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ANALISIS DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM (APS) Pemodelan Kebutuhan: Pendekatan Berorientasi Objek


Academic year: 2021

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Pemodelan Kebutuhan:


Tujuan perkuliahan

Memahami konsep pendekatan berorientasi objek

dalam pemodelan kebutuhan



Konsep pemodelan berorientasi objek

Elemen-elemen pemodelan berorientasi objek

Dokumentasi dan alat bantu


Object Oriented Approach

Mulai populer akhir ’80an – ’90an (Booch, Rumbaugh-OMT, Jacobson-OOSE, Coad+Yourdon, Wirfs-Brock) :

– Elisitasi kebutuhan customer

– Identifikasi skenario / use-case (use-case diagram) – Identifikasi klas berdasarkan kebutuhan customer – Identifikasi atribut dan operasi setiap klas

– Definisi struktur klas (class diagram)

– Definisi model relasi antar klas (collaboration/sequence


– Definisi perpindahan status sistem (statechart diagram)

1996 : UML (Unified Modeling Language) – Grady Booch+James Rumbaugh+Ivar Jacobson



Sangat natural, sesuai dengan cara berpikir manusia

 improve analyst and problem domain expert


Meningkatkan konsistensi hasil analisis  abstraksi

atribut-operasi dalam sebuah objek

Konsep penurunan klas memberikan kemudahan

dalam generalisasi objek

Kemudahan dalam perubahan

Terjaganya konsistensi model antara analisis dan



Object, Class

– Apa Itu ?

Objek (Object) :

– A concept, abstraction, or thing with crisp boundaries and meaning for the problem at hand [Rumbaugh]

– Benda (tangible & intangible thing)

– Contoh : Andi, Eko, Susi (sistem akademik) – Sebuah objek memiliki karakteristik : identity

(identitas-pembeda), state (sekumpulan atribut) &

behaviour (sekumpulan operasi, aksi, servis)

Notasi :

Nama Objek

Atribut2 Operasi2


Object, Class

– Apa Itu ?

Klas (Class) :

– A description of one or more objects with a uniform set of attributes and services, including a description of how to create new objects in the class [Yourdon] – Gambaran umum (template, blue-print) yang

menjelaskan sekumpulan objek yang memiliki kesamaan karakteristik (atribut dan operasi) – Merupakan cetakan dari objek

– Digunakan untuk menginstansiasi objek yang memiliki identitas yang berbeda


Object, Class

– Apa Itu ?

Mahasiswa - NIM - Nama - Buat skripsi - Ujian Mahasiswa - NIM : 001 - Nama : Andi - Buat skripsi - Ujian Mahasiswa : Andi Mahasiswa - NIM : 002 - Nama : Eko - Buat skripsi - Ujian Mahasiswa : Eko Mahasiswa - NIM : 003 - Nama : Susi - Buat skripsi - Ujian Mahasiswa : Susi Instansiasi : penciptaan objek


Where to look ?

Investigasi domain masalah


– Observe first-hand  observasi langsung ke lap. – Actively listen to problem domain experts  what,

who, why, when and how

– Check previous OOA results

– Check other systems  comparison


What to look for ? Nouns


– Relasi antar objek  generalisasi, agregasi

Other systems

– Sistem lain yang berinteraksi dg proposed system

Things or events remembered

– Data, status, kejadian yang harus disimpan

Roles played

– Identifikasi peran manusia dalam sistem  berinteraksi langsung, tidak berinteraksi tetapi informasinya disimpan sistem



Identifikasi atribut

Some data (state information) for which each

object in a class has its own value [Yourdon]


– Identifikasi atribut umum (adjectives, possessives) – Identifikasi atribut yang relevan dg domain masalah – Identifikasi atribut yang relevan dg peran atau

tanggung jawab dalam sistem

– Restrukturisasi atribut sehingga atomic  kemudahan – Reposisi atribut yang sesuai dengan hirarki klas nya

 pewarisan klas


Identifikasi operasi/servis

A specific behavior that an object is responsible

for exhibiting [Yourdon]


– Identifikasi tanggung jawab umum sebuah klas (verbs)

– Identifikasi operasi yang spesifik untuk domain masalah

– Identifikasi operasi yang relevan dg peran atau tanggung jawab dalam sistem

– Spesifikasi operasi  argumen, batasan/aturan, logika/algoritma


Diagram UML

Use-case diagram (statis)

Class diagram (statis)

Collaboration/sequence diagram (dinamis)

Statechart diagram (dinamis)


Use-case diagram

Menjelaskan perilaku sistem dari tampak luar

Menyediakan fungsi-fungsi yg harus dipenuhi

sistem sesuai dengan aktornya

Elemen: actor (orang, sistem lain) dan use-case

Setiap use-case dilengkapi dengan skenario



– Identifikasi aktor


Use-case diagram

Select product

Get return coins Customer


Use-case scenario

Flow of events for the Select product use-case

Objective Allow customer to select a certain product to dispense

Actors Customer

Pre-condition Coin detected and valid

Main flow 1. The customer selects a button product.

