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Sartika Ramadhani Nst 408121090

Physics Bilingual Education Study Program


Submitted to fulfill the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan




Research Title


ID Number Study Program Department

: The Effect of Character Education Implementation in Students Responsibility and Problem SoMng Competency of Light Using Problem Solving Strategr at Junior High School

: Sartika Ramadhani Nst : 408121090

: Physics Bilingual Education

: Physics

Acknowledge by :

Physics Department IIeader,

Bilinguat Program

Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar, M. Sc. r{IP. 19610626 l987r0 l 001

M.Sc., Ph.D. \ I Y

'79c* i c l $:'i

NIP : 19640610 198803 l 0l7

Date of Greduati,on : Julv 23rd.2012



Syukur Alhamdulillah, praise and thanks to Allah SWT the Lord of hosts,

the Almighty who has given his grace and blessing to writer so that this thesis can

be done. Shalawat and Salam to Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, hopefully His

Syafaat will be abundant in days later. This thesis which is titled “The Effect of

Character Education Implementation in Students Responsibility and Problem

Solving Competency of Light Using Problem Solving Strategy at Junior High

School ” is arranged to acquire the degree of “Sarjana Pendidikan”, Faculty of

Mathematics and Natural Sciences State University of Medan.

In this occasion, let me say thanks to Mr. Dr. Ridwan Abdullah Sani, M.Si

as thesis supervisor who has guided and given suggestion to writer from the

beginning until the end of writing this research. Thanks also to Mr. Prof. Drs.

Motlan, M.Sc, Ph.D, Mr. Drs. Makmur Sirait, M.Si, and Mrs. Dra. Derlina, M.Si

who have given critic and suggestion to writer from the planning of research until

finishing of thesis writing. Thanks also to Mr. Drs. Sehat Simatupang, M.Si as

academic supervisor who had guided and motivated the writer during the lecture,

Mr. Prof. Drs. Motlan Sirait, M.Sc., Ph.D as the dean of FMIPA Unimed.

Thanks also for all Mr. and Mrs. lecturer and staff employee of Physics

FMIPA State University of Medan who have encourage the writer during the

lecture. Thanks also to principal of SMP Swasta Muhammadiyah 1 Medan Mr.

Paiman S.Pd and also to Physics teacher Mr. Sarwono Hadi S, S.Pd who have

helped and guided the writer during this research was taken place and also to Mr.

And Mrs. Teacher and staff employee who have provided the oppurtunity and aid

during this research was taken place.

Gratefully and specially to : Dear my lovely mother Saminah Sinaga, S.Pd

and my lovely father Abdul Manaf Nst, who have educated me and provides

motivation, praying and love, for my brother Marwansyah Putra Nst ST, for my

young brother Muhammad Rifaldi Nst and for all my family who have supported


To all of my friends in Physics Department FMIPA UNIMED, especially

to 2008 students of Physics Bilingual 2008: Arini, Boby, Febri, Nawi, Alfan,

Majid, Risdo, Luqman, Azwar, Zia, Laila, Laurent, Ruth, Ester, Wita, and Nurul

who have provided spirit, motivation, and aid to the writer.

Writer realizes that there is still deficiencies in this research, that is why, writer expect constructivism’s advice and suggestion in order to make this thesis is useful for all of us.

Medan, July 2012 Writer





Sartika Ramadhani Nst (408121090) ABSTRACT

The objectives of this research were: (1) knowing the effect of character education implementation in improving students responsibility using problem solving strategy, (2) knowing the effect of character education implementation in improving student’s problem solving competency, and (3) knowing the interaction between students responsibility and problem solving competency.

The research method was quasi experimental. The population were two hundred and fifty (250) students grade VIII semester II SMP Swasta Muhammadiyah 1 Medan and 68 students became sample of this research. The sample divided into two classes, experimental and control class. Sample divided into two classes, experimental and control classes. The treatment given was the implementation of character education in class VIII-Unggul use problem solving strategies, and without the implementation of character education in classes VIII-A. Data obtained by direct observation for the students responsibility and test of problem-solving competency to the students after learning that the treatment given. Data analysis technique used is the chi-square.





Sartika Ramadhani Nst (408121090) ABSTRACT

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengetahui pengaruh penerapan pendidikan karakter dalam peningkatan tanggung jawab siswa menggunakan strategi problem solving, (2) mengetahui pengaruh penerapan pendidikan karakter dalam peningkatan kemampuan siswa memecahkan masalah, dan (3) mengetahui hubungan antara tanggung jawab siswa dan kemampuan memecahkan masalah.

