a

character who has a psychopath characterization. Most of psychopath have

smart thought, including Daniel Boyle. He is also smart in deceiving all of


T u r d h i y a n a | 23

that his plan, that is to abduct many women, can run well without

everyone know.

As he waited for the elevator, he thought about Jennifer

Montgomery. She was young. That was important. The younger

ones could go the distance. The women in their late forties to early

fifties didn’t last as long. He didn’t like bringing them home, but

he had to take women of all ages, colors and sizes so the police

wouldn’t make a connection. It was important to randomly select

his victims. Boyle had studied police work. There were many

books on such things, and there was the internet. Information was

everywhere. (67)

The quotation shows that Boyle is a smart psychopath who can

deceive everyone so that he can continue to abduct and torture many

women by choosing his victims randomly. He takes women from all ages,

colors, and size of the body, so that the police cannot find him and make a


Boyle also deceives the public when he makes the other people,

Slavick, did wrong and he makes Slavick become the scapegoat.

This was a mistake. He had carefully built a trail of evidence that

led back to Earl Slavick. The blood, the padded mailers and the

navy blue fibers, the pictures he had taken of Carol – everything


T u r d h i y a n a | 24

That quotation shows if Daniel Boyle deceives and traps the other

people to save himself from the suspect as traveler. It aims to save himself

with makes other people who ever doing a criminal actions become a

scapegoat. He collect the evidences and aims to Slavick, who ever doing a

criminal actions. He does it in order to the police supposed Slavick did this

abduction and embellishment of many women.

3.1.4. Unable to accept failures

The fourth Daniel Boyle’s characterization is unable to accept the

failures. Daniel Boyle is a man who have a critical thought. When his plan

do not run well, he can not accept that. He will think how his plan can not

run well and how he copes that. He also can think in detail in order to all

of his plan are run well.

Rachel must have told the police something. But what could she

have possibly said? She didn’t know anything about the Belham

woods or how many women he had buried there. Rachel didn’t

know his name or where he lived –she certainly didn’t know about

where he had buried his mother/sister. What could Rachel have

told them? Had she found something in his office? In the filing

cabinet? The questions kept turning over and over in his mind as he

packed the envelopes and laptop.

From the quotation above shows that Boyle thinks more about

Rachel, his victim who had run away and had been free from his prison in


T u r d h i y a n a | 25

While he packed his envelopes and his laptop, Daniel Boyle thinks away

and deems whether Rachel told the police to inform something or not. He

also thinks how Rachel can be free from his prison in downstairs ground

and run away whereas there is nothing women who is free before. It means

that he can not accept his failures when Rachel was free from his hand.

3.1.5. Do not have sense of regret and guilt.

Although sometimes psychopathic confession, but he is much

underestimated even denied due to his actions and did not have strong

desire to care for a moment. The fifth Daniel Boyle’s characterization is he

never regrets and never sad. He has a strong character. When he makes a

little miscalculation, he is never remorseful of that. He takes the other way

efficiently and he can thinks quickly.

Boyle zipped up the suitcase. He didn’t know regret or sadness.

The emotional concepts were as foreign to him as the terrain on the

moon. Still, he would miss this house, his childhood home, with its

big rooms and privacy, the magnificent view of the lake from the

master bedroom. What he would miss most was the basement.


The quotation shows that Boyle does not know about regret and

sadness. For him, the emotional concepts is the same as the surface of the

moon. The surface of the moon is not flat, while the concept of emotion is


T u r d h i y a n a | 26

Daniel Boyle, when he got in a rainy day because of his miscalculation, he

tries to take the next way, that is to leave his town and home.

3.1.6. Merciless

The sixth Daniel Boyle’s characterization is merciless. He

merciless to kill his family include his mother, grandparents, and of course

many women he killed. He kills his family who make him uncomfortable

and the women who make him interested.