2. The system displays an entry prompt of number of product to order.

Alternative flows 1. If the selected product is not available, the system will display a

message “Your selected product is not available”.

2. If the selected product is available but there isn’t enough number to order, the system will display a message “The number isn’t enough, max. x”. X is the existing number of the product.


Use-case association


– A use case uses another use case (functional decomposition)  reuse

– A function in the original problem statement is too complex to be solvable immediately  describe the function as the aggregation of a set of simpler

functions (mandatory)


– A use case extends another use case

– The functionality in the original problem statement needs to be extended


<<include>> and <<extend>>

ViewMap OpenIncident AllocateResources <<include>> <<include>> Base Use Case Supplier Use Case ReportEmergency Help <<extend>> A B Base Use Case



Two/more sub-actors generalized into a


Have both behavior and attributes in common –

described under the super-actor

Super-actor should interact with use cases when

ALL of its sub-actors interact in the same way

Sub-actors should interact with use cases when

their individual interactions differ from that of the



Class diagram

Menggambarkan struktur statis dari sistem

Terdiri dari node (klas) dan relasi

Jenis relasi

– Generalization (‘is a’ – inheritance) – Association

– Aggregation (‘part-of’) – Composition



For “real-world objects” is there an association

between classes?

Classes A and B are associated if:

– An object of class A sends a message to an object of B

– An object of class A creates an instance of class B – An object of class A has an attribute of type B or

collections of objects of type B

– An object of class A receives a message with an

argument that is an instance of B (maybe…)  will it “use” that argument?

Does an object of class A need to know about

some object of class B?


Aggregation – composition

Aggregation represents a part-whole or part-of relationship

Aggregation can occur when a class is a collection or container of other classes, but where the contained

classes do not have a strong life cycle dependency on the container – essentially, if the container is destroyed, its contents are not

Composition is more specific than aggregation

Composition usually has a strong life cycle dependency between instances of the container class and instances of the contained class(es)  if the container is


Class stereotypes

Boundary classes

– model the interaction and manage communication

between the computer system and its actors, but don’t directly represent the specific interface object in the


– used to identify the main logical interfaces with users and other systems (including e.g. other software

packages, printers)

– main task is to translate information across system boundaries

– partition the system so that interface is kept separate from business logic


Class stereotypes

Entity classes

– used to model data and behavior of some real life system concept or entity e.g. member, bank account, order,


– these will sometimes require more persistent storage of

information e.g. a student’s details are ultimately stored as a student record

Control classes

– represent coordination, sequencing, transactions and control of other objects

– glue between boundary elements and entity elements,

describing the logic required to manage the various elements and their interactions


Class stereotypes

Model interaction between the system and its environment

Actor 1 <<boundary>> <<control>> <<boundary>> <<entity>> <<entity>> Actor 2


Sequence diagram

An interaction diagram that emphasizes the time

ordering of messages

Shows a set of objects and the messages sent and

received by those objects


– Object  represented in a box

– Dashed line  called the object lifeline, and it

represents the existence of an object over a period of time

– Message  rendered as horizontal arrows being

passed from object to object as time advances down the object lifelines


Sequence diagram – example

: Customer : SelectionScreen : SelectionController : Products :


selectProduct( )




Statechart diagram

A statechart diagram shows the behavior of

classes in response to external stimuli

This diagram models the dynamic flow of control

from state to state within a system


Statechart diagram – example

Waiting for a coin Waiting for selection Dispensing product Returning payment initial accept new coin

payment returned accept new coin coin detected

accept customer request product dispensed

accept new coin

sufficient payment dispense product

product available=FALSE

return payment coin return request


Alat bantu

Structured Analysis :

– Aplikasi pengolah model : Visio, dll. – Aplikasi pengolah kata : MS Word, dll.

– CASE Tool : StP (Software through Picture), PSL/PSA (Problem Statement Language/Problem Statement

Anaylzer), ILeaf, SPMS, dll.

OO Analysis :

– Aplikasi pengolah model : Visio, dll. – Aplikasi pengolah kata : MS Word, dll.

– CASE Tool : Rational RequisitePro, Rational Soda for Word, Rational Rose, ArgoUML, dll.



IEEE Standard+ (IRS/SRS):

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose of the requirements document 1.2. Scope of the product

1.3. Definition, acronyms and abbreviations 1.4. References 2. General Description 2.1. Product perspective 2.2. Product functions 2.3. User characteristics 2.4. General constraints 3. Specific Requirements

All functional and non-functional requirements, system models (eg. DFD/CFD, ERD, STD, Use-Case, Class, Sequence, Statechart diagrams), performance, database requirements, design constraints, security.

3. Qualification/Validation Requirements



Pemodelan berorientasi objek meliputi use-case,

class, sequence dan state dari sistem yang

sedang dikembangkan

Alat bantu yang digunakan dalam pemodelan

terstruktur dan berorientasi objek terdapat


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dan SRS


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