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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Femy Septiani

Registration Number: 209421019





First and foremost, the writer gives the greatest thanks to the almighty God, Allah swt, most merciful for the opportunity, health and blessing given to her to complete her thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at English Department of Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan (UNIMED). The writer believes that without Allah swt, she will be nothing.

On this special occasion, the writer would like to express her gratitude to those who have assisted her in the process of completion for their moral, material, spiritual as well as support. Sincerest gratitude addressed to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean Languages and Arts Faculty.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Rika, S.Pd., M.Hum., the Secretary of English Department, and Dra. Masitowarni, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Program for the suggestions during the completion of this thesis, and also all of the lecturers who have given through academic years.

Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., the Thesis Advisor and Academic Advisor, who has given so many supports, patience, guidance, and advices during the process of accomplishing this thesis.

Drs. Elia Masa Gintings, M.Hum., Dra. Meisuri, M.A., Dr. Zainuddin, DIP.TEFL., M.Hum., thanks are given to the reveiwers of her seminar proposal for enriching the quality of this thesis.

Buyung, S.Pd., the head master of SMK Sandhy Putra 2 Medan and all the teachers who have helped the writer in collecting data.

Faisal Syam and Silvia Anggraini, her beloved parents, who have patiently given moral, spiritual help, advices, financial support, endless love and their prayer, and also her brother and sisters; Ibnu Sina, Susan Oktaviana, and Nadiya.

 All of the writer’s friends, especially to Ahmad Rifa’i Ritonga, Finny Ameliana, Siska Indah Sari, Nur Lilianty Pardede, Ahmad Afandi, and all of friends in regular A, B, and C 2009 in English Department who have helped the writer to accomplish this thesis.

Medan, February 2014 The Writer,



Septiani, Femy. 209421019. Developing Reading Text Materials for Vocational School. A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2014.

This study concerns on how reading text materials are developed for vocational school. This study was conducted by using developmental research. The subject of this research was class XII SMK Sandhy Putra 2 Medan consisting of 36 students. Instrumentations for collecting data were questionnaire and interview. After analyzing the data, the writer got the students’ need in learning English in term of vocation that they have. Based on the students’ need analysis, then it was got some basic competences which need to be reached by the students, and based on the basic competences, syllabus could be designed. After syllabus had been designed, developing teaching materials was done. The developed teaching materials were related to the vocation that the students had; it was culinary art. The development of materials followed four stages; those were pre-development/ planning, development, evaluation, and revision.


B. Suggestion……… 43




Title Page

Table 4.1 Evaluation of Existing Materials... 28

Table 4.2 Evaluation of Teaching Materials... 37 Table 4.3 Evaluation of Assessment... 38



Figure Pages



Title Page

APPENDIX A Developed Materials... 46

APPENDIX B Lesson Plan……… 69

APPENDIX C Syllabus………. 77

APPENDIX D Existing Materials………. 82

APPENDIX E Students’Score in Reading Assessment………..…. 93

APPENDIX F Interview Report……… 95




A. Background of the Study

Education is a formal process that is expected to improve and advance

students‟ skill which is needed by them in fulfilling their daily needs of life in the

future; at least, education can be a media for students to increase their quality in term of knowledge. By having education, students are expected to be experts of the subjects that they focus on, or at least, they can get a benefit of having gotten

the education by an implementation of what they have in the education. In other words, students are expected to be able to earn their life by having an occupation

or being a professional worker which is related to the subject or specific purpose that they focus on when taking an education.

Unfortunately, there are some facts showing that many students do not master

some lessons which they have in educational process. This evidence is a phenomenon of unsuccessful goal of education. Actually, there are some various



Thus, teaching material is an essential factor which influences a teaching

process in a classroom. O‟Neill (2003) emphasizes that teaching materials help a

teaching and learning process; the teaching materials must be suitable for

students‟ needs, even if they are not designed specifically for them, the teaching

materials should make it possible for students to preview and prepare their lessons, and the teaching materials should allow for adaptation and improvisation. In many cases, teaching materials are the center of instruction and one of the most

important influences on what goes on in the classroom.

In a language teaching, materials finally go to skills of the language, included

in teaching English as a foreign language. There are four skills which are expected that students have in learning English; they are reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Based on the process happening in human‟s mind mental process, these

skills are divided into two categories; they are: skills of comprehending language and skills of producing language. The skills of comprehending language consist of

reading and listening, while the skills of producing language consist of writing and speaking.

