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Handling My Difficulty in Teaching a Second-Grad Student Who Had Problem in Memorizing English Vocabulary at SDN Sirna Sari Pangalengan.


Academic year: 2017

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Tugas Akhir ini saya buat berdasarkan kesulitan yang saya alami selama menjalani proses magang di SDN Sirna Sari Pangalengan. Selama mengajar di SDN SIRNASARI, saya ditugaskan untuk mengajar semua siswa dari kelas 1 sampai dengan kelas 6. Tidak hanya itu, selain mengajar saya juga ditugaskan untuk membantu kegiatan di kantor sekolah, seperti mengetik berkas-berkas sekolah atau surat-surat penting lainnya. Namun kesulitan yang saya alami adalah mengajar seorang murid kelas 2 yang sulit menghafal kosakata bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, saya mengangkat topik mengenai kesulitan saya dalam menangani seorang murid dikelas 2 yang sulit menghafal kosakata bahasa Inggris. Penyebab dari permasalahan saya ialah, kurangnya pengalaman yang saya miliki sebagai pengajar, saya tidak menggunakan teknik yang kreatif dalam menyampaikan materi pengajaran dan saya tidak memberikan motivasi kepada murid tersebut. Dampak yang ditimbulkan dari kesulitan saya menangani murid yang mempunyai masalah dalam menghafal kosakata bahasa Inggris adalah saya menggunakan banyak waktu di kelas hanya kepada murid tersebut, kesabaran saya menjadi hilang dan murid tersebut mendapatkan nilai yang jelek.

Saya telah menemukan tiga solusi yang berpotensi untuk



A. Background of the Study B. Identification of the Problem C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study G. Organization of the Term Paper CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS………7





A. Background of the Study

Vocabulary is an important thing when learning a foreign language,

especially when learning English language. It is important because the more

words one knows, the better one will be able to understand what one hears

and reads in English; furthermore, learning vocabulary needs a good memory

in order for learners to be able to use the vocabulary in communication. As

Oanh says, “memorization seems to be a valid learning strategy, provided that memorization is used appropriately to help students internalize what they

have learned to apply in actual communication” (par. 2). Thus, the students

who are good in memorizing English vocabulary will have more advantages

than the students who are not good in memorizing.

The topic of this term paper is “I had difficulty in teaching a second-grade

student who had a problem in memorizing English vocabulary at SD Sirna

Sari Pangalengan”. Based on my experience during my internship in SDN

Sirna Sari Pangalengan, I found that there was a student who found it difficult


the principal of SD Sirna Sari, the goal of English for the second-grader is the

students will be able to answer some basic English vocabulary on the tests

correctly. Thus, as the student found it difficult to memorize the English words,

she had difficulty in getting good marks in the English subject.

No matter what I tried to do to help her memorize the words, nothing

seemed to be successful. Although I gave her extra assistance during the

lesson and I spent more time helping her than the other students, it was still

really difficult for her to memorize the vocabulary. Therefore, I found that it

was not easy to teach vocabulary to the student who had difficulty in

memorizing the words. The vocabulary that I was teaching to the student is

the parts of the body

Thus, I decided to discuss how to teach vocabulary to the second-grade

student who had difficulty in memorizing the words at SD Sirna Sari

Pangalengan. Hopefully, through this paper, I can find out the causes and the

effects of the problem. On top of that, I can find out the solutions to the

problem. I will present the analysis in the subsequent chapters.

B. Identification of the Problem

The analysis of my problem is formulated in the following questions:

1. Why did I find difficulty in teaching a second-grade student who had a

problem in memorizing the English vocabulary at SD Sirna Sari?

2. How did the problem affect the teaching and learning process in

second-grade English class at SD Sirna Sari Pangalengan ?


C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

The first objective of the study is to find the causes of my difficulty in

teaching vocabulary to a second-grade student who had difficulty in

memorizing the vocabulary at SD Sirna Sari Pangalengan. The second

objective is to find the effects of my difficulty in teaching vocabulary to a

second-grade who had difficulty in memorizing the vocabulary at SD Sirna

Sari Pangalengan. The third objective is to find the best solutions to overcome

my difficulty in teaching vocabulary to the student. Hopefully by writing this

term paper, I can learn how to teach vocabulary effectively to second-grade

students and also improve my teaching abilities. For the teacher at SD Sirna

Sari Pangalengan, I hope the information can be applied and help them to

become better teachers. For the readers, I hope this term paper will become

an optional reference and give them insights on the topic.

D. Description of the Institution

Based on the profile of SD Sirna Sari Pangalengan, the school was

established in 1976. The location of the school is at jln Sirna Sari, Desa Pulo

Sari, kecamatan Pangalengan, West Java. SD Sirna Sari Pangalengan has

eight teachers, one librarian, one administrative staff and a principal. The

vision of the school is to make the students have faith, have a sense of caring

for the environment and have a good life. The school also has some missions,

which are maximizing religious education, both theory and practice, providing

the teaching of Mathematics and Science, organizing cultural arts education,

both on a local and national level, and organizing physical education, both at


E. Method of the Study

I used some resources to support the analysis of this paper. First of all, I

attained some data from the Internet and the library. Second, I took the data

from an interview with the teacher and principal at SD Sirna Sari

Pangalengan. In addition, I took some data from my journal that describe my

experiences during my internship at SD Sirna Sari Pangalengan from January

6 until February 8, 2014.