Metode dalam penelitian adalah quasi experiment. Populasi sebanyak 250 siswa kelas VIII semester II SMP Swasta Muhammadiyah 1 Medan dan 68 siswa sebagai sampel dalam penelitian. Sampel dibagi dalam dua kelas, experiment dan control kelas. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah penerapan pendidikan karakter di kelas VIII-Unggul menggunakan strategi problem solving, dan tanpa penerapan pendidikan karakter di kelas VIII-A. Data diperoleh melalui observasi langsung untuk tanggung jawab siswa dan tes kemampuan memecahkan masalah setelah perlakuan pembelajaran yang diberikan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah chi-square.





Legitimation Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Preface iv

Content vi

List of Figure x

List of Table xi

List of Appendix xiii


1.1. Background 1

1.2. Problem Identification 7

1.3. Problem Limitation 7

1.4. Problem Formulation 8

1.5. Research Objective 8

1.6. Research Benefit 9


2.1. Theoretical Framework 10

2.1.1. Integration of Character Education 10 Definition of Character Education 10 Dimension of Character Education 11 Stages of Character Education 14 Integration of Character Education 16 Integration of Character Education

in Learning Science 19 Character Assessment 20

2.1.2. Problem Solving Strategy with Discussion Method 21


vii Problem Solving with Discussion Method 24 Problem Solving Competency 25

2.1.3 Integrating Character Education with Problem Solving

Strategy with Discussion Method 26 Integration of Character Education by Problem Solving

Strategy with Discussion Method 26 Improvement of Responsibility Value in Teaching

Problem Solving Strategy 27 Problem Solving Strategy in Science Lesson on Matter Physics 29

