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A SUBTITLING ANALYSIS OF CONJUNCTION IN PRINCE OF PERSIA: THE SANDS OF TIME MOVIE A Subtitling Analysis Of Conjunction In Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time Movie.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education

in English Department











Accepted and Approved by the Board of Examiners School of Teacher Training and Education





Dedy Cahyo Wibowo (Student) their use in subtitling of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie andto clarify the equivalence of conjunction in subtitling of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The data of this research are sentences containing conjunction. The data source is subtitling of

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie. The writer uses documentation technique in collecting the data. The data are analyzed by using comparing method.The results of the research show that first, the writer finds that there are two types of conjunction in subtitling of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

movie, namely coordinate conjunction and subordinate conjunction. From 189 data, there are 110 data or 58,2% of coordinate conjunction and 79 data or 41,8% of subordinate conjunction. The coordinate conjunction consists of 69 or 36,5% conjunctions that are used as cumulative, 5 or 2,64% conjunctions that are used as alternative, 28 or 14,81% conjunctions that are used as adversative, 8 or 4,23% conjunctions that are used as illative, and the subordinate conjunction consists of 13 or 6,87% conjunctions that are used as apposition, 5 or 2,64% conjunctions that are used as causation, 2 or 1,05% conjunctions that are used as purpose, 18 or 9,52% conjunctions that are used as condition, 9 or 4,76% conjunctions that are used as comparison, 9 or 4,76% conjunctions that are used as extent or manner, and 23 or 12,16% conjunctions that are used as time. The second, the writer finds that from 189 data, there are 183 data or 96,82% equivalent subtitling and 6 data or 3,18% non equivalent subtitling. Based on the data above, the translation of subtitling Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie is good.

Keywords: translation, subtiling, and conjunction.

1. Introduction

According to Baker (1992: 3) “translation is an art which requires aptitude,

practice and general knowledge – nothing more”. In reaching high standard of

translation, the talented translator should not have formal training in translation,

but the important thing that the translators have long experience in translating. It


language. The aim of translation is to transfer the message from source language

into the target one. The important concept in translation is equivalence. The

equivalence in movie can be conveyed by the translator in the form of subtitling.

Subtitling can help the audience for understanding the message of the movie.

To achieve a good communication by English language, we must know

about grammar. Studying grammar enable us to know how to use English

language properly.Grammar is one important thing in English communication, for

example the use of conjunctions in the sentence.

According to Swick (2005: 106) “conjunctions join words, phrases, and

sentences together”.Conjunction will help us to know the connection between the

sentences or the paragraphs and show how the meanings of sentences are related.

In this research, the writer wants to analyze the subtitling analysis of conjunction

in Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie.

There are two problem statements of this research. First, What are the

types of conjunction and their use in subtitling of Prince of Persia: The Sands of

Time movie? Second, How is the equivalence of conjunction in subtitling of

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie? Then, based on the research

problems, the writer has two objectives of the study, they are: to describe the

types of conjunction and their use in subtitling of Prince of Persia: The Sands of

Time movie and to clarify the equivalence of conjunction in subtitling of Prince of

Persia: The Sands of Time movie.

There are two previous studies which related with this research in

Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The first previous study was conducted

by Nuryani (UMS, 2008) with her research entitled Analysis of Imperative

Sentences in Subtitling in “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe” Film. She explains the forms of imperative sentences and to explain the appropriateness and inappropriateness of subtitling in The Chronicles

of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe film. The second research was

conducted by Wibawati (2008) with her research entitled Analysis of Interrogative

Sentence in Subtitling of Mean Girls Film. She explains the interrogative



2. Research Method

In this research, the researcher uses qualitative research. The object of the

study is types of conjunction and their use in subtitling of Prince of Persia: The

Sands of Time movie. The data to be analyzed in this paper is types of conjunction

and their use in subtitling of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie. The

researcher takes the data source from subtitling of Prince of Persia: The Sands of

Time movie.

