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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora



Registration Number: 082188330109






A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora



Registration Number: 082188330109





Nasution, Nur’afifah Hasbi. Code Switching in Andrea Hirata’s Novel Edensor. A

Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program. Postgraduate School. State

University of Medan. 2013.

This study is aimed at analyzing the use of code switching in the novel Edensor. The main objective of this study is to describe the types of code witching and to explain the reasons that caused its use. This study is qualitative research since it was done to describe and explain phenomenon. It presents the objective explanative method. Accordingly, this study proposes six types of code switching proposed by Gumperz (1977:84) and Poplack in Romaine (1989:78), while the reasons were found in reference to the types found before. The source of data is taken from the non dialogue sentences of the novel Edensor. The data

analysis goes along Miles and Huberman’s technique. The study shows that there are two



Nasution, Nur’afifah Hasbi. Code Switching in Andrea Hirata’s Novel Edensor. A

Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program. Postgraduate School. State

University of Medan. 2013.

Tesis ini bertujuan menganalisa penggunaan alih kode dalam novel Edensor. Tujuan utama studi ini adalah untuk menggambarkan jenis alih kode yang digunakan dan menjelaskan alasan yang mendasarinya. Studi ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan metode objektif eksplanatif. Teori yang digunakan sehubungan jenis-jenis alih kode adalah teori Gumperz (1977:84) dan Poplack dalam buku Romaine (1989:78), sementara alasan-alasan penggunaan alih kode ditemukan dengan merujuk jenis-jenis alih kode yang telah ditemukan. Sumber data pada studi ini adalah kalimat-kalimat yang bukan percakapan dalam novel Edensor. Sebagai data pendukung untuk menjawab pertanyaan nomor 2, diteliti pula penggunaan code switching dalam novel Laskar Pelangi dan Ketika

Cinta Bertasbih secara umum. Adapun analisis datanya menggunakan teknik Miles dan



At the very beginning, the writer owes a great of gratitude to the Greatest, Allah

SWT, for without His guidance and mercy, this thesis could not have been written. She is

also indebted to the following people for their supports and assistances.

Since the writing of thesis proposal, she had had the great good fortune to work with

adviser commissions, Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd.

Their responses and concerns, and the enormous amount she has learnt from discussing with

them, led directly to this thesis.

She also recognizes and appreciates the significant advices, encouragements, robust

critics and suggestions by board of reviewer members, Prof. Tina Mariany Arifin, M.A.,

Ph.D., Prof. Sri Minda Murni, and Dr. Eddy Setia, M. Ed., TESP.

Grateful acknowledge is given to Prof. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., and Prof. Sri Minda

Murni, MS. as the Head and Secretary of English Applied Study Program, as well Farid as

the administration staff for completing the administrative procedures.

In addition, she would like to express her gratitude to lecturers in English Applied

Study Program, whose valuable knowledge and instructions provided the easiness to

complete this thesis. She must thank too, the librarians of the State University of Medan and

Regional Library of North Sumatera, for lending her some useful books and other sources


It is with affection and appreciation that she acknowledges her indebtedness to her

mother, Hj. Hubbi Harahap, BA. for her enthusiastic encouragement during the preparation of

this thesis and for her motivation in finishing her study. She is also very grateful to her father,

Dr. H. Hasan Mansur Nasution, MA., who initiated her into English Applied Linguistics

Study Program Postgraduate School State University of Medan, to be better person.

She was particularly fortunate to have awesome siblings with their unique supports,

M. Rasyid Ridho Nasution, SH., Zakiah Hasan Nasution, MA., M. Sa’id Ramadhan

Nasution, M. Habiburrahman Nasution, and M. Ghazali Husein Nasution. May this supports

them to be better than her. It is fitting as well that she acknowledges the supports provided by

good friends of her, whose names are too much to tell. She hopes they will always proud of

being part of her.

Finally, she is aware that nothing is perfect, as well this thesis. For that, any

constructive criticisms, suggestions, or comments will be highly appreciated to bring this next

to perfection.

Medan, March 2014 The writer,

Nur’afifah Hasbi Nasution






3.1. Research Design 34

3.2. The Subject of the Study 34

3.3. Technique of Data Collection 35

3.4. Technique of Data Analysis 35


4.1. Data Analysis 36

4.1.1. Code Switching in the Novel Edensor 37

4.1.2. Types of Code Switching in the Novel Edensor 38

4.1.3. Reasons for Code Switching in the Novel Edensor 45

4.2. Findings 52

4.3. Discussion 52

4.3.1. Code Switching in the Novel Edensor 53

4.3.2. Types of Code Switching in the Novel Edensor 54

4.3.3. Reasons of Code Switching in the Novel Edensor 56


5.1. Conclusion 59

5.2. Suggestion 59



Table Page

4.1 Types of Code Switching in the Novel Edensor 39



Appendix Page

1. Mozaik 1-10 64

2. Mozaik 11-20 65

3. Mozaik 21-30 71

4. Mozaik 31-40 76




1.1. The Background of the Study

In a society which more than one language is used, one must finds out who uses what,

when, and for what purpose if he is to be socially competent. His language choice is part of

the social identity he claims for himself. His choice of language also reflects how he wants to

appear to others; how he wants to express his identity and/or how he wants others to view


The mastery of second language often depends on how often someone uses that

second language. The mastery of two languages a bit much affects one when he talks. His

ability in using each language determines readiness to use languages which are mastered in

turn. Furthermore, the replacement of language is often also called code switching.