2.1.4. Matter 30 Light 30 Optical Instruments 32

2.2. Conceptual Framework 34

2.3. Research Hypothesis 36


3.1. Location and Time of Research 38

3.1.1. Research Location 38

3.1.2. Time of Research 38

3.2. Population and Sample of Research 38

3.2.1 Population 38

3.2.2 Sample 38

3.3. Research Design 38

3.4. Research Variable 39

3.4.1. Independent Variable 39

3.4.2. Dependent Variable 40

3.5 Research Procedure 42

3.6 Research Instrument 43

3.6.1. Responsibility Test 43

3.6.2. Observation 43



3.7. Data Collection Techniques 44

3.8. Data Processing Techniques 44

3.8.1. Data of Students Responsibility 44 Responsibility Test and Teacher Observation 44 Observation 48

3.8.2. Test Score Data for Student’s Problem

Solving Competency 49

3.9. Data Analyzing Technique 52

3.9.1. Data Proportion Test 52

3.9.2. Test Hypothesis 55


4.1. Research Implementation 56

4.1.1. Implementation of Character Education 56 Responsibility Test 57 Problem Solving Competency 58

4.2. Research Result and Discussion 58

4.2.1. Data Analyzing of Responsibility Test Result 58 Result of Students Responsibility that Implemented Character

Education 58 Result of Students Responsibility without Implemented Character

Education 60

4.2.2. Data Analyzing of Problem Solving Competency Test 61 Result of Problem Solving Competency that Implemented

Character Education 61 Result of Problem Solving Competency without Implemented

Character Education 62

4.2.3. Observation Result 64 Observation Result for Experiment Class 65 Observation Result for Control Class 68


ix The Effect of Implementation of Character Education for

Improvement Students Responsibility Using Problem Solving

Strategy 70 The Effect of Implementation of Character Education for

Improvement Problem Solving Competency Using Problem

Solving Strategy 71 Interaction between Students Responsibility and Problem

Solving Competency 72

4.3. Discussion 73


5.1. Conclusion 77

5.2. Recommendation 78





Figure 2.1. Good Character Component 13

Figure 2.2. The incident ray and the reflected ray are in

the same plane of travel 31

Figure 2.3. Light bends toward the normal as it moves

from air to glass and bends away from the

normal as it moves from glass to air 32

Figure 2.4. The human eye is complex and has many

components that must work together 33

Figure 2.5. The objective lens and the eyepiece of microscope 34

Figure 3.6. Research Procedure Design 42

Figure 4.1 Diagram of Improvement of Students Responsibility

in Experiment Class 59

Figure 4.2 Diagram of Improvement of Students Responsibility

in Control Class 61

Figure 4.3 Diagram of Improvement of Problem Solving

Competency in Experiment Class 62

Figure 4.4 Diagram of Improvement of Problem Solving

Competency in Control Class 63

Figure 4.5 Diagram of Improvement of based on Observation

Result in Experiment Class 66

Figure 4.6 Diagram of Improvement of based on Observation





Appendix 1. Lesson Plan by Integrating Character Education

and Cooperative Problem Solving 81

Appendix 2. Lesson Plan by Integrating Character Education

and Cooperative Problem Solving 87

Appendix 3. Lesson Plan by Integrating Character Education

and Cooperative Problem Solving 95

Appendix 4. Lesson Plan by Integrating Character Education

and Cooperative Problem Solving 103

Appendix 5. Problem Solving I 111

Appendix 6. Problem Solving II 114

Appendix 7. Problem Solving III 117

Appendix 8. Problem Solving IV 120

Appendix 9 Specification Table of Problem Solving Competency 124

Appendix 10 Posttest Problem Solving Competency 134

Appendix 11 Lattice of Problem Solving Competency 140

Appendix 12 Responsibility Test 144

Appendix 13 Description Responsibility Valued in Problem Solving 147

Appendix 14 Lattice of Students Responsibility 148

Appendix 15 Moral Story 1 152

Appendix 16. Moral Story 2 153

Appendix 17 Observation Result for Experiment Class 154

Appendix 18 Observation Result for Control Class 157

Appendix 19 Distribution of Item for Test I of Students Responsibility

(Experiment Class) 160

Appendix 20 Distribution of Item for Test I of Students Responsibility

(Control Class) 162

Appendix 21 Distribution of Item for Test II of Students Responsibility



Appendix 22 Distribution of Item for Test II of Students Responsibility

(Control Class) 166

Appendix 23 Distribution of Item Pretest Problem Solving Competency

(Experiment Class) 168

Appendix 24 Distribution of Item Pretest Problem Solving Competency

(Control Class) 170

Appendix 25 Distribution of Item Posttest Problem Solving Competency

(Experiment Class) 172

Appendix 26 Distribution of Item Posttest Problem Solving Competency

(Control Class) 174

Appendix 27 Gain of Students Responsibility for Experiment Class 176

Appendix 28 Gain of Students Responsibility for Control Class 178

Appendix 29 Gain of Problem Solving Competency for Experiment Class 180

Appendix 30 Gain of Problem Solving Competency for Control Class 182

Appendix 31 Distribution of Frequency for Final Result of Students

Responsibility And Problem Solving Competency 184

Appendix 32 Hypothesis Test 188

Appendix 33 Observation Result in Experiment Class before Research 190

Appendix 34 Observation Result in Experiment Class in Learning 192

Appendix 35 Observation Result in Control Class before Research 194

Appendix 36 Observation Result in Experiment Class before Research 196

Appendix 37 Table of Percentage Problem Solving Competency for Step I 200

Appendix 38 Table of Percentage Problem Solving Competency for Step II 201

Appendix 39 Table of Percentage Problem Solving Competency for Step III 202

Appendix 40 Table of Percentage Problem Solving Competency for Step IV 203




In improving the quality of Indonesia Human Resources has been realized in

some of Indonesia's mission is contained in the Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara

(GBHN) are realizing the national education system and a democratic climate and

quality in order to strengthen noble, creative, innovative, insightful nationality,

intelligent, healthy, disciplined and responsible, skilled and master science and

technology in order to develop Indonesia's human quality looks very much. This is in

line with UU No.20 of 2003 on Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (Sisdiknas) which serves

to develop skills and form the character and civilization of the nation's dignity. With

reference to the vision and mission of the Indonesian people as well as the functions

and purposes of National Education, as mentioned above, the Ministry of

National Education since 2010 to develop a character education at all levels of

education. Given the importance of character, then the educational institution has a

responsibility to incorporate them through the learning process.