He walked past the walk-in closets still holding his mother’s

clothes and knelt on the floor next to the window overlooking the

driveway. He peeled back the carpet, removed the loose floorboard

and grabbed the well-oiled Mossberg shotgun and shells. He had

used it only once, to kill his grandparents. (215)

Why should I tell you? After what you and Richard did to me when you came back home? I kept your secret for all those years, and

you repaid me by burying me alive out in the woods. (88)

In that quotation, it shows that he is merciless man, who kills his

family. He kills his grandparents, his mother and many women with

uncharitable. However they are his family, he decides to kill them in order

to gets their opulence. By killing his grandparents, he will be the only one

heir of Boyle’s family because Daniel is the only son.

3.1.7. Low stress tolerance

The seventh Boyle’s characterization is low stress tolerance.


T u r d h i y a n a | 27

come to his home, he intends to abscond. Boyle apprehensive and afraid if

he got caught by the police and get a punishment.

He could sneak through the back door and head into the woods. He

had the keys for the shed. The Gator was in there. Head out on one

of the trails to the main road, then find a car and hotwire it – no,

the Gator would be too noisy. He’d have to follow one of the trails

on foot. Boyle looked around the dark woods, wondering how

many SWAT offcers were hiding out there. (216)

The quotation above shows that Daniel Boyle have an afraid

feeling and apprehensive to get caught by the polices. He also disputes

with his mother who unfortunating his deed. While, actually his mother’s

voice is his conscience self.

It’s over, Danny. You can’t escape.


They’re going to lock you up on death row, in a place darker than

the cellar.

‘Shut up.’

They’ll probably extradite you to a place where they have the

death penalty. They’ll strap you down to a table and give you the

needle and the last voice you’ll ever hear before you

suffocate to death will be mine, Danny. You’re going to die alone,


T u r d h i y a n a | 28

He wouldn’t let them take him in. He wasn’t going to die alone in

some goddamn cage. He had to get to his car or the surveillance

van. He knew a spot where he could dump it, run and then hide out

for awhile until he could figure out a plan to disappear

again. (216)

From the conversation above, the dispute between Boyle and his

mother’s voice (which actually his conscience), shows that Daniel Boyle

had a low stress tolerance feeling when the police come to his home. He

looks angry when his mother’s voice seem as not support him. He also

afraid if the police caught him and he does not want to be killed like he

had done to many people.

3.1.8. Loner, moody and stolid

The eighth Boyle’s characterization is loner, moody and stolid.

Since he was young, Daniel Boyle is known by his neighbors as a loner

and individual person. He does not want to socialize with another. He

stays alone and moody. He is also stolid. But, in his all characterization, he

has a psychopathic character. In his tender age, he had shown his cruel

characterization, that is choking and killing a cat and also his young


Interviews with former neighbors, many of whom were still living

in the area, described Daniel as the classic loner – moody and


T u r d h i y a n a | 29

relationship between Daniel and his good-looking, charismatic

older cousin, Richard. (253)

The quotation shows that Daniel Boyle has a loner, moody and

stolid characterization. He also has a relationship with Richard, who is his

cousin. His cousin also has a psychopathy characterization which always

helps and works together with Boyle.

3.1.9. Have many trick

The ninth Boyle’s characterization is Have many trick, especially

in arranging strategies and methods. He is discipline and careful. He is

also an organized person.

‘He seems very organized, very careful and methodical. I think he

watches these women for a long time, gets to know their habits and

routines – I think he had a key to Carol’s house. He brings his

victims to a private place where nobody can see or hear them.’


The quotation shows that Daniel Boyle is very organized, very

careful and methodical person in arranging the strategies. He brings his

victims to a private place where nobody can see or hear them, then tortures

and kills them there. It means that he has many trick to trap many women

to be his victims.

3.2. The factors that influence Daniel Boyle to become a psychopath

There are some factors or some reasons that influence Daniel


T u r d h i y a n a | 30

3.2.1. The punishment he got from his mother

The second reason that influences Daniel Boyle to become a

psychopath is when he gets the punishment from his mother. In his young

age, he got a punishment cage in a dark and cold room by his mother

because he was suspected to kill his neighbor, Alicia. His mother,

Cassandra, penned him to a room which was dark and cold that never went

away and she never visit him also. Because of that, Daniel perpetrates his

victims with the same way with his mother, that is to pen them in a dark

and cold room.