In language teaching, skills of comprehending language and skills of

producing language have a relationship. Before producing a language, students need to have some vocabularies; the vocabularies are gotten in the process of

comprehending language. For example, by having an activity of reading or listening, students will get an input data of what they have to express in term of



In fact, the abomination of learning English is reading a text or a passage. Most of students are too lazy to comprehend a text through having a reading

activity. A long text or passage makes them so bored to read; furthermore, the topic is not interesting for them; it is not related to their environment, and the text

has too-complex grammar.

Based on the writer‟s analysis of syllabus and teaching materials, particularly

for the subject of English which are used by students of a particular SMK in

Medan, it was found that the teaching materials were not specified for any certain vocations. In fact, students who take a vocation of culinary art were taught by

using teaching materials which were unrelated to the culinary art. One of phenomena happened is that the students were taught by using teaching materials about Thailand culture; it was unrelated to the vocation of culinary art that the

students have. After reading the text of Thailand culture, the students were asked to answer some questions about the text. Besides, there were some teaching



As an international language, English is needed for many specific purposes; that is why there is a term of ESP (English for Specific Purpose). In practice, there

are variants of English use; depending on the specific purposes. This specification of English use will help learners to master English as well as what they need in

term of specific purpose that they have.

In education, ESP needs to be applied. From the above explanation stating that many students are bored in reading a text which contains unrelated topic to

their environment, it can be implied that ESP can reduce this bad condition. Through ESP, students will find some teaching materials which are related to the

vocations that they have. Thus, it will be interesting for the students to read the text, and finally the text will enrich the students‟ knowledge about their vocation. In other words, by having ESP, students will learn English based on what they


In Indonesia, ESP is applied for fulfilling students‟ needs. Since there are so

many vocational educations in Indonesia such as Vocational Schools and Vocational High Schools, ESP is essential to design teaching materials in meeting students‟ needs. Thus, when teaching English in Vocational School or other

vocational institutions, teachers should take notice of designing teaching materials based on students‟ needs related to the vocations that the students focus on. If the

process of English teaching in a Vocational School does not apply ESP as an approach to meet students‟ needs, there will be a condition that the English taught



and what the students need about English as an international language related to a

vocational purpose that they have.

In this case, a teacher has a responsibility to facilitate students in learning in the classroom. As someone who knows well what students need in learning

process, a teacher has a right to take a decision about teaching materials which will be presented to the students, teaching methods in the classroom, and evaluation that will be had by the students. Thus, if teachers find that existing materials do not fulfill their students‟ needs, they should develop the teaching

materials in order to meet the students‟ need; particularly for students of

Vocational School because of a certain vocation that they focus on.

From the background above, it was suggested that teachers have to develop

reading materials based on students‟ need –vocational purpose as an application

of ESP. By being provided reading materials based on a vocation that they focus on, the students will get easier to understand the text and get more interested in

reading it.

B. The Problem of Study



C.The Objective of Study

The objective of this study is to develop reading text materials for vocational


D. The Scope of Study

The developed materials are based on students‟ need –specific purpose; the materials will be applied in the third grade of Vocational School – Department of Culinary Art, and the skill that will be concerned on is reading comprehension,

particularly in procedure text.

E.The Significance of Study

This research is expected useful for these people.

1. Writer; by having this research, the writer can develop and enrich knowledge about the importance of materials for students in learning

process, and how to develop materials in increasing students‟ achievement

on reading comprehension.

2. Teacher; through this research, teacher can find the effect of using authentic materials in teaching reading comprehension to students, and teacher can get some important steps to provide authentic materials for


3. Students; through this research, students can increase their motivation and



4. Others; this research can give them some data, sources about developing reading comprehension materials based on students‟ need –specific





A. Conclusion

Reading text materials in form of procedure text which were developed for vocational school particularly in culinary art majority are about how to make

oriental cuisine, how to make cakes, how to make beverage, and how to make pudding. These four topics are authentic materials for students of culinary art; by having the topics, students do not only study English, but they also enrich and

activate their prior knowledge about culinary art.

B. Suggestion

In relation to the conclusion, the suggestions are as follows.

1. It is suggested that the teacher and students use authentic teaching materials based on the specific vocation which is had by the students.

2. It is suggested that English teacher of vocational school should provide appropriate teaching materials for students; teacher needs to have an

ability to adapt, improve, and develop teaching materials to fulfill students’ needs.

3. It is finally suggested that other research should conduct further studies on



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Table   4.1 Evaluation of Existing Materials..................................................
Figure  Pages 3.1


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