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The findings indicated that Schoology as an online platform was implemented by the teacher in teaching writing of descriptive text


Academic year: 2023

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This research focused on Schoology as an online platform in teaching writing of descriptive text at the eleventh grade of a Senior High School in Ciamis. This case study was aimed at figuring out how the teacher implements Schoology as an online platform in teaching writing of descriptive text and the students’ perceptions on the implementation of Schoology as an online platform in teaching writing of descriptive text. Three instruments in form of the observation, the interview, and the questionnaires were administered. The data were also triangulated by using triangulation analysis. The findings indicated that Schoology as an online platform was implemented by the teacher in teaching writing of descriptive text. The implementation of Schoology as an online platform in teaching writing of descriptive text was because the students faced some difficulties in sharing knowledge and ideas and in producing words or sentences because of having many mistakes in vocabulary and grammar.

Ten steps were implemented by the teacher in teaching writing of descriptive text by implementing Schoology. The findings indicated the students perceived positively on the implementation of Schoology as an online platform in teaching writing of descriptive text helped them because it was a new experience for them. Therefore, the English teachers were expected to integrate technology of online platform such as Schoology in teaching writing of descriptive text. Meanwhile, the students were also expected to improve their skill and achievement in writing descriptive text by implementing Schoology. In addition, the result of this research could be used as a reference for further writers and those who are interested in conducting the research with a similar topic.


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