During his two-week confinement, he used the same slop bucket

Alicia had used for her bathroom needs. He slept on the cold

concrete floor. His mother didn’t visit him. Shedidn’t bring him

food. Trapped alone in the cool dark that never went away, Boyle

never cried or called out for his mother. He used the time

constructively, thinking about what he would do next. (80)

The quotation shows that Daniel Boyle had a punishment from his mother,

that is penned in a dark and cold room. His mother never visited him to

that room and never gave him some food. But, that’s all does not make his

remorse and cry. It made Daniel get an idea. He did the same way to his

victims with what his mother did when she punished him, that is to take

his victims to dark and cold prison then he can hunt and then kill them


T u r d h i y a n a | 31

3.2.2. Invited and supported by his cousin

The third reason that influence Daniel Boyle to become a

psychopath is being invited and supported by his cousin. Richard is a

cousin of Daniel Boyle. He also have a psychopathy characterization. He

always supports and justifies Boyle’s alibi. Daniel and Richard are

working together.

Boyle thought about his cousin, Richard Fowler. Richard was

Marsha’s friend. He had been inside her house several times, had

stolen her money and lacy underwear – Richard was the one who

had put the sleeping pills in Marsha’s beer. When she passed out,

Richard called Boyle and said to come over. The two of them spent

a wonderful night playing with Marsha inside her bedroom. Her

parents were away for the weekend. After that weekend, Boyle

would often wake up in the middle of the night, remembering what

he had done to Marsha. (81)

Police thought it might be an inside job and went to question

Daniel Boyle. Boyle wasn’t home that weekend. He was in

Virginia visiting his cousin, who was now working in the FBI’s

newly formed Behavioral Science Unit. Evan Manning had

corroborated Boyle’s alibi. (254)

In these quotation shows that Daniel Boyle and Richard have a


T u r d h i y a n a | 32

helps Boyle to fulfill his psychopathy. He also corroborated and supported

Daniel Boyle’s alibi. So that, they are working together within gratified

their psychopathy.

3.2.3. Genetics

The third reasons that influence Daniel Boyle to become

psychopath is because of genetic factor. Boyle has a depraved father. His

father is his grandfather also. His grandfather make impregnated his

mother, Cassandra. His other family, Richard, his cousin also have a


‘What I wanted, Mother, was for you to protect me. Daddy climbed

into my bed, he put his hands between my –’

‘And you keep forgetting that Daddy was the one who got me

pregnant,’ his mothersaid. ‘That… thing downstairs is your son,

not mine.’ (82)

The quotation shows that Cassandra is made pregnant by his father.

His father made her pregnant. So that, her father or can be called Daniel’s

grandfather have a depraved characteristic, that is impregnated his child

own. His other family is Richard, who also has a psychopath

characteristic. He also invites and works together with Boyle.

During the ten hours she had slept, reporters had uncovered the

connection between Daniel Boyle and Special Agent Evan


T u r d h i y a n a | 33

Janice Fowler, suffering from what would nowadays be called a

severe case of postpartum depression, hanged herself while in the

care of a state-run psychiatric facility. Hospital records indicated

she had been committed shortly after her husband, Trenton Fowler,

caught her trying to drown their only son in the bathtub. Janice told

her husband she had woken up from her afternoon nap and found

Richard standing next to her bed, holding a large kitchen knife.

Richard Fowler was five years old. (252)

According to the quotation above, seems that Daniel and Richard

are family. Richard has a psychopathy also. Richard’s mother, Janice

Fowler, is in the care of a state-run psychiatric facility also because she

tries to drown her son in the bathtub. Then, she gets depression and hangs


3.2.4. Change the fate of many persons

The first reason that influences Daniel Boyle to become a

psychopath is that he can change the fate of many persons. He is happy

and enjoys when he hunts the women, he catches then to be tortured and

then killed. From his act, he assumes that he can change and make the

destiny of the person especially the woman.