F. Limitation of the Study

In this research, the subjects are me as the teacher and a student in the

second-grade at SD Sirna Sari Pangalengan. The respondents of the

interview are Ms. Buntari Lasmiana, S.pd, M.M as the principal of SD Sirna

Sari Pangalengan and Ms. Tini as the teacher of second grade at SD Sirna

Sari Pangalengan. The focus of this study is my difficulty in handling a second

grader who had a problem in memorizing English words.

G. Organization of the Term Paper

The first part of this term paper is the Abstract, the overall summary of the

final paper in Bahasa Indonesia. The second part is the Declaration of

Originality, then the next parts are Acknowledgements and the Table of

Contents. Chapter One is the Introduction, containing Background of the

Study, Identification of the Problem, Objectives and Benefits of the Study,

Description of the Institution, Method of the Study, Limitation of the Study, and


Furthermore, Chapter Two describes the causes and effects of my problem.

Chapter Three is Potential Solutions. It contains some ways to overcome the

problem, along with the potential negative and positive effects. Chapter Four

is the Conclusion of all the chapters. The last part is the Bibliography and

Appendices, which contain the flowchart and the transcription of the




The problem of my term paper is I had difficulty in teaching a

second-grade student who had a problem in memorizing English vocabulary at SD

Sirna Sari Pangalengan. There are three causes of the problem, including I

had lack of experience in teaching vocabulary, I did not provide any creative

activities to teach vocabulary and I did not give the student a motivation to

learn harder through rewards. The effects of my problem is I had to give more

time to the student and less time for other students, I lost my temper and she

got bad result. There are three potential solutions to solve the problem. The

first potential solution is I should use fun activities to teach, such us word

games, songs and pictures. The second potential solution is I will give the

student extra tutorials after class. The third potential solutionof my problem is

I will use repetition as my teaching technique in teaching vocabulary.

Based on the analysis in the previous chapters, I would like to choose all

three of my solutions to solve the problem. The first solution is I will use fun


the second-grade seem to like fun activities; thus, using fun activities to teach

vocabulary to the student will be more efficient to help the student memorize

the English vocabulary. The second chosen solution is giving the student

extra tutorials after school. Giving extra tutorial to the student after school not

only could help the student to memorize the words easily but also it could

make me know why the student finds it hard to memorize the English

vocabulary. By knowing what the student main problem is, I can apply

suitable techniques when teaching her. Thus, the student can memorize the

words better. The third is I will use repetition to teach the student. By

repeating the vocabulary, the student can memorize the English words better

because it makes the words seem more familiar for the student. Therefore, it

is highly likely that the student can memorize the words better.

To sum up, using fun activities to teach English vocabulary, giving extra

tutorials and using repetition are effective to help the student memorize the

words better. I expect the chosen solutions could help other teachers who



Printed Sources

Finocchiaro, Mary and Michael Bonomo. The Foreign Language Learner :

A Guide For Teachers. New York: Regents Publishing Company,


Electronic Sources

“Building Vocabulary From Word Roots”.

www.teachercreatedmaterials.com. 2007. 6 March 2014. <



Ganschow, Leonore. “Assisting Students With Foreign Language Learning

Difficulties in School”. www.idonline.com. 2010. 2 March 2014


Haimson, Leonie. “How Teaching Experience Makes a Difference”.

www.parentsacrossamerica.org. 2011. 28 February 2014


Hed, Greer. “What is Rote Learning”. www.wisegeek.com. 2004. 27 March


“Helping Verb Games”.Grammaryourdictionary.com.2009. 6 July 2014. <


Joecy. “10 Things Never To Do in The Classroom”. www.busyteacher.org.

2012. 17 March 2014.


Kaye, Addie. “Vocabulary Memorization Strategies”. www.ehow.com.

2012. 8 March 2014.



Kelly, Melissa. “Maximizing Your Instructional Time”.www.netplaces.com.

2008. 5 March 2014. <


Linge, Olle. “Spaced Repetition Software and Why You Should Use It”.

www.hackingchinese.com. 23 October 2010. 17 March 2014.


Marten, Lou. “Enrichment Activities for Vocabulary Words”.

www.ehow.com. 2013. 3 March 2014.


Mazon, Deborah. “Ways To Study Word Defenitions”. www.ehow.com.

2013. 5 March 2014.


Mehta, Neveer Kumar. “Vocabulary Teaching : Effective Methodologies”.

www.Iteslj.org. 3 March 2009. 8 March 2014.


Oanh, Duong Thi Hoang. “Memorization and EFL Student’s Strategies”.

www.tesl-ej.org. September 2006. 2 April 2014.


Richards, Regina. “Memorable Strategies to Enhance Learning”.

www.idonline.org. 2008. 8 March 2014. <


Stirling, Johanna. “Helping Students To Learn The Vocabulary That We

Teach Them”. www.elgweb.net. 2006. 4 March 2014.


“Tutorial Teaching.” www.learning.ox.ac.uk. 2012. 26 February 2014



“Vocabulary Strategies”. Grammaryourdictionary.com. 2009. 2 March

2014. <



Lasmiana, Buntari, S.pd, M.M. Personal interview. 23 May 2014.


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