The writer collects data by using documentation method. The techniques

of collecting data through three steps: the first step is reading the original and the

subtitling of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie. The second step is

underlying the conjunction from the subtitling of Prince of Persia: The Sands of

Time movie. The third step is coding the data into papers, for example:

(001/PP/SN-455) which means;

001 = Number of data

PP = Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie.

SN-455 = Subtitling number 455

The technique of analyzing data is by comparing the method. The

procedures through three steps; the first is describing the types of conjunction and

their use in subtitling of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie. The second

step is describing the equivalence of conjunction in subtitling of Prince of Persia:

The Sands of Time movie. And the third step is drawing conclusion and

suggestion based on the data found in the subtitling of Prince of Persia: The

Sands of Time movie.

3. Findings and Discussion

In this chapter, the writer elaborates the research finding and discussion.

The writer finding will elaborate the types of conjunction and their use in

subtitling of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie and the equivalence of

conjunction in subtitling of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie.

1. Types of conjunction and their use in subtitling of Prince of Persia: The Sands


a. Coordinate Conjunction

Coordinate conjunction is type of conjunction that is used to join the

units that are equal grammatically. The writer finds the data of coordinate

conjunction which used as cumulative, alternative, adversative and illative.

The examples of coordinate conjunction that the writer finds in

subtitling of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie are as follows:

1) Coordinate conjunction which is used as cumulative

No: 030/PP/SN-159

SL : You and Garsiv can handle father in my absence. TL : Kau dan Garsiv bisa mengatasi ayah saat aku tak ada.

The data above, the word and as a coordinate conjunction is subtitled into dan in Indonesia. Both conjunctions are coordinate

conjunction because they connect two part which are in the same level.

Those conjunctions are called as cumulative or penambahan in Indonesia

because they add one unit to another. They are connecting structural units in

part of speech between noun You and noun Garvis. Then, the SL and TL conjunctions are single word conjunctions that consist of conjunctions and

and dan in Indonesia.

2) Coordinate conjunction which is used as alternative

No: 102/PP/SN-599

SL : Just make sure that the servants keep their mouths shut, or I promise you,

TL : Pastikan saja pelayan itu tutup mulut, atau aku janji padamu,

In this data, the word or is subtitled into atau in Indonesia can be categorized as alternative because those conjunctions express a choice

between two alternatives. The words or and atau in Indonesia are used as coordinate conjunction because they join two grammatically equal elements.



3) Coordinate conjunction which is used as adversative

No: 076/PP/SN-405

SL : It's hard for me to admit, but you were right. TL : Ini sulit bagiku untuk mengakuinya, tapi kau benar.

The conjunctions but and tapi in Indonesia can be called as adversative which express contrast between two statements. Both

conjunctions are coordinate conjunction because they consist of the

sentences that contain two independent statements of equal rank. The

function of those are connecting structural units between independent clause

It's hard for me to admit and independent clause you were right. Based on the composition of conjunctions, the forms of both conjunctions can be

called as single word conjunctions that consist of conjunctions but and tapi

in Indonesia.

4) Coordinate conjunction which is used as illative

No: 017/PP/SN-089

SL : The Alamutians would be busy with the main gate, so we slip through the side.

TL : Penduduk Alamut akan sibuk dengan gerbang utama, jadi kita menyelinap lewat gerbang samping.

Based on the data above, the word so is subtitled into jadi in Indonesia. Both conjunctions occur in compound sentence that consist of

two independent clauses that have equal grammatically, so they can be

called as coordinate conjunction. They are used as illative because they

show an inference. Those conjunctions connect groups of related words


b. Subordinate Conjunction

Subordinate conjunction is type of conjunction that is used to join the

units that are unequal grammatically. The writer finds the data of subordinate

conjunction which used as apposition, causation, purpose, condition,

comparison, extent or manner, and time.

The examples of subordinate conjunction that the writer finds in

subtitling of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie are as follows:

1) Subordinate conjunction which is used asapposition

No: 041/PP/SN-216

SL : It is my deepest wish that this win your approval.

TL : Ini harapan terdalamku bahwa kemenangan ini kau setujui.