Boyle felt a tremendous sense of power – not the power to kill, no,

that was too easy. What he held in his hands was the power to alter


T u r d h i y a n a | 34

around him any way he wanted. Gripped in his hands was the

power of God. (79)

From the quotation above, it shows that Boyle has a belief to

himself that he can change and make the destiny of human in his hands

after his fancy. From his psychopathy, that kills many women, he can

change the death destiny of many women and change the world.

Considering to Freud’s concept about id, ego and superego,

everything that Daniel Boyle does to get a satisfaction within himself,

without caring another person. Revering to Guerin, id is the source of all

our aggression and desire. Id has function to gratify our instinct for

pleasure without regard for social convention (130). The Id of Daniel

Boyle’s psychopathy is when he imagines the women. When he sees at his

victim’s picture, he imagines what will he does with his victims in his

downstairs ground which have a dark, cold and hard room. He also happy

and enjoy when he imagining the process of his torture to his victims. So

that, he wants to hunt many women to be his victim and he can tortures

them in order to satisfy his desires. It means that he likes to see the other

people especially the women are suffer and get torturing.

Ego works based on reality principle when a person is able to

satisfy his need with the risk of being punishment by the society. In this

case, the Ego can be seen when Daniel Boyle decided to not kill Carol, but


T u r d h i y a n a | 35

for information from her. So that, Daniel decides to kill Rachel and do not

kill Carol. Not only kills Rachel, but also Daniel kills many women else.

He kills many women to get a satisfied of his desires. While The Superego

can be seen when Daniel Boyle discuss with his mother, who is his

conscience. She asks to him to do not kill Carol, who will be his new

victim. She asks to kill Rachel only, who is his victim since five years ago.

Because of Rachel had been free and run away from the jail downstairs

ground of Daniel Boyle. Daniel thinks if Rachel still life and aware from

her deep traumatic, Rachel will tells to public about Daniel. Daniel thinks

if Rachel’s existence will endanger for him. Because of that, he did not kill

Carol and that is the only Superego of Daniel Boyle.

3.3. Woman’s Characteristics of Daniel Boyle’s victims

Actually, there are no special type of woman who became victim

of Daniel Boyle. He wants to kill and hunt many women from a various

country, from young and old. He selects his victims randomly to get no

connection so that the police cannot find him.

He didn’t like bringing them home, but he had to take women of all

ages, colors and sizes so the police wouldn’t make a connection. It

was important to randomly select his victims. Boyle had studied

police work. There weremany books on such things, and there was


T u r d h i y a n a | 36

The quotation shows that there is no specific type of woman who

became Boyle’s victims because he selects them randomly. But, the writer

want to shows the variety of woman who became Boyle’s victims, they


3.3.1. Woman who reminds him to his mother

The first characteristic is woman who reminds him to his mother.

Daniel hunts and kills a woman who reminds him to his mother and

penned them to a prison which is made by him. He remembers when his

mother pens him to a dark, cold and hard room. His mother who is also his

sister eventually had been killed by him.

I kept your secret for all those years, and you repaid me by burying me alive out in the woods. I told you then you’d never get rid of

me, and I was right. You kill all these women who remind you of

me and I’m still with you –I’ll always be with you, Daniel. Maybe

I’ll just let the police come and take you away. (88)

The quotation above is a conversation between Daniel and his

mother, who actually his conscience. It shows that Daniel kills all women

who reminds him to his mother. His mother keeps his life, does not kill

him, but he killed his mother. It is because his mother ever penned him to

a dark, cold and hard room. Then, he kills the woman who reminds him to


T u r d h i y a n a | 37

Daniel Boyle also kills the woman who has the same

characterization with his mother. Daniel’s mother is a resourceful woman.

It is because his mother has a forceful and struggling characterization and

he loves that because when he tortures her, his victim will buck.