In communication process, language is needed as a tool. Talking about language will

not be separated from society, where society is the user of language. The study of language is

known as linguistics, while the relationship between language and society discussed

specifically in sociolinguistics. Hudson (1980:I) states that sociolinguistics is the study of

language in relation to society.

There are many language communities who meet, live together and influence each

other. Such circumstances lead to the so-called language contact. Prominent feature of

language contact is the presence of bilingualism or multilingualism. Indonesia is an example

of multi language country. Members of Indonesian people tend to master two or more

languages at once. Most Indonesian people master Bahasa Indonesia and vernacular either


People are usually required to select a particular code whenever they choose to speak,

and they may also decide to switch from one code to another one or to mix codes even within

very short utterance and thereby create a new code in a process called code switching.

Code switching is language phenomenon that always occurs in today’s

communication. It is a result of social interaction where one may master foreign language

easily. This phenomenon will occur only to bilingual (one who masters two languages) or

multilingual (one who masters more than two languages). English, in this case, as a language

with wider users becomes a language used frequently in code switching.

Novel is one of literature where language is used as an art to entertain and encourage

reader’s attention. It is a work of prose fiction and narrative writing, usually in story form.

Generally, it tells the story of the characters and their behavior in everyday life, by focusing

on the odd sides of the narrative. As an art, it needs to be interesting and popular. Besides

that, novel is free writing that has no standard rule of language usage to obey.

The use of code switching occurs frequently in the novel. Recently, some novels are

written in Bahasa Indonesia contain English phrases and/or sentences, and another foreign

language as well. In this case, code switching occurs in the novel as seen in sentences found

in the novel Edensor written by Andrea Hirata. As an example, “Ia memanggilku Tonto dan

kami segera menjadi partner in crime” (Hirata, 2007:26).

Specifically, this study focuses on the novel Edensor written by Andrea Hirata. The

novel contains the reflection of foreign students’ life in Europe, mainly their problems of

survival. The story then leads to the use of many foreign languages in the novel that causes

the use of code switching. The way the he describes the story becomes more interesting that


1.2. The Problems of the Study

The principal aim of this study is to investigate and describe code switching in the

novel Edensor written by Andrea Hirata. The problems are formulated in questions as

specific in the following:

1. What types of code switching are found in the novel Edensor?

2. Why does code switching occur in the novel Edensor the way it does?

1.3. The Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are

1. to describe the types of code switching in the novel Edensor.

2. to investigate the reasons of its usage in the novel Edensor.

1.4. The Scope of the Study

Code switching is a very large area that may cover many discussions. This study is

limited to the types and reasons of the use of code switching in the novel Edensor; and is

limited to non dialogue sentences in the novel Edensor. There are three types of code

switching based on the distinction which applies to the style shifting; situational code

switching, metaphorical code switching, and conversational code switching (Gumperz,

1977:84). In addition, Poplack in Romaine (1989:78) formulates two types of code switching

based on the position of the switched unit; intrasentential code switching, and intersentential

code switching.

Furthermore, to answer question number 2, the novel Edensor is not the only source

of data. To prove these reasons, the novel Laskar Pelangi that was writtwn byAndrea Hirata


Cinta Bertasbih that is written by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy was also studied to investigate

whether the same pattern occur in different novel by different novelist.

1.5. The Significance of the Study

Findings of the study are expected to be useful and significant theoretically and

practically in the following respects.

1. Theoretically

Theoretically, the findings will be expected to be significant to support or criticize code

switching theories. The findings can also be reference to other researchers doing further

studies on code switching in the novel.

2. Practically

Practically, the findings are expected as resources for the study of code switching. It is

also aimed to be significant for the readers of the novel and English Department students




5.1. Conclusion

Based on data analysis and findings of this research, here are the conclusions from

this study.

1. The use of code switching in the novel Edensor is not matched the theory. There are two

types of code switching based on the distinction which applies to the style shifting are

found in the data, namely metaphorical code switching and conversational code switching

(quotation, interjection, reiteration, message qualification).

Besides, there are two types of code switching found in the novel Edensor based on the

position of switched unit, namely intrasentential code switching and intersentential code


2. The use of code switching in spoken communication is different from its use in written

communication. There are seven reasons found in the novel Edensor, namely to show

identity as people of Bangka Belitong, to more accurately convey meaning when sufficient

words or idioms do not exist in the other language, to present the real lexicon as it is in the

source language, to dramatize an incident in the story, to keep participant in line, to

enlarge the reader’s insight, and to present the real story.

5.2. Suggestion

With reference to the findings of this research, where the researcher found the types

and the reasons of the use of code switching in the novel Edensor, it is suggested to do


comparison of the use of code switching by different novelists to relate with their



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