The words that and bahwa in the data above are subordinate conjunction because they join a subordinate clause to the principal clause.

Then, those conjunctions are used as apposition because they show an

apposition to join two statements. The function of those conjunctions

connect units between independent clause It is my deepest wish and dependent clause that this win your approval. Then, the forms of SL and TL conjunctions are single word conjunctions that consist of conjunctions

that and bahwa in Indonesia.

2) Subordinate conjunction which is used ascausation

No: 130/PP/SN-677

SL : You enjoy telling me what to do. Only because you are so good at following orders.

TL : Kau senang menceritakanku apa yang kau lakukan, hanya karena kau baik saat melaksanakan perintah.

The conjunction only because as a subordinate conjunction is subtitled into hanya karena in Indonesia. Both conjunctions are subordinate

conjunction because they connect the subpart to the main sentence. Those

conjunctions are called as causation because they illustrate the causation and



Both conjunctions are categorized as compound conjunctions because they

consist of two word conjunctions only because or hanya karena in Indonesia.

3) Subordinate conjunction which is used aspurpose

No: 140/PP/SN-736

SL : Give me back the Dagger, so that I can take it there.

TL : Berikan kepadaku belatinya itu agar aku bisa membawanya kesana. In the data above, the conjunction so that is subtitled into agar in Indonesia. The words so that in SL and agar in TL are used as purpose that express purpose, reason and intent of the statements. They are subordinate

conjunction because they introduce a clause that depends on a main or

independent clause. Those conjunction connect units between main clause

and sub clause. The SL conjunction so that is compound conjunction that consists of two word conjunctions. And TL conjunction agar is single word

conjunction that consists of single word conjunction.

4) Subordinate conjunction which is used ascondition

No: 171/PP/SN-951

SL : If the glass shatters, the world dies with it.

TL : Jika Jam Pasir hancur, dunia akan mati dengan itu.

In the sentences above, we can see that the word if is subtitled into

jika in Indonesia. They can be called subordinate conjuncton because they

connect a subordinate or dependent clause to a principal or independent

clause. They are used as condition that show intent of one statement to

another. The function of those conjunctions connect units between main

clause the world dies with it and sub clause if the glass shatters. Then, the SL and TL conjunctions are single word conjunctions that consist of


5) Subordinate conjunction which is used ascomparison

No: 167/PP/SN-914

SL : so desperate to prove you are more than something that king scraped of the street.

TL : Begitu sulit membuktikan kalau kau lebih dari seorang anak yang dipungut Raja dari jalanan.

In the sentences above, the conjuncton more than is subtitled into

lebih dari in Indonesia. They can be called subordinate conjuncton because

they connect a subordinate clause to the principal clause. They are used as

comparison that compare of two statements. The function of those

conjunctions connect between independent clause and dependent clause.

Based on the composition of conjunctions, the forms of both conjunctions

are compound conjunctions that consist of two word conjunctions more than and lebih dari in Indonesia.

6) Subordinate conjunction which is used asextent or manner

No: 085/PP/SN-437

SL : I spread it like a venerable disease in a Turkish harem.

TL : Aku menyebarkannya seperti wabah yang disegani seperti pada harem Turki.

The words like and seperti in the data above are subordinate conjunction because they connect the subpart to the main sentence. The

conjunctions like and seperti in Indonesia are used as extent or manner and they connect structural units between main clause I spread it and sub clause



7) Subordinate conjunction which is used astime

No: 042/PP/SN-219

SL : You should've seen it before your horde of camel-ridding illiterates descended upon it.

TL : Kau seharusnya melihat kota itu sebelum segerombolan dari penunggang untamu membabi buta turun dan naik keatasnya.

The words before and sebelum in the data above are subordinate conjunction because they join a subordinate clause to the principal clause.

The word before is subtitled into sebelum in Indonesia are used as subordinate conjunction of time. The classification of above sentences are

complex sentence because they consist of independent clause you should've seen it and dependent clause before your horde of camel-ridding illiterates descended upon it. The forms of conjunctions are single word conjunctions that consist of conjunctions before and sebelum in Indonesia. 2. Equivalent and Non Equivalent Found in Subtitling of Prince of Persia: The

Sands of Time movie.