Boyle still couldn’t figure out how Rachel had escaped. The two

pairs of handcuffs were good and tight, the ball gag still wedged

securely in her mouth, when he left to get Carol. And Rachel was

sick. She wasn’t going anywhere.When he came back, the van’s

back doors were open. The ball gag and handcuffs were lying on

the floor. Nobody had ever escaped before. Boyle tightened his

grip on the rosary beads. Once again, he had underestimated

Rachel, forgot what a resourceful cunt she could be – which was,

ironically, one of the things he absolutely loved about her. Rachel

reminded him so much of his mother. (63)

From the quotation above, it shows that one of Boyle’s victims,

named Rachel, have a resourceful characterization, and she struggles. It

can be seen when Rachel is success to run away and free herself from the

handcuffs and the ball gag.

3.3.2. A young woman

The second characteristics is woman who is still young. Young


T u r d h i y a n a | 38

energetic within them self. Daniel Boyle is more interested to girl because

they have a power to buck when they get a torturing.

The ICU doors opened and out stepped a stunning woman with

shoulder-length black hair and dark brown eyes. She was young,

with a perfect face and flawless skin. She was dressed in snug but

stylish jeans, hip black high-heel shoes and a midriff shirt that

showed a teasing hint of her soft, flat belly. Boyle guessed she was

somewhere in her early to mid-twenties. The young woman

stepped into the waiting room and picked up a box of tissues. The

box was empty. She threw it in the trash. All the grieving men in

the waiting room were watching her. The woman was aware she

was being admired. Instead of sitting down, she buttoned up her

coat, turned around and gave them her back. (64)

The quotation shows that Boyle is interested to that girl who have a

shoulder-length black hair and dark brown eyes. That young woman is

also beautiful and stylish. She also has the right weight.

Boyle thought about the empty cell in his basement and wondered

if this woman would be missed if she disappeared. He hadn’t

captured one so beautiful before. She had just the right amount of

weight on her. The heavier ones lasted longer in the basement. The

skinny ones never lasted, unless they were very young, like Carol.


T u r d h i y a n a | 39

As he waited for the elevator, he thought about Jennifer

Montgomery. She was young. That was important. The younger

ones could go the distance. The women in their late forties to early

fifties didn’t last as long. (67)

In that quotation shows that young woman who has a strong power

and energy who has a heavier of weight will last longer and not quickly to

died. The late forties to early fifties will not last as long the young woman.

3.3.3. Has beautiful appearance and fighter woman

The third characteristics is woman who has beautiful appearance.

Although he kills and hunts many women in random, for Daniel, woman

who has beautiful appearance and a fighter are making him interested.

The ICU doors opened and out stepped a stunning woman with

shoulder-length black hair and dark brown eyes. She was young,

with a perfect face and flawless skin. She was dressed in snug but

stylish jeans, hip black high-heel shoes and a midriff shirt that

showed a teasing hint of her soft, flat belly. Boyle guessed she was

somewhere in her early to mid-twenties. The young woman

stepped into the waiting room and picked up a box of tissues. The

box was empty. She threw it in the trash. All the grieving men in

the waiting room were watching her. (64)

From the quotation above, it shows that Daniel is interested to


T u r d h i y a n a | 40

sentence tells if that woman has perfect face and flawless skin with

shoulder-length black hair and dark brown eyes. She is stylish also. And

Daniel likes her. So that, he is interested to woman who has the interesting

appearance and beauty. Daniel is also interested to a fighter woman who

can defends herself.

Boyle thought about the crime scene investigator, the redhead. He

had never abducted someone from law enforcement before. That

one was definitely a fighter. Like Rachel. (67)

The quotation shows that Boyle likes and is interested to a fighter

woman who can help and defend herself. It is because a fighter woman can

help, save and defend herself and try to fight when he tortures her.

Although, Daniel enjoys every pains and sufferings of woman before he

kills them.

3.3.4. Women who witnesses Daniel Boyle killed the other woman

The fourth characteristics is woman who knows Daniel Boyle

killed the other woman. The woman who knows Daniel killed the other

woman will be hunted and killed by him. It is because he does not want his

plans and actions are knowing by another person and of course he will be

proved too guilty and then got punishment. He does not want it happened.