Investment value in the context of the character formation of students have

performed in the subjects of religious education, civic, and Indonesian. But the

investment value is still considered less successful. This is evidenced by the many

actions that are still showing a decline in morale among others, increased

promiscuity, escalating violence teenagers, crimes against friends, the habit of

cheating, drug abuse, and destruction of property of others. Unsuccessful investment

in education has resulted in value for learners who are not in character such as

honesty, responsibility, discipline even affection, for example the current real state

officials have taken many corrupt practices that harm the State so that creating a

public lie that hard to accept people they do not even have a little escape to another

country and do not want to be responsible for his actions. In the classroom, students

are cheated when the test even in doing the tasks assigned by the teacher. They do not



completely. Fighting between students that may cause damage to public facilities and

infrastructure. Many road users do not obey traffic rules and the difficulty of applying

queuing culture. This is a result of the lack of character values of honesty,

responsibility and discipline ingrained in Indonesian society. It has become a social

problem still cannot be solved completely until now..

Many people think that this condition allegedly originated from what is

produced by the world of education. Demoralized occur because the learning process

tends to teach moral education and character and limited to text and less prepares

students to address and deal with the contradictory and real life education that most

contributed to this situation. non In the context of formal education in school, one of

the causes for education in Indonesia is more focused on intellectual or cognitive

development, while the soft skills aspect or non academic as the main element of

character education has not been considered in an optimal and even tended to be


According to Sudarminta (in Zubaedi, 2011:3), which should strengthen

educational practice aspects of character or virtue so far only able to produce a

variety of human attitudes and behavior contrary to what is taught. For example how

Pancasila Moral Education (PMP) and religion in the past is the subject of two types

of values, which were not successfully instill moral values and humanism into the

center of consciousness of students. Based on the results of research Afiya (in

Zubaedi, 2011:3), the material taught religious education includes moral teaching

materials, tend to focus on the enrichment of knowledge (cognitive), whereas the

formation of attitudes (affective), and habituation (psychomotor) are minimal.

Teaching of religious education is dominated by the transfer of science and religion

are more textual recitation, so making it less touching aspects of social life on the

teachings of tolerance in society and the nation. In other words, other aspects that

exist in students, the affective aspect of moral virtue and received less attention.

Therefore, beginning in 2010 Ministry of National Education has sought an integrated



into all subjects including physics subjects and integrated into all levels of

education, especially Junior High School. The reason in the age to adolescence is a

critical period of moral development, especially when individuals move from a

relatively homogeneous primary school to secondary school where they are faced

with the contradiction between the moral concepts that they have received with what

they experience outside the family and neighbors so as to continue their education to

a higher level learners who already have a moral provision brought into a better

human being. Therefore, character education in school as long as it needs to be

studied and sought alternative solutions, and needs to be developed in more

operational operations so that more easily implemented in schools. Based on these

explanations can be concluded that character education can be realized through the

teaching of science at the Junior High School. Zubaedi (2011:273) state that:

“Pendidikan karakter pada dasarnya melekat pada setiap mata pelajaran karena

setiap mata pelajaran pada dasarnya memiliki nilai-nilai karakter yang harus dilalui

dan dicapai siswa. In the development of character values to students can be done

through the Science subjects According Sumaji et al, as cited by Sofyan Sauri (in

Zubaedi, 2011:292), science contains a lot of the value of life. Science in this process

is a learning process and take the meaning to life and the world around us. Many

important values of life that can be learned from science, to give consequences to

educators to be able to develop a science as one of the media in shaping students'

personal. In this case, students can be invited to examine and learn the values that are

useful in science in society.

Character development can also be done in physics, which is one branch of

Natural Science subjects. In Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional (Permendiknas)

No.23/2006 when examined in depth, each formulation of Graduate Competency

Standards an implicit or explicit contained substance of the character. The substance

of value/ character is in Graduated Competency Standards (Standar Kompetensi

Lulusan) Junior High School students that faith and piety, justice, responsibility,



distribution of investment value of each character in the science subjects in particular

are curiosity, logical thinking, critical, creative, and innovative, honest, healthy

lifestyle, confidence, respect for diversity, discipline, self-reliant, responsible, caring

environment, and love science. Therefore, in discussing of physics matter, a teacher

can develop one of the characters are as real physical matter is directed to develop

students' role in understanding the natural phenomenon from the viewpoint of

theoretical physics, to explore various sources of information and analyze it to

improve that understanding.

Implementation process of learning science, especially physics subjects is one

of the less desirable class of students. Because many students who feel less able to

advance in studying the physics and feel that physics is a difficult and boring subject.

As a result, the students learn physics is relatively low. In addition to individual

factors such students, the teaching of physics that are presented are also less attractive

that affect students' low motivation in learning physics. Physics is the science that is

interesting, especially supported by the development of Science and Technology

(Science and Technology) is rapidly increasing and current developments in physics

put into one of the most important subjects. Therefore, to create learning interesting

and meaningful physics educators need to combine the character development in


In an effort to implement character education in all subjects, educational

institutions need to produce teachers who can understand how the concept of

character education. This is because the real task of educators is not just transferring

knowledge or information but also to educate students to be a person of character and

morality. Therefore, educators must be able to make words and behavior of their

students in the class to be either embedded in the end be of good character education

later. Educator is a role model for students and has a very large role in shaping

students' character. Educators role as forming of for young people based on UU

Guru dan Dosen UU No. 14 Tahun 2005, teacher is defined as professional educators,



students on early childhood education, formal education, primary education and

secondary education.

The success of character education in each subject one of which is influenced

by the precision of a master in creating conditions and an attractive learning

environment such as the selection of models, strategies, approaches and even the

method of learning. Therefore, a teacher to be able to do their job in educating

students of characters required to understand and have adequate skills in developing

effective learning model, creative and fun. Based on Panduan Pendidikan Karakter di

SMP , the implementation of character education is integrated in the learning process

take place from the planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning in all

subjects. Among the principles to be adopted in the learning plan, carry out the

learning process, and evaluation of the learning principles of Contextual Teaching

and Learning which has been introduced to teachers, including school teachers

throughout Indonesia since 2002. The principles are the Constructivism, Questioning,

Inquiry, Learning Community, Modeling, Reflection, and Authentic Assessment.

However, in this study, researchers selected as the basic principles of learning theory

Constructivism to integrate character education.

Problem solving is a form of learning strategies based on understanding

constructivism. Berkowitz and Bier (in Sani, 2011:3), argued that the practice is

necessary in forming the character of the problem solving, empathy, social skills,

conflict resolution, reconciliation efforts, and life skills. Problem solving is a strategy

of teaching where students are given problems, then asked to solve. The purpose of

problem-solving model is to instill in the students how to think systematically and

logically in a problem solve problems. This will grow if there is a pattern of

interactive learning which emphasizes communications direction that will put a lot of

students as a variable that is indirectly provided the students how to solve problems in



advantages of solving problems that learning can help students to develop new

knowledge and it is responsible for the learning they do Sanjaya (2009: 220).

Problem solving is a very important part in learning physics (Heller, Keith &

Anderson, 1991:627) in J. Phys for problem solving can help students to process

information that already exists in the minds of students and help students to construct

knowledge he already has. Quite appropriate problem solving strategies in integrating

the character of learning because, according to Zubaedi (2011:240), there are some

skills that are necessary for someone to practice the values that are shared so that

constructive and moral behavior in society. One of these skills are the skills to resolve

conflicts. This is in accordance with problem solving strategies to teach students the

steps in solving problems both subject matter and the problems of life. In order to run

a problem solving strategy in performing well, we need a method of learning that can

support the implementation of problem solving strategies. Researchers are trying to

use the method of discussion, because the method of discussion to foster cooperation

within the students to work together to solve problems to be faced. Discussion

method is implemented so that all students can attempt to apply and solve problems

and communicate physics. Because, learning to use a problem solving approach is to

be student centered. Discussions with other friends of the newly learned concepts will

make them to understand more deeply challenged. They express concepts and ideas

with each other their own, listening to the idea of another friend, is argumentative,

rational debate their different ideas. Of the debate, those who have no true idea, can

improve the idea by taking the idea of another friend who is true, whereas if their

ideas are correct, they become more convinced of the truth of the idea. Problem

solving with discussion method provides the opportunity for students to take more

responsibility for the success of the group and the results of solving problems that



Problem Solving strategy are consistent and can assist in the formation of a

character value that should be developed by a teacher to educators, especially

secondary educators.

Based on the above, then the author will conduct a study in experimental

research, entitled "The Effect of Character Education Implementation in Students

Responsibility and Problem Solving Competency of Light Using Problem Solving

Strategy at Junior High School .

1.2 Problems Identification

In accordance with the background of the issues described above, identified several problems:

1. Low character of the students responsibility in school

2. Fighting between students are increasing

3. Attitude of cheating is increase and become a habit

4. Discipline is decreasing

5. Implementation of character learning matter is not optimal

6. In general, teachers does not integrate character education in learning


7. Activities students are less in Teaching and Learning Activities

8. Lack of students' skills in solving a problem, especially problems in

learning Science

1.3 Problem Limitations

Due to limitation of time and ability to conduct holistic research, all of the

issues identified must be reduced, investigators need to limit the problem to be

studied in order to analyze the results of this research can be done more in and



Research issues to be tested are:

1. How to implement of character education in science teaching in order to

improve student responsibility at Junior High School?

2. What is the effect of integration of character education using Problem

Solving strategy to student competency in problem solving?

1.4 Problem Formulation

Based on the description of the limit problem, the problem in this research can

be formulated as follows:

1. How does the character responsibility of Junior High School Class VIII

students after following teaching and learning with character education

implementation in Problem Solving strategy?

2. Is there any effect of character education implementation in Problem

Solving strategy in improving of students responsibility at Class VIII

Junior High School?

3. Is there any effect of character education implementation using Problem

Solving strategy to Junior High School Class VIII student competency in

problem solving?

4. Is there any interaction between students responsibility and problem

solving competency?

1.5 Research Objectives

The purpose of the implementation of this research are as follows:

1. Knowing the improvement of students responsibility and problem solving

competency at Junior High School Class VIII by implementing character

education in Problem Solving strategy.

2. Knowing the effect of character education implementation in Problem

Solving strategy in improving of students responsibility at class VIII Junior



3. Knowing the effect of character education implementation using Problem

Solving strategy to Junior High School Class VIII student problem solving


4. Knowing the interaction between students responsibility and problem

solving competency

1.6 Research Benefits

Expected benefits in this research are:

1. As a handle material for researchers in carrying out their teaching

duties in the future.

2. As input to the teachers / prospective teachers that Problem Solving

learning strategy can be an alternative option to develop the character

of students

3. For additional reference material, for researchers interested in

undertaking further research on character improvement in learning





Based on the results obtained from the data analysis and hypothesis testing, it can

be summarized as follows:

1. Implementation of character education give effect to the improvement of

student responsibility. The average normalized gain <g> the experimental

class that is implemented character education using problem solving strategies

is 0.33 in the medium category can be concluded that the responsibility of

students has increased. The average normalized gain control <g> the class that

uses a learning problem solving strategies without implementing character

education is -1.55 with a low category can be concluded that there was no

increase in student responsibility. Then, from the results of statistical analysis

to test the hypothesis using the chi-square = 12.43 and obtained X2count =

12.43 and X2table = 9.21, because X2count > X2table then there is the effect of the implementation of character education to improve student responsibility.

2. Implementation of character education give effect to the improvement

competency of students to solve problems. The average normalized gain <g>

the experimental class that is implemented character education using problem

solving strategies is 0.50 in the medium category can be concluded that the

ability of students to solve problems has improved The average normalized

gain control <g> the class that uses a learning problem solving strategies

without implementing character education is 0.25 with a low category can be

concluded that an increase but not significant. Then, from the results of

statistical analysis to test the hypothesis using the chi-square = 24.67 and

obtained X2count = 24.67, because X2count > X2table then there is the effect of the implementation of character education to improve problem-solving



3. There is no interaction between the students responsibility with

problem-solving competency. From the results of statistical analysis to test the

hypothesis using the chi-square, and obtained X2count = 0 dan X2table = 13.3,

because X2count < X2table then there is no interaction between the students responsibility with problem-solving competency.

4. Based on research results, the students responsibility that implementated

character education is quite high. However, students problem solving

competency is still relatively low. While the students are given learning

problem solving strategies without implementation of character education is

not improve for responsibility, as well as the problem solving competency that

are still relatively low.

1.2 Suggestion

This research is still far from perfect research. Based on the research results

that have conducted, researcher gives the following recommendations:

1. For researchers who want to conduct further research to implement character

education should be more focused on direct observations to obtain more

accurate data because if obtained from a test only gives a picture of students

and may provide the best answer to each test item.

2. Before teachers instill character values in student through the learning process,

teachers should understand the nature of character education and good attitude

in front of the students in the learning process.

3. Research should not be done in a relatively short time, to obtain satisfactory


table  =  9.21, because X2
table  =  13.3,


Dokumen terkait

Tulisan ini dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan masukan informasi awal dalam bidang ilmu hukum bagi kalangan akademisi guna mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang penerapan sanksi atau

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