The equivalent occurs if the message of the target language is

appropriate with the source language and non equivalent occurs if the message

of the target language is not appropriate with the source language or there is a

change of source language message.

The translation in subtitling above is considered as equivalent

subtitling. The source language conjunction before and target language conjunction sebelum belong to equivalent subtitling because this subtitling

has naturalness of meaning to get the readers understand the message easily

and the target language is translated correctly. So, this subtitling is classified


b. Non Equivalent Subtitling

No: 175/PP/SN-993

SL : Get him down from there, before he makes even bigger fool of himself!

TL : Turunkan dia dari sana kalau dia membuat kebodohan lebih besar!

Based on the data above, the source language conjunction before is transfered into target language conjunction kalau. The data above belongs to

non equivalent subtitling because there is a change of original message from

source language that is transfered into target language. So, the transfer of

message is not appropriate with the source language.

From the research finding, the researcher finds 189 data of English

conjunction that are subtitled into Indonesia conjunction. From the data

analysis, the writer finds there are 110 data or 58,2% of coordinate

conjunction and 79 data or 41,8% of subordinate conjunction. The

coordinate conjunction consists of 69 conjunctions that are used as

cumulative, 5 conjunctions that are used as alternative, 28 conjunctions that

are used as adversative, 8 conjunctions that are used as illative, and the

subordinate conjunction consists of 13 conjunctions that are used as

apposition, 5 conjunctions that are used as causation, 2 conjunctions that are

used as purpose, 18 conjunctions that are used as condition, 9 conjunctions

that are used as comparison, 9 conjunctions that are used as extent or

manner, and 23 conjunctions that are used as time. And, the equivalence is

divided into equivalent subtitle and non equivalent subtitle. The data are

dominated by equivalent subtitle. From 189 data, there are 183 data or

96,82% equivalent subtitle and 6 data or 3,18% non equivalent subtitle.

5. Conclusion and Suggestion

Based on the analysis in the previous chapter, the writer draws the

following conclusions.

1. There are two types of conjunction in subtitling of Prince of Persia: The

Sands of Time movie, namely coordinate conjunction and subordinate



conjunction and 79 data or 41,8% of subordinate conjunction. The

coordinate conjunction consists of 69 or 36,5% conjunctions that are used as

cumulative, 5 or 2,64% conjunctions that are used as alternative, 28 or

14,81% conjunctions that are used as adversative, 8 or 4,23% conjunctions

that are used as illative, and the subordinate conjunction consists of 13 or

6,87% conjunctions that are used as apposition, 5 or 2,64% conjunctions

that are used as causation, 2 or 1,05% conjunctions that are used as purpose,

18 or 9,52% conjunctions that are used as condition, 9 or 4,76%

conjunctions that are used as comparison, 9 or 4,76% conjunctions that are

used as extent or manner, and 23 or 12,16% conjunctions that are used as


2. The equivalence of conjunction is divided into two, they are equivalent

subtitling and non equivalent subtitling. From 189 data, there are 183 data

or 96,82% equivalent subtitling and 6 data or 3,18% non equivalent

subtitling. Based on the data above, the subtitling of conjunction in Prince

of Persia: The Sands of Time movie can be categorized as good subtitling.

After the researcher draws a conclusion, the researcher gives the

following suggestion:

a. The teachers

This research can add information for the teacher in order to give

benefit in transfer knowledge toward the student in the field of subtitling.

b. The subtitlers

This research gives benefit to the subtitlers of movie in order to

improve their abilities.

c. Other researchers

This research can be used to stimulate for other researcher in



Baker, Mona. 1992. In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. London and New York: Routledge.

Nuryani, Ida. 2008. Analysis of Imperative Sentences in Subtitling in “The

Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe” Film.

Unpublished Research Paper. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

Swick, Ed. 2005. English Grammar for ESL Learners. USA: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


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