He punched in the letters and flipped through pictures of a

heavy-set blond woman named Samantha Kent. Boyle remembered how


T u r d h i y a n a | 41

had brought her out to the Belham woods to strangle her and was

interrupted by Darby McCormick and her two friends – Melanie

Cruz and the blond girl he later stabbed inside the foyer. What a

mess that was. He was trying to remember the blonde’s name when

the voice mail picked up. (77)

In the quotation above shows that Daniel Boyle will kills the woman who sees and

knows him killed the other woman. When Darby McCormick and her two other

friends seeing Daniel Boyle kills the woman named Samantha Kent. Daniel hunts

them and tries to kill them, but the only one safe is Darby, one other found died

and the other is lose, but no long time she found was died. So that, Daniel Boyle

wants to hunt and kill the women who witnesses him to do his action (torture the


T u r d h i y a n a | 42



This chapter discusses the final conclusion that the writer makes after

analyzing the data. According to the result of the analysis which is discussed in

the previous chapter, conclusion can be derived. The writer can conclude that the

factors of Daniel Boyle to become psychopath are; the first is because of the

punishment he got from his mother, the second is invited and supported by his

cousin, the thrd is genetics factor, and the last is he convinced that he can change

the fate of many persons.

While the characterization of Daniel Boyle are; pretend man, impulsive,

hard to control himself, manipulated another people for his needs, unable to

accept failures, do not have sense of regret and guilt, merciless, low stress

tolerance, have many trick, loner, moody and stolid person. The writer also

conclude the woman’s characteristics who became Daniel Boyle’s victims.

Actually, Daniel Boyle take the women from all ages, colors and sizes in order to

the police cannot make a connection, and he can continued his action. But, there

are some women’s characteristics who make Daniel Boyle interested; the first is

woman who reminds him to his mother, woman who still young, women who has

beautiful appearance and fighter, women who witnesses Daniel Boyle killed the

other woman.

In analyzing this case, this study uses psychoanalysis theory by Sigmund


T u r d h i y a n a | 43

superego. The Id is when he wants to hunt many women to be his victim and he

can tortures them in order to satisfy his desires. It means that he likes to see the

other people especially the women are suffer and get torturing.

While the Ego is when Daniel decides to kill Rachel and do not kill Carol. Not

only kills Rachel, but also Daniel kills many women else. He kills many women

to get a satisfied of his desires. The Superego can be seen when Daniel Boyle

discuss with his mother, who is his conscience. She asks to him to do not kill

Carol, who will be his new victim. Because of that, he did not kill Carol and that


T u r d h i y a n a | 44


Abrams, M. H. 1999. A Glossary of Literary Terms. Seventh Editions.

Massachusetts: Heinle & Heinle.

Alwisol. 2007. Psikologi Kepribadian. Malang: UMM Press.

Berger, Arture Asa. 1993. Media Analysis Techniques Third Edition. USA: Sage

Publication, Inc.

Bobich, Z. 2006. “The General Theory of Psychopathy” in American Journal of

Forensic Psychiatry Volume 27, Issues 4. 2006. America: American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry.

Diyanni, Robert, ed. 2004. Literature: Approach to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama.

New York: McGraw-hill Companies, Inc.

Eagleton, Terry. 1996. Literary Theory: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell


Ewen, Robert B. 2003. An Introduction to Theories of Personality. London:

Lawrence Earlbaum Associates Publishers.

Freud, Sigmund. 1953. A General Introduction to PSYCHOANALYSIS.

Permabook Edition. New York.

Gill, Richard. 1995. Mastering of English Literature. London: The Macmillan

press. Ltd.


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Penggunaan embrio zigotik sebagai eksplan dapat dilakukan untuk tujuan perbanyakan batang bawah untuk keperluan penyambungan mikro (micrografting) ataupun penyambungan

Menjelaskan kebudayaan Indonesia yang beragam dengan menunjukkan kliping dalam bentuk gambar dan narasi kesenian dari daerah yang telah ditentukan..

Dalam menentukan pompa dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengetahui kebutuhan air bersih dan menghitung total head poma yaitu head yang terjadi dari berbagai kerugian head

Merujuk kepada latar belakang yang telah diuraikan, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis debit aliran sungai di Sub DAS Ciliwung Tengah dengan